2014-2015 Issue 1

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Terror in the Backyard A tragic event that shocked the nation, pg. 8 the student newspaper of thornhill secondary school

issue one

fall 2014


TSS’s 60 Anniversary Celebrations! Thornhill Secondary School reaches its diamond jubilee year, and kicks off with a full day of celebrations for current students and alumni. Article by Danny Romm.

CELEBRATING 60 GREAT YEARS HERE AT THORNHILL SECONDARY SCHOOL The school opens up for a full day of fun-filled activities and ceremonies to cherish TSS through the years.


OSS, Prefects, Admin, the TSS Alumni Association, and a dozen different clubs came together on May 30th to passionately celebrate a landmark year for Thornhill Secondary School. Fifty-nine classes have graduated through Thornhill Secondary’s doors, and this year our grade 12s will make the sixtieth. The day kicked off with brilliant, reverberating speeches as BOSS elections forced many students to make difficult voter decisions. At 12:30 the carnival began on the back field, with Golden Star burgers, Menchies frozen yogurt, snow cones, and a chance to activate the dunk tank being sold around the field. The real feature, however, was the amazing race. Dozens of students competed in a furtive race through six unique challenges, including throwing water balloons at pictures of BOSS members, a water relay, and a hands-free doughnut eating competition. At the end of the race, the results were as follows: 1st place: Frisbee-Ng with Carla Rawson and Casey Ng 2nd place: Team Turtle with Adrian Argudo and Nathan Haspel 3rd place: Team Mina with Ina Papadhima and Michelle Beliavsky 4th place: Phoenix Force with Patrick Shen and Yoni Levin 5th place: No Name Brand

with David Bryckine and Tom Taubkin The top 5 winners of the gruelling competition received 2 Cineplex movie tickets, courtesy of BOSS. After the day ended, the alumni event began. Alumni from a plethora of years were guided through decade displays and club displays throughout the school by enthusiastic Prefects, discovering

how much had changed. The cafeteria was filled with a variety of baked good prepared by our Food and Nutrition classes. Barbeque was provided by Golden Star, a day before their 50th anniversary day and celebrations. Alumni commented on the relatively new science wing, the renovated library, the computer labs, and the variety of new technology being used in education.

An assembly was conducted for the benefit of the alumni followed by a variety show with performances from current students and talented alumni. The celebrations continued after the show with various “after-parties” for each decade. Congratulations to TSS for supporting 60 years of students, and for providing an amazing anniversary for our alumni!

INSIDE this issue NEWS












Got your Passport? BlackBerry’s latest smartphone may be enough to bring the company back to its glory days. SEE PAGE 4, NEWS

Drama Overseas Russia’s actions in Ukraine have the world up in arms, and things aren’t likely to cool down. SEE PAGE 6, COMMENT

Leafs 2014 Season Recap Another late-season collapse— another disappointment for fans. SEE PAGE 13, SPORTS

Tasty Treat Trivia Utterly delicious, or utterly revolting? We’ll leave that for you to decide. SEE PAGE 17, ENTERTAINMENT



news fall 2014


Rob Ford: From running for mayor of Toronto, to battling for his life Ford now faces more than just the scrutiny of the city. BY VICTORIA SADEGH NEWS CONTRIBUTOR


he city of Toronto has been buttered up by the Ford Nation for over ten years of political industry, four of them in which Rob had the pleasure of being the beloved mayor of Toronto. Unfortunately, he struggled with a serious drug and alcohol addiction for a period of time in which he gradually and raucously recovered from. Due to Rob Ford’s infamous measure in the spotlight, everyone was positive he wouldn't run for re-election, and when he did, the spotlight was unmistakably shining ever so brightly on him. However, what appalled the Ford nation and the citizens of Toronto even more was when he pulled out and entered his brother Doug Ford instead. Since a vast majority of the citizens of Toronto find the Ford family to be a joke, nobody took Rob Ford solemnly when he announced that he could be facing the battle of his lifetime. Mayor Rob Ford issued a

statement from his hospital bed, where he is being examined for a tumour in his abdomen. This concludes the Ford conspiracy; Rob Ford is not running the race for mayor, but instead leading the battle of his life. “I could be facing a battle of my lifetime,” Rob explained. “With the advice of my family and doctors I know I need to focus on getting better. There is much work to be done and I can’t give it my all at this point in time.” Sadly, the Ford brothers’ father died of colon cancer, and along with that family history, Rob’s weight, diet, and struggle with alcohol as well as drugs cause a lot of concern. Even his most ecstatic opponents in the mayoral race wish for him to revive quickly. “Since he’s so strong and he’s such a good fighter I hope he can win this battle,” said Chow, who is a cancer survivor and running to replace Rob Ford. He could have simply stepped down in an attempt to get his life in order, but the Ford family is going to stick with Toronto for quite a while indeed. With Rob running his brother in his place, at this

point, no one can predict the future. “I’ve asked Doug to finish what we started,” he declares. Rob Ford has been diagnosed with a rare cancer called liposarcoma, which is a malignant tumour that arises in fat cells within deep soft tissues, such as those inside the thigh or in the retroperitoneal. They are typically large bulky tumours that tend to have multiple smaller satellites extending beyond the main confines of them. Ford will soon start two grueling cycles of chemotherapy and while this is a tough time, those around him, including his doctor, have remained positive: “it is a difficult and very rare type of tumour. It’s a fairly aggressive tumour…but we are treating this aggressively in order to eradicate the tumour. We are optimistic,” declared Dr. Cohen during a press conference. Mayor Ford will receive three days of chemo drugs, followed by 18 days off. He will then receive a second round of chemo and based on his response, additional rounds of chemo or radiations, or even surgery could be recommended.

ROB FORD HAS ANNOUNCED that he is fighting cancer and is unable to run for mayor in the following election. There is a lot to consider regarding what the Ford brothers are going through, and what the future has in store for them both. Will there be a controversy between the Ford brothers if Rob regains his health and wants his position back or will reconciliation overcome the two of them? If Doug does not

win the election, what will happen to Ford Nation? Will there be war or will there be peace? Of course, the infamous spotlight constantly seems to boast its way to the Ford brothers and the only way to find the answers to these questions, is to patiently wait and see what happens.


fall 2014

Canadian Special Forces sent to combat ISIS Canada’s prime minister has stepped up to help with the crisis in Iraq by sending 69 members of the special Canadian forces to advise in fight against ISIS. BY ALICE FENG NEWS CONTRIBUTOR


TTAWA – On the sixteenth of September, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that the government has sent 69 special Canadian forces to advise and assist the crisis in Iraq, where the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) continues its reign of terror. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced by ISIS activity, and they currently control large areas in both Iraq and Syria that add up to hundreds of square miles. Financed by smuggling oil and the extortion racket, they've had an enormous impact not only in surrounding areas, but also across seas and north to their European neighbours. As an extremely dangerous terror organization, ISIS derives from al Qaeda, but it became a splinter group in February 2014, due to their overaggressive nature and refusal to take orders. Their ultimate goals include imposing the generalized concept of Jihadism by establishing a Caliphate to rule in Sunni dominated areas. During its short debut, ISIS has created a huge amount of discord, forcing people to relocate, destroying significant religious buildings, and having public executions and crucifixions. They have threatened Canada through a video, and forced some of our own citizens into planning domestic attacks. The possible effects that they could have over the economy directly correlates with the oil wells in their possession, and the social-political impact has been staggering. As a result of this, the US leads a coalition of more than forty nations against ISIS, including European countries such as Britain and France, as well as UAE and Jordan in the Middle East, whom are situated directly in the crisis area's backyard. America has already conducted many airstrikes, and continues to send ground soldiers to help train the

local Iraqi troops. Canada has also sent 69 Special Forces to assist, deploying jetfighters, warplanes and surveillance aircrafts. The Conservative government is determined to take an active role in the combat of ISIS, enough to supply these troops without the opposition’s votes. All parties are determined to keep their options open. The cases of radicalized Canadians going overseas to join ISIS, as well as the threat of attack by both the main group in Iraq and uncoordinated incidents here is enough to create uneasiness for Canadians. Domestic attacks within the country's borders by misguided citizens is a definite possibility, and a reported eighty individuals "have returned to Canada after travel abroad for a variety of suspected terrorismrelated purposes". ISIS also has an unnamed number of UN hostages currently within its grasp. NDP leader Tom Mulcair believes that humanitarian support should be a main priority, and that Canada should use every “diplomatic, humanitarian and financial resource at our disposal”. Fighting is not the only option here, he insists. Canada's main role here is to act as peacekeepers. His fellow party member, Paul Dewar, also added that he’d like to see action taken through the building of refugee camps and provision of education, health and basic services to northern Iraq. Given that Canada does not have a direct reason to interfere, the best option is non-combat, or perhaps limited combat. We have a reputation as a peaceful country, and there is no reason to go against policies to follow the United States' course of action. All parties have left options open in this political debate, careful to make their words ambiguous as to outlining future plans. Support for deploying troops to Iraq is currently high within the general population, but will most likely dwindle over time as per Afghanistan. Canada's first step forward is sending the special forces to assist, but it is unknown whether it will eventually lead to war. If so, we will be ready.

CANADIAN TROOPS are fighting not only to defend our own country, but others as well.


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How the System Failed Tina Fonatine’s death brings light to the 1,200 unexamined cases of missing or murdered aboriginal women BY SARAH RAVOTH NEWS CONTRIBUTOR


ina Fontaine, a 15-yearold aboriginal girl who disappeared in August, had her body later recovered in Winnipeg’s Red River. Her death has brought widespread media attention, but even more importantly, has made the public aware of the recently uncovered 1,186 uninvestigated cases of missing or murdered aboriginal women in Canada over the past 30 years. To put the number of cases into perspective, aboriginal women make about 4% of Canada’s female population, yet 16% of murdered females in Canada are aboriginal, while aboriginal women represent 12% of missing females. The Native Women’s Association of Canada states that there are possibly more cases the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) is not aware of. Claudette Dumont-Smith, executive director of the organization, said: “We continue to be, I find, treated as second-class citizens. You know, an aboriginal woman could be disposed of and that’s it, that’s all.” The new estimate released by the RCMP is a huge leap in relation to studies from 2010, which pegged missing or murdered native women and girls at 824, as opposed to 580. Overall, violence against aboriginal women is known to be higher than that of the average Canadian

TINA FONTAINE, one of many missing or murdered aboriginal women. female. Statistics Canada reports that aboriginal women are twice as likely to be subjected to domestic violence, while also noting that native females have a higher risk of being attacked by strangers in comparison to the average female. For the most part, government data suggests that Native American women are about three times more likely to be victims of violence than nonaboriginal females. On March 7, 2014, the federal Conservative party rejected investigating the cases of the startlingly large numbers of missing aboriginal women. This decision brought them the criticism and rage of opposition critics and aboriginal groups. Later, Prime Minister Steven Harper responded to the issue of Fonaine’s death and the outstanding violence towards First Nations women as being, “just a crime, not a social issue” which implies that there is no underlying racism contributing to these cases. Alex Neve, secretary-general of Amnesty International, has been involved in reducing the

violence against aboriginal women for a decade. He says that while progress has been made, government effort has been “piecemeal” and while no national inquiries are being held, more Native women are going missing or dead. He declared: “We’re now having these revelations that are getting us into the underbelly of the issue – the ways in which the system failed … the ways in which social supports for people like Tina are inadequate.” It is both a huge moral breach and an enormous disappointment that the federal and provincial governments have done nothing to protect aboriginal women from the violence that they cannot protect themselves from. No national study or inquiry has been held since a similar report to the one made by the RCMP this year was released a decade ago. Ultimately, the root of the problem is Canada’s awkward ability to neglect issues involving aboriginal peoples, and the capacity to dismiss this major ethical error as anything but racism.

Canada takes the lead to prevent maternal and newborn death Stephen Harper’s No.1 foreign-development priority is to enhance child and mother’s health care. BY CLAIRE ZHAO OPINION CONTRIBUTOR


uring the United Nation General Assembly on Thursday September 25 th, Prime Minister Stephen Harper gave a speech that stepped away from the global urgencies: ISIS, and the rebellion of Ukraine. Instead, Harper shifted his focus on preventing the mortality of newborn and maternal death. He said: "We have it in our power to create a better kind of world for our children's children than we have today. And we should." Harper announced at the assembly that Canada has allocated $200 million towards the Global Financing Facility (GFF). GFF is a branch under Every Woman, Every Child, which is an organization launched during the G-8 Muskoka Initiative in 2010. Its aim is to accelerate the advancement towards meeting the Millennium Development goal, which includes preventing the death of 16 million women and newborns from 2010 to 2015. Even though the Millennium Development goal helped 5.8 million receive vaccination and the newborn mortality rate

has dropped by half from 90 to 46 deaths in every 1,000 births as of 2013, there is still much more to be done. On the global scale, according to UNICEF, in 2013, 6.3 million children under the age of 5 died, and nearly 300,000 women died within the course of pregnancy to giving birth. The mortality of newborns contributes significantly towards the global death rate. “Nearly 230 million children under the age of five have never been registered—which means that one third of all children under five in the world do not officially exist. They are invisible,” explained David Morley, the President and CEO of UNICEF Canada. The issue is newborns and pregnant women are unable to access health care, especially those of them who live in developing countries and are refugees fleeing from war zones. Many have died from preventable diseases such as pneumonia, malaria, and diarrhea. According to authority, $100 million of the donation will be used for civil registration and vital statistics, which will identify the unregistered newborns and pregnant women. The rest of the donation will be used to enhance the child health care system, thus improving nutrition and prevent-

ing diseases. "Saving the lives of children and mothers is a fight we can win,” said Stephen Harper. “To get it done, two things are needed now: the political focus and renewed financial commitment." In order to continue the G-8 Muskoka Initiative and renew the philosophy of the Millennium Development Goals, Harper has launched Saving Every Woman, Every Child: within Arm’s reach early this year. The $200 million donation is part of the $3.5 billion commitment from Canada towards this program in the next five years. The GFF along with its member countries which are Canada, America, and Norway, will “kick start a process that aims to close the financing gap that currently exists for women and children's health,” declared David Morley. "I'm pleased to see that not only do these meetings keep growing in size, but so do commitments,” Harper proudly said. "In today's troubled world, our progress in this area shines brightly. It demonstrates what we can achieve when we come together," states UN SecretaryGeneral, Ban Ki-moon. Perhaps that is what this world needs the most – people coming together.



fall 2014

Canada’s blood

Shortage Changes in policy are required in order for the Canadian Blood Services to meet the required amount of blood supply this year. BY ERIN KIM NEWS CONTRIBUTOR


ANADA – This past year has seen alarmingly low attendance rates for blood donation appointments. In fact, on September 18th, an online Ipsos Reid survey from Canadian Blood Services (CBS) was posted with the purpose of asking respondents if they would be more likely to donate if the policy that prevents gay and bisexual men who have had sexual relationships in the past five years from giving blood was reduced. Another question asks how much respondents would support an additional policy change that lowers the time frame of abstinence from five years to one year, which may signal CBS further lowering their restrictions. In 2013, the Canadian Blood Services finally lifted the lifetime ban on blood donations from gay men that was set in 1977. As a result of this, gay men can now give blood if they have been celibate (abstaining from sexual relationships) for five years. While

this is an improvement, many want this restriction lifted as they see it as discriminatory. One factor leading to the high number of appointment cancellations is that many people believe that there are others available to fill in for them if they cancel their appointment. This is not the case, yet healthy men in committed monogamous relationships are still being denied the opportunity to BLOOD DOESN’T GROW on trees, and a shortage means thousands of Canadians will lose out on a necessity. background. Blood screening additional 7,500 on top of that to Blood Services to extend the donate. CBS has enforced the policy tests have become much more make up the shortfall we have Blood Signal campaign to Labour due to statistics and scientific sensitive since the 1980’s and been seeing," said Mullins. Day to take action against the The country’s blood supply falling supply, but a group of willevidence, but while MSM (men Health Canada estimates that who have sex with men) is still the there is a one in 752, 000 risk of has been dangerously diminish- ing donors feels they are being principal exposure category, they transmission of HIV through ing and the national inventory is restricted from donating blood. Many consider it unsafe and accounted for 48.6 per cent of blood transfusion. CBS states that at the lowest levels since adult positive HIV test reports. the changing the MSM policy 2008. Earlier this year, Canadian unfair to generalize a group of This is a significant shift from the would be a safe practice for the Blood Services issued an appeal people and prevent them from for donations, especially for A and aiding others without taking into early period of the disease’s de- blood supply in Canada. According to Pamela Mullins, O blood types as the inventory fell consideration the different cirvelopment when MSM accounted for over 80 per cent of HIV cases, director of donor relations for short of planned levels by 35 per cumstances of an individual. As a result of this, people across the CBS, less than four percent of the cent. according to Health Canada. On average, the organization country are urgently pushing for As of yet, there are no excep- population of Canada donates tions to the restriction; subse- blood, yet fifty-two percent say aims to have a five to eight-day change and asking these policies quently, men who are sexually that they or someone they know supply of blood available, but to be more inclusive. Regardless of everything, active and test negative for HIV or has required blood or a blood expects the inventory for major sexually transmitted infections product. On an average week, 17, blood groups to fall to only three Canadian Blood Services recogcannot donate. Prior to donating, 000 units of blood are collected days’ worth. The constant need nizes that donating blood is a all blood donors are tested for across the country, but CBS has for blood across the country com- large commitment and that doHIV/AIDS and high-risk factors been unable to meet that amount bined with exceedingly low at- nors have personal concerns, but such as injecting illegal drugs, this year. "So in order for us to tendance rates resulted in the still encourages consistent attendhaving unprotected sex, and tak- turn that around, not only do we national inventory being drained ance for appointments and eming part in sexual intercourse with have to meet those 17,000 units a faster than it could be replen- phasizes the importance of donatsomeone of unknown sexual week, but also have to have an ished. This prompted Canadian ing. After all, it is in us to give.

Blackberry passport: Another phase or the next big thing?

Can it really compete with the likes of the HTC One M8, Samsung Galaxy S5, Google Nexus 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus? BY ALEX WONG NEWS CONTRIBUTOR


lackberry really seems to have pushed the right buttons with the recent launch of its new Passport. After its release, the company quickly sold out of the product, and a week later when a discount was offered, consumers

quickly bought everything. Many seem to ask themselves, how is it that one of the most disliked smartphone companies is suddenly gaining so much popularity in such a short amount of time? Well, the answer is quite simple and honest – this product is truly revolutionary. BlackBerry is top in offering mobile security solutions and security is the backbone of the company. The Passport, in particular, offers more than just secure messaging though. It has respectable hardware

and is reasonably priced at around $699 unlocked. As a result of having 3GB of RAM and a 2.2GHz quad-core processor, the Passport outshines the iPhone 6. However, the real question is will the Passport rejuvenate BlackBerry as a company that can regain dominance as a status symbol? BlackBerry’s extent of security is certainly undeniable and there is definitely a market for such secure devices, especially in the corporate world. However, despite this major

advantage, there are still several hurdles BlackBerry has to clear before regaining the level of popularity that it once had. Firstly, BlackBerry has a long way to go when it comes to the handset business. The BlackBerry graveyard is filled with evidence of failed past efforts: the z10, the Q10, the Z3, and the list goes on. Even keeping track of the models was difficult, as they all just blended in with one another. Regardless of the updated generations, change in performance increase didn’t seem all

that significant. Secondly, their marketing department needs quite some work. There’s a reason why companies such as HTC, Samsung, and Google have done so well in the smartphone market thus far. They, like Blackberry, release multiple phones, but they put all of their marketing efforts towards their flagship device. For instance, the HTC One M8, the Samsung Galaxy S5, and the Nexus 5 are all amazing devices that have done extremely well on the market all due to how they were marketed. In comparison, when Blackberry released their first set of smartphones, they put no specific emphasis on any of them, which made things incredibly underwhelming. Lastly, BlackBerry’s app strategy is incredibly flawed. The Passport natively supports two app stores: BlackBerry World and Amazon’s App Store. Currently speaking, the only viable app stores are the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. The lack of variety and quantity of apps in these two app stores is not only pitiful, but also the potential reason why the perception of BlackBerry not being a premium supplier for smartphones remain popular. Overall, it’s impressive to note that in just one year, BlackBerry’s new executive team rescued the company from bankruptcy all by creating such an extraordinary product. Hopefully, this time around, their newfound success isn’t temporary.


fall 2014


#HeForShe Emma Watson has launched a campaign that is targeted towards men with the purpose of achieving gender equality. BY SANJNA ULLAL NEWS CONTRIBUTOR


lmost 19 years ago, in 1995, Ms. Hillary Clinton addressed the UN assembly and pushed forth the idea that women’s rights are human rights. Quite recently, Emma Watson echoed the same sentiments at a special event for the He for She Campaign held in the UN Headquarters located in New York. He for She is a campaign that is attempting to raise awareness about the importance of feminism and aims to get as many as one billion boys and men to sign the pledge to advocate for gender equality. It has already garnered quite a bit of attention worldwide, and brings to light gender related issues that tend to be ignored. The campaign has already gathered close to 200 000 signatures, mainly due to the fact that Emma Watson is taking charge of the campaign. As a result of this, many Hollywood heavyweights are taking a stand and helping raise awareness. Some of these notable celebrities include Jo-

EMMA WATSON at the UN Headquarters, presenting her HeForShe speech. seph Gordon- Levitt, Tom Hiddleston, and Logan Lerman. Despite its success, the campaign has received a bit of criticism since it is only geared towards males, and that the name ‘He For She’ implies that women need men to come and rescue them. Though this might be true, this campaign has included a large group of people that haven’t necessarily always felt that this applies to them; men. They represent nearly half of the population, and if most of them start to stand up against all the injustices

Athletics at TSS Tigers in the Zone Fierce and unrelenting, our Tigers are fighting to be the best of the best BY T.A.C. NEWS CONTRIBUTOR


SS has been heavily involved with athletics in the past few months. As a school, we participated in the Terry Fox Run/Walk, raising awareness and money for cancer research. The senior boys’ volleyball team played a great season, almost making it into the playoffs. Students of all grades participated in various cross country meets, with special recognition to Hannah Marcus, October’s Athlete of the Month, who placed 11th out of 135 at the YRAA Meet. The varsity girls’ field hockey team also had an enjoyable season as TSS’ first field hockey team in years, learning a new sport and having an incredible experience. Great work, Tigers!

women all around the world have to deal with, it’s easy to imagine the incredible change it would bring about. However, before we are able to reach that point, we need to get over the barrier that the word “feminist” creates- that it is synonymous with man hating. Feminism by definition is: “The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes”. This is the complete opposite

of what the word has come to mean in popular media. In addition to this, we also need to understand that gender inequality is a very real issue, and not something exacerbated by women and women’s groups to garner attention. In today’s world, there are various issues that need to be addressed when it comes to women’s rights. For instance, around 41 million girls are denied the right to an education. Women also make up approximately 51% of the world’s population and yet hold less than 20%

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of all parliamentary seats. On top of issues such as these, women are often not treated the same as men seeing as to how according to the 2012 Census Bureau Report, women make 77 cents to the man’s dollar for equivalent work. The unfortunate thing is, these are the same concerns that Ms. Clinton discussed in her speech in Beijing about women’s’ rights all those years ago, and it seems like not much has changed. The fact that we have started to seriously talk about sexism and gender inequality is a huge step in the right direction. It’s important not to overlook all the good that has come from this campaign, but it’s also necessary to note that nothing concrete has been done to help solve these issues, and we are nowhere near where we need to be. There are still a lot of people who continue to hold on to the very incorrect beliefs that women are second class citizens whose only value comes from their ability to bear children, that women don’t deserve to work in high position jobs, and that they should simply wait to be noticed for a promotion, opposed to asserting themselves to get what they want. In regards to all this, the biggest concern in today’s modern society is how people seem to think it’s wrong to be a feminist. Perhaps this is the one thing that the HeForShe campaign is changing, and truthfully, little change is better than no change.



fall 2014



The Ukraine Crisis: Greed, Manipulation, and Power Russia’s continuous aggressive actions in Ukraine prove as yet another example of greed and power projection by the world’s superpowers at the cost of thousands of lives. BY JARED FORMAN & FRANK YE OPINION EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR

Protecting ethnic Russians”, “Preventing fascism and tyranny”, “Securing people’s rights”. These are some of the many statements that Russia has made to justify their annexation of Ukraine’s sovereign territory of Crimea. However, despite Russia’s attempts to antagonize the Ukraine government and their Western backers, it is clear that their behavior was nothing but a reprehensible, illegal, cold war style move that threatens to jeopardize the great progress that the West and Russia has made since the end of the cold war in 1991. As Russia rolled in its troops, and ran a biased referendum which lacked international observance and recognition, and included sugar-coated, nicely worded options of “join Russia now” or “join Russia later”, the Western nations sat back doing what they typically do, talking smack without much action to back it up. John Kerry responded by saying, “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pretext”, because doing such a thing is so 2003. America and the West then began playing political games with Russia, by placing political sanctions on Russian government officials, to which Russia responded by placing their own sanctions on various American politicians. Meanwhile, what is lost in all the political posturing between the West and Russia, is the fact that Ukrainians are suffering and require immediate assistance. The Ukraine Crisis is once again a despairing example of how the superpowers of this world use their influence over others to protect their own vested interests and feed their greed, even if it means crippling and hurting another na-

tion. Although the U.S. appears to be the hero in this situation as they defend the innocent Ukrainians from the tyrannical hands of the Putin regime, their past actions illustrate that they partake in morally reprehensible actions similar to that of Russia in order to further their interests even if it is at the expense of others. Looking back to the American invasion of Iraq, we can clearly see that it checks off everything on Mr. Kerry’s no-no checklist used to describe the Russian invasion of Crimea. Was it the 21st century? Check. Was it in 19th century fashion? Check. Was it a completely trumped up pretext? Check. However, not only was it all those things, but it also dragged on for decade, killing thousands upon thousands of innocent Iraqis and American soldiers, becoming one of the biggest debacles in American history. Let’s look another example. Iran, 1953. An example of a budding democracy, with a prosperous oil industry and stable government, giving high hopes for its people. A perfect environment for fostering peace, freedom and human rights. With a democratically elected Prime Minister by the name of Mossadegh leading the way, things were looking up for the Iranian people. He wanted to nationalize Iran’s oil wealth, meaning it would be taken from the control of British Petroleum, a British crown corporation. Although this action looked like it would lead to prosperity for the Iranian people, what Mossadegh failed to realise is that impeding a superpower and beleaguering their interests would lead to disastrous consequences. Hence, despite the fact that Mossadegh was democratically elected, the American CIA and British MI6 staged a coup d’etat and overthrew him, installing the Iranian Shah as dictator. This would lead to years of brutal torture and human rights abuses culminating in the 1979 Iranian revolution which would see Iran flip from a supporter of the U.S., to an Islamic republic lead by a radical religious leader. A country which is now a breeding ground for Islamic fundamentalism as well as a regional power that strongly opposes the U.S. and does everything

in its power to eliminate American influence in the Middle East. Iran is the way it is now because of the actions of Western Superpowers. Nice one, guys. Now, Mr. Putin is doing the same to Ukraine because god forbid Ukraine makes an autonomous decision and decides for itself what would be the most beneficial decision for their nation, and their people. Unfortunately, Putin will not accept the fact that other nations are not just dogs on a leash. Putin-like leaders of many other powerful nations has decided that their interests come before all, and they will do anything to achieve them. Ironically, a week before the Ukrainian crisis occurred, Russia was hosting the Winter Olympics. It’s an event that is meant to represent world unity and world peace, but of course Putin saw that as an opportunity to window shop for the next candidate to become a part of his plan for the reunification of the U.S.S.R. However, despite Putin’s blatantly aggressive, war-mongering behavior, he still manages to uphold an 83% approval which can only mean 1 of 2 things. Either the state media is making up these statistics, or the propaganda dispersed by the media has brainwashed the general populace into being complacent in his unjustifiable actions. The secession vote recently in Crimea is a prime example of media brainwashing and/or false reporting, as there was an astounding 96.7% in favour of secession from Ukraine. You would think that a region that includes many diverse ethnic groups with varying opinions on both the Ukrainian and Russian governments would render a more divided populace and a far less decisive result. The answer to such a result is summed up quite well by Jim Morrison who said, “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind”. When a majority of the media is owned by a single individual or is simply owned by the government, it is easy for the governing body to control the media, and manipulate one’s citizens into believing anything that the state desires. It’s a truth that is as sad as it is frustrating. Sorry to disappoint, but to

DETERMINED RUSSIANS AND UKRAINIANS alike came out in numbers to protest against President Putin's aggressive actions in Ukraine. be quite frank, the human species is quite stupid, and very easily manipulated. We quite often desert individual thought and rationality in order to jump on the bandwagon of popularity and majority belief, but history has proven that blind support renders tragic results, and yet we are still unable to learn. Russia exploited this fatalistic human flaw in Crimea, with the propaganda that Moscow spewed, accusing Euromaidan of being Neo-Nazis, and the people ate this up. No one wants to be ruled by Neo-Nazis. Especially in Ukraine, a place which has already seen the horrors of Nazism during their occupation by the Third Reich in World War II. No rational person would ever voluntarily live under such a government. The vote in Crimea seems justified now. It would except for one fact, the protesters and acting government were not in any way Neo-Nazis, as many members were Jewish, and the movement had the support of numerous prominent Rabbis. Meanwhile, the temporary governing body was only to be in power until May 25th when citizens would have the opportunity to vote and choose who they deemed to be the best choice for the next Ukrainian president as well as elect officials who would represent them in the Ukrainian parliament. If human beings were rational they would be able to see through the lies of the propaganda, and see that in reality Russia was the instigator in Crimea. The use of

KIEV’S INDEPENDENCE SQUARE was the focal point of the initial protests against the Russia-leaning Yanukovych government.

media by Russia to manipulate and control the people of Crimea showed once again, how dangerous it can be when people follow the popular opinion without first analyzing the facts and coming to their own conclusions. The fact that people in Crimea are holding pictures of Stalin praising him, despite his abysmal human rights record and mistreatment of ethnic Ukrainians throughout his rule, shows how influential Russian propaganda is on them. Ultimately though, who suffers the most from the actions of the world’s superpowers, are the innocent civilians. Civilians who are brainwashed by the monopolized or state owned media into being complacent in their government’s actions. Civilians who are the first to take up arms and die in the fight against the supposed enemy. Civilians who simply want their basic rights recognised and to be treated with the same respect and dignity as everyone else. We must not only condemn the deplorable actions that Putin has taken through the annexation of Crimea and the supporting of rebels in Eastern Ukraine, but all the actions by the world’s superpowers which undermine other nations and innocent civilians in order to advance their own interests and satiate their needs. It is only when countries advocate for the advancement of all peoples and the rights of all individuals that they will truly live up to the name of a superpower.


fall 2014


page 7

So, What Do You Want To Be? The big scary question and the fact that “a doctor” is not always the answer. BY PEGY KORAT NEWS EDITOR


e’re told that we should never get a tattoo at a young age because eventually we’re going to regret it. Makes sense, right? A tattoo is a big deal, regardless of whether it’s an infinity sign on your wrist or angel wings covering your shoulder blades. So, with this in mind, can someone care to explain to me why by the end of grade twelve you must decide what career you want to pursue for the rest of your life? Here we are, being pressured to make one of the biggest decisions that we’ll ever have to make when we still have to ask to go to the bathroom. Personally, I’d rather regret some tattoo that I got when I was just a “kid” than regret having to study to get some degree that I don’t want, get up every morning to go to a job that I hate, and live my life knowing that I’m merely just existing. This being said, there are still a lot of us who know exactly what we want to do and that’s fantastic, but are we really being honest with ourselves? For so long whenever a student gets asked what they want to be when they grow up, the reply is some generic answer like a doctor. In fact, the title of “medical doctor” is somewhat of an obsessive pursuit among high school students but the odds of actually getting into medical school are extremely low and the chances of successfully becoming a doctor even lower. So, why is it that so many of us want to be one? There could be a spectrum of reasons why someone would want to pursue a career in the medical field and the most justifiable speculation is perhaps the genuine desire to want to do something good in life. Think about it, what’s more self-rewarding than knowing that you potentially saved someone’s life because you had the skills to perfectly cut out a tumor and refrain from damaging any other part of the brain? Well, if you ask me, I’d say quite a few other things. Yes, it’s great to literally save someone’s life but isn’t inspiring someone just as extraordinary? Perhaps it was your math teacher that made you envision growing up and someday helping a struggling student discover that sine law isn’t as hard as they might think and that their dreams are not imaginary like i. Perchance it was your history teacher who made you realize that your past should not stop you from creating a future or your geography teacher from sixth grade that made you so fascinated with the subject that you knew what you wanted to study for the rest of your life. So aren’t all these people your heroes in a non-literal way? Didn’t they help ignite a flame within you that got you to do something amazing? Some may agree with this and some may not and most likely there are hundreds of students out there

remaining that still want to be a doctor, but for possibly different reasons. Conceivably, you might happen to be exceptionally smart when it comes to subjects like science and for some reason memorizing the functions of different parts of the body such as the epiglottis engrosses you. That’s wonderful, but is science really your only strength? Have you tried taking Crafts? What about gym? Imaginably you may hate art because you’re bad at it but what if you end up making a bracelet out of tiny metal ringlets and realize that maybe creating jewelry is a potential career path for you? Or what if you play football for the first time and realize that it’s not just a sport, but also a passion. We tend to limit ourselves and only take on tasks that are in our comfort zones without understanding that if we don’t broaden our horizons, we might never try things that may actually be more interesting than facts such as how 55% of the human blood is plasma. For all one knows, maybe one of the reasons that you decide to be a doctor is because you had a medical experience and as a result, you had an epiphany and decided that you would like to become a doctor yourself. This most definitely counts as an inspiration but what’s tricky is that you need to make sure if this is some spur of the moment decision or something that you know you’re ready to commit to. Every single one of us will at one point get placed in a situation where our adrenaline is rushing and we make a choice before really thinking about it, so you better ask yourself if this is the case or not. The journey to becoming a doctor is like a marathon; having the inspiration is like having all the proper gear, but whether or not you have enough dedication and strength to make it to the finish line is the real concern. Next, we have a reason that in no way should be your sole justification for going into a medical field- you’re in it for the money. If you end up doing exceptionally well in this marathon towards becoming a doctor, chances are that you’re going to live a very luxurious life in the long run. They say, “Money can’t buy happiness” which of course is a lie – the truth is that money can’t guarantee you happiness. Puppies, chicken nuggets, and a Ferrari are all equivalent to happiness for some of us and these things can be easily bought with a sweep of a credit card. The puppy will sadly die one day though, chicken nuggets will get digested, and that Ferrari is most likely going to get stolen, but real, genuine happiness, will last for as long as you live. Deciding to have a career in this field based on your potential future salary is acceptable to some extent, but remember that it should be your will to help others that underlies all other reasons. Last but not least, we come to one of the reasons that in my opinion is the most frustrating of all; you’re trying to become a doctor because of your parents. I for one know that there are so many of us out there

whose parents believe that if their kid is not a doctor, they might as well be flipping burgers at McDonalds. Making your parents proud is extremely important since they’re the ones that pay for the internet, but eventually you’re going to grow up, and you realize that you to have to pay your own bills now and yet for some reason you’re paying the price of your parents’ dreams too. The bill may cost you $59.99 if you’re with Rogers, but that price which you’re paying in order to make your parents happy is in fact your own happiness. Your job will be a part of you seeing as how it will impact you both physically and mentally. So do yourself a favour and do something that you enjoy, something that truly makes you happy, and most importantly, something that makes you actually want to get up on a Monday morning. For one last time, let’s take all of this into account and ask ourselves the real question again; so, why is it that so many of us want to be a doctor? Well, that’s simply because we’re uneducated, terrified, and under pressure. Firstly, we are uneducated because we don’t know about all the other options out there and the requirements for certain jobs. Secondly, we are terrified because we can’t fully grasp the concept of how quickly this is all happening. Lastly, we’re under immense pressure because we’re told to make smart decisions while following our hearts and satisfying everyone around us at the same time. Students in grade 11 last year partook in a career fair where individuals who had jobs in various fields came and spoke about pretty much everything in regards to their jobs and education. I listened to people who changed their minds halfway through university, who actually changed their universities just because they felt like it, or decided to do something that they had never thought of doing in a million years. Consequently, this made me think; I thought about why we are forced to take everything so seriously and why we turn something that should be so exciting into something that makes us panic. Truth is, the marathon towards becoming a doctor will most likely last around ten years and at the end you’re going to be rewarded with a stethoscope and student debts that add up to thousands of dollars. So, is it worth it? If you still think yes, then good for you. If not, then good for you too, and if you have absolutely no clue what you want to be, then that’s even better for you. Choose different marathons, talk to runners who have already finished certain marathons, and decide that a particular race is not for you so feel free to change direction. But regardless of what happens, realize that as long as you’re happy, it doesn’t matter whether you end up with a lab coat, a bucket of paint, or a spatula at the end of your journey – because you my friend have just ran a marathon, and as cheesy as it may sound, you can be everything and anything.

MANY STUDENTS THINKING ABOUT THEIR FUTURE CAREERS will consider becoming a doctor as an option.

The Stigma of Mental Illness As we make great strides in the mitigation of physical illnesses, mental health still remains a large and mostly unrecognized concern. BY RAINEY GUO OPINION CONTRIBUTOR

Oh my god, isn't the weather so bipolar these days?" "Dude, you're so OCD." These are examples of phrases often heard that mention mental disorders in an off-handed manner, thus being considered ignorant and offensive. I’ve come to learn that many people, including those whom I personally know, seem to think that mental illnesses are not real and are simply insults. Well, it's safe to say that they're not . They're serious issues that approximately 20% of Canadians will suffer from at some point in their lives. Mental illnesses are as real and tragic as physical ones, and I really wish people would think twice before joking about them, or using them as derogatory terms. Sometimes, people will talk about mental illnesses very casually, or label themselves as mentally ill. A lot of the time, it isn't their fault; they probably don't know that what they're saying is wrong. You'll often hear the expression, "Ugh, I'm so OCD," when speaking of quirks that people have, such as getting annoyed when desks aren't aligned properly. The thing is, mental illnesses are a constant struggle in certain people's lives. Those with OCD might be frustrated when triggered by something, not simply be a little ticked off about the crookedness of desks. People with mental health disorders have to live with others treating their problem as something fake, something that doesn't matter, or something funny, instead of the unfortunate reality it actually is. As a society, we're able to express great amounts of sadness for diseases like cancer or sympathy for something as small as a common cold. Yet, why is it that when someone has schizophrenia, it’s easier to tell them to “just deal with it” rather than when someone has injured themselves physically? If you need medication for a liver problem, or therapy for a broken leg, it is easily accessible and socially acceptable, so why can’t the mentally ill receive the same without being scoffed at for it? Why is it that when depressed patients want help coping with suicidal thoughts, we tell them they’re attention seekers, but rarely express the same sentiment when there are crowds around those with broken limbs wanting to sign their casts? I can't fathom why so many people in today’s world value their bodies over their minds, because really, that's what you're doing when you're shaming those with mental health disorders. Another aspect of the stigma is that many mental illnesses are romanticized, which is quite unfortunate. Something that causes so much pain and distress for people is not beautiful or mysterious. It's certainly not something you should wish upon yourself, because people suffering

from these illnesses are fighting wars in their minds and it makes it worse for them and so much harder for them when people can't understand it. Those suffering from mental health disorders need medical and emotional care which they're desperately fighting for seeing as how we're still perpetuating the stigma. As a result of this, there are many out there who are afraid to speak about their illnesses or even seek help. Unfortunately, with misconceptions in the media, it seems as though it can't be helped, but if we were to be a little more properly educated... now wouldn't that be nice for a change? However, it's not fair to blame individuals for ignorance. What's to blame is the fact that we're constantly educated about how to take care of ourselves physically, but only occasionally taught to do so mentally. We know so much about colds, the flu and cancer, as well as about how common they are but what do we know about schizophrenia or depression besides "Oh they're crazy” or “Oh they're always sad?" All we know are generalizations or stereotypes, which is something that must be changed immediately. People all around the world raise billions of dollars to cure cancer, but while a frightening 2 out of 5 people are predicted to have cancer in their lifetime, developing a mental illness isn’t far behind, at 1 out of 5, and the fight to get through it is treacherous all the same. It’s an eternal war in the recesses of the brain, and a lot of the time, there’s no winner. I'm definitely not saying that all the awareness that's raised for cancer and other physical diseases is unnecessary, but maybe it would do us some good to pay just as much attention to illnesses that affect people mentally, but happen to be important nonetheless. Please, let me explain myself; I'm not trying to be purely negative. In fact, there are so many organizations doing their part to make a difference in the world. Mental health and self-care are beginning to be taught in schools. Well-known individuals are using their impact on society to raise awareness, like Clara Hughes and her ride across Canada. Even large companies such as Bell and their "Let's Talk" initiative are helping to highlight the importance of mental health.. Conferences are being held around the world, inviting the leaders of future generations to be educated and speak their minds about this global issue (eg: the annual Canadian Mental Health Association Nationwide Conference). These are just a few examples of the progress being made to eliminate the stigma, and I look forward to seeing what comes next. I hope that one day I can help those who suffer from any type of mental illnesses in any way that I can. I hope that the level of awareness and attention surrounding these issues continue to increase rapidly and steadily. I hope that the stigma that we are still dealing with today completely vanishes sometime in the near future. And most importantly, I hope that by writing this article, I'm helping to take a step forward in the right direction.



fall 2014

Oh Canada: True North Strong and Free In the wake of two great tragedies, we must stick to our values, and illustrate to our enemies that Canadians are not to be intimidated. BY FRANK YE OPINION CONTRIBUTOR


n the fourth week of October in 2014, Canada experienced two tragedies which will forever leave a lasting impression on Canadian history. On Monday, October 20, Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent was killed in a targeted and planned hit and run; he had served in the army for 28 years. Then on Wednesday, October 22, Corporal Nathan Cirillo was shot and killed while standing unarmed guarding our Nation's National War memorial, to and our nation watched as his attacker, then made his way to our nation's capital. We as a nation must now come together to overcome these tragedies. And although it is easier for us to begin growing fearful of our neighbours, to blame others for this tragedy, and to allow for fear and hatred to govern our lives. We must remind ourselves that we as Canadians have committed ourselves to a higher standard; we must deal with this tragedy in the same way we have always dealt with our issues, through unity, compassion and peace. The men who committed these two acts do not deserve to be named, or given any attention or recognition. They are cowardly savages who killed the very people who protected them, who served them, who gave them the quality of life that they had. As a people it may be easier to hate them, to pay more attention to them, to begin to hate all those associated with them, but that is not the Canadian way. The killers want the negative attention; they acted as brutes to engross us in their message of hatred, to propagate chaos and division, and to cast a

REST IN PEACE NATHAN CIRILLO: Many Canadians pay respects to their fallen hero, leaving notes, flowers and farewells. shadow of fear. We must not let them succeed. Instead look to the heroes who serve us, look to them for they are the ones who deserve the attention. Carry on their message of peace, freedom and unity. Corporal Cirillo and Warrant Officer Vincent like thousands of other fellow Canadians gave up their lives to serve this country. They are our soldiers, our protectors, but above all, our fellow Canadians. Let us not retell the cowardly story of attacking unarmed soldiers, but rather the story of the courageous Sergeant at Arms Kevin Vickers, who risked his life to protect others. These events will not break us apart in paranoia like the attackers would have wanted, but rather bring us together as unified Canadians, as our heroes would have wanted.

We must not allow ourselves to be consumed by fear, as fear leads to hate, and hate to division. It may seem that the threat to our freedom, to our democracy, and way of life is more dangerous than ever, but Canada has always faced this threat. We must do everything we can to fight against our enemies; we must not let the terror govern our lives. We must live everyday freely, as Canadians, upholding our values, welcoming our neighbours, and remaining faithful to our friends. The moment we allow our fear to be the justification for our decisions is the moment we let our enemies win. We must come together to finish the job left behind by our fellow Canadians. We must live our lives as they would have wanted us to, without fear and prejudice. Remaining strong and

unified in the face of those who try to intimidate us is the most honourable way to remember those who we have lost. After such a tragedy we are eager to start jumping to conclusions, we naturally want to react with hate and resentment, but we must remember that we are society that values peace over violence, acceptance over intolerance, and solidarity over separation. We must remember that attacks like these carried out in the name of a religion do not in any way represent the views of that religion. We must not label, judge or feel indifferent toward the cultural beliefs of any of our fellow Canadians. It is times like this that require us to remain compassionate to one another. We cannot use these attacks as an excuse to antagonize our fellow

Canadians or to spread resentment towards others. To do such a thing, would be allowing those who are against us to get the better of us. Let us remember the fundamental principles which make us the great country that we are; we believe in freedom, justice, equality, multiculturalism and democracy. When dealing with those who seek to destroy these principles, we ourselves must be careful, as to ensure that we don't turn our backs to these values. Let us live our lives to the fullest, for Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, Corporal Nathan Cirillo, and for the thousands of others who can't. Let us remain brave and unified, and send our enemies the message that we are not frightened of them, because we are the brave, we are the strong. We are Canadians.

Got Milk? The Ugly Truth Behind Dairy Factory Farming The dairy industry isn’t all that it appears; torturous methods are leading many animal lovers to take the extra step to become vegan. BY ISABELLE PITIGOI OPINION CONTRIBUTOR


mages of cows grazing on scenic hillsides embellish many milk cartons around the world, but what goes on behind the packaging, is far from picturesque. The dairy industry is thought by many to be the least harmful food production process involving animals, because they do not need to be slaughtered in the affair. It is common knowledge that animals are abused and killed for meat through the highly scrutinized process of factory farming, but we’re taught to believe that dairy is different: cows need to be milked, and we need to drink milk, so it all works out, right? Wrong. The life of a dairy cow is in no way better than that of a cow raised for its meat. Vegetarianism is not enough; removing milk and cheese from your diet is the real step towards the elimination of animal torture through food production. To live vegan is the closest to living cruelty-free. Cows, like humans, make enough milk to feed, raise, and nourish their offspring. This means

COWS AND THEIR MILK may seem benign, but is there another truth? that to produce milk, they must give birth to their young. For this to happen, farmers will artificially inseminate the female cow each year and within a day of it giving birth, the baby is dragged away so it doesn’t consume her milk. Female calves come to share their mothers’ fate and are raised as dairy cows. However, males are shipped straight to feedlots where they are fattened up for slaughter, to be sold as beef. Others are kept immobilized in dark, tiny crates (known as veal crates), so their meat stays tender, until a few months later when they are killed and sold as veal. They are fed liquid meals with low iron content,

and therefore close to no nutritive value, so the flesh remains white. These males frequently come to suffer from anemia, because of insufficient iron in their diet and pneumonia, due to the cold, damp environment. However, it’s not only the young that suffer. After their loss, the mothers don’t even have time for grieving as they are soon hooked up to machines that constantly restrain them and exploit the milk intended for the baby. As stated by John Webster, a leading authority on dairy cows, the removal of the calf is the worst event possible to happen to a mother cow, and they usually experience

deep trauma and constantly mourn the loss of their child. On top of that, these dairy cows are genetically manipulated and modified to produce 10-20 times the amount of milk they naturally need to suckle their calves. To further improve and boost the production of milk, farmers inject their cows with Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) which increases the already excessive amount of milk they produce. Other farmers will feed cattle high intensity feeds and grains, causing digestive issues. The cow’s udder is not able to support this enormous amount of milk and is therefore prone to frequent infection. They also suffer from back problems because of distorted hip and spine configurations. This life is very straining and stressful for the mother: to give birth yearly and lose their calf, be confined to such small spaces for their entire lives, and produce and carry around this massive load of milk. This has a dramatic effect on their life expectancy as it is a very abusive lifestyle. They tend to burn out and become lame at a much younger age. Normally, a cow that lives in the wild has a lifespan of 20 -25 years compared that of a dairy cow, of which only 25% live past the age of 7. Also, their way of life causes many problems such as injury, illness, poor conception

rates and low milk production. None of these traits are beneficial to farmers, and therefore these cows are sent to be slaughtered, dying at a much younger age than they would naturally. No matter the sex (male and female), cattle are all sent to the slaughterhouse in the end. More recently, as awareness for this issue has been raised , veganism is becoming more popular. The elimination of dairy products from the diet is a big step, but it is becoming easier to take, as dairy replacements are now appearing in grocery stores more frequently. According to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), “for every dairy product there is a cruelty-free alternative”, so why not take the step, and make the change? Alternatives to dairy products are those made from soy, rice, nut and tofu and are ranging from milk to ice cream. If not at your local grocery, these can be found at most Kosher or specialty baking stores and are also generally low in fat and contain no cholesterol. This is a growing concern, and the most frightening part is how little society knows about it. One of the most common statements people who decide to go dairy-free get is: “cows have to be milked anyway, don’t they?”. The answer is no. They definitely don’t, and they would much rather not be.


fall 2014


page 9

The Convoluted Dance of Diplomatic Expulsions A Canadian diplomat is expelled from Moscow in a new addition to the drama of diplomatic expulsions unfolding along with the Ukrainian crisis. BY WENDY LI OPINION CONTRIBUTOR


n April 22, Russia gave a Canadian diplomat the boot from Moscow as the newest addition to a series of diplomatic expulsions due to the Ukrainian crisis. You may have heard about the Ukrainian crisis and Canada's involvement with that issue. But, in case you haven't, I'm going to give you a brief run-down on what exactly happened. The 2014 Ukrainian Revolution (February 2014) resulted in the ousting of the then Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, following a series of violent events in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital. Since then, Ukraine has experienced many changes in quick succession to their political system, including the installation of an interim government, a restoration of an older version of their constitution, and plans to hold a presidential election in several months. The revolution was followed by a secession crisis in Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, which was annexed by unmarked armed forces, whom experts later identified as Russian Special Forces. Russia, at the time, insisted that the forces did not include Russian troops stationed in the area but only local self-defence forces. Crimea voted to secede from Ukraine, most wanting to join the Russian Federation, but the UN overturned the vote,

STEPHEN HARPER AND VLADMIR PUTIN are just two of the many figure heads of today’s dramatic politics. saying it was invalid because of the unconstitutional circumstances that the vote was held in. Since then, Russian military presence has increased in Crimea, and many cities in Crimea are experiencing pro-Russian riots. Councillors in the Crimean city of Sevastopol selected Russian citizen Aleksei Chalyi for mayor, while pro-Russian demonstrators chanted “A Russian mayor for a Russian city”. Even the police chief of Sevastopol stated that he would refuse orders from Kiev, Ukraine's capital. Ukraine continues to refuse to recognize Crimea’s secession. Internationally, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Canada, Japan, The Netherlands, South Korea, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey, Australia

and the European Union all condemn Russia, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Russian president Vladimir Putin claims that the West only backs up Ukraine for its own political agenda and the natural gas present there, not for the actual citizens of Ukraine. Now that you know some back story, the expulsions will make more sense. The expelled diplomat, who government sources confirmed as Margarita Atanasov, served as Canada's First Secretary of the immigration section at the Canadian Embassy in Russia. Atanasov has been ordered to leave Russia within 14 days. Atanasov's expulsion comes roughly two weeks after Canada gave assistant military attaché Lieut.-Col. Yury

Bezler the boot from Ottawa. The two governments seem to be involved in a convoluted diplomatic dance wherein each expulsion is met with another one. However, was entering this game the smartest choice Canada could have made? If we truly want to help Ukraine about the “the serious breach of Ukrainian sovereignty by Russia” (in the words of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper), was getting our diplomats expelled from Russia the best way to go about it? As of right now, most of the Canadian public is against Russia and with the government in this situation, going so far as to boo and jeer at a Russian envoy as he tried to deliver a speech. Clearly, the Canadian public is not going to be swayed by the Russians, but the Rus-

sians are not so firm in their opinions, according to some of the Canadian Embassy in Moscow. In spite of all of that, playing somewhat childish games vaguely reminiscent of recess in elementary school with the Russians isn't the only thing the government has been getting up to in regards to the situation in Ukraine. Canada has cancelled previously scheduled joint military and economic programs with Russia, and expelled Russian soldiers that had been training here. As well, the government announced it would send six CF-18 jet fighters to join NATO in eastern Europe and as many as 20 military personnel to the alliance’s headquarters in Brussels last week. NATO has ramped up its presence in Eastern Europe in response to Russia's increasing presence in eastern Ukraine after the Crimean crisis. However, many people view Harper's support of Ukraine as a furthering of his own political agenda: exactly what Putin accuses the West of doing. Canada has one of the largest Ukrainian populations in the world, second only to Ukraine itself. Surely the Prime Minister's willingness to leap to Ukraine's defence would earn him some votes. This dance that the government has been doing needs to stop: we don't need to see any more diplomats expelled from Russia for petty reasons such as “pay-back”. The government might also benefit from not fulfilling Putin's proclamation about the West only helping Ukrainians because of our own political agendas (and the natural gas). But that's just my opinion.

Absolutely Clear As Day: The Racism Present in The World Today Some people say that racism is gone now, but is it really? BY TERESA TAN OPINION CONTRIBUTOR


ots of people might say racism in the present day has seen drastic improvement. It might be true, in some places at least, but can we really say the change is a big one? It’s true, there might not be such explicit examples like separate water fountains for white people and black people, and children of colour being separated from white children in school, or even being denied education at all, but those are rather minor changes, don’t you think? Especially when we consider that just recently, a young, unarmed black man was shot to death. As many people may know, this summer in Ferguson, Missouri, Michael Brown, an 18 year old black man was shot to death by Darren Wilson, a Ferguson police officer. It is said that Michael Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson were walking in the middle of the street until Wilson came up to them and told them to get on the sidewalk. There seemed to have been a struggle of sorts, and it led to Wilson shooting the first shot at Brown. Brown and Johnson split up and Wilson went after Brown and ended up shooting him a total of six times, killing him. This incident occurred even though all police officers are instructed not to shoot unless their life is in danger, and Wilson’s life could not have been in so much danger to shoot Michael Brown enough to kill him. Especially, since he was unarmed. The Ferguson police have not considered this a mistake or apolo-

gized about it, and instead claimed Michael Brown was the perpetrator of an armed robbery shortly before the shooting. However, it was established that Brown was unarmed, and when Wilson approached Brown, he was unaware of any connection that Brown may have had to the armed robbery that had occurred earlier in the day. Following the shooting, many people in the predominantly black community built a memorial for Michael Brown, but it was destroyed by the police shortly afterwards. A few days after the shooting, a peaceful protest started in Ferguson. The protesters simply walked around holding signs, with a wish for justice for Michael Brown. The response from the police? A ludicrous show of force which included firing rubber bullets, the use of tear gas on protesters, and widespread arrests of several protesters along with many journalists. These weren’t the only poor actions that the Ferguson police partook in THE PROTESTS IN FERGUSON showcased the increasing militarization of the police force in the United States. that night. When many people called priority when it comes to things such black people are dangerous, even change that our world is making the police station on the night of the as jobs. Many people would rather things like the fact that all white peo- when it comes to racism is very big. I shooting, most people were met with give a job to a white person rather ple are racist! There has also been a think it’s good that change has hapinsults about being black (whether than a black one, even if the black concern of the growing Islamopho- pened, but more change can be the operator knew they were black or person is more capable and would do bia and whether it is racist or not. done. We cannot say that racism is not), and were hung up on before better at the job. Some black people Islamophobia is the fear or hatred not a big issue anymore, when peomight even be afraid of the police towards Muslims or ethnic groups ple are being shot in the streets, and they could even get a word in. Sure, some of these events because of incidents that happen like that are thought to be Muslims. Many arrested for the sole reason of being a might not have been because of race, Ferguson. Of course, racism these people as of late have been afraid of different colour, and for trying to but it probably wouldn’t be far off to days, like in the past as well, is not Muslims because of America’s histo- show that racism now, is real and say that the Ferguson police acted the only racism against black people. ry with terrorists attacks which I sup- happening all the time. Until we can make our world way they did because it was a black There’s racism against just about any pose could be understandable, but is still racism nonetheless, and I can’t peaceful for everyone to live in, for community and because the police race! Some people might consider even begin to understand why peo- everyone to live without fear of being force in Ferguson is predominantly white. Ferguson is one of the most racism as just outright insulting a ple would say it isn’t. Islamophobia is attacked in the streets because of significant events regarding race race, but what about other things being afraid of someone for their their race, for people to accept each relations that has happened recently such as stereotypes? Some people race, something they don’t control; other and not care about what colour in the United States. But of course, it might not realize it, but there are so it’s judging them because of a stereo- each of us are, until then, we cannot is not the only instance of racism that many racist stereotypes. Many com- type that claims all Muslims are ter- say racism is no longer an issue in mon racist stereotypes include the rorists when it’s so obviously not true. our world. is happening in the present day. So no. I don’t think that the Blacks are often the second fact that Asians are always cheap,




from the editors

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Patrick Shen Hyewoan Song EXECUTIVE EDITORS

Shivam Sharma Kelly Goncalves Daniel Varshavsky Ben Levy

fall 2014 Emili Tran Esther Wolf Kevin Son LAYOUT EDITORS





Eye of the Tiger is advised by Mrs. Borges.


Is global warming real? YES

Hyewoan Song


s the world really on a general course of warming up? It almost certainly is, but apparently some people still need convincing. Global warming is caused by something called the greenhouse effect, which is when the light from the sun hits the Earth’s surface and 70% of that energy stays on Earth. The energy is eventually removed of course, or Earth would have boiled over long ago. By itself, the greenhouse effect isn’t a bad thing at all, and is in fact necessary for life (without it, Earth would like a lot like Mars which doesn’t have an atmosphere thick enough to retain heat). But thanks to human intervention, our atmosphere is now retaining too much heat. Humans have been pouring huge amounts of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and other substances into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution, the various sources of this being fertilizers, power plants, car exhaust, decomposition from garbage, digestive gases from livestock, mining, and more. The increased gases in the atmosphere are absorbing and retaining much more thermal radiation than usual, and it’s undoubtedly related to human activity. It’s not

due to a “natural cycle” of warming and cooling- the exact concentration of carbon dioxide coincides too closely with increased levels of human activity since the 1800’s. And although there may be periods of low concentrations of carbon dioxide and high concentrations in the short term, the general trend is that it’s going up, fast. Proof of global warming was nicely summed up by the Berkely Earth project, the largest open database of temperature records since the 1800’s. It shows that, from 15 sources around the world, average global temperatures have risen 1.40C in the last 250 years. This data coincides closely with studies done by NASA and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration). It also dispels the myth of urban island heating, a popular alternative explanation to the rising temperatures in cities; this data was taken from all over the globe, many not being from cities. The kicker is that the study originally set out to prove global warming was not real. The founder of the study, Richard Muller, later admitted that global warming was probably real and called himself a converted skeptic. To really confirm that global warming is real, we’ll probably have to wait a couple more centuries. But we must act on the proof we have now, which overwhelmingly says that global warming is indeed real, or by then, it will be too late.


Patrick Shen


cience is constantly evolving with countless theories being developed all the time. Some are credible, while others are not. Case in point, global warming is generally accepted as fact; the link between industrialisation, greenhouse gases, and various other buzzwords seems so clear. Nevertheless, some climate scientists have theorized for decades that climate change has little to do with human activity. At the seventh International Climate Chance Conference (ICCC) sponsored by the Heartland Institute, surprising conclusions were made concerning just what, exactly, is going on with the climate. For example, it was shown that twentieth century temperature trends do not correspond with atmospheric carbon dioxide trends; temperatures were actually dropping steadily from the 1940s to the 1970s. It wasn’t until the 1970s to 1990s that warmer temperatures were being documented. Don Easterbrook, Professor Emeritus of Geology at Western Washington University, attributed this to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The PDO is a contributor of sea surface temperature anomalies that can also affect global temperatures - it was cold from the 1940s to the 1970s, and warm from the

1970s to the 1990s. The sun as a factor of climate change was also discussed at the ICCC by physicist Nir J. Shaviv of the Racah Institute of Physics in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Historically, long periods of low sunspot activity (like the one we are currently experiencing) have been associated with lower temperatures. To illustrate, the Dalton Minimum period from 1790 to 1830 experienced a 2 degree decline in temperature ratings within a two-decade period. The Maunder Minimum period from 1645 to 1715 coincided with the coldest part of the Little Ice Age, which afflicted the Earth for around five centuries. Despite what seems to be legitimate evidence, the Heartland Institute has been slammed for its questionable sources of funding and its role in propagating global warming denialism. And it doesn’t help that the Institute doesn’t have a great scientific track record. Several scientists affiliated with Heartland once advocated that secondhand smoke had no significant health risks. Yeah. Still, a great handful of the scientists and researchers who presented at the ICCC were pedigreed and google-able. Who, at the end of the day, is right? Perhaps the moral of the story is that wherever groundbreaking science is concerned, take everything with a grain of salt – and that goes for both sides of the fence.

A Letter of Apology Daniel Grenier Well, this is it. After writing for the Eye for the past four years, it’s time to end off my career with a bit of a bang. Unfortunately, this isn’t the kind of bang anybody wants. A sad, negative bang. The perceptive readers will realize that I no longer have the “Sports Editor” tag underneath my name in the header of this letter. I have resigned from The Eye of the Tiger. There’s a pretty big reason for that; I did the most horrible and despicable thing a writer can do; the cardinal sin. I disregarded any journalistic integrity I had, and flat out stole an article. Copy and paste. Word for word. And I put my name on it. That 2000-ish word article from Issue 2, the one on the forthcoming Major League Baseball season, is not mine. It was one I’d found on the Internet, the night before the submission deadline. Rather than being honest with my section members or chief editor, I succumbed to pressure and cheated. Firstly, I want to apologize to everyone who reads the paper, because to give you something that isn’t mine is insulting to you, and for that, I feel terrible and am truly sorry. Next is to obviously apologize to those who contribute and write for the paper. You make the time to produce quality content on your own, to work hard, to research, to edit; and then for me to do what I did is an insult and unfair to you. I apologize to the editors/crew of the paper; Crystal, David, Patrick, Wilmer, Guy, Boaz, Danny, Jodi, Jun, and Hyewoan. You have put in a great effort this year and I have ruined the reputation of the crew. I also apologize to Ms. Borges, who gives up her own time to help run the paper. Lastly and most importantly I want to apologize to Eric. You put your trust in me to watch over the sports section, and I failed you. I compromised the integrity of the paper and the reputation of you as an editor. Therefore, I have resigned from the paper and I profusely apologize for my misconduct. Once again, I say to all of you with all meaning I have, I am really, really sorry.


fall 2014




A Comprehensive Guide to the 2014-2015 NHL Season

What teams will rise and what teams will fall in the race for Lord Stanley’s Cup this NHL season? BY CHRIS GUPTA & ERIC SUDMAN SPORTS CONTRIBUTORS


his season there seems to be an overall consensus that, with the exception of a few teams, the Western conference is where the powerhouses of the league reside. The Central Division in particular is expected to be even more dominant this season, with teams such as Dallas taking major steps forward. The Western conference is, as always, likely going to be crowded near the top with the three Californian teams. Once again, it looks like the majority of the Canadian teams will finish in the bottom 10. With the exception of Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, it is highly unlikely that a Canadian team makes the

THE LOS ANGELES KINGS have what it takes to win a consecutive Stanley Cup. playoffs. Moreover, it seems as if the only Canadians who have a shot at capturing Lord Stanley are the Montreal Canadiens, who still remain a longshot. The following is a prediction of how the standings will look at the end of the regular season. After much debate, we predict that the local favourites, the Toronto Maple Leafs, will slide into a playoff spot. The East has a few seriously competitive teams and a few teams that can surely be counted out of a playoff spot. As a result, hockey fans can look forward to the competition between the pack of teams in the middle, who will battle for the two wild card spots. Eastern Division Boston Bruins The Boston Bruins have not missed the playoffs since the 200607 season. Their gritty, tough de-

fensive core, along with their talented and persistent forwards makes this team tough to contend with. Moreover, Tuukka Rask is hungry for a Vezina trophy-worthy season. Tampa Bay Lightning After a promising 2013-14 season, the Tampa Bay Lightning have to bounce back from their unimpressive postseason. A healthy Steven Stamkos, developing young stars (highlighted by Jonathon Drouin), as well as another strong season from goaltender Ben Bishop are their keys to a successful run. Montreal Canadiens The key question in Montreal: leadership. The departure of veterans Gionta and Gorges makes way for the new generation of Habs. With Subban inked for 8 years, Carey Price coming off of a gold medal year, and rise of young forwards, the team looks promising.

Toronto Maple Leafs (WC) The Toronto Maple Leafs are coming off yet ANOTHER disappointing season after a promising start. Although they have come a long way in the past few seasons, there are still questions marks surrounding team management, coaching, shot differential and starting goaltender. Detroit Red Wings 23. That is the number of consecutive seasons that the Detroit Red Wings have made the playoffs. Detroit doesn’t know what missing the playoffs feel like. However, the core of the team is aging, and the team’s young stars must step up to the plate in order to continue the Red Wings streak. Ottawa Senators Ottawa knows the feeling of losing star players. After a great playoff run in the shortened season, Ottawa has not been successful. A lack of prospects on this team

does not make the future of this team any more promising; the team must now rely on Bobby Ryan and Eric Karlsson to have any hope of a playoff appearance. Buffalo Sabres Buffalo knows where they stand: as a rebuilding club. As for the process of rebuilding, they so far have done everything correctly. The acquisition of veterans Brian Gionta, Josh Gorges and Matt Moulson will help pave the road for their wealth of promising prospects. Florida Panthers The Florida Panthers are another team with a wealth of young prospects, but are lacking in veterans. The return of Roberto Luongo to the sunshine state was surprising, and Florida has a promising future. However, for the time being they will remain a bottom-five club. Metropolitan Division


page 12 EYE OF THE TIGER New York Rangers The biggest surprise of the 2013-14 season was the New York Rangers. An impressive playoff run to the Stanley Cup Final leaves the team with momentum going into this season. Their success was due to their team depth. However, any team with King Henrik in net is destined to have a shot at the cup. Pittsburgh Penguins Hart trophy winner Sidney Crosby had a very disappointing playoffs, resulting in an early golf season. If team leaders Malkin, Letang, Kunitz, and Crosby can all produce to their potential, and if Marc-Andre Fleury solves his inconsistency, this team can easily take the President’s trophy this season. Philadelphia Flyers Philadelphia is a team with an abundance of players who have the potential to lead this team to success. However, the inconsistency of these players is a team attribute that must be changed this season. Also, in order to go far in the playoffs, they will need to hope that veteran goaltender Steve Mason has his best season to date. Columbus Blue Jackets(WC) Columbus is a team that might finally be coming along. For the first time ever, Columbus can officially be considered a competitive team, thanks to the efforts of maturing players such as Ryan Murray, Ryan Johanson, and Vezina winner Sergei Bobrovsky. Washington Capitals

The Capitals have an abundance of star players such as Ovechkin, Backstrom, Niskanen, and Hotlby. However, the team lacks depth in all positions. Overpaid defensemen and a dependence on just a few highly-skilled forwards give the team only a 50/50 chance in terms of making playoffs. New York Islanders This team was looking good until sniper John Tavares went down with an injury in Sochi. So far, his rebound season has been nothing but extraordinary, putting up 9 points in 5 games. An abundance of offseason additions, a load of young prospects, and the addition of Jaroslav Halak, a stellar goaltender, will give this team a shot at making the playoffs. Carolina Hurricanes This team’s chances of making the playoffs depend entirely on the Staal brothers, Alex Semin and Jeff Skinner. Goaltenders Khudobin and Ward will battle it out for starting position in the crease. Unfortunately, a lack of grit and depth will leave this team in the basement. New Jersey Devils The New Jersey Devils have a very small chance of making the playoffs after making the Cup finals in 2012. Schneider is a solid netminder, and the team gained ground with offseason additions, but the team is still no closer to making the playoffs. A common theme in the Western Conference is the arms race for two Top 6 centres. The west appears to already be set, and the

predicted final standings are as follows. Central Division St. Louis Blues The Blues come in at the number one spot as they come in relatively unchanged from the successful team they have had for the past few seasons. The addition of Paul Stastny will bolster the second line, making this club the team to beat in the West. Chicago Blackhawks With two cups in the past 5 years, this team is poised for another great season. Led by captain Jonathan Toews, Patrick Kane, and Norris trophy winner Duncan Keith, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to see the Blackhawks back in the playoffs. Colorado Avalanche With Stastny gone, Nathan MacKinnon will have to step up as the number two centre in Colorado. The consensus is that he is more than ready for the challenge, but if the sophomore falters, this team may see their playoff hopes dwindle. Dallas Stars (WC) Dallas is the dark horse in the west. With the addition of Jason Spezza as the number two centre and another great season from both Jamie Benn and Tyler Seguin, the Dallas Stars will make some waves this season Minnesota Wild (WC) Led by Zach Parise and Ryan Suter, the Wild surprised many

Now That FIFA is Over… Europe Comes Into the Spotlight It’s not just the FIFA soccer that you have to look out for; other professional soccer leagues are on the rise. BY CATHY TRAN & SARAH RAVOTH SPORTS CONTRIBUTORS


lthough the 2014 FIFA World Cup has been over for a few months now, some of us are still suffering from post-World Cup depression. We just don’t know what to do with ourselves every day at around 11:30 and 3:30 anymore. However, despite the end of the magic and the oncoming protests over the fact that we will have to wait four more years for the next one, the world of soccer has not yet come to a standstill. Though the focus in the sports world is transitioning from soccer to football and hockey, the world of soccer is still very much alive right now. First of all, there are the Women National Teams, which are important due to the fact that the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup will be hosted in Canada (which is super exciting, of course). Let’s also keep in mind the fact that the Men’s National Teams haven’t disap-

peared off of the face of the Earth after the World Cup. They are still playing friendlies and qualifiers for the European Championships and other championships around the world. However, soccer is about more than just wearing your national colours; it’s also about wearing your club colours. One of the most elite and on-the-edge-of-your-seat club competitions is the UEFA Champions League, in which the best clubs in Europe and Asia fight to win the Champions League title. The League started on June 30 th this year and will continue until May 25 th of the next year. Although it has only just begun, the Group Stage has already experienced some exciting matches that have kept the hearts of fans beating wildly. The current top contenders for the UEFA Champions League title include Atletico Madrid, Olympiacos Piraeus, Real Madrid, Ludogorets Razgrad, Bayer 04 Leverkusen, AS Monaco FC, Borussia Dortmund, Arsenal, FC Bayern München, Roma, Paris SG, FC Barcelona, Chelsea, FC Shalke 04, FC Porto, and Shakhtar Donetsk. Howev-

THERE’S MORE SOCCER to be excited about this year.

er, these standings are not set in stone, which means that if your favourite team isn’t doing so well thus far into the competition - trust us, we know how painful that feels - they still have a chance to take the title in the end. The English Premier League kicked off its 23 rd season on August 16 th , with favourites like Chelsea, Manchester United, and Southampton vying for the top spot. However, changes are occurring all throughout the league, making this year seemingly more interesting than ever before. Cristiano Ronaldo’s manager, Jorge Mendes, recently dealt a crippling blow to Manchester United, saying that Ronaldo has no intent on returning to the team and that he will finish his career with Real Madrid, disappointing Manchester fans hoping for his return. Meanwhile, there are rumors that both Chelsea and Arsenal may be looking to recruit midfielder Sami Khedira from Real Madrid, but of that nothing is confirmed. In another rumor, Arsenal’s top signed player, Mesut Özil, transferred for a record £42.5 million, may be leaving the

fall 2014 with their playoff run last year. Look for another strong season and playoff run from the Wild next year, if the goaltending tandem of Nicklas Backstrom and Josh Harding holds up. Nashville Predators With the first and only coach of the Predators gone, a new era begins in Nashville. This team lacks scoring ability, but is very solid on defence and has one of the best goaltenders in the world in Pekka Rinne; however, it may not be enough due to the young core of this hockey club. Winnipeg Jets With an inconsistent goalie and constant off-ice distractions from star Evander Kane, the Winnipeg Jets may be in for a long season. They lack the star power and depth on defence to compete with the top teams in the West. Pacific Division Anaheim Ducks Anaheim was a top team in the league last year, and with the addition of Ryan Kesler as a bona-fide second line centre, the Ducks’ time for a Cup run is now. They will be the team to beat this year. Los Angeles Kings As the defending champions, the Kings may once again be the favourite to win it all. With their combination of size, skill, and speed, L.A is tough to beat in a best -of-seven series. As long as they stick to their game, the Kings will likely come out on top once again. team this winter for Bayern Munich. Admittedly, Özil had not brought much to Arsenal recently, and regardless of whether his slump is due to a bad rapport with his teammates and coach or the end of his soccer days, we will definitely be seeing less of Mesut Özil after his recent knee injury. Unquestionably, the English Premier League will be in for a thrilling season, full of new changes and a battle for the championship right to the end in May 2015. The German Bundesliga, which is currently in its ninth week, kicked off on August 21 st and will finish its 2014-2015 season on June 3 rd , 2015. At the top of the Bundesliga table sits FC Bayern München, with a four point lead over the next two teams, TSG Hoffenheim and Borussia M’gladbach. Many fans of the German team Borussia Dortmund are devastated by their current position at the bottom half of the table, when they are usually in the top half. The team has experienced a five-game no-win streak in the Bundesliga this season, but their manager, Jürgen Klopp, is really hoping to change that soon. Anyways, enough about sad no-win streaks, let’s move on to an even sadder topic: transfers. Transfers are probably the most heartbreaking thing that a fan could watch their favourite players do. Here are some German transfer rumours that

San Jose Sharks After a disastrous collapse in the playoffs last year, the Sharks stripped Captain Joe Thornton of the “C” and are hoping for a better result. The Sharks have always been a good regular season team, but have yet to advance far into the playoffs. Vancouver Canucks Vancouver had an unsuccessful season last year and appeared to begin a rebuild by trading Ryan Kesler and Roberto Luongo. But with the addition of Ryan Miller in net and healthy Sedins, the Canucks have the potential to make a push for the playoffs. Edmonton Oilers The Oilers have the longest playoff drought in the NHL and it won’t end this season. The Oilers’ young stars are getting better, but the team lacks the depth and goaltending to compete with the West’s top teams. Arizona Coyotes The Arizona (formerly Phoenix) Coyotes have one bright spot on their team: Oliver EkmanLarsson. Other than that, the ‘Yotes do not have much to look forward to this season besides the draft. Calgary Flames The Flames are in full rebuild mode. With Sean Monahan and Sam Bennett as their future top two centres, fans have something to look forward to. Unfortunately, this season will end with the Flames once again near the bottom of the league standings. may just break some hearts. Recently, news that Arsenal, an English Premier League team, are planning to sign a £37 million deal with German FC Shalke 04’s Julian Draxler has been popping up all over the place. Although many will be sad to see him leave his youth club, many are also happy for the young hopeful, who is currently on the German National Team, realizing that he will be moving on to bigger and better things. Another potentially heartbreaking transfer is the possibility of German National Team’s Marco Reus, a star midfielder / winger known for his versatility, speed, and technique, leaving Borussia Dortmund, especially after news spread about how he didn’t want to renew his contract with the club. Many contenders for the German player include Manchester United, Arsenal, and even Liverpool, who are willing to offer him a club record contract of £200,000-aweek. Reus, however, has yet to make a decision on which club he will be playing for. Internationally, European countries are dominating the rankings. Naturally, Germany sits on top after their satisfyingly perfect World Cup victory in Brazil, but familiar countries such as Belgium, France, Switzerland and Netherlands are in the top ten as well. A favourite national team is always a source of intense and stubborn pride, but there’s always time to watch many different leagues (besides the ones mentioned), and find new clubs and players to support, matches to watch, and transfer news to keep up with. Though the next FIFA World Cup is four years away, soccer fans have a lot of excitement to be thankful for, and many leagues to support as we count the days until FIFA 2018 in Russia.


fall 2014


Le a f s S u ffe r L ate- S e a s o n Co l l a p s e (Ag a i n ) Or ‘What’s blue and white and dead all over?’ BY DAKSH DATTA SPORTS EDITOR


ell, here we are again. In the middle of April, sixteen teams were chosen to go the Promised Land after a grueling NHL season. Unfortunately, the only Promised Land the Leafs went to was the local golf club, while the elite teams battled for the Stanley Cup. Once again (for the eighth time in nine years for those not keeping count), the Leafs ended up on the wrong side of the playoff bracket. This past season was a little different from previous failures, as they were conducting quite the tightrope walk. The tightrope itself was a high position in the NHL rankings, and the chasm underneath was the basement of these rankings. The Leafs were nearly across when their luck and opportunistic play gave way, and they went into freefall. This sudden drop could be likened to the wise words of Leafs exGM Brian Burke, who said “this is akin to an 18-wheeler going right off a cliff” in 2012. It’s funny how history repeats itself, since those words could not be more relevant. The Leafs were coasting along in a playoff spot with less than 20 games left when they began to slip. Their assured first wild-card spot slipped, and they started to drop, getting closer and closer to the last playoff spot. It should be noted that they were still winning games at this time (seems like an eternity ago, does it not?), and concluded a trip to California, the playground of the NHL’s powerhouse teams, with a respectable 2-1 record. Beating two of the West’s best? That could mean only one thing: the Leafs were in the playoffs for sure. But then, the unexpected happened: the Leafs forgot how to win games. Slipping and sliding as if they were on ice, eight games went by before they managed to come out on top. Of course a professional NHL team cannot simply forget how to win a game, so what really happened? Let’s take a look. The Leafs started off with a 10-4 start last October, and continued with that rate of success until an 11-16-5 slump from November, 2013, to January, 2014, which dropped them to 10th in the East. However, Lady Luck was on their side and they recovered with a 15-43 run that put them in 3rd. They then proceeded to stop winning, and the rest is history. These rapid fluctuations in success were caused by three factors: save percentage, shooting percentage, and puck possession. The Leafs’ save and shooting percentages worked in tandem to create a deceptive illusion of success for the majority of the season. During this time, especially the beginning, the Leafs relied on an unsustainably high save percentage from their goalies. Jonathan Bernier had a .933 save percentage, and James Reimer had a .949 save percentage, both of which were ridiculously high (the single-season record is .941%). As these numbers

dropped, their hot streaks began to cool. The same happened with the team shooting percentage, and by the time the law of averages had fully caught up to them, they were running on fumes. Their puck possession was the primary cause of this decline in fortune. They were always hemmed into their own zone, had little offensive production, and were unable to keep the puck away from the opposition. The Leafs skirted around these underlying issues due to the previous two factors, but, alas, their success did not last. The facade faded away as teams began to score more often, and the Leafs began to score less. As their offensive numbers, such as their shooting percentage, dwindled, so did the save percentages of their goalies. Throw in a few injuries, add a sprinkle of suspensions, put a dash of player-coach tension, coat it with a sugary layer of too-good-to-be-true statistics, and you have yourself a disaster waiting to happen. Allow it to sit for some time, and you have a blue-and-white catastrophe. This appears to be the same recipe that GM Dave Nonis followed, as he chose to climb a crumbling mountain as high as he could, rather than solidify its foundations first. He certainly paid the price, along with all of Leafs Nation. As agonizing as it may have been, Leafs fans can now look ahead to this season and hope for a different result (perhaps while wondering if it’s too much to ask for a playoff spot). Over the summer, the management team made some changes that have arguably changed the team for the better. Though the jury’s still out on whether newcomers Robidas, Polak, Winnik, Booth Santorelli, Kozun, and Panik are a better group than the departing Kulemin, Raymond, Bolland, Gleason, Gunnarsson, Ranger and McClement, early observations show that they are an improvement. Leafs management also embraced advanced statistics, hiring renowned numbercruncher Kyle Dubas as an assistant general manager. Though they did not make any drastic changes, they certainly took small steps in the right direction. Whether or not these steps are enough to improve team performance remains to be seen, but management certainly seems to be learning from its mistakes (one such mistake being the overpaid signing of David Clarkson last year). James Reimer has also been given a new contract, giving Toronto two solid goalies. However, it remains to be seen whether Reimer or Bernier takes the starter job, and one can only hope that this rivalry remains friendly, or else the team will have an unwanted starter goalie controversy on its hands. Only time will tell whether this team breaks out of the vicious cycle that carries them from absolutely incompetent to almost-great, and back again. Until then, fans must remember that the night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming.

DROPPING FROM ELITE to deadbeat, the Leafs’ collapse was not a pretty sight.



fall 2014

Come On and Slam, and Welcome to the Jam Predictions for the upcoming 2014-2015 NBA season. BY HARRISON MAKARUK SPORTS CONTRIBUTOR


s the NBA season approaches, there is a lot to look forward to in what could be a classic NBA season. The NBA continues to undergo a period of change as our new commissioner, Adam Silver, continues to build upon the legacy left behind by David Stern. With a lottery reform, the new T.V contract looming on the horizon, and one of the most dramatic offseasons in recent memory shaking up the NBA landscape, being a fan of the NBA has never been more entertaining. As opening night gets closer and closer, everyone begins to make their predictions and speculates about some of the most intriguing storylines heading in. Will Derrick Rose ever be the player he once was? How will Cleveland’s big three mesh together as a unit? Will this year’s rookies live up to the hype? Here are the predictions for the NBA’s major awards along with others that don’t actually exist, but definitely should. Scoring Champion Winner: Kevin Durant Dark Horse: Kobe Bryant This year’s race for the scoring title looks pretty bleak. Nearly all of last year’s top scorers are looking to decrease their offensive output this season. Among last year’s top scorers, Kevin Durant appears to be the only player likely to average over 28 points per game (ppg). Last year’s runner up, Carmelo Anthony, should become more of a facilitator with the Knicks’ new triangle offense being implemented this season. While his scoring should hover around 25 ppg, that almost certainly won't be enough to challenge Durant. LeBron James and Kevin Love, third and fourth in ppg last season respectively, will also see their offensive loads reduce as they team up in Cleveland to pursue the city’s first championship. However, Kobe Bryant appears to be in the opposite situation. Considering the Lakers’ lack of anything close to a second allstar, Bryant should have the green light to take as many shots as he pleases. In addition, the Lakers star is only 592 points behind the legendary Michael Jordan, which should give him some motivation. The only thing holding Bryant back will be his age. At 36 years old and coming off two season-ending injuries, it is all but certain he will not be the player he once was, making this scenario unlikely. However, if he does defy the odds and returns to his MVP form, look for Bryant to average close to 30 ppg, if not more. Worst Team Winner: Philadelphia 76ers Dark Horse: None Last year the 76ers were a punchline for many NBA fans. While their team did not have the NBA’s worst record (that honour went to the Milwaukee Bucks), their twenty-six game losing streak did tie an NBA record and their 1963 record was nothing to be proud of. But even more disappointing is the notion that they will be even worse this time around. The Sixers actually had a solid start to last year’s campaign, even winning their season opener against the

CAN THE SPURS have a repeat performance to become the NBA Champs this season? Miami Heat. The trouble came after they traded Evan Turner and Spencer Hawes, two of their best players. The team ended the year ranked last offensively and fourthlast defensively. This year, without that strong start and having made no notable offseason moves, the team could contend for one of the worst in NBA history. Every other team that was ranked near them at the bottom is set to improve this season, leaving them with no opposition for the NBA’s worst record. Rookie of the Year Winner: Jabari Parker Dark Horse: Nerlens Noel This year’s draft class was one of the most anticipated in years, and for good reason: it has serious star potential. However, the rookies with the most potential often miss out on winning this award, as it takes them more than one year to develop. When it comes to this award, opportunity is key, which is why Jabari Parker should be the favourite. Jabari is already a complete offensive player, and is perhaps the most NBA-ready rookie this year. He also plays for the Bucks, a team in serious need of some offensive firepower, and should be the team’s first option on offense right from the start. This double dose of talent and opportunity should lead to excellent statistics for this rookie. However, there are many candidates who could easily outplay him. First overall pick Andrew Wiggins could make a big splash if he finds enough minutes on a deep Timberwolves squad. Julius Randle will have ample opportunity while playing for a weak Lakers team, and is also one of the more NBAready prospects this year. However, Nerlens Noel has the best chance at stealing the award from Jabari. After missing all of last season due to injury, Noel had a great showing in the summer league, proving that all the hype was legitimate. Also, considering he plays for the Sixers, he should have enough playing time to show off his excellent defensive ability. While many have him pegged as the favourite to win the award, he is the dark horse for one simple reason: NBA voters for this award tend to favour statistics over all else, and Noel’s stats may not jump off the page due to his offensive limitations. However, Jabari will be stuffing the stat sheet every night, which is why he claims the top spot.

Defensive Player of the Year Winner: Joakim Noah Dark Horse: Anthony Davis This award is one of the hardest to predict, as it rarely stays in one person’s hands for more than one year. However, Joakim Noah should be the favourite to repeat as the reigning winner. Last year, though Noah was a force to be reckoned with on both ends of the floor, his defense was what made him stand out. Despite an injury plagued season, he led the Bulls to 48 wins and made them the second best defensive team in the league. With the offseason moves Chicago made over the summer, Noah should have a decreased offensive role, allowing him to save his energy for the less glamorous side of the floor. However, there are many others who could take claim to this award, including Roy Hibbert, Anthony Davis and Serge Ibaka, to name a few. This year, Anthony Davis is my pick for two reasons. Last year, he led the league in blocks, a feat he should replicate this year, but he fell behind on rotations here and there on the defensive end. With another year under his belt, many of those errors should be fixed, making him a more complete defensive player. And when you consider how much potential he possesses, it’s not hard imagining him getting a lot better on that end. Secondly, New Orleans was one of the league's worst defensive teams, though it was also plagued with injuries to many of its star players. If the team stays healthy this year it could shoot up the rankings, and Davis should receive most of the credit as the team’s best player. This could make voters believe he is a much better defender than he really is. Coach of the Year Winner: David Blatt Dark Horse: Stan Van Gundy This award is often awarded to the coach who faces the most adversity or gets the most out of the team he is given, and like the previous award, winners rarely repeat in this category due to the fact that voters generally give the award to whoever has the best storyline. This means, short of his Spurs going undefeated, it is unlikely that Popovich will repeat. Though it is also possible that one of the other high profile coaches like Tom Thibodeau or Doc Rivers could take it home, they’ve both

won it before, which means they’ll need to do something new to prove they deserve it this year. David Blatt, however, is in a perfect scenario. As a rookie coach he has been given the task of building a championship team immediately. Yes, he is the coach of the Cavaliers, one of the most talented teams in the NBA, so doing so won't exactly be beating adversity, but if the Cavs do well in their first season you have to consider Blatt a worthy candidate as he has never coached in the NBA before. Stan Van Gundy, on the other hand, was given a very different scenario. This summer he was signed as both the GM and coach of the Detroit Pistons. If he can turn this dysfunctional team into a playoff team he could take the award. Also, after being fired from the Magic in 2011, his resurrection story could win over the voters. Most Improved Player Winner: Anthony Davis Dark Horse: Darren Collison This NBA award is easily the hardest to predict each year. By definition, it is given to the player who surprises us the most. The best candidates this year are two players who are ready to take the next step based on the brief glimpses of stardom they have shown in the past. Also, players who improve statistically purely because of an increased role are left off as it is only the product of increased opportunity and not true improvement. Anthony Davis is one of the most adored NBA players right now. Coaches drool over his athleticism and talent, and after dominating the FIBA tournament this summer, the Davis bandwagon is overflowing. Many believe he will turn into one of the NBA’s best players this season, an achievement which would likely make him the most improved player. Darren Collison is a distant second place right now. He has always struggled when given starter minutes, but thrived as a backup off the bench. This year he gets one more chance to prove he can be a starting caliber point guard. Based on what we saw from him last year, this could finally be his time to shine. MVP Winner: Kevin Durant Dark Horse: LeBron James Though last year’s race between these two was rather close, this season may be a different story. Last year, both of these players

faced adversity as they dealt with injured teammates. Durant ultimately won out due to a combination of statistical prowess, voter fatigue, and team success. Though James was overworked during the regular season last year, there were many times when it looked as if he was just coasting, saving his energy for the playoffs. He had already won four MVPs, and didn’t need another one. Meanwhile, Durant finally had a chance to prove he was the best player in the NBA, and he showed up big time. Last season Durant had his best season yet, and though it didn’t translate to playoff success, it earned him the MVP award. While many still believe LeBron is the superior player when motivated, Durant should win again this year as he is still hungry for the one thing he has not yet won: an NBA title. LeBron, while also motivated to win Cleveland their first championship and redeem himself, will see his offensive role decrease significantly, making Durant’s statistical advantage even bigger. As for the rest of the league, no other player is on the same level as these two, and so it should be a two man race once again. NBA Champions Winner: San Antonio Spurs Dark Horse: Oklahoma City Thunder Every year there are around five or six true contenders for the championship. This year those teams are the Cleveland Cavaliers, the Chicago Bulls, the San Antonio Spurs, the Oklahoma City Thunder, and the Los Angeles Clippers. Though arguments could be made for others, these are the five teams that have the best chance at winning this year. Among these five it’s difficult to choose anyone but the Spurs to win this year. Not only did they win the title last year, they dominated in the playoffs, showing the world they were on another level compared to the rest of the league. This year, they kept their team intact while the other teams within their range made no moves to justify being placed above them as favourites. The Cavaliers may be the NBA’s most talented team, but until they develop some chemistry and a working defensive system, they could easily be a repeat of the 2012 Lakers. While the Bulls already have chemistry and a proven system in place, they will need Derrick Rose to return to his MVP days if they hope to beat the Cavs in the playoffs, let alone the Spurs. The Clippers made some solid offseason moves this summer, such as adding Spencer Hawes to their shallow frontcourt. This, in addition to more improvement from Blake Griffin and Deandre Jordan, will make them more dangerous as ever, but they have yet to make the conference finals yet alone the NBA finals, so it’s hard to put them above Oklahoma City. The Thunder should prove to be the Spurs greatest threat this season, as they have been in the past. The Thunder’s elite athleticism has always been a problem for the much older Spurs. They’ve met in the playoffs twice, each team winning once, but the Thunder were missing Serge Ibaka in their loss last year. The Thunder’s athleticism is like kryptonite to the Spurs, but with the dominant performance the Spurs pulled off last season, it’s impossible to put anyone above them.

fall 2014





The Maze Runner: From Bound Pages to the Big Screen

“THE MAZE RUNNER” OPENED in theatres mid-September of this year and was a pronounced hit at the box office.

You think you’ve seen it all when it comes to dystopian young adult novelsturned-movies? Think again. BY CATHY TRAN ENTERTAINMENT CONTRIBUTOR


ith its variation on curse words and its characters who are named after scientists, the book -based movie The Maze Runne r has taken the world by storm. Ever since its initial release on September 19th, the movie has brought in more than $200 million worldwide, and has stayed at the top of the box office for at least two weeks straight. The movie had originally been scheduled for release on February 14th, 2014, which finally gave me plans for what would have otherwise been a lonely Valentine’s, but then the date was pushed back to September 19th, 2014. After an uneventful Valentine’s and an additional seven month wait for the movie to come out, I finally had the opportunity to see the movie on the big screen. The Maze Runner, directed by Wes Ball, was originally based on the first novel in the James Dashner trilogy of the same title. The bestselling series and film centers around a group of teenagers in a dystopian future. The main character, Thomas, (Dylan O'Brien; fulltime actor and part-time heartthrob) is sent up through an elevator referred to as "The Box," without any previous memories apart from his name. The elevator takes Thomas up to the centre of a massive maze, where he meets a group of teen-

age boys who have built their own society to maintain order and control in what they refer to as “The Glade”. Thomas soon learns that they are all trapped in the maze and that it is up to him to instill hope in the hearts of the other boys before it's too late. I vaguely remember the first time I read the series. It had been around a year ago, when I had decided that "Hey, mazes and running? That's definitely my kind of thing." I had immediately grown to love the series, and had quickly became attached to its characters - trust me, I clearly remember my lovestruck rants involving my love for Newt. I definitely do recommend the series to anyone out there who is looking for a new kind of dystopian young adult novel to put on their book shelf. There had been a lot of anticipation on my part about the movie, and I had to say that I did enjoy myself. Overall, the movie was action-packed and filled with creepy Grievers - or Maze monsters - which I enjoyed seeing on the big screen. I also really liked the set; I found it to be just the way I had imagined the maze and the Glade, and to find out how much work was put into making the set really proved to me how much effort was put into the film. Another film favourite of mine was the cast and the acting, although I might be a little biased because I really like most of the actors. The film starred young and greatlypraised actors such as Dylan O'Brien (who also stars as Stiles Stilinski, the too-cute-for-words dork from MTV's Teen Wolf), Kaya Scodelario (an English actress who is well-known for

her role as Effy Stonem on the British show Skins), Will Poulter (the starlet from We're the Millers, with the best eyebrows I've ever seen), Thomas BrodieSangster (who is so adorable that he looks the same as he did in Love Actually, which was released in 2003), Ki Hong Lee (a hilarious Korean youtuberturned actor with the cutest smile), along with many others. As a frequent watcher of bookto-movie adaptations, I have learned to accept the fact that the movies will never be the same as the books. Due to the lack of time, and the fact that some plot points are simply better written than they would be displayed on the big screen, directors tend to change certain plot points for the film. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. One plot change that made the film more enjoyable for me was the scene where Minho shows Thomas a model of the maze. He explains that they have explored every part of the maze and that the bottom line is this: there is no exit. In the books however, Minho shows Thomas a room filled with scrambled maps with different parts of the maze, implying that they have not figured it all out yet. Personally, I prefer the film change, since the characters go from no hope at all to suddenly finding a potential escape in a maze that they thought they had all figured out. Another change in the movie that I enjoyed was the realistic feeling of it all. The director took out the telepathic link between Thomas and Teresa and made it seem as if the situation that the characters are put in could be our future; giving the

audience an eerie feeling of "this could happen to us." As much praise as I have given the movie adaptation, I can’t say that it was perfect. My biggest issue with the movie was with the characters; I personally felt that the movie didn't develop the characters or their relationships with other characters very well. I felt that Alby was just there to get stung, Newt was just there to feed the audience information, Teresa was just there to be "the last one ever," and Minho was just there to run the maze. In the series, Alby leads the maze alongside Newt, who is the one obsessed with following the rules and keeping things in order. However; in the film, I felt like Gally was the leader of the Glade, though I don't recall if they ever mention who the leader is. Gally was the one who was obsessed with the rules, and though these changes helped strengthen Gally's character, I feel like it took away from both Alby and Newt's characters. Speaking of Newt, his position was also changed in the film, though I won't reveal how, since it might spoil the series a bit for anyone who wants to read it. In the book, there are various scenes between Newt and Thomas, which ultimately leads to Newt revealing his darkest secret to the Greenie - which basically means "the new kid" in Glade speak. These scenes are a few of my favourites, but with so many changes to Newt's character, I'm not sure how his big reveal will play out, and I can only hope that it is as heartbreakingly effective as it was in the books. Another character change

that I felt iffy about was Minho. Sure, he kept his position as Keeper of the Runners; however, I found that he lacked a lot of personality in the film. In the series, Minho was the comedic relief, adding his sarcastic opinions whenever he wanted to, which made many readers love him. In the film, Minho was just plain serious: all he did was run the maze and he barely had any lines at all, especially his classic "Be careful. Don't die," which disappointed me. Another aspect of the film that I felt unsure about was the lack of character relationships. These boys have spent two years together, and I just wish that we could have seen more proof of that. One of my favourite friendships was the one between Newt and Alby; however, the closest evidence of this friendship was when the maze closed yet Newt still believed that Minho and Alby would return and when Alby was stung and Newt stood by his bedside. Other than that, the two of them barely had any interactions; however, in the books, the leader and second-in-command of the Glade are clearly close. In the series, after Alby wakes up from his "coma," he asks to see Thomas instead of Newt, which Newt is obviously broken up over. All in all, the film was a pretty good adaptation of the series, though I wish that some of the changes hadn't been made. Hopefully, the changes made don't alter the stories too much. The movie adaptation of the second book will be in theaters on September 18, 2015, which gives you nearly a year to watch the film or read the books if you haven't done so yet.



Intensity Unleashed: Fury “It will end, soon. But before it does, a lot more people have to die…” BY JIMMY LEE ENTERTAINMENT CONTRIBUTOR


n epic historical drama like no other, Fury brings power and emotion of its characters to full swing as it illustrates the gruesome realities of war in all its entirety. The film takes place on the April of 1945; the final days of World War II. Scathed and heavily outclassed, the M4 Sherman tank nicknamed “Fury” is one of the few remaining American tanks up against better equipped German forces fighting desperately till the very end. The opening scene begins with Wardaddy knifing a downed Nazi as the camera pans out to show the multitude of ruined tanks, and the tone is set for a brutally honest account of a tank and its crewmen desperately fighting to end the war. Fury features a reputable cast starring Brad Pitt as Don “Wardaddy” Collier, Shia Labeouf as Boyd “Bible” Swan, Michael Pena as Trini “Gordo” Garcia and Jon Bernthal as Grady Travis, with each member serving roles in the tank as gunner, driver and loader respectively. These soldiers led by Wardaddy are disrupted when young rookie Norman Ellison (Logan Lerman) steps in as assistant driver, which in other words mean second gunner of the tank. Norman is the embodiment of innocence in the crew; inexperienced and unfit to face the reality of war he is reluctant to kill for the sake of his morality. At first his lack of “performance” endangers the survival of the team

thus he adopts a more violent persona after witnessing first-hand the true horrors of war. And so much of the film revolves around Norman’s character development. The film unveils its potential for violence and brutality in its sequence of events that act as Norman’s initiation into the war. Soldiers are killed mercilessly on screen, whether it be from cannon explosion, trampled on by tanks or being engulfed in flames. Intensity and drama are some of the film’s strongest assets as Norman’s aptitude in battle is equally tested with his ability to endure provocation from IF YOU ARE A LOVER OF dramatic war movies, then you’re going to love fellow soldiers who aren’t a fan of his the action-packed plot of “Fury.” pacifism. The film does a remarkable never been done before. It isn’t the helps to alleviate the pressure from job in organizing each of Norman’s average tanks firing shells into other Norman, whereas Jon Bernthal’s charpivotal moments such as witnessing tanks with CGI explosions every- acter Grady is the rambunctious tough his first death or his first kill to show- where. Tactics like maneuvering and guy of the group. Wardaddy is the casing the growth of his courage and flanking that are integral to the tank stoic, charismatic leader, the typical the change in his attitude. Yet, aside are all incorporated within each scene “tough-father figure” responsible with from the film’s obvious ambition of making everything seem far too real. the burden of completing the mission displaying the absurdly visceral trans- When shells from the powerful Ger- and ensuring the safety of his crew. formation of human character in war, man Tiger tanks rips to shreds the This unbreakable camaraderie unites in the end it’s all too familiar. In fact, body of a soldier, the effect creates an the film as a whole and is what keeps this underlying theme loses its signifi- imminent sense of danger which con- the audience and excites them; it is the cance once everyone gets into the sequently enhances the thrill and driving force behind all the emotion. habit of killing. Despite the film’s at- intensity of the film. Fans of war movAmongst the war movies retempts in creating a character people ies that have been yearning for epic leased in recent history, Fury stands can relate to, it feels meaningless in tank showdowns surely won’t be dis- on top as the most realistic depiction the end and this aspect is largely over- appointed. of war. It encompasses the raw, gritty shadowed by the film’s superior acThe ground-breaking action in emotions of each characters as they tion sequences. The battle scenes in Fury is enough to satisfy anybody, but struggle to mount the courage needed Fury are intense; the larger than life the film’s true merit comes from the to overcome insurmountable odds. tanks in the film are bolstered by im- stellar performances by the actors. Reinforced with superb execution by pressive visual effects such as the col- Labeouf’s character who operates the the actors and featuring some of the ourful tracer ammunitions that re- gun and quotes scripture is the back- best tank battle scenes ever conceived, semble laser beams along with the bone of the team, as his words of wis- Fury truly sets the standards for future precise cinematography that captures dom and courage boosts the morale of war movies yet to come. If you’re a fan the action. Fury shines most in its the company constantly up against of intense epic war dramas filled with ability to recreate the perfectly realistic impossible odds. Pena plays a Mexi- grit and grandeur, then go check out display of tank vs tank warfare that’s can soldier whose humorous antics Fury and prepare to be amazed.

A Welcome Step Forward Finally, the LGBTQ+ community is beginning to get the representation that they deserve in today’s television shows BY BENYA SUTYANYONG ENTERTAINMENT CONTRIBUTOR


GBTQ+ visibility and representation in media has come a long way in the past decade – from comic relief characters to stereotypical characters to ones with more depth to them than their orientation or gender. Especially in popular media like TV shows and movies, representation is key to the movement for LGBTQ+ equality. Thankfully, several new series are including some not so cookie cutter characters into their casts. In recent TV, we see characters such as Connor Walsh from ABC’s How to Ge t Away with Murder, and Felix Dawkins from Orphan Black, who contribute to the storyline by having ambitions, desires, and personalities. To add to the increased visibility, Netflix’s original series Orange is the Ne w Black fea tures a transgender female character played by an actual transgender woman, Laverne Cox. Unlike the characters we saw in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, these characters are all fleshed-out; they do not have disposable personalities and aren't just there for comic relief. In How to Ge t Away with Murder, Connor Wa lsh is por-

ing limbs in the first movie. His orientation is never mentioned; however, in the second movie, he casually mentions that he has reasons for not wanting to marry. It is later confirmed by his voice actor and the director that he is gay. But even with these new characters, there isn’t nearly enough representation for this portion of the population. There may be increased visibility of the LGBTQ+ community in recent TV shows and movies, but the media has only MODERN-DAY MEDIA NEEDS more representation in characters like Felix grazed the surface. These charDawkins (left), Sophia Burset (middle), and Connor Walsh (right), all of acters still usually do not star whom fall onto the LGBTQ+ spectrum as the main character, and trayed as an intelligent student ended up in jail. While serving even with more and more with his own goals and ambi- her time, she faces transmisog- shows and movies making gay important characters, tions. He has as much screen yny from other inmates as well men time as heterosexual characters as the staff; she portrays some there isn’t as much representaand the fact that he is gay isn’t of the struggles the transgender tion for lesbians or other sexucommunity faces and provides alities other than heterosexualrevealed until later on. In Orphan Black, Felix the audience with a new per- ity. Plus, the transgender comon life as a munity seems to get hardly any Dawkins is portrayed as a stere- spective screen time at all. In mainotypically stylish and sassy transgender person. Onto the topic of movies, stream media, people are usucharacter, but he still shares a strong bond with the series’ it’s very interesting to see some ally portrayed as being one of main character, Sarah, as her movies with younger audiences three sexualities: heterosexual, (foster) brother and the person incorporating gay characters. homosexual, or bisexual – and she trusts most. Although they Take Mitch from ParaNorman one of two genders, male or have a close relationship, her as an example; he’s a super female. Though TV shows and struggles push him to make buff high school jock with a serious decisions, too. After all, little less than a teaspoon of movies are starting to portray a Felix has thoughts of his own as common sense with whom Nor- larger variety of characters, the man’s older sister falls in love. media is still far from having a well. Another character who Viewers assume he is the typi- satisfying amount of LGBTQ+ brings a fresh perspective on cal heterosexual guy until he representation. But with a long the LGBTQ+ community is So- mentions his boyfriend at the list of new and exciting shows and movies to watch this year, phia Burset, a transgender end of the movie. Then there’s Gobber from maybe we’ll see more interestwoman played by Laverne Cox. Sophia had to steal credit cards How to Train Your Dragon, who ing characters that the LGBTQ+ to pay for sex reassignment is portrayed as a mentor with a community can actually relate surgeries, which is how she sense of humour and two miss- to.

fall 2014

BBC Two’s “The Fall” Move over Dexter, there’s a new psychopath in town. BY JOANNE NGUYEN ENTERTAINMENT CONTRIBUTOR


he Fall is not your typical crime drama – it depends on the slow pace of building tension rather than dropping massive amounts of shock and horror on the viewers all at once. Gillian Anderson (X-files star) plays Stella Gibson - a tough London-based detective brought to Belfast, Northern Ireland to investigate a murder case. As the show goes on, Gibson pieces together several murders in the past and present to find that they are all linked together and all of which has been done by the same person. Not only do we get to follow Gibson’s story of her investigations and personal doings but the killer’s story as well – Paul Spector played by Jamie Dornan (Once Upon A Time’s Sheriff Graham) is a bereavement counsellor who has a wife and two young children who are completely unaware of his murders. Thank goodness for Gillian Anderson’s proficient and believable English accent, as well as her ridiculously strong performance as the female heroine. Despite this, the series would not have the dark and cold feel that it has, nor the ability to provoke a load of gruesomeness upon the viewers if it were not for Dornan. He is the source of all the mindboggling in the series and he does it all so well. Both Anderson and Dornan’s performances mingled together form a sheer masterpiece in this creepy and intense drama. What really drew me towards this series is the fact that besides all of the dark themes and crazy plot, Spector is just a normal man with a loving family who has absolutely no idea of all his cruel criminal activities. The Fall reminds me of American Psycho and Dexter a little, as they follow men who live a double life – a regular member of society by day who lives by night as a dangerous psychopath. Overall, The Fall, is an incredible suspenseful drama, never leaving you bored or desiring the parts that get right-to-it, but instead leaving you to actually take in every bit that occurs before leading to all the most important chunks of the story. You will so easily “fall” (pun intended) deeper and deeper into this bone-chilling thriller, leaving you hungry for more and more after each episode. As someone who has not been so fond of crime films and TV shows in the past, I’d say that this is the only series of the crime category that has not bored me to death or put me to sleep, but instead keeping me up to watch all 300 minutes of the series in one night. The last episode ends with a cliffhanger leaving viewers with mixed feelings and a longing for answers as to what happens next. The second season of The Fall is scheduled to premiere in November 2014.


fall 2014

Seventeen Things You

Didn't Know About Your

Between Shades of Gray

Favourite, Favourite Junk Foods Junk food has always been popular, but do you really know the wacky stories behind your favourite sweet treats? BY MAX LI ENTERTAINMENT CONTRIBUTOR


. In 1802, Thomas Jefferson had “potatoes served in the French manner” at a White House dinner. Then in 1856, the term “French Fried Potatoes” first appeared in print in Cookery for Maids of All Work by E Warren. 2. Food fight! Both Belgium and France claim that they invented French fries. The concept of “French” fries possibly came about when British and American soldiers tasted Belgian fries, but because the Belgian Army spoke French, the soldiers believed themselves to be in France. According to Belgian journalist Jo Gérard, potatoes had been deepfried since 1680 by the inhabitants of Belgium, then the Spanish Netherlands. Meanwhile, the French cite Thomas Jefferson's French chef's manuscript detailing a recipe for French fries as evidence for their hand in the creation of the tasty treat. 3. In the United Kingdom and China, popcorn tastes sweet, not salty. Some of the weirder flavours of the buttery delight are: Buffalo Blue Cheese, Jalapeno (when in Mexico), Black Truffle, and Jolly Time's Mallow Magic Yummy Marshmallow Flavor Microwave Popcorn. 4. Licorice was used as a medicine for 3 000 years to treat ulcers (open sores), sore throats, coughs, and other diseases. Licorice candy started production as a way to hide the bitter flavour of the medicine. 5. In the United Kingdom, Snickers was renamed the Marathon Bar due to its unfortunate rhyme with the word "knickers". In British slang, knickers describes someone's underpants. 6. In WWI, Tootsie Rolls were used as rations for soldiers because they could stay intact in many different weather conditions. 7. Who created the chocolate chip cookie? Ruth Wakefield, a dietician. Let that digest for a moment (this is probably due to the same reason that some dentists give out Halloween candy). 8. William Wrigley Jr.'s soap-selling business lacked sales, so he started giving out complementary gum to his customers in 1891. Unfortunately, the soap never got very popular. However, the gum became a huge hit. 9. Going on a diet, but can't take the stale, dry taste of bread? The American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association say that popcorn can be exchanged for bread in during weight control diets. 10. When your parents ask you what you learned in History today, tell them that Aztec women danced with

popcorn wreaths on their heads, and that they also used popcorn as decoration for their headdresses, necklaces, and ornaments on statues of their gods. It's true! 11. What if you don't take World History to the End of the Fifteenth Century? Tell your inquisitive parents that First Nations people used to believe that popcorn kernels contained spirits, and that when their “houses” (the kernels) were heated, the spirits got so angry that their “houses” began to shake, eventually exploding in an angry fervour when they got hot enough. 12. The “M”s in “M&Ms” stand for Mars & Murrie, the founder of the Mars candy company and the son of the Hershey president William Murrie, respectively. 13. Pringles has had a history of naming troubles. First of all, their chips aren't really potato chips, because they're only 42% potato. Also, the US Food and Drug Administration made them change their name from the original “Pringles Newfangled Potato Chips” due to restrictions with the word “chip”. Finally, Pringles changed the “chip” to “crisp”. They then proceeded to get in trouble again, this time in the United Kingdom, because “crisp” can mean “chip” there. It's a complicated world, folks. 14. Who do you have to thank for the existence of Coffee Crisp and Godiva? The British! Specifically, John Cadbury, who made the first chocolate bar in 1824. 15. It takes 250 licks to get to the centre of a Tootsie Pop if you're licking on one side, and double that if you're licking on both sides equally as much. 16. Many hard sugar candies, notably lifesavers, produce a spark when chewed. Through a phenomenon known as triboluminescence, crushed sugar crystals force electrons out of their atoms, which then jump across the crystalline structure of the sugar. When the electrons hit molecules in the air, nitrogen for instance, ultraviolet light and a faint glow of the visible spectrum can be seen. Wintergreen Lifesavers work the best because of an ingredient known as methyl salicylate, which absorbs light at shorter wavelengths and emits it at longer wavelengths to give off more visible light, which is similar to how fluorescent and neon lights work. 17. Cereal manufacturers spend twice as much money on advertising than on the ingredients that they use.

BONUS ROUND – IS WHITE CHOCOLATE REALLY “CHOCOLATE”? No, not in the strict sense. White chocolate does not contain cocoa solids, which is what remains after the cocoa butter is taken out of cocoa beans. In the United States, white chocolate must be at least 20% cocoa butter, 14% milk solids, and 3.5% milk fat, with sugar not exceeding 55% of the total weight.


Looking for a profound, heartbreaking WWII novel that will change everything about the way you look at life? Well, you've come to the right place. BY JUDY ZHONG ENTERTAINMENT CONTRIBUTOR


he novel, "Between Shades of Gray" (no, not Fifty Shades of Gray), is a phenomenal novel about the hardships experienced by families of the second World War, and will undoubtedly have you holding your breath until the very last page. Written by Ruta Sepetys, this historical fiction novel begins in Lithuania, 1941 when fifteen year -old Lina Vilkas is dreaming of arts school, boys, and all that her summer has to offer. However just one year prior, the U.S.S.R, headed by Joseph Stalin, had annexed all the Baltic States and were ready to enforce the Soviets to capture its residents. The book begins the night Lina, along with her brother and mother, are cap-

tured and put onto a crowded train full of what the Soviets called "thieves and prostitutes" going North to Siberia. Lina and her family can only fear the whereabouts of their absent father. As the novel progresses, readers see the struggle that Lina and her brother must undergo to stay hopeful as they are forced to work tirelessly on the farms of Siberia and at the very top of the Arctic Circle. But it is their fight to remain faithful in mankind and their dreams of returning home to that has you unable to put the book down. When Lina and her friends dangerously wander the train cars in search of their lost fathers, Lina finds her father. He tells her, "I love you both. Tell your mother I love her. Tell her to think of the oak tree. Say your prayers, children, and I will hear them. Pray for Lithuania. Now run back. Hurry!". Throughout the novel, Lina's father is the beacon of hope she and her family have for survival. Despite the harsh conditions, Lina manages to find true love and learn more and more about her-

self, her family, and those around her as she begins unravelling the mystery of her capture and what it means for the future of Europe. As she ventures deeper and deeper into the grasp of Joseph Stalin, she can only dream of reuniting with their father again, but keeps the true reality just beneath the surface. Ruta Sepetys intended for this novel to give the world a glimpse into what the Soviets, in alliance with both the United States and Germany (who were completely ignorant to this cruelty), were truly doing to the innocent people of the Baltic States. She herself had relatives who had the same experiences Lina and her family faced, and their real-life stories are what inspired her to write this novel. Sepetys describes her motivation: "After the war ended, many countries remained Soviet-occupied and couldn't speak about the terrors they experience. As a result, many people aren't familiar with this part of history. I wanted to write a story that explained what happened in the Baltics and also bring attention to the crimes of Stalin." Overall, "Between Shades of Gray" can be seen as not simply a novel about a war, but as something that chronicles the power of love, family, and the limits of human capabilities. A justified description can be of its ability to truly change your view on the fragility of life and freedom through a heartbreakingly real perspective. In short, once you start, you can't stop.



Disney’s Most Wanted Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the wickedest of them all?

fall 2014

Everybody loves a good villain. I mean, what’s there not to love? The antagonists in every movie, TV show, and book are always getting the best lines, best powers, and the most dramatic downfalls. And let’s be honest, constantly cheering for the good guys does get a little tiresome after a while. While Disney’s protagonists are incredibly predictable and follow the same formula in each film, you can always count on the villains to step in to make things interesting. With the May release of the “Maleficent” movie starring Angelina Jolie as the high cheek-boned dark fairy herself, it’s about time we took a minute to recognize the top evil-doers we all love to hate.

By: Hannah Schneider

Most Overrated: The Evil Queen When ever you think of Di sney villai ns, the Evi l Queen is probably the fi rst o ne th at c omes to mind. With h er harsh faci al features and hug e superio rity complex, forget being the fairest, she’s arguably the most terri fying o f them all. As a kid, I remember getting “S no w White” as my fi rst DVD and I was o nly ever able to watch the first h alf of the movie bec ause I was so afraid of the Queen when she turned i nto that old lady (let’s be honest, I’m s t i l l afraid of her). Despite sc aring me for most of my childhood, I honestly don’t think that the Evil Qu een deserves the title of “evil” . Sure, incessantly tryin g to kill S now White for being p rettier th an sh e was a tad mean, but what other evil things di d she do? Turn into a sc ary old lady? Dip an apple in purple Kool-Aid? The Evil Queen is fam ed with bein g Di sney’s mo st famous and wellknown villain , and for the li fe of me I can’t fig ure out why. Here’s a tip Di sney, reb rand her with a more realistic name that actually fits her personality. I suggest “The Moderately Mean and Bitter Queen Who is Jealous of a 14-Year-Old”.

Most Likely to Not Succeed: Yzma Oh Yzma, you poor, misguided soul. Out of everyone, she’s probably the worst villai n. Not for being the most evil, but for just being so awful at being evil. She and Kronk try so , so h ard to be m alevolen t and conniving , b ut i t just never really wo rks i n thei r favour. She c reates such in tric ate, confusing, and overcomplicated plans that go down the to ilet with a simple p ull o f the wrong lever (she r e al l y needs to update her evil lair to voic e comm ands or label her levers more clearly so Kronk can maybe pull the righ t lever for once). You know, at least she look s fab ulous while she’s failing at being a vill ai n. She can pull off purple like no o ne I ’ve ever seen (purple skin, purple hair, purple eyelashes, n eed I go o n?) and she has th at amazing feather co llar p ai red with a feath er h at thing (both purple) that would only look good on someone as bony as her. Yzma’s the type of vi ll ain who i s so awful at bei ng a villai n that yo u c an’t help but ho pe she’ll have just one plan th at wo rks out. If I were gi ving out awards fo r best vi llai ns, she would unq uestionab ly be the wi nner o f th e participation award; she tri es and undeni ably fai ls at all her evil schemes, but that’s why we all love her so much .

fall 2014



Biggest Sweet-Talker: Ursula Ursula basically has every thi ng goi ng for her villainwi se. She’s got the mysterious dem eanor, evil eel henchmen, AMAZ ING hair, and the moral compass of a used car sa lesman. An added bonus i s the marv elous song she g ets to sing i n order to successfully creep everyone out even mor e. Ursula usually spends her days i n exile in her eeri e under sea cave, having to dea l wi th every si ngle sea crea tur e coming to her with their problems. Whic h begs the question, why was Ursula shunned from King Tri ton’s king dom in the fir st place? Ursula i s a wi tch, if anyone should hav e the magical trident, shouldn’t it b e her? Also, can you imagine having to si t ther e listeni ng to a ll these m erpeop le come a nd make d emands of you and give nothi ng in r eturn? It’s no wonder our eight-legged fri end took pleasure in turni ng all her customer s into underwater polyp s. In Ursula’ s defense, she only turned you into a polyp if y ou didn’ t fulfill your end of a bargain (mi nd you she wa sn’ t alway s, sha ll we say forthcomi ng, wi th her terms, but that’s a minor d etail). Ursula is the queen of halftruths, and would have suc h a bright and succ essful career if she had decid ed to qui t her employment as “Cryptic underwater magic oc topus” and go into criminal law.

Best Alter-Ego: Maleficent In my humble opinion, there is no villain greater, more evil, and more misunderstood than Maleficent. Although I have loved her since I first watched “Sleeping Beauty”, I still have a lot of issues regarding how she is depicted in the animated movie though, since it doesn’t do her justice. When Maleficent is introduced, she’s seen cursing baby Princess Aurora at her christening. You know, the only reason Maleficent does this is because she was the only person in the whole kingdom who wa sn’t invited to the party, so can you really blame her for feeling a little left out and hostile? Okay, so maybe condemning baby Aurora to death was a bit dramatic, but desperate times call for desperate measures. One of my favourite things about Maleficent is that she does not give one horse’s patootie about what anyone thinks of her, she exudes confidence and is the definition of poise. She has a smirk that can bring a kingdom to its knees and raise the dead from their graves. Extra points to her because she has horns and can turn into a dragon too. Let’s be real, the fact that she’s able to morph into a dragon automatically wins her best villain in my books because she can breathe fire (!!!) and looks s o hardcore. Maleficent has been pretty much flying under the radar as far as popularity goes, and is not appreciated enough by the world. I’m extremely pleased that with the release of “Maleficent” the movie, she’s finally received the attention and admiration that the greatest villain rightfully deserves.

Biggest Hot-Head: Hades Wi thout a doubt, Hades is my favourite charac ter in Her cules, ev en i f he is the bad guy (e s p e c i al l y b ecause he’s the bad guy). This flame hair ed god of the under world is a prime example of villai ns g etting the best lines ( “I haven’t been this choked up sinc e I got a piec e of moussaka caug ht in my throat!”). One of my favouri te thi ngs about Hades is hi s blue flame hair which seems to take on a red colour and extend to most of hi s upp er body when he’s a ngry (and he g ets angry A LOT). I thi nk the poor guy also gets his hair blown out a couple times throughout the course of the movie, but i t’s pretty funny nonetheless. Hades was also fortuna te enough to wor k wi th probably the most incompetent minions in the history of all Disney movies, Pain and Panic. It's no wond er he is known for blowing a gasket all the time - a fter all, he's the one tha t has to d eal wi th Pai n and Panic's constant inabili ties to carry out his i ncredibly straightforward evi l plans. All they had to do was make sur e baby Hercules drank the entire mor tali ty potion a nd tha t would have b een that. Alas, that was not the case and a t the end of the whole fi asco Hades ends up in a river of dead souls for eterni ty while Pain a nd Panic wa lked away scotfr ee. I’d b e holding interviews for new evil minions as soon as possible if I were you, Hades.

fun & games

fall 2014





Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 through 9. > and < connections between squares indicate that one number is greater than or less than another.

Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 through 9. Numbers cannot be repeated; use the existing numbers to help you.

CROSSWORD CROSSWORD Across 1. Tiff 5. Go out on the ocean 9. Bogged down 14. Letter before kappa 15. Longest river of Spain 16. “___ fired” (Trump catchphrase) 17. Classic holiday entertainment 20. In whatever way 21. Swing that rips the leather off the ball 22. “Walking ___ Devine” (1998 film) 23. Co. photo badges, e.g. 24. W.W. II female 26. Expectorate 28. Houston major-leaguer 30. Crouches 34. Amo, amas, ___ … 37. Morays 39. Dickens’s ___ Heep 40. Shock 43. Three to one, e.g. 44. Nick and ___ Charles of “The Thin Man” 45. 44-Across’s dog 46. Lagoon’s surroundings 48. Sleek fabric 50. “Too bad!” 52. Mos. And mos. 53. Clemson completes in it; Abbr. 56. Fit ___ fiddle 59. Horse feed 61. 20 Questions category 63. “The Thin Man,” for one 66. Bygone airline 67. Corner chesspiece 68. Sacked out 69. Sound made while sacked out 70. I’s 71. Chess ending

Down 1. Biblical mount 2. Hit with a hammer 3. Lawyers: Abbr. 4. Dashboard dial, for short 5. Brine 6. Network of “Lost” 7. Nettles 8. Many movie houses 9. Magical aura 10. Letters of debt 11. Undo 12. Art Deco master 13. Monopoly Card 18. Has the oars 19. Emulates Eminem 25. King of Thebes, in myth 27. Headdress that’s wound 28. Head of the Huns 29. Actor Edward James ___ 31. Is under the weather 32. Stretched tight 33. Queens stadium 34. Magician’s opening 35. Castle Protector 36. Choir voice 38. Leave the straight and narrow 41. Leader’s cry, said with a wave 42. Where to hang derbies and fedoras 47. Volvo rival 49. “But there ___ joy in Mudville…” 51. Look steadily 53. Itsy-bitsy creature 54. West Pointer 55. Bonnie’s partner in crime 56. Nile slitherers 57. Good, close look 58. Florence’s river 60. Walk with difficulty 62. Mosque V.I.P.

64. Hearing aid 65. British john

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