A new dining program at WashU may serve as the most accessible path to connecting the hallowed university to St. Louis at large. Written by Shannon Weber | Photos by Judd Demaline
S 36
tep onto the campus of Washington
The 2023 fall semester saw the opening of five
University in St. Louis this fall, and
local restaurants that dot the landscape of the
you’ll likely notice some changes –
campus, spread out strategically so students have
that is, if you’ve been on campus
access to food no matter where their classes are
before. Although WashU is an alma mater to some
concentrated. Prior to this year, these locations
and is situated in the heart of the central corridor,
were populated by traditional food service options
surrounded by notable St. Louis attractions,
you’re likely to find on many university campuses
the university has always stood slightly apart
throughout the United States. The departure of
from the surrounding community. However, the
the food service company the campus had been
campus’ new dining program may finally serve
utilizing gave WashU an opportunity to rethink the
as the most accessible path to connecting the
dining program at every level and transform it into
hallowed university to St. Louis at large.
something that was more than the sum of its parts.