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You Look Marvelous


71. You Look Marvelous The difference between a man of sense and a fop is that the fop values himself upon his dress, and the man of sense laughs at it, at the same time he knows he must not neglect it. —Lord Chesterfield Long before “Dress for Success” hit the market, people were not just judged by their appearance: Their lives were dictated by it. In olden times, paupers and nobles could be told apart from a distance by their clothes (and maybe the way they smelled). Clothing has always been a way of showing what you want others to see. Many people dress to impress because they want others to perceive them in a specific way. Corporate executives wear power suits and ties, and rock stars (and wannabes) use piercings, leather, and tattoos to create an image for their fans. People in all walks of life dress not just for success but also for effect—both good and bad. Your appearance can also dictate how you feel about yourself. If you think you’re sexy sitting around in twoyear-old sweats, your self-image may need a slight tuneup. When you get dressed in the morning (or, if you’re a rock star, in the afternoon) the clothes you choose will make you feel a certain way. If you like that feeling, you will be empowered; if you don’t, your confidence level will be shaken to one degree or another.

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