Summer Parktakes 2019

Page 16


Aidan DiBona

It’s easy to see how much Hidden Pond Nature Center has influenced Aidan DiBona over the years. It started when he was just 6 years old and attended a nature camp for the first time.

“I have always been fascinated with animals and nature, and I loved the nature camps and programs at Hidden Pond Park,” he said enthusiastically. “I would look up to all the older volunteers and counselors wanted to be like them when I got older.” Now the 14-year-old South County High School freshman is one of them – a volunteer who delights in nurturing other children’s interest in nature with the same enthusiasm that sparked his own passion. Aidan’s winning smile and relatable manner put visitors at ease as he greets them every other Sunday afternoon during the school year. He also feeds the animals and entertains guests at nature center birthday parties. “I love giving the animal talks to kids of all ages,” he said. “I take out our turtles, snakes and frogs and show them to the kids up close, show them how to pet them and answer their questions.” During the summer when school is out, Aidan volunteers more frequently. That’s when he gets to help kids and counselors with Hidden Pond nature camps.

“I like teaching others about the animals in the environment,” he said. “Whenever I work with the kids in camp, many want to be my best buddy for the whole day.”

Over the past four years, Aidan has provided hundreds of hours of volunteer service to the nature center annually, well above his school’s annual 15-hour service requirement. He admits volunteering is a commitment, but he finds the work rewarding. In fact, he says it may ultimately be his calling. “I never thought I’d go this far with it, but I just love it,” he said. “I’ve made a lot of friends from different schools, I enjoy being outdoors and exploring the ecosystem, and I love caring for the animals at Hidden Pond Nature Center. I definitely want to find a career working with animals and the environment someday.”


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(703) 324-8566 Summer 2019

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