Exhibit City News - Jan/Feb/Mar 2024

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“Fears are not diagnostic of the lack of ability, the lack of talent, the lack of whatever it takes to make it. They are normal parts of the process. You are going to experience them, but you also have the ability to deal with them. And that is the superpower of all of you here.” With these words, keynote speaker Zorana Ivcevic Pringle, Senior Research Scientist at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, ushered the 2023 FIT Exhibit and Experience Design graduates into the world their work has prepared them to inhabit. Twelve students presented their final theses on Friday, December 8, for review 80 Jan/Feb/Mar 2024 Exhibit City News

by more than one hundred industry professionals. The students showcased original concepts that they researched, designed, and prototyped. With topics ranging from celebrating 125 years of The Wizard of Oz to sleep, neurodivergence, and Irish folklore, the presentations were engaging and thoughtful. Program Chair and Professor Christina Lyons said, “These phenomenal designers strive to use their talents to spearhead change and to promote well-being and human connection with their work. I am thrilled that these passionate and dedicated graduates will soon be influencing our built environ-

ment and communities for years to come.” Heightening the festivities, the school acknowledged Abigail Honor, Founding Partner, Lorem Ipsum Corp., Jackson Young, UX Design Manager Google, and Michael McMahon, President & CEO, Hill & Partners, with the program’s STAR awards for their contributions to the program. McMahon commented, “Year after year, this amazing team of educators, mentors, and leaders at FIT seem to find the best and brightest world shapers to inspire and support. It is easy for a company like mine to lean in and play whatever role we can.”

Photos courtesy of FIT; by Jerry Speier


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