Case study report on inclusive Learning 2.0

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Problems & target group addressed

Web 2.0 supported intervention and intended impact

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Aggressive social exclusion (e.g. bullying) requires competence in conflict mediation of students and teachers

Provide a virtual environment as a safe place for role-playing in conflict situations and learning about how to behave and mediate in such situations


Need of new approaches in youth crime prevention and offender rehabilitation services

Allow for Web 2.0 based communication in “action learning” of students at risk, teachers, probation services and youth offending teams to prevent offending behaviour

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Vocational training and lifelong learning opportunities for marginalised social groups of adults to allow for employability and social inclusion

Provide hands-on ICT training combined with online learning and exchange of experiences to keep learners engaged and socially connected


Meaningful leisure activities and counselling for kids and teens “at risk”

Provide a save on-line environment where kids and teens can connect, learn together and get support by skilled counsellors in critical situations


Support employability and participation in society of people that suffer from physical disabilities after an accident or illness

Blended training and counselling approach for people in the physical rehabilitation process (hospital, rehabilitation centre, home) to allow for skills acquisition and social connectedness


Promote creative activity, social inclusion, and employability of young people from deprived communities

Blended approach to engage, train and connect talented young people and provide a platform for creative uses of technology, and to encourage opportunities for careers in the creative sector


E-inclusion/participation of seniors that is also beneficial for the wider social community and society

Engage seniors to participate in the digital sphere by telling their stories of personally experienced historical events and developments online (active e-citizenship)


Recognition of informal vocational skills of students gained in extra-curricular experiences to leverage employability

Develop validation procedures in a train-thetrainer environment and promote adoption of the procedures potentially raising employment prospects of students


Need of better vocational orientation and job searching for young people with migration background

Attract, inform and connect young people from the target community through an online career orientation portal


Prevent early school leaving and help students to recognise their educational achievements. Support students with preparation for vocational careers

Motivate and train teachers and vocational counsellors to use e-portfolios and online collaboration methods to better inform students about their education and vocational career choices


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