Fashion world 3rd issue

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Are we alone in this infinite space? Are we the only ones playing the game called life? Are we the only ones looking at the sky, counting the stars and waiting for the falling star, to be able to turn our most desirable dreams into reality? Are we the only ones in the universe that ask questions, fall in love and separate? introduces feelings and moods of different planets, in his Fashion collections. And I could go on forever...

Perhaps, in the moment when a cup slips out of our hands and breaks, it also breaks in a different dimension, or on a different planet? Maybe we all have an identical twin, who lives on a planet far, far away, on a planet who's name we don't even know?

And perhaps that is enough for us. Each with it's own eternity. Because where does the greatest miracle lie? I believe it hides in our lives. And if you ever feel like you're from another planet, then do not hide it, be proud of who you are and how you feel. Life is pitifully short in order to put yourself in imginary frames.

There are so many unanswered questions. And maybe the answers are not necessary at the moment... We ourselves have many genious personalities and artists on this planet, who sometimes seem like they are from a different world. How could it even be possible that a fashion genius like Alexander McQueen has walked our earth? He has often let us look into other dimensions or even planets with the help of his art work.

This topic has been played around with for decades, in all sorts of artistic genres. We have a great deal of literature on this subject, many fashion designers use the universe as a source of inspiration. We have movies, that try to make their visions turn into reality. There is so much...

Or Thierry Mugler, who very skillfully












Dress by FATIMA LOPES Ring & Bracelet by PP FROM LONGWY
















Photographer Jon Duenas




Let's look back at how you started modeling, tell me about how you got discovered? .

I started off as an art model and traveled around a lot. After doing that for a while I was able to build my book and my reputation.

I was completely uncomfortable and had no idea what to do. I wasn't really secure with my body yet at that time, and I also had a chipped tooth! I didn't open my mouth for any of the images. .

What did your parent first think of you being a model and where they supportive? .

When did you start modeling and was becoming a model an idea of yours or did anyone suggest it? .

I started modeling when I was 19 but not full time. A friend of mine was modeling locally and told me it was a good way to make some extra money so I decided to give it a try! How did you feel when you did your first ever fashion show or photo shoot?

At first I'm pretty sure they didn't take it very seriously. I'm not very tall and they thought modeling was like it's portrayed on America's Next Top Model. For a long time they also didn't understand everything that went into it all the hard work and technique and the emotional intensity. Once I started landing magazine covers, that's when they started to realize that it was actually happening.


If you were not a model, what other profession would you have been doing instead? I have no idea what I would have been doing...probably working a normal job somewhere and doing artwork on the side.

Before you got into modeling, were you interested in fashion? Did you covet any clothes? Yes definitely! In high school I was obsessed with fashion and I definitely wanted to be like the models I saw in the magazines!


Photography and retouching Rossella Vanon !

Makeup and Hair Sheri Vegas


Who was your role model as a child and how did that help in being a model? Well when it comes to models I always admired Christy Turlington because she had such a powerful presence, Kate Moss because everything she ever did was fantastic, and Lily Cole because she was delicate and dreamy. All of them embodied the presence and strength that I wanted to have.

How do you cope under the pressures of being a model? My passion for it made me able to handle any pressures because I knew it was all worth it. That kind of pressure is something a lot of people don't associate with modeling: it takes a thick skin, incredible persistence, and an ability to learn from every experience.

If a young girl/boy wanted to be a model what would your advice for them be? If you love it then it's definitely worth trying out. If you're only into the idea of it then I doubt you will last very long because its hard work...too hard to keep doing if you aren't passionate about it. And the rewards may not come until you've been at it a long time. We know you do makeup as well as modeling; do you have any unusual talents? I don't know if you would call it unusual, but I'm into a lot of kinds of visual arts: painting, drawing, dressmaking, set design for photoshoots and editing photographs in Photoshop.


Do you think models need to be polyvalent? If I understand what you're asking, I do think a model needs to be flexible enough and open enough to play many roles and project many different vibes, emotions, and looks, even radically different ones

Whose opinion and guidance do you value? Anyone who teaches me something and has experience with what they are talking about weather it be modeling or just life experience in general

Photographer Oriana Layendecker


In the photos you are gorges, confident woman, what about in real life? Do you think your modeling career helped to build that? I'm a bit awkward in person but I do think that modeling has helped me to grow into a more confident, poised person. I've grown a lot psychologically and spiritually since this whole journey began and I am very grateful for that. How would you feel about a film being made of your life? I would feel pretty surprised because even though I've lived a really interesting life thus far, there are far more interesting individuals out there. What do you wish you were better at? Singing, definitely. What do you most enjoy about your work? I enjoy the feeling that comes after everything was finished and you get to see what you were a part of creating. It is a very rewarding feeling. What about what you most dislike about your work? I can't think of anything too extreme. If anything I just disliked the fact that I had to put other parts of my personal life on hold through out most of my modeling career.


Who are your favourite fashion photographers? Bruno Dayan, Elizaveta Porodina, Oriana Layendecker, Tim Walker, Miles Aldridge On the fashion industry: who are the people that you really loved to work with? There are endless numbers of people, too many to name but I will at least name drop two. Laretta Houston because she taught me a lot and always pushed me to be better, Oriana Layendecker because she always made me look so beautiful.

Who do you think is most proud of you and your success? Probably my close friends who watched my journey and helped keep me motivated along the way. We heard you are quitting modeling;Why? And why now? I just didn't feel that I was growing from it anymore. I felt that I had gotten what I could out of it in terms of my personal development, and one day I just felt that I was ready to move on to the next phase of my life. Do you think you will be back to modeling one day? I think that I will do photoshoots every once in a while with some of the favorite people I've worked with, other than that, no, probably not.

Thanks Echo, for taking the time to reply to my questions, it was a gift for me and my readers! 40








D re ss R a m i A l A l i E a r r i n gs B e r n a r D e l e t t r e z B r ace le t a n d R i ng s B I J U L E S H a n d Ba g C H R I S T I N E P H U N G


D re ss R a m i A l A l i E a r r i n gs B E R N A R D E L E T T R E Z


D re ss R a m i A l A l i


Dress RAMI AL ALI 50


D re ss — R a m i A l A l i E a r r i n gs — B e r n a r D e l e t t r e z


B r ace le t & R i n gs — B i j u l e s

D re ss O n A u r a T o u t V u





D re ss R& a mshoes i A l Rami A l i Al Ali Dress


D re ss & sho e s O n A u r a T o u t V u


D re ss O n A u r a T o u t V u N e ck la c e T S O L O M U N K H


D re ss O n A u r a T o u t V u


D re ss C E L I N E M E T E I L N e ck la c e & R i n g

ValĂŠrie MacCarthy


B r e a c e le t C L E M E N T I N E

HENRION D re ss C E L I N E M E T E I L R o c he R i n g b y B I J U L E S R i n g & N e ck lac e V A L É -



Christine Phung N e ck la c e V a l ĂŠ r i e M a c C a r t h y Ring B I J UL E S S k i rt & C oa t


CHRISTINE PHUNG N e ck lac e V A L É R I E M A C C A R T H Y Ring B I J UL E S

S k i rt & C oa t


B r e ace le t C L E M E N T I N E

HENRION D re ss C E L I N E M E T E I L R o che R i n g b y B I J U L E S R i n g & N e ck lac e V A L É -


D re ss C E L I N E M E T E I L N e ck lac e V a l ĂŠ r i e M a c C a r t h y


Making art Interview with Kim keever



Hello Mr Keever can you tell us who are you and what do you do?

I am an artist living in New York City. I was a painter for many years but for the last 20 years I have been putting colored paint pigment in water and photographing the results. Most of the work I have made is in the direction of constructed plaster landscapes and figures in a 200 gallon aquarium but in the last year I have greatly simplified the process by only putting the paint into the water to get random abstract images. How do you become a “photographer”? In my case I was a painter who got bored with painting and wanted to try something else. Also, I already had a lot of experience in photography. It wasn’t until 1992 that I took it seriously. Do you consider you work as art? Most definitely.

Where do you do your work? I live and work in the East Village of New York. My apartment is basically a living area and a work area. I was lucky enough to buy my place when the neighborhood was totally run down.

Do you work from life, or from photographs or from imagination? I’ve always worked from ideas in my head. Most of the landscapes and figures were conceived and thought about for more than two years. The abstract work I do now is from a totally different idea. Once I choose the colors and put the paint in the water, what happens next is totally random. I like working that way. It’s always an interesting surprise in form and color as the paint flows through the water and goes it’s own way.





I was lucky enough to find a lifelong goal at a young enough age to make something happen. once I made the decision, I decided there was no turning back.

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Whose work has influenced you most? My greatest influence was Picasso. He was the turning point in my life. I was always making art on the side but it was when I was a graduate student in Thermal Engineering that I saw a movie showing Picasso working on a clear plexiglass sheet. The camera was behind the plexi and Picasso was painting on the other side so you could see his face as he worked. He was in his 80’s and the look of sheer joy and happiness was overwhelming to me. I knew I wanted to feel like that when I reached that age.

Again, Picasso.



What research do you do? I like to “do” so when I find something that works, I use the method until I luck into a better material or use of materials. This way I don’t get too caught up in the material details or the thinking or writing about what I’m doing. I just keep making work and hope for the best. That may seem a little haphazard but it works for me. Ultimately the finished artwork is the most important aspect. My studio and my life are a little messy because I’m working on the next piece instead of trying to clean up. Is there an artwork here you are most proud of? Why? As an artist, I think you have to realize that not every piece is going to be a masterpiece. Why would anyone make anything else but masterpieces. Therefore when I’m making the art I don’t know which ones could be described in that fashion. It isn’t until much later that I find out which are the best images. I think this is a necessary part of the equation. All great art has a random element when it is made. You have to be open to that idea. If you sat down and decided to make a masterpiece, you might sit forever because the rational mind would shoot down every idea you came up with.



After going though I went through a highly difficult university program, I was not at all interested in becoming anything special until I made an absolute decision to be an artist. I suddenly realized that one has only one life to live that one knows about. I don’t discount other lives but I don’t want to waste this one.

I use Photoshop mainly the way one would use a darkroom but in this case it would “magical” photo paper in the sense that you could increase/decrease color and density in specific areas. I rarely combine several images into one.

This is the type of question one asks … when did you stop beating your wife. I don’t really dislike the art world. Too many artists use that excuse to excuse their own failure. I am always saddened by artists I meet that blame the art world for their misfortunes. No one can say whatever success I have came easy for me but I have always been determined to not be bitter however it went.

I don’t think in those terms. I have no idea where it’s going. I would feel like I was cheating if I spent too much time trying to figure out that question. The place for my work in society is on everybody's wall.





Do you work certain hours each day or only when you are inspired to work? I can’t imagine waiting to be inspired. I’m generally working every day.

What do you enjoy about your work? It’s a pleasure to see the next image. Since I take a lot more photos than I used to and since I am always looking for that perfect random image, when that surprise pops up, I feel ecstatic inside. I may have to work on it to get what I want and it may not be the best one, but it’s a joyous feeling.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? Years ago when I lived in Norfolk, I knew Walter Chrysler Jr. who made the Chrysler Museum what it is today. The best advice he ever gave me was, “You need all the help you can get.” It took a while for me to completely understand what he meant but he was right.




I would like to have a big studio with 3 or 4 large aquariums in it so I could work on different projects at once. Sometimes it h e l p s i f t h e wa t e r i n a t a n k “ m a r i n a t e s � f or a wh i l e .



The Twilight Zone (1959)/ The Twilight Zone (1985) Pure clasic. A collection of tales which range from comic to tragic, but often have a wicked sense of humor and an unexpected twist.

The X Files (1993) The truth is out there. Mulder the believer and Scully the skeptic .There is nothing more else to say...

The 4400 (2004) The reappearance of 4,400 missing persons on a single day confounds the global community. Where were they? What did they do all this time?

Roswell (1999) They are human/alien hybrids, sent here to complete their destiny.


Milla Jovovich in alien/futuristic and other galaxy situations She is one of the most iconic action/sci-fi movie stars. And she is goergues model of course!

The Fifth Element (1997) In the colorful future, a cab driver unwittingly becomes the central figure in the search for a legendary cosmic weapon to keep Evil and Mr Zorg at bay.

Resident Evil (2002) A special military unit fights a powerful, out-of-control supercomputer and hundreds of scientists who have mutated into flesh-eating creatures after a laboratory accident.

Ultraviolet (2006) A beautiful hemophage infected with a virus that gives her superhuman powers has to protect a boy in a futuristic world, who is thought to be carrying antigens that would destroy all hemophages.

The Fourth Kind (2009) A thriller involving an ongoing unsolved mystery in Alaska, where town has seen an extraordinary number of unexplained disappearances during the past 40 years and there are accusations of a federal cover up.


FUZZY NATION In the future, an independent contractor working for an intergalactic mining company discovers tiny, adorable, fuzzy creatures on a planet that his employer wants to harvest for the resources. When the hero realizes these little animals are actually sapient, he fights against the corporation to prevent hem from destroying their native habitat. Bring a hanky, because this book is proven to make grown men cry like crazy

ENDER'S GAME Ender’s Game is routinely counted among the best science fiction novels of alltime, especially by younger readers. It’s military sci-fi, but featuring a younger protagonist than we’ve come to expect from the genre. This and it’s sequel won the Hugo Award for Best Novel!

THE 5TH WAVE The 5th Wave is a seriously awesome alien invasion story with really cool characters and lots of great action.

THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY is a pretty darn funny romp. It doesn’t really have much of a plot, but for pure alien fun and chuckles, you could do a lot worse!

STARCRAFT The Dark Templar Saga is about an archaeologist who finds himself suddenly burdened with the entire history of the Protoss race. He comes across one of the dying aliens, and has all the memories transferred into his consciousness so they can live on. It is seriously a must-read trilogy for fans of the games.



LIST Ekaterina Belinskaya

On Aura Tout Vu

Kristina Pavlov

Rami Al Ali

Juan Romero

Fátima Lopes

Kavak Agir


Davy Evano


Maeva Coree


Amanda Diaz

Céline Méteil

Kim Keever

Valérie MacCarthy

Echo Nittolitto

United Nude



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