Eynsham record 1993

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Fig. 1 . Both sides of the tanner's honestone (true scale). Drawings by David Nicholls.

References and footnotes (see inside front cover for abbreviations) 1. E.R., no.9, 1992, p.43 2. Chambers, 1936, pp.87-8. (Sir Edmund Chambers lived at Hythe Croft during the years when he researched and wrote this book).

3. British Geological Survey 1:63360 Map no.236 (Witney area), 1957. 4. Earlier Eynsham tanners included Adam (1344), William Jakkes (1365), John Green (d.1615), and Thomas Hancock (d.1703) (V.C.H. Oxon. Vol.12, 1990, pp.1389). William Jakkes held a tenement at or very close to Hythe Croft; and it may be significant that Thomas Day bought his tannery lands, which included 'Lime Pits', only 10 years after Thomas Hancock died. Is it too fanciful to imagine a tanning industry operating on the same site for more than 480 years?


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