Farmington Dress Code

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Farmington Country Club is a family-oriented private club with warm hospitality and a commitment to kindness and unity. All members and their guests are asked to dress appropriately and within accordance to the outlines shared in this booklet. Thank you in advance for being considerate of your fellow members and guests and for respecting the following dress policies. You are always encouraged to advocate for your Club by wearing FCC branded attire when appropriate.

REV JAN 2023

Clothing that varies from the Club Dress Code policy may warrant consideration by management at the time of service.

Members and their guests are asked to adhere to the Club Dress Code to avoid any possible embarrassment. Children under 11 years of age are permitted reasonable deviation from some of the dress standards. Please watch for attire notifications for advertised Club events.

5 Appropriate Attire Overview 6 Clubhouse Dress (Club Casual) 8 Special Events (Club Formal) 12 Dining Areas 16 Golf 20 Racquets 24 Fitness 28 Aquatics 32 CONTENTS



Attire should:

Respect the values and traditions of our Club with regard to appropriate and tasteful dress.

Be considerate of other members and guests; members are encouraged to consider respect for tradition, modesty, and comfort level of fellow members when making attire selections. If in doubt as to whether or not attire complies with these guidelines, please choose a more conservative option.

Attire not acceptable anywhere at the Club includes:

• Gentlemen wearing hats indoors. Hat bills must face forwards when worn outdoors.

• Denim with visible tears or frayed edges

• Bare midriffs and overly-revealing clothing

• Cut-off shorts, or short shorts

• Golf shoes with penetrating spikes are strictly prohibited

• Loungewear (i.e. pajama pants, etc.)

• Clothing with inappropriate (suggestive, rude, etc.) graphics or language

• Clothing with large lettering or graphics, unless covered by a sweater, jacket, or sport coat

• Uncovered swimwear, except in the pool complex




Unless otherwise noted, Club Casual dress is the preferred attire for most Club areas and events.

Club Casual


Business attire, neat jeans, sweaters, collared shirts, neat slacks or Bermuda-style shorts. Jackets and neckties are optional. Gentlemen must remove hats when indoors.


Dresses, skirts, Bermuda-styled shorts, slacks, neat jeans. Club-appropriate tops, including modest tank tops.


Smart casual in styling

Fitness attire is not appropriate in the Clubhouse.

Exception may be made for overnight guests traversing between guest rooms and the Fitness Center.

Club Casual Appropriate Attire Examples
Club Casual Appropriate Attire Examples



Special events at the Club and Holiday events may require Club Formal attire, if stated.


Club Formal

Jackets with a collared shirt and dress slacks are required; necktie encouraged.


Semi-formal or formal attire, such as dresses, skirts, blouses, and evening pant suits


Dress shoes or dressy sandals

14 Club Formal Appropriate Attire Examples
15 Club Formal Appropriate Attire Examples



Unless otherwise noted, Club Casual dress is the appropriate attire for all dining areas at the Club. Non-conforming Racquets, Golf and Fitness attire, if modestly covered, is permitted only at the Pub, on the Grill patio, in the Grill dining room prior to 6:00pm, and on the Blue Ridge Room Terrace when the restaurant is closed. Dining staff reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to deny access to dining facilities if a member or their guests’ attire does not align with Club standards.

Club Casual


Business attire, neat jeans, sweaters, collared shirts, neat slacks or Bermuda-style shorts.

Jackets and neckties are optional. Gentlemen must remove hats when indoors.


Dresses, skirts, Bermuda-styled shorts, slacks, neat jeans. Club-appropriate tops, including modest tank tops


Smart casual in styling


The Grill

Dining Room

Non-conforming Racquets, Golf and Fitness attire, if modestly covered, is only permitted prior to 6:00pm.

Pub and Patio

Non-conforming Racquets, Golf and Fitness attire, if modestly covered, is permitted at all times.

Blue Ridge Room

Restaurant and Bar

Club Casual attire is appropriate.


Non-conforming Racquets, Golf and Fitness attire, if modestly covered, is only permitted when the restaurant is closed.


Golf attire must meet Farmington course standards. The staff has been given the authority and tasked with the enforcement of these standards and, in their sole discretion, may deny access to golf facilities if a member or their guests’ attire does not align with Club standards.


Shirts must have sleeves and collars, including turtleneck or mock turtleneck. Shirts must remain tucked in, even when covered by sweaters, vests, or golf jackets. Bermudalength shorts and pants are permitted. Cut-off shorts, cargo shorts or pants, denim, T-shirts, and hooded sweatshirts are strictly prohibited on the course and at all practice facilities.


Golf shorts, skirts, skorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh length. Sleeveless shirts must have a collar. Swimwear, halter tops, tank tops, exposed midriffs, denim, cut-offs or tennis clothes are not permitted. Skirts or shorts must be worn over lycra spandex garments.


Farmington is a soft spike-only club. Flat-soled shoes and tennis shoes are also permitted. Golf shoes with penetrating spikes are strictly prohibited.


Golf Appropriate Attire Examples


Golf Appropriate Attire Examples




Racquets attire must meet the following standards. The staff reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to deny access to racquets facilities if a member or their guests’ attire does not align with Club standards.


Men, ages 12 years and older, must wear a collared shirt. Cotton T-shirts are not permitted. Logos on branded apparel must be no larger than 2” in size.


Short or long sleeved T-shirts designed as outerwear must be covered by a sweater or jacket. Spandex as an outer layer is not permitted; leggings may be worn under a tennis skirt. All undergarments, including sports bras, must remain fully covered.


Regulation tennis shoes on courts at all times; basketball, cross-training, or jogging shoes are not permitted. Black-soled shoes are not permitted in the indoor tennis facility.

26 Racquets
Attire Examples
Racquets Appropriate Attire Examples



Fitness attire must meet the following standards. The staff has been given the authority and tasked with the enforcement of these standards and, in their sole discretion, may deny access to fitness facilities if a member or their guests’ attire does not align with Club standards.

Gentlemen and Ladies

Athletic attire is recommended in the Fitness Center. Shorts and skorts should be “Country Club appropriate.” Clothing, including cut-offs, swimwear and denim, clothing with visible tears or frayed edges, crop tops, and T-shirts with profane language or inappropriate graphics are not permitted in the Fitness Center. All tops must cover midriff, back, sides and all undergarments, including sports bras.

Exception made for overnight guests traversing between guest rooms and Fitness Center.


Athletic shoes. Shoes must have closed toes and heels, and rubber soles. Bare feet are permitted in the locker room areas.

Exception may be made only in the case of a specific program offering (Aerobics Studio or Fitness Yard).

Fitness Appropriate Attire Examples

Fitness Appropriate Attire Examples




Aquatics attire must meet Farmington pool standards. The staff reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to deny access to aquatics facilities if a member or their guests’ attire does not align with Club standards.

Gentlemen and Ladies

All swimmers and sun-bathers must wear swimwear which provides proper body coverage in keeping with the Club’s family-oriented club setting. Brazil or French-cut, thong style and/or otherwise revealing swimsuits are not considered appropriate attire. Garments not specifically designed for swimming are not permitted. Swimsuits with visible clothing underneath (boxer shorts, underwear, etc.) are not appropriate. Swimsuits are allowed only in the Pool Locker Rooms and Pool complex. Swimwear attire must be completely and modestly covered and footwear must be worn outside the fenced pool complex, including to and from vehicles. Uncovered swimsuits are not permitted anywhere on Club grounds.

Aquatics Appropriate Attire Examples

Please direct questions or concerns regarding Club dress code policy to:


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