10 step guide for personal injury cases by denver colorado lawyers

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10 Step Guide for Personal Injury Cases by Denver Colorado Lawyers A checklist for Personal Injury Attorneys for easy workflow & client management

Being one of the best Denver Colorado Lawyers firm, we have been noticing since years that most attorneys are disorganized when it comes to interacting with clients. As a part of growing together, we would love to share a complete checklist which helps you manage clients without feeling exhausted and drained. With our checklist, you will be assisted in managing multiple clients easily and also to finish more tasks easily.

1. Prepare the client for 1st Meeting When any client consults you initially and shows interest to continue his case with you, just make sure that you have instructed them all the necessary documents they are supposed to behold. Make each and every point clear by making them note down required documents which generally includes: police report, medical records, wage statements, repair estimates, witness details, insurance details, recorded notes, photographs and more.

2. Get maximum required details in initial meeting After your telephonic conversation or in-chat conversation, you will be calling them up for initial face to face meeting. They are supposed to bring the required details and you should make things clear from your end after seeing the documents whether or not you will be able to accomplish their case in smooth manner. Take the upcoming challenges into account, liability issues, maximum claims possible to be drawn, whether their case is eligible to be filed or not, your fee structure and more.

3. Ask for Insurance Card copies Your client is asked for the insurance details from the very beginning and at this step it gets clear to you if they have proper documents or not. This includes medical cards, insurance cards including Medicaid or Medicare. As these details are extremely helpful in claiming deserved compensations, you have to take necessary copies from the client. This should be taken on a serious note when you are claiming for uninsured motorist coverage.


4. Send a to-do-list of responsibilities to clients As you proceed with the case, the clients too will be allotted particular responsibilities or tasks which they are supposed to do. All you need to do is sort the case and dispatch a list of tasks which are expected to be done from client’s end so any legal activity is not delayed because of them. Remember that these are little things which make a Personal Injury Attorney one of the best and organized.

5. Send a letter of representation to 3rd party insurer You will be required to send a letter of representation to third party insurer with a signed authorization from your client. Also inform them to direct any communication to your office only. Give a double-check that you have included their policy number, claim number, name of their insured, client’s name and incident date mentioned on the letter and all subsequent communication.

6. Send a letter of representation to clients insurer You will be required to send a letter of representation to client’s insurer with a signed authorization from your client. This should be done by Denver Colorado lawyers as soon as possible as best practice. There may be medical pay available under the policy which can be utilized as client’s medical bills or reimbursement of your client’s out-of-the pocket expenses. Also see if uninsured or underinsured coverage is available under the policy.

7. Request required details & keep a track of received & pending details Send letters along with signed medical authorizations to all providers requesting a copy of medical and billing records. These records are required because you cannot begin the demand letter without evidences in your hand. This involves reports you have requested but not yet received, police report, wage loss record and/or property damage estimates. You can keep this easily manageable by maintaining a checklist of the requested documents of which one are received and which are pending.


8. Contact Witnesses Contacting witnesses early will help you because their memory is fresh to dictate the incident to you. Most personal injury lawyers usually try to get statement from them before any inconsistencies begin.

9. Maintain a Follow-up Schedule You should be maintaining a timeline when a client approaches you and as his case proceeds. Without proper planning, everything is in vain. Hence it is required that you maintain a tracking schedule for each and every client so that organizing gets easy for you. Keep a follow-up schedule and set reminders so you get to know what are the details which are yet to be collected from clients, when is their next hearing in the court, the trials for which they have to remain present and more.

10. File complaint as necessary well before statute of limitations Every case comes with deadlines and different statute of limitations applies to them and you will be required to maintain a schedule so you never miss a beat. When you are in the middle of settlement negotiations but the deadline is approaching, file it anyway and send a letter to adjuster.

Key Takeaway Personal Injury Attorneys are always available for help but if you are not self-organized, things will be spoilt. The more you are organized, the more you will be able to smoothly manage the clients, streamline processes and achieve highest level of client satisfaction. Hope you found these tips useful. Let us know if we can assist you in any ways. Give us a call at 303-779-5300.


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