2014-2015 Issue 2

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Attacks on Freedom of Speech Don’t let them take what we’ve fought for, pg. 6 the student newspaper of thornhill secondary school

issue two

winter 2015


TSS’s Film Noir Semi Formal “I didn't know I was doing film noir, I thought they were detective stories with low lighting!” – Marie Windsor Article by Tina Zhong

SEMI FORMAL - a night filled with music, dancing, celebration, and fun. This year’s theme focused on early 20th century film glamour with a modern twist. Photos courtesy of Kemen Chan.


n Thursday November 27th 2014, students rushed home after school to begin prepping themselves for that evening’s event: Semi-Formal. Over 250 exuberant students (and maybe even teachers) spent hours fixing their hair, applying makeup, and watching YouTube videos in a last-minute attempt to learn how to tie a Windsor knot in preparation for a truly memorable night. After forced photoshoots by parents and dozens of selfies later, students began entering the Paramount Conference and Event Venue at 6:00pm. They were greeted enthusiastically by members of BOSS, the hosts and organizers of the event. Guests mingled in the reception hall while being served an array of drinks by waiters. By 7:00pm the doors to the hall, in which the remainder of the night was spent, were opened. The theme of the event was Film Noir. Film Noir was the cinematic era of black-and white Hollywood films mainly in crime fiction and the hall was decorated to resemble this time. Each guest was given an individual table card, indicating their seat for dinner. In accordance to the theme, each table was in honour of a Film Noir celebrity. Attendees might have sat at Casablanca’s famous leading lady; Ingrid Bergman’s table or Oscarwinner, Fred MacMurray’s. One of the most interesting part of each table, however, was the simplistic centrepiece comprised of a stylish fedora, a lit candle, and a rose on a metal stance. By the

end of the night, many guests had taken parts of the centrepiece home as keepsakes. The dinner for the night was a savoury and classy meal with an unlimited waffle bar that came with a plethora of toppings and ice cream for dessert. An open-bar was available all night for guests in both the reception and banquet hall. Throughout the entire night, the dance floor was packed with students rocking out to hits of every imaginable genre and showing off some of their impromptu moves. People went absolutely crazy when some teachers decided to even join them on the dance floor. Students of all different grades came together to celebrate the appreciation of eccentric music by dancing wildly, cheering on dance-offs, and crashing photographs by making faces in the background. The music was deafening and the singing along even louder. Students would definitely be hearing an eerie buzzing in their ears for days to come after experiencing music to that volume. Individual talents were showcased both on and off the stage with students breakdancing and beatboxing. For weeks after the event, the amount of pictures on social media of the event was explosive, with people posing around the stunning venue in even more stunning attire. The night ended with a touching speech by the President and VicePresident on behalf of BOSS on the balcony atop the hall thanking everyone for attending and obliging them to have a safe night.


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Cuba and the US ‘The Cuban Thaw’: renewed relations between the two nations. SEE PAGE 3, NEWS

Legacy of Marilyn Monroe Auctioning off her private property such as personal letters, photographs, and contact sheets from the sets of her endeavors. SEE PAGE 4, NEWS

The Charlie Hebdo Attacks How is the public expected to keep quiet when the intentions of the writers were within the law? SEE PAGE 6, COMMENT

Legalizing Prostitution Should we grant people the rights to their own bodies or should we protect them from the dangers involved? SEE PAGE 9, EDITORIAL

Senior Girls Volleyball Getting to know a few of our senior volleyball tigeress’s through some Q & A. SEE PAGE 10, SPORTS

That is so 2014 A perfectly eventful year in review. SEE PAGE 14, ENTERTAINMENT



news winter 2015


Tar Sands: Oil To the East? Questions arise over whether the proposed pipeline should be built. BY CLAIRE ZHAO NEWS CONTRIBUTOR

AT THE COST OF THE ENVIRONMENT, the Oil Sands are guaranteed to turn a profit.

Ukraine’s Battle Ukraine’s fight for integration with the European Union turns the country into a battlefield and sparks talk of another Cold War. BY CATHY TRAN NEWS CONTRIBUTOR


he Ukrainian Revolution, commonly known as Euromaidan, started on November 21st, 2013, when president Viktor Yanukovych’s government abandoned preparations to sign an agreement with the European Union, which would have strengthened political and economic ties between the two parties. This decision resulted in thousands of infuriated Ukrainians assembling via social media in Ukraine’s capital, Kiev, due to their outrage at the fact that their government, in favour of stronger ties with Russia, had discarded long-standing desires for assimilation with the European Union. The initially peaceful protests in Kiev’s Independence Square, known as Maidan, quickly intensified after several developments, such as attempts to storm the government building, hunger strikes, strict anti-protest laws, the Ukrainian-Russian Action Plan, and many acts of police brutality such as the abduction and beating of opposition activists. The government and the opposition decided to agree on a deal: amnesty for arrested protestors as long as the protestors vacated occupied government buildings, and reductions in the president’s powers. However, the speaker of parliament refused to allow this on the agenda, thus angering the citizens

further. February 20th, 2014 marked the most brutal day since the beginning of the protests; police and protesters turned Independence Square into a battlefield, which resulted in at least 77 deaths and nearly 600 wounded in the span of two days. The police were armed with snipers and used live ammunition, which were the main reasons behind the exponential increase in violence. At that point, many citizens weren’t merely protesting to fight for the agreement with the European Union, but also fighting against an unjust government. Soon after, Viktor Yanukovych fled the country, but Russian president Vladimir Putin had already stimulated Russian nationalism during the Sochi Olympic Games and refused to back down. Moscow also started fostering separatist DURING A Pro-Europe rally at Independence Square, protestors were seen waving European flags. movements in hopes of dismantling Ukraine or at least leaving it ungovernable. Unmarked Russian troops started surrounding and swamping certain areas in Ukraine, marking the first cases of redrawing borders by force in Europe since the Second World War, which led to the talk of a new Cold War. In response, Europe and the United States adopted sanctions while the UN condemned Moscow. Death counts have reached more than 4, 300 with the conflict continuing to this day. Despite all the chaos, a new Ukrainian president was elected in autumn of 2014. The new government has promised to accomplish what the old government denied: reform and government accountability, along with closer ties to the European Union.


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Harvest season for prisoners’ organs coming

To an end China aims to abolish the risky practice of using organs of executed prisoners to fill the shortage of donors. BY ERIN KIM NEWS CONTRIBUTOR

ORGAN HARVESTING IS not too surprising when you see the money in it.

Cuba and US seek to normalize relations What experts dub as “the Cuban Thaw” marks the beginning of renewed relations between the two nations . BY HYEWOAN SONG EDITOR IN CHIEF


n December 17, 2014 US president Barack Obama and Cuban president Raul Castro announced that relations between the two countries would begin a process of normalization. The news comes after a decades long feud between the US and Cuba that began in the Cold War. For many years, the countries had no formal diplomatic relations and imposed economic, commercial, and financial embargos on the other. President Obama points out that “if there is any US foreign policy that has passed its expiration date, it is the US-Cuba policy,” and that the policy was “rooted in events that took place before most of us were born.” The deal was brokered in secret for months primarily in Canada and the Vatican City. Though no Canadian officials participated in talks between the US and Cuba, Canadian soil provided a safe and neutral channel for discussion. On the other hand, Pope Francis and other Vatican officials actively participated in talks and continued the tradition the Vatican has of brokering diplomatic deals. A major part of the normalization of relations included the release of political prisoners in both the US and Cuba. The “prisoner swap” concluded on January 12, 2015 when Cuba completed the

US PRESIDENT Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro shake hands during the Nelson Mandela memorial. release of 53 political prisoners. Several high profile prisoners were included in the list, such as Alan Gross, who was prosecuted in Cuba in 2011 for illegally bringing internet access into Cuba. Embassies in Washington DC and Havana will open for the first time since 1961. In addition, there are now fewer restrictions on travel

between the two countries. Americans can now travel to Cuba for a variety of purposes, including family visits, journalism, humanitarian projects, and research. The first round of talks after the initial announcement will take place from January 21-23 and will be lead by Roberta Jacobson, an Assistant Secretary of State. It will

be the first visit to Cuba by a senior - level official in 38 years. Jacobson says that “we are looking forward to the Cubans lifting travel restrictions, to trying to lift the caps on the number of our diplomatic personnel, to trying to gain impeded shipments for our mission and to the free access to our mission by Cubans.” Many additional rounds

of talks will be needed to further heat up relations soured by a very cold war; currently embargos are still maintained between the countries. As for snowbirds who are used to a cheap vacation in Cuba, they may need to start looking elsewhere, as soon American tourists may begin flocking to a previously inaccessible nation.



winter 2015


MARILYN MONROE Film and cultural icon's letters sell for one hundred and twenty grand. BY ALICE FENG NEWS CONTRIBUTOR


ven many years after her death, film star and Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe is still at the tip of everyone's tongue. On December 6th, 2014, a collection of her personal property dubbed "The Lost Archives of Marilyn Monroe" was up for bid in Beverly Hills, California. Julien's Auction hosted a live and online affair that was titled "Property from the Life and Career of Marilyn Monroe". From December 1st to December 5th, there was a public exhibition that promoted the event and made it possible to bid over the phone. Some of the items for sale included photographs, contact sheets from the set of 1961's The Misfits, career and financial documents, messages from her friends and admirers, personal property, as well as the showcased love letters. Julien's Auction also included Monroe's favourite coat which sold for $175 000, her black velvet cocktail dress, hairpins, makeup, and jewelry. A 19-minute film of behind the scenes with the cast of The Misfits enjoying the beach in Reno, Nevada, was also in the mix. Overall, there were 300 parts within the collection. From Monroe's second husband, baseball star Joe DiMaggio, there was a three page handwritten script that details his inner turmoil. It had been written in response to her televised announcement of filing for divorce in 1954 only nine months after their marriage. Within it, DiMaggio asked the actress to reconsider, proclaiming his devotion and addressing his tribute to a "Mrs. Joe DiMaggio." "I love you and want to be with you," he stated, beginning the draft by calling her "baby". DiMaggio continued on to say that "There is nothing I would like better than to restore your confidence in me." The letter sold for an impressive $78,125 to an undisclosed buyer. All that is known is that they most likely have deep pockets. Third and final husband playwright Arthur Miller also wrote a series of love letters to Monroe, in

MARILYN MONROE, Hollywood’s most famous sex symbol.

THE ORIGINAL ‘Some Like It Hot’ theatrical poster which he discusses various concerns about his and her personal life, as well as their impending life together. Miller was anxious about his own divorce and children, but even so, his admiration for her was evident. Monroe's penned response back to Miller, her soon to be husband at that time, included her own insecurities, as well as her returned sentiment. At one point she wrote: "It's doubly difficult to understand that you, most different, most beautiful human being, chose me to love." Her extreme desire for appreciation is illustrated here, perhaps due to the uncertainty that she had to overcome as a child. This letter sold for $43,750, and together, the two love letters totaled for the very formidable price of 120 grand. "It really gives you the chills when you read some of the stuff and see the intimacy and the personal nature of it," Martin Nolan, the auction's curator, said. "It's

fantastic to see how loved she was," he added. "Like you thought she was vulnerable and not loved and she craved love and she needed that reassurance. But she had it. She had it with Joe DiMaggio. She had it with Arthur Miller." Personal property and letters of huge film icons such as Marilyn Monroe really help the public understand her circumstances to a greater extent. It is understood that Monroe gave these items to her mentor Lee Strasberg, legendary acting coach. He later entrusted them to a friend, who kept them in excellent condition – enough to be sold after the span of several decades. The collection of Monroe's personal property made for the distinct impression of a time capsule. These items have been preserved and now auctioned off for high prices for buyers to enjoy. They prove that, despite the longwinded passage of time, Marilyn Monroe is still loved by the public, and is embedded into our history.

THE MARILYN MONROE pose which everyone young and old recognizes.

ALTHOUGH her acting career is over, her spirit lives on in wisdom aimed at young and old lovers alike

Profile of: Marilyn Monroe Born: June 1, 1926 - August 5, 1962 Norma Jane Mortenson Spouses: James Dougherty (1942-1946) Joe DiMaggio (1954-1954) Arthur Miller (1956-1961) Occupation: Actress, Model, Singer, Film Producer Years Active: 1945-62 Notable Works: Niagara, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, River of No Return, The Seven Year Itch, Some Like It Hot, The Misfits Awards: Golden Globe Award for Best Actress— Motion Picture Musical or Comedy, Some Like It hot (1960) Golden Globe for World Film Favorite: Female (1953, 1962)

ONE OF THE letters that were auctioned off.


winter 2015


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Telescope Discovers

“Super Earth” NASA’s Kepler telescope discovers a planet potentially harbouring water. BY SARAH RAVOTH NEWS CONTRIBUTOR

THE KEPLER TELESCOPE, rendered digitally.

Eye of the Tiger is

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winter 2015



To Free or not to Free, that is the Question In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, we must stand up for the fundamental freedoms - particularly freedom of speech and of the press - that we hold most dear. BY JARED FORMAN & DANIEL YONG OPINION CONTRIBUTORS

CHARLIE HEBDO was exercising a right that was granted to their country after years of struggle.

A Casual Response to Casual Relationships Ladies, stop waiting for someone to love you before you learn how to love yourself. BY ESTHER WOLF LAYOUT EDITOR

HOW CAN YOU know who you like if you don’t give it a chance?

winter 2015



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Climate Change and what We are doing to prevent it The Importance of Art Courses in High School Unbeknownst to many, Arts courses offer a range of benefits to all students and their importance should definitely not go unrecognized. BY MARIA SITKOVETS OPINION CONTRIBUTOR

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As climate change continues to adversely affect the earth, we must look at the root of the problem and determine solutions to mitigate the damage. BY LINDA NONG OPINION CONTRIBUTOR



winter 2015

The Scholar or The Socialite? If you had to pick one, would it be your academic life? Or social life? Would you even be able to pick? BY TERESA TAN OPINION CONTRIBUTOR

A Hacker CrISIS I Is ISIS expanding their fight to establish a caliphate into the digital realm? BY WENDY LI OPINION CONTRIBUTOR


hese days, it seems to me as if a new story about ISIS (also known as ISIL or the Islamic State) appears on the news almost constantly. The latest report about hackers, suspected of ties to ISIS, trying to implant malicious software on a computer of a Syrian activist citizen media group has alarmed many, and not without justification. If ISIS is in fact responsible for the attempted attack on Raqqah Is Being Slaughtered Silently (RSS), it could be a warning sign that ISIS is beginning to employ a new and most terrifying tactic in its fight to establish a caliphate. The hackers accountable for the attack attempted to plant the malware by posing as a representatives for a group of Syrian-Canadians who were preparing a news report on life in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa, which is currently being used as the ISIS capital. The email asked the citizen group to download a link supposedly containing a draft of their report and a map of Syria, asking them to confirm its accuracy. The activist reading the email decided not to click on the link, and instead sent it to an online safety group. However, if they had ended up clicking the link, malware would have been downloaded to their computer, which would then have emailed its IP address to the attackers. Each time the infected computer was turned on after that, IP information would been sent to the hackers, essentially turning the computer into a beacon to locate the activist. Most members of RSS do not identify themselves publicly for safety reasons, so this malware would have posed a serious threat to the individual who received the email. Although there is no conclusive proof that this attempted attack was authorized by ISIS, there is good reason to suspect the jihadist group. According to the SITE Intelligence Group, a post to a pro-ISIS forum made last week “carried a proposal for a topic that would task a team of computer experts with hacking into the caliphate's enemies”, and not too long before that, SITE also reported that the Islamic State has expressed interest in electronic surveillance. This sudden curiosity into these matters certainly casts suspicion on ISIS, but the group that the hackers chose to send the malware to only increases this suspicion. The terrorist group has targeted RSS in the past, allegedly kidnapping and killing members. Islamic State supporters have also recently said that the group has set up CCTV cameras, with one supporter going so far as to write on social media that “the system could be used to track down members of [the RSS]”. Another reason that many experts strongly believe

ISIS to be the perpetrator behind this attack on RSS is because it does not fit with any of the typical characteristics of past Syrian regime-related attacks. John ScottRailton, a researcher with the Citizen Lab (based at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs), says the group analysed the malware and concluded that it was “not highly technical” like the one he's seen over the years from supporters of the Syrian regime. The usual malware from that source aims to gain remote control of the target's computer, not merely locate them from afar. Regardless of all of the evidence that points to ISIS as the culprit, nobody can be entirely certain that it was in fact that group who sent the malware. But if it was, all opponents of the Islamic State in Iraq, Syria, and around the world are in a new sort of danger. This includes humanitarian organizations, citizen media groups, and foreign governments, particularly those from the West. Canada happens to be a part of a USA-led coalition currently fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Scott-Railton is of the opinion that the prospect of ISIS expanding into hacking is a “very concerning” one, which I tend to agree with. It would not take ISIS very long to learn more efficient methods of hacking and electronic surveillance, and civilian groups like RSS are both under-prepared and under-equipped to deal with threats like the one the malicious email presented. Even if ISIS was not the group behind this particular attack, I do not think that it will take very long before the Islamic State decides to try their hand in electronic warfare. It makes solid sense for them to start developing these basic hacking techniques because of the large number of foreign fighters that they have attracted. These people hold skills in all sorts of fields, from graphic design to computer science. A British hacker by the name of Junaid Hussain who was imprisoned in 2012 for stealing former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair's address book and publishing it, is thought to have travelled to Syria to join ISIS. Although as Canadians we like to consider ourselves to be safe from these sorts of international threats, recent circumstances such as the tragedy at the National War Memorial (which was, interestingly enough, also attributed to ISIS), have proven us to be mistaken. More recently, an Ottawa man featured in an ISIS propaganda video urged his fellow Canadians to join the Islamic State in Syria or attack Canadian targets on home soil. These insistences combined with Canada's involvement in the coalition fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria are evidence that we are not untouchable simply because of geographical distance. The Islamic State is a force to be reckoned with, and it would not surprise me to find, somewhere down the line, that a Canadian government computer has become the next target.

t’s no secret that we are in an age where the ability to socialize is more accessible than ever, but what effect does that have on us? Realistically, the time we spend with friends or on various social media platforms takes away from the time that could be used for something else, right? Our school life and our academic careers are being sacrificed for being socially active. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that having a prospering social life isn’t important; without it we would have difficulty developing skills and relationships essential to thriving in our competitive world. However, being heavily invested in social media is becom-

ing a bit extreme. In March 2013, Facebook had approximately 1.11 billion active users. Tumblr has hosted over 216.9 million blogs as of this New Year, and in 2012, Twitter had 500 million users, 250 million of which are active members. Aren’t those numbers a bit extreme? How many of your Facebook friends or twitter followers do you talk to regularly? Currently, we spend on average, 40 minutes a day checking our Facebook feed, and up to 10 hours a day staring at our phones and consuming media - time that would be extremely useful if it were dedicated to academics. Let’s have a look at our academic lives. It’s not as if they’re suffering a whole lot, considering over 50% of Canadian adults have either a university or college degree according to the OECD. That’s not bad at all, but similarly to social media, dedicating too much time to school work has its cons. If students are overloaded with homework, it functions inversely to so-

It seems like no matter how hard you try, it is an impossible task.

cial media. We would have no time to talk to friends or just take a break. Most high school students can attest to pulling all-nighters to cram in a project or a last-minute study session. In addition, we can’t forget about the anxiety, the stress eating, the frustration we take out on our peers, and the constant pressure to succeed. At this point, it’s become commonplace to barely get 6 hours of sleep a night, and there are even instances where students will burnout from sleep deprivation and work overload. But talking about the effects academics and social life have on us now is not enough. What about our futures? What about networking, dedicating time to our hobbies, and taking care of our physical and mental well-being? Devoting more time to social media than school can negatively affect our grades, and in turn our success in higher education. However, strictly focusing on school can leave students disconnected from the world around them. Being unaware of our social dynamics such as taboos, slang, pop culture, and even current events can be interpreted as ignorance in a both a professional or casual environment. Now think about it. If you were forced to make a choice, what would you choose? Would you favour being well-read or well known; polished or popular; outgoing or all-knowing? It’s a fine balancing act, but depending on who you are, you’ll have a preference regardless. Personally, for me, as someone who identifies as an introvert, I value my academic success over my social status, even though it may actually be my friends who keep me sane enough to succeed in my studies.

comment editorial

winter 2015


from the editors

The Eye of the Tiger is an award-winning school newspaper that reaches 2000 students, parents and members of the community each issue. To advertise with us, please contact eyeofthetigerfinance@gmail.com or eyeofthetigerchiefs@gmail.com

Patrick Shen Hyewoan Song EXECUTIVE EDITORS

Emili Tran Esther Wolf Kevin Son LAYOUT EDITORS

EYE OFTHE TIGER Shivam Sharma Kelly Goncalves Daniel Varshavsky Ben Levy FINANCIAL DIRECTORS

Jared Forman

page 9





Eye of the Tiger is advised by Mrs. Borges.

Should prostitution be legal? YES Pegy Korat


hey say that where there is a will, there is a way. Well the way doesn’t necessarily have to be legal, as long as the will is strong enough – and in this case, it almost always is. Last December, the supreme court of Canada threw out existing prostitution laws, saying that they violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Now, selling sex is legal, but buying it has become a criminal offence. It’s also illegal for anyone to communicate for the purpose of prostitution and advertisement of the sexual services of others. Basically, this is like a mother giving her child a Snickers, and then telling him that if he eats it, he’s going to have a severe allergic reaction and possibly die. The mother won’t have to deal with any guilt because according to her, she did what the kid wanted, even though deep down she knew it was pointless. But you see, it’s the 21st century, and it’s time to not only do something about that kid’s allergy, but also prostitution. Firstly, let’s start off with the moral side of things: prostitution is not degrading. Think about sex as an activity and you’ll see what I mean. Let’s pretend sex is like playing tennis, okay? So supposedly you hate playing tennis with strangers. You don’t like how it’s vigorous, and you think the outfits are inappropriate, and you think going to some country club just so you can rent out the court for a few hours to play tennis is completely unnecessary. But what you’re missing here is that some people like tennis no matter who their partner is. No one is forcing anyong to play it, no one is holding a gun to their head and telling them their life depends on how well they can handle tennis balls, and most importantly, no one is forcing them to do something they don’t want to do. The society that we live in today is constantly trying to find a balance between praising women and objectifying them. Whether it’s a bunch of bikini clad girls on the back on a yacht all over some rapper, or a half naked photo of some model over Times Square, women have power. Sure the rapper may be saying some inappropriate things and sure the model is in a provocative position, but what everyone seems to forget is that those girls and that model all chose to do what they’re doing. I may hate what the rapper is saying and I may hate that the girls are oblivious to how his words are targeted towards them, but I respect the choices they have made. I respect what that model is doing, and in fact, I’m going to praise her for her beauty. I’m going to realize that in a month that model will be replaced by some guy who is showing just as much skin, and that rapper will have been dropped from the charts by some incredible female artist who

can have as many guys parading around in their underwear in her music video as she wants. We must realize that self respect doesn’t come from others; it comes from within oneself. So girls can wear skirts as Jared Forman short as they want, tops as revealing as possible, and have so much self respect that it’s jaw dropping. I truly and whole-heartedly believe that if a woman wants to play tennis, she should have every right. In fact, if two consenting adults feel like they want to give it a go, then there should be nothing stopping them. Secondly, we must focus on the business aspect. If prostitution were some type of industry run by the government, meaning that it were taxed, safe, and controlled, the benefits of it would far outweigh the negatives. This whole thing shouldn’t have to be such a big deal because let’s face it, it’s probably already happening, so why not take advantage? Between 10-33% of all prostitutes in Canada are known to work on the streets. If prostitution were treated like a real business, a classy one I might add, sex workers and all their clients would have to go through so much less trouble to complete their task. The international sex industry is a $20+ billion a year business and if there were added restrictions on age and education, prostitution would be a profitable industry. Potential prostitutes would be able to take classes on sex work risks, have at least an associate degree, and have no criminal record. Potential customers should have to be tested for STIs , and also not have criminal backgrounds. Sex workers should be required to use multiple forms of contraception, and have a valid license to practice prostitution. There should also be STI testing on the workers occasionally as well. All in all, treat prostitution like a business, and see it flourish like there’s no tomorrow. Thirdly, let’s talk about freedom. We all go through scenarios in life where we constantly hear the phrase “it’s my body”. And that’s true. It’s your body. Whether you decide to pierce everything you possibly can, or cover every inch of your skin with tattoos, or even have an abortion, it’s your body. So if you think about it, not having prostitution be completely legalized, is like saying “well yeah, it is your body, but I still have control over it.” Everyone deserves to have the freedom to do whatever he or she wants. That being said, they also have to face the consequences. You can go blow up a hotel because the love of your life died, but you shouldn’t because it’s not right. You can eat that donut, but you shouldn’t because you’re on a diet. It’s all a matter of knowing you can do something, and realizing that you shouldn’t. But come to think of it, I can’t come up with any reason why women shouldn’t sell sex. It’s their body. It’s their choice. And last time I checked, it’s none of people’s business what others do as long as It doesn’t harm them. In conclusion, prostitution should be legal. It’s that simple. LEGALIZING PROSTITUTION could drive it further underground.


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winter 2015



Meet the Tigers– Girls’ Volleyball Join us as we get to know the Senior Girls’ Volleyball team here at TSS! Let’s go Tigers! BY TARANEH TAHMOURESZADEH & DAKSH DATTA SPORTS CONTRIBUTORS

IT’S NOT JUST A SPORT, it’s a lifestyle. Juggling a team sport and school is hard, but worth it.

winter 2015



NHL Midseason Report Card As the NHL season passes its halfway mark, we check in to see which teams are hot, and which teams are not. BY CHRIS GUPTA SPORTS CONTRIBUTOR

THE NEW YORK ISLANDERS, lead by John Taveres, looks to become a real cup contender this season.



winter 2015

National Hockey League Midseason Awards Checking in with the buds to see who takes our NHL midseason awards. BY ERIC SUDMAN SPORTS CONTRIBUTOR

MARK GIORDANO surprises all with a sudden resurgence and outstanding season.

TYLER SEGUIN is a shining star in a mediocre Dallas team.


winter 2015


How to Fix the NBA’s Tanking Problem #TankGate. BY HARRISON MAKARUK SPORTS CONTRIBUTOR


he Philadelphia 76ers are in the middle of a historic run. General manager Sam Hinkie has done a fantastic job of constructing the perfect roster to achieve his goal. The only problem? That goal is to lose as many games as possible. At the time of writing, the Sixers are currently dead last in the NBA with an abysmal record of 2-22, and are on pace for a mere 7 wins this season. Such a feat would make them the worst team of all time by regular season record, beating out the previous record of 9-73 (also held by the 76ers). They are the epitome of what is known in professional sports as tanking, and have caused considerable outrage among fans and executives alike. Tanking is the act of losing games intentionally in order to earn various benefits later on. It has existed in professional sports for decades, but has become a hot topic in recent years in part because of Sam Hinkie and his usage of the strategy in Philadelphia. Tanking also decreases overall revenue for the league as fans tend to attend fewer games and purchase less merchandise for losing teams. For the financially-inclined businessmen who run the league, this is a big deal. Now many of you may be asking: why would a team ever want to lose on purpose? In the NBA, the answer is draft picks and cap space. In most professional sports with college drafts, the worst teams are awarded the best draft picks, and therefore get priority on the best young talent entering the league. In addition, clearing out one’s roster for younger players on cheaper contracts gives a team much more financial flexibility, meaning they will have more money to offer to superstar players in free agency. In the NBA, you need at least one superstar player to win a title, and the draft and free agency are the most common means of obtaining one. Because of this, the common philosophy in the league is that you want to either be near the top or near the bottom - either doing everything you can to win right now, or planning for the future. Unfortunately, this conflicts with our desire for a league in which every team is always competitive. The league recently tried to combat this problem by altering the rules for the draft lottery (the system in which the draft order is determined using random chance). Under the current system, the worse the team in the standings, the better the chance of snagging the first pick. The proposed solution would spread the odds more evenly so that the worst teams and best teams were given a much closer chance of getting the first pick. The idea was that it would give teams less incentive to aim for last place if they were given less incentive to do so. Unfortunately, when the proposal was put to a vote among league executives, it was denied. The problem for those who said no was that too much uncertainty came with changing the rules so suddenly, and with the salary cap also shrouded in mystery with the league’s new television contract beginning next season, many felt it was too much change in such a short period of time. Other proposals have also been submitted, including evening out the odds

completely, making every team eligible for the lottery instead of the bottom fourteen only, and perhaps most interesting: The Wheel. Under this proposal, the lottery is completely removed, and teams instead rotate who gets the best picks each year. The advantages of this system are that tanking would completely cease to exist, as record plays no part in determining the order and everyone knows where they are drafting years in advance. This would also make trading draft picks much easier. Ultimately, this proposal was declined for one reason. In the NBA, teams either sell their fans victory or hope. What happens if a team suffers crippling injuries (see Rose, Derrick) just as they come to the least desirable location in the wheel? They are stuck with a losing team and no means of getting better for years. How badly would this affect the team's financial situation? Only recently has every team made it into the black over a full season, and this system jeopardizes the stability that owners crave. In addition, this system would reward good teams with high picks, something many are not in favor of. Imagine a team like the Spurs, who continuously win year after year, receiving a top pick in the draft every few years and staying on top forever. This is the fear of many small market teams. So ultimately the team’s record must factor in so that the bad teams get the best picks. However, it is difficult to do so without incentivising teams to lose on purpose. My proposition takes both of these requirements into account. What if, instead of the lottery order being determined solely by the team record over just the previous season, it was the previous six seasons? Doing so would make tanking much more difficult for teams that have had success, as it would take many seasons of losing to have one of the worst six-year records after years of winning. And if the tanking process takes longer this may make teams more wary of using it as a strategy. After all, one of the big knocks on tanking right now is that it alienates the fan base and makes it more difficult to be financially successful. If the tanking process was made years longer by these new rules teams may opt to use different team building strategies that make sense in both the short and long term. Take the Boston Celtics for example. Their record over the past six seasons is 57.5%, one of the highest marks in the league. Chances are, under these new set of rules, they'd think twice before trading away all-star talent like Rajon Rondo if they knew it would be a few seasons before they had a chance of getting a solid draft pick. It would also ensure that good teams that are simply going through a temporary rough patch aren’t rewarded with young talent for doing so. Of course there are downsides, as with every proposal. Though tanking would not make sense for average teams or better any longer, teams with bad records would have even more incentive to tank, as their goal would be much more attainable if they could lose for a couple seasons in a row and guarantee themselves over half a decade worth of solid picks. In the end this proposal has a few flaws, but so will any system. The NBA wants change. It’s time for them to pony up and do something about it.

SEVEN. The Philadelphia 76ers are on pace for seven wins in an eighty-two game season.

Meeting Milos Star struck– Students meet former TSS Tiger and graduate turned world class tennis player, Milos Raonic. BY IVANA JOVICIC SPORTS CONTRIBUTOR


n Wednesday, November 26th, 2014, Canada’s rising star, Milos Raonic was awarded the Canadian of the Year Award by The Canadian Club of Toronto at the Sheraton Hotel. Thornhill Secondary School

students and teachers had the opportunity to meet Milos Raonic and to celebrate the former Thornhill Tiger’s success. As he took the stage to accept his well-earned award and take part in an interview, Milos Raonic not only showed his witty side but portrayed his philosophical side as well. “With hard work and perseverance, anything is possible”, he says. As a current grade 12 student under pressure from school, his wise words impacted me greatly

and provided me with the motivation I need to continue setting and achieving my goals. Milos Raonic is a renowned tennis player, tremendous athlete, and most importantly a great human being. He is a role model to all athletes and non-athletes who are trying to reach and achieve their goals in life. The inspiring young man continues to make his community and Thornhill Secondary School very proud and will always be a Thornhill Tiger in our eyes.

PASSING ON THE TORCH, students received an amazing opportunity to meet Milos Raonic.



winter 2015

entertainment review


That’sSo A compilation of some of the biggest and most memorable moments in entertainment of 2014. BY HANNAH SCHNEIDER & MARIAN MENDOZA ENTERTAINMENT CONTRIBUTORS

TAYLOR SWIFT, LAVERNE COX, Disney’s Frozen, and Robin Williams all among the biggest newsmakers of the entertainment world in 2014.

TAYLOR SWIFT shakes off all the haters by having a huge 2014.

THE SELFIE THAT defined the year of 2014.


winter 2015


The Hobbit: The Battle Epic Dinosaur Facts! dinosaurs lost the of the Five Armies When ability to fart, they faced ex -stinktion. Get it? ExStink... (Spoilers)

ways omnivorous but possums are generally herbivorous.

13. On another related note from fact 10., the not-so-smartest dinosay that the asteroid impact was saur was the stegosaurus, with a just the straw that broke the cam- brain the size of a walnut and a two -ton body. el's back.


The movie sure boasts a fancy title, but this final installment of Peter Jackson’s illustrious Middle-Earth saga doesn’t end on a high note… BY JIMMY LEE ENTERTAINMENT CONTRIBUTOR


. Dinosaurs were not all warm-blooded or coldblooded. They weren't warmblooded like modern mammals, or cold-blooded like modern lizards. They were actually “dinosaurblooded”, a condition combining certain aspects of warmbloodedness with a changing metabolism over the animal's lifetime.

6. Dinosaurs made up just 10% of 14. The smallest dinosaur was the the forty groups of reptiles in the Saltopus, at three feet in length and five pounds in weight. Mesozoic Era. 7. Dinosauria as a clade was extremely successful. Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for more than 150 million years. Mammals have only dominated for a third of that time.

8. Birds descended from a Velociraptor-like lineage stretching back 150 million years, so they are essentially avian dinosaurs. Scientists 2. Dinosaurs had strong hearts and still debate over whether they bird-like metabolisms, so it is likely should be called thus. that they were as agile and swift as modern-day birds, or at least not as 9a. Dinosaurs were not lizards, slow as they were thought to be despite the fact that… when it was assumed that they 10. ...Dinosaur means “fearfullygreat lizard” (coined by Richard were cold-blooded. Owen, an English palentologist, in 3. Mammals and dinosaurs coexist- 1842), but was simplified over time to just mean “terrible lizard”. ed in the Late Triassic Period. 4. Dinosaurs didn't all live at the same time! From the expertise I gained from my grade four Independent Study presentation, I can attest that the distance in time between Tyrannosaurus and Apatosaurus (previously Brontosaurus) was greater than the time between Tyrannosaurus and you.

9b. They were, however, reptiles.

5. While there is evidence to support the hypothesis that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs, it is not the only hypothesis for their extinction. Even by the late Cretaceous, dinosaur diversity was in decline. Some

12. On another related note, opossums are not the same as possums. They belong to two different orders, but both are marsupials. Opossums live in North America, but possums live in Oceania. Opossums are al-

11. The smartest dinosaur was the Troodon, who wins in terms of the encephalization quotient - the ratio between the size of the brain to the body. It was about as smart as a modern possum. On a related note, Shmooky the opossum eats apples.

15. Time for some Jurassic Park debunking! In the official trailer for Jurassic World, the mosquito trapped in amber at 1:21 is depicted incorrectly. The prop people put a crane fly in there, not a mosquito! 16. Not so much debunking, but zoologists like Darren Naish are angry that feathered dinosaurs were not featured at all, when many, many dinosaurs had feathers! 17. In Naish's words from his Twitter account, “Mega-mosasaur has palatal teeth (well done) but no forked tongue-tip as per the platynotan hypothesis (boo). And.. frill?”. 18. From the original Jurassic Park – the mosquito shown in the movie does not suck blood. Toxorhynchites rutilus, or the “elephant mosquito”, is among the few kinds of mosquito that do not consume blood, instead eating honeydew, fruit, and nectar. BONUS ROUND!!! The Kronosaurus, or “lizard of tiempo”, with a name inspired by the Titan Crono/Kronos/take-yourpick, looked really scary, bullied people underwater, and ate turtles.



WHICH ‘GAME of THRONES’ CHARACTER ARE YOU? 1. QUICK! You walk into first period math and find out you have a test that you didn’t study for. What do you do?

5. If your life were a movie, which movie would it be?

A. How To Train Your Dragon B. Don’t know any movies A. Burst into a speech about how you will lib- C. Psycho erate yourself and your D. HODOR! classmates from the injustice done to you by 6. If you were strandyour teacher and their ed on a deserted isprejudiced methods of land and a genie educating your genera- granted you 3 wishes, what would you wish tion for? B. It doesn’t matter; you don’t know anyA. World peace, a trackthing anyways ing device for your C. Demand to have it dragons, a GOSH DARN moved because you BOAT SO YOU CAN FIsaid so NALLY GO FIGHT FOR D. HODOR! THE IRON THRONE IN2. Your first thought STEAD OF WASTING when you wake up in YOUR TIME IN THE DESERT the morning is: B. Knowing one thing, knowing something, A.WHERE ARE MY knowing anything DRAGONS??? C. A mirror, a 20-foot B. *nothing* C. The world is lucky to ice sculpture of yourself, and to make everyhave me *tosses hair* one in the world bow D. HODOR! to you 3. How do you spend D. HODOR! HODOR!! HODOR!!! your free time? A. Trying to remember where you put your most valued possession (e.g. dragons) B. Doing nothing C. Plotting the downfall of humanity (because you’re the greatest human being to ever walk the earth) D. HODOR! 4. Who is your role model? A. Harriet Tubman B. Don’t know any role models C. Draco Malfoy D. HODOR!

7. What is your motto in life? A. ‘It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop’ - Confucius B. I don’t know what a motto is C. ‘My only fault is that I don't realize how great I really am’ - Muhammad Ali D. ‘HODOR!’ - Hodor 8. What is your favourite TV show? A. Dragon Tales B. I don’t know what’s

on TV C. How To Get Away With Murder D. HODOR!

winter 2015

This quiz is 100% accurate and scientifically proven to determine which GoT character truly represents you. By: Hannah Schneider & Daksh Datta


9. Which Disney character are you? A. Mulan B. I don’t know what Disney is C. Gaston D. HODOR!

You are Daenerys Targaryen! You’re a forgetful soul who can never remember where anything is (like your dragons) and have so many names that it’s a wonder that 10. What bothers you people can keep them all straight. Heat doesn’t affect the most? you, which must be a real pain during the winter (which is coming, by the way), and you are obsessed with liberA. Slaves always forget- ating the oppressed.

ting your titles because Mostly Bs there are so many of them, when you find out that your BFF is actually feeding information about you to the people who want you dead, and losing track of your dragons B. I don’t know if anyYou are Jon Snow! It’s clear that you actually know noththing bothers me ing. C. Not being the supreme ruler of the Mostly Cs world, given how perfect you are D. HODOR! 11. Who is your favourite artist? A. Imagine Dragons B. I don’t know any artists C. Kings of Leon You are Joffrey Baratheon! You are a natural born leader D. HODOR! and people person. Seriously, people can’t get enough of how compassionate and empathetic you are and worship 12. What habit is most the ground you walk on. It must be tiring, being so loved, huh?

like you?

Mostly Ds

A. Procrastinate a lot (e.g. I’ll be queen one day! … Just not today because I want to play house with my dragons in the desert) B. Don’t really know... C. Find and destroy ant hills D. HODOR! You are Hodor! HODOR! HODOR! HODOR!


winter 2015


Top Five Boys’ Washrooms at TSS The quintessential guide to figuring out where you really want to be, when you really want to pee. BY PATRICK SHEN EDITOR IN CHIEF

FASHION FORWARD or fashion faux pas? No shade intended.

Plants vs. Zombies: The Impending Comeback “You’ll need to think fast and plant faster to stem the zombie attack that’s coming on pretty much every device and platform known throughout history”. BY TINA ZHONG ENTERTAINMENT CONTRIBUTOR


apping plants that shoot peas? Fear the sun setting or when the creeping fog comes in? Preparing for the looming horde of zombies? Sounds like a recipe for the best game ever, right? The ultimate goal of Plants vs. Zombies is to prevent zombies from reaching your house and subsequently eating your brain by de-

fending yourself using plants that have super battling powers. You begin by selecting the plants and fungi you wish to use during that particular round to combat 26 unique, brain-eating zombies. As you begin to level up, you receive more plants and encounter increasingly more difficult zombies to eliminate. This game is revolves around tactics and one wrong move could jeopardize your success. Recently, I stumbled upon this beacon of enjoyment and have become completely addicted to it. Each level is distinctive and unlike the one before. The stress of constantly changing tactics and making risky but calculated moves makes this game impossible to put down.

After its initial release in 2009, PopCap Games saw instant success for their Microsoft Windows and OS X game, Plants vs. Zombies. In 2010, an iOS version of the game was released, making this already wildly popular game accessible on mobile devices. Nintendo, Blackberry, Android, and PlayStation quickly followed suit and soon, hundreds of thousands of people were playing this wonderful strategic game. The release of Plants vs. Zombies 2, Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (a pinball themed game), and a board game have made this label a household name and a game enjoyed by all ages that has a presence on almost every social media site. Plants vs. Zombies has been

nominated for numerous awards including Outstanding Achievement in Game Design, the Interactive Achievement Award from the Academy of Interactive Arts and Science, Best Game Design, and Best Download Game. However, in the past couple of years, this single-player game has declined in reputation. Inferior games like Angry Birds or Zappy Bird have swept the app stores despite being less tactical and significantly less rewarding games. This is the year for Plants vs. Zombies’ comeback. With over 11 million likes on Facebook, it is destined to become #1 in app stores worldwide at any moment, I can just feel it. PopCap Games has recently updated to offer downloadable content

(DLCs), keeping the game frequently changing and providing more for player enjoyment. Many have just simply forgotten their love for this game, which would be reignited if they simply began playing again. The game is a reminder of our youth and a world conquerable by well-placed intentions. Tina’s Tips for Winning 1. Plan out your sunflowers – Sunflowers are the “cash” of the game. They provide you with power to purchase other plants. They don’t destroy any zombies, but are essentially more important than any zombie-destroying fungi. Sunflowers are any player’s first priority when beginning each round. The recommended number of sunflower rows is 2 – 3. 2. Take a careful look at the upcoming zombies before selecting your unique combination of plants – Before you begin each level, the percentages of each type of zombie are shown. Certain zombies can only be beat with certain plants. For example, Bungee zombies can only be destroyed by canopy plants. 3.Refer to your almanac – this is the ultimate guide of the different types and skill levels of plants AND zombies. After you pass through dozens of rounds, you begin to forget the abilities of certain plants and/or zombies. The almanac is a nifty way of remembering them. Pay special attention to weaknesses and special quirks, or otherwise risk being left defenceless.



winter 2015



winter 2015


Celebrating Community, one person at a time.

“My dad passed away from stage 4 stomach cancer. When doctors first discovered it, it was already stage 4 and they told him that he had about 6 months. He was


able to live for about a year and a half after that. He passed away about a year and 3 months ago.” “Wow that must be really tough. We're very sorry for your loss…Is there anything

you would have wanted to tell your father if he were still here?” “Probably goodbye. I never got to say bye to him and I still think about that every day.”

HANNAH SCHNEIDER "I don't usually like to talk about myself, but it’s my hope that others can learn something from my high school experience. My main struggle throughout high school has been wrapping my head around the concept that my self-worth as a person is not determined by a percentage. It’s difficult, because having been in the gifted program, it seems like everything you do is a competition for the best marks. I have a tendency to compare myself to other people, and usually end up diminishing my own success because I am equating it to someone else’s. So some-

people who you want to be friends with. But as you go along, you might realize that "What did you learn from this is not you or that these your time at Thornhill Secaren't the people you want ondary?" to be with. By the end of it all, you real"I think the one thing I ize who you are by the peolearned from here is that when you start off, you have ple you choose to be with, a certain goal and something and the people who you choose to not be with." you're looking for, say the ISAAC TAM

times, when I get particularly overwhelmed I have to take a step back, put everything into perspective, and remind myself that I have plenty to be proud of my-

self for."

DANA TURETSKI & KATHRINE YAMPOLSKY "In grade 7, we did absolutely everything together, practically inseparable. Our teacher always told us that it was time to cut the 'umbilical cord.' It's still attached."


GENADY ANDRIASIAN "Is high school what you expected it to be?" "Well it's a lot more stressful and there is a lot more work than I expected there to be, but I'm kind of adapting slowly and I'm looking forward to getting into the nature of things."

CARLA RAWSON "When I first made the Ultimate team, I was this lonely, miserable and unconfident Grade 9 who could barely throw. At first I thought it was this glorified game of catch but I soon found out it was so much more. It gave me something to look forward to every week and it

was the only thing that genuinely made me happy. It’s been the first thing that has truly challenged me both physically and mentally, and has created goals and dreams I never thought I would have. It’s given me teams that have become second families and moments that have defined my high school experience."

"So my buddies and I went to this concert and we ended up getting on the subway really late. We had to get off a few stops early because the subway shut down. We had to get a taxi even though we didn't have the money for it. Then we nearly got mugged by a random drunk guy and it was one of the worst nights of my life, but now that I think about it, it was actually one of the best."





Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 through 9. Numbers cannot be repeated; use the existing numbers to help you. Start with the one on the left, and challenge yourself with the one on the right. Good luck! ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨

winter 2015


Horizontally or vertically connect adjacent dots to form a path that forms a single loop, without crossing itself, or branching. The numbers indicate how many lines surround each cell (only 0-3 are permitted).


Across 1. Bed bottoms? 12. Letters for a duke 15. Bauxite or cryolite 16. Winning lineup 17. One whose shots reveal lots 18. The Tigers, for short 19. Worked on peanuts? 20. Tricksters 21. Passes over 23. Many mgrs. have them 24. Pointed artwork? 25. Concrodia University locale 28. One of a grand trio 29. Preceder of his name? 30. End of a tile game’s name 31. It may be boiled in Bordeaux 32. Hydroelectricity providers? 33. Pulls a switcheroo on, perhaps 34. One might be caught near a beach 35. Is for more than one? 36. Behaves like a loon 37. Attendance count 38. Put right 40. Really bother 41. Father of the blues 42. Vint ___, Father of the Internet 43. Former chocolaty Post cereal 44. “Fanny’s First Play” 45. ___ Poke (candy on a stick) 48. Visionary 1921 drama 49. Its contents may get stained 52. One making a scene?: Abbr. 53. Be shellacked 54. Slob’s environment 55. Very early morning, in slang

Down 1. Sunblock ingredient 2. Put down 3. Record player, briefly 4. French sweet 5. Short coach 6. Like some instincts 7. Shell collection? 8. Biblical shepherd 9. Betray inattention 10. Nursery IDs 11. One side of traffic 12. Call waiting line? 13. Bouquet greenery 14. Extra mouth to feed, maybe 22. I.B.M. event of 1915 23. Gymnastics school supply 24. Home Depot display 25. They often fly out during an explosion 26. 2003 spy thriller starring Al Pacino and Colin Farrell 27. Amontillado, e.g. 28. Like some rafts 30. Swinging 33. Feeder filler 34. Grimm villain 36. “Stay” 37. British home of Cow Tower and Dragon Hall 39. Way of the world? 40. Be serious 42. Gymnastics school supply 44. Line of combat? 45. Excite 46. Period of abstinence 47. Period of indulgence 50. ___ price 51. Runner given the boot?

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