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SPRING CLEANING IS a great way to freshen up and feel ready to head into the often busy spring and summer seasons, but it can certainly feel daunting to know where to get started. Here are a few ways to tackle this yearly tradition with ease, and feel freshened up and destressed once all is said and done. Make it manageable by doing your house room by room. Start by creating a checklist for each room to help you get organized and stay on track. Don’t worry about being overly detailed—you can tackle those smaller to-dos as you move through each room. By dividing and conquering by room, you’ll feel accomplished with each space that gets cleaned out, and having a physical checklist makes it even more satisfying as you see the list dwindling!

One of the biggest parts of spring cleaning is often getting rid of clutter. A four-step approach can be very helpful when doing so. First, identify the problem areas, analyze reasons for the clutter, determine solutions, and implement them. Sorting your belongings into four categories—trash, give away, store, or put away—can also be effective as you go through the spring-cleaning process. Move the clutter out as soon as possible, whether it's bringing a donation box to a charity or planning a yard sale.


And, speaking of decluttering— often one of the most cluttered areas of the home is your cleaning supplies cabinet. Many of these cumbersome cleaners can likely be replaced with a simple DIY mixture of even parts water & rubbing alcohol, plus a few drops of your favorite essential oil and a squirt of natural dish soap. This multi-purpose cleaner can even be used on quartz, marble, and granite.

By setting up a system and timeframe to complete spring cleaning, you create the opportunity to establish better overall ongoing cleaning habits. For instance, don't try to do all your spring cleaning in one day or even one weekend. Instead, tackle the rooms and items on your spring-cleaning to-do list for just 15 minutes each day. In doing so, you’ll get in the habit of tidying up little by little every day, even once you have completed your to-do list. This method will make it seamless to get all your tasks done without feeling overwhelmed; and that feeling of a cleaned out, cleaned up house will absolutely make it all worth it!