Complying With FAA Drug Testing Programs

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Complying With FAA Drug Testing Programs It should be no real surprise that the federal government through the FAA helps to ensure that the employees having to do with commercial flights requires an FAA drug testing program in place. Although some form of drug testing for pilots just makes sense, the other personal are not exempt. Working under the influence especially for an employee of a commercial airline is unthinkable. If the baggage handlers were intoxicated numerous things could happen. If personnel at ticket counter had reduced judgment, even that can impact the airline negatively. Any member of the control tower coming in drunk and working may potentially be deadly for many. In any of these situations, not only do hundreds of lives hang in the balance, but the standing of the airline and the public's confidence in air transportation as well. Any company involved with air travel may be required to apply DOT FAA drug testing because of the necessity for a sober work environment. Even people who offer air tours as part of a sightseeing package could be included in these imperative programs. It could include company owned flight delivery routes and shuttle providers. Other resources in addition to training and a comprehensive package of information will be included in the DOT drug and alcohol testing applications. The DOT program manual is consider by most companies to be one of the most important elements of the program. This helps companies fully grasp every aspect of the program. Employees are able to consult the manual when questions or special situations arise, where they are able to learn how to deal with a wide range of situations and events. The program is supported through phone or by email should a specific situation occur that the program manual does not cover or if there are other questions a member of staff could have. Particularly in the early times of the adoption of the program, or for new employees, clients are encouraged to contact the experienced staff with any questions. Just before the DOT drug abatement audit is a common time when a client organization could use support and guidance. Before an audit happens, it's beneficial to find any potential issues and correct the issues immediately rather than the audit point out areas of deficiencies. The company would need to go through a significant amount of work if during an audit, a noncompliance is documented. The company can be significantly penalized if enough noncompliance issues are identified during the audit. One or two noncompliance incidents will be found regardless of how much planning and support is provided although most do have a certain goal of having a perfect record. Being as prepared as possible because of this is important for a company approaching their regular mandated audit. An efficient test program can offer a range of testing solutions. They can help qualify potential new workers for the company in addition to administer regular random testing for existing employees. Testing is vital and should be performed in a timely fashion if an incident happens. Post accident testing becomes much more important if liability issues are concerned. Effective and comprehensive training is one key element for the successful implementation of an FAA drug testing plan. Every employee is fully conscious of the requirements of sobriety for their jobs given that each employee is trained and educated in drug testing procedures. This education is a powerful deterrent to errors by employees, and is an exceptional way to deal with potential infractions through education before they have a chance to transpire.

Western Aero Medical Consortium

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Complying With FAA Drug Testing Programs Many organizations understand the importance of drug testing programs and in depth initiative while being a lot of work, can and do protect both employees and their clientele. For entities that work under FAA drug testing regulations, Western Aeromedical Consortium supplies complete turn-key drug and alcohol programs. For additional details on Western Aeromedical Consortium, have a look at their webpage at

Document Tags: faa drug testing, faa drug testing regulations, faa drug testing requirements

Western Aero Medical Consortium

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