How To Make Your Waiting Room Visitor Friendly

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How To Make Your Waiting Room Visitor Friendly

 Waiting rooms can become neglected places and with high traffic they eventually show signs of wear and tear which often gets overlooked and left to deteriorate.  You don’t have to spend a fortune to transform your waiting room but some small actions can make a big difference to how it looks and feels.  Whatever type of organisation you’re responsible for, whether it’s a doctor’s surgery with a large waiting room or a car repair garage with a small room and a couple of chairs, making it visitor friendly can enhance the perception of your establishment and help create a positive first impression.

Waiting Room Chairs  Replacing your waiting room chairs can be a big expense but if this is something you can afford then there are a wide range of options to choose from.  Upholstered seating with integral foam padding will always be the most comfortable option so unless this is totally impractical for your establishment (ie if it is at high risk of vandalism) then opt for this.  Pictured below are just some examples of individual upholstered waiting room chairs with wooden frames, metal frames and with the options of stacking and linking, and integral arms.

ďƒ˜ This is just a small selection of the standard type waiting room chairs that are available. ďƒ˜ If you want something more plush then you can look for fully upholstered chairs, arm chairs, sofas or modular seating units.

Beam Seating  If you want your seating to be a more permanent fixture then floor fixed beam seating is a practical option which can also look stylish.  Pictured below are some examples of beam seating in a doctor’s surgery, NHS hospital corridor and sports company office reception area.  It shows how the use of color can make a big impact and brighten up a space.

Children’s Area  If children are regular visitors to your establishment then it’s important you make provision for them in your waiting room, particularly if wait times can be long.  Some organizations provide a separate waiting room for visitors with children and if space permits this is usually a good idea.  If this isn’t an option then a play corner or a small area with some lower height seats will show that you are thinking about your younger visitors.  Pictured below are some children’s seating options including deeply cushioned drum, cresecent, oval and hexagon shaped stools, and a co-ordinating range of seating with matching play table.

Décor  Never under-estimate the power of a lick of paint in being able to totally transform a space.  Waiting room walls can easily become marked and dirty so it’s advisable to use a hardwearing and washable paint and ensure any marks are cleaned on a daily basis to prevent them becoming ingrained or built up.  If you opt for plain white walls you can brighten up the space with colorful upholstery fabric on your waiting room chairs or if you want colorful walls you can either go all out and also have colorful chairs or choose something neutral.

Layout  This is another key factor in the user friendliness of your waiting room and it’s vital the configuration of your waiting room chairs allows easy access and movement throughout the space.  You need to ensure there is clear access for wheelchair users and where applicable, prams and pushchairs.  Also check that there is enough space between individual chairs so your visitors don’t feel like they’re sat too close together.  If your chairs are positioned in rows check there is sufficient leg space and also room for visitors to pass those already seated if they need to get to a chair further down the row.


 Once you’ve created the best waiting you can in the space you have available it’s important it remains clean and tidy.  Regular maintenance will keep your waiting room looking it’s best and ensure that any wear and tear is dealt with as it occurs to prevent any long term damage.

Feedback  If you’re not sure where to start, ask your visitors what they think about your current waiting room and how it could be improved.  You can also spend a bit of time sat in the waiting room whilst It’s in use so you can judge first hand what the problems are and what you could do to resolve them.  A waiting room is often the gateway to an organization where first impressions are formed by visitors.  If you want them to feel positive about your establishment then it’s important to get it right.

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