1 minute read

Alyssa Preston

Through my work I focus on expressing moments and relationships that have shaped my life dramatically as well as the unexpectedness that comes with it. Specifically, at the moment my biggest influence in my life has been my two-year-old son. I strive to show our relationship and how it has impacted me becoming a young mom who got pregnant on an IUD, which has been one main event that has taught me that life is unexpected. Through my work I focus on allowing my son to become an influence by either having him be a part of the process or by using his drawings. In my latest body of work, I do this by having him step on the paper creating wrinkles. This allows me to take control of my situation better and show our relationship in a non-representational way, with my own perspective and take on it. I do this by using different materials and representations that are typically more intricate in their application than that of my sons. Overall, I hope to accomplish showing the relationship of mother and son while still keeping a sense of my own identity, as can be challenging when life and inspiration are based around the same thing.

“Through my work I focus on allowing my son to become an influence by either having him be a part of the process or by using his drawings. In my latest body of work, I do this by having him step on the paper creating wrinkles. This allows me to take control of my situation better and show our relationship in a non-representational way...”