5 Facts About Honey Bees That You Don't Know

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5 Facts About Honey Bees That You Don't Know

Honey Bee products are one of the best and healthiest options that can be added to sweeten your dishes. Many people buy bee products not just as they are tasty, it is also considered as one of the healthy alternatives of artificial sweeteners. But did you know that bees, just to collect 1lb of honey, have to fly over 55,000 miles? What Sounds crazy right? While there are some surprising facts regarding honey bees that you don’t know and in this article, we are going to discuss 5 of them.


Act As Important Pollinator Agent One of every three mouthfuls of our food depends on pollinating animals. Approximately 90% of wild plants and 75% of the world's leading crops require animal pollination. The pollination of crops makes them five times more valuable than those that do not.


The Queen Bee Lives The Longest Honey bee queens certainly live around at least 2 years, but they may even live up to 3-4 years, whereas Male bees (drone bees) are likely to live 55 days on average, and Female bees (worker bees) may only live 6-7 weeks after raising in the spring and while when raised it autumn, they may live around up to 4-5 months.


Honey Bees Have 5 Eyes The three eyes on their head are on either side of their forehead, while two more are in front. Their eyes are also covered with hair. The hairs help the bee determine wind direction and flight speed by determining wind speed and direction.


Female Bees Work More Than Man There are no stingers on male bees, and they do not work at all. Their only function is to mate. Bees with stingers are always female workers. Queens, on the other hand, are the only ones who reproduce. Working bees are invariably female. So if you get stung by a bee, it's probably the female one!


They Actually Have Their Own Dance Yes, you heard that right! The honeybee communicates with dance. There are two types of dance: the waggle dance and the round dance. The waggle dance indicates food is farther away, while the round dance indicates food is nearby. The waggle dance also indicates that bees have found a great location for food, water, or a new home. So these were some of the interesting facts about honey bees. Are you looking to buy honey bee products? Then you should surely reach us as at Al Malaky Royal, you will be able to find high-quality honey bee products at the best prices!

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