ISA Alberta Directory of Automation

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Directory Editor’s Message

Welcome to the Silver Anniversary Edition of the ISA Alberta Directory. It’s been my pleasure to have been a part of the Directory for 25 years. Time sure goes by quickly. Thinking back to the first Directory in 1993, I would like to thank Gord Olson and Bob Bahniuk for their input during that time and a special thanks to Les Keast for the first edition in 1993. Les was instrumental in getting the first edition “off the ground”. Great work and thanks so much for the help in the early going. The first edition in 1993 was an ISA Edmonton section production, which was joined by the ISA Calgary section in 1994 to become the ISA Alberta Directory. The ISA Alberta Directory has been a great resource for the Instrumentation community for 25 years. The revamped website has been a success in the past few years and we are continually looking for ways to keep it relevant and current. If anyone has any suggestions on how we can improve on the Directory please let a board member know. Thanks to Ian Verhappen for writing a feature article for this special edition. Ian has been a long-term member of ISA and has been active in local, district, and national positions with ISA and has been a strong supporter of ISA in Alberta. Thank you to Marietta Miller of Execu Graphx Inc. for all of her considerable work and expertise in designing and publishing the Directory for all 25 years and for maintaining the ISA Alberta Directory website. It’s been a great pleasure to work with Marietta over the years. I would like to encourage everyone to join their ISA Section of choice and to become an active participant in all that ISA has to offer. See you at the meetings! Best wishes for a successful year! Lorne Brackenbury, Directory Editor, ISA Edmonton Section

President’s Message

First off, I’d like to congratulate the ISA Edmonton Section on the 25th Anniversary of the ISA Alberta Directory of Automation! We are proud to deliver this very useful resource both in print and online annually Thank you ISA Edmonton section members for electing me as President for the 2018/19 term! As members WE are ISA. Without our members, the ISA does not exist. We all have our own reasons for being part of ISA and that is what I want to focus on this year. Whether it’s standards and professional development, networking or gaining experience through volunteering on our boards and committees, I want to ensure that every member is aware of and has access to everything that ISA has to offer. Come out to our events, meet other members, get involved and talk to myself (or any member on our volunteer board) about what ISA is for YOU. I want to hear from you so that we can ensure that the voice of our members is considered and provide the most value possible. I look forward to serving our members for what is sure to be another great year for ISA Edmonton! Craig Keating, 2018/2019 ISA Edmonton Section President 3 ISA ALBERTA DIRECTORY OF AUTOMATION

Celebrating 25 Years

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