Mar/Apr 2014 O&MM Fabricator

Page 46

The Metal Head shop is just under 5,000 square feet. High ceilings and ample ventilation through doors and fans make the Louisiana heat bearable. Nearly all equipment is portable using skids or casters.

Peace on a smart phone. Take note of who comments and the quantity at the time of post, not necessarily “client potential.” Remember that these contacts are in a network. The referrals that might come might be several de­grees of separation regard­ less of who initiated it. Fabricator: Do you mainly work directly through architects, government/ nonprofit agencies, contractors? LeBlanc: I have found that my better relationships that are more profitable are with reputable contractors and homeowners. Fabricator: Although you have said that you rely on word-of-mouth referrals and that your better cus­ tomers are reputable contractors/ homeowners, can you find this customer via social media? Would you see any benefit to engaging in thoughtful/useful discussions in a LinkedIn group of general contrac­ tors, showing your expertise or leader­ship (not SPAM or overtly promotional messages) to perhaps thousands of contractors, for example? LeBlanc: I am not very aggressive in my marketing, in fact I am quite passive in that I never solicit customers or contractors. I don’t post advertisement or promotional images 46

A compact, custom built “Swiss army knife” installation trailer was fabricated from a service truck bed. Centrally wired for workstations and battery chargers, it can be plugged into a job site’s power or a Bobcat 250.

or comments. I prefer to target a group of people and make them aware of what I can do. I include in that group any architects, contractors, educators, or local leaders that would appreciate my work. Fabricator: Have you developed any useful content as a marketing tool — beyond this article, of course ;-) — to help inform or get clients, e.g. how-to articles, project gallery, video of your shop, testimonials, white papers, problem-solution case studies, a blog? LeBlanc: I may post “process” videos on Facebook to give people an idea of what goes into making certain pieces but nothing more than that. Fabricator: Why not more content on other social media? Instagram or Pinterest where many home­

owners might hangout and where you can post photos of your work? Home­owners might get a lot of their home improvement or decorative ideas there. LeBlanc: Facebook is currently trending from its original young audience to a more mature group that fits the majority of my clients. It is easy to over invest in social media, and I find that I only have time to efficiently maintain one of the many tools. I have personally used Houzz and may invest more later. [Houzz is a “collaborative platform for home remodeling and design, bringing home­owners and home professionals together in a uniquely visual com­ munity,” accord­ing to its website: www. It hosts more than 72,680 orna­mental metal “home design” photos — Editor]


March / April 2014

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