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Verbs: To accomplish /akómplish/ To aim /éim/ To ambush /æ´mbush/ To arm /a:rm/ To attack /atæ´k/ To besiege /bi:sí:dll/ To blow up /blou áp/ To bomb /bom/ To bombard /bombá:rd/ To break out /breik áut/ To capture /kæ´ptcher/ To carry out /kæ´ri áut/ To command /komæ´nd/ To conquer /kónker/ To defeat /difí:t/ To defend /difénd/ To deploy /diplói/ To destroy /distrói/ To disarm /disá:rm/ To drill /dril/ To endure /endiú:ar/ To engage /engéidll/ To fight /fait/ To fire /fáiar/ To give up /giv áp/ To invade /invéid/

llevar a cabo apuntar emboscar armar atacar sitiar estallar bombardear bombardear comenzar, estallar capturar realizar comandar conquistar derrotar defender desplegar destruir desarmar ejercitar resistir trabar combate luchar, pelear disparar rendirse invadir

To kill /kil/ To lead /li:d/ To lose /lu:z/ To mobilize /móbiláiz/ To occupy /ókiupái/ To overcome /óuverkám/ To overrun /óuverán/ To patrol /patróul/ To raid /réid/ To recruit /rekrú:t/ To retreat /ritrí:t/ To review /riviú:/ To salute /saliú:t/ To seize /sí:z/ To shell /shel/ To sight /sáit/ To spy /spái/ To struggle /strágl/ To supply /saplái/ To support /sapó:rt/ To surrender /sarrénder/ To wage /wéidll/ To win /win/ To withdraw /wiθdró:/ To inspect /inspékt/

matar guiar, conducir perder movilizar ocupar vencer invadir patrullar incursionar reclutar retirarse revistar saludar tomar, asir bombardear hacer puntería espiar luchar suministrar apoyar, ayudar rendirse librar una guerra ganar replegarse inspeccionar

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