Four Types of Occasions on Which Rings Can Be Presented in Singapore

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Four Types of Occasions on Which Rings Can Be Presented in Singapore Rings are one of the most favorite ornaments for a number of people in Singapore. They are given most in the weddings or the events that are related to the marriages. Besides, they are also presented in some other events, such as birthday parties. We can classify the rings in four types. I. Rings for the events before weddings a) Proposal Rings: If you love someone, and you want to propose him/her, then proposal with gifting the ring seems to be one of the best ways without any doubt. It puts a great impact on the person whom you are going to propose. The rings even have the power to change the mind of the person who is going to reject your proposal. b) Engagement Rings: After your proposal is accepted, or your parents have fixed your marriage, the engagement remains the next occasion where you are required to be involved. The special engagement ring Singapore is available today, which you can purchase and can beautifully accomplish the ring ceremonies II. Rings for Weddings After the above mentioned ones, the major events come, that is, wedding. Some special types of rings are required for weddings. There are the rings available in distinct materials. The diamond wedding rings Singapore are the best ones that can be taken as the perfect examples in this regard. III. Rings for Wedding Anniversaries The date on which your wedding took place always remains a memory for you and it is celebrated every year. This is often termed as wedding anniversary or marriage anniversary. The wedding anniversaries also have the distinctive occasions. a) 1st Wedding Anniversary: The 1st wedding anniversary is the subject of craze for everyone. Completion of one year of marriage is celebrated with a great pomp and show by several couples. You can gift a wonderful ring to your hubby or sweetheart on this occasion. The gift can be either made up of diamond or of gold. This will undoubtedly be the best gift for your love. b) Silver Jubilee of Wedding: When 25 years of your marriage are completed, it remains the subject of a great excitement for you, your children, and everyone who is close to you. This 25th wedding anniversary is also organized by a large number of people without any doubt. The diamond or gold ring is a perfect gift in this marriage anniversary as well.

c) Any Marriage Anniversary: Apart from the above mentioned special marriage anniversaries, you can gift the ring to someone you love on any of the wedding anniversaries. It will definitely be a great surprise for him/her. IV. Rings for Other Functions The rings can not only be given or gifted on the wedding related events, but on the other events also, you can present them to the people. A large number of people like to gift them to the friends, family members, relatives and colleagues on different events. These events can be birthdays, work anniversaries, business parties or the wedding anniversaries of someone else. There is no doubt that the craze of rings is increasing day by day in Singapore. They can be obtained from different internet sites in the present scenario.

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