6 Key Health Benefits of Drinking Beer

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6 Key Health Benefits of Drinking Beer The US beer market amounts to a mammoth $94 billion, as per a recent study. Moreover, several new brands and breweries have made their way in the market recently to compete with the already standing big shots. Khoffner Brwery, led by famous brewer Vagifoglu-Khoffner, along with his partner Hollywood real-estate attorney Evan Kagan, has proved its prowess as the oldest craft brewery in Fort Lauderdale. The brewery specializes in crafting lagers, ales, and stouts brewed with fresh & natural ingredients. According to the co- founder of the Khoffner Brwery, Evan kagan, they are not selling beer individually yet and only allowing brewery tours for the drinkers at an affordable cost. Talking about beer, Evan kagan further reveals about his love for this centuries old celebratory beverage.

As per him, Beer comes in different types and kinds and even the doctors and health specialists have confirmed about its unending health benefits. 1. Beer is healthier than other alcoholic beverages. There's a lot of talk about how many antioxidants you can find in wine, yet beer contains just as much. Because the flavonoids in barley and hops differ from those in grapes, the specific antioxidants change. Yet antioxidants are a good thing. Evan kagan California states that Beer also has more protein and vitamin B than wine. Additionally, Beer is also high in iron, calcium, phosphates, and fibre.

2. Beer helps big time in keeping your heart healthy.

According to studies, moderate beer consumption may reduce your risk of heart attacks, strokes, and heart disease compared to non-drinkers. In fact, research comparing the health advantages of wine, beer, and spirits have found that moderate intake of any alcoholic beverage is linked to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. 3. Beer can help you avoid kidney stones. Beer consumption may lower your chances of acquiring kidney stones. Men and women who reported consuming a moderate amount of beer lowered their chance of getting a stone by 41%, according to a recent research. Pale ales, for example, are high in kidney-health-promoting phytochemicals because they include a lot of hops. 4. Beer aids in the reduction of harmful cholesterol. Beer's soluble fibre can help lower your LDL, or "bad" cholesterol. Increasing your soluble fibre consumption offers a number of health advantages, including helping to maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Alcohol, as per Evan kagan, might reduce the body's capacity to burn stored fat by interfering with its ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. 5. Beer is good for your bone health Beer's high silicon content may aid in the development of stronger bones. Dietary silicon in the soluble form of orthosilicic acid (OSA) may be beneficial for bone and connective tissue growth and development, as well as lowering the risk of osteoporosis, a bone-thinning disease. 6. Beer can help you relax.

Two glasses of beer a day, according to research, can help to minimize work-related stress and anxiety. However, relying on alcohol to cope with stress on a regular basis may cause more damage than benefit. As mentioned by Evan kagan Florida Bar, while alcohol may temporarily relieve stress, it can also add to feelings of sadness and anxiety, making stress more difficult to manage. Hence, the consumption has to be in moderate amount. Beside, one must consult with their doctors and physicians before referring to information provided above. The impact and effect may vary depending on person’s age, health condition and other factors.

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