Vision for the Jury Team –⁠ 25th National Selection Conference of EYP CZ Kolín 2023

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Jury Team Vision:

Dear potential Jury Member,

First of all, I would like to thank you for considering applying to the 25th National Selection Conference of EYP CZ Kolín 2023 which will occur from 22 to 26 March 2023 for the Officials, and for taking the time to read my vision (hopefully) before writing your application.

I am looking for 3–⁠4 Jury Members to join me in the quest to ensure a fair, discreet, and trouble-free selection of the next generation of EYP CZ, for individuals who understand what EYP is all about and have an eye for poten-
 tial. I anticipate the Jury Team to be composed of EYPers from diverse back- grounds with varying experience and skill sets that would complement one ano-
 ther, take the responsibilities of the Jury Team solemnly, and help me bring my vision for Kolín 2023 to life!

As the Head of Jury, I will strive to create a well-bonded team where everyone feels appreciated, supported, and heard, therefore the Jury Team will have a flat team structure. One of my priorities will be setting a transparent, fun, and inclusive ambiance, where each team member can equally contribute with their ideas and suggestions to the pre-session preparation and methodology of the selection process. An environment where we will learn from each other, exchange our knowledge and grow while not forgetting to enjoy ourselves as well since personal development and inter-team interactions are very important to me.

Moreover, being a Delegate at a session with a selection process in place is never easy thus it is my goal to provide accessible feedback and establish an approachable Jury while staying tactful and unbiased. I want this session to be a chance for the Jury Team to partake in creating a friendly and encouraging environment for the Delegates to feel comfortable being themselves and further evolve their skills and mindsets.

With all of this being said, I thank you for taking the time to read my vision and I am very much looking forward to potentially reading your application!

In case of any questions or concerns regarding my vision please do not hesitate to contact me at

Kindest regards from Prague,


Questi ns

Please g ve us your act ve ema l address, through wh ch we can reach you

In the med a of your cho ce (text, v deo, presentat on etc. ntroduce yourself and nclude your mot vat on for the role and elaborate on your strengths and wea nesses relat ng to the role of a Jury ember. (no word l m t

If you could choose the select on cr ter a for the Delegates, what would they be and why? (no word l m t

What p ece of adv ce would you g ve your younger self when f rst o n ng EYP as a Delegate and why? (no word l m t

Tell us a r d culous random fact that could poss bly mprove the Select on Panel’s day. (100 words

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