Facing Out

Page 37

Boosting participation

The lessons of the NGO model The models of NGO membership and organisation vary, but the NGOs we profiled seem to have a number of crucial elements in common.

1) A variable model of participation NGOs provide highly varied participation opportunities to ensure there is something for everyone. They offer multiple levels of association that reflect people’s diverse preferences and expectations. Participation can be purely symbolic in terms of subscribing to email updates or wearing a white band; it can be purely financial; or it can involve more timeintensive volunteering commitments. Oxfam, for example, recognise five different levels of association, from sporadic donor to superactivist. Of their approximately one million members, only about 2,000 are categorised as at the high end of activism, a very small proportion overall. Critically, each rung of activity is seen as an end in itself. In addition, many NGOs set low entry barriers to participation and make low levels of contribution rewarding. Oxfam provide an easy first step towards participation that is valued both for its own worth and for the potential it has to be built on, at a pace to suit the individual. Their 'I'm in' campaign has a minimal initial ask – declare your intention to change the world by signing up to an email alert, and you explicitly become part of the global movement to end poverty – a grand claim for such a small action. In particular, NGOs often seek to engage people through specific campaigns rather than general organisational membership. ‘Make Poverty History’ is just the most well known example of how NGOs used a high profile, highly focused campaign to engage people and draw them into participation and action.

2) Investing in people The NGOs we examined invest heavily in strengthening their organising base and the professionalism of their volunteer and member 29

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