How to develop a super power memory by harry lorayne

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Link Method of Memory

You realize, of course, that we are always associating the previous object to the present object. Since we have just used, "bed"; this is the previous, or the thing we already know and remember. The present object, or the new thing that we want to remember, is "fish." So—make a ridiculous association or link between bed and fish. You could "see" a giant fish sleeping in your bed; or a bed made out of a gigantic fish. See the picture you think is most ridiculous. Now—"fish" and "chair"—see the gigantic fish sitting on a chair, or a large fish being used as a chair. Or, you're catching chairs instead of fish while fishing.

Chair and Window—See yourself sitting on a pane of glass (which gives you a pain) instead of a chair. Or, you might see yourself violently throwing chairs through a closed window. See the picture before going on to the next one. Window and Telephone—See yourself answering the phone, but when you put it to your ear, it's not a phone you're holding, but a window. Or, you might see your win-

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