Waiting Room Chairs: Hygiene and Social Distancing

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Waiting Room Chairs: Hygiene Title Lorem and Social Distancing Ipsum SIT DOLOR AMET

At present the waiting room chairs in many establishments will be sitting empty as businesses are still closed due to the Coronavirus crisis. Those that are open may not yet be permitting visitors, or only allowing one visitor at a time. As more service businesses start to open to the public over the coming weeks it will be vital that waiting room chairs are separated to allow for social distancing and that impeccable standards of cleaning and hygiene are maintained throughout the day. It goes without saying that waiting room chairs in any environment should be regularly cleaned but now more than ever, it’s essential to ensure they are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected as frequently as possible.

Reduce the number of waiting room chairs to allow for social distancing As it’s likely that most establishments will have to restrict the number of customers or visitors they have at any one time, it may be that you can temporarily remove some of your waiting room chairs if you have somewhere suitable to store them. This will ensure you only need to clean the chairs that are in use and allow you to adequately space the remaining chairs apart in line with social distancing guidelines. If your waiting room chairs are stackable then this shouldn’t be too much of a problem as they will take up little storage space. If you have sofa, bench or beam seating, then it obviously won’t be feasible to do this and you will need to look at other ways of preventing visitors from sitting too close to each other. Although most visitors will adhere to social distancing measures without requiring instruction, it’s important to ensure that clear signage directs patrons to comply as there will always be some people who disrespect the rules. In addition, it's essential that whatever type of establishment you run, that you conform to all the government guidelines in relation to this.

Give your waiting room chairs a health check In preparation for re-opening, if your business provides waiting room chairs for its patrons it’s a good idea to give them an all over examination to ensure there are no tears or holes in the upholstery and that they will be relatively easy to keep clean. Look closely at all parts of the seats, backs, arms and frames. If there is any damage that can’t be properly repaired, then it’s advisable to remove them from service.

It’s also important to consider the type of material the chairs are made from. Although not the most comfortable, plastic chairs will be the easiest to wipe down and keep clean. Wooden and metal seats will also be easy to clean but you will need to check that any cleaning and disinfectant solutions you use are suitable for use on these materials without causing any damage. If your seats are upholstered then vinyl is by far the easiest to clean and disinfect which is why it’s the material recommended for use in healthcare settings. Fabric upholstery can be more difficult to disinfect and so UK fabric supplier, Camira has produced a useful guide to cleaning and disinfecting contract fabrics. Camira is a leading supplier of fabric and vinyl for a wide range of commercial seating applications.

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