FDU Magazine - Summer/Fall 2012

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Summer/Fall 2012

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J. Michael Adams


J. Mic hae l A d am s

President J. Michael Adams

1947 2012

J. Michael Adams, president of Fairleigh Dickinson University since 1999, passed away June 21. He was 64 years old. “Our entire University owes an enormous debt to this great leader, and we will never forget how much he did and how much he meant to us,” said Interim President Sheldon Drucker.“On behalf of the entire community, I want to extend my deepest condolences to Michael’s wife, Susan, and all his family members and friends.” Drucker added,“We are in mourning, but at the same time we promise to continue to celebrate his life, his service to others and his belief in the power of education to change the world.” Adams went on medical leave in the fall after he was diagnosed with a blood disorder called myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). A bone mar-


row transplant in February failed to cure the disease, and he was subsequently diagnosed with a cancer called acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In a memo to the community, he announced his retirement on May 16, writing, “The opportunity to work with all of you has been the greatest joy of my professional life. However, I have reluctantly concluded that my continuing medical issues make it impossible for me to provide the leadership that you and our students deserve.” He added, “I’ve always known that I was only the caretaker for a time and that I would eventually pass the torch. I anchored my heart and soul to FDU. Although I’m sorry to have to step down, I’m extremely gratified to have played a small role in this institution’s incredible history.”

“We are in mourning, but at the same time we promise to continue to his service to others and his belief in the power of education to change the world.” — Sheldon Drucker, Interim President

During Adams’ presidency, FDU created a new mission; raised enrollment; established a campus in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; dedicated $135 million to new facilities and campus improvements; and successfully concluded the largest capital campaign in FDU’s history. Adams led the creation of a nationally recognized distance-learning program and established a new category of Global Virtual Faculty™ — scholars and professionals from around the world who contribute to FDU’s onlinelearning environment. He launched the United Nations Pathways program, which brings members of the diplomatic corps to campus for interaction with students; and helped the institution gain nongovernmental organization (NGO) status with the United Nations Department of Public Information. FDU also became

P H O T O G R A P H : K AT H E R I N E M A R K S

the first university in the world to earn “Special Consultative Status” with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). And, Adams helped develop the U.N. Academic Impact, an alliance of universities committed to supporting U.N. projects and goals. FDU was the first school to join. In addition, Adams spearheaded numerous innovative offerings including the Spanish-toEnglish degree program Puerta al Futuro, community college partnerships, a national model support program for veterans and a new school of pharmacy, which will open soon. At the time of Adams’ retirement announcement, Board of Trustees Chairman Patrick Zenner, MBA’75 (R), thanked Adams for “his incredible service” to FDU.“He truly transformed FDU, and we are so grateful for his tremendous leadership, vision and dedication,” he said. “He inspired our community and changed the lives of all of us fortunate enough to work alongside him.” Zenner added that Adams’ presidency “will be best remembered for his ability to make everything personal. He responded to every note, returned every call and always reached out to help colleagues and friends in need. He valued every colleague and approached every decision with the individual student in mind. He once said,‘You make a legacy by giving others opportunities.’ Through the opportunities he created for students and colleagues alike, Michael Adams’ legacy will last for generations to come.”

U.N. Remembers “Dr. Adams was a strong United Nations champion and partner, and a personal friend. He brought his wisdom and energy, and that of the institutions he led, to serve the greater global cause, in particular, through his meaningful contribution to the United Nations Academic Impact. The eloquence of Michael Adams’ scholarship and writing had a democratic, intergenerational appeal, which brought the power and promise of the United Nations home to so many in a world whose globalization he saw as a resource of strength and possibility. He will be deeply missed.” — Ban Ki-moon, U.N. Secretary-General



J. Mic hae l A d ams

“Through the opportunities he created for students and colleagues alike,

FDU Milestones Under the Presidency of J. Michael Adams

1999 J. Michael Adams is named the sixth president of FDU. Park Avenue Residence Hall on FDU's campus in Madison, N.J., is opened to students.

2000 The Board of Trustees approves a new mission statement dedicating FDU to preparing world citizens through global education. Silberman College of Business receives AACSB accreditation.

2001 FDU’s PublicMind™ begins political and social public-opinion polling. FDU introduces a unique distance-learning requirement, and freshmen take the online Core course The Global Challenge. New


In addition to serving as FDU president, Adams earned an international reputation for his advocacy of global education and was the president of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP). Prior to his inauguration in 2011, he was chairperson of the organization’s North American Council and a member of the IAUP Executive Committee. Under his leadership, the organization embarked on bold new initiatives, including the WISE Education Leadership Program, which provides leadership training for newly appointed university presidents in the developing world, and the IAUP/Microsoft Academic Summit, which helps equip university leaders around the world to more effectively use technology to address institutional challenges. He dedicated his IAUP tenure to the goal of using higher education to build bridges to a more peaceful and prosperous future. “Although Michael’s tenure as IAUP president was far too brief, he leaves us with a compelling vision to follow,” said IAUP Secretary General Neal King.“Michael Adams understood that higher education has the potential to be a transformative force for good in the world — but only when its leaders are able to make their case effectively. He was an inspiration and a mentor to many of us, who will deeply miss his dynamic leadership.”

Adams also served as a Governing Council member of the United Nations University, a National Council member of the United Nations Association of the United States of America and a Steering Committee member of the World Bank’s Researchers Alliance for Development. The author of many articles and nine books, Adams most recently co-wrote Coming of Age in a Globalized World: The Next Generation, which explores the impact of globalization on education. Following news of the death of President Adams, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon released the following statement:“The SecretaryGeneral has learned with sadness of the death of Dr. J. Michael Adams, president of the International Association of University Presidents and of Fairleigh Dickinson University. Dr. Adams was a strong United Nations champion and partner, and a personal friend. He brought his wisdom and energy, and that of the institutions he led, to serve the greater global cause, in particular, through his meaningful contribution to the United Nations Academic Impact. The eloquence of Michael Adams’ scholarship and writing had a democratic, intergenerational appeal, which brought the power and promise of the United Nations home to so many in a world whose globalization he saw as a resource of

Michael Adams’ legacy will

to come.” — Patrick Zenner, Board of Trustees Chairman

strength and possibility. He A proud veteran of the U.S. will be deeply missed.” Army, Adams also was a pasAbove, from left, President Prior to joining FDU in sionate gourmet and held a J. Michael Adams and his wife, 1999, Adams served as dean of membership in the exclusive Susan, at his inauguration cerethe Nesbitt College of Design Confrérie de la Chaîne des mony in 2000. n Students enjoy Arts at Drexel University in Rôtisseurs, the world’s oldest ina conversation with Adams. Philadelphia, Pa. During a 15ternational gastronomic society. n Adams presents an honorary year tenure, Adams led the Adams is survived by his degree to United Nations Secemergence of Nesbitt into one wife, Susan M. Adams; son retary-General Ban Ki-moon. n Adams with John and Joan of the top design schools in the Benjamin Carl Adams and his Monninger at the groundbreaking world. Before that, as profeswife, Jennifer Rose Adams; ceremony for the Monninger sor at the State University of daughter Rebecca Ann MilliCenter for Learning and Research. NewYork at Oswego, he earngan; daughter Elizabeth Ann ed the Chancellor’s Award for Queen and her husband, JefTeaching Excellence (which he frey Donald Queen; grandchiloften noted as his proudest achievement) and dren Claire Mignon Adams, Michael Francis served as department head, director of research Adams, Zachary John Queen and Amelia Grace development, dean of the Alumni College, and a Queen; sister Mary Carla Grube; niece Lisa U.S. Congressional Fellow under Representative Roth Grube and her husband, Doug Nutter; Carl Perkins. niece Jennifer Cory Fennerty and her husband, Adams received his bachelor’s degree from Devon Fennerty; and brother Drew Joseph Illinois State University, a master of science in edAdams. ucation administration from the University of A University-wide memorial event will be Illinois, and then a PhD in education administraheld in the fall. Donations are being accepted for tion from Southern Illinois University. The first the J. Michael Adams Scholarships in Global Edmember of his family to pursue higher education, ucation. For more information, contact Execuhe liked to ask what the difference is between a tive Director of Development Susan McConville carpenter and a college president — the answer, at 201-692-7008 or mcconvil@fdu.edu or visit always delivered with a smile, was “one generation.” www.myfdu.net/jma.

P H O T O G R A P H S : B I L L B L A N C H A R D , M I C H A E L PA R A S , B L A N C H A R D , N I C K R O M A N E N K O

Global Virtual Faculty™ partner with on-site faculty to offer international views.

2002 In the wake of 9/11, the Port Authority Police Training Academy moves to FDU’s campus in Teaneck, N.J. The missions of the New Jersey campuses are distinguished by new identities: College at Florham and Metropolitan Campus. FDU creates its United Nations Pathways Program and earns designation as a nongovernmental organization associated with the U.N. Department of Public Information.

2003 The Metropolitan Campus gets a new Fitness Center, the College at Florham a substantially renovated Student Center, and each campus opens a new residence hall (Northpointe and Rutherford Hall). FDU launches Puerta al Futuro



J. Mic hae l A d am s

A Tribute to Michael Adams for Spanish-speaking students. Following the success of the new Global Scholars program at the Metropolitan Campus, the Florham Scholars program is introduced.

2004 FDU regains its distinction as the largest private university in New Jersey. Degreecompletion programs to serve first-responders and National Guard personnel are offered online. Global Issues Gateway (www.gig.org), FDU’s global learning website, is launched. The International School of Hospitality and Tourism Management moves into the Chaîne House, which also houses the Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs. A marine biology lab is established in the Dominican Republic.

2005 In recognition of the generosity of Anthony Petrocelli, BS’69 (M), and his wife, Antoinette, FDU renames the New College of General and Continuing Studies as the Anthony J. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies.


ollowing the announcement of his retirement, the Board of Trustees hosted a tribute to President J. Michael Adams on June 5. Colleagues and representatives of the faculty and administration expressed their appreciation for Adams’ service and accomplishments. Adams attended and was greeted with a standing ovation. Speakers were: Acting President Sheldon Drucker (now interim president); Board of Trustees Chairman Patrick Zenner, MBA’75 (R); Trustee Emeritus Edward Hennessy, Jr., BS’55 (R); Anthony J. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies Dean Kenneth Vehrkens, BA’69, MAT’70, MA’74 (T); Helen Brudner, Professor of History and Political Science; FDU Trustee Gregory Olsen, BS’66, BS’68, MS’68 (T); FDU Board of TrusteesVice Chairman Robert Hallenbeck; and Richard Bronson, professor emeritus of mathematics/

computer science and former senior executive assistant to the president and director of government/community affairs. In addition, an actor portraying FDU founder Peter Sammartino (Joshua Bragg) thanked Adams for his role in building the legacy of the institution. Describing Adams as a “leader extraordinaire,” Zenner said, “He is the most passionate advocate for this place that I know. … We are so very thankful for the commitment, the energy and the results you have produced for this institution.You leave FDU a much better place.You inspire all of us to reach for new heights.” Brudner discussed working and debating with Adams on important issues throughout his tenure and credited him for his respect for the faculty. She also praised “his energy, his willingness to try things and his inherent kindness.” (continued on next page)

“The genius in Michael is this special ability to pull together individuals and to unite them under a coherent to form a real orchestra. He did that at FDU, but he couldn’t have done anything else without you. Thank you so much.” — Susan Adams

2006 FDU is re-accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.


Left photo, Susan Adams thanks the University. At right, distinguished guests salute President Adams.


Drucker Named Interim President


he Board of Trustees has formed a committee to conduct a national search for a new president. Until a permanent appointment is made, Sheldon Drucker, who was acting president while President J. Michael Adams was on medical leave, will serve as interim president. “We have a strong leadership team in place under Shelley Drucker,” Board Chairman Patrick Zenner, MBA’75 (R), said, “and we look forward to building on the momentum that Michael Adams helped create.” Drucker joined FDU in 1996 as vice president for finance/treasurer and was named senior vice president and COO in 2007. He was part of a team that helped engineer a strong financial turnaround at FDU, providing a foundation for future growth. One of Adams’ most trusted advisers, he led the continued financial growth of the University and helped develop more than a decade of balanced budgets. He played a major role in numerous global initiatives, including the establishment of FDUVancouver. Prior to joining FDU, he was the CFO of IVC Industries, Inc., and a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Ac-

The Lee Gildart and Oswald Haase School of Computer Sciences and Engineering is named to honor the mentors of Gregory Olsen, BS’66, BS’68, MS’68 (T), whose gift is the largest in FDU’s history.


countants, the New Jersey Society of CPAs and the Institute of Management Accountants. Drucker is supported by a leadership team including University Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Christopher Capuano, Metropolitan Campus Provost Joseph Kiernan and College at Florham Provost Peter Woolley. “We are very grateful for the inspiration and foundation laid by President Adams,” Drucker said. “Because of him, the University is well positioned to respond to the challenges of today, and we will continue to focus on our mission of global education.”

(continued from previous page) Brudner, who presented Adams with a plaque from the Faculty Senate, added,“When he truly believes in an initiative that is good for FDU and that is possible to achieve, he is that inevitable force. Nothing is going to get in the way.” Bronson said that Adams “is a visionary who had the ability to translate his vision into


reality and to do it in a fiscally responsible manner.” Above all, he said,“This is a very nice man. This is a gentle person, an honorable man.” Zenner announced a resolution from the trustees honoring Adams and affirming “their commitment to forward his vision and extend FDU’s global mission to the next generation and beyond.”

The University opens its second international campus, FDU-Vancouver, in British Columbia, Canada. FDU names Hennessy Hall — formerly the Mansion — in honor of Edward Hennessy, Jr., BS’55 (R), and the Stratis Arena in honor of Mary Kay Mastronardy Stratis, BA’69 (R), MAT’71 (T).

2008 U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon receives an honorary degree and is the keynote speaker at FDU’s annual Academic Convocation.

2009 FDU grants its first doctor of nursing practice degrees. U.S. President Barack Obama visits the Metropolitan Campus. The University receives state approval to open a pharmacy school. FDU becomes the first university to earn special consultative status as a nongovernmental organization with the U.N. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).



J. Mic hae l A d am s

Adams Awarded Honorary Degree 2010 FDU-Vancouver graduates its first class. Bruce Springsteen performs at the College at Florham. The Metropolitan Campus dedicates the Frank Giovatto Library.

2011 The University breaks ground at the College at Florham for the John [BS’65 (M)] and Joan Monninger Center for Learning and Research. FDU dedicates the Naimoli Family Baseball Complex on the Metropolitan Campus in honor of Vincent Naimoli, MBA’64 (M). The University’s largest capital campaign ever, FDU NOW, bests its $50-million target by almost $9 million. FDU is the first signatory in the U.N. Academic Impact, created to engage universities in global activities. Adams becomes the president of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP).

n a special presentation following The PINNACLE Awards ceremony on June 8, President J. Michael Adams was awarded an honorary doctor of humane letters degree. Acting President Sheldon Drucker (now interim president) said that President Adams “led the University to an extraordinary period of distinction. He renewed the passion and spirit of innovation that helped found FDU, and he united the community around an ambitious goal: to prepare world citizens for a global era.” FDU trustee and close friend Kenneth Brier read the citation honoring Adams. Adams was unable to attend the event, but his son, Ben, responded on his behalf. He said,“Since my f ather and Susan [Adams] arrived at FDU, they felt like part of the family. You embraced them, and it was easy for


my father to align with the traditions, the values and the spirit of this great institution. My father has long felt like an honorary alumnus, and this award tonight makes it official.” Adams noted that Fairleigh Dickinson University enjoyed many accomplishments, “but nothing could have been accomplished without the incredible efforts of a very talented team and without the support of the entire academic community and the amazing alumni.” He said that President Adams believed strongly in the power of higher education to change lives and in the importance of serving others. He added,“We must do all we can to preserve what is good and improve what is not. I know that you share this commitment, and that is why FDU and Michael Adams were so perfect together.” — Ben Adams

“It was easy for my father to align with the traditions, the values and the spirit of this great institution.”

2012 The Silberman College of Business maintains its AACSB accreditation. The Medco School of Pharmacy receives precandidate accreditation status from the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and prepares to enroll its first class.


President J. Michael Adams’ son, Ben, second from right, accepted the honorary degree on behalf of his father. With him, from left, were Chairman of the Board of Trustees Patrick Zenner, Acting President Sheldon Drucker and Trustee Kenneth Brier.



Comments, opinions and memories from FDU alumni


Rutherford Memories What a nice surprise to open up the FDU Magazine for Winter/Spring 2012 and see an article I wrote about my feelings for FDU while attending the Rutherford Campus!!! It is part of “Remembering Rutherford: 70 Years After the Birth of FDU.” Thank you so much.

. As a 1956 graduate from Fairleigh Susan Vago Sorokolit, BS’67 (R)

Dickinson University’s Rutherford

FDUMagazine Volume 19, Number 2

. Winter/Spring 2012

Small Change Big Difference Students Share Spirit of Service

In this Issue Brand You

Revisit Rutherford

Journey to Vancouver

How to Brand Yourself With Social Media

Special Section Celebrating University’s Birthplace

Studying Abroad at FDU’s Newest Campus

a maroon beanie and a large cardboard placard … . Freshmen had to ask upperclassmen/women for their signatures by quoting a simple paragraph which began: “Oh mighty upperclassman, guardian of this humble campus, I beseech you … ” “I recollect wearing

Campus, I so enjoyed the article on Rutherford, especially the knight in shining armor. Her name is Lenore Yavner Baer [BS’54 (R)]. I met her in a freshman biology class in the Castle room where the pool was under the floor. She became my dearest friend for 60 years, almost like a sister. I was her matron of honor, and she was my maid of honor. How did Lenore end up in the armor? One day she was nabbed and asked if she would dress up in the suit for a photo. Why her? She was 4’10” and just the right size. The suit stood on a landing in the Castle all during our school years. Harriet Bassett Weitzner, BS’56 (R)



I enjoyed reading two great articles in the Winter/Spring 2012 FDU Magazine. Roger Deitz’s “The Rutherford Legacy” and “Long Live the Memories” brought back good memories of my education at Fairleigh Dickinson. In September 1960 I was a freshman, and I recollect wearing a maroon beanie and a large cardboard placard with room for signatures from upperclassmen/women. Freshmen had to ask upperclassmen/women for their signatures by quoting a simple para-


graph which began: “Oh mighty upper classman, guardian of this humble campus, I beseech you …” Yes, male students had to wear dress shirts, jackets and ties; and that requirement made us ready for “Corporate America” in the 1960s! To this day, I still have fond memories of Professors Michael Kosok and

Donald Kydon (physics); Dr. [Philip] Copperman (calculus); [Gordon] Goudey (engineering) and CL Ragot (mechanical drawing); [Florence] Titman (art); Emil Lengyel (social sciences) and, since my last two years were at the Teaneck Campus, Professors William Schick and Sol Prensky (electrical engineering). Fred Breier, BS’64 (T), MBA’68 (T)


Making the Connection I was the editor of the campus newspaper from 1974 to 1975. I enjoyed the last issue of the FDU Magazine with the Rutherford Campus tributes.Two of the contributors were college friends: Marcus Day, BA’76 (R), and Dave Topus, BS’78 (R). I would like to contact them again but don’t know how. Do you have an email address for them or some other means of contacting them? Joe Hynes, BA’76 (R) Fairleigh Dickinson University’s alumni database is held confidential. However, our Office of Alumni Relations can forward a message from one alumnus to another to help alumni reconnect. Contact Madelyn Fine at 201-692-7013 or email fine@fdu.edu.

We want to hear from you!

E R R ATA : S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 0

FDU Magazine encourages the exchange of comments and opinions about our articles as well as your memories of FDU. This page shares with your fellow alumni a selection of your letters (send to: Rebecca Maxon, FDU, 1000 River Rd., H-DH3-14, Teaneck, N.J. 07666); emails (maxon@fdu.edu) and blog entries (www.fdumagazine.us).

FDUSpotlight People, events and news

from Fairleigh Dickinson University

New MA in Student Services Administration Approved


ew Jersey has approved FDU’s new master of arts in student services administration.The degree is designed for individuals pursuing careers in administrative and support positions in higher education. Until now, the only educational leadership program available at FDU focused on grades K–12. Offered through FDU’s School of Administrative Science in the Anthony J. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies, the 36-credit, nonthesis program consists of 18 credits of core courses, which include a three-credit student services internship, and 18 credits of electives. “There’s flexibility of programming delivered in-person, online and through interactive television (ITV) and videoconferencing for individuals who have employment and family commitments,” said Ronald Calissi, executive associate dean, offcampus credit programs, Petrocelli College and director, School of Administrative Science. The ITV locations include both New Jersey campuses and select places throughout the state, such as Gloucester Community College, where FDU has a partnership to deliver graduate degrees. Students can specialize in one of four areas: admission and financial-aid administration, intercollegiate sports administration, institutional risk administration and on-campus student administration. “There’s flexibilty of Other program benefits inprogramming delivered include a nonstandard rate of tuition person, online and through for off-campus programming that is 45 percent off the on-campus interactive television (ITV) tuition rate, elective classes availand videoconferencing ... ” able at Wroxton College and — Ronald Calissi, director, FDU-Vancouver and highly qualSchool of Administrative Science ified and experienced instructors.

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I L L U S T R AT I O N : S A L LY E L F O R D / I K O N I M A G E S / C O R B I S

Silberman College of Business Re-accredited


The Silberman College of Business maintained its accreditation by the AACSB International – the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. “We are very proud of this prominent distinction,” said Christopher Capuano, University provost and senior vice president for academic affairs. “AACSB accreditation is an important affirmation of Silberman College’s excellent programs. I want to congratulate the members of Silberman College, who I know are poised to continue to meet the high standards set by this accrediting body.” Less than 5 percent of schools of business worldwide have earned this hallmark of excellence. To maintain accreditation, a business program must undergo a rigorous internal review and demonstrate its continued commitment to 21 quality standards.





FDUSpotlight Inaugural Class to Enter School of Pharmacy

F ...

Best Master’s and MBAs

Eduniversal’s ranking of the best master’s and MBA programs worldwide in 2011 includes programs in three FDU colleges.


MS in electronic commerce — Top 100 Best Master’s in E-business Regional Ranking (University College: Arts • Sciences • Professional Studies)


MBA in entrepreneurship — Top 100 Best Master’s in Entrepreneurship Regional Ranking (Silberman College of Business)


MA in corporate and organizational communication — Top 200 Best Master’s in Communications Regional Ranking (Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences)




airleigh Dickinson University’s School of Pharmacy, located just off the College at Florham at 230 Park Avenue, Florham Park, N.J., welcomes its first class in September. The inaugural class of about 85 students will benefit from a dynamic curriculum incorporating technology, a global perspective and multiple master’s degree options. Members of the Accreditation Council of Pharmacy Education (ACPE) conducted a site visit in late spring 2012 and have awarded the school precandidate accreditation status. New Jersey’s first pharmacy school affiliated with an independent university, the School of Pharmacy offers multiple dual-degree options leading to combined

PharmD and master’s degrees. The programs will help address the growing need for licensed pharmacists who can incorporate advances in technology into health care service delivery and make changes in practice models to accommodate the increasing demands placed on health care services by an aging population and health care reform. The school’s board of advisers has been actively engaged in program development, publicity and outreach, fundraising and the creation of practice-experience opportunities for students. Members have reviewed topics for courses, helped craft mission and vision statements and provided potential avenues for support. The board of advisers includes representatives from Atlantic Health System; CVS Caremark; Bausch & Lomb, Inc.; Cephalon, Inc.; Barnabas Health; and Sanofi-Aventis U.S., LLC.

. Rosemary Ruggiero Español, BA’70 (M), a nationally respected leader in interior design and facilities management, was elected to the FDU Board of Trustees for a three-year term . Español is president of IEI Group, Rosemary Español Joins Board of Trustees


a Philadelphia-based firm that provides design, architectural and project-management services to corporate, educational, government, health care, retail and residential clients. Founded by Español in 1991, IEI has been regularly ranked among the top 200 U.S. design firms by Interior Design magazine. In 2010, FDU honored Español with The PINNACLE Award, the highest award the University bestows upon its alumni. Español has taught courses at Philadelphia’s Moore College of Art and Design as well as Philadelphia University. The Philadelphia Business Journal named her a Woman of Distinction for her achievements. She is a past president of the National Association of Industrial and Office Parks and the Society of Marketing Professional Services and was a board member of the International Facility Management Association. She is also on the board of trustees of the Gesu School, an independent elementary school serving at-risk youth in North Philadelphia, and on the advisory board of Fulton Bank. Español has a bachelor’s degree from FDU and a master’s degree from the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University. For FDU, she has hosted an alumni regional event at her office and sponsored an FDU Women luncheon.


P H O T O G R A P H : W E AV E R L I L L E Y


Veterans Activities Supported n January 19, veterans, mentors and FDU administrators at the Metropolitan Campus celebrated a check presentation from the Walmart Foundation. The foundation’s grant of $35,000 supports the Veterans Launching Ventures program at FDU’s Silberman College of Business. Combining in-person instruction with online education and active mentorship, Veterans Launching Ventures provides skills and support to enable veterans to seize entrepreneurial opportunities, launch small businesses and nonprofits and achieve personal success.

United Nations Pathways Program Turns 10


fluence and insight, you have been the dynamic force for the program that has influenced and transformed the lives of so many students.” This semester brought four dignitaries to DU’s United Nations Pathways Program celcampus. On February 28, Byrganym Aitimova, perebrated its 10th year on February 14 with a manent representative of Kazakhstan to the United gala at the College at Florham. Nations, addressed “Kazakhstan: A Giant in Asia Jason Scorza, vice provost of international and Its Leading Role in Sustainable Development”; education, who served as the master of ceremonon March 28, Trita Parsi, ies, said, “This is a rare and founder and president of the unique event that not only National Iranian American celebrates the anniversary, Council, spoke on “A Single but also pays tribute to Amb. Roll of the Dice: Obama’s Ahmad Kamal [president of Diplomacy with Iran”; on The Ambassador’s Club of April 18, Ioannis Vrailas, the United Nations and a deputy head of the Delegaformer University trustee] tion of the European Union and his contributions to the to the United Nations, adUniversity and to the world dressed “The European Unof diplomacy.” Since the proion Today”; and on May 1, gram’s inception in 2002, the Pedro Nunez Mosquera, University has hosted 80 permanent representative of dinners and forums, held 48 Ambassador Ahmad Kamal Cuba to the United Nations, videoconferences and enterspoke on “Cuba — Yesterday, Today, and Tomortained more than 150 senior officials and diplomats row.” Videoconferences were held on “U.N. Defrom the U.N. system. partment of Public Information Partnerships with Christopher Capuano, University provost and NGOs” and “The Global Financial Crisis,” and a senior vice president for academic affairs, read a special youth forum with FDU faculty and students special message from President J. Michael Adams addressed “Winds of Change: Role of Chinese to Kamal stating, “Because of your passion for Youth in the Future of the China.” global education [and] your unique position of in-


P H O T O G R A P H : K AT H E R I N E M A R K S

Human Resource Management Program Recognized The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) recognized the Anthony J. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies’ Human Resource Management Certification Preparation Program for its “success and incredible achievement” in reaching the Top 20 Enrollments category for the 2011 SHRM Learning System course. FDU ranked sixth out of 300 colleges and universities participating in the SHRM Learning Program each year. Kenneth Vehrkens, dean, Petrocelli College, said, “Reaching this elite category makes FDU the largest SHRM program in New Jersey and one of the six largest programs in the United States.”




Hospitality School High on ‘Best Program’ List


Saturday MBA Program Highlights The Saturday MBA@FDU features a balanced blend of in-class and online studies leading to an MBA in less than 21 months. Competitively priced, this 30- to 42-credit general MBA is an ideal option for business and non-business majors. Individuals with a prior academic business background may qualify to be exempted from some or all of the foundation courses (up to 12 credits). All-day Saturday classes will meet, on average, every other weekend at the College at Florham; the balance of studies occurs online. For information email grad@fdu.edu.



The International School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (ISHTM) ranks number four on thebestschools.org website’s list of the “20 Best Hospitality Programs,” keeping company at the top with Cornell and Michigan State universities and the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. “Our school is extremely elated and honored to receive this noteworthy recognition,” said Richard Wisch, director, ISHTM and associate dean of the Anthony J. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies. “It validates our ongoing efforts to provide our students with an excellent professional education, one which affords them an ability to become highly productive practitioners and leaders in our industry.” Rankings for each school are based on “academic quality, awards, reputation, rankings, facilities and internship opportunities.” “ISHTM provides an exceptional learning environment,” said Kenneth Vehrkens, dean, Petrocelli College. “Congratulations to the faculty and administration for ranking fourth out of 250 hospitality programs.” Also rated by The Princeton Review’s Gourman Report as one of the top four-year hospitality management programs in the country, FDU’s hospitality program offers classes at the Metropolitan Campus, the College at Florham and four off-site locations in Atlantic City, Jersey City and Mercer and Ocean counties.



How to Win Friends and Influence People The Last Lecture

Indispensable Literature

by Dale Carnegie. Recommended by Paul Dunphy, research and instruction librarian, Frank Giovatto Library

by Randy Pausch with Jeffrey Laslow. Recommended by students Genesis Ortiz and Stephanie Sergent Rojas, junior, honors biology The Forsyte Saga


The Feminine Mystique

by Betty Friedan and Anna Quindlen. Recommended by Paula Hooper Mayhew, professor of English, University College: Arts • Sciences • Professional Studies

Charlie Wilson’s War

by George Crile. Recommended by Patrick Poole, thenUniversity admissions When asked by the staff counselor

of the Frank Giovatto Library, FDU faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends said these were just some of the books that have changed their lives.

The Good Earth

by Pearl Buck. by John Galsworthy. Recommended by Recommended by Natalie Holland, freshman Katherine Restaino, adjunct instructor of communications, University College: Arts • Sciences • Professional Five Smooth Stones Studies a novel by Ann Fairbairn. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Recommended by David by Jules Verne. Recommended by Langford, director of Ronald Calissi, executive associate dean, offDivision I athletics campus credit programs, Anthony J. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies and director, School The Giving Tree of Administrative Science by Shel Silverstein. Recommended by Kenneth Rivera

The Alchemist

by Paulo Coelho and Alan Clarke. Recommended by Donna-Isabel Averion, graduate student

What Does It Mean to Be Human?

by Frederick Franck, Richard Connolly and Janis Roze. Recommended by Eli Amdur, BA’68 (R), adjunct faculty, Petrocelli College


FDU Professor Speaks at the White House


hyati Joshi, associate professor of education and an expert social scientist whose work focuses on multicultural education and religion in America, particularly South-Asian religions like Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam, presented at the White House on April 20 as part of a conference put on by the White House Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, the Hindu American Seva Charities and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. “Religious literacy is an essential skill for teachers, policymakers and all of us,” she said in her talk on the way immigrant and second-generation Americans live their religions and respond to their status as religious minorities. Joshi was invited to discuss her research to help improve understanding of South-Asian religious communities in the United States and to inform the development of policies and best practices in the area of homeland security.

d In Memoriam .

Donald Begosh, BS’59 (R), MBA’82 (R), former FDU trustee and past president of the Alumni Association Board of Governors (AABOG) (2001–2003), died on January 27 at the age of 74. In 2011, he was awarded emeritus status by the AABOG. In 2009, he served as a member of his 50th anniversary class reunion planning committee and was the class speaker at the FDU Society Induction Ceremony. He co-chaired the Annual Fund committee of the AABOG and, in 2000, received the CASTLE Award for his commitment to his alma mater. He is survived by his wife, Carol; brother-in-law Richard Spielmann, and his wife, Barbara; a niece and her husband; a nephew; two grand-nieces; a grand-nephew; and brother Theodore Odinec.


John “Jack” Fritz, , retired professor of history, died on February 9 at the age of 87. He joined FDU in 1961 as assistant pro-

P H O T O G R A P H : K AT H E R I N E M A R K S

Professor Khyati Joshi


“Educators can’t teach what they don’t know. Because people are not informed about many religions, including their own, they don’t talk about it. [We need to] let students know that they can talk about it,” said Joshi. Joshi teaches The Multicultural Classroom, World Religions in America and Religion, Schools and Society, among other courses at FDU. She is the author of New Roots in America’s Sacred Ground: Religion, Race and Ethnicity in Indian America (Rutgers University Press, 2006) and a host of scholarly and popular articles. She also consults with school districts and trains K–12 teachers.


“Don Begosh’s impact on his alma mater will continue to be felt for generations to come. Many of the changes he implemented as president of the Alumni Association Board of Governors are still

fessor of social sciences and retired in 1984 as professor of history. He held a variety of administrative positions as well — assistant dean and associate dean, Maxwell Becton College of Liberal Arts, and chairperson, history and philosophy department, College at Florham. Fritz also served on the board of Friends of Florham, a group dedicated to the preservation of the historic buildings and grounds at the College at Florham, before returning to his home state of Indiana in 2003. He is survived by numerous nephews, nieces and cousins.

being carried out today. Don’s heartfelt passion for and commitment to FDU will be missed.”


Kenneth Gillies, associate professor of accounting, Anthony J. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies, died on April 18 at the age of 69. He joined FDU’s Rutherford Campus in 1972 as an adjunct professor. A certified public accountant, he was with the University for 39 years. He is survived by his wife, Sheila Pearson; his daughters, Kristin and Tara; his brother, Raymond Jr., and sister-in-law, Zinovia; his brother-in-law, Thomas Pearson; nieces, nephews and grand-nieces; and a grand-nephew.



FDUSports Athletics at

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Coaches Association (NTCA) Division I Bowler of the Year.

. Men’s Tennis



The Knights finished 25-28-1 and went 18-14 in the Northeast Conference (NEC), which qualified the team for the NEC tournament. The 18 conference wins were the most ever in a season. Senior shortstop Ryan Kresky was named NEC Player of the Year. Senior Matt Holsman was named First Team All-NEC .

Eric Anderson


. Women’s Golf DIVISION I

The Knights had six top-10 finishes. Sophomore Esther Park and junior Annika Karlsson tied for second at the NEC championships, while sophomore Mariana Juaristi took sixth. Karlsson was named First Team All-NEC and NEC Player of the Year. Juaristi was First Team All-NEC.

Women’s Bowling

The Knights went 22-5 in the NEC, earning the regular season title. Senior Joely Carrillo and junior Danielle McEwan led the team to an overall record of 104-27 and its fourth National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) championship, where the team made first runner-up. Carrillo earned First Team All-NEC, while McEwan was named NEC Bowler of the Year, First Team All American and National Tenpin

The FDU men’s tennis team won their record 11th NEC title and clinched a trip to the NCAA tournament, where they played No. 2, the University of Virginia. The Knights ended the season 15-9. Freshman Arvis Berzins was named the NEC Rookie of the Year and Player of the Year.

. Women’s Fencing

At the National Intercollegiate Women’s Fencing Association (NIWFA) championships, juniors Christine Forsythe and Sophia Bischof, sophomore Hanna Heldenmuth and freshman Alix Lerch all placed in the top five of their respective weapons, giving FDU fifth place overall.The Knights also competed at the NCAA Mid-Atlantic/South Regional.

. Women’s Basketball

The women’s team went to the NEC tournament after compiling a 13-18 record on the season and 8-9 in conference action. Senior guard Mariyah Laury set a program record with 42 points and earned First Team All-NEC accolades. Freshman Erika Livermore earned NEC All-Rookie honors.

FDU tied for 10th place overall. Senior captain Zacharia Ahmed set new career highs in the shot put (16.24m) and hammer throw (46.74m).

. Women’s Track and Field

At the NEC indoor championships, the women’s track and field team finished in ninth place. Senior Christine Taylor set a new personal record with a time of 1:16.18 in the 500 meters to take second. Sophomore Shnell Wishart took a silver medal in the triple jump. Outdoors, junior Dwanya Freeland had season bests in the shot put (12.31m) and discus (39.49m).

. Men’s Basketball

The Knights defeated the likes of St. Peter’s College, Bryant University and St. Francis College of New York this season. Graduate student George Goode was named the team’s MVP, while senior Briahn Smith was honored with the Knight Award.

. Men’s Track and Field

At the NEC outdoor championships, senior Senghor Kamguia came in third in the triple jump. Gabriela Sarrate



P H O T O G R A P H S : D I V I S I O N I , L A R R Y L E VA N T I ; D I V I S I O N I I I , S . R . S M I T H

... Golf

Men’s Golf

. Softball

The Knights compiled a 7-13 NEC record but broke the FDU program record with 30 wins overall. Senior hitter Caitlin Bradac and rookie pitcher Megan Reiner, with a record 18 wins, led the team. Reiner’s hitting average of .394 led the NEC, while Bradec led the program in RBIs (42) and hits (61).

. Women’s Lacrosse


The FDU women’s lacrosse team went 13-6 with a 6-0 mark in the Freedom Conference.The Devils went on to win the inaugural women’s lacrosse Freedom Conference tournament. Senior midfielder Breana Kilpatrick was named Freedom Conference Player of the Year and First Team All-Conference, while freshman defender Caitlyn McGinley was

The Devils notched a record of 5-2-1 and finished second in the Freedom Conference tournament. DIVISION III

Men’s Lacrosse

FDU finished with a record 8-8 overall with a 3-2 mark in the Freedom Conference. The team advanced to the Freedom Conference tournament championship game before falling to Eastern University 15-6. Senior mid-fielder Paul Colflesh and senior defender Sean Cunningham were named First Team AllFreedom Conference.

named Freedom Conference Rookie of the Year and First Team All-Conference. First Team honors also went to junior midfielder Katie Rolwood, junior attack Sara Slicklen and freshman defender Samantha Guido.

. Baseball

The Devils finished the season 24-18. FDU was 14-7 in the Freedom Conference and was third seed in the conference tournament. The second-seeded Devils won the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference (ECAC) Metro Region tournament, eliminating Stevens Institute of Tech-

. Women’s Tennis DIVISION I

The FDU women’s tennis team won its first NEC crown since 1988 and went on to compete in its first NCAA tournament. The Knights won 11 of their final 13 matches led by NEC Player of the Year Anna Rapoport. Manuela Leme

Paul Colflesh

nology 2-1. Senior Pitcher Mike Winters was named tournament MVP. Sophomore designated hitter Frank LaGuarina was named First Team All-Conference.

. Men’s Basketball

The Devils went 13-13 while going 8-6 in conference play. In the Freedom Conference tournament, the Devils fell in the semifinals to top-seeded Misericordia University, 76-73. Senior guard Adam Katz was named First Team All-Conference.

. Women’s Basketball

Women’s Golf

In its second year, the team finished fourth out of five teams at the Middle Atlantic Conference (MAC) tournament. Sophomore Megan Heintz was named First Team All-Conference.



Men’s Tennis

The Devils compiled a record of 6-11 (2-3 Freedom Conference). The team advanced to the conference tournament but fell to top-seeded Wilkes University. Sophomore AJ Warden was named First Team All-Conference. Women’s Tennis

The Devils posted a 13-13 record with a 7-7 conference mark. FDU qualified for the ECAC Metro Region tournament, where they were defeated in the quarterfinals by Richard Stockton College, 73-62.

The Devils women’s tennis team was 3-13 (1-4 Freedom Conference).

FDU finished 14-19 (4-10 Freedom Conference). Senior utility Megan McInaw and sophomore outfielder Brittni Wurst were named First Team All-Conference.

The men’s and women’s swim teams finished with records of 2-11 and 2-12, advancing to the MAC championships.

. Softball



Anna Rapoport SUMMER/FALL 2012


FDUNotables Profiles of outstanding faculty and students

Purposeful Journey Stephanie Sergent Rojas, Undergraduate Student STEPHANIE SERGENT ROJAS,

a junior honors biology major at the Metropolitan Campus, looks at each day as a chance to be a step closer to her dream of becoming a surgeon. The journey may be arduous, but she remains undaunted. Sergent Rojas efficiently manages a full load of classes, works four jobs, does charity work and volun-



teers with the Teaneck Ambulance Corps. She says that Marion McClary, associate professor of biological sciences; co-director, School of Natural Sciences; administrator; and parent, inspires her. “Even when things get really busy, he still has time for his students.” Sergent Rojas is determined to chart her own course. Immersing herself in the many things that FDU has to offer, she joined Sands of Time, a leadership and character-building program. She also entered Campus Moviefest, a student film festival, where her group’s film,“Want to Save a Life,” won “Campus Best Picture.” Her strength comes from her courage to move out of her comfort zone and the belief that nothing is imCurriculum Vitae: possible. At 16, she wanted to Stephanie Sergent Rojas visit her Venezuelan homeMajor town with her own money, Biology so she sold baked goods. Home Town “No one wanted to give me Elizabeth, N.J. a job, so I gave myself one,” she relates. “I made menus What You Didn't Know and put them in every mailGraduated twice from high school — once in Venezuela box in my neighborhood. In (with the highest grades) two months, I had $600.” and the second time from She is even more dethe Benedictine Academy termined to achieve her in Elizabeth, N.J. childhood dream. “My Philosophy in Life grandparents, mother and “No matter what happens, uncle were all ophthalmolyou make it a good day or ogists,” Sergent Rojas rea bad day.” lates, “and they used to take me to their clinic in Maracay,Venezuela. Seeing how they made their patients feel better inspired me to pursue a career in medicine.” The decision to become a surgeon came much later, during a visit to the nursery of aVenezuelan hospital. “I noticed a couple crying because their newborn had a cleft palate and lip,” she remembers. “I wasn’t familiar with Operation Smile (an organization where doctors do free reconstructive surgeries on children worldwide), but when I learned more about it, I knew it was something I wanted to be involved in.” Sergent Rojas has begun an Operation Smile Club on campus. She also has been accepted into the

P H OTO G R A P H : B I L L C A R D O N I ; I L L U S T R AT I O N S : R O B E R T P I Z Z O

Summer Medical and Dental Education Program at the New Jersey Medical School of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. “In the future, I hope to open facilities in Venezuela, Peru and Asia that can be affiliated with Operation Smile. Doctors will perform surgeries there, and teachers will help the children gain self-confidence and a better appreciation of themselves,” she says. “I don’t know how I’m going to medical school, but I will,” she adds. She also knows that it will take her best effort to succeed. “When I go to sleep at night, I want to feel that I did my best that day and for my future goals.” — M.M.B.

Politician Turns Professor Nigel Forman, British Faculty of Wroxton College WHEN NIGEL FORMAN

traveled to America from Great Britain to study at Harvard University, he knew he wanted a career in education; but he couldn’t have known that a good deal of his students would be from the United States. “I wanted to become a practicing academic from my time as a graduate student at the College of Europe at Bruges [Belgium] and at Harvard.This was long before I was appointed by then-Prime Minister John Major as a minister in higher education in 1992,” said Forman. “Thus my current work as a tutor and academic at Wroxton College is a fascinating return to a professional life that I first experienced more than 40 years ago.” Since 1999, Forman has been teaching at Wroxton. Before returning to academia, he enjoyed a lengthy career in British government. “I entered British politics in the 1960s in Brighton as a local activist for the Conservative Party,” he says. “Having just returned from doing a master’s degree in public administration at Harvard, I felt I wanted to contribute to public life in some suitable way as well as start work on a doctorate.” Although a politician, education remained dear


to his heart. During his time as a Member of Parliament (MP), educational policy was one of his principal concerns. “My proudest accomplishment as an MP was … at the national level, to have gone some way toward achieving parity of esteem for vocational and academic qualifications.” Forman had a background as a distinguished academic long before he taught at Wroxton. “I read history for my undergraduate degree at New College, Oxford University, and had three very happy years at New College under the tutelage of Harry Bell, Raymond Carr, Henry Williams and Maurice Keen (at Balliol College, Oxford). “I then enlisted at the College of Europe at Bruges, where I studied for a year and got a diploma with distinction in European studies.” Forman’s education is closely entwined with his desire to serve the public. His academic year of 1966’67 at Harvard, a turbulent time in America, was more than just a formal education. It sowed the seeds for his political ambitions. “My role model at that time was Jack Kennedy — which was rather grandiose — and I was also in awe of Martin Luther King,” he recalls. Forman’s path has wound through a prestigious political career to his position now imparting knowledge to students at Wroxton, where they benefit from the rich background upon which he can draw. “My Parliamentary experience has assisted me in the classroom at Wroxton, since it has given me some gravitas, which,” he quips, “coupled with my venerable age, sometimes makes my students better behaved than they might otherwise be.” — S.G.

Curriculum Vitae: Nigel Forman Education BA, University of Oxford Diploma, College of Europe at Bruges MPA, Harvard University PhD, University of Sussex Home Country United Kingdom What You Didn't Know Was a Member of Parliament for more than 20 years before beginning his teaching career Influential Figures John F. Kennedy Martin Luther King, Jr.



HOTCourse on Campus

Featuring a unique or innovative course that is sparking interest on campus.

Ethical Issues in the Movies with Paula Hooper Mayhew, Professor of English, Literature and Humanities

. What They Are Learning

“Movies allow for the exploration of important ethical questions in contemporary contexts and hopefully learning follows,” Mayhew says. “For example, when we study ‘Memento,’ we also look briefly at Aristotle and Bentham and debate personal responsibility.When we view ‘The Company Men,’ we talk about work and identity, glancing at both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street as possible responses to joblessness.When we view ‘Temple Grandin,’ we discuss the changing attitudes toward autism and the social history of eugenics in the United States. There is a movie for each week, so we cover a lot of ground!”

. What’s for Homework

Students watch the assigned movie each week at home and then respond in writing. The class discusses some of the most interesting — and often conflicting — written responses. Since the class is held in a smart classroom, complete with a DVD player, projector and Internet access, students are able to review scenes that are particularly crucial to the movie’s ethical concerns.

. Why This Matters Today

. What to Study for the Final

“Movies are one way to stimulate one’s own ethical sensibilities,” Mayhew says.

The final exam includes three essays and some short-answer questions.To prepare, Mayhew asks students to compare assigned movies that deal with similar ethical questions: for example, “Brazil” and “The Company Men”; “Gattaca” and “Temple Grandin”; “In the Bedroom” and “Memento”; “Wag the Dog” and “Three Kings”; etc., and refresh their knowledge of the main characters in each film.

P H O T O G R A P H S : T O P, P H O T O F E S T ; B O T T O M , G E T T Y I M A G E S I L L U S T R AT I O N : B O T T O M , D A N N Y S C H W A R T Z

. What They Are Watching

Brazil (1985) Fire (1996) Gattaca (1997) In the Bedroom (2001) Million Dollar Baby (2004) Memento (2000) Master and Commander (2003) Quiz Show (1994) Temple Grandin (2010) The Company Men (2010) Three Kings (1999) Wag the Dog (1997)

Commencement 2012 More than 2,600 Students from 50 Countries Receive Degrees


n May 15, approximately 2,600 students received doctoral, master’s, bachelor’s and associate’s degrees at FDU’s 69th Commencement ceremony, held in the Izod Center, East Rutherford, N.J. The Class of 2012 includes citizens of 50 countries, 26 U.S. states, the District of Columbia and all 21 counties in New Jersey. The ceremony was broadcast live on the Web and was watched by 5,000 people around the world. The University conferred honorary doctor of humane letters degrees upon Jill Abramson, executive editor of The NewYork Times; Cory Booker, mayor of Newark, N.J.; and Zygmunt “Zygi” Wilf, BA’71 (M), a real-estate developer, attorney and owner of the National Football League’s MinnesotaVikings. Booker


Watch FDU’s 69th Commencement

at www.fdu.edu/ commencement.






delivered the Commencement New Horizons address. “It’s not the world Hats express the graduates’ that defines you but how you happiness, hopes and dreams. A packed Izod Center choose to act within it,” he told welcomes the graduates. the graduates.“ … your greatHonorary degree recipient est power is not in changing Cory Booker, mayor, circumstances but in choosing Newark, N.J., at the dais. the attitude you bring into the world that day. That attitude can change things. It can change you.” Student Pinnacle awards went to Morrine Omolo of Kikuyu, Kenya, from the Metropolitan Campus; Jessica Dingman of Roxbury, N.J., from the College at Florham; and Juliana Fiorentino of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, from FDU-Vancouver.


P H O T O G R A P H S : D A N L A N D A U ; B O T T O M L E F T, W I L L I A M K E N N E DY

Paper lanterns, above, line the streets of Vietnam’s Hoi An market at night; below are Kiersten Fuchs, left, and Christine (Krissy) Baldassare

ironically in the former U.S. Information Service Buildings. In Cambodia, they walked miles (and even rode elephants) around the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat, one of the Seven Manmade Wonders of the World. In the capital of Phnom Penh, they also had the chance to visit the haunting Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, the former prison and torture center that memorializes the worst atrocities of the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s. Christine (Krissy) Baldassare, a senior majoring in history and participating in the five-year QUEST teaching program, and Kiersten Fuchs, a senior majoring in history with a minor in art history, provided FDU Magazine with a first-hand account of the sights and sounds as well as the lessons learned in Vietnam and Cambodia. Vietnam

Prior to this trip, I only knew the American or Western perspective of Asia, the Vietnam War and the Cambodian Genocide of 1975–1979. Learning the alternative perspective on what the Vietnamese call the “American War” opened my eyes to the psychology and K R I S SY:



history of the Vietnamese and the death and devastation of their home country. Today, most Vietnamese still live in poverty.While it is open to foreign trade and investment, the country has a set group of leaders who are not democratically elected. K I E R S T E N : The

biggest thing on everyone’s mind when you speak of Vietnam is the fact that we, as Americans, had witnessed and/or experienced great tragedy during the Vietnam War. But the Vietnamese show no resentment toward us. When you meet Vietnamese and they ask you, “Where are you from?” and you reply with the United States, they do not shun you. Instead, their faces light up with joy that an American has come to see their country. There were numerous times when Krissy and I roamed the streets together during our free time, as we did in Hoi An. The shop owners wanted to strike up conversations with us just to find out why we were visiting their country. Our tour guides taught us words and phrases in Vietnamese. Going to a different country and learning some of the native tongue benefits you and shows the local people

“During the day, the streets were booming with people getting food for dinner and tourists shopping for souvenirs. At night the streets died down and glistened with that you are being genuine and want to learn their language. “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Thank you” and “How much?” were just some of the basic things I learned in Vietnamese. When I would speak some words in Vietnamese, people would smile from ear to ear. Shopping in Hoi An, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the best markets in Vietnam, was like nothing I had seen before. Surrounded by fresh fruits and vegetables, spices, eggs, seafood and meats, I realized that there was nothing that the Vietnamese let go to waste because everything they had meant more meals to feed their families. During the day, the streets were booming with people getting food for dinner and tourists shopping for souvenirs. At night the streets died down and glistened with rows of silk lanterns. It was one of the most tranquil parts of the trip. For every little shop there was a restaurant of some sort. A small family-owned eatery was set up where you could buy a bowl of noodle-and-beef soup that was the simplest but most delicious soup.The Vietnamese take pride in their family-run businesses, and they run them just like any mom-and-pop shop.

My most memorable moment in Vietnam was visiting a local kindergarten in the countryside.The classroom was a one-room building alongside rice fields and with the backdrop of mountains.There was no protection on their windows, the walls were chipped and faded, and some children weren’t wearing shoes, while others wore sandals. Inside were about five small tables with about six children at each table, who were excited to see us and welcomed us with Vietnamese songs. As a future educator, I took particular notice of their classroom conditions. There were no colors, toys, games or common educational resources. The only thing this classroom had were posters of numbers and letters and a portrait in the middle of the classroom of Ho Chi Minh, the father of Vietnamese independence. Vietnamese culture is based on Confucian practice and Buddhist beliefs. Their ideology of leaving the past behind and living in the present defines the way they live and view themselves as people.They make the most out of their days whether it is plowing the fields, selling crafts to tourists or paying respects to their ancestors and gods in order to ensure a better future for themselves. K R I S SY:

P H O T O G R A P H S : P R E V I O U S PA G E , T O P, I S T O C K P H O T O ; B O T T O M , C O U R T E S Y O F K I E R S T E N F U C H S A N D C H R I S T I N E B A L D A S S A R E . T H I S PA G E , F R O M L E F T, CO U RT E SY O F K I E R ST E N F U C H S , I STO C K P H OTO, I STO C K P H OTO

Vietnam: A Host of Variety Left, Fuchs enjoys a sip from a fresh coconut; center, gate to the Imperial City in Hue; right, street scene and French-style building in modern-day Hanoi.



“The carvings on the walls of Angkor Wat describe the Khmer people in their daily lives and their , with dedicated temples that honor the blend of Hindu and Buddhist traditions.” During the trip we all collected unused toiletries from our hotel rooms to give to our tour guides to share with their families or others we met along the way. Our guide in Central Vietnam, Phu, made arrangements for us to take a picture with a water buffalo on the side of the road, courtesy of a small farming family. When the bus stopped, a young boy and his older brother were waiting for us with their water buffalo. We gave them some money and toiletries in exchange for taking pictures with us. They were so grateful that we came, and both boys had smiles on their faces as we drove away.

Some of the most memorable parts of Vietnam were our overnight cruise in Ha Long Bay and the overnight train from Northern to Central Vietnam. Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was a miraculous place and one of the most intriguing I have ever seen.There are thousands of mini mountains rising dramatically from the water, all different shapes and sizes and mostly covered with trees. Taking an overnight cruise on a traditional Asian flat-bottomed boat known as a junk made it more enjoyable. I could sit on my balcony, stare into the bay and be completely content. Women on small fishing boats would approach our boat and want to sell us things. It was quite fascinating to see how these tiny women maneuvered the boat four times their size. Another memorable part of my trip was taking the overnight train from Hanoi to Hue (the distance of San Francisco to Los Angeles). We met backpackers on board from all over the world. Being in one small place with so many different cultures from Australia to Italy was a great experience.

focus on the future. The remnants of the genocide still linger with the pain of loved ones lost, the Tuol Sleng Prison and the Killing Fields. One notable difference withVietnam is how Cambodians approach their art and landscaping. While the Vietnamese use landscapes and Chinese-influenced symbols in their work, especially turtles and Buddhas, Cambodian culture is shaped by neighboring Thai and Indian influences, with their use of the brightest colors and elegant forms. Per their economy, we learned that 75 percent of Cambodia remains agricultural, and most of the men work on farms. Yet developing a skill in traditional handicrafts can give women and men the opportunity to learn a valuable trade, go through a formal apprenticeship, and thus supplement their families’ income. These handmade products are then sold to tourists in order to keep the program running and to stimulate their rural economy. Cambodia’s main icon is Angkor Wat (meaning Temple City). Built in the 12th century, this massive stone complex is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is beyond breathtaking, and it was extremely interesting to see the ruins and learn how they were constructed.The carvings on the walls of Angkor Wat describe the Khmer people in their daily lives and their perspectives on the world, with dedicated temples that honor the blend of Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Another impressive ruin was Angkor Thom, the site on which the movie “Tomb Raider” was filmed. Here we had an incredible opportunity to ride elephants through the Bayon Temple with its elaborate maze of corridors and courtyards. Every temple, pagoda or shrine is faced in a specific direction with every element present for a balance in life.


K I E R ST E N :

K I E R ST E N :

K I E R ST E N :

Cambodian people are humble and generous and work hard toward rebuilding their country. Having endured the genocide of the Khmer Rouge regime under Pol Pot, Cambodians today live in the present and K R I S S Y:



The elephant ride around the Bayon Temple was one of the most exciting moments of my life. I have never been anywhere near an animal of that size, and to be riding one around ancient ruins was remarkable. It gave me a sense of how the Khmer people used elephants

Cambodia: Land of the Exotic Top, one of Cambodia’s historic sites Angkor Wat at sunset; lower left, Krissy Baldassare, left, and Kiersten Fuchs ride an elephant on the grounds of Angkor Thom/Bayon Temple; lower right, view from inside a motorized tuk-tuk on the streets of Phnom Penh.

as a transportation devise. At first I was swaying back and forth, but I got used to the motion after a few minutes. At Angkor Wat, I climbed the center tower for an incredible view of the temple grounds. I saw the West and North gates, Ta Prohm temple, Preah Khan and Baphuon. I climbed so high up the hill of Ta Prohm that I could see Angkor Wat from a distance. My most prized souvenirs from Angkor Wat are a watercolor painting of the West Gate by a young local and a wall etching from inside the temple, where the artist takes damp rice paper, presses it against a stone carving and lets it dry so the paper becomes raised from the carving. Reflections on the Journey

I learned a lot about the living conditions, history and culture of Vietnamese and Cambodian peoK R I S SY:

T O P, I S T O C K P H O T O ; B O T T O M , F R O M L E F T, C O U R T E S Y O F C H R I ST I N E B A L DA S S A R E , I STO C K P H OTO

ple. What I learned the most was their dedication and work ethic to their countries and to their families striving to make a better future. The past is the past, and if there is one thing I can take away from this trip it is that hard work, perseverance and forgiveness make for a better person and life. Spending time in Vietnam and Cambodia gave me an outlook on a way of life that I could never have fully understood without going to these developing countries. Seeing how the people day in and day out work to support their families on the little that they have truly gave me a sense of responsibility and graciousness for what I have. These are beautiful and welcoming places, and I would highly recommend a visit to anyone interested.This was one trip I will never forget!

K I E R ST E N :



the ultimate race

Alumnus Conquers Sahara Marathon .. By Angelo Carfagna

been called the ultimate marathon and the toughest race on Earth. Part long-distance run and part survival quest, the Marathon des Sables (MDS), or the Marathon of the Sands, is an incredibly grueling, six-day race covering more than 150 miles through the Sahara desert in southern Morocco. Under the unrelenting rays of the sun with midday temperatures that can reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit, runners must trudge on uneven, rocky ground and over sand dunes, covering the distance of six regular marathons. Along the way, they also must carry everything they will need in backpacks. And, they need to prepare their own food, without a drive-through in sight. Why go through a physical and mental endurance test that Alumnus Samir Kabbaj and other runners compete stretches the boundaries of reason? How can one posagainst themselves and sibly prepare? What concerns and challenges arise nature in the grueling Marathon during such an ordeal? What thoughts weigh heavily of the Sands. In the top row, as the mind and body near their limits? And what is left photo, runners at the the biggest thrill when all is said and done? FDU starting line. Middle row, right alumnus Samir Kabbaj, BS’94 (T), MA’97 (T), MBA’97 photo, tents provide a brief (T), well knows the agony and the ecstasy of this respite from the elements difficult competition. The native of Morocco has until the next leg of the race completed not one but two Marathons of the Sands, begins. Bottom right photo, wrapping up his second in April. “It’s amazing. It’s Kabbaj relishes the taste so grueling,” Kabbaj says. “You experience a range of of the triumph, biting into his heard-earned medal. emotions.You cry, you laugh, but you can’t give in.”







P H O T O G R A P H S : M A R K G I L L E T T/ J U N G L E M O O N I M A G E S ; T O P R I G H T, C I M B A L LY/ C E R V E L ; B O T T O M , L E F T T O R I G H T : C I M B A L LY/ S A U L E M ; © K O R T E B E I N ; C A R O LY N S C H A E F E R

“It’s amazing. It’s so grueling. You experience a range of emotions. You cry, you laugh, but you

can’t give in.” –– Samir Kabbaj, BS’94, MA’97, MBA’97 (T)

“You are pushing yourself to the limit and occurred on the fourth day, when he had to trek 51 miles, the last 20 of which covered nothing but sand dunes. Kabbaj’s leg covering broke, and his sneakers became full of sand.“I forced myself to change socks standing in the heat twice,” he recalls. “By the time I got to the next water stop, I was dehydrated and had to tape my feet. As I was leaving the water stop, I was telling myself, there’s no way I can make it.” Down the road another mile, Kabbaj ran into a friend of his, who told him that he couldn’t move any more and that he was quitting. “Suddenly something clicked in my head,” Kabbaj remembers,“and I told him, ‘You are not quitting, and we are doing this together.’” That was around 4 p.m. After stopping to cook something to eat, Kabbaj says the two did not sleep until arriving at the end of that part of the course at 5:30 a.m. “It was so fulfilling to overcome that hurdle. I think we were in another state of mind.We were like robots.” After the slow day four, Kabbaj’s ranking fell to 680. “I gave it my all the last two days to get up to 499. I actually got dehydrated at the end of day five and fainted as I crossed the finish line, but I chose not to get an IV because that would have added 30 minutes to my time.”


Desert Run I abbaj, a financial services professional (see sidebar), says he always loved running, but became serious about the sport in 2000 after watching the track-andfield events at the Olympic games in Sydney, Australia. “I ran my first marathon in New York City in 2006,” he recalls,“and since then I have run 13 marathons, one ultra marathon and two Marathons of the Sands.” Kabbaj says the Marathon of the Sands sets the bar for all endurance tests. “It is by far the most challenging thing I have ever done.” In his first desert run in 2010, he ranked 499 out of 1,040 competitors, successfully reaching his goal of finishing in the top 500. The moment of truth, he says,




The Sequel n 2012, Kabbaj was determined to improve on his performance. To prepare, he ran six marathons, and often ran with his 25-pound backpack. Still, he couldn’t be sure what to expect. The itinerary of the race is different every year, and competitors are not given the road map until a day before the race starts.“You can never say, ‘I’ve done the MDS,’ because if you do it 10 times, it’s going to be 10 completely different experiences.” Kabbaj says that in 2012 he may have started a bit too confident. “The first time you run this race, you’re scared, the second time, you take it for granted,” he says. “You have forgotten the pain and how hard it was, you only remember the good times. But days one and two smack you in the face.” Writing to friends from the course on the first day, he told them that he nearly got dehydrated, his ear was burned from the sun, and he “forgot how difficult this


but it’s incredible how much a determined person can do.” was.” The course was tougher than two years ago, and the competitors needed to climb mountain ranges. Day two was even rougher. Kabbaj says he was “completely dehydrated” and was forced to spend an hour at the clinic getting medical assistance. “I almost dropped out.” But again he refused to relent.“From that point on, I was more careful about staying hydrated, and I was determined to finish strong.” Kabbaj says in those tough times he had help.“The thing that keeps me going,” he wrote along the route,“is the messages I get every night and the encouragement along the way from other competitors.” He would face another serious test. During a twohour span, the competitors were hit with a sandstorm, then rain and a freakishly rare hailstorm in the desert. “It was not very pleasant, sand is all over you, and then the wet sand sticks to you.” Still, he endured, with a stoic attitude. “I have only blisters and will lose four toenails,” he wrote at one point, “but that is very good compared to everybody else.” Kabbaj says that blisters are just par for the course. “The question is not whether you will get blisters, but how many you will get.” Despite’s nature’s hazards, the desert charms can prove rewarding. “The scenery is breathtaking,” Kabbaj

says. “There are no buildings, no construction, no human life, just a camel from time to time. And sand and dunes and dry rivers and an oasis. Just amazing.” In the midst of such surroundings, Kabbaj relished the personal test. “You are pushing yourself to the limit and challenging yourself, but it’s incredible how much a determined person can do.” After a point, he says, it becomes “all mental, because you are physically gone.” His mental strength proved decisive, and Kabbaj did indeed top his earlier finish, this time ranking 430. While he is satisfied with his individual performance, he perhaps most enjoyed the solidarity with the other competitors. “There are people from about 40 countries represented, and you just bond with everybody,” he says. “The people in your tent at night become part of your life, and they see you in emotional, physical and mental stages that your closest friends and family never see.” Kabbaj says the intense routine becomes addictive. “The day after the race, I was ready to keep going. It wasn’t until a couple of days later that the aches and pains set in.” But after some downtime, he’s ready for the next challenge: training for the Ironman Triathlon in New York City. “You always need to challenge yourself,” he says. “You want to push yourself so you can grow.”

Marathon of the Sands April 8–14, 2012

Competitors at the Starting Line

849 Number Who Dropped Out

54 Oldest Competitor

80 Youngest Competitor

18 Countries Represented

42 Total Distance

155 miles


Samir Kabbaj, BS’94 (T), MA’97 (T), MBA’97 (T), is a partner and chief operating officer at Overture Financial, New York, N.Y., a global provider of institutional consulting services. Kabbaj co-founded the firm in 2005 and focuses on sovereign wealth funds, central banks, social security systems and financial institutions. From 1997 to 2004, he was a vice president with Merrill Lynch and was responsible for the implementation of the Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Process Analytics covering Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. He was awarded the Merrill Lynch Special Achievement Award in 2004. A native of Morocco, Kabbaj traveled abroad to study at FDU because a friend recommended the University. He was active on campus, received the student Pinnacle award and was the senior class speaker at his Commencement. He later was an adjunct professor of mathematics at FDU from 1997 to 2005. Kabbaj credits his undergraduate adviser Wallace Arthur, now professor emeritus of electrical engineering and physics, for playing a major role in his success. “He was so supportive and was a big part of being who I am today,” he says. “In times when I doubted myself, he made me believe in my abilities. He always pushed me to do better. “He also made me part of his family and welcomed me to his house for every holiday celebration,” he adds. When Kabbaj first completed the Marathon of the Sands, waiting for him at the finish line was his dear friend and FDU mentor, Wallace Arthur. “That’s what’s so great about my experience at FDU,” Kabbaj says. “People care!”




Noon Temperature on Day One

96 degrees




Living the Global Mission Top: FDU-Vancouver students have a discussion in the presentation room; bottom, from left: the exterior facade of FDU-Vancouver; Ira Saini, an FDUVancouver student originally from India; and a view of the Vancouver waterfront.

The diversity, the global experience and the promise of being more deeply involved with the United Nations all seemed too irresistible. — Ira Saini, Business Administration/Information Technology



Fast Facts: FDU-Vancouver 1. Opened in fall 2007 in the Yaletown area of the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 2. Opened with population of 18 students from seven countries on five continents. 3. FDU-Vancouver has doubled the number of degrees offered since it opened. 4. The campus is doubling its space by renting the second floor of its building.

got the librarian position on campus. … it was the beginning of my active involvement with the University.” Sanadizadeh, as president of the FDU-Vancouver Alumni Chapter, hopes to provide the campus’s graduates with “a platform to remain connected with their school, social and professional networking events and social networking through Facebook and LinkedIn.” Mac is honing his leadership skills as vice president of the Students Association, co-founder of the FDU HOBN Student Chapter and a Global Scholar. He and Shayan Pouramahdi, a junior in business administration, founded HOBN with the help of Mort and George Moen, the president of Blenz Coffee (the second largest coffee chain in Canada).“HOBN stands for High Output Business Network. It is a large British Columbian networking organization where real business gets done through real, trusted and relevant relationships,” he says. Some of the student activities are based on local hobbies and activities in this Northwest region. Students go kayaking and skiing and paddle a longboat. True to FDU’s global mission, students celebrate holidays and festivals from their fellow students’ homelands.


Degree Programs Doubled Within Five Years o encourage growth, the University quickly added to the offerings up North, bringing the bachelor of arts in individualized studies (BAIS) and master of administrative science (MAS) programs to the campus. An additional 78 students have enrolled in the BAIS since it began in spring 2011. The MAS has attracted 246 students since it was first offered in summer 2011.



“The curriculum taught at FDU is much more comprehensive than similar schools, as it goes beyond the world of business, commerce or technology,” says Sanadizadeh. “The Core course series encompasses a wide range of topics in social studies, critical and cultural studies as well as world literature. I think that particular combination of material prepared me for real-world situations in a much more efficient and practical way than a purely business-oriented curriculum would have.” The addition of the BAIS and MAS has helped to boost enrollment to more than 400 students today. Spring 2012 enrollment numbers shot to 224 undergraduate students from 33 countries and 181 graduate students from 17 countries. “Progress is noticeable in all areas of our growing campus,” says Abrahams. The variety of cultures represented makes FDU-Vancouver attractive to students. Mac says his favorite thing about FDU-Vancouver is its multiculturalism. “Here at FDU you can meet tons of interesting people from tons of interesting countries. It is like a buffet of cultures but you never get full of it.” Beat Ryf, a sophomore from Switzerland who came to Vancouver with his wife and child, says what attracted him to FDU-Vancouver was that he “wanted to do a study in English” and “the smaller class sizes and downtown location” appealed to him.“The city is very friendly and has a lot to offer for all kinds of people.”


Local Roots/Global Mission hen FDU-Vancouver first opened, extra effort was taken to integrate the campus into the city

of Vancouver. Students live with local host families or on their own. Local organizations such as Rotaract, a Canadian service organization similar to the U.S. Rotary Club, welcome student participation. In fact, sophomore business administration major Luis Céron is treasurer of the Vancouver Rotaract chapter. FDU-Vancouver has also built strong ties with the U.N. ministries based in Vancouver. Abrahams says, “We extended our public reach into the British Columbian diplomatic community by establishing a very successful Diplomatic Circle Series of monthly presentations by consuls general from around the world where subjects like the European debt crisis, the Syrian and Arab Spring and Cuba are discussed. “We have twinned this series with a Distinguished Visitors Series, allowing us to bring to campus people with high reputations and experience in the academic, corporate and nongovernmental organization worlds.” Whenever possible, events are open to the greater public. Last November, the largest audience at an FDUVancouver event to date heard Aleida Guevara, a pediatrician, human-rights advocate and the daughter of the legendary revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara, speak. Students, faculty, staff, the Vancouver public and the media filled two large auditoriums. In other global activities, a group of FDU-Vancouver students participated in the World Model United Nations Conference — attended by 2,000 delegates from around the world and held at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Participants debated and engaged in diplomacy and visited area sites.Ten student

P H O T O G R A P H S : F R O M L E F T, I S T O C K P H O T O / S T E V E R O S S E T T, L I N D A K U I T, K U I T, A R T P E T R O S E M O L O , K U I T

representatives from FDU-Vancouver served as the Model U.N. Delegation from Lithuania. Not all of FDU-Vancouver’s cultural exchange takes place in British Columbia, however. Students from FDU-Vancouver have attended international conferences abroad as well.Thy Truong, a junior majoring in business administration, Céron and Saini were selected to attend the 2011 Education Without Borders, a biennial international student conference held in Dubai. Denice Uy, BS’12 (V), also a business administration major, visited the Metropolitan Campus last summer to participate in the course Inside the U.N., an investigation of international power and diplomacy through a behind-the scenes-look at the United Nations.


Looking Forward y the opening of the fall semester, FDU-Vancouver will have doubled its floor space. Renting the space above FDU-Vancouver’s current location, says Abrahams, “will allow for more class space, more study and library space, an increased number of offices … and more recreation and social space.” And, says Abrahams, “we would like to introduce an MS in computer science, an MBA and a master’s degree in tourism and hospitality.” When asked what she would like to see the future hold for FDU-Vancouver, Saini says, “I would want to see it grow even bigger in all aspects — size, population, recognition, diversity and education.That would be my dream — to see even more ‘smiling faces’ adorning its halls everyday.”

A Growing Success From left: A view of downtown Vancouver across False Creek; FDU-Vancouver Provost Cecil Abrahams; Hyowoon Jang, a junior from Korea majoring in business administration; students study together in the campus’s lounge; Classmates Denice Uy, BS’12 (V); Laura Sisniega, a junior; and Beat Ryf, a sophomore.

For more

information on

FDU-Vancouver go

to: www.fdu.edu/vancouver.




Kenneth Greene and Peter Woolley




I n t e r v i e w s


b y

K e n n a

C a p r i o

he social sciences and history department at the College at Florham seems to have a knack for producing campus provosts. Both Peter Woolley, who assumed the position July 1, and Kenneth Greene, recently retired from it, started out in the same department. In fact, it was Greene who hired Woolley 24 years ago. Greene, who has served the University for 38 years and retired this summer, often describes himself as the “accidental provost,” while Woolley, a professor of political science and director of the University’s polling group The PublicMindTM, applied for the position.Yet, despite their differences, the two agree that the tone of an institution depends upon its leadership; that the College at Florham has arrived as a small college; and that developing a rapport with faculty, staff and students is critical for success. Read on for these provosts’ insights in their own words.

Kenneth Greene: Reflections on a small college

change I implemented and every decision I made. In my first month as provost, President J. Michael Adams told me, “You’ll FDU MAGAZINE: Let’s discuss the position of never have time to get everything you want provost … done.” That was reassuring. So, I’ve learned K E N N E T H G R E E N E : In the 1990s, FDU to prioritize. adopted the campus provost structure, and the Another thing that I’ve found important is dean of the Maxwell Becton College of Arts and that when I’m in the office, I’m available. Unless Sciences, Peter Falley, became provost. He asked Provost Kenneth Greene I’m working on some project, my door is open. me to be assistant provost, and since I had been When you have an open-door policy, it’s diffichair of the social sciences and history department cult to manage your time as well as you’d like. But the tradefor a number of years, I said “Why not?” A few years later, off is worth it because you can meet informally with people. I became the associate provost. Then, in 2002, when You also need a sense of humor. There are so many Falley retired, I was appointed provost. unusual things that happen on the campus, you need to learn how to shrug your shoulders and smile. And then FDU MAGAZINE: What advice do you have for Peter solve the problem. Woolley as he takes on your position? KG: Because you are involved in the academic budgets, you F D U MAG AZINE: Do you have big retirement plans? work closely with the college deans. Almost daily you are KG: I don’t have any big plans — play more golf, read more, also in contact with the dean of students and the directors do a little traveling, spend time at our cabin in Maine and of public safety and athletics. And you often discuss issues do some home remodeling. One thing that concerns me with the directors of the Honors Program, the Educational is that there’s so much going on in the office every day, and Opportunity Fund, the Academic Support Center, the that all of a sudden when I retire, the activity will stop. Office of Disability Services and the facilities department. How will I adjust to that? A lot of balls are up in the air, and you just pray they don’t Pam, my wife, has been babysitting two days a week come down at the same time. (laughs) for our granddaughter. But next year Melina will be in I think it is important that a provost have a vision. My kindergarten, so Pam and I will be at home together. She’s vision was to have the College at Florham become an exalready told me I can play as much golf as I want. (laughs) ceptional small college. That vision guided almost every


Pictured at left: Provosts past and present Kenneth Greene, right, and Peter Woolley flank the chair in the College at Florham provost's office.




The two agree that the depends as a small college; and that developing a rapport with faculty, staff We live in Chatham, and we plan to continue to attend events on the FDU campus. After 38 years here, the College at Florham will still have an important place in our lives. What are your thoughts on being a campus leader through both good times and bad? KG: Most of the time things go well, the problems are small, and you can talk with the deans and directors about ways to improve the educational experience.That’s when being provost is very rewarding, having an impact on our students’ lives. Occasionally, the problems are serious, and you need to go into crisis mode. We’ve had power outages, water main breaks, hurricanes, snowstorms, bomb threats and a norovirus outbreak.When faced with these problems, I call together the emergency management team, and we call in experts if needed. For example, when the norovirus outbreak hit campus, we contacted public-health officials. We asked what we needed to do, and they told us. We did everything they asked and more. As a result we were able to contain the outbreak, and we received very positive media coverage of our handling of the situation.

What I have learned from these difficult situations is that you need to keep the campus community informed. The more they know, the more they understand what needs to be done and the more they can help.




Of what accomplishment during your FDU tenure are you most proud? KG: What I am proud of is the progress we have made in the last 10 years.We have a more active intellectual community with increased student involvement in campus life; both of which are hallmarks of an outstanding small college.We have extensive activities and programs that take learning beyond the classroom.We also have significantly improved the campus facilities. F D U MAG AZINE:

What will set you and Peter Woolley apart as provosts? KG: I think that every provost has his or her own style. And Peter’s will emerge. A provost’s style will be a combination of circumstances, what you want to accomplish as provost and your personality. F D U MAG AZINE:

on its leadership; that the College at Florham has arrived and students is Peter Woolley: Ushering in a new era FDU MAGAZINE:

What does taking the provost posi-

tion mean to you? PET ER WO OLLEY: The attractive thing about col-

hits on our faculty experts. We’d like to have NJTV do at least one interview a week with faculty who have something to offer. I think there are a lot of talented faculty who can be talking to the media on their areas of expertise. And I think that’s something we should cultivate a little more. There’s a lot of people in the media who are content hungry. And we produce content. Whether you’re faculty or a film student, you’re producing content. So I think somehow, put those two together.

leges and universities is that it isn’t a hierarchy.The word college implies colleagues. (That being said) an outsider would see taking over as provost as a promotion. But if you had to make a list of the most important people on a university campus, a provost would probably come out at or near the bottom because you Provost Peter Woolley F D U MAG AZINE: What will set you and Kenneth Greene can’t do it without other people. Student experience is apart as provosts? based on interaction with faculty.Working and learning PW: It’s not like working for a corporation, where from the moexperiences depend on maintenance and food staff. Student sucment you’re punching a clock, somebody’s looking at you, telling cess relies a great deal on support services like tutoring and the you what to do and measuring you and you’re confined to a cuwellness center. (I see) the job of provost as one of an organizer, bicle doing it. And that’s why people are drawn to work in these facilitator, traffic cop. organizations, right? Because you have more room for creativity, more room for decision making. Part of that is managing your FDU MAGAZINE: What are your goals for the campus? own time and projects, whether you’re on staff, in the faculty or PW: I think everybody is agreed that this physical campus is a in an administrative position. great resource; and if you’re going to have bricks and mortar, that The right thing and the natural thing is to make sure you’re this is a great place to have a residential college experience. And getting people to willingly go along. Most administrators in uniso really then, it’s a matter of nurturing the physical facilities and versities who are “top down” find that they’re not successful. a matter of nurturing the campus life. I think sometime in the future, there will be two higher F D U MAG AZINE: Peter, regarding PublicMind™, what will your involveeducation experiences: a virtual experience and a bricks-andment be going forward? mortar experience. Clearly, the mission of this campus is going PW : We’re going to appoint a new director of PublicMind and to be, fundamentally, a residential experience. But, all the luxuthat person will report to me and work closely with me. I have a ries and advantages you get with Internet learning have to be lot of confidence that PublicMind is going to go forward just as recognized too. it has and be a very significant presence in the national media Circling back around, I’d like to ultimately make this a desand contribute original research. tination campus for people who want a campus experience. I think we at PublicMind have to make a slow transition, because a lot of media contact is personal. People in the media call F DU MAG AZINE : What projects would you like to spearhead? people they know and who they know are reliable and familiar. PW: I think one piece that maybe has been missing on the campus that I’d be interested in seeing added is a TV studio.We have F DU MAGAZINE : What are your thoughts and plans for your first such a vigorous film program now that it seems to me that it day as provost? makes sense to have a production studio. PW: My first day, July 1, is a Sunday. (laughs) I’m going to do a We’d start it small — NJTV is installing one of their TVs on campus walk. campus, just one camera. So they’ll be able to do quick media






here wouldn’t have been a trip to Wroxton for me if it had not been for the scholarship.” — CARLOS RIVERA



dr iven by



ince its founding in 1942, Fairleigh Dickinson University has taken great pride in providing access to higher education. The University’s many scholarships and awards have ensured that determined students are provided with an avenue for success. However, the ability to meet the financial needs of FDU students has become challenged as the necessity for additional scholarships grows exponentially during difficult economic times. u To meet this challenge, the Meet FDU University has redoubled its efforts students and alumni to garner scholarship support from whose ambitions were alumni and friends, knowing that fueled by scholarships, scholarships directly impact the lives who explored new worlds of students in wonderful ways. Cov- at the University and ering a wide range of interests, needs whose dreams are closer and abilities, scholarship programs to becoming realities. help students from all walks of life.





driven by




t has meant a tremendous amount to me and my family to receive such a generous award.” — NICHOLAS WOODHULL



Writer/Teacher Relishes the Journey efore the sun rises, Carlos Rivera, Jr., a first-year student in FDU’s master of fine arts (MFA) program, is up and writing.“I do my most productive writing very, very early in the morning,” says Rivera. Later in the day, Rivera teaches history at Plainfield [N.J.] High School, where he has taught for the past 16 years. Eventually though, he hopes to teach at a higher level. “Teaching creative writing at a college would be a natural progression for me at this point.” Rivera says he was drawn to the MFA program by “the reputation of the teachers.” He is specializing in literary fiction writing.“I try to get as close to what we experience as possible in my writing,” he says. While the MFA is largely an online program, there are residency periods where students spend 10 days at either the College at Florham or Wroxton College in England. The residencies feature visits from distinguished writers, mentoring and workshops. “I think the best thing about a residency is that you get really close with people who are struggling to do what you’re struggling to do,” says Rivera. “I think

that there is this vibe you get when you are among people who are trying to create art.” This past January, Rivera went to Wroxton for his second residency. “It was a great experience to be in England and to be around these writers,” he says. A recipient of the Mitch and Lynn Baumeister MFA Scholarship in Creative Writing, Rivera credits the scholarship with helping him to achieve his goals. “There wouldn’t have been a trip to Wroxton for me if it had not been for the scholarship,” he explains. While in Wroxton, Rivera met Jim Crace, a popular writer in England — a meeting, he says, that encouraged him in his own writing journey. “I used to think that people who could write a book or even a collection of short stories were almost ‘godlike.’ I had this feeling that there was no way that I ever would be able to do anything like that. And then, when I got to meet these professional writers, and they explained the struggle and how they go about their craft, I realized that it’s all about hard work and practice,” says Rivera. “I am an educator at heart,” says Rivera. “So it really means a lot to me that benefactors like the

Baumeisters are providing the means for me and other students to continue our educations.” — D.L.


Team Player Focused on the Future s a student at Hunterdon Central Regional High School in Flemington, N.J., Nicholas Woodhull combined his passion for athletics with a need to make a difference in his community. Volunteering with Hunterdon Outreach Program, which promotes the participation of disabled children in athletics, Woodhull was actively involved in lacrosse and basketball. “Athletics allows me to reach out and connect, to be a part of someone else’s life,” he says. It was his enthusiasm for athletics that brought Woodhull to FDU’s College at Florham. As a member of the Class of 2013 and the Devils lacrosse team, one of his priorities is to “do everything I can to reach my personal goals and help the team to achieve its best.” A junior finance major and honors student,Woodhull brings the same goal-oriented approach to the classroom. By all indications, he is well on his way to making his mark in the financial services industry. As a freshman, he participated in the Florham Scholars in Business program, a highly selective leadership program that focuses on community service. He participated in a coat drive for the Market Street Mission homeless shelter in Morristown. Woodhull is a member of Phi Zeta Kappa, FDU’s junior honor society. He has received the Outstanding Achievement Award in Honors English Writing and has been listed on the Middle Atlantic Conference Academic Honor Roll. Woodhull is currently volunteering with the Friends of Jaclyn Foundation, which seeks to improve the quality of life for children with pediatric brain tumors and their families by pairing them with college and high-school athletic teams across the country. Yet, of all his FDU experiences so far, Woodhull counts the Robert S. Needham Memorial Scholarship in Business as one of his proudest achievements. “It has meant a tremendous amount to me and my family to receive such a generous award,” says Woodhull. “It was truly a blessing and could not have come at a better time.The scholarship has allowed me to focus on completing my education at FDU without having to


worry about student loans looming over me. It has taken a huge financial burden off of my family, and I can’t express how grateful we are.” Woodhull says he will never forget the day he and his father met Silberman College of Business Dean William Moore to celebrate this dream come true.“My dad was beaming. I was so proud,” says Woodhull. “He didn’t realize the scholarship is renewable each year. When this was explained to him, he nearly fell off his chair. He jumped up and hugged everyone with tears in his eyes. It was an amazing moment, and I will never take this scholarship for granted.” — A.M.


always speak very highly of the FDU teaching program.We have field experience before we even do student teaching.” — STEPHANIE ARENA


A Natural Fit in the Classroom tephanie Arena, BS, MS, MAT’11 (T), is the definition of “exemplary student.” So it’s no surprise that the 22-year-old from Hackensack, N.J., has parlayed her personal educational aspirations into a teaching career. “At FDU, I was obviously always striving to do my best,” says the summa cum laude graduate. As a recipient of the Peter Sammartino School of Education’s Sylvia Sammartino Scholarship and the merit-based Colonel Fairleigh S. Dickinson Scholarship, Arena says she’s in a better financial situation than other graduates her age with student loans. The scholarships also upped the academic ante for the chemistry major.“I knew I should hold myself to a higher standard



driven by



ith this financial assistance, I can focus on hitting the books, instead of thinking about ‘Oh how am I going to pay this back.’” — CRAIG DAVIS



because I was receiving those scholarship honors. It kind of raised the bar for me,” Arena says. After graduating from FDU’s QUEST program — completing the five-year BS/MAT program in just four years — Arena secured a job teaching biology and chemistry at Pascack Valley Regional High School. Currently, she teaches sophomores and is enjoying the experience. “Sophomores are more confident than freshmen. [They’re] comfortable, they don’t have senioritis, and they’re in their prime high-school years.” She notes that the University prepared her well for the rigors of teaching. “I always speak very highly of the FDU teaching program. We have field experience before we even do student teaching.The more schools and the more situations you can be exposed to the better,” Arena says. One course that stays with her is “methods of teaching science and math. [We] learned how to approach methods of instruction, and it was really specific,” she says, including “how students can use certain problem-solving strategies.” Some of those strategies may be helping Arena now in creating lesson plans. But the perfect lesson plan doesn’t matter if students aren’t focused or they aren’t responding positively, she says.

“(I learned to) make things into teachable moments instead of forcing them into a lesson plan,” she says. — K.C.


Humanitarian Finds the Right Path rowing up outside of Kingston, Jamaica, and later in Plainfield, N.J., Craig Davis spent quite a bit of time in doctors’ offices, accompanying his grandparents when they had appointments. “I saw how much the doctor and nurses influenced my grandparents, and from a young age, I felt like I wanted to be a part of that,” says the College at Florham senior. Davis decided that nursing was the right path for him, and having just graduated from FDU in May with his BS in biology, he is planning to go on for a nursing degree. “My ultimate goal is that I want to become a nurse practitioner in pediatrics. I absolutely love working with kids,” says Davis.“To be a nurse practitioner, first I have to get my BSN (bachelor of science in nursing). Then I need to get my master of science in nursing.” As a pediatrics nurse practitioner, Davis says, “Someday I would love to work with the Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital. I did an internship program there over the summer, and I absolutely loved it.” From raising money for cancer research through building homes with Habitat for Humanity, Davis is always doing something to help someone. “Davis gives back to the other students,” says Brad Levy, associate director of the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) program at FDU, of which Davis is a member. “He is committed to his fraternity, to charity work, and he volunteers his time to tutor EOF students. He is someone who doesn’t just talk but does the walk with it.” Davis is president of Iota Phi Theta fraternity and is active with the Latin Student Organization. Davis is also the recipient of a William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship, which provides financial assistance to EOF students. A state program, EOF focuses on students with disadvantaged backgrounds — economically and educationally — and offers support services such as tutoring and counseling in addition to the financial-aid component.

Davis credits both the EOF program and the Hearst scholarship as “excellent opportunities” to advance his education.“With this financial assistance, I can focus on hitting the books, instead of thinking about ‘Oh how I am going to pay this back?’ I feel truly blessed to have received this scholarship. “I have enjoyed my experience here at FDU a lot,” says Davis. “And no matter where I go, I want to make the most of that opportunity and impact as many people in a positive way as I can.” — D.L.


African Native Seeks to Change the World didn’t speak any English when I first came to FDU,” says honors student Messou “Vanessa” Tamo of the Ivory Coast. “This University gave me the chance to learn the language and begin pursuing my dream of helping families in developing countries. I am deeply grateful for these opportunities.” A senior at the Metropolitan Campus pursuing a degree in finance, Tamo plans to earn an MBA in finance, to gain a corporate position and to serve as an adjunct business professor in the United States. She says her ultimate goal is to pursue a PhD in economics and help women entrepreneurs in developing countries through improved micro-financing systems. “Enabling women to establish and manage their own small businesses is one of the best hopes for long-term growth and sustainability. I want to create the conditions that provide women working in the smallest villages to the largest cities the support and resources they need to succeed. I want to create a pathway for the future, where mothers can pass along their business skills and experiences to their children.” Tamo says her dream was further solidified while attending a nongovernmental organization briefing at United Nations headquarters. “We had the chance to hear Prof. Joseph Paul Martin from Colombia University, who spoke about the state of human rights,” she recalls. “He highlighted many of Africa’s political, social and economic issues. All of us from Africa who were part of the FDU delegation felt the urge to act on behalf of our respective countries. His message of investing in the future of your country has always stayed with me.” She says the best part of FDU is the student/pro-


fessor relationship. “My professors provide personal attention.They see to the individual needs of each student and always make themselves available if you need extra help or just want to talk. It’s very different from back home where education is much more formal.” Tamo is a member of Phi Zeta Kappa honor society and the National Society of Leadership and Success, and has served as a tutor at FDU’s Center for Academic Student Services, providing guidance in algebra, calculus, statistics, psychology, finance, computers and French. She is a recipient of the Alexander S. Potupa Memorial Scholarship and the current holder of the Margareth Bellevan Scholarship for women business majors.“Without these scholarships,” she says,“I would not have been able to take part in the U.N. programs, to meet alumni who are accomplished in their fields, as well as students from all over the world who want to make a difference in their communities — both here and at home. I wouldn’t have been able to attend this wonderful University.” — A.M.


nabling women to establish and manage their own small businesses is one of the best hopes for long-term growth and sustainability.” — M E S S O U “ V A N E S S A” TA M O




Profiles of success, innovation and compassion

The Capitol Hill Warrior


OBERT “BOB” WALLACE, MBA’78 (R), received

three Purple Hearts as a U.S. Marine in the Vietnam War … but he doesn’t like to talk about how he earned them. Ask him to describe the 1968 Battle of Hue — one of the great struggles of the Indochina conflict — and the executive director of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Washington Office will fall silent for a few moments. Then, in a somber, barely audible voice:“Nobody likes war. Nobody likes what happens during a battle.” Push him for details about his life-and-death struggle at Hue, and he will hesitate again.Then: “Bob Wallace is not a hero; Bob Wallace is just another Marine. I did what I had to do, that’s all — just like all the other Marines who fought in Vietnam.” It would be hard to disagree with him. And yet Wallace’s story reads like a chapter out of The Green Berets … as he describes carrying a heavy anti-tank weapon (a 106mm recoilless rifle) through the streets of a burning city day after day while enemy soldiers fired at him from doorways and rooftops.



“We were on the last truck convoy going into Hue, a few days after the start of the Tet Offensive [in January 1968],” Wallace recalls.“I was just a kid from Newark, N.J., 19 years old, who’d wanted to join the Marine Corps. I remember riding into Hue. As soon as the truck stopped, we engaged in house-to-house fighting.” Wallace was wounded twice and spent several weeks in a military hospital. No sooner had he returned to combat than an incoming mortar round drove a fragment of shrapnel through one of his ears. The jagged chunk of metal stopped barely short of his brain. But what he remembers most is this: “Another Marine risked his life to carry me to safety.” Wallace’s combat days had ended. After receiving his third Purple Heart, he headed back to New Jersey. The son of a firefighter,Wallace had always wanted to be a policeman or state trooper or maybe even a special agent for the FBI. As a partially deaf disabled veteran, though, he was disqualified from most jobs in law enforcement. But with the help of his VA educational benefits, he put himself through Rutgers University part-time. A few years later, while working at a bank in northern New Jersey and supporting a young family, he enrolled

P H O T O G R A P H : J O N AT H A N T I M M E S


Wallace has spent the past 11 years working to

protect and expand health, education and rehabilitation benefits for the nation’s veterans.

in “a really innovative MBA program in banking at FDU’s Rutherford Campus.” The program included “a highly challenging graduate course where the students operated a [fictional] bank together,” Wallace recalls.“You really got a handson experience of what running a bank is all about. “That course opened my eyes to some very creative concepts in banking — and it has stood me in good stead.” After earning his MBA, Wallace became vice president at two major New Jersey banks over the next 15 years. He was also rising rapidly through theVFW’s state and national leadership ranks. Having been named VFW national “Commander-in-Chief ” for 1991–’92, Wallace served on a wide variety of state and national committees and task forces. He also spent two years as deputy commissioner for veterans affairs in the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. He has worked full-time for the VFW since 1996. In 2001,Wallace was named executive director of the VFW’s Washington Office, where he’s spent the past 11 years working to protect and expand health, education and rehabilitation benefits for the nation’s veterans. (Current VFW membership numbers 1.6 million.) As the VFW’s chief spokesperson in Washington, Wallace has traveled toVietnam nine times, Russia nine times, Laos four times and Cambodia once to work out details for locating deceased American MIAs and bringing them home for proper burial in the United States. He says his “most satisfying moment so far” occurred with the 2008 passage of the GI Bill for the 21st Century (formally, the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act), which greatly expanded education benefits for America’s combat veterans. “We worked hard for 10 years to win passage of that bill,” he says,“and one of the happiest days of my life was the day President [George W.] Bush signed it into law.” These days, Wallace shuttles endlessly between Capitol Hill, the White House,VA headquarters and


the U.S. Pentagon.While calling frequently on policymakers and administrators, he works relentlessly to keep them “up to the minute on the needs and concerns of all our veterans.”Among his concerns are the long-term effects of traumatic brain injury on wounded veterans and the currently soaring rates of suicide among U.S. combat veterans and noncombat soldiers alike. “America’s combat veterans gave their country everything they had,” he says. “It’s my job to try and make sure we give them back as much as they’ve given us.”— T.N.

Still Pursuing “The Impossible Dream”



was studying international literature as an FDU graduate student in the early 1970s, she read a novel that changed her life. Forty years later, now a highly successful university president, Nuñez still loves to talk about the book that helped to launch her remarkable career in higher education. “We read Don Quixote, and that was a life-changing experience for me,” says the president of Eastern Connecticut State University (ECSU) while describing the impact of Miguel de Cervantes’ classic novel. “Here was a marvelous story about a man who refuses to give up his idealism — his dream of justice and dignity for all — even though the entire world keeps telling him he’s crazy! For me, reading and talking about Don Quixote was a life lesson about the power we all have to accomplish our dreams.” A native of Puerto Rico whose father worked in a Newark, N.J., air conditioner factory during her childhood (she came to America at age 6), Nuñez still remembers the excitement she felt in that long-ago seminar on the history of the novel. “Don Quixote is

Curriculum Vitae: Robert Wallace, MBA’78 (R) Major Business Management for Bank Managers What You Didn't Know Received three Purple Hearts as a U.S. Marine in the Vietnam War Notable Accomplishment The 2008 passage of the GI Bill for the 21st Century (formally, the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act), which greatly expanded education benefits for America’s combat veterans. Inspiration When he was injured by flying shrapnel, “another Marine risked his life to carry me to safety.”




Curriculum Vitae: Elsa Nuñez, MA’73 (M) Major Spanish What You Didn’t Know Married to the former president of Northeastern University Richard Freeland Notable Accomplishment First Latina university president in New England Inspiration “For me, reading and talking about Don Quixote was a life lesson about the power we all have to accomplish our dreams.”

one of the most inspiring characters in literature,” she and improving the ECSU physical plant and boosting says. “Of course, I was also struck by [his sidekick] enrollment among minority undergraduates. Sancho Panza, who follows him with unswerving loyMoving at an all-out sprint, Nuñez directed alty. … their relationship is one of the great examples expansion initiatives that produced a brand-new, of true friendship in the history of the novel.” 170,000-square-foot science building and a top-toAccording to Nuñez, who went on to earn a bottom renovation of the university’s aging student PhD in linguistics at Rutgers University, that FDU litcenter. She also designed several programs aimed erature course was “a terrific example of how a liberal at forging closer ties with the local community in arts education can prepare you for a successful career Willimantic (about 30 miles from Hartford). — by teaching you how to think critically and how to But her most significant accomplishments don’t think for yourself.” involve bricks or mortar. By creating and then effecLike Quixote, whose comical horseback attacks tively managing her university’s innovative Dual on windmills never fail to make Enrollment Program five years her laugh, Nuñez has taken on ago, Nuñez was instrumental her share of hugely difficult in more than doubling minorNuñ e z says she’s challenges during an academic ity enrollment. “working harder than career in which she rose from Married to the former ever” to achieve the the lifestyle of a typical gradpresident of Northeastern uate student (Ramen Noodles University (Richard Freeland, “impossible dream” and Pop-Tarts at every meal) now the Commissioner of of making an to become the chief executive Higher Education for Massaoutstanding public at a major northeastern public chusetts) and the mother of liberal arts education university. two grown children (an anaesavailable to everyone Tapped six years ago to thesiologist and a college in America. take the helm at ECSU (encounselor), Nuñez says she’s rollment 3,300), Nuñez became “working harder than ever” to the first Latina university presachieve the “impossible dream” ident in New England — and one of only a halfof making an outstanding public liberal arts education dozen Hispanic women who now run American available to everyone in America — a dream born, she campuses. says, during her early years as a Puerto Rican immiA college professor and administrator who’d grant who gained a keen understanding of how earned numerous awards and citations at the Univerdifficult it often is for Hispanic and African-American sity of Maine System, Lesley University and the City students to succeed in the majority culture that surUniversity of New York (CUNY), Nuñez rounds them. was also the co-author of a ground“As a university president, I have to spend a lot of breaking book, Pursuing Diversity (Josseytime fundraising and handling numerous administraBass, 1990) which outlined methods for tive chores,” she will tell you with a cheerful smile. But, “democratizing” higher education by Nuñez likes to point out that her favorite recreational making it more accessible to Latino and activity requires nothing more complicated than a African-American students. couch, a cup of coffee and a book. “Every once in a After landing at ECSU in 2006, the while, when I get a few hours to myself, I can go back indefatigable administrator went straight to doing what I dearly love — sitting down to enjoy to work on two urgent tasks: expanding a great book like Don Quixote!” — T.N.

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In Tune with the Times In a well-noted peformance, Fairleigh Dickinson students band together to melodically greet the University’s first couple, President Peter Sammartino and his wife, Sally. What was the occasion for this musical serenade? Do any faces strike a chord? Is your memory in harmony with the key players? Name that tune! Or at least a few of the musicians. Send your answers to Rebecca Maxon, editor, FDU Magazine, at maxon@fdu.edu or Fairleigh Dickinson


University, 1000 River Road, H-DH3-14, Teaneck, N.J. 07666.

With Lances Lined Up The historic event depicted in the last edition was the 1956 dedication of FDU’s Teaneck Campus (now the Metropolitan Campus). As was customary, several FDU Knights were present, dressed in costumes created by Hollywood’s Maria Karinska, a friend of Sammartino. Thanks to the readers who identified, left, Richard Van Vliet, BA’56, MBA’65 (R); third from left, Thomas McCoskey; and, right, Joseph Turcillo Jr., BS’53 (R).

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