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The firm undertakes the perfection of bank security documentation including charges and variation of charges, mortgages, debentures, chattels, mortgages, deed of guarantees and indemnity, letters of hypothecation, pledge and set off and discharge.

The firm handles general Agreements, Agreements for Sale of Property, Loan/Facilities Agreements, Sale of Business Agreements, Machine Sale Agreement, Tenancy Agreement, Wills and Licenses; Transfers, Conveyances, Leases and Surrenders; Intellectual Property, Registration of Trade Marks; Registration of Partnerships and Business Names; Incorporation of Companies, Societies and Trusts; Powers of Attorney.


The firm has handled extremely contested customer-banker disputes for various financial institutions and more so, issues related to the exercise of the statutory power of sale, receivership, management of customer accounts vis-a-vis the interest regime queries.

The firm has also represented the Government in matters wherein former employees who opted for early retirement have sued its parastatal for damages for alleged acts of discrimination while they were in the employment. The Firm has represented clients against administrative bodies on Judicial Review Applications and Constitutional Petitions challenging the infringement of their rights.

The firm has been instrumental in ensuring that the Banks they represent are afforded protection in law or otherwise and in so doing has helped in the development of jurisprudence in areas such as;

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. Realization of securities; Banks’ rights under Hire Purchase Agreements; Banks’ rights when served with Agency Notices; Effects of the amendment of the various statutes on existing and continuing liabilities under contracts; Receivership, Liquidation and winding up; and General legal counsel and regulatory advice for various Institutions to enable protection and diligence while discharging their duties, contractual statutory or otherwise

The firm has further represented various companies on behalf of which they have saved them from losing millions of money. Such as ;

Progressive Credit Limited Sucham limited Lavington security limited