2013 July Color Issue

Page 77

family and friends, and gather them at the big eight-leaf dining room table restored by her father. But she made many paintings of Jackson Street, and dubbed it “My Favorite Street.” Knowing my mother, that was both true and... well, a bit of an exaggeration. She often painted the Windsor Hotel, Congress Hall and the Congress Place neighborhood, St. Mary’s and the dunes at Cape May Point. But as she said in her

manifesto, “Why I loved certain sights better than others, I never knew and neither do the people who are explaining it to you now.” Where else in the world did she love to paint? And do you think that Cape May was her favorite place of all? She enjoyed Maine, Guatemala, Greece, Antigua, Arizona, San Francisco, Copenhagen, Switzerland, Belize, and Jamaica. But I think it’s safe to say that Cape May was her favorite place, exit zero

75 July 2013

hands down. She was never happier than when she was in Cape May. There’s so much to love about Cape May. The light is rare and privileged – she titled a late beach painting “Privileged Light,” and that image and title seemed to convey her feeling of being transported by this place. When did you decide that you had to publish a book of your mother’s work? My mother and I discussed doing the book

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