My childhood memories

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Liver, yuck! When I was a child, I used to go on holidays to my grandparents’ house. Every single Friday, my grandmother cooked liver, which I hated. She scolded me a lot, and after a while, I gritted my teeth and ate it. I remember that situation with horror. I’ve never eaten liver since then!

The teacher’s pet When I was a child, my teacher was my father’s sister, Tere. She was my teacher for five years. My aunt asked me questions every day and when my classmates were asked and didn’t know the answer, she would say to me: “ Give us the right answer”. I hated her for years.

Black people When I was a child I was afraid of black people. At one time, at the age of five, I was alone in the street and I saw a black man. I felt afraid and wanted to cry, but the black man was a kind person. After that, I realized that it doesn’t matter the colour of your skin.

Fish chowder

When I was a little girl I used to hate “emblanco”. For those who don’t know what it is, “emblanco” is a type of fish chowder. I used to refuse to eat it. The first time my mother made me eat it I was sick. One day we came to Marbella to visit my cousins and we were invited for lunch. I was really happy to be with my cousins and I didn’t want to leave. So when my aunt said she was cooking “emblanco” I said I loved it. My mother couldn’t believe her ears. When I tried it I told my aunt that it was “delicious”. My mother was mad at me and said: “Since you like it so much. I’ll cook it again for you tomorrow” From that day on, I eat emblanco and I never ever complain about it. Now, when I go to visit my mother she still cooks emblanco for me!

Those were the days! When I was a young kid, I used to have more fun than now. I used to play with my brother, but when we grew up, we went our own ways. Nowadays, I remember how I felt and I’m sad because those days won’t come back. Childhood is always a good period because when we are children we enjoy life day by day.

Afraid of the dark When I was about six, I couldn’t sleep because I was afraid of the dark, until I realized who the Three Magic Kings were!

The wardrobe’s monster When I was a child, I used to be terrified of the wardrobe’s monster. I always had to close the doors of my wardrobe and still today I have to check they are closed. Just in case!

Vegetable soup, yuck! I remember when I was a child I didn’t like vegetable soup. One day my mother said to me: “ If you don’t eat the whole plate of soup you’re going to have a big problem” My mother had a bad hair day that day. I didn’t eat it and she poured the soup on my head!

Nightmares When I was a child I used to stay up late watching TV. Back then, there as a TV programme called “Historias para no dormir� and I used to watch all those stories about vampires and ghosts. When I went to bed after watching that I always had nightmares.

Captain Hook When I was a young child I used to travel a lot with my parents. I will always remember the trip we made to Disney World in Florida. I was really afraid of Captain Hook the first time I saw him. Fortunately, he was just a normal man wearing a pirate costume!

Beans, yuck! When I was a child I hated eating beans, and my mother forced me to eat them. If I didn’t eat them at lunch, I would have the same beans for dinner; but I was very clever, I went to eat other things at my neighbour’s house.

An experiment that didn’t quite work out! When I was a teenager I had a little accident at school. It was the year the new school building opened. I was in arts class and we had to make a stained-glass window. I had to use a special fluid for it. I squeezed the tube too much and the fluid hit the ceiling! The head teacher didn’t think it was an accident.

A Christmas miracle! My family weren’t very religious, but my mother had a special love for a "Baby Jesus". This was a porcelain figurine. I liked it very much but as it was normal we couldn’t play with it because we could break it. One day, my parents were gone and my brother and I played with it. Unfortunately, I can’t remember how but the "Baby Jesus" fell down to the floor. PANIC!!! We didn’t know what to do so we bought another one. UF!! We were safe!. When my parents arrived home, nothing happened but a few hours later I could see my mother looking at the figurine. She took it and asked us: Do you believe in miracles? Oh, Oh, That meant problems!. We didn´t know what to say because we didn’t know why my mother was asking that strange question. At last, my mother told us that she believed in miracles because "Baby Jesus" had blue eyes and now his eyes were brown. Obviously, we had a punishment.

It was just a walk! When I was four years old I called my neighbour who was four years old too and we went for a walk without telling anybody a thing. We were enjoying our freedom until it was late and dark and we didn’t know how to come back home, we were crying and afraid, alone in the dark until the moment that I saw my mother looking for us desperately.

Frightening stories I remember when I was a child, my family and me used to go near the seaside. We had a little house and we spent the whole summer there. My brother and me would get up in the morning and walk to the beach. We would play in the rocks catching fish. I remember my cousin used to come and we shared the bedroom. He was older than us and enjoyed telling us frightening stories and my brother and I used to cry.

Parents are “always” right Twelve years ago, I remember that my parents took me to MacDonald’s. I was wearing very long trousers that my grandmother had given me and I just couldn’t wait to wear them. When we arrived at the restaurant, my father and me went to order the meal. My father couldn’t carry the three trays so I helped him and I took one of them. I was very happy with my “happy” meal, when suddenly I fell down as a result of my long trousers. It was horrible. My hamburger was on the floor, everybody was looking at me. It was really embarrassing. I remember that I started to cry. I was red in the face, my leg hurt and I was hungry. It was a disaster, but I learnt one thing: “Parents are always right”.

My glasses

I started wearing glasses at the age of two. I still remember how great it felt when I put them on in the morning and everything looked brighter and more colourful. That’s probably because I was as blind as a bat! When I went to school I had to suffer all the usual jokes. Things got worse when I was a teenager. I refused to wear them although I needed them. Until one day, the boy I fancied at the time said to me: “Wow, you look really cool with those glasses!”


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