Fabrica de lapte/dairy factory magazine - September 2013, issue 10

Page 86


interviu ments to be considered the same with those who have not invested any money! Finally, I consider that diesel must also be subsidized for the livestock sector. " Sorin Degeratu (Datcomp Impex): "First of all, I think we should have a VAT as they have all civilized countries of Europe, which would be beneficial for everyone. Then, the banks should have special programs for farmers in general, allowing them to grant including with the production or with the animals owned. At the same time, it should be carried out an effective system of insurance and, not least, a substantial improvement of the tax system by granting exemptions and facilities, especially for the purchase of machinery and technology. " Georgeta Nicholas (Promotech): "We want so hard that the bureaucracy to be reduced and the officials to be more efficient. Here, we are controlled by all levels and we cannot get our subsidies, which are given once a year instead of giving when you need them, when you work the land, when you gather the hay etc. In addition, it should be existing a form of protection for farmers both for the the producers and for the inputs suppliers, because us, the individual farmers have no bargaining power, being practically forced to sign some papers and accept some prices imposed by them. " "But what the state says, Sir?"

procesatori, pentru cã e nedrept ca aceia care au fãcut investiþii sã fie puºi pe picior de egalitate cu aceia care nu au investit niciun leu! Nu în ultimul rând, consider cã motorina trebuie ºi ea subvenþionatã, pe partea de zootehnie.” Sorin Degeratu (Datcomp Impex): ”În primul rând, cred cã ar trebui sã avem un TVA aºa cum au toate þãrile civilizate din Europa, lucru care ar fi benefic pentru toatã lumea. Apoi, bãncile ar trebui sã aibã programe speciale destinate fermierilor ºi agricultorilor, în general, acestora permiþându-li-se sã garanteze inclusiv cu producþia realizatã sau cu animalele deþinute. În acelaºi timp, trebuie realizat ºi un sistem eficient de asigurare ºi, nu în ultimul rând, o îmbunãtãþire substanþialã a sistemului de impozitare, prin acordarea de scutiri ºi facilitãþi, în special la achiziþionarea de utilaje ºi tehnologii.” Georgeta Nicolae (Promotech): ”Tare ne-am dori ca birocraþia sã se diminueze, iar funcþionarii sã fie cât mai eficienþi. Iatã, noi suntem controlaþi de toate eºaloanele ºi nu ne putem lua subvenþiile care, ºi aºa se dau o datã pe an, în loc sã se dea atunci când ai nevoie de ele, când lucrezi terenul, când aduni fânul etc. În plus, ar trebui o formã de protecþie a fermierilor atât în faþa procesatorilor, cât ºi a furnizorilor de imputuri, pentru cã noi, fermierii individuali, nu avem nicio putere de negociere a contractelor, fiind practic forþaþi sã semnãm niºte hârtii ºi sã acceptãm niºte preþuri impuse de ei.”


septembrie 2013

Rereading the farmers’ answers was self-evident to wonder, as the popular character Moromete said: "But what the state says, sir?" Well, what to say? The state does not say anything. The representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture (MADR) would have to do it, but we see that they avoid doing this. Knowing what it has to follow, the title question we did not placed it now to the leading officials of MADR, but since the end of last year. Answers were evasive, because simply they had no strategy for meeting potential negative effects of the two dates that seem to be fateful, 2014 and 2015. In general, they just present a fact, as Romanian farmers would not know how things are. One of those who is trying to move things is the State Secretary, Mr. Achim Irimescu. Here's what he said recently, for Agerpres: "The European Commissioner, Dacian Cioloº, will organize this autumn a conference to present some "soft landing" measures to help the sector after 2015. I spoke to the Minister of Agriculture and we try to encourage established family farms with at least 20 cows, by giving them free projects for almost 50,000 euros. Such a session will be launched before the summer on the current National Rural Development Program (NRDP). But I do not have many illusions, because if they do not have money for co-financing, in vane I come up with some mechanisms because they have to input something. We will have also in the future NRDP a measure to encourage milk production sector. Now we have special subsidies for disadvantaged areas, which can reach up to 300 euro per animal head, but they only got the grant, said thanks and did nothing. There are about 800,000 beneficiaries in this situation with 2-3 cows, meaning 90% of farms. They have the grater chances to disappear. They will not compete with the outsiders who will come with cheap milk. The Germans have 10 tones per cow, and the Romanians produce more than 3 tons, in the best case. For example, I bought from Germany fresh milk, whole,

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