British Policy towards enemy property during and after the Second World War

Page 137


Guide to Sources Relevant British official records may be found in the fIles of the Foreign Office, the Treasury and the Board of Trade deposited at the Public Record Office, Kew. Bank of England flies are not deposited at the PRO but can be consulted at the Bank of England Archive. The following fIles have been consulted in the preparation of this memorandwn and are listed here as an aid to further research. Although not listed below, fIles from all departments not yet transferred to the Public Record Office under the 30-year rule have also been consulted.

UST OFFH..ES BT 15 462








Board of Trade: Finance Department Payments to out of time victims who have already been granted relief Payment of out of time satellite victims following Distribution of Gennan Enemy Property (No 4) Order 1961: policy Payment of out of time satellite victims following Distribution of Gennan Enemy Property (No 4) Order 1961: payments Unvested securities held by the Custodian of Enemy Property: query by Exchequer and Audit regarding continuing Board of Trade control

BT 216

History of the AdJniDistration of EneDlY Property


Introduction Netherlands Norway . Belgium France Luxembourg Denmark Greece Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia Poland General review of Allied Agreements Channel Islands Treaties of Peace with Italy and the Satellites and AngloItalian Financial Agreement Finland Thailand

1939.1964 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16

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