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Oh Jun Soo

I create three dimensional work. My current artistic practice is rooted in ready-made and deeply inspired by Marcel Duchamp’s approaches to the world. I find real life objects and rebuild and give them different functionality but not functional for its own purposes. I manipulate ideas of handmade and craftsmanship from Tom Sachs’s process. I use materials around my studio and create the work. My work doesn’t heavily rely on the meaning of the materials that I choose as long as it delivers the general concepts of mine.

The series “Thrills” delivers a message that I experience from the artistic practice that I am currently practicing. The series contains four pieces, a parachute, a diving board, a life-vest, and a harness. These objects contain different types of pre/post falling actions. I focus on the meaning of actions and manipulate the idea and have them represent the concepts of mine.

The independent work, Real Fresh, is my exploration of a question, “what is fine art?” This work represents a wet paint sign made of styrofoam and duct tapes. In my art practice, fine art doesn’t provide functionalities. This work is questioning myself how I can manipulate functionalities and purposes. It gives the original functionality by its existence. In my previous series, Thrills, I rebuilt ready-made products, removed their original functionalities and gave them different purposes of their existence.