Eynesbury Times Term 1 2019

Page 14



he White Ribbon Campaign is the largest global maleled movement to stop men’s violence against women. Holly Langridge and Tyson Wood, Head of Year 10 and Co-Head of Year 11 respectively, have been taking part in ‘Breaking the Silence’, a two year program specifically for teachers, aimed at creating White Ribbon Schools across Australia. The program provides foundational knowledge, tools and strategies to implement respectful relationships and domestic violence education in schools. ‘Breaking the Silence’ supports schools to bring about a commitment to stop violence against women. It builds on existing initiatives to strengthen a culture of respect and equality at all levels of the school community – through curriculum, role modelling


from staff, policies and procedures, domestic violence education programs and strengthened family and community partnerships. Young people form behaviours, social skills and relationships during their time at school. During these formative years, ideas about men, women and their relationships are being learned. Exposure to harmful messaging and gender stereotyping can lead to attitudes that support inequality and disrespect towards women. Schools play a pivotal role in breaking the cycle of violence by teaching young people how to recognise and challenge violence against women and build respectful relationships. ‘Breaking the Silence’ engages the wider school community to promote and role model gender equality and


create a safe, inclusive school culture to stop violence against women. The conclusion of the 2018/2019 program by Holly and Tyson means we are now part of a local, regional, and national White Ribbon community of over 500 schools committed to strengthening respectful relationships. Whilst the White Ribbon Campaign specifically moves to end men’s violence against women, the values and ethos behind it transcends ALL relationships. We look forward to working alongside our whole college community driving generational change for a future where every child can live free from violence and enjoy respectful and equal relationships.

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