Trinity Study Part I

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In this investigation of the first three verses of the Torah we discover that in the term God we have three persons acting: The Father who is the source, permits and wills the concept and life of all things into existence. The Word, who is the first begotten of the Fathe4r from His first communication or reflection of His own thoughts. This Word would become the active power of manifestation, life, and communication of wisdom, knowledge and being. Lastly would be the Holy Spirit, introduces as the Spirit of God, whom would be the connecting agent between all living creatures and the Creator of them. Therefore the Holy Spirit testifies of Yeshua, Yeshua testifies of the Father, and the Father, whom we know is Love, is of a great mystery to Mankind. But where else do we find any direct or indirect reference of the Godhead in the Tanakh? The orthodox Jew would say there is no such record, where the Trinitarian Christian would say it is there. The first evidence given to any bible student to think to inquire of this issue is that Yeshua makes a reference of three individuals in his final commission to his disciples: “Make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” Matt 28:19. If Yeshua is the Word, and the Word is God, and God is a constant, never changing, than there should be evidence of this teaching somewhere in the scriptures He would have been using with the people He taught. Could it be that there was a lack in spiritual discernment in the early believers which is cleared up as time passes? God slowly expresses more present truth for each generation to come. Are we privileged to understand something that may have been lost along the road of time? Though this is a great possibility, I must still consider Moses, a friend of God, teaching that there is only one God, with an unpronounceable name. So what support can we find in the Tanakh of the triune Godhead? Other than the opening verses of Genesis chapter one, our second appearance of the idea comes up by verse 26 of chapter one. “And God (Elohim) said let us make man in our own image.”; again in Gen 11:7 we see God

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