Families Magazine Brisbane Oct/Nov 2016 Toddlers & Childcare

Page 16

Toddlers Feature

PLAY WITH PURPOSE: How good playground design can up the benefits of your child's play time We are constantly learning so much about the positive effects of play in our early developmental years. Unstructured and free play allows children to do what comes naturally to them – make up their own games, develop their own rules, explore the world with gusto. Developing physical skills, learning cooperative play and growing their creativity - PLAY IS VITAL in a child’s development. Skills developed in physical education in the early years are just as important for success later in life as intellectual development, although the value of a well-designed playspace is so often put second. The VALUE OF PLAY – Getting the balance right “Imaginative play needs to be protected from the threat of tight schedules, the early take up of TV, DVD’s and computer games… an intense focus on early achievement and a lack of opportunity to take chances and learn limits” Dr Caunt – Child and Adolescent Health Service Children are spending an increased amount of time in childcare settings with little other exposure to play time outdoors. Children and Nature Network’s Robyn Bjorrnson backs these truths and believes children need to engage in outdoor play to hone in on creativity and their individuality. “Children who regularly experience nature play are healthier, happier, and test better in school. Studies indicate that direct exposure to nature can relieve the symptoms of attention-deficit disorders, improve resistance to stress and depression, increase self-esteem, stimulate cognitive development and creativity, as well as reduce myopia and lower child obesity.” Whether on an innovative play structure or in the garden, children playing outside are more apt to stretch their imaginations, along with their muscles, playing more freely as they leap from one adventure to another. Interactive and sensory experiences in the playground need to be designed specifically to cater for the varying developmental stages of the junior years, offering a platform for children to grow, learn and have fun in a healthy environment.


Your Local Families Magazine October/November 2016

Play becomes an integrating mechanism that allows children to apply their learning into body management, cause and effect, risk taking and learning to do things for themselves, exploring and challenging their boundaries along the way. In a well-considered playspace, curious minds are invited through PLAY to develop their skills in six key areas: physical, cognitive, sensory/motor, emotional/social and language. Equipment incorporated into early learning childcare environments should provide a stimulating diversity to nurture development and exploration in these key areas. Well-designed playgrounds encourage young children to become independent, inquisitive learners, gain confidence in their physical skills and form positive relationships with their peers. Imaginative playscape designs offer age-appropriate challenges that help children build physical strength, flexibility, balance and dexterity – achieved alongside a sense of wonderment. Successful design involves consideration of a number of critically linked elements:

Integration – Maximising the integration of play opportunities for children of all abilities – each child learns and develops at their own rate with their own needs. Consideration given to a play environment’s suitability within “ability demographics” provides greater usability, especially tailoring to particular special needs.

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