Evergreen Newsletter Spring 2017 - Issue 16

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EVERGREEN NEWSLETTER and volunteers have given to the clients they visit. They truly are life-changers, often going that extra mile, and we value and appreciate all they do. Richard Branson once said, “If you look after your staff, they will look after your customers, it’s that simple”. This simple concept has always been the ethos of Evergreen. In our own words, we want “to look after our staff as well as we look after our clients”. A Message from Pete & Diane Kot As Evergreen enters its fourth year of serving our community it is amazing how far God has brought the organisation since a few of us sat round a table wondering how it was all going to work out. We now employ 34 members of staff and have over 120 volunteers supporting 216 clients at present. The support for Evergreen has been overwhelming over these years, and the help and encouragement of Belvedere Baptist Church has been instrumental in getting us to where we are today. Over the Christmas period, we were inundated with messages of thanks from clients, families and other organisations for the wonderful care and support our staff

This is why, on March 20th 2017, Evergreen became a Living Wage Employer to show our appreciation for the amazing work and dedication our staff have shown to us and their clients. Care work has always been associated with low pay and staff not being valued for the responsibility they carry in their job. If we are to change the landscape of care in our borough it has to begin with the ethos of care towards our staff. We are already seeing Social Services and other organisations noticing the difference in the care that Evergreen provides, and with the ongoing support of churches, businesses and individuals, together with a workforce of dedicated staff, we truly believe Evergreen can become a beacon for care in our borough. Thank you all, Pete & Diane.

NEW £1 COIN IN “MINT” CONDITION The new £1 coin was launched on March 28th 2017. It is slightly larger but thinner and lighter than the old £1 coin. The £1 coin was first launched in 1983, replacing the £1 note. Over 2 billion round £1 coins are in circulation, and an additional 45 million fakes are said to be in use. To help crackdown on counterfeit copies, new security features have been included such as the new coins having 12 sides and holograms. It is supposed to be the most secure coin in the world. “Heraldic designs, regional landmarks and cultural interpretations of the UK such as fish and chips and cups of tea were amongst over 6,000 entries submitted by the public for consideration when the competition to design the UK’s new bimetallic

Irish shamrock and the English rose emerging from a royal coronet…” Source: royalmint.com

ATTENTION 12-sided £1 coin was announced in 2014…” “The coin features a design by competition winner David Pearce. He was just 15 years old when his fresh interpretation of traditional floral emblems was chosen to symbolise the four parts of the UK on its most modern coin. Picturing the Welsh leek, the Scottish thistle, the Northern

Your old £1 coins will continue to be legal tender until October 15th 2017. After this date, some major banks will still accept the old coins, but ONLY for their own customers. Remember to raid the piggy bank, dig into all your coat pockets, pull the cushions out and check behind your sofa, and swap the old for the new!


A GENEROUS GIFT FOR A JOB WELL DONE… ”During 2016 my family became increasingly concerned that due to mobility issues our Mum was not getting the social integration and company required. Despite her insisting all was fine and whilst she was receiving 3 visits per day from care services, the attending carers didn’t have the time to just sit and chat, which is so important for individuals who live alone and especially the house bound. Upon investigation we were advised of the services provided by Evergreen Care Bexley. Following our initial discussions with Evergreen, and consultation with Mum, a meeting was arranged to assess Mums requirements and to also identify a suitable Befriender to visit Mum for a couple of hours each week to have a chat over a cup of tea. Very shortly, Mums Befriender started her weekly visits. We immediately noticed the upturn in her mood and how much she was benefiting from this service. It is so good that there are members of the community who are willing to unselfishly spend their time helping others. Whilst we make a donation each month to the charity this cannot match the fabulous support Evergreen and

their volunteers provide. We therefore wanted to find a way of showing our appreciation in some way... We live abroad, in Seville (Spain), and after some thought we contacted Evergreen advising that we would like to offer a free week’s accommodation at our Finca (ranch) to a volunteer and their partner, as recognition of the marvellous voluntary support they provide. In December we forwarded to Evergreen a holiday voucher granting the recipient free accommodation at our holiday home at Finca Los Olivos. This voucher was included in the Volunteers’ Christmas Party Raffle and won by Evergreen Befriender Kay Andrewartha. Shortly after, we contacted Kay and were able to make arrangements for her and husband David to stay with us at the beginning of March. Our guests arrived and spent a lovely week with us getting out and about in the lovely region of Andalucia where we live. It has been great for us to repay in a small way the fantastic support that Evergreen and their volunteers give to the vulnerable in need and their families. We will without doubt continue to support Evergreen where we can in the future so they can continue with the wonderful services they provide.”

David and Kay (left), with Tiza and David at a local Tapas Bar in Olvera, Cadiz

Enjoying the March sunshine in Pruna, Seville

DO YOU ENJOY MEETING AND ENGAGING WITH PEOPLE? As part of the Evergreen Business Plan, the whole area of promotion—such as the work of the Ambassadors in churches etc. and the manning of stalls in supermarkets—has been reconsidered, and it has been decided to incorporate both areas and re-name it the “Information Team”. It is envisaged that in future we will arrange for monthly venues with two people covering 2-hour slots during the day— usually between 10 am and 4 pm. We are looking for someone to head up this team and for more volunteers who are prepared to work on the stands. At the moment, we only have around half a dozen people who in the past have helped and who are, in fact, going to be at Sainsbury’s at Crayford on Saturday 8th April, so we are hoping to build up a larger team to avoid having to approach these same people month after month. If you are happy to join us then let us know and we would be pleased to add you to our contact list.

SPRING 2017 ISSUE 16 One of our many befrienders out making a difference. The family are so happy that their mum has this friendship, our Befriender explains why and talks about the birds in her garden, which helps her feel she is seeing them too, they go out for walks, trip to the seaside, for coffee and nothing is to much trouble, takes her a dinner round, they are so happy and it has made such a difference to her life.. So if your in any doubt, please make that call today and enrich your life and one of our many lovely clients.. 01322 431765

TESTIMONIES “Thoughts of a novice... As a new boy in the befriending team, I’d like to share some first impressions. Here I am, six visits into getting to know a new friend and already bowled over by the welcome received from client and spouse alike. I get told about past careers, bringing up the children, family relationships, family tragedies, highs and lows with the health service, the neighbours and a whole lot more. We chat, we laugh, we joke ... even sing after a fashion. I am warmly thanked for my visits but I feel there is no need as I am enriched every time I go. I have volunteered in many ways for years, but this is truly a new dimension and it is an absolute privilege to feel accepted with such warmth. Thank you EVERGREEN for giving me this opportunity.” - Alf Philpott Home Support “I feel very lucky to have found the ladies from Evergreen Care Bexley one year ago. They have been truly wonderful in every way, forever caring and supporting the elderly they visit,

and their families. For me personally, I have great comfort and reassurance knowing my mum, Margaret, (who is 87 yrs young) has such lovely ladies visiting her regularly (3 x a week) It has enabled me to relax a little, knowing that for these few precious hours I have no need to worry, my mum is in the best of hands! The Evergreen Care Support Workers bring a big smile to my mum’s face on every visit. They fill her with confidence, chat and laugh over a cuppa, and even play the piano. They leave Margaret feeling happy and loved, and they always treat her like I do; with great care, gentleness and respect. Mums and dads are so precious and Evergreen cherish them all! Thank you so much” Client’s Daughter, Jackie Home Support “I started working for Evergreen in July 2015 after I studied health & social care at college. During my time at college I did some work experience in a care home where I saw at first hand the way the residents were treated so poorly by certain staff. This is when I knew I wanted to make a difference to the standard of care the elderly receive.

Having known Pete and Di for a few years I knew their amazing passion for working with the elderly so I was confident that this passion along with the Christian ethos of Evergreen meant this care service would be different. My first client was a man with dementia, one of the jolliest, happiest people I have ever met, despite being aware of the fact he has dementia and is slowly deteriorating. He has never let his diagnosis change his personality and he has taught me a lot about the importance of always being happy! All of the clients couldn’t be more grateful and appreciative for the support they receive, working for Evergreen isn’t a job it’s a privilege. The only negative to building such strong relationships with clients is the gap it leaves when they pass away, but I am happy knowing that Evergreen made a difference to their lives. The support I have received from the staff & clients of evergreen has led me to study a social work degree at the University of East London in order to continue making a change to the standard of care the elderly receive. So although I no longer have clients of my own I’m always on call to cover shifts whenever I can- there’s just no getting rid of me!” Home Support Worker, Amy


GARDENING SERVICE LAUNCHED MARCH 2017 We are pleased to announce that Evergreen re-launched its Gardening Service at the beginning of March. Last season we were overrun with referrals for this service and, due to unforeseen circumstances, our gardening Lead was unable to continue with us.


Gardening This is a gardening service with a difference, where we encourage participation and independence where possible, and also monitor the health and well-being of our clients. This is a paid for service.

Befriending Service This is a free service where we match each of our elderly clients with a carefully chosen volunteer befriender, who will visit them on a regular basis. Sometimes this can be the only form of contact the client has with the outside world for days/weeks at a time. We currently have over 50 friendships.

Lifeline24 We have partnered with Lifeline24 to secure a good discount for their telecare services, which we pass directly on to our clients at cost price. We do the initial assessment and also install the system free of charge.

The Clean Team The Clean Team Service provides support to older people with a one-off deep clean, helping to clean and declutter homes that have deteriorated into a neglected and unsanitary condition. This service makes such a difference to people’s everyday lives and helps to reconnect the client with family members and friends. To date we have helped improve the living environment of 21 clients.

Social Inclusion Events We aim to support as many people as possible. Social inclusion can make a huge impact on someone’s life. We hold events as often as possible to help build new friendships with likeminded individuals of a similar era and background. Trusted Trade Scheme Due to the risk of older people being scammed by rogue traders, we decided work with a local BNI Group and set up a “Trusted Traders” database.

BOBBY VAN PROJECT We are pleased to introduce Mick Cunningham, who has now joined Evergreen as our new Gardening Coordinator and has actively been recruiting gardeners over the last month. We believe our gardening service is different as it caters for people aged 60 years+ with the Evergreen ethos of encouraging our clients to participate in the activities where possible, building friendships, promoting independence and wellbeing, and taking a holistic approach to each client. If you are interested in this service, or know someone who may be, please contact us at the office on 01322 431765 and we will arrange for Mick to visit and discuss your requirements.

London Borough of Bexley Community Safety team works with Victim Support to improve home security for Bexley’s vulnerable residents or residents that have been victims of domestic violence or burglary. The Bobby Van project offers free home security checks and upgrades to help provide better home security and peace of mind. Services may include installation of: • Replacement locks • Heavy-duty door chains • Window locks • New barrels to existing locks • Wide-angle door viewers

Victim Support’s Bobby Van project use their own vetted lock fitters and superior quality equipment and products. To find out if you are eligible for this service and how to arrange a Bobby Van visit please call Victim Support Bexley on 020 8854 1113. A convenient appointment will be arranged for the work to be done. You will also receive free advice on other home safety topics


OUT WITH THE OLD, AND IN WITH THE NEW £5 Back in September 2016, the new polymer £5 note (pictured right) was introduced into circulation. What about the old paper fivers? As of 5th day of the 5th month this year (5th May 2017) shops can no longer accept them. You may still be able to go to your own bank after 5th May, but fear not if they refuse… The Bank of England stated on its website, “All withdrawn Bank of England notes remain payable at face value for all time. They can be exchanged for new banknotes at the Bank of England, either in person in London or by post.”

As the demand for our services continues to increase, so do our costs. We’ve outgrown the office space kindly and freely provided by Belvedere Baptist Church, and urgently need to rent larger premises. Also, we are eager to add a free Home from Hospital Service. To help us to continue to grow and introduce more services we have now launched the Evergreen Lighthouse Project. We want to encourage businesses to stand with us and help Evergreen Care Bexley to provide invaluable support to older people living in the Borough of Bexley. Social responsibility for your local community can benefit businesses in many ways.By becoming a Business Beacon, your business will be showing your community that you care about the social care problems that are constantly in the news, and are actively involved in making a difference and helping to change the landscape of social care in our borough. For more information about becoming a Business Beacon, please visit our website at: http://www.evergreenbexleylighthouse.org/

EASTER IS COMING! So don’t forget to make the most of some of these egg-celent treats! Shredded Wheat Nests Ingredients • 200g milk chocolate, broken into pieces • 85g shredded wheat, crushed • 2 x 100g bags mini chocolate eggs • You’ll also need cupcake cases Method 1. Melt the chocolate in a small bowl placed over a pan of barely simmering water. Pour the chocolate over the shredded wheat and stir well to combine. 2. Spoon the chocolate wheat into 12 cupcake cases and press the back of a teaspoon in the centre to create a nest shape. Place 3 mini chocolate eggs on top of each nest. Chill the nests in the fridge for 2 hrs until set.



Evergreen Care Bexley is delighted to proudly announce we are accredited as a Living Wage employer. The Living Wage commitment will see everyone working at Evergreen Care Bexley, regardless of whether they are permanent employees or third-party contractors; receive a minimum hourly wage of £9.75 – significantly higher than the national minimum wage of £6.95 and the new minimum wage premium for over 25s of £7.20 per hour introduced this April. The Living Wage is an hourly rate set independently and updated annually. The Living Wage is calculated according to the basic cost of living using the ‘Minimum Income Standard’ for the UK. Decisions about what to include in this standard are set by the public; it is a social consensus about what people need to make ends meet. “I am pleased to announce that Evergreen Care Bexley has just been accredited as a Living Wage Employer. Our ethos has always been to look after our staff as well as we look after our clients. By becoming a Living Wage Employer, we are showing our appreciation to our staff for the hard work and dedication they have shown to their clients and to Evergreen -work that positively impacts our isolated, lonely or vulnerable clients which extends to their friends and families lives.” CEO Pete Kot Employers choose to pay the Living Wage on a voluntary basis. The Living Wage enjoys cross party support, with public backing from the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. Living Wage Foundation Director, Katherine Chapman said: “We are delighted to welcome Evergreen Care Bexley to the Living Wage movement as an accredited employer. “The best employers are voluntarily signing up to pay the Living Wage now. The Living Wage is a robust calculation that reflects the real cost of living, rewarding a hard day’s work with a fair day’s pay. “We have accredited nearly 3,000 leading employers, including Evergreen Care Bexley, ranging from independent printers, bookshops and breweries, to well-known companies such as Nationwide, Aviva and SSE. These businesses recognise that clinging to the National Living Wage is not good for business. Customers expect better than that.”



The legal minimum an employee can earn in an hour. Employers break the law if they fail to pay this rate

A voluntary rate that employers commit to pay in order to go above and beyond. The Living Wage Employer Mark is a sign of best practice

The ‘national living wage’ rate is set at £7.20 an hour

The current UK Living Wage is £8.45 an hour. The current London Living Wage is £9.75 an hour

This will increase each year, with the aim of reaching 60% This will increase in line with the cost of living with of the median wage across the country by 2020 (this would increases announced in Living Wage Week every year mean around £9 an hour but the Low Pay Commission will consider what the market can bear) Different rates apply depending on the age of the employee. The ‘national living wage’ is for over 25s only

The Living Wage is the same for all employees over the age of 18

Set by the Low Pay Commission

Set by the Living Wage Foundation

Based on an estimation of what the market can bear

Based on the cost of living

The rates are the same right across the UK

There is a separate rate for London to reflect the higher cost of living in the Capital




Present an Evening of Musical Delights! with a varied programme including: Songs from the Shows, Operatic Pieces, Sacred Music and some Surprises!

The ticket price of £6.00 includes refreshments during the interval and are available from

Evergreen Care Bexley 01322 431765 freda@evergreencarebexley.org

or by ringing Barbara on 01322 527358

The Hartlip Singers are kindly performing freely on behalf of Evergreen Care Bexley (Charity No. 1154595)

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Caring for your garden Caring for you For a gardening service with a difference please call: 01322 431765

info@evergreencarebexley.org www.evergreencarebexley.org

Charity No. 1154595

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