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Coffee Break

The Mirror | Week of Mar. 16, 2011

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Mad Lib - Granny’s Irish Proverbs 1. mental state__________________________ 2. emotion_____________________________

I think Granny was a little __________________(1-mental state) when she told me these proverbs the other day…

3. adjective____________________________

- A guest should be ________________(2-emotion) in another man’s house.

4. verb -ed_____________________________

- A ________________(3-adj) mouth is musical.

5. noun________________________________ 6. adjective____________________________ 7. adjective____________________________ 8. noun_______________________________ 9. adjective____________________________ 10. adjective___________________________ 11. noun_______________________________ 12. verb________________________________ 13. personal belonging___________________ 14. noun______________________________ 15. body part___________________________ 16. verb_______________________________ 17. adverb_____________________________ 18. plural noun_________________________ 19. celebrity___________________________ 20. body part__________________________ 21. name_____________________________

- Don’t count your chickens before they are ___________________(4.-ed verb) - If you meet a red-haired woman, you’ll meet a __________________(5-n.). - It is better to be born ______________(6-adj) than __________________ (7-adj). - Wisdom is what makes a poor man a ______________(8-n.), a weak person ___________(9-adj), a ___________(10-adj) generation of a bad one, a foolish ____________(11-n.) reasonable. - Remember even if you _______________(12-verb) all, keep your good _____________(13-personal belonging) for if you loose that you are worthless. - May the ______________(14-noun) rise to meet you,
 May the wind be always at your ________________(15-body part) May the sun __________________(16-verb) warm upon your face,
 The rains fall _____________(17-adv) upon your ________________ (18-plural noun) and,
Until we meet again,
 May ______________(19-celebrity) hold you in the palm of His __________ (20-body part). “Happy St. _____________(21-name)’s Day!” she said to me as I left.

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