Community News Spring 2020

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Community News To Advertise Call Kristel Cowley: Direct: 780-722-2590


BEVERLY UNITED HAS NEW TENANTS! Focusing on Community Economic Development Beverly United. What does it mean for Beverly to be united towards a prosperous future? Beverly is a community with a rich history, a beautiful array of diversity, and a deep sense of community. These are incredible strengths and provide a strong foundation for a bright future together as a community. Two months ago, a variety of Beverly residents, business owners and others from the neighborhood were invited to participate in conversations to explore how the Beverly United Church facility could support a Community Economic Development Initiative. Attendees included the Beacon Heights Community League, Beverly Farmers Market, Old Towne Beverly Historical Society, Beverly Towne Community Development Society, Beverly Business Association and many more Beverly stakeholders. “It’s an exciting opportunity to work together, focus on and showcase what makes Beverly different. Economic development has many Beverly community members have come up with a unique way of utilizing the space forms and it is important to offer as many op- of the former United Church building, paving the way for further enhancement of soportunities as we can to make the community cial and economic opportunities. better for all our residents. Beverly Towne Community Development Society is pleased for the community.” CEO Gary St. Amand. to have our Women Growing Together project Bissell Centre approached the United “Our goal from the beginning was to work operating in the former United Church buildChurch of Canada with the idea of engaging together with the community to explore ways ing.” says Colleen Fidler, Executive Director of neighbourhoods with this very different ap- that the space could be used to build on the the Beverly Towne Community Development proach than their traditional model. The Unit- great things that already exist there – whether Society. ed Church of Canada and the Beverly United that be a makerspace, a small business incubaSo, what does that mean? To put it simply, Congregation prior to disbanding lent their tor, or what have you.” this is a unique opportunity to develop the support to the project. space for the good of the community. Com“We wondered if residents would be conIf you are interested in learning more munity Economic Development as a model cerned about how we might use the space. or participating in this initiative, you asks, “how can we build on the strengths that Would we open a soup kitchen or an outreach are invited to the upcoming open house already exist in the community to further enspace – but that was never our intent” says on April 4th, 2020 at 12:00 pm. hance the social and economic opportunities

This publication is a joint project of the Beverly Towne Community Development Society, Beverly Business Association, Beacon Heights and Beverly Heights Community League and the Olde Towne Beverly Historical Society. It is distributed by Canada Post to all homes, businesses and super boxes in the neighbourhoods of Abbottsfield, Beacon Heights, Bergman, Beverly Heights, Montrose, Newton and Rundle Heights. If you, or someone you know, live in these areas and have not received a copy of the paper please contact Colleen at 780 477-6333 and we will be happy to deliver a copy to you. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for future articles please contact Colleen at the above number.

Every Tuesday from May 19 - Oct 6, 2020 4 - 8 PM South of 118 Ave. at 40 St.

Join us Tuesdays where the community shops for FRESH FOOD & Products at the “Friendliest Market in Town!”

2 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News

Olde Towne Beverly Historical Society E-mail:





RESIDENTS of BEVERLY are the BEST! We could not have done it without your help. The Olde Towne Beverly Historical Society would like to thank the following people who volunteered their time to help us with our casino on December 19 & 20. Stan, Dick, Eileen, Don, Peter, Chris, Paul, Alfie, Bertha, Sharon, Harry, Taramay, Michael, Alice, Alene, Cornel, Joann, Leander, Ken, Dietmar, Clay, Darlene and Harold. Thank you to each and every one of you for your help it was much appreciated. Ray Loga, Casino Director

Saturday, October 17, 2020 is the 100th Anniversary of the original dedication of the Beverly Memorial Cenotaph. On a percentage basis, the men from Beverly were the largest group from the Edmonton area who served, and who were wounded and died to keep our country safe.

TIME: 7 p.m. WHERE: 10906-40 Street WHY: Annual elections, reports, budget, and membership drive and hear what we have been up to.

Everyone welcome! Bring your ideas and feedback. If you want to become involved - this is the year to do it!

Celebrating the 100th anniversary will occur exactly 100 years to the day from the original dedication. The event will start at the Cenotaph at 1 p.m., followed by a formal event in the evening at the Beverly Heights Community Hall. Members of the Beverly community have much to celebrate, and we are asking you to save the date!

JOIN us at the Olde Towne Beverly Historical Society! One-year memberships are just $10 for individual/ family/business Proceeds help to keep the Interpretative programs running Visit us at and on Facebook

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NAME:________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE:____________________________________________________________ E-MAIL:_________________________________________________________________

We are already accepting donations of only new items for the Olde Towne Beverly Historical Society Silent Auction being held in July in conjunction with the Beverly Business Association Pancake breakfast. Please contact Harold at (780) 951-9371 if you have any item(s) to donate.

May we contact you to help with the children, or serve tea, help with crafts? Yes / No Please mail completed registration form with membership fee to: The Olde Towne Beverly Historical Society P.O. Box 20202 R.P.O Beverly c/o Beverly Business Association Edmonton, Alberta T5W 5E6 Membership can also be purchased at the Beverly Business Association 4014-118 Ave. and at The Olde Towne Beverly Historical Society Interpretive Center located at 10906- 40 Street open every second weekend of the month.

The Olde Towne Beverly Historical Society sends Easter Greetings to all!

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Beverly Community News, Thursday, March 12, 2020 - 3

Olde Towne Beverly Historical Society

The 193rd Edmonton Brownies visited the Interpretive Center in January for an informative miner talk as well as doing crafts and making butter. A fun time was had by 17 brownies and their leaders.

Anyone wishing to book the Interpretive Center for a tour, tea or crafts may do so by calling Alene @ (780) 904-5530

Do you ever wonder where the Abbott School (12045-34 street) got its name?? It was named for long time Beverly custodian, Abraham Abbott. “Abbott School opened in style” read the headline in the Beverly Page as the Edmonton areas only school named for a custodian was officially unveiled. More than 300 residents crowded around the auditorium to hear Percy Lawton, Superintendent of Beverly Schools, pay tribute to Abraham Abbott, who came to Beverly in 1912 served in the First World War and then became a caretaker of Beverly Central School in 1922. It was a post he held until his retirement in 1959 - a remarkable 37-year record of service. “During these 36 years, Mr. Abbott has been a faithful servant of the schools and a true friend of the children”, Lawton told the gathering. “When I took the schools from Mr. Thomas long ago, I was told in Mr. Abbot you have a jewel of a man. He is the most honest and responsible individual I ever met. I have known him for 36 years and no truer words were said of anyone.” Lawton concluded his remarks by observing that, “Mr. Abbott didn’t gamble, drink or smoke with result that he al-

ways had some money..… to give away at the most crucial moment.” Abbott was born in Derbyshire, England in 1887 and left there in 1911, making the exodus to North America along with many other eager immigrants. He settled in Lashburn, Saskatchewan and then in 1912, married and moved to Edmonton where the couple raised three children- Hedley, Dorothy and Clifford. For a time, he worked for the City of Edmonton, until he joined the Canadian Army as part of the Canadian Expeditionary Force for service in World War One. He served oversees from 1914 to 1919 and sustained a leg injury that would be with him as a limp for the rest of his life. When he returned to civilian life, he became a custodian at the Beverly School. Mrs. Abbott died at an early age and Mr. Abbott went to live with his brother William and his sister-in-law at 4455 Ada Boulevard. Olivena Horne, a teacher at the school, fondly remembers him as an early riser. He usually walked from his home on Ada Boulevard to the school at 116 Avenue and 40 Street and she says he always went at the same time. “You

could set a watch by him. He would stoke up the big black furnace with coal and get the school warm enough to house the students for the day.” Former students fondly recall “Captain”, Mr. Abbott’s faithful German Shepherd dog who went everywhere with him. After the Beverly Central School was closed, Abbott went to work at Beacon Heights and Beverly Heights schools until his retirement March 20, 1959. Abbott was active in the development of the Beverly Methodist Church and, in its early days, he and William Curtis, another long time resident, would erect the tent for services each Sunday. During the Depression years, Abbott helped build the United Church on 38 Street, north of 118 Avenue. In the 40’s the church was moved to 43rd Street and 118 Avenue. He remained active in the church, sang in the choir and served as a member of the church board from 1913 until his death in 1964 in British Columbia. Excerpt taken from “Built on Coal” by Lawrence Herzog

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4 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News

Beverly Heights Community League Getting in Touch with the Community League

Our board members are Beverly Heights residents who share their time and expertise in the hopes of creating a better community.

We meet at the hall (4209 – 11 line: Avenue) on the second Tuesday of • Join our Facebook Group: Bevevery month at 6:30 p.m. Every- erly Heights Community League one is welcome to attend. • Email: communityleaguebh@ You can also connect with us on- The Annual General Meeting is coming up! Tuesday, April, 14 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Beverly Heights Family Centre, 4209 111 Avenue. Join the current board for the Annual General Meeting where the current community league board members will review accomplishments from last year, discuss what’s coming up this year, and welcome your feedback and ideas for how we can continue to improve the Beverly Heights Community.

Consider joining the board! Would you like more activities, events or input into the community league? Now is your chance! There are a number of positions on the community league board which are available. If you’re interested in being a part of the conversation, consider self-nominating for one of the board positions up for election. All board members are asked to attend monthly meetings and prepare/present reports for the Annual General Meeting. The

positions are two year terms. Positions up for election: President: Chairs monthly board meetings, acts as liaison between the league and other community leagues, community organizations and EFCL. Participates in the selection and release of paid employees, supports and participates in fundraising activities. Monitor bookings of facilities and ensures use is acceptable and within City of Edmonton guidelines. Maintain hall insurance. Treasurer: Monitors budgets, makes deposits, enters transactions. Chairs Finance Committee, reports on financial state of the league. Assist with grant applications. Facility Maintenance Director: Responsible for all facilities including playgrounds, sports building and rink, main hall and family centre. Supervise or complete repairs, obtain estimates, maintain records. Manage main hall and family centre booking and custodial staff. Maintain current inventory of equipment, furnishings and stock. Fundraising Director: Complete casino application. Coordinate craft show and all other league fundraisers, apply for licenses and permits as required. Recruit, train and schedule volunteers required for events including casino. Update AGLC with current board members. Neighborhood Watch: Stay informed of current safety and security issues in the community. Maintain partnership with Neighborhood Watch and other city organizations. Address concerns raised by community members, monitor Facebook discussions and post reminders or news about safety and security. Program/Social Director: Work with the City of Edmonton, membership and community to research and provide relevant programming and social opportunities following the Tripartite Agreement terms. Prepare budgets. Arrange

Beverly Community News, Thursday, March 12, 2020 - 5

contracts and payment to instructors and access to the facilities. Arrange registration/tickets, required permits and licenses and coordinate all programs and social activities. Assist with craft show and volunteer events. Publicity and Communication Director: Promote benefits of membership and handle all advertising and notification of league activities and all events including quarterly community news articles and ads. Manage and monitor communication tools such as Facebook, website, brochures, flyers, Twitter and news releases. Help rebuild our playground and enjoy a night out! The Rundle Heights playground (10805 34 Street) is in need of restoration. A committee has been established to tackle fundraising and planning efforts for this project, but they need the community’s support to make the revitalizations possible. To fundraise, the committee is hosting a Pub Night at Boston Pizza (3303 118 Avenue) on Sunday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m. which will include a silent auction and 50/50 draw! Tickets are $10 and include one draft beer. Come out and meet your neighbors, enjoy a cold brew, cheer on the Oilers (there is a game that night), and have a great time all in support of the important efforts being made to support improvements in the community! You can find more information on the event Facebook page or by contacting Dianne Wozniuk at In search of silent auction items: The planning committee is asking for local businesses to donate items for the silent auction portion of the event. If you are able to help, reach out to Dianne Wozniuk at Don’t miss out on these great events! The Beverly Heights Community League believes that community programs and events are essential in creating fostering a safe, happy, engaged community. Here are some of the upcoming community events: • Mother’s Day Event: May 9, 2020. 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Family Center 4209-111 Ave. Join us for a Mother’s Day Luncheon. The menu in-

cludes quiche bites, soup, sandwiches, fruit platter, veggie platters and desserts. Tickets are $10 each and must be purchased in advance. They will go on April 22. • Tot Bike Club: Starting on May 4, 2020. 10 – 11 a.m.. Family Center 4209-111 Ave. Beginning on May 4th, you are your ‘tots’ are invited to a community bike ride and play date! Rides will be held every Monday until June 22, 2020 (weather permitting). Participants are asked to meet in front of the Family Centre and will ride on the path behind the hall leaving time to play in the park. Free for those who can ride a bike. • Walking Club: Starting on May 5, 2020. 10 – 11 a.m.. Family Center 4209-111 Ave. Starting on May 5th, until June 23, 2020 (held every Tuesday morning, weather permitting), join us for a walk where we will enjoy the fresh air and our beautiful neighborhood. Dogs are invited (so long as they are friendly and get along with others), but please ensure they are kept on leash and you bring bags to clean up after them. Meeting point is in front of the community hall. • Experience the Taste of Portugal: April 18, 2020. Doors open at 5 p.m., Dinner at 6:15 p.m. Beverly Community Hall 4209-111 Avenue Come taste the culinary delights of Portugal! Tickets are $30 per adult, $15 per child. Everyone is welcome to attend. There is also a cash bar available for the evening. On the menu is bacalhau braz (cod), carne assada (roast beef), feijoada (pork and beans), roasted potatoes, vegetables, and assorted squares. The food is provided by Euro – Canadian Catering and the Portugese Bakery. If you are interested in joining the fun or have any other questions about any of these upcoming events, please contact Crystal Boyde at COMMUNITY GRASSROOTS SOCCER ACADEMY! Do your kids love soccer? Consider registering them with the Community Grassroots Soccer Academy (CGSA) -- a fun, community-based soccer league. Currently the McLeod community is working in part-

nership with Fraser, Harisine, Homesteader, and Steele Heights community leagues as well as in discussion with several others to offer a strong fundamental soccer program that is affordable and accessible to all kids. Families who are members of the Beverly Heights Community League are eligible to participate. Age Category Year of Birth

Fees Playing Days Player Development Day

U4 Mixed U5 Mixed U7 Mixed U9 Boys & Girls U11 Boys & Girls U13/U14 Boys & Girls

2016 2015 2013/14

$65 $65 $75


$100 Wed.



$120 Tues.



$120 Thurs.


Sat. AM Sat. Mon.


If you are interested in registering your child, but are not currently a Beverly Heights Community league member, you can visit to get yours ($25 per family). To find out more about the CGSA you can visit

Beverly Heights Abundant Community OPEN HOUSE WHO: All citizens of Beverly and Rundle Heights are invited! WHEN: March 31 between 6:30 – 8:00 PM WHERE: Beverley Heights Community League Family Centre 4209 – 111 Avenue WHAT: - Meet the Beverly-Rundle Abundant Community Support Team - Learn about the Abundant Community Initiative - Share your ideas and vision for our community - Learn about our community’s Neighbourhood Watch Program - Meet your neighbours over coffee and doughnuts WHY: Because this is our home, and together we can achieve great things. Interested and want to know more? Please email: Check out Abundant Community Edmonton at:

North Edmontons Real Estate Specialist Direct: 780.699.3442 ReMax River City - #100, 10328-81 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6E 4R5 780.439.7000

6 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News

Beacon Heights Community League Website: Facebook: |Beacon Heights Community League You Are Invited to the Beacon Heights Community League Annual General Meeting! Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at the Abbottsfield Recreation Centre Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. The Beacon Heights Community League will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, April 21 at the Abbottsfield Recreation Centre (3006-119 Avenue). Doors open at 6:30 p.m. to give you a chance to socialize and enjoy some light refreshments. The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. The AGM provides a wonderful opportunity for our community members to learn about what we are working on and why we do what we do and gives you the opportunity to get involved. There are a few positions open for volunteers to fill. If you are at all interested in becoming a board member, or want further information, email Everyone is welcome! To vote in this election you must have a Beacon Heights Community League membership. Memberships will be available at the meeting for family membership $25; single $15 and senior $5.

Ongoing Offerings

Coffee Group: Every Tuesday between 9:3011:30 a.m. the rink building community members gather to share in a cup of coffee (or tea) and conversation hosted by the League. A great way to get to know your neighbours, learn what is going on in Beverly, and stay connected. Everyone is welcome, no cost to participate. For more information, contact Theresa at Seniors’ Group: Seniors in the Beverly area (and beyond) are welcome to take park in this League program. The group volunteers for various events and activities to give back to the community, they have many social outings, and can offer some support on how to find seniors’ resources. No cost to join, but some outings and activities may have a cost associated with them. For more information contact us at Clareview Recreation Centre: Community League members have access to the Clareview Rec Centre at no cost Saturdays from 6:00-8:00 p.m.. Just one of the many benefits of being a Community League member. To purchase a membership, contact membership@beaconheightscl. ca Men’s Sheds: Every Wednesday between 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the rink building. This group is open to men of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. The League hosts the space, but the men involved have ownership of the activities that occur. Men’s Sheds are welcoming, respectful and inclusive spaces for men of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to share knowledge and skills, and form friendships. The Beacon Heights Community League is incredibly proud to have hosted

this program for the last three years, and we will continue to help support this initiative any way we can. For more information about the Beacon Heights Men’s Shed please contact Chase at 780 616-9095. For more information about the Men’s Shed initiative in Edmonton please contact Amanda at or call 780 809-9404.

Another positive skating season!

With the crazy weather we had all winter long we still managed to have a pretty full season at the Jubilee rink. One cold snap kept us closed for a few days and there were a couple of times the snow held us back for a day or two, but overall our season was great. We had many visitors from outside the Beverly area with some coming from as far away as California! Some regular users who came on a consistent basis were from the south side or west end. We had a ton of positive feedback about our concessionaire – how clean the skate room was, how amazingly helpful she was with everyone who came out to enjoy our community. We hosted birthday parties on the ice and Beacon Elementary School sent two classes to use our rink for their gym classes. On our final day of operation we had a squadron of 45 Air Cadets come out and skate, some for the very first time! We thank everyone who came out to enjoy our ice and facility this winter and hope to see you all again. Not soon…no, it’s golf season now.

Abundant Communities Edmonton (ACE) Beacon Heights has been growing in momentum and ever expanding our community reach, opening new possibilities for meaningful connections within our neighbourhood. These connections can reduce crime, assist individuals who are facing loneliness from isolation, and increase a sense of belonging and purpose within our community. Here are a few ways to get connected on your block: • Make an intentional connection with a neighbour doing the same thing as you ie: shoveling, raking, mowing, minding children in the yard, walking the dog ect... • Invite them to a community event that you are interested in ie: Neighbour night, walkinggroup, play group ect…

• Organize a simple potluck at the park. • Have coffee/tea with a neighbour somewhere that is comfortable for you such as a local cafe, dinner, donut shop. • Start your own interest group such as a book club, bird house building, Bocce ball / board games ect... These are all simple ways to form a comfortable connection with your neighbours that don’t need to take a lot of time or work. Finding a neutral place for an activity can take the pressure off of ‘Hosting’ and make it a fun way to spend an hour or two. If you would like support to get started simply contact Neighbourhood Connector, Jessica Rutten, in Beacon Heights which includes Bergman & Abbottsfield communities . Her role in the community

is to support those connections and create opportunities for community engagement. If you would like support in creating sustainable connections feel free to email or call 780-566-7985 for more information. Neighbour Night continues to meet the second Thursday of the month at the Jubilee park/rink building from 7-9pm, all are welcome. For the tech savvy individuals out there check out the Nextdoor app which is designed to assist neighbours in getting to know each other from the comfort of your own home, it’s a great starting place for those connections to grow and flourish from. There you can find community events, special interest groups, local businesses, for sale & free, lost and found, and so much more!

Beverly Community News, Thursday, March 12, 2020 - 7



Abbottsfield-Penny McKee Branch


Get Creative at our new Makerspace The biggest new library feature is a Makerspace. Similar to the Makerspace at Capilano Library, this can act as a hub for people to learn and create and collaborate. The Abbottsfield Penny-McKee Makerspace will include • A 3D printer • A digital conversion station (convert your old tapes to digital files!) • A Cricut cutter for cutting vinyl decals, paper and fabric for sewing patterns • iMac computers for photo and video editing and digital music making • A sewing machine and sewing accessories What else can visitors expect? Expect a bright and modern space, with shiny white bookshelves, blond wood accents, all new furniture, plenty of natural light, as well as stunning new interior lighting. The program room is over double the size of the former space. It features the largest television screen of any EPL branch – perfect for film screenings, gaming, and presentations. The library also boasts two new study rooms – one for quiet independent work, and one for meeting and collaboration. Other new elements include a gaming area, universal bathrooms, a water fountain and bottle filling station, and delightful new children’s furniture installations including an interactive alphabet table with local objects embedded in acrylic pods. For example, “A” is illustrated with pieces of antler and “C” is a chunk of Beverly coal. A new Community Gallery wall is also in the works to showcase the work of local artists. Beverly currently lacks gallery space, so the Library is very excited about this opportunity. If you are an artist who might like to display your work at the library, contact our branch and ask to speak with our Community Librarian. You can also expect to find a lot of the features that folks love about our current space – we’ll be keeping our beloved fish – in a shiny new fish tank. We will have the same great access to computers, photocopier, scanning and printing, and of, course, our wonderful collection of books, magazines, music, film and video games. Once we get settled into our new space we will host a fun opening celebration. Check out for updates, or ask at the branch when you come in to check out some items and the new space. What’s in a name? The Story of Penny McKee When Penny McKee was named Director of EPL in 1990, she set about redefining the library and preparing for its future while also defending readers’ interests and calling for sustainable funding. She retired in 1996 and passed away in 1997. When a branch opened in Beverly in September 1997, it was named in her honour.


The Library Moves (Back) to the Mall On March 17, 2020 Edmonton Public Library’s Abbottsfield-Penny McKee Branch is opening in a bright new space at Riverview Crossing Mall. To build the new location, four existing spaces were amalgamated into one – including the former Albert’s restaurant and a bank. The bank space proved extra challenging to construction as it contained a vault made of solid concrete. Its walls were 16 inches thick, made with reinforced steel, and needed to be jackhammered out of the space. Longtime residents of Beverly will know that this is not the first time the Branch has been located in the mall. The Abbottsfield-Penny McKee Branch first opened in the Abbottsfield Shoppers Mall September 19, 1997. It operated there for thirteen years until more room was needed and the library moved across the street to the space next to the Travelodge in August 2010. As community needs have grown and evolved, the branch is moving into brand new digs, back at the mall.

254, 3210-118 AVENUE NW


Free Classes at EPL Abbottsfield-Penny McKee Keep kids busy over March Break! • Bublicious – Sat., Mar 21, 4 p.m. - Square bubbles, triangular bubbles, bubbles within bubbles, bubble mania is here! This class is an amazing blend of learning and doing with everyone’s favourite tool: Bubbles! • Je suis une bulle – Samedi le 21 mars, 14h00. Des bulles carrées, des bulles triangulaires, des bulles dans des bulles, la manie des bulles est là! Ce cours est un mélange incroyable d’apprentissage et d’expérimentation avec la forme préférée de tout le monde: les bulles! • Talk, Craft and Laugh – Wed., March 25, at 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. - Join Tanya Rushton, from Driftpile First Nation and TLC Creations, as she shows you how to make traditional Indigenous crafts including unique bracelets. Ages 6-12. • Dance Party – Thurs., March 26, 3 p.m. Get your groove on! Learn cool dance moves as you move to music videos. Make your own VIP nametag and dance wristband to keep so you can continue the party at home. Ages 6-12. • Code Breakers – Sat., Mar 28, 2 p.m. - Do you know how to decipher secret messages? Learn all about coding and ciphers and become a digital dynamo! Toddlers and Preschoolers: • Sing, Sign, Laugh and Learn – Wednesdays 10:30 a.m.: Join us for singing, rhyming and signing. This is an inclusive class for children from birth to age three accompanied by a grownup. Siblings are welcome. Meet other parents and grandparents and learn strategies to engage your children and enhance their development. • Preschool Problem Solvers – Saturdays, 11 a.m. Getting your child ready for the classroom? Looking for a class that builds skills and encourages independence? Preschool Problem Solvers introduces shapes, numbers, colors and classroom behavior in a fun, energy filled way! Children aged 3 to 5 will dance, sing, investigate and have fun! Parents may choose to participate or let their child attend solo. Classes are Drop in. For Adults • e4c Make Tax Time Pay – Fridays in March and April, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. - Get your taxes done for free! Call 211 to make an appointment. Family size and income must be equal to or below the following: $35,000 for 1 person household; $45,000 for 2 person household; $47,500 for 3 person household; $50,000 for 4 person household; $52,500 for 5 person household; add $3,000 for each additional person • Drop-in Single Session Counselling – Mondays 5-8 p.m.: Professional private and confidential counselling offered to individuals, couples and families with a therapist from The Family Centre. Single sessions take up to 50 minutes and are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. • Housing Workshop – Tuesdays 1-3 p.m.: Learn about affordable housing and housing resources. Get assistance with an online housing search and get current weekly rental listings. Presented by the Bissell Centre. • Volunteer as a Community Expert: Do you have a skill, talent, or hobby to share with Beverly? Volunteer to design and host a workshop, event or instruction session at the library in your area of expertise. Call Kate to discuss: 780-9960676. • …And lots more. Check out or come in for more information



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8 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News

4801118 Ave Edmonton 4801 - 118th Avenue, Edmonton


You Are Invited To Experience The Taste Of Farm & Oven Fresh !!

Beverly Towne FARMERS’ MARKET TUESDAYS’ 4 - 8 pm MAY 19 - OCT 6, 2020 South of 118 Ave at 40 Street **We may be relocating our market site within Beverly** Please watch for our notices at your local Beverly Businesses !!

Sunny Girl Says....... “Get Fresh With A Farmer We have: • Farm FRESH, Locally Grown Hot House & Field Vegetables • Oven Fresh Baking (Cakes, Cookies, Pies, Squares, Cupcakes, Fudge) • FRESH Made On Site Kettle Corn • Ethnic Foods; Meat, Fish & Sea Food • Orchard Fresh BC Fruit • Dips, Jams, Jellies & Pickles • Arts & Crafts; Jewellery • Food Trucks / Concessions “Have Dinner At The Market!!” • Weekly Buskers ~ local music


Thank you!! I want to thank my many customers and friends who have supported me over the years. I have many special memories and will always cherish my time in the community. After operating Balloons, Bears & Bouquets for more than two and a half decades, I have given up my retail store. My talented daughter-in-law, Britney is carrying on our legacy of providing exceptional value and great customer service while running the business from her home. To show appreciation for your support over the years, Britney will offer free delivery in the Beverly area.

Same phone number: 780-479-1075 Same website:

Same Great Service! Sincerely, Edie Rains

780-479-1075 •

An Alberta Agriculture Approved Farmers’Market Check Our Web Site For Vendor Details ! Join Us At The Friendliest Market In Towne

The Beverly Towne Farmer’s Market (BTFM) is busy preparing for

the 2020 season grand opening planned for TUESDAY May 19, 2020. The market will be open every Tuesday from 4 - 8 pm until October 6, 2020. We host growers & bakers who sell FRESH local products, along with Artisans selling their locally made products right in your neighborhood, conveniently located with parking close to the market site. Yes, it’s right at your back door… The Beverly Towne Farmers’ Market Every Tuesday, May 19 - October 6, 2020, 4 - 8 pm Buy Fresh, Buy Local, Buy Direct !! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Interested in representing your community by serving on the board of the Beverly Farmers’ Market? Or, interested in learning how the market operates by assisting the Market Manager? Submit your resume’ or a letter outlining your experience & contact information to: or drop by the market & speak to Cornel. ATTENTION BUSKERS We are seeking musicians to busk/perform & entertain our customers at the Beverly Farmers’ Market. Submit your demo via e-mail ( or call 780.413-6278 to drop off your CD or to speak to us. ATTENTION VENDORS Do you make, bake or grow a product that you would like to sell at Beverly Farmers’ Market? Then this market is for you! Whether you are an experienced vendor or have never tried it before, but you have a product that you feel people would like to buy, contact us and we will guide you through the process. Contact us @ 780.413-6278 or ( for more information or to obtain an application.

Beverly Community News, Thursday, March 12, 2020 - 9

Celebrating 50 Years of Funny! The Beverly Heights Variety Show continues to bring laughter to the community! Another successful season of the annual Beverly Heights Variety Show is drawing to a close with the final two weekend performances on March 27 and 28. The season kicked off with the formal Gala Extravaganza on February 21 which saw a wonderful mix of current and past community volunteers join to celebrate the fiftieth season of this unique fundraiser. During the opening, Deron Bilous, MLA for Edmonton Beverly-Clarview, presented the community with a commemorative plaque from the Legislative Assembly, congratulating us on our 50 amazing years. This year’s show titled “Hindsight’s 2020”, written and directed by Will Moellering, Ken Pawluk and Jason Grilo was a hit with a mix of great comedy sketches, live band music and a talented cast. But it’s the incredible efforts of all the volunteers who commit innumerable hours every year to bring the city of Edmonton’s longest running fund-raising variety show to life.

see the show! The Beverly Heights Variety Show committee thanks all the generous volunteers and fans who have supported the show for these 50 fabulous years. We can’t wait to see you all again in 2021!

Approximately one hundred and fifty volunteers chipped in to promote the show, sell tickets, check coats, sell drink tokens, manage the bar, serve drinks, cook food, act in the cast, create elaborate sets, manage stage props, pull stage curtains, shine spotlights, play in the band, manage funds, design graphics, and then set up and cleanup the hall for twelve performances! Special thanks goes to all the Beverly businesses who support our community league by advertising in the Variety Show program and bringing their guests to

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10 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News

Highlands forges new partnership with Beverly Towne Community Development Society By SUSAN PETRINA, Highlands Facilities Renewal Committee

A recent partnership forged between the Highlands Community League (HCL) and Beverly Towne Community Development Society (BTCDS) will help the historic community reach its fundraising goals to build a new community centre. In January, the HCL board and members of the Highlands Facilities Renewal Committee (HFRC) were excited to officially confirm a Memorandum of Understanding with BTCDS, which has charitable status and supports projects that align with its mandate to strengthen

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and revitalize communities in Edmonton’s northeast. The memorandum allows the league to continue to have complete authority over the project design, but through the relationship with Beverly Towne it can now offer charitable tax receipts on donations of $20 or more directed to HCL’s new building project. The project coincides with the community league’s centennial in 2021. Highlands Community League needs a new community centre to replace its existing building that is more than 50 years old. The facility is deteriorating, is expensive to operate, and has limited access for facility users, seniors and others with mobility challenges. The new development and site revitalization will allow HCL to enhance existing programs and services for residents and introduce new initiatives aimed at attracting a diverse population in the neighbourhood and beyond its boundaries. New modern amenities will generate much needed revenues, provide new programs and bolster an already vibrant sense of community. In late 2017, after several years of completing research, community surveys and consultations, the league retained Edmonton’s Dub Architects. Dub is working with the league to realize its dream of designing a brand new facility that will be a vibrant community hub that is energy efficient and a model of sustainable design. Concept designs were created for the pocket of land located just south of Highlands School, at 113 Avenue and 62 Street. The conceptual drawings provide the league with a long-term vision and have allowed it to begin applying for grants, have more community conversations, and provide more informed outreach to neighbours and potential partners. The project design is not yet complete as several studies still need to be undertaken which may yet effect the final design and cost estimate. But that doesn’t stop the need for the community to continue fundraising as the City of Edmonton mandates that leagues must have

every dollar in place before any demolition and construction work can be done. The City has shown early and strong support for the project. HCL received $425,000 in project funding from the Community League Infrastructure Project (CLIP) grant stream and is actively pursuing other government and corporate grants, in addition to developing its community fundraising campaign. And that’s where the charitable tax donation receipts will help the most, as individuals, businesses and corporations will be able to claim tax credit for their donations to the project. It’s an ideal time to build as project costs are lower due to Alberta’s current economic climate. Highlands Community League has already raised more than $700,000 to put toward the project which includes funding from the CLIP grant and provincial casinos, and Highlands club and community donations. Residents can show their support for the project by directly investing their dollars and, in turn, HCL will be able to show larger potential funders that community members believe in the vision. The excitement and momentum continues to grow. Thanks to the creativity and efforts of HFRC’s fundraising and event team, a recent fundraising event held at the Thistle Curling Club showed exactly how much community support there is as more than $4,000 was raised for the project. Last year’s wine survivor event raised $6,900! The new community centre is an exciting and long-imagined dream for area residents and volunteers, and its construction will complement the slate of revitalization projects Highlands is experiencing. We are fundraising to make this project a reality for current and future Highlanders, neighbours and our friends and we have a goal to raise $1M. Please consider making a donation or participating in our upcoming fundraising events. With your help, we can build a legacy together! Visit HCL’s website for more information and watch for updates in the Community News.

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Beverly Community News, Thursday, March 12, 2020 - 11

Women Growing Together Women Growing Together has moved! We now meet in the basement of the Beverly United Church building (BUB) on Saturday afternoons from 1 – 4 p.m. Women of all ages are welcome for this intercultural meet up. Come and share/learn new skills such as cooking, knitting, crocheting, and sewing. Newcomers can practice English and network with neighbours. Childcare is provided for ages 4 - 12. Babes in arms welcome too. On February 15, we were honoured to have Elder Elsie Paul from the Kohkom Kisewatisiwin Society join us to share circle teachings. The Kohkom Kisewatisiwin Society is a group of Indigenous grandmothers in Edmonton. The Cree word Kisewatisiwin cannot be easily interpreted in English. It is a principle of living in a good way and it implies a personal commitment to humility and loving kindness to all things. The Society’s goal is to reclaim the traditional

ways of the past by promoting a life of harmony and balance within the group and amongst members’ families and communities at large. They accomplish this by engaging with community and sharing their life’s wisdom, drawing from a wealth of many traditional knowledge areas and person experiences. Elder Elsie showed us how to make rock necklaces with beads on leather thongs. She said the rock is a reminder to be strong like a rock and not be affected by negativity around you. Twenty-eight women and ten children enjoyed venison stew, bannock, baking, coffee, tea and visiting. Elder Elsie also teaches in schools, at the U of A and MacEwan University. On February 22, Muna Sheekh Maxamud, a young Somali mother, social worker and author, came to share the three children’s books she wrote to help Somali families retain their language and culture. The children had a good play outside before she started and were all

eyes and ears when she read to us. Our intercultural group of women are keen to learn from each other’s culture. Beverly resident Nettie Totowaryk is our local Baba, perogy maker and artist. Grandmothers are traditional wisdom holders to share with younger generations. We plan to host a grandmother’s storytelling gathering in the near future. We are accepting donations of kitchen wares, tea towels, sewing machines, notions, fabric and craft supplies. You are welcome to drop your items off on a Saturday afternoon. Women Growing Together is a project of the Beverly Towne Community Development Society and funded by the Sisters of St. Joseph. It is not a religious program, but uses the “Abundant Community” principles where participants share their gifts for their mutual benefit. For more information. Contact Shelley at 587 783-8778.

Healthy or not comes to Riverview Crossing Food Court Healthy or Not is the brain child of Zoie and Eric Beutler and is the newest member of the new Riverview Crossing food court. They opened December 16, 2019 and are serving the public seven days a week. Zoie and Eric saw an opportunity to fulfill a long held dream when they opened Healthy or Not. Renovations of the food court had been completed in early 2019 but no businesses had set up shop. Zoie, who also works in the mall in one of the doctor’s offices, had listened to people complaining that there was no place to go in between doctor visits to get a sandwich or a cup of coffee. So she gathered her family together and they decided it was the right time to launch the restaurant and fulfill a long held dream. Healthy or Not is truly a family business and all staff and cooks are members of the Beutler family. Eric was born and raised in Beverly and his parents have lived here for over 50 years. They wanted to make their space welcoming and encourage the public to sit and mingle while they had some great food. All their food is made to order, and because it can take longer to cook a fresh made burger they will even deliver your food directly to your table so you don’t have to stand around waiting. Everything is made fresh when you order. Burgers come with whatever toppings you want; if they have it on hand you can add it to your burger. Fries are cut fresh every day and cooked when they are ordered. Even the desserts are made fresh daily from family recipes. The menu features hamburgers, cheeseburgers (with or without bacon), hot dogs and pizza dogs. Prices are reasonable at $5.95 for a hamburger, $7.95 for a bacon cheeseburger and $3.25 for a hot dog. For an additional $3.95 you can made it a combo with fries and a drink. Soup of the day is also available at $3 for an 8oz cup, $4 for a bowl and $6 for soup and

a sandwich. If a Sub is what you are craving they have either a 12” or 6” pizza sub for $6.75 or $4.25. Or you can build your own, including two meats, one cheese and veggies

for $6.75 or $4.75. Fresh cut fries are another star with a basket for $4.50. Loaded nacho or baked potato fries are $6.50. Basic nachos and chees are $4.25 and loaded nachos are $6.95. If perogies are what you crave you can have 12 deep fried for $7.99 or six for $4.99. The healthy part of Healthy or Not comes in the form of salads, fresh fruit and veggie cups, devilled eggs and cheese and crackers. Desserts are made daily and there is always a lunch special with Mondays featuring Ukrainian and Wednesdays featuring pasta. Come early for the specials as they generally sell out. If you are looking for a quick snack, a cup of coffee or a healthy (or not) meal drop by Healthy or Not and check out their delicious food.



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12 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News

Our seeding calendar Who doesn’t want to grow their own vegetables and enjoy summer salads filled, literally, with the fruits of their labour? Unfortunately, for many its cornucopia of health and wellness benefits is outweighed by a sense of overwhelming complexity. What follows is a cheat sheet of when and how to plant the most common edibles seeds. Pint it to your fridge or put the dates in your phone. Here is your guide to what to plant when for a delicious summer harvest.

matoes about eight weeks before the last frost, around early March. Don’t try to get a jump on spring by starting them early. Doing so usually does more harm than good as they tend to get leggy and pale if inside too long. Sow the seeds about 3mm deep in a moist seedling mix. You won’t need excess light during germination but as soon as they emerge pour as much light on them as possible.


Broccoli and Cauliflower – early April: It’s a good idea to start broccoli from seed in early April to make sure it’s ready for harvest before the first hard frosts of fall. Provide lots of light and keep it inside until the last frosts have passed.

Onions and Leeks – mid February: Germinating onion seeds takes a little patience as they usually take about three weeks to emerge. As with all seeds, make sure to keep the medium moist. You’ll want to start in February in order to give them plenty of time to grow. Plant the seeds in clusters of 6-8 and try to germinate them around 15C.

MARCH Peppers – beginning March: The best time to sow pepper seeds indoors is the beginning of March. Try to keep them as warm as you can during germination by keeping the seed tray by a sunny window or on an old inefficient appliance that loses heat. Tomatoes – early March: Seed your to-


Cucumber – mid April: Cucumbers are easy to grow indoors and starting them 4-6 weeks before May 07 will give a convenient jump to the season. Plant the seeds about a half inch deep in 3” pots, planting 1-2 seeds per pot as they grow quickly. The seeds prefer a temperature of 20-25C but will germinate, albeit grudgingly, with slightly less. Zucchini and Summer Squash – late April: Starting squash from seed is easy. Make sure you have a warm spot (above

20C if possible) and plant 1 or 2 seeds in each 3” pot. Keep the soil moist and they will germinate in about a week. Give them as much light as possible and they’ll grow quickly. They grow so quickly in fact, that you shouldn’t start them indoors before the second week of April.

MAY Lettuce and Salad Greens – early May: Lettuce germinates easily enough that you can direct seed them into your containers once the frosts are over. Make sure the soil is nutrient rich and moist and cover the seeds with a light layer of seeding mix. Salad greens love cool temperatures and will germinate best below about 15C. Starting them on a window sill indoors will give you a jump on spring. Transplant them gently outside when the leaves are 3” high. Carrots and Beets – mid May The best way to grow root vegetables is to direct seed them. You usually do this in mid-May, weather dependent of course, once the soil has thawed. Test to see if the soil is warm enough by digging your finger into the first inch. If it’s chilly to the touch wait a few days or the seed will have trouble germinating.

DIY landscaping design tips By far one of the hottest trends on the market right now is the Do It Yourself project. With home improvement and craft shows dominating our channel surfing it’s easy to dream up a new landscape. All it takes is a couple gratuitous montages of digging, building and cleanup and suddenly that drab lawn has become a backyard oasis. Simple, right? Not so much. The reality of DIY landscape design isn’t quite as easy as it seems on TV. However, with the right tips and planning your dream landscape doesn’t have to stay on the screen. GETTING STARTED: When it comes to DIY landscaping it can be easy to jump right in, head first, with whatever new trend caught your eye. Trouble is, once the romance is gone in a few days you may find it wasn’t what you were looking for. The best way to get started is to wait, do research and prepare. Once you’re sure, it’s time to build your master plan. Take the time and make a rough sketch (art classes not required) that maps out the changes you’re planning to make. When planning, divide the project into smaller tasks. A big landscape overhaul isn’t a one weekend event. Landscape projects take time, and no one wants their whole yard under construction for weeks. Instead, create a step-by-step process and stick to it. Don’t move on to the next task until the one you’re working on is done. In making your plans go in with a budget. Research the cost of supplies and make a spending plan to work within. Top tip – always plan to spend 15-20% more than budgeted. Accidents happen! Once you have a plan it’s time to prep your workspace and start fresh with a clean yard. Mow

the lawn, prune trees and shrubs and get rid of any weeds. With a clean slate you’ll get a better idea of your space and how it will look when it’s complete. Then you’ll be ready to buy supplies, with the goal being to buy what you need in one trip. Measure the spaces that need to be worked on and make sure you’re buying enough of what you need – mulch, soil, landscape fabric, etc. All the little trips back to the store will add up and waste time, and probably money, that you could be using on your new yard. TRY THIS: Create a polished look for your design by adding an edge. Simply add a clean, defined line of stone, brick, or even flowers to outline your garden beds, water features or walkways. This defines the space and gives it an extra finishing touch. Give your space a focal point. Our eyes like to wander, but a clear focus in a yard will bring sharpness and clarity. It will give our space a clear point of interest, unifying all your landscape elements together. Landscaping can often look disorganized if

there isn’t something to tie everything together. You can easily bring cohesion to your design by just repeating elements throughout. For example, if you want a garden scape full of bright and bold colours of every kind, choose one colour that will appear many times. Nobody wants a design that only dazzles in spring. Design for every season. Evergreens are great for winter, while fruit trees keep summer fresh. With the excitement of a new landscape design it can be easy to get carried away with adding elements. The trick to remember is don’t overcrowd. The best landscapes feel spacious, regardless of actual size, so don’t be packing your yard like a can of sardines. If you’re worried about spaciousness breaking up your cohesion between elements, link them with a walkway. These stones, planks or tiles will keep your design together no matter the distance between them. Designing a new landscape doesn’t necessarily mean hiring a professional. With DIY tutorials just a click away, your backyard space can easily transform at the touch of a hand.

Beverly Community News, Thursday, March 12, 2020 - 13

Government cuts harm seniors By DERON BILOUS, MLA for Edmonton-Beverly-Clareview There are various schools of thought on how a government should approach an economic downturn. When I had the honour of serving in cabinet from 2015 to 2019, my colleagues and I believed in leveraging debt to get ahead, similar to how people leverage a mortgage to own a home: boosting spending on infrastructure projects and continuing to fund services like education and healthcare as a way to minimize job losses and keep people working. Unlike households, governments can shoulder debt more easily with lower in-

terest rates and bulk spending opportunities. The current government is taking a different approach – one that I fear will not turn around Alberta’s economy but instead take us further down a path of recession and unemployment. We have seen nearly 50,000 job losses since the summer, with no concrete plan for remedying this issue. The current government’s recent budget eliminated a number of programs we rely on every day, and was especially hard on Alberta seniors. Seniors helped build this province, and deserve support in their retirement. This current government’s decision not to move income tax brackets with inflation means seniors will pay more tax on their pensions. Their changes to pension management means retirees who saved their whole lives will have no say in how their money is managed. Sadly, the list goes on. The government’s loss of revenue from a $4.7 billion corporate tax handout (which has not created

a single job to date) is being paid for by underfunding long-term care beds in the healthcare system and removing tens of thousands of Albertans from the Senior Drug Benefit Program. The Alberta Office of the Seniors Advocate has been closed, and upcoming changes in physician billing policy means seniors will have to take more trips to see their doctor each week. This is not how we should be treating the people who worked their entire lives for the betterment of our province. I worry that Budget 2020, which will have been released by the time you read this, may be even worse for the seniors of this province, and my colleagues and I in the Official Opposition will be doing everything we can this session to bring these issues to light and hold the government to account for their decisions. In times of economic hardship, it is the responsibility of a government to support its people, not leave them behind.

Taste of Candora Candora’s Closet!

On the second Monday of each month the “Candora Closet” will open. We will accept and give away gently used clothing and small household items. How: Drop by and check it out! BYOB (Bring your own bags) Where: ARC (The Abbottsfield Recreation Center) 3006-119 Avenue When: Monday, April 13th, May 11, and June 8th, 2020 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Free Drop in Tax Preparation

Need to get your taxes done? We can help with that! Candora will be running a Drop-in Tax Preparation Program for low income individuals. Our tax preparation program runs Wednesday mornings from 9:00 am – 11:30am. What do you need? You just need to bring all Tax Slips with you. It is first come first served, with limited spaces available. We cannot do small business/contracting income, deceased person, etc. Call 780-474-5011 for more information.

Indigenous Creations

Crafts, sewing and other creative activities! People from all cultures are welcome to come, learn and share with artisan Janet Blyan. Thursday afternoons starting September 19th. Stop by our main office #262 3210 118 Ave to register.

Health for Two

Join Candora’s Health for Two and More Program A group support program for soon to be and new moms of infants to 12 months Every Monday, 9:30-11:30 A.M at the Abbottsfield Recreation Centre 3006-119 Ave. Call Ramona or Jaime at 780-479-5895 to register or learn more about the program.

Caring for Children

Explore a career in Caring for Children. Information for people who want to work in a childcare center, open a day home, or work on parenting skills. The program is 9 sessions in total,

running every second Saturday. New sessions starting Fall 2020. Call today to get your name on the list, space is limited! Candora Society 780-474-5011.

National Volunteer Week

This year Candora will be hosting our Volunteer appreciation with National Volunteers Week. That is five whole days. Candora’s Staff will have something each day to show our much appreciation for a many wonderful volunteers. Like to volunteer contact us. We will be happy to set you up with our Volunteer coordinator. The dates for the week are April 19-25, 2020.

Coming Soon ...

Preschool Health Fair Ages 0-6 Fun activities for kids Find out how your child is doing! Preschool screen for parents to complete Play areas for your kids Snacks Prizes Car seat checks Vision screening Dental Hygienist available

For more information Call Crystal 780-474-5011 ext 104 Candora is closed on… Friday, April 10, 2020 for Good Friday Monday, April 13, 2020 for Easter Monday Monday, May 18, 2020 for Victoria Day

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14 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News

Affordable features to consider when revamping your kitchen Kitchens are popular gathering spots in many homes. That popularity is reflected in various ways, including how many homeowners choose to remodel their kitchens. Homeowners concerned by the cost of remodeling a kitchen should know that there are ways to give kitchens a whole new feel without breaking the bank. Appliances Consumer Reports notes that luxury home buyers expect highend features, including professional ranges and built-in refrigerators that match the surrounding cabinetry. However, many mainstream brands offer “faux pro” features that can equal more expensive alternatives. Many

budget-friendly faux pro appliances outperformed their high-end counterparts in terms of reliability. Countertops Countertops tend to capture the eye’s attention when walking into a kitchen. Outdated and/or damaged countertops grab that attention for all the wrong reasons, while updated countertops made from today’s most popular materials provide that wow factor homeowners seek. If granite is a must-have, Consumer Reports notes that homeowners can save substantial amounts of money by choosing granite from remnants at the stone yard. If marble is your ideal countertop, save money by choosing a domes-


tic product as opposed sions of the kitchen, to one imported from and Consumer Reports overseas. notes that they can cost tens of thousands of Cabinets dollars. If that estimate Custom-built cabinets would bust your budget, may be a dream, but examine the current laythey tend to be a very out of the existing cabiexpensive one. Such nets. If the layout is fine cabinets are designed but the cabinets need to adhere to the dimen- work, you can give them

a whole new look by refinishing them. If the cabinets must go, stock units or semi-custom cabinets can provide a new look without busting the budget. Kitchen remodels can be expensive. But there are many affordable alternatives.





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Beverly Community News, Thursday, March 12, 2020 - 15

Enjoy hot cross buns this Easter A number of foods are enjoyed during Easter celebrations, from hard-boiled eggs to ham to roasted lamb. Sweets such as candies and chocolates also take center stage on Easter Sunday. In addition to these traditional favorites, hot cross buns have become must-haves for many Easter celebrants. Hot cross buns are yeast-based sweet buns that are lightly spiced and studded with raisins or currants. The tops are marked with a cross that is often piped with icing. While there’s no clear explanation of how hot cross buns came to be, there are indications that they once were reserved only for Good Friday. Others say they were consumed throughout Lent. The cross is a Christian symbol of the crucifixion and Christ himself. Hot cross buns are soft and sweet, and they’re easily created. Enjoy this recipe, courtesy of King Arthur Flour. HOT CROSS BUNS Yield 12 to 14 buns Buns 1⁄4 cup apple juice or rum 1⁄2 cup mixed dried fruit 1⁄2 cup raisins or dried currants 1-1⁄4 cups milk, room temperature 2 large eggs, plus 1 egg yolk (save the white for the topping) 6 tablespoons butter, room temperature 2 teaspoons instant yeast 1⁄4 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1⁄4 teaspoon ground cloves or allspice 1⁄4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1-3⁄4 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon baking powder 4-1⁄2 cups all-Purpose Flour Topping 1 large egg white, reserved from above 1 tablespoon milk Icing 1 cup + 2 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar 1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla extract Pinch of salt 4 teaspoons milk, or enough to make a thick, pipeable icing Lightly grease a 10” square pan or 9” x 13” pan. Mix the rum or apple juice with the dried fruit and raisins, cover with plastic wrap and microwave briefly, just until the fruit and liquid are very warm and the plastic starts to “shrink wrap” itself over the top of the bowl.

Set aside to cool to room temperature. Note: If you worry about using plastic wrap in your microwave, simply cover the bowl with a glass lid. When the fruit is cool, mix together all of the dough ingredients (including the eggs and egg yolk from the separated egg); hold out the fruit for the time being. Knead the mixture, using an electric mixer or bread machine, until the dough is soft and elastic. It’ll be very slack, sticking to the bottom of the bowl and your hands as you work with it (greasing your hands helps). Mix in the fruit and any liquid not absorbed. Let the dough rise for 1 hour, covered. It should become puffy, though may not double in bulk. Divide the dough into billiard ball-sized pieces, about 33⁄4 ounces each. A heaped muffin scoop (about 1⁄3 cup) makes about the right portion. You’ll make 12 to 14 buns. Use your greased hands to round them into balls. Arrange them in the prepared pan. Cover the pan, and let the buns rise for 1 hour, or until they’ve puffed up and are touching one another. While the dough is rising, preheat the oven to 375 F. Whisk together the reserved egg white and milk, and brush it over the buns. Bake the buns for 20 minutes, until they’re golden brown. Remove from the oven, carefully turn the buns out of the pan (they should come out in one large piece), and transfer them to a rack to cool. Mix together the icing ingredients, and when the buns are completely cool, pipe it in a cross shape atop each bun.


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16 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News


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Beverly Community News, Thursday, March 12, 2020 - 17

Five outdoor projects that add value Exterior renovations can enhance the appearance of a property and make it more enjoyable for homeowners. Certain renovations have the potential to add value to a home, while others may do the opposite. Learning which one have the largest return on investment can help homeowners select features that will have the most positive impact. Curb appeal goes a long way toward attracting potential buyers. According to the National Association of Realtors, first impressions of a property have a strong influence on buyers. Landscaping and external features can do much to influence such impressions. . • Lawn care program: Investing in a lawn care program that consists of fertilizer and weed control application and can be transferred over to a subsequent home owner is an attractive feature. NAR says such a care program can recover $1,000 in value of the $330 average cost, or a 303 percent ROI. • Low-maintenance lifestyle: When choosing materials for projects, those that offer low-maintenance benefits can be preferential. These include low-maintenance patio materials, composite decking, vinyl fencing, and inorganic mulched beds.

• Fire pit: A fire pit can be used for much of the year. In the spring and summer, the firepit is a great place to congregate to roast marshmallows or sip wine and gaze into the fire. In the fall, the fire pit can make for a cozy retreat. A fire pit that has a gas burner is low-maintenance, and the National Association of Landscape Professionals says that most can recoup about $4,000 of their $6,000 average price tag.

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• Softscaping: Hardscaping refers to structures like outdoor kitchens or decks. Softscaping involves the living elements of the landscape. Hiring a landscape designer to install trees, shrubs, natural edging, and rock elements can do wonders toward improving the look and value of a home. • Pool or water feature: In certain markets, particularly hot climates, a pool or another water feature is

a must-have. However, in other areas where outdoor time is limited, a pool or water feature can actually lower the value of a home. Speaking with a real estate professional can give homeowners an idea of how a pool will fare in a given neighborhood. Outdoor improvements can improve the marketability of a home, as well as enhance its appearance and function.

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18 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News

Exercise and aging: How to work out safely after 50 In an ideal world, people young and old exercise each day. But as men and women age, finding time to work out is not so easy. Commitments to work and family often take precedence over daily exercise. As a result, many people 50 and over might not have exercised regularly or at all in many years. But as children grow up or even move out, people facing down their golden years are often compelled to get back in the gym. That’s a wise decision that can increase a person’s chances of being healthy and happy in retirement. But before beginning a new exercise regimen, men and women over 50 should take heed of the following safety tips to ensure their efforts are not derailed by accident or injury. • Speak with your physician. The National Institute on Aging notes that even people with chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or arthritis can be physically active. However, anyone with such a condition and even those who don’t fall into those catego-

ries should consult with their physicians and receive a full physical before exercising. Such a consultation and checkup can shed light on any unknown issues, and physicians can offer advice on how to

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safely manage any problems that may arise. • Begin with low-intensity exercises. Even if you feel great and have maintained a healthy weight, don’t push yourself too hard at the start. Your body needs time to adjust to physical activity, so choose low-intensity exercises like walking and light strength training so your muscles, tendons and ligaments can adjust. Initially, exercise every other day so your body has ample time to recover between workouts. • Choose the right places to exercise outdoors. Exercising outside provides the best of both worlds for many people, providing a chance to get healthy all while enjoying the great outdoors. When exercising outdoors, choose areas that are not remote and where others can see you and offer help if you suffer an injury or have an accident. Boardwalks, public parks

and outdoor gyms are safer places to work out than wooded areas or other places well off the beaten path. • Stay hydrated. The NIA notes that many people lose their sense of thirst as they age. But just because you aren’t thirsty does not mean you don’t need water, especially while exercising. Water regulates body temperature and lubricates the joints, thereby decreasing your risk of injury during exercise. Exercising after 50 can help people live healthy well into retirement. But caution must be exercised when aging men and women return to exercise after a long br • Choose the right places to exercise outdoors. Exercising outside provides the best of both worlds for many people, providing a chance to get healthy all while enjoying the great outdoors. When exercising outdoors, choose areas that are not remote and where others can see you and offer help if you suffer an injury or have an accident. Boardwalks, public parks and outdoor gyms are safer places to work out than wooded areas or other places well off the beaten path. • Stay hydrated. The NIA notes that many people lose their sense of thirst as they age. But just because you aren’t thirsty does not mean you don’t need water, especially while exercising. Water regulates body temperature and lubricates the joints, thereby decreasing your risk of injury during exercise. Exercising after 50 can help people live healthy well into retirement. But caution must be exercised when aging men and women return to exercise after a long break.

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John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world throughout him

Beverly Community News, Thursday, March 12, 2020 - 19

How empty-nesters can transform their homes After bringing home a bubbly baby boy or girl, it can be hard for parents to imagine that a day will come when their kids are off to college and then onto their own apartment or house. After spending decades nurturing and caring for children, parents are then left with a suddenly quiet house and probably much more time to spare. If saying goodbye to the kids also means extra house, there’s the option to downsize or make that extra space more useful. Homeowners who choose to stay put can renovate vacant rooms into spaces that meet their newfound needs. • Hobby haven: If you’ve always meant to set up a crafting room, home-brewing station or an artist’s studio, now is an ideal time to do just that. Figure out which supplies you will need and begin reworking that former bedroom into a new sanctuary for leisure interests. • Guest suite: If you’ve never had a spare bedroom to entertain guests, a child’s former bedroom can fit the bill. It may not be that difficult to transform such spaces into relaxing and inviting rooms for overnight guests. Be sure there is at least a queen-sized bed and a dresser or chest of drawers to stash belongings. Select paint colors and linens in neutral tones so the room will be inviting to guests. • Living room redo: When there’s an entire soccer team coming over to hang out, that large sectional sofa or modular seating may be ideal. Now that the kids are out of the house and their friends are no longer coming over for movie night, living rooms can be made more

intimate with small-scale seating. A small sofa and two comfortable chairs may be a more fitting option. • At-home gym: Save on gym membership fees by building a mini studio right at home. Choose one of the larger bedrooms and then fill it with some fitness equipment, such as an elliptical trainer, a bench press bench and some free weights. Store rolled-up mats in the closet for yoga or Pilates sessions. • Expanded bathroom: If space has always been at a premium in the bathroom, borrow area from an empty bedroom and turn it into a spa. Install a soaking tub separate from the shower, and fill the room with other amenities, such as a warming lamp or even a small sauna.

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• Home office: Working from home a few days a week may be more plausible when nearing retirement, as it will be a smoother transition from heading to the office each day to spending more time at home. Turn a bedroom or den into an

office space with a new desk and bookshelves. An empty nest can be a bittersweet experience, but parents can make such situations work for them by transforming their homes to better reflect their current needs







20 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News

Reduce instances of distracted driving ers are taking their eyes off the road and constantly pressing buttons on the map. Enter the destination address before departing and place the GPS in a position that it can be glanced at, which will not impede vision. Better yet, let a passenger navigate. Limit or skip phone calls Many people find that making phone calls while on the road is an efficient use of time. Yet the personal injury experts at Lehmbecker Law say even when drivers use hands-free devices their brains can remain distracted for 27 seconds after using voice commands to dial a number. Engaging in phone conversations will continue to take drivers’ minds off of their driving responsibilities.

Distracted driving is a problem that results in injuries and claims the lives of thousands of people each year. Allstate says distracted driving is now the No. 1 risk on Canadian roads, contributing to eight in 10 collisions.

It is relatively easy to avoid becoming a statistic by reducing distractions behind the wheel. Put away tech devices One of the easiest ways to reduce distractions is to keep

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Set the GPS ahead of a trip Global positioning systems have revolutionized the way motorists get to and from locations. They can help signal upcoming traffic and find the best routes possible. Just like other devices, GPS can be a distraction, especially if driv-

Skip the infotainment package New vehicle infotainment systems can take one’s attention off of the road for long periods of time. According to research from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, drivers using in-vehicle technologies like voice-based and touch-screen features may find themselves unusually distracted. In addition to these tips, drivers can reduce the number of passengers contributing to distractions, turn down the volume on the radio, and pull over when eating on the road. Reducing distractions can save lives.

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phones and tablets out of reach while driving. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says sending or reading a text message takes a driver’s eyes off of the road for about five seconds, or long enough to cover a football field while driving at 55 mph. It removes a person’s attention from the road; takes his or her hands off of the wheel; and it mentally engages the brain when a driver’s focus should be on driving. Devices should be stowed away when driving. Drivers should pull over if they need to send a text or read a message.

Drowsy driving is dangerous Being tired can be a distraction as well. Geico insurance reports a U.S. government study showed that 37 percent of drivers have nodded off or actually fallen asleep at least once while driving. Drowsiness increases the risk of a crash by roughly four times. Those who become drowsy behind the wheel should pull over.

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EASTER SUNDAY PASCHA (April 12, 2020) 8:00 a.m. - Matins & Divine Liturgy. The Blessing of Easter Baskets


Beverly Community News, Thursday, March 12, 2020 - 21

Candle crafts tap creativity Crafting is enjoyed by children and adults. Even the most ardent arts and crafts enthusiasts might be surprised to learn that their favorite hobby can offer a number of benefits related to their health and wellbeing. Research shows that regularly engaging in crafts can have tangible health benefits. The rhythmic and repetitive movements of certain crafts, as well as the need to focus one’s attention, can produce a calm that helps anyone, including those who may experience anxiety, according to health and self-care resource Berkeley Wellness. In an online study published in the British Journal of Occupational Therapy that surveyed more than 3,500 knitters, researchers found knitting was “soothing” and “restful” and had meditative or zenlike qualities. The sense of accomplishment after completing a project is another great reason to engage in arts and crafts, which also may boost cognitive health by protecting certain neurological pathways in the brain. There are many ways to engage with arts and crafts. Woodcrafting, painting, mosaic work, and metal arts are some popular activities.

One time-honed craft activity that is good for beginners or advanced crafters alike is candlemaking. Today’s craft stores sell many different types of waxes and products that can produce beautiful scented candles. Teacup Candles Candles can be housed in various vessels, but a clever turn is to use teacups or mugs to mimic the look of popular beverages. There’s also the reassurance that such beverage holders can withstand hot wax. Start by visiting a craft store and choosing a type of wax. Gel waxes are versatile and can boil, pour and set up easily. They’ll also be mostly translucent, which is great for replicating the look of various drinks. Follow the instructions on the packages for usage and invest in coordinating wicks, colorants, and appropriate scents. It’s also necessary to choose a style of candle. In a teacup, a tea-colored hued wax paired with a lemon scent can be reminiscent of a hot cup of lemon tea. Use other glasses or mugs to replicate the looks and scents of hot chocolate, mimosas, cappuccino, and much more. As you become

more comfortable, experiment with incorporating molded wax embellishments, such as lemon slices, ice cubes, berries, or even cinnamon sticks. This will help drive home the realism and whimsy. Treasure these candles for use around the house, or gift them to others on special occasions.

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22 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News

Lamb a staple at Easter dinner tables Easter Sunday dinners are a tradition for many families, and a great number of those families enjoy lamb on Easter Sunday. Lamb is a significant symbol of Easter because Jesus is often referred to as the “Lamb of God.” Additionally, lamb was sacrificed during the Jewish Passover and subsequently became symbolic of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. This year it may be possible to combine a love for lamb with a love for grilling. This recipe for “Grilled Rosemary Lamb Chops” from Peggy Knickerbocker’s “Simple Soirées: Seasonal Menus for Sensational Dinner Parties” (Stewart, Tabori & Chang) gives Easter dinner hosts the opportunity to prepare the meal over an open flame, adding even more flavor to this beloved dish. The author says wellseasoned lamb is a can’t-miss option. Plan for two chops per person and expand the recipe as needed. GRILLED ROSEMARY LAMB CHOPS Serves 6 3 cloves garlic, minced 1⁄4 teaspoon salt 1⁄4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 3 tablespoons fresh rosemary leaves, chopped 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes, optional 12 loin or rib lamb chops Rosemary sprigs for garnish Make the marinade: In a small bowl, whisk together all the marinade ingredients. Rub the marinade on the chops, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or overnight. Prepare a fire and allow the coals to die down to a medium-hot temperature or preheat a gas grill to mediumhigh.

Cook the chops for 6 to 7 minutes per side, or until firm and resilient to the touch for medium, about 5 minutes per side for rare-pink. Make a slit into one of the chops to test for done-

ness to your liking, but take them off the grill while still slightly pink as they will continue to cook as they rest. Transfer them to a platter and serve with a rosemary sprig on top.

Beverly Community News, Thursday, March 12, 2020 - 23

24 - Thursday, March 12, 2020,

Beverly Community News


Beverly Towne Farmers Market Tuesdays 4pm to 8pm May to September, Beverly’s original “Make it, Bake it, Grow it” Farmers Market

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