1 minute read

Adapt To Thrive


It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.


That’s a strong statement and though Darwin’s quote was originally referring to evolution, it’s not only dinosaurs that can go extinct. Businesses that fail to adapt and change also fail to survive. This is true not only of our industry but also of other industries, as well as of many aspects of life. It’s evident by the number of award winners in our recent virtual recognition ceremony that many of our EXIT associates have learned the importance of adapting in this changing environment. Our superstars have quickly mastered how to balance health protocols and technology to market and sell properties. Some of our agents have experienced their best year ever. I’ve also seen many examples of ingenuity in maintaining personal connections at a time where people are craving human interaction more than ever before. I’ve never felt so proud to be part of the EXIT family. The REALTORS ® who’ll succeed are those who are flexible in their thinking, embrace technology and ensure that they’re educated about their local market, so they become a trusted advisor to their client base. Never has there been a time where the public needs a trusted advisor more than today. The REALTORS ® who will thrive will combine that knowledge with technology, while focusing on building relationships in order to build a business that’s sustainable into the future. And while we must embrace technology, we’re all experiencing a lack of human connection right now that has an unseen but profound effect on us all, so we must balance tech with the human element. We must adapt and find a safe way to connect with each other. It’s time for all of us to reinvent ourselves, just as Steve Morris reinvented the real estate model when he launched this great company 24 years ago with a drive and focus that fanned his incredible idea into flame. Let us remember to be thankful for every moment and every smile we give and receive. Let us live with an attitude of gratitude, tolerance, and kindness. Let us never forget the importance of the human connection in everything we do.