Family Care Issue 48: Rest is best!

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is best

Storms, floods, chaos. We all need a summer of rest! We hope you enjoy Angelique Kasmara's soothing ideas for much needed R&R. Letting yourself truly wind down and relax when you finally get a quiet moment can prove difficult, especially if you’ve just gone through a stressful period. Continuing disruptions and uncertainty over the last few years on both a local and global scale have made it even harder to properly de-stress. We all need a break, don't you think? It’s clear that these feelings are shared by many, with Carers NZ’s State of Caring survey last year revealing a high level of anxiety amongst New Zealanders self-managing health conditions and disabilities, and their families. Despite the uncertainty of recent times, we can all take steps to have soothing surroundings and routines - to restore our spirits, and look ahead positively. Best of all, most of our ideas cost little or nothing to try!


Let’s use the concept of hygge (HYU-gah) for some inspiration! This Danish word involves making conscious decisions to spend time in restful cosiness with friends and family, and can mean anything from togetherness to conviviality, jolliness, or contentedness. The Netherlands have a similar version called gezelligheid (ge-ZELL-ick-heid), while the Swedish have mys (mize). In English, it may be translated as being at ease, cosy, or relaxed. In te reo Māori, this concept may be pai noa iho, hāneanea, or āhuru. It looks particularly lovely in NZ Sign Language: Whatever resonates with you the most, embracing the idea is a good excuse to dress comfortably, with a favourite drink at your elbow to chat, read, enjoy a restful view, or just reflect, eyes closed!

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