Antimicrobial Properties Now a Key Benefit of Luxury Stadium Seats

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Antimicrobial Properties Now a Key Benefit of Luxury Stadium Seats

ďƒ˜ With the Premier League set to resume on 12th September following the unprecedented disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, clubs across all football divisions are preparing for fans to return. ďƒ˜ Current proposals are that spectators will be permitted to return from October onwards but with one-metre social distancing in force. ďƒ˜ This means the number of fans allowed to watch their team at any one time will be greatly reduced with priority likely being given to season ticket holders.

ďƒ˜ All eyes will be on the Premier League as they trial allowing spectators back into stadiums to see how crowds can be safely managed with social distancing and enhanced cleaning and hygiene measures.

 Although no one knows when clubs will be back to full capacity, many are using the time whilst their stadia sit empty to deal with maintenance matters and make improvements to their facilities.  At Evertaut we’ve been working with clubs across the UK to upgrade areas of spectator seating with upholstered seats from our luxury stadium seating range.  Despite the impact the pandemic has had on club finances, we’re still receiving many enquiries from lower league clubs as well as those in the Premier League who are looking to upgrade some of their stadium seats.

Antimicrobial Vinyl Helps Reduce Cross Contamination  Our luxury stadium seats are upholstered as standard in Just Colour vinyl which is not only hard-wearing and weather resistant but also antimicrobial.  Whilst the benefits of the latter may not have previously been so important when specifying an upholstery material, antimicrobial capabilities are an added benefit that is now sought after. Just Colour vinyl is composed of five layers with antimicrobial properties being added to the third layer during manufacture.  This is also the layer where fire retardants and UV inhibitors are added and along with the antimicrobial additives, they all remain active throughout the life of the vinyl no matter how much it is used or cleaned.

Coronavirus Eliminated In Just Over One Hour Of Contact  Recently tested to ISO 18184:2019, it was determined that Coronavirus was completely eliminated after just over one hour of contact with Just Colour antimicrobial vinyl. This is without any cleaning or disinfecting.  This diagram taken from Chieftain Fabrics Biocide Presentation video shows a visual representation of this.  It was found that the virus begins to deactivate as soon as it comes into contact with the surface of the vinyl due to the biocidal ingredients in the third layer.

 Thanks to this there is no need to disinfect stadium seats upholstered with this vinyl although they can be sponged down with a damp cloth if cleaning is required to remove any dirty marks.  This will not affect the antimicrobial properties.  To make an enquiry about upholstered stadium seats or for more information on Just Colour antimicrobial vinyl, please complete and submit the short form below.

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