How To Be Remarkable

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KNOW  POP This is sometimes tough for me because of my disdain for celebrity culture, but understanding pop culture is important for many reasons. For one, it allows you to participate in society like someone that, you know, belongs there. Among people. You don’t have to know every juicy detail of their relationship, but if you don’t know ZKR $QJHOLQD -ROLH DQG %UDG 3LWW DUH \RX VLPSO\ GRQâW Ă°W LQ 8QLWHG 6WDWHV FXOWXUHĂź there’s something missing that makes you stand out in a bad way. Second, knowing what’s going on in pop culture can help you see where trends are going and act on them instead of being forced to react. Finally, pop culture is kind of ridiculous and fun and though it might not be the most intellectual of pursuits, it’s easy-going mind-candy that we could all honestly use a bit of from time to time.

FAMILY  GUY  REFERENCE “Lois: Okay, one more minute, and then if there are two pink lines... Peter: Oh god, I hope you’re not pregnant, we can’t afford another kid. We already got Chris, Stewey, Richie, Joanie, Greg, Marsha, Bobby, Jan, Mike Seaver, Carol Seaver, Boner, Urkel, Mr. Furley... Brian: Peter those aren’t your kids, that’s the Nick-at-Night lineup. Peter: Blanka, Zangeif, Chun-Li, Guile, E. Honda... Brian: That’s Street Fighter. Peter: Red, blue, green... Brian: Those are colors.â€? -Family  Guy,  episode  Sibling  Rivalry


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