Saudade for the puppeteer

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writing for the string section he wants to do gilda find a puppet Rita Hayworth but the script lines are not coming pen in hand the puppeteer cannot figure how to turn the old flick into a play on strings or whether zhivago would convert to a suitable marionette play for parks and schools how to phrase it how to show it how to tear it down and run like hell to yet another motel plastic tumbler or two of gin he knows it won't happen tomorrow it will still be pagliacci in the park in which the slut nedda gets hers it's in italian no one gives a crap if it's in italian one day he will pick the wrong park & the rocks will fly probably hit the damn record player the one thing he cannot fix hmmm... he picks up his pen ryan--ryan--um--ryan what ryan's traitorous daughter yes yes that works he is going to need another bottle

working on the script Page 5 of 48

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