Many lives ,many masters ;brian weiss

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Brian L. Weiss, M.D.

parts o f m y patients, colleagues , an d friends . I see m t o kno w a great dea l abou t them, even befor e I should . My values an d life goals have shifted to a more humanistic, less accumulative focus. Psychics, mediums, healers, and others appear in my life with increasin g frequency , and I have started t o systematicall y evaluate thei r abilities . Carol e ha s develope d alon g wit h me . She has become particularl y skillfu l i n death-and-dyin g coun seling, an d sh e no w run s suppor t group s fo r patient s dyin g from AIDS. I hav e begu n t o meditate , somethin g that , unti l recently , I thought onl y Hindu s an d Californian s practiced . Th e lesson s transmitted throug h Catherin e hav e becom e a consciou s par t of m y dail y life . Rememberin g th e deepe r meanin g o f life , and o f deat h a s a natura l par t o f life , I hav e becom e mor e patient, mor e empathic , mor e loving . I als o fee l mor e re sponsible fo r m y actions , th e negativ e a s wel l a s th e lofty . I know ther e wil l b e a pric e t o pay . Wha t goe s aroun d trul y does come around. I stil l writ e scientifi c papers , lectur e a t professiona l meet ings, and ru n th e Departmen t o f Psychiatry . Bu t no w I strad dle two worlds: th e phenomenal worl d of th e five senses, represented b y ou r bodie s an d physica l needs ; an d th e greate r world of th e nonphysical planes, represented b y our soul s and spirits. I know that the worlds are connected, that all is energy. Yet the y ofte n see m s o fa r apart . M y jo b i s t o connec t th e worlds, to carefully and scientifically document their unity. My family has flourished. Carole and Am y have turned ou t to hav e above-averag e psychi c abilities , an d w e playfully en courage th e furthe r developmen t o f thes e skills . Jorda n ha s become a powerful and charismatic teenager , a natural leader . I a m finally becoming les s serious. And I sometime s have un usual dreams. During th e severa l month s afte r Catherine's las t session , a

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