Everything Knoxville September 2019 Edition

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It’s Fall – Bring Out the Scarves! B Y C A R R I E M C C O N K E Y, C A R R I E M FA S H I O N C O N S U LT I N G . C O M


HEN IT COMES to keeping your closet manageable, one of the most versatile fashion accessories is the humble scarf. What other adornment takes up so little space and can do so much? The hardworking neckwear can add drama to whatever you’re wearing... from a simple t-shirt and jeans for a girls’ weekend to a tailored suit for that dream job interview. Shopping Scarves can be found at every price point in endless colors, sizes, and fabrics. Designer scarves provide quality and good workmanship, although at a heftier price. View them as timeless investment pieces that will be by your side no matter what your stage in life! Online retailers such as eBay, Etsy, and RubyLane offer beautiful vintage scarves at reduced prices, as do local thrift stores. And unconventional resources such as museum gift shops offer scarves that can serve as a fashionable souvenirs. Choosing No matter your body type, coloring, or personality, there is a scarf for you. Seek out colors that highlight your face (when in doubt, match the color of your eyes), and gravitate toward fabrics that make you happy and feel good against your skin. Look

for quality-made scarves with inconspicuous hems. (Handrolled are best.) Overwhelmed by myriad scarf shapes? Hit the stores and try different sizes, making sure the scarf volume complements your body type and doesn’t over or underwhelm. When you find the right silhouette, make a mental note for future purchases, and don’t be afraid to stick with what works! Wearing Scarves don’t have to perfectly match your outfit’s colors. In fact, it’s more interesting when they contrast! Not only can a scarf be matched to an outfit – an outfit can be built around a scarf. Form as well as function can be considered: Will the scarf be worn for looks only, for warmth, or both? For example, consider a scarf when traveling for a chic way to perk up a casual outfit, as well as a practical solution for a drafty airplane ride. And speaking of flying, check out YouTube and Pinterest for adorable scarf tying ideas that won’t make you feel like a stewardess. If you long for a new fall addition to your wardrobe but your drawers are bursting and

you can’t fit another thing into your closet, seek out a timeless (and relatively tiny) addition – the trusty scarf!

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Chalk Walk at the Tennessee Valley Fair September 8 • 12 to 4 pm


all the way to the Tennessee Valley Fair, the Dogwood Arts Chalk Walk is making another appearance this fall with a day-long chalk festival celebrating the 100th anniversary of the fair! Chalk Walk will transform the sidewalks at Patriot Circle (near the Bandstand) into brilliant canvases for the region’s most talented professional and youth artists. The event will take place on Sunday, September 8, from 12 to 4 pm, with an awards ceremony immediately following. Want to participate? Space is very limited, so visit www.dogwoodarts. com/chalk-walk-tennessee-valley-fair to apply today. We will accept applications on a rolling basis until all spots are filled. If you are not selected, we hope you will apply to Chalk Walk on Market Square this spring. (Application opens September 17, so mark your calendar!) A special award will be presented to the artist that best incorporates a “fair” theme into their work (i.e. cotton candy, ferris wheel, bandstand). Also, don’t miss the First Tennessee Fun Zone! where children of all ages can pick up free chalk and create their very own sidewalk masterpieces! 10


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