StateofLouisiana PublicSchoolProperty
VISITORAUTHORIZATIONREQUIRED inaccordancewithLAR.S.416.10 Yourlocalschoolboardwelcomesyoutothisfacility, however,thisisa CLOSEDCAMPUS.Pleasereportto themainofficeoreventreceptionareaforproperauthorization. Furthermore,pleasebeadvisedofthefollowing:
NOOUTSIDEFOODorDRINKSALLOWED exceptasauthorizedbytheschoolPrincipal
Yourpublicschoolsareworkinghard,alongwiththestatelegislature,toprovideforaSafeandDrugFree learningenvironment.Wehopeyourvisitwaspleasant! Pleasecontactthedistrict'sOfficeofChildWelfareandAttendancewithanyconcerns.
●Achildmustbe five(5)yearsoldonorbeforeSeptember30th intheyearinwhichthechildenrollstobe eligibletoenter Kindergarten ofanypublicschoolinEvangelineParish.StudentsenteringKindergartenmaybe retainedinKindergartenbasedonfailuretomeetpromotionalcriteriaasoutlinedinstateandparishpupil progressionplans.Achildmustbe4yearsoldonorbeforeSeptember30th oftheenrollmentyeartobeeligible forpre-Kindergarten.PreKandKindergartenstudentsarerequiredtomeetcompulsoryschoolattendance regulations.Currently,statestatuterequiresallchildrenbetweentheagesof5and18tobeenrolledinschool.
●Uponenteringaparishschool,allstudentsmustpresentan officialbirthcertificate,a recordofup-to-date immunizations,SocialSecurityCard, and twodocumentsofproofofresidence.Allstudentsenteringschool willpresentsatisfactoryevidenceofhavingbeenimmunizedaccordingtoascheduleapprovedbytheState DepartmentofHealthandHumanresources,includingVaricella(betterknownasChickenpox).Additionally,any studentwhoisenteringthesixthgradeorelevenyearsoldorolderenteringanygrademustprovidesatisfactory evidenceofcurrentimmunizationagainstmeningococcaldiseaseasaconditionofentry.BeginningJuly1,2019, anystudententeringeleventhgradeorwhois16andenteringanygrademustprovidesatisfactoryevidenceof currentimmunizationagainstmeningococcaldiseaseasaconditionofschoolentry.(R.S.17:170.4).
●Annually,eachstudententeringthedistrictforthefirsttime,re-enteringafterinterruptedattendance,orwhen requestedshallberequiredtoverifyhisorherresidenceaddressaspartoftheregistrationprocess.Any documentwithaPostOfficeboxnumberasanaddresswillnotbeaccepted.A911streetaddressmustbe enteredintothecomputer.
●Eachstudentmustestablishresidencyby providingatleasttwo ofthefollowingproofsofresidencydocuments: ●Propertytaxrecordswhichindicatethelocationofthehomestead
●Apartmentorhomeleaseornotarizedstatementoftheverifiedpropertyowneridentifyinghimself/herselfasthe propertyowner,describingtheproperty,thetermofthelease,andidentifyingtheleaseholder
●Inthecaseofastudentlivingwithalegalguardian,thecourtdecreedeclaringthedistrictresidenttobethelegal guardianofthestudentmustbepresented.
●Studentslivingwithalegalguardianmustprovideacourtdecreedeclaringthedistrictresidenttobea legalguardianofthestudentinadditiontoanofficialbirthcertificate,arecordofup-to-date immunizations,SocialSecurityCard,andtwodocumentsofresidence.
NOTE: Itisthe parent’sresponsibilitytoreportanyandallchangesofaddressandphonenumber(s) to themainofficeoftheschool(s)inwhichtheirchildrenareattendinginatimelymannerofobtainingsuchnew information.Studentdemographicinformationformsaretobeupdatedeveryyear.Pleasecompletetheentire document.
ForExample:Ifmarriedparentsarethelegalguardiansitshouldread Mr.&Mrs.JohnDoe, or,ifnotmarried butlivingtogetherasafamilyunit– JohnDoe&JaneLane
Ifseparated,divorced,ornevermarried,thelistedguardianshouldbethepersonwhothecourthasassigned domiciliarycustody.Otherwise,thefatherwilllikelybeconsideredthelegalguardianonthestudentrecord.
6.Ifinterestedintransferringtoaschooloutofzone,transferapplicationsaremadeavailableinthelateSpringof eachyear.
AllschoolswithintheEvangelineParishSchoolSystemoperateasclosedcampuses.Thismeansnooneisallowedto visitthecampuswithoutspecificwrittenpermissionfromtheoffice. ALLVISITORSMUSTIMMEDIATELYREPORTTO THEOFFICETOOBTAINSUCHAPASS.Noparentorothervisitorwillbeallowedtointerruptclasses.Ifavisitor approachesastudentoncampus,thestudentshouldpolitelytellthevisitortoreporttotheoffice.
Intheeventofanemergencysuchasbadweather,frozenpipes,andsuch,allofficialannouncementsofschoolclosures willbemadeoverthefollowingradio,newspaperandtelevisionmedia.Theschooldistrictalsowillmakeuseofother communicationchannelssuchasthedistrictwebsiteandofficialsocialmediaaccountstoannouncesuchclosuresand/or cancellations.Inconjunctionwiththepreviouscommunicationchannels,thedistrictwillalsoutilizethe“JCall”notification system.
TheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardservesDistrictstudentsatthefollowingschools. School Principal Attendance Phone
BasileHighSchool A.Bertrand P.Ivory 337-432-5012 5th-12th Bearcats
BayouChicotElementary K.Soileau A.Guillory 337-461-2687 PreK-8th Demons
ChataignierElementary L.Deshotel R.Lejeune 337-885-3173
PreK-8th Tigers
Evan.Central/Virtual S.Manuel M.Deville 337-363-1089 Alternative Gators
JamesStephensMontessori F.Lemelle K.Guillot 337-363-4745
MamouElementary T.Fontenot A.Berzas 337-468-3123
PreK-8th Eagles
PreK-4th Bears
MamouJr.High L.Celestine T.Allison 337-472-2043 5th-8th JuniorDemons
MamouHighSchool D.Fontenot H.Shepard 337-468-5793 9th-12th Demons
PinePrairieHighSchool T.Doucet H.Fontenot 337-599-2300
PreK-4th,9th-12th Panthers
VidrineElementary C.Manuel C.Thomas 337-363-4280 PreK-8th Tigers
VillePlatteHighSchool S.Williams M.Batiste 337-363-3387 9th-12th Bulldogs
Evan.ReimagineAcademy A.Lejeune D.Murphy 337-363-2237 6th-8th Lions
VillePlatteElementary K.Ardoin H.Romero 337-363-3068
WWStewartElementary T.Pitre L.Frank 337-432-6412
Prek-5th Pups
PreK-4th Jr.Bearcats
Days Worked Calendar
Fiscal Year 2024-2025
Graduation Dates for Seniors -BHS 05/16/25; MHS 05/16/25; PPHS 05/15/25; VPHS 05/15/25 Last Day for 8th Graders-05/20/25
Graduation Dates for 8th Graders-05/22/25
Awards Ceremonies-05/27/25
Professional Learning Days-08/05/24, 08/06/2024, 08/07/24,
Inaccordancewiththefederalspecialeducationlaw,theIndividualswithDisabilitiesAct(IDEA),theEvangelineParish SchoolSystemmustdevelopandimplementproceduresthatensurethatallchildrenwithinjurisdiction,agesbirthto twenty-one,regardlessoftheseverityoftheirdisability,andwhoareinneedofspecialeducationandrelatedservicesare identified,locatedandevaluated. ChildFindalsoappliestochildrenwhoaresuspectedofhavingadisabilityandarein needofspecialeducationwhoattendprivateschools,attendreligiousschools,whoarehighlymobile(e.g.,migrant children),homelesschildren,andchildrenwhoarewardsoftheStatewhoresidewithinthelocaleducationagency’s jurisdiction.Italsoappliestochildrenwhomaybegiftedand/ortalented.
Conductchildfindactivitiestolocate,identifyandevaluate childrenbirthto21yearsofage,withsuspecteddisabilities and/orwhomaybegiftedortalentedwhoareresidingwithinthe jurisdictionoftheschooldistrict.
●Noticespostedinschoolbuildingsandotherpublic areadescribingavailabilityofspecialeducation programs
●ChildFindinformationisprovidedontheEvangeline ParishSchoolBoardwebsite
●Coordinatingthedistributionofinformationwithother programswithinpublicandnonpublicagencies
ChildIdentification Form
ParentConcern Form
Developmentalscreeningsforchildrenages3to5yearsoldareconductedyearroundatthePupil AppraisalCenter. ContactAngelaManuelat 337-363-5502
Parentscanmonitortheirchild'sprogress,attendance,discipline,homework,andmorethroughthe StudentProgress Center,anonlineprogram.Toaccessit,visitourwebsiteat saveyourusernameandpassword.Ifyouencounteranyerrors,pleasecontactyourschoolsecretarytoverifythe information.
HomeworkLouisiana(,aserviceoftheStateLibraryofLouisiana,offers FREE onlinetutoringand academicresourcesfrom forLouisianaresidentsfromkindergartenstudentsthroughadultlearners.Gethelpin math,science,socialstudies,orEnglishfromalivetutor.TheservicescanbeaccessedfromaLouisianapubliclibrary, fromyourhomecomputer,orfromamobiledevice.
A. Involveparentsandfamilymembers injointlydevelopingthelocaleducationalagency’sTitleI,PartAplan undersection1112,andthedevelopmentofschoolsupportandimprovementplansundersection1111(d).
B. Providethecoordination,technicalassistance,andothersupportnecessary toassistandbuildthecapacity ofallparticipatingschoolswithintheLEAinplanningandimplementingeffectiveparentandfamilyinvolvement activities.Theseactivitiesmustimprovestudentacademicachievementandschoolperformance,whichmay includemeaningfulconsultationwithemployers,businessleaders,andphilanthropicorganizations,orindividuals withexpertiseineffectivelyengagingparentsandfamilymembersineducation;
C. Coordinateandintegrate parentandfamilyengagementstrategiestotheextentfeasibleandappropriate,with otherrelevantFederal,State,andlocallawsandprograms;
D. Conduct,withthemeaningfulinvolvementofparentsandfamilymembers,anannualevaluationofthecontent andeffectivenessoftheparentandfamilyengagementpolicyinimprovingtheacademicqualityofallschools servedunderthispart,includingidentifying—
oBarrierstogreaterparticipationbyparents/familiesinactivitiesauthorizedbythissection(withparticular attentiontoparentswhoareeconomicallydisadvantaged,aredisabled,havelimitedEnglishproficiency, havelimitedliteracy,orareofanyracialorethnicminoritybackground);
oTheneedsofparentsandfamilymemberstoassistwiththelearningoftheirchildren,includingengaging withschoolpersonnelandteachers;and
E. Usethefindingsofsuchevaluation todesignevidence-basedstrategiesformoreeffectiveparentalandfamily engagement,andtorevise,ifnecessary,theparentandfamilyengagementpoliciesdescribedinthissection;and
F.Involveparentsintheactivitiesoftheschools,whichmayincludeestablishingaparentadvisoryboard comprisedofasufficientnumberandrepresentativegroupofparentsorfamilymembersservedbytheLEAto adequatelyrepresenttheneedsofthepopulation.Thisadvisoryboardwillhelpdevelop,revise,andreviewthe parentandfamilyengagementpolicy.
ThisLEA’sParentalandFamilyEngagementPolicyhasbeendevelopedjointlywith,andagreedonwith,parentsof childrenparticipatinginTitleI,PartAprograms,asevidencedbytheagendaandsign-inoftheDistrictParent EngagementCouncilmeeting.
Thispolicywasadoptedbythe__EvangelineParishSchoolSystem__ on_May2023_ andwillbeineffectforthe periodoftwoyears.TheLEAwilldistributethispolicytoallparentsofparticipatingTitleI,PartAchildren.
StudentProgressCenter isanonlineprogramthatallowsparentstoviewtheirchild’sprogress,attendance,discipline, homework,andmore.Toaccessthe StudentProgressCenter,visitourwebsiteat andsaveyourusernameandpassword.Contactyourschoolsecretarytoverifyinformationintheeventanerroris incurred.
(2)Toinspecttheirchild'sschoolrecords,andtoreceiveacopyoftheirchild'srecordswithintenbusinessdaysof submittingawrittenrequest,eitherelectronicallyoronpaper.Parentsshallnotberequiredtoappearinpersonforthe purposesofrequestingorvalidatingarequestfortheirchild'sschoolrecords.Thereshallbenochargeforaparentto receivesuchrecordselectronically.Anychargesforapapercopyofsuchrecordsshallbereasonableandsetforthinthe officialrulesandregulationsoftheschoolgoverningauthority.Schoolrecordsshallincludeallofthefollowing:
(g)Recordsassociatedwithachild'sscreeningforlearningchallenges,exceptionalities,plansforanIndividualized EducationProgram,orIndividualAccommodationPlan.
(3)Tobenotifiedwhenmedicalservicesarebeingofferedtotheirchild,exceptwhereemergencymedicaltreatmentis required.Incaseswhereemergencymedicaltreatmentisrequired,theparentshallbenotifiedassoonaspracticable afterthetreatmentisrendered.
(5)Tobenotifiediflawenforcementpersonnelquestiontheirchild,exceptincaseswheretheparenthasbeenaccused ofabusingorneglectingthechild.
(8)Toreceivewrittennoticeandtheoptiontoopttheirchildoutofanysurveysthatincludequestionsaboutanyofthe following:
(10)Toreceivefromtheschooltheannualschoolcalendar,nolaterthanthirtydayspriortothebeginningoftheschool year,andtobenotifiedinwritingassoonasfeasibleofanyrevisionstosuchcalendar.Suchcalendarshallbepostedto theschool'swebsiteandshallinclude,ataminimum,studentattendancedaysandanyeventthatrequiresparentor studentattendanceoutsideofnormalschooldaysorhours.
(11)Toreceiveinwritingeachyearortoviewontheschool'swebsiteacomprehensivelistingofanyrequiredfeeandits purposeanduseandadescriptionofhoweconomichardshipsmaybeaddressed.
(12)Toreceiveinwritingeachyearortoviewontheschool'swebsiteadescriptionoftheschool'srequireduniformfor students.
(13)Tobeinformediftheirchild'sacademicperformanceissuchthatitcouldthreatenthechild'sabilitytobepromotedto thenextgradelevelandtobeofferedanin-personmeetingwiththechild'sclassroomteacherandschoolleaderto discussanyresourcesorstrategiesavailabletosupportandencouragethechild'sacademicimprovement.
C.Notwithstandinganythingtothecontrary,apublicschoolshallnotberequiredtoreleaseanyrecordsorinformation regardingastudent'smedicalorhealthrecordsormentalhealthcounselingrecordstoaparentduringthependencyofan investigationofchildabuseorneglectconductedbyanylawenforcementagencyortheDepartmentofChildrenand FamilyServiceswheretheparentisthetargetoftheinvestigation,unlesstheparenthasobtainedacourtorder.
1. Atthebeginningofeachschoolyear,aLocalEducationalAgency(LEA)thatreceivesTitleIfundsmustnotifyparents ofeachstudentattendinganyTitleIschoolthattheparentmayrequest,andtheagencywillprovidetheparentsupon request(andinatimelymanner),informationregardingtheprofessionalqualificationsofthestudent’sclassroom teachers,includingataminimumthefollowing:
•WhethertheteacherhasmetStatequalificationsforgradelevelsandsubjectareasinwhichtheteacherprovides instruction;
2. AschoolthatreceivesTitleIfundsmustprovidetoeachindividualparent:
•Informationonthelevelofachievementandacademicgrowththechild,ifapplicableandavailable,hasmadeoneachof theStateacademicassessmentsrequiredunderthispart;and
•Timelynoticethattheparent’schildhasbeenassignedortaughtfor4ormoreconsecutiveweeksbyateacherwho doesnotmeettheapplicableStatecertificationorlicensurerequirementsatthegradelevelandsubjectareainwhichthe teacherhasbeenassigned.
School’sMission: Theschool,parents,families,andcommunitywillworktogethertoempowerallstudentsto learn.
Inordertoimpactstudentlearningintheareasoflanguagearts,math,science,andsocialstudies, allpartiesagreetothefollowing:
1.Providehighquality curriculumand instructionaligned withCommonCore StateStandards (CCSS)andstudent performance expectations.
2.Provideaminimumof oneparent/teacher conference.
3.Reportonanongoing basisaboutchild’s progress(report cards,mid-semester report,etc.).
4.Provideopportunities forparental engagement (volunteer, participate,etc.)and assistancefor parentstohelpchild athome.
5.Provideasafe, orderlyenvironment inwhichchildrencan learn.
1.Providerigorous activitiesand lessonsaligned withCCSSand student performance expectations.
2.Providehigh expectationsforall studentsinan encouragingand supportivemanner.
3.Provideawell disciplinedand managed classroomsoall studentshavethe opportunitytolearn.
4.Provideanopen lineof communicationwith parents/community.
1.Makesuremychild ispunctualand attendsschoolona regularbasis.
2.Supervise meaningfullearning activitiesandstudy time.
3.Providenecessary materialsmychild needsforhis/her success.
4.Keepopenlinesof communicationwith mychild’s teacher(s) including: parent/teacher conferences, written communication, andphonecontact. UtilizetheParent CommandCenter.
1.Cometoschool onadailybasis andarriveon time.
2.Comeprepared withmaterials neededand readytolearn.
3.Stayattentive andactively participatein classroom activities.
4.Followschool andclassroom rulesand regulations.
Thedistricthomelessliaison,GraceVidrineSibley,isnotifiedaboutstudentsneedinghomelessservices. Parents/caregiversmaygototheliaison’sofficeorcalltheliaison(337)363-7455requestingservices.Schools (teachers,secretaries,principals,guidancecounselors,etc.)mayalsocontacttheircurriculumcoachesordesignees. Curriculumcoachesordesigneeswillcontactthehomelessliaison.
Ahomelesspersonisonewholacksafixed,regular,andadequatenighttimeresidenceandwhohasaprimary nighttimeresidenceof1ofthe4homelessindicators:
D.Unsheltered/FEMATrailers(examples:childrenlivinginabandonedbuildings,substandardhousing, cars,parks,campgroundswithoutrunningwater,throwaways,runaways,etc.)
*Studentswhoareapprovedhavetwoweeksinwhichtheymayattendschoolinregularclothesbeforeobtaining theiruniforms*
Transportationisprovidedtohomeschoolsasneededbythedistricttransportationsystem.Students remainattheirschoolsattendedatthetimetheybecomelabeledhomeless.Transportationis providedbythedistrictforthemtocontinueattendingthesameschool.
Homelessstudentsareallowedtoregisterwithoutneededdocumentation.Schoolpersonneland homelessliaisonwillassistwiththeprocessofobtainingnecessarydocumentation.
EPSBcontinuouslydocumentstheprogressoftheprocessonindividualstudentfiles.Homelessdesignationremains untiltheendoftheschoolyear.Reevaluationisconductedatthebeginningofthenextschoolyear.
Anydisputearisinginregardtoschoolselectionorenrollmentwillresultintheparentorcaregiverbeinggiven writtenexplanationoftheschool’sdecisionondisputeandtheirrighttoappeal.Theappealwillbereferredto thehomelessliaisonin24hours.Districthomelessliaisonwillfollowstategrievanceprocedureexpeditiously; ensureyouthisenrolledimmediatelyinschoolinwhichheorsheisseekingenrollment,pendingresolutionof thedispute(fivedays).Liaisonwillgiveparentsorcaregiverswrittenexplanationofmeetingconvened,dispute decisionoroutcome;date;includingphonenumberandtheirright/proceduretoappealtothestatehomeless coordinator.
LouisianaPIRC promotestheeducationalsuccessofchildrenbyofferingservicestoLouisianaparentsand educators. LouisianaPIRC hasfivespecificgoals:
1.AssistparentsandeducatorsinknowingandunderstandingtheprovisionsoftheESSA(EveryStudentSucceed Act);
2.Developeffectivepartnershipsbetweenschools,parents,andcaregiverstogarnergreaterparentalparticipation ineducation;
3.CreateasupportivenetworkofLouisianaeducationandfamilystrengtheningprogramstopromotegreater resourcesforLouisianafamilies;
4.ProvidetechnicalassistancetotheLouisianaDepartmentofEducation,localeducationagencies,andschools topromoteeffectiveparentalinvolvementpolicies;
ItisthepolicyoftheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardtoprovideequalopportunitieswithoutregardtorace,color,national origin,sex,age,disabledcondition,orveteranstatusinitseducationalprogramsandactivities.Thisincludes,butisnot limitedto,admission,educationalservices,andemployment.Thereisagrievanceproceduretofollowwhenthispolicy hasbeenviolated,whichcanbefoundintheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardpolicymanualineveryprincipal’sofficeor theEvangelineParishSchoolBoardoffice.Inquiriesconcerningapplicationofthispolicymaybereferredtothefollowing persons:
EvangelineParishSchoolBoard337-363-6651 1123TeMamouRd. VillePlatte,LA70586
All students have the right to attend school, provided they are not suspended or expelled because of their conduct. All students shall be expected to be in attendance every student activity day. Students will be marked present or absent each day in every class. Attendance at school is an important part of every student’s success and is necessary in order to gain the greatest benefit from their educational experience. Students who are frequently absent from school miss direct instruction and regular contact with their teachers. We strongly encourage you as parents to keep in contact with school officials regarding your child’s regular attendance.
State law and school board policy require that every parent, tutor, or other person residing within the state of Louisiana, having charge of any child between the ages of 5-18, shall send such child to school, unless the child graduates from high school prior to his eighteenth birthday, and shall assure the attendance of such child in regularly assigned classes during regular school hours established by the school board. Beginning in the 23-24 school year, the compulsory attendance age for the State of Louisiana will be 5-18 years of age. A student may exit from school at the age of 18 after participating in an exit interview.
State law and school board policy also require that, in order to receive grades, a student must be present a minimum of 60,120 minutes per year, or 152 days, based on the 2024-2025 calendar. Students can miss no more than 13 days per year (7 days per semester) and still receive credit. For ½ credit courses and 1 semester courses, NO Credit will be awarded upon the 8th UNEXCUSED day. The parent/student is encouraged to participate in School Building Level Committee, SBLC, meetings and all other conferences requested by the school. If a student does not meet the provision, the parent/student may inquire about attendance recovery. Otherwise, the student will receive failing grades at the end of the school year. A parent may apply for an exception with the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance to determine if the student meets an extenuating circumstance provision for attendance.
Despiteattemptstoeducateparentsandstudentsontheimportanceofregularattendance,hundredsare referredtotheDistrictAttorney’sOfficeeachyearfor TRUANCY.Pleasesendyourchild(ren)toschooleveryday. GuidelinesforRecordingAbsencesandExcuses
●Everystudentabsencefromclassshallberecordedasexcusedorunexcusedbaseduponthereasonfor absence.
●Studentswhoareabsentfromanyclassorfromschoolforanycauseshall,uponreturningtoclassortoschool, presenttotheprincipalorhisdesigneeanote,datedandsignedbyaparent/guardian,statingthecausefor absenceandthedate(s)ofabsence. Noexcuses,includingdoctor’sexcuses,willbeacceptedafterfive daysofthestudent’sreturn.
●Ifthereisaquestionregardingthevalidityofanabsence,theprincipalorhisdesigneeshouldconsultwiththe SupervisorofChildWelfareandAttendance.TheprincipalshallberesponsibleforreportingtotheSupervisor ofChildWelfareandAttendancewhennecessaryforanyunexplained,unexcused,illegal,and/orhabitual absenceand/ortardiness.
●Whenastudenthasmissedmorethan 13 unexcusedabsencesandisdeemednoteligibletoreceivegradesfor thesemester/year,(s)heshallreceiveaNOGRADE(inlieuoftheactualgrade(s)earned)onthereportcard. Thiswillbedenotedinthegradebookwithanumbergradeandan(*)(suchas74*),havethelettergradeofan F*appearingonthereportcard,alongwiththisaccompanyingstatement:*ATTENDANCEVIOLATION,NO CREDITGIVEN.
● VIRTUALandDISTANTLEARNING: Attendanceinvirtualand/ordistantlearningsettingsmaybedeterminedby rollcallwhenapplicable.Attendancemayalsobeacombinationofrollcallandactualtimesignedintospecific learningprograms.SpecificAttendancerequirementswillbesharedwithstudentsandguardiansbasedon individualprogramofferings.Questionsand/orconcernsregardingthetrackingofattendanceinvirtualsettings shouldbedirectedtotheSchool’sAttendanceOfficerortheOfficeofChildWelfareandAttendance.
PERFECTATTENDANCE -Perfectattendancemeansastudentmustbepresenteveryday,foreveryclasshour;and hasneverarrivedlatenorleftearly.SigninginoroutiscountedasanabsencewhendeterminingPerfectAttendance.
-Studentsmustbeoncampusbeforethe1st entrybellrings.Studentswhoarrivelate,mustsigninatthe frontofficeandgetanadmitsliptoenterclassandproceedwithclasses.Ifastudentcomesontocampusduringschool hours,heisconsidered“atschool”andmustbedressedinschooluniformandmustsign-inatthemainofficetotakea test,togotohis/herlocker,etc.TardiesareincludedasanabsencewhendeterminingPerfectAttendance.Astudentis consideredabsentifhe/sheisnotinclasstheentiretimeperiod.
-Inorderforastudenttosignoutofschoolandtoleavecampus,alegalguardianorhisdesigneemust cometothemainofficetopickupthestudentandtosignthedocumentationsheet. STUDENTSWILLNOTBE ALLOWEDTOBESIGNEDOUTOVERTHETELEPHONEORBESIGNEDOUTBYANYONENOTONTHE APPROVEDLIST. Parentsshouldrefrainfromsigningastudentoutforanyreasonotherthanforpersonalillnessand medicalappointments.Noexcusesaregivenforclassesmissedunlessthatstudentisillorhasadoctor’sappointment. Thestudentmustprovideanexcuseforanyclassmissedandthestudentmustmakearrangementsformake-upwork.
FIELDTRIPS -Studentsparticipatinginschoolapprovedfieldtripsorotherinstructionalactivitiesthatnecessitatetheir beingawayfromschoolshallbeconsideredpresentandshallbegiventheopportunitytomake-upwork.
WORK -Studentsshallnotbeexcusedfromschooltoworkonanyjobincludingagricultureanddomesticservice,even intheirownhomesorfortheirownparentsortutors.R.S.17:226(B).
WORKPERMITS -Allstudentsundertheageof18yearsmustfileforanemploymentcertificatebeforebeginning employment.Employmentpermitsmaybeobtainedateachschoolsite.
-Studentswhoareunabletoattendschoolasaresultofaphysicalillness,accident,or treatmentthereofmaybeprovidedinstructionalservicesinthehomeorhospitalenvironmentasappropriate.However,it isthe parent’sresponsibilitytoinformtheschooloftheillness,applyforserviceswiththespecialeducation department,andfilloutallthenecessaryforms.Thestudent’sabsencewillbecountedas unexcused untilthe qualifyingpaperworkisturnedintotheappropriateauthorityandadistancelearningfacilitatorhasbeenassignedtothe case.
Forfurtherinformation,pleasecontacttheSpecialEducationDepartmentat337-363-6598.Studentswhoqualifyfor homeboundservicesareexcusedfromattendingschoolundertheextenuatingcircumstancesclause;however, itdoes notexcusestudentsfromcompletingmake-upassignments.Studentswhowishtoreceivecreditincoursesmust completeandturninallassignmentsdeliveredtothembythedistancelearningfacilitatorand/orlearningmanagement systems(i.e.Edgenuity,GoogleClassroom).
LicePolicy –Anystudentfoundtohavepositiveevidenceofheadlice(eitherliveliceornits)shallbeexcludedfrom schooluntilhe/sheisnitfree.Uponreturningtoschool,thechildmustbeaccompaniedbyoneorboth parents/guardians.Beforetheparentisallowedtoleavethecampus,thechild’snitfreeconditionshallbeverifiedby theschoolpersonneltrainedtocheckforsuchconditions.Ifthechildisnotlice/nitfree,theparentshallbringthechild homeagainforcontinuedtreatment.
ScabiesPolicy –Anystudentfoundtohavescabiesshallbeexcludedfromschoolandwillnotbereadmittedwithout aphysician’sstatementconfirmingtreatmentandstatingthatthestudentisnolongercontagious.
Uponreturningtotheschool,thechildmustbeaccompaniedbyoneorbothparents/guardians.InbothLice andScabiescases,thestudentsshallbeexcludedforareasonablelengthoftime,(3)days,perincidenttoseek treatmentandshallbemarkedwithaTemporarilyExcusedAbsencesundertheExtenuatingCircumstancesclause.
DOCTORNOTES -mustbesubmittedwithin5daysafterastudentreturnstoschool.ThePrincipalordesigneeis encouragedtoconfirmtheauthenticityofdoctorexcuses. Schoolnurseexcusesareacceptablewhenthenurse recommendsearlydeparture.
ChronicIllness- anapplicationcanbeobtainedfromtheschoolattendanceclerk.Chronicillnessesrequirephysician confirmationandarerarelyissuedfortype2cases.Type1approvalsrequiretheparenttosubmitaparentnote indicatingtheabsencewasduetotheChronicillness.Chronicillnessformswillbereviewedandapprovedbythe Principalandschoolnurse.
PARENTNOTES-arelimitedto5peryearandshouldbeusedwhenastudentisabsentduetoillnesswithoutseeing adoctor.Parentnotesmustalsobeturnedinwithin5daysofthestudent’sreturn.Itisrecommendedthattheschool verifiesparentexcusesbycontactingtheparent.Noexcuseswillbeacceptedafterfivedays.Parentalexcuseswillbe scrutinizedforreasonableness.
MENTALHEALTH –Beginningin2024-2025schoolyear,studentsmaysubmitexcusesbyparentorhealthcare provideruptothreenonconsecutivedaysofabsenceduetomentalhealth.Uponthesecondabsenceduetomental healthrelatedissues,thestudentwillbereferredtoschoolordistrictprovidersforservices.
Non-exempted,Excused –absencesincurredduetopersonalillnessorseriousillnessinthefamily(documentedby acceptableexcuses,includingparentnote)whicharenotconsideredforpurposesofTruancy,butareconsideredwhen determiningwhetherornotastudentiseligibletomakeupworkandtotaketests,toreceivecreditforworkcompleted, andtoreceivecreditforacourseand/orschoolyearcompleted.
Make-upwork: Studentswithnon-exempted,excusedabsenceswillbeallowedtomakeup100%ofthework missed. Itisthestudent’sresponsibilitytomakearrangementswithhis/herteacherstomakeupworkwithin thetimelimitassignedbytheteacher
*Exempted,ExcusedAbsences –absenceswhicharenotconsideredforpurposesoftruancyandwhich arenotconsideredwhendeterminingwhetherornotastudentiseligibletomakeupworkandtotaketests,to receivecreditforworkcompleted,andtoreceivecreditforacourseand/orschoolyearcompleted.Applicablenotes mustbeapprovedbythePrincipalorOfficeofChildWelfareandAttendance.
Make-upwork: Studentswithexempted,excusedabsenceswillbeallowedtomakeup100%of theirwork. Itisthestudent’sresponsibilitytomakearrangementswithhis/herteacherstomake-upwork missedwithinthetimelimitassignedbytheteacher
UnexcusedAbsences –anyabsencenotmeetingtherequirementssetforthintheexcusedabsenceor extenuatingcircumstancesdescriptions,includingbutnotlimitedtoabsencesduetoanyjobunlessitispartofan approvedinstructionalprogram.
Make-upwork: Studentsshallbegivenfailinggradesfordaysmissed.However,make-upworkmaybepossible throughattendancerecoverywhenandwhereavailable.
Suspensions –anon-exemptedabsenceinwhichastudentisallowedtomakeuphisworkandiseligiblefor considerationfor50%creditprovideditiscompletedsatisfactorilywithinthreedaysfrombeingassigned.Theabsenceis consideredwhendeterminingwhetherornotastudentmayormaynotbepromoted,butisnotconsideredforpurposes oftruancy.Studentsabsentfromschoolasaresultofanysuspensionshallbecountedasabsentasrelatedtoperfect attendance.
Exceptionstotheattendanceregulationshallbetheenumeratedextenuatingcircumstancesbelowthatareverifiedby theSupervisorofChildWelfareandAttendanceortheschoolprincipal/designee.Theseexemptedabsencesdonot applyindeterminingwhetherastudentmeetstheminimumminutesofinstructionrequiredtoreceivecredit:
1.) Extended personal physical or emotional illness as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner.
2.) Extended hospital stay as verified by a physician or dentist.
3.) Extended recuperation from an accident as verified by a physician or dentist.
4.) Extended contagious disease within a family as verified by a physician or dentist licensed in the state.
5.) Observance of special, recognized holidays of the student’s own faith. Visitation with a parent who is a member of the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard of a state and 6.) such parent hasbeencalledtodutyfororisonleavefromoverseasdeploymenttoacombatzoneorcombatsupport posting.Excused absencesinthissituationshallnotexceedfiveschooldaysperschoolyear.
7.) Absencesverifiedandapprovedbytheschoolprincipalordesigneeasstatedbelow:
***Parents:Attendanceistakenseriouslyandtrackeddaily.Onorbeforethestudent’s3rdunlawfulabsenceor tardytoschool,theschoolwillattempttonotifyandconferencewithyou.Asparents,itisinyourbestinterestto attendtheconferenceandworkwiththeschooltoclearanyrecordsormisconceptionsthatyoumayhaveabout attendanceandthelawsthatgovernit.Parentsshouldnotignoreattendancelettersbutworktoresolveany discrepanciesimmediatelyandbeforethestudentbecomesTRUANT.
Whenastudentmisses five(5)unexcuseddaysorhas(5)unexcusedtardiestoschoolinasemester,he/shewillbe consideredtruantandhis/herparentmaybereferredtotheChildWelfareandAttendanceSupervisorandtheDistrict Attorney’sOfficeforprosecutionorintervention.Insomecases,familiesmaybereferredtotheFamilyinNeedof Services,FINSprogram.
STEPONE:Prevention Onorbeforethestudent’s3rd unexcusedabsenceortardy(tardybeinglatetoschoolor leavingearly),thePrincipalorhis/herdesigneeshallattempttohaveanin-personconferencewiththelegalguardian inordertopreventtruancy.
STEPTWO:Referral Whenastudent/parentisreferredtotheCourtsforTruancy,theDistrictAttorney’sOffice,in conjunctionwiththeSchoolsystem,mayoffertheparentstovoluntaryparticipatein“FamiliesinNeedofServices”(FINS) program,anAttendanceRecoveryProgram,oraPre-trialInterventionParentingClass,etc.Parentsareencouragedto participateintheseoptionsifavailable.
STEPTHREE: Prosecutionbythecourts.
DRIVINGPRIVILEGES: BeginningintheFallof2013,youthsbelowtheageof18arerequiredtoprovidethe DepartmentofMotorVehicleswithanEnrollmentVerificationForminordertoobtainadriver’spermitordriver’slicense. VerificationFormscanbeobtainedfromtheschooloffice. Pleasebeinformed,withoutaverificationformofregular attendance,astudentwillbedeniedadriver’slicense.VerificationformsSHALLNOTbeissuedifthestudentis Truant.Furthermore,astudent’slicensemayberevokedifthestudentbecomesTRUANT.Verificationformsare validfor90dayssothatparentsmayacquireoneinMayforuseoverthesummermonths.
ATTENDANCERECOVERY: Schoolsmayofferopportunitiesforstudentstomake-uplostinstructionaltimethrough attendancerecoveryattimesoutsidethenormalinstructionaltimes.Pleasecontactyourschooladministratoror AttendanceOfficeformoreinformation.
CHRONICABSENTEEISM –isdefinedasbeingabsent10%ofthetimeperiodfromthestartoftheschoolyear.
In accordance with state law, it is the responsibility of every parent, tutor, or legal guardian of a child between the ages of seven (7) and eighteen (18) to enforce the attendance of his or her child at the school to which the student is assigned. Once a pupil arrives at school, he/she is expected to remain and attend each class throughout the day.
A student is considered to be in attendance when he or she is physically present at a school site or is participating in an authorized school activity and is under the supervision of authorized personnel. This definition for attendance would extend to students who are homebound, assigned to and participating in drug rehabilitation programs that contain a state-approved education component, participating in school-authorized field trips or other school-approved activities, or taking a state-approved virtual course.
• Half-day attendance - A student is considered to be in attendance for one-half day when he or she (1) is physically present at a school site or is participating in an authorized school activity and (2) is under the supervision of authorized personnel for more than 25% but not more than half (26%-50%) of the student's instructional day.
• Whole-day attendance - A student is considered to be in attendance for a whole day when he or she (1) is physically present at a school site or is participating in an authorized school activity and (2) is under the supervision of authorized personnel for more than 50% (51%-100%) of the student's instructional day.
Compulsory attendance laws and Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) regulations require high school students to be in attendance a minimum of 30,060 minutes (equivalent to 83.5 six hour school days) per semester or 60,120 minutes (equivalent to 167 six-hour school days) a school year for schools not operating on a semester basis in order to be eligible to receive credit for courses taken
Elementary students shall be in attendance a minimum of 60,120 minutes (equivalent to 167 six-hour days) a school year in order to be eligible to receive credit for courses taken.
Students in danger of failing due to excessive absences may be allowed to make up missed time in class sessions held outside the regular class time, if provided for by the District. The make-up sessionsmust be completed before the end of the current semester and all other applicable policies must also be met.
During remote or hybrid instruction, students are considered to be in attendance when attendance is checked and recorded on each school day at the beginning of each class period in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:232, and Bulletin 741, Louisiana
Handbook for School Administrators, and one of the following requirements is met:
• The student logs into synchronous online instruction at the designated time for the course in which the student is enrolled.
• Evidence exists that the student accessed a planned asynchronous instructional activity.
Remote instruction is an educational model in which the student and educator are not physically present in a traditional classroom environment where instruction may be facilitated by the use of computers, technology, and the internet.
Hybrid instruction is instruction provided via a combination of face-to-face and remote models.
All students shall be under the jurisdiction of the school during normal school hours, from the time the student arrives at school each day until he or she leaves the school campus in the afternoon. In case a student rides a bus, he or she shall be under the jurisdiction of the school from the time he or she boards the bus until the student exits the bus in the afternoon. Students shall be under the jurisdiction of the school while attending any school sponsored activity either at school or away from school. This shall apply to all students, including athletic teams, pep clubs, band and other student organizations. In disciplinary matters, the Evangeline Parish School Board’s authority may extend beyond the limits set forth above, in accordance with state law.
Revised: September 6, 2023
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:221, 17:226, 17:227, 17:232, 17:233; Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741, Louisiana Department of Education; Board minutes, 7-21-10, 9-6-23.
The Evangeline Parish School Board recognizes truancy as absence from class or school for any portion of a period or day without permission from home or school. Students shall not be allowed to leave the campus without proper permission at any time during the school day, including before school begins, after school while waiting for their bus, or any disciplinary session which the student has been directed to attend. Students shall remain on the campus at all times unless granted permission to be off-campus, or be subject to disciplinary action. Violations of attendance laws and regulations may lead to suspension and/or expulsion from school.
School personnel shall be expected to make every reasonable effort to assist a child who is habitually absent or tardy. A student shall be considered habitually absent or habitually tardy when either condition continues to exist after all reasonable efforts by any school personnel, truant officer, or other law enforcement personnel have failed to correct the condition after the fifth (5th) unexcused absence or fifth (5th) unexcused occurrence of being tardy within any school semester. Any student who is a juvenile and who is considered habitually absent from school or habitually tardy shall be reported by visiting teachers and Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance to the family or juvenile court of the parish or city as a truant child.
Tardy, for the purpose of notification, shall include, but not be limited to being late to school, or leaving or checking out of school unexcused prior to the regularly scheduled dismissal time at the end of the school day. However, it shall not include reporting late to class when transferring from one class to another during the school day.
The parent or legal guardian of a student shall enforce the attendance of the student at the school to which the student is assigned. The parent or legal guardian of a truant student shall ensure that the student makes up missed school work by attending afterschool tutoring sessions, weekend make-up classes, or other remediation opportunities, as determined by the School Board, until the student has caught up with his or her school work. The parent or legal guardian shall also attend meetings at the school on at least a monthly basis relative to the student's progress until the student has caught up on his or her missed school work and any assistance fair conducted by the School District that provides information on supports available to families.
The principal of each school or his/her designee shall note any concerns that school personnel have relative to a child's school attendance on the back of any Supplemental Security Income form that the school receives relative to that child.
With regard to any student in grades kindergarten (K) through eighth (8th) grade who is considered habitually absent or tardy, in any case where the student is the subject of a
court ordered custody or visitation plan, the parent or legal guardian who is lawfully exercising actual physical custody or visitation of the student shall be responsible for the student’s attendance at school on those days and shall be solely responsible for any absence or tardiness of the child on such days.
Revised: May, 2009
Revised: October, 2009
Revised: July, 2024
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§14:92.2, 17:221, 17:221.1, 17:223, 17:228, 17:233; Louisiana Children’s Code, Art. 728, 730; Board minutes, 10-21-09.
Evangeline Parish School Board
CURRICULUM MinimumCourseRequirementsforHighSchoolGraduation
BeginningwiththeFreshmanclassof2014:Allstudentswillhavetochooseoneoftwodiplomastracks. Students,withparentalapproval,willselecta Jump Start TOPS Tech (Career Diploma) or TOPS University Diploma track.
Jump Start TOPS Tech (Career Diploma) Course Requirements
For Students entering 9th grade in 2014-2015 and beyond.
Act 403 of the 2015 Louisiana Legisla ve Session takes effect with students entering 9th grade in 2014-1015 and beyond. The legisla on ensures students planning and preparing for an industry based career have taken a preparatory core curriculum while in high school and have every chance possible to receive TOPS Tech.
Required Credits
1 unit English I
1 unit English II
2 Units from the following: English III, English IV, AP or IB English courses, Business English, Technical Wri ng, or LCTCS equivalent English credits offered by Jump Start regional teams as approved by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Educa on
1 Unit Algebra I, Algebra I Part One, and Algebra I Part Two, or an applied or hybrid Algebra course
3 Units from the following: Geometry, Math Essen als, Financial Literacy (formerly Financial Math), Business Math, Algebra II, Algebra III, Advanced Math – Func ons and Sta s cs, Advanced Math -Pre-calculus, Pre-calculus, or comparable Louisiana Technical College courses offered by Jump Start regional teams as approved by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Educa on
Subs tu ons Integrated Mathema cs I, II, and III may be subs tuted for Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II, for three mathema cal credits.
1 unit Biology I
1 unit from the following Chemistry I, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Physical Science, Agriscience I and Agriscience II (one unit combined); AP or IB Science offerings; Physics
1 unit from the following:
U.S. History, AP U.S. History, or IB History of the Americas I
1 Unit from the following: Civics, Government, AP U.S. Government and Poli cs: Compara ve, or AP U.S. Government and Poli cs: United States
1 Unit Physical Educa on I
½ unit from the following PE II, Marching Band, Extracurricular Sports, Cheering, or Dance Teams
½ unit from the following Health Educa on(JROTC I and II may be used to meet the Health Ed requirement)
JUMP START = 9 Units
Jump Start course sequences, workplace experiences, and creden als as approved in Regional Jump Start proposals.
TOTAL = 23 Units
A student shall complete a regionally-designed, district-designed, district-implemented series of Career and Technical Educa on Jump Start coursework and workplace-based learning experiences leading to a statewide or regional Jump Start creden al. Each student’s Jump Start gradua on pathway shall include courses and workplace experiences specific to the creden al, courses related to founda onal career skills requirements, and other courses (including career elec ves) the Jump Start regional team determines are appropriate for the career pathway.
Forstudentsenteringthe9th gradein2014-2015andbeyond English=4Units Courses
1Unit EnglishI
1Unit EnglishII
1Unitfromthefollowing: EnglishIII,APEnglishLanguageArtsandComposition,IBLiterature,IB Language&Literature,orIBLiteratureandPerformance.
1Unitfromthefollowing: EnglishIV,APEnglishLiteratureandComposition,IBLiterature,Languageand Literature,orIBLiteratureandPerformance.
1Unit Geometry
1Unit AlgebraII
1Unit AlgebraI (IntegratedMathematicsI,IntegratedMathematicsII,and IntegratedMathematicsIIImaybesubstitutedfortheAlgebra I,Geometry,andAlgebraIIsequence)
1Unitfromthefollowing: AlgebraIII;AdvancedMath-FunctionsandStatistics,AdvancedMath–Pre-Calculus,Pre-Calculus,IBMathStudies(MathMethods),Calculus,AP CalculusAB,APCalculusBC,ProbabilityandStatistics,APStatistics,IB MathematicsSL,orIBMathematicsHL,APComputerScienceA
1Unit BiologyI
1Unit ChemistryI
2Unitsfromthefollowing EarthScience;EnvironmentalScience;APEnvironmentalScienceorIBEnvironmentalSystems; PhysicalScience,AgriscienceIandAgriscienceII(theelectivecourseAgIisaprerequisitefor AgII);oneofChemistryII,APChemistry,IBChemistryI,orIBChemistryII;PhysicsI,orIB PhysicsI;oneofAPPhysicsC:ElectricityandMagnetism,APPhysicsC:Mechanics,orIB PhysicsII,APPhysicsI,APPhysicsII;oneofBiologyII,APBiologyI,orIBBiologyII;Oneof BiologyII,AnatomyandPhysiology,APBiology,IBBiologyI,orIBBiologyII
1Unitfromthefollowing: U.S.History,APUSHistory,IBHistoryoftheAmericasI
1Unitfromthefollowing: Government,APUSGovernmentandPolitics:Comparative,APUS GovernmentandPolitics:UnitedStates,orCivics
2Unitsfromthefollowing OneofWesternCivilization,EuropeanHistory,orAPEuropeanHistory;oneofWorld Geography,APHumanGeography,orIBGeography,WorldHistoryorAPWorldHistory; HistoryoftheAmericasII;Government,Economics;APMacroeconomics;APMicroeconomics; orIBEconomics;AfricanAmericanHistory
ForeignLanguage,both unitsinthesame language,whichmay includethefollowing:
AmericanSignLanguageI,II,III,IV;IBLanguageabinitio:Arabic,IBLanguageB:Arabic;AP FrenchLanguageandCulture,IBLanguageabinitio:French,IBLanguageB:French,FrenchIII, FrenchIV;APGermanLanguageandCulture,IBLanguageabinitio:German,IBLanguageB: GermanLanguageandCulture,IBLanguageabinitio:German,IBLanguageB:German, GermanIII,GermanIV;APLatin,IBClassicalLanguage,LatinIII,LatinIV;APSpanishLanguage andCulture,IBLanguageabinitio:Spanish,IBLanguageB:Spanish,SpanishIII,SpanishIV;AP ChineseLanguageandCulture,IBLanguageabinitio:Chinese,orIBLanguageB:Chinese, ChineseIII,ChineseIV;APItalianLanguageandCulture,IBLanguageabinitio:Italian,IB LanguageB:Italian,ItalianIII,ItalianIV;APJapaneseLanguageandCulture,IBLanguageab initio:Japanese,IBLanguageB:Japanese,JapaneseIII,JapaneseIV
InEvangelineParish,onceastudenthassuccessfullycompletedthecourseofstudiesrequiredbythestatetoreceivea diploma,(s)hehasa RIGHT totherespectivediplomaattachedthereto.However,participationinthegraduation ceremonyisnotaRIGHT.ItisaPRIVILEGE! ParticipationinthegraduationceremonyisaPRIVILEGE, and therefore,theprivilegeofgraduatingwithone’sclassongraduationdayisgovernedbythefollowingconditions:
1.)SuccessfulcompletionofthecoursesofstudyasrequiredbytheLouisianaDepartmentofEducation.Successful completionofthesecoursesentitlesastudenttothestatediplomabutnottheprivilegeofparticipatinginthegraduation ceremony.
2.)CertificationbytheSchool’sadministrationthatthestudenthasfollowedfullyandfaithfullyalloftherulesand regulationsintheschool’sStudentHandbooktosuchadegreethatthestudenthasearnedtheprivilegeofbeingan activeparticipantinthegraduationceremony.
SPECIALNOTE:Ifthegraduatingsenior,foranyreason,hasnotfollowedtherulesandregulationsinthestudent handbook,theirPRIVILEGEofparticipatinginthegraduationceremonieswiththeirclassMAYBEREVOKED.The decisiontorevoketheprivilegeofparticipatinginthegraduationceremonywillbedecidedbythePrincipalofthe schoolonacase-by-casebasis.
Classificationofstudentsinninththroughtwelfthgradeswillbedeterminedatthestartofeachschoolyear.For purposesofgraduation,mid-yearchangestoanindividual’sclassificationmayoccurthroughanSBLCmeetingas determinedbythePrincipal.Classificationsarebasedonunitsearnedandwillbeasfollows:
1-12GradingScale ClassificationofStudents(Grades9-12)
A=100-90 Freshmen 9th grade 0-4.5credits B=89-80
Thisgradingscaleistobeusedwhencalculatingallgrades.EvangelineParishSchoolBoardrequiresaminimumof600 pointspernine-weekperiodineachcourseforgrades9-12.Ofthe600points,400mustbefrom100pointformaltests givenduringeachreportingperiod.Ingrades1and2aminimumof300pointsisrequiredpergradingperiod.200points shouldcomefrom15-50pointassessments.Ingrades3-8aminimumof400pointsisrequired.300pointsshouldcome from50-100pointassignments. Anaverageisdeterminedfromthesegrades. Gradesmaybebasedonformaltests, performancetests,specialassignments,writtenororalreports,anddailyquizzes. TeachersMUSTreportformal gradesintheelectronicgradebooknumerically.Numericalprogressreportsandreportcardswillshowonlythe LetterGrade.Forcalculatingsemesteraverages,thelettergradeassignedforthenineweekswillbegivena pointvaluebasedontheAlphaGradingSystem.
1st 9Weeks 2nd 9Weeks 3rd 9Weeks 4th 9Weeks
1st 9Weeks 2nd 9Weeks FinalExam
1st 9Weeks FinalExam 80% 20% =100%(FinalGradeconvertedtoAlphaNumeric)
*Note: Thereisnorequiredmidtermexamforfullyearcourses.Ifmidtermexamsaregivenitisusedasaregulartestas partofthe2nd 9weeksgrades.
*Note: APandDualEnrollmentCoursesorweightedwithanextraqualitypointgivenonfinalgradesforgradesof A-C.NoextraqualitypointsaregivenforfinalgradesofDorbelow(Seechartbelow).
StudentsmaybeexemptedfromthefinalexamifthestudenthasallA’sfortheprevious4nineweeks.Thisexemption appliestogrades9-12studentsthatareenrolledinafullyearcourseonly.Therearenoexemptionsforfinalexamsin blockcourses.
**Foranystudenttoparticipateinanextracurricularactivity/organization,thecandidatemusthaveearneda 1.5gradepointaverageandhaveapassinggradein75%oftheirclassesduringthe1st semester.
LetterGrade QualityPoints
B=3points B=4points
C=2points C=3points
D=1point D=1point F=0points F=0points
Schedulechangesarenotallowedunlessanextenuatingcircumstanceorconflictofcoursesarises. JudgmentoftheserequestswillbemadebythePrincipalonlyandwithwrittenauthorizationfromthestudent’sparents. Requestsforchangemustbemadeinthefirstthree(3)daysoftheschoolsemester/year.
Progressreportswillbesenthomeeverythree(3)weeks.Thepurposeofthisreportistoadviseparentsofthe academicprogresseachstudentismakingineachclass.Althoughreportcardgradeswillbecalculatednumerically, theywillbereportedonlyinlettergrades(i.e.A,B,C,D,andF).Reportcardswillbeissuedonceeverynine(9)weeks period.(SeeChartbelowfortentativedates).Itistheresponsibilityofthestudentstotakethesenotificationshometo his/herparentsorguardians.However,ifparentswouldliketokeeparunningrecordofastudent’sprogress,theymay visitthe StudentProgressCenter onlineat Forfurtherassistanceorhelpwithtechnicaldifficulties, pleasecontacttheschool’ssecretary.
1stGradingPeriod August5,2024-October8,2024 (39 employment days/36 instructional days)
2ndGradingPeriod October9,2024-December20,2024 (39 employment days/38 instructional days)
3rdGradingPeriod January6,2025-March18,2025 (40
4thGradingPeriod March19,2025-May30,2025 (40
Checkpoint Finalized: F ebruary 28
Checkpoint Finalized: May 31
Administer within fi r st 30 school days
ata Submission Deadline: (October tentative)
For BOY or MOY, grade 3 must be screene d first. For EOY, grade 3 students should be screened as early as possible in the administration window. Beginning of Year (BOY) Administ ration: within fi r st 30 school days Middle of Year ( MOY ) Administration: December 220 End of Year ( EOY ) Administration : April 130
/Teacher For qualifying students: 2 nd screening in May; 3 rd screening in summer after application of interventions
May 14
1 : March 1114; March 1721
2: March 2528, 31; April 1 -
(No PBT for standard time; only available for accommodated form s if needed )
Tes ting: October 2April 11
Please note that policy requires 30 days between WorkKeys test administrations to provide for meaningful remediation.
Oct 24; 711, 14
Oct 1618; 2125,
Accommodated: March 1214; 1721; 24 Spr ing
2 Accommodated : March 2628; March 31April 4; April 7 ** Please note that policy requires 30 days between WorkKeys test administrations to provide for meaningful remediation.
Connect ELA, Math , Science
3 –8, 11
February 1 0 –March 19 F ebruary 1 0 –Mar ch 19 K –12 ELPT/ELPT Connect Enrolling into 5 and 9 S tate Placement T est
Open Window (within first 30 days of student ’ s enrollment )
LEAP 2025 High School : English I, English II, Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, US History , Civics
LEAP Connect : Alternate Assessment; grades 3HS ELA, mathematics, science
NAEP: National Assessment of Educational Pr ogr ess
PBT: Paper Based T est W indo w: A range of days from which school systems or schools choose the time and date for assessment scheduling
ACT WorkKeys: Optional assessment which measures essential workplace skills
ACT: American Colleg e Test
AP: Advanced Placemen t, various subjects
CBT: Computer Based Test
CLEP: Colleg e Level Examination Pr ogram, various subjects
ELPS: English Languag e Profi ciency Screener
ELPT: English Languag e Proficiency Test
ELPT Connect: ELPT Alternate Assessment
K3 Literacy Screening: Statewide administration in mCLASS
EAP 2025 Grades 38 : ELA, mathematics, science, social studies
It is the policy of the Evangeline Parish School Board to: (a) prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of inappropriate material via lnternet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and (d) comply with the Children's lntemet Protection Act.
The following terms shall be as defined in lhe Children's lnternet Protection Act:
Minor: The term minor means any individual who has not attained the age of seventeen (17) years.
Technology Protection Measure: The term technology protection measure means a specific technology that blocks or filters lnternet access to visual depictions that are:
Obscene, as the term is defined in 18 USC 1460;
Child pornography, as the term is defined in 18 USC 2256
Harmful to minors.
Harmful to Minors: The term harmful to minors means any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction.
Sexual Act; Sexual Contact: The terms sexual actand sexual contacthave meaning given such terms in 18 USC 2246.
The lnternet is a vast, global computer network that provides access to major universities, governmental agencies, other school systems, and commercial providers of data banks. The Evangeline Parish School Board shall establish appropriate guidelines for exploring and using lnternet resources within the school district to enhance learning and teaching activities. Acceptable use of these resources shall be consistent with the philosophy, goals and objectives of the Evangeline Parish School Board. The School Board shall designate a representative to provide age and grade appropriate classroom instruction regarding lnternet and cell phone safety. The training provided shall be designed to promote the district's commitment to:
The standard acceptable use of lnternet services as set forth in policy IFBGA, Computer Access and Use;
Student safety with regard to:
A. Safety on the lnternet;
B. Appropriate behavior while online, on social networking web sites, and in chat rooms, and
C. Cyberbullying awareness and response.
Compliance with E-Rate requiremenlof the Children's lntemet Protection Acf (clPA).
ln addition, the School Board, in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies, shall develop and distribute age and grade appropriate information to each student regarding lnternet and cell phone safety and online content that is a threat to school safety. The information shall include the following:
lnstruction on how to detect potential threals to school safety exhibiled online, including posting on any social media platform.
Visual examples of possible threats
The process for reporting potential threats, which shall be in accordance with the procedures referenced in policy EBBB, School and Student Safety.
Such information shall be either distributed to or explained to students and school personnel at the beginning of each school year and shall be posted on an easily accessible page of the School Board's website and the website of each school.
lf information reported to a school is deemed a potential threat to school safety, the school shall present the written form and any further evidence to local law enforcement.
After a student has received training, the student and parent or guardians shall sign an Acceptable Use of Computers and lntemet Agreemen( which shall be required before any student will be allowed to use school system computers. The student and parenuguardians signatures shall be legally binding on all parties and shall indicate they have read the terms and conditions carefully and understand their significance.
ln its continued effo(s to comply with the Chrdren's lntemet Protection Act, the School Board shall adopt and enforce a policy of lnternet safety that incorporates the use of computer-related technology or the use of lnternet service provider technology designed to block or filter lnternet access for minors and adults to certain visual depictions, including without limitation those that are obscene, child pornographic, or harmful to minors, including without limitation sites that are excessively, violent, pervasively vulgar, or
sexually harassing. Sites which contain information on the manufacturing of bombs or other incendiary devices shall also be prohibited. Only authorized persons may disable for an adult user the blocking or filtering mechanism in order to enable lnternet access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes, which shall include online services for legitimate scientific or educational purposes approved by the School Board, or access to online services of a newspaper with a daily circulation of at least 1,000.
Procedures for the disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection measures shall be the responsibility of the network facilitator or designated representatives.
ln addition to filtering requirements, the School Board shall maintain regulations which, to the extent practical:
Prohibit access by minors to inappropriate matter on the lnternet and World Wide Web;
Address the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications, such as "lnstant Messaging;"
Prohibit unauthorized access, including what is now known as AhackingG and other unlawful on-line activities by minors online;
Prohibit unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors; and
lnstitutes measures designed to restrict minors'access to materials harmful to minors.
Guidelines are provided so that lnternet users are aware of the responsibilities they are about to assume. Responsibilities include efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of network resources. All users, including students, employees, or any other users of School Board computers, hardware, and School Board network shall abide by all policies of the School Board and any applicable administrative regulations and procedures.
1. I
Acceptable Use - The purpose of the lnternet is to support research and education in and among academic institutions by providing access to unique resources and opportunities for collaborative work. Transmission of any material in violation of any federal, state, local or School District regulations shall be prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade institutions. Use for product advertisement, political lobbying, or illegal activities shall be strictly prohibited. Subscriptions to listservers, bulletin boards, and on-line services must be pre-approved by the
or his/her designee.
Pnvlleges - The use of the lnternet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use shall result in a cancellation of those privileges and may result in disciplinary or legal action by the administration, faculty, staff, or District Technology Coordinator.
Netiquette - Users shall be expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
Users shall be polite and use appropriate language. Abusive messages shall not be sent to others.
Users shall never reveal personal addresses or phone numbers of students or colleagues.
Electronic mail (e-mail), if provided, is not guaranteed to be private. People who operate the system have access to all mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities must be reported to the authorities. All users should be aware that routine monitoring ofthe system may lead to discovery that the user has or is violating the Acceptable Use Agreement, the Studerf Handbook and/or the law. Routine maintenance of the system may also purge files from individual accounts.
The network shall not be used in a way that would disrupt the use of the network by other users (e.9. downloading huge files during prime time, sending mass e-mail messages, or annoying other users using the talk or write functions). Hardware or software shall not be destroyed, modified, or abused in any way.
Malicious use of the network to develop programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computing system and/or damage the software components of a computer or computing system shall be prohibited.
Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks and other antisocial behaviors shall be prohibited on the network.
The illegal installation of copyrighted software for use on district computers shall be prohibited.
Use of the network to access or process pornographic material, inappropraate text files, or files dangerous to the integrity of the local area network (LAN) shall be prohibited.
Secunty - Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. Any suspected security problem on the lnternet shall
be reported to the building technology coordinator or the principal. The problem shall not be demonstrated to other users. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems shall be denied access to the lnternet.
Vandalism - Vandalism shall result in cancellation of privileges and or other disciplinary actions. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware or software data ofthe school system, another user, the lnternet Service Provider, or other networks that are connected to lnternet. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses. No software, programs, or files may be installed or downloaded by any user without the prior permission of the building technology coordinator, who must scan for appropriateness and viruses.
Consequences of Misuse - School principals may suspend from school any student who accesses, sends, receives, or configures electronically any profane or language or pictures or violates the Code of Conduct for computer use, or any rules contained in lhe Acceptable Use Agreement.
The Evangeline Parish School Boatd acceptable use provisions apply to all users of the lnternet. Honesty, integrity, and respect for the rights of others should be evident at all times. E-mail shall be limited to teachers and whole classes only. Students shall only be identified by first names.
The use of the lnternet in any Evangeline Parish school must be in support of education and academic research and consistent with the educational objectives of the School Board. Neither the Evangeline Parish School Board nor any of the schools shall be responsible for any financial obligations incurred by users of the lnternet.
lnternet activities that are permitted and encouraged
lnvestigation of topics being studied in school;
lnvestigation of opportunities outside of school related to community service, employment or further education.
The lnternet user shall be held responsible for his/her actions and activities. Unacceptable uses of the network shall result in appropriate disciplinary action, including school suspension or revoking of these privileges.
Terms and Conditions of Use
Regulations for participation by anyone on the lnternet shall include but not be not be
limited to the following:
1. Personal Privacy and Safety
Users shall not reveal any personal contact information about themselves or any other person on the lnternet.
Users shall not agree to meet with someone they have met on the lnternet without appropriate approval. lnappropriate contacts should be reported to school authorities immediately.
lllegal Activities
Users shall not transmit any material or engage in any activities in violation of any national, state, or local regulations.
Users shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any network resources including (but not limited to) computer systems and other users' accounts or files.
Users shall not attempt to disrupt the network or network resources or destroy data by spreading computer viruses or worms or by any other means.
Users shall not attempt to impersonate another individual using network resources for any reason.
3. Security
Users shall immediately notify system administrators if a possible security problem is identified. However, purposely looking for security problems may be considered an illegal attempt to gain access
Users shall only use storage media (disks, CD's, pen drives, etc.) that have been scanned and found to be free of viruses.
Users shall not attach any device to the network without prior approval by the system administrators.
Users should be aware that all network traffic (including lnternet usage and email) is regularly monitored for inappropriate use.
Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to network
Users shall only use network resources in support of the educational goals and objectives of the Evangeline Parish School System.
Users shall not intentionally waste network bandwidth (listening to online radio stations, viewing streaming video, downloading large files, etc.).
Users shall not use network resources for commercial purposes.
Users shall not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language in network communications. This includes personally attacking or harassing another person.
Users shall not display, download, or transmit any inappropriate materials (including offensive messages, images, and videos).
Users shall not send or foMard email "chain letters" or send annoying or unnecessary messages.
Users shall not send mass email or "spam" any users (internal or external) with unauthorized communications or solicitations.
Users shall respect copyrighted material and other intellectual property. Users may not duplicate or distribule electronic resources without the appropriate permissions, documentations, or citations.
Users shall not download, store, or install any unapproved or unlicensed software on school system computers.
Users shall not installany unauthorized or unlicensed school system software on their personal/home computers.
Precautions have been taken to eliminate inappropriate content. However, it is impossible to restrict access to all inappropriate content.
Users shall immediately report to school authorities any website they access that contains inappropriate content.
c Users shall not attempt to bypass the district's content filters to view inappropriate content.
7. Consequences of lnappropriate Use
A. The use of the lnternet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use may result in the temporary or permanent cancellation of that privilege and/or other disciplinary action (including suspension, expulsion, or legal action) as deemed appropriate by administration, faculty, and staff.
Note that no information on the network (including email and personal files) is guaranteed to be private. lnformation relating to or in support of illegal activities must be reported to the authorities.
lnappropriate use of the network may result in legal action and/or prosecution, and may require restitution for costs associated with system restoration, hardware, or software costs.
Users bringing illegal and/or inappropriate materials onto the network shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Revised: November, 2012
Revised: June, 2013
Revised: January 16, 2019
Ref: 47 USC 254 (Children's lnternet Protection Acf (CIPA)); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. $$17:81, 17:100.7,17:280,17:410; Board minutes,E-12-92,8-'16-95, 4-4-07,6-309,6-5-13, 1-16-19.
TheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardispleasedtoofferstudentsaccesstotheSchoolBoard'stechnologysystemsandnetworks, includingbutnotlimitedtotheInternet.Shouldaparent/guardiandesiretoprohibittheirchild'saccesstotheinternet,the responsibilityrestsontheparent/guardiantonotifytheschoolinwritingwithin10daysofthestartoftheschoolyear.Iftheschool doesnotreceivenotificationinwriting,parentalpermissiontousethetechnologysystemsoftheSchoolBoardwillbeassumed, andthispermissionshallincludeaccesstotheinternetandemailsystems,permissiontopublishstudentworktoclassroom websites,andpermissiontohaveunidentifiedphotosofthestudentpublishedtoclassroomwebsites.
UseoftheSchoolBoard'stechnologysystemsandnetworks,includingbutnotlimitedtotheInternet,willallowstudentstoexplore thousandsoflibraries,databases,andbulletinboards.FamiliesshouldbewarnedthatsomematerialaccessibleviatheInternet mightcontainitemsthatareillegal,defamatory,inaccurate,inappropriateorpotentiallyoffensivetosomepeople.Whiletheintentis tomaketheSchoolBoard'stechnologysystemsandnetworks,includingbutnotlimitedtotheInternet,availabletofurther technologyeducationalgoalsandobjectives,studentsmayfindwaystoaccessothermaterialsaswell.Filteringsoftwareatschool sitesisinusetoblockaccesstomaterialsthatareinappropriate,offensive,obscene,orpornographic.However,nofilteringsystem iscapableofblocking100%oftheinappropriatematerialavailableontheInternet.
TheSchoolBoardanditsstaffbelievethatthebenefitstostudentsfromuseoftheSchoolBoard'stechnologysystemsand networks,includingbutnotlimitedtotheInternet,intheformofinformationresourcesandopportunitiesforsharing,exceedany disadvantages.Ultimately,parentsandguardiansofstudentsareresponsibleforsettingandconveyingthestandardsthattheir childrenshouldfollowwhenusingmediaandinformationsources.Tothatend,theSchoolBoardsupportsandrespectseach family'srighttodecidewhethertogivepermissionfortheuseoftheSchoolBoard’stechnologysystemsandnetworks,includingbut notlimitedtotheInternet.
IhavereadtherulesoftheSchoolBoard'stechnologysystemsandnetworks,includingbutnotlimitedtotheInternet,whichare statedbelowandIwillaskmyparent/guardianoranadultatmyschoolifIdonotunderstandwhatanyofthemmean.
1.Usersmustdemonstratehonesty,integrity,andrespectforothersatalltimes.Appropriatemannersandlanguageare required.
3.Illegalactivities,includingcopyrightorcontractviolations,shallnotbepermitted.TheInternetmaynotbeusedforfinancialor commercialgain.Donotmakecopiesofanycopyrightedmaterials,programsorsoftware.
9.Thenetworkisprovidedforstudentstoconductresearch,completeassignments,andcommunicatewithothers.Accessisa privilege,notarightandentailsresponsibility.
13.Perusing,orotherwiseaccessing,orviewing,obsceneorpornographicmaterial,orusingprofanityinmessagesisexpressly forbidden.
14.Productadvertising,politicallobbying,orsendingmessagesinvolvingillegalactivitiesarenotpermitted.Anysuchuseshallbe reportedtotheteacherwhenevidenceofsuchisencounteredontheInternet.
15.Whenasecurityproblemisdetected,itshallbereportedimmediatelytotheteacher.Theproblemshallnotbedemonstratedto otherusers.
16.Suspensionshallautomaticallyresultforauserwhoaccesses,sends,receivesorconfigureselectronicallyanyprofaneorobscene languageorpictures.
17.Useorpostingofinformationrelatedtotheschool,schoolstaff,students,imagesoftheschool,theschoollogo,initialsorseal,in anyformontheInternetorinanyformofelectroniccommunicationwithoutspecificwrittenpermissionoftheSuperintendentand/or his/her designee shall be prohibited. The posting of any such information on any website, bulletin board, chat room, email, or other messaging system without permission, or the posting or transmission of images or information in any format related to the school, staff, or students that are defamatory, abusive, pornographic, or which could be construed as threatening or impugning the character of another person is prohibited.
18.Studentswhoviolatethispolicywillfacedisciplinaryactiontoincludesuspensionandexpulsionperthepoliciesofthe EvangelineParishSchoolSystem.
As access to technology and the Internet continues to grow, children are increasingly interacting with strangers online, accessing Internet pornography, and experiencing cyberbulling. This is extremely dangerous. Most parents routinely warn their children not to talk to strangers, but did you know that many video games have chat features that allow your child to converse and share images with strangers? Children may think they’re playing with other children, but the person on the other computer could be anyone.
Children also have greater access to pornography, particularly on the Internet, than ever before. Research has shown that pornography can harm children for many years through adulthood. The effects of pornography can be addicting, traumatizing, and lead to unhealthy or abusive sexual relationships as children grow up.
Cyberbullying also becomes a real issue as children begin using social media. Louisiana state law defines cyberbullying as “the transmission of any electronic textual, visual, written, or oral communication with the malicious and willful intent to coerce, abuse, torment, or intimidate a person under the age of eighteen”, and also includes sexually charged content such as revealing photos and messaging of a sexual nature. Louisiana has enacted strong laws to address bullying and cyberbullying by public school students (R.S. 17:416.13, Act 369 of the 2018 Regular Session, R.S. 17:100.7).
KNOW what technology your child uses and how it works. Does the device connect to the Internet? Does game or app allow for online upgrades or purchases, or include a chat feature or multiple players? Is your child required to have an account to play the game or use the app that will include their personal information?
MONITOR how your child uses technology and restrict the time they spend on the Internet by establishing ground rules. If your child interacts with strangers or accesses inappropriate material online, talk to them about the dangers of doing so and take steps to prevent it from happening again.
TALK regularly with your child about how he/she uses technology and how to do so safely. Tell your child what to do if contacted by a stranger, if inappropriate materials are accessed, or if your child feels bullied. Tell your child to never share personal information or photos with stranger, and encourage open communication so that he/she feels comfortable coming to you with questions or concerns.
REPORT any suspicious communications to the police and speak with school administrators about possible cyberbullying so that action can be taken.
what resources Can Help?
There are many resources to support parents in protecting their child from dangerous online content and communications, including: offers information, tips, and advice for parents and educators on safe technology use., the Louisiana Department of Education’s website, contains information and procedures to follow in the event that your child is experiencing bullying. (Type “bullying” in the search box.) offers tips on how to identify and safely stand up to bullying, FBI resources for parents that address cyberbullying, advice for kids, social networking sites, child sexual exploitation, missing children, and more.
Free Internet filters you can install at home:, OpenDNS Family shield (, K9 Web Protection (, and Windows Live Family Safety (
TheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardacknowledgesandaffirmsthatparents,guardians, andstudentseighteen(18)yearsofageorolder(eligiblestudents)havecertainrights undertheFamilyEducationalRightsandPrivacyAct(FERPA)andLouisianalawwith respecttotheprivacy,inspection,review,anddisclosureofpersonallyidentifiable informationcontainedinthestudent'seducationrecords.
1.Disclosureshallmeantoprovideorpermitaccessto,ortherelease,transfer,or othercommunicationofpersonallyidentifiableinformation(PII)containedin educationrecordsbyanymeans,includingoral,written,orelectronicmeans,to anypartyexceptthepartyidentifiedasthepartythatprovidedorcreatedthe record.
2.Educationalrecordsshallbedefinedasrecordswhicharedirectlyrelatedtoa studentandaremaintainedbytheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardorschoolor byapersonactingfortheSchoolBoardorschool.Excludedfromtheterm educationalrecordsarerecordsofinstructional,supervisoryoradministrative personnelwhichareinthesolepossessionofthemakerandarenotaccessible orrevealedtoanyotherindividualexceptatemporarysubstituteforthemakerof therecord;recordsofalawenforcementunitoftheSchoolBoard(ifany); recordscreatedorreceivedbytheSchoolBoardafteranindividualisnolongera studentinattendanceandthatarenotdirectlyrelatedtotheindividual's attendanceasastudent;andgradesonpeer-gradedpapersbeforetheyare collectedandrecordedbyateacher.
3.EligibleStudentmeansastudentwhohasreachedeighteen(18)yearsofageor isattendinganinstitutionofpostsecondaryeducation.
4.Legitimateeducationalinterestshallbedefinedastheinterestthatrequires regularaccessforpurposesofaddingmaterial,periodicreview,filingnew studentdataand/orremovinginadequate,ambiguous,nolongerrelevantdata; theinteresthavingtheeducationalwellbeingofthestudentinmindforpurposes ofcontinuing,improvingorchangingtheeducationprogramofthestudentand theinterestinwhichthepersonhasalegitimateneedtoknow.The Superintendentshallhavetheauthoritytodeterminethoseindividualswhohave legitimateeducationalinterestsforpurposesofthispolicy,exceptthatanysuch authorizationmustbeconsistentwithfederallaw(FERPA).
5.Parentorlegalguardianshallmeanastudent'snaturalparent,legalguardian,or otherpersonorentityresponsibleforthestudentintheabsenceofaparentor legalguardian.
6.Personallyidentifiableinformationshallbedefinedasinformationaboutan individualthatmaybeusedonitsownorwithotherinformationtoidentify, contact,orlocateasingleindividual,includingbutnotlimitedtothefollowing:
D.Apersonalidentifierthatcanbeusedtodistinguishortraceanindividual's identitysuchassocialsecuritynumber,dateandplaceofbirth,mother's maidenname,orbiometricrecords.
F.Anyotherinformationthatislinkedorlinkabletoaspecificstudentsuch asmedical,educational,financial,andemploymentinformation.
G.Two(2)ormorepiecesofinformationthatseparatelyorwhenlinked togethercanbeusedtoreasonablyascertaintheidentityoftheperson.
7.Schoolofficialshallbedefinedasateacher,schoolprincipal,SchoolBoard member,counselor,attorney,accountant,humanresourcesprofessional, informationsystemsspecialist,supportorclericalpersonnel,schoolresource officer,authorizedvolunteer,oranyschoolsystememployeewhoisauthorized toperformafunctionorserviceonbehalfoftheEvangelineParishSchoolBoard. Acontractor,consultant,volunteer,orotherpartytowhomaschoolorinstitution hasoutsourcedinstitutionalservicesorfunctionsisalsoconsideredaschool officialprovidedthattheyareperforminganinstitutionalserviceorfunctionfor whichtheSchoolBoardwouldotherwiseuseemployeesandisunderthedirect controloftheSchoolBoardwithrespecttotheuseandmaintenanceof educationrecords.See34CFR99.31(a)(1)(i)(B).
1.Therighttoinspectandreviewthestudent'seducationrecordswithinforty-five (45)daysofthedaytheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardreceivesarequestfor access.
Parentsoreligiblestudentswhowishtoinspecttheirchild'sortheireducation recordsshouldsubmittotheschoolprincipal[orappropriateschoolofficial]a writtenrequestthatidentifiestherecordstheywishtoinspect.Theschoolofficial willmakearrangementsforaccessandnotifytheparentoreligiblestudentofthe timeandplacewheretherecordsmaybeinspected.
2.Therighttorequestanamendmenttothestudent'seducationrecordsthatthe parentoreligiblestudentbelievesisinaccurateormisleading,orotherwisein violationofthestudent’sprivacyrights.
theireducationrecordsshouldwritetheschoolprincipal[orappropriateschool official]indicatingtheirdesire,clearlyidentifythepartoftherecordstheybelieve tobeinaccurateormisleading,andspecifywhyitshouldbeamended.Ifthe decisionisnottoamendtherecordasrequested,theSuperintendent,or designee,shallnotifytheparentoreligiblestudentofthedecisionandofhis/her righttoahearingregardingtherequestforamendment.Additionalinformation regardingthehearingprocedureswillbeprovidedtotheparentoreligiblestudent whennotifiedoftherighttoahearing.
3.Therighttoprovidewrittenconsenttothedisclosureofpersonallyidentifiable information(PII)containedwithinthestudent'seducationrecords,excepttothe extentthatFERPAandLouisianalawauthorizethedisclosurewithoutconsent.
4.TherighttofileacomplaintwiththeU.S.DepartmentofEducationconcerning allegedfailuresbytheSchoolBoardtocomplywiththerequirementsofFERPA.
Toprotecttheprivacyofitsstudents,theEvangelineParishSchoolBoardwillutilize andassigntoeachstudentinitsjurisdictionauniquestudentidentificationnumberin accordancewithLa.Rev.Stat.Ann.§17:3914(C)(3).Thestudentidentification numbersshallnotincludeorbebasedonsocialsecuritynumbers.
1.InaccordancewithLa.Rev.Stat.Ann.§17:3914(H)andFERPA,accessto studentPIImaybeauthorizedbytheSuperintendentwithoutparent/eligible studentconsenttoschoolofficialswithlegitimateeducationalinterests. Disclosureofpersonallyidentifiableinformationfromstudents'educationrecords isalsoauthorizedwithoutconsentoftheparentoreligiblestudent,ifthe disclosuremeetsotherconditionssetforthbelow.TheSchoolBoardisrequired torecorddisclosuresofPII,exceptfordisclosurestoschoolofficials,disclosures relatedtojudicialordersorlawfullyissuedsubpoenas,disclosuresofdirectory information,anddisclosurestotheparentoreligiblestudent.Parentsand eligiblestudentshavearighttoinspectandreviewtherecordofdisclosures.
2.TheSuperintendentisauthorizedtodisclosePIIfromtheeducationrecordsofa student,withoutobtainingpriorwrittenconsentoftheparentsortheeligible student,asfollows:
A.Tootherschoolofficialswhomtheschoolhasdeterminedtohave legitimateeducationalinterestsinaccordancewiththeannualnotification ofFERPArights.Forcontractors,thestudentPIImaybetransferredto computersoperatedandmaintainedbythecontractorandthecontractor shallnotallowaccesstoorreleasestudentPIItoanypersonorentity
B.Uponrequest,toofficialsofanotherschool,schoolsystemorinstitutionof postsecondaryeducationwherethestudentseeksorintendstoenroll,or wherethestudentisalreadyenrolledifthedisclosureisforpurposes relatedtothestudent’senrollmentortransfer,andforcompliancewith stateandfederalreportingrequirements.Inaccordancewiththe IndividualswithDisabilitiesEducationAct(IDEA),ifastudentwitha disabilityisenrolled,orisgoingtoenrollinaprivateschoolthatisnot locatedinthegeographicjurisdictionoftheEvangelineParishSchool Boardoftheparent'sresidence,parentalconsentmustbeobtainedbefore anypersonallyidentifiableinformationaboutthestudentisreleased betweentheSchoolBoardandtheprivateschool.
C.ToauthorizedrepresentativesoftheU.S.ComptrollerGeneral,theU.S. AttorneyGeneral,theU.S.SecretaryofEducation,ortheLouisiana DepartmentofEducation.Disclosuresmaybemadeinconnectionwith anauditorevaluationofFederal-orState-supportededucationprograms, orfortheenforcementoforcompliancewithfederalandStatelegal requirementsthatrelatetothoseprograms.Studentinformationprovided toSchoolBoardmembers,theLouisianaDepartmentofEducation(LDE), ortheLouisianaBoardofElementaryandSecondaryEducation(BESE) shallbeidentifiableonlybyastudent'sidentificationnumberand aggregatedataandshallbedisclosedsolelyforthepurposeofsatisfying stateandfederalreportingrequirements.Theseentitiesmaymakefurther disclosuresofPIItooutsideentitiesthataredesignatedbythemastheir authorizedrepresentativestoconductanyaudit,evaluation,or enforcementorcomplianceactivityontheirbehalf,orasexpressly authorizedbystatute,ifapplicablerequirementsaremet.
D.Inconnectionwithfinancialaidforwhichthestudenthasappliedorwhich thestudenthasreceived,iftheinformationisnecessaryforsuchpurposes todetermineeligibilityfortheaid,determinetheamountoftheaid, determinetheconditionsoftheaid,orenforcethetermsandconditionsof theaid.Oncetheparent,guardian,orstudentofmajorityagehasgranted writtenconsentforcollectionofcertaindatainaccordancewithLa.Rev. Stat.Ann.§17:3914(K),suchdatashallbeusedforpurposesof processingastudent’sapplicationforadmissiontoaLouisiana postsecondaryeducationinstitutionortotheBoardofRegentsandthe officeofstudentfinancialassistance,asaprogramunderitsjurisdiction, forreceiptoffinancialaidpursuanttosuchconsent.Failuretoprovide suchconsentmayresultindelaysorpreventsuccessfulapplication foradmissiontoapostsecondaryeducationalinstitutionandstate andfederalstudentaid.ConsentprovidedunderLa.Rev.Stat.Ann. §17:3914(K)shallcontinueunlesswithdrawninwriting.
E.TotheLouisianaBoardofRegents,andtheofficeofstudentfinancial assistance,asaprogramunderitsjurisdiction,tobeusedonlybystafffor requiredgrantprogramreportingforthepurposesofprovidingreportsto eachpublicschoolgoverningauthorityonthepostsecondaryremediation needs,retentionrates,andgraduationratesforeachhighschoolunderits jurisdictionandforthepurposeofevaluatingcomparativepostsecondary performanceoutcomesbaseduponstudenttranscriptdatainorderto developpoliciesdesignedtoimprovestudentacademicachievement.
F.ToStateandlocalofficialsorauthoritiestowhominformationis specificallyallowedtobereportedordisclosedasauthorizedbyaState statutethatconcernsthejuvenilejusticesystemandthesystem’sabilityto effectivelyserve,priortoadjudication,thestudentwhoserecordswere released.
G.Toorganizationsconductingstudiesfor,oronbehalfof,theschool,in orderto:(a)develop,validate,oradministerpredictivetests;(b)administer studentaidprograms;or(c)improveinstruction,ifapplicablerequirements aremet.Innocaseshallacontractorbepermittedtousestudent informationtoconductpredictivemodelingforthepurposeoflimitingthe educationalopportunitiesofstudents.
I.Toparentsofaneligiblestudent,ifthestudentisadependentforIRStax purposes.
J.Tocomplywithajudicialorderorlawfullyissuedsubpoena,subjecttothe requirementsoffederalandStatelaw.
K.Toappropriateofficialsinconnectionwithahealthorsafetyemergency, subjecttotherequirementsoffederalandStatelaw.
L.ToanagencycaseworkerorotherrepresentativeofaStateorlocalchild welfareagencyortribalorganizationwhoisauthorizedtoaccessa student’scaseplanwhensuchagencyororganizationislegally responsible,inaccordancewithStateortriballaw,forthecareand protectionofthestudentinfostercareplacement.
M.TotheSecretaryofAgricultureorauthorizedrepresentativesoftheFood andNutritionServiceforpurposesofconductingprogrammonitoring, evaluations,andperformancemeasurementsofprogramsauthorized undertheRichardB.RussellNationalSchoolLunchActortheChild NutritionActof1966,undercertainconditions.
N.InformationprovidedinaccordancewithacontractbetweentheSchool Boardandapublicorprivateentitywhichhasbeencontractedtoperform studentoreducationservices,butonlytotheextentprovidedforinsucha contract.PursuanttoLa.Rev.Stat.Ann.§17:3913,information concerningthereleaseofPIIpursuanttoanycontractshallbeavailableat theSchoolBoard’scentraloffice.
O.InformationrequiredtobereportedpursuanttoArticle609ofthe LouisianaChildren’sCode.
3.Astatementshallbeprovidednotifyingthestudent’sparentorlegalguardianof exactlywhatitemsofstudentinformationwillbecollectedandthatdisclosureof thestudentinformationcollectedshallberestrictedtoLouisianapostsecondary educationinstitutionstobeusedforthepurposesofprocessingapplicationsfor admissionandforcompliancewithstateandfederalreportingrequirementsto theBoardofRegentsandtotheofficeofstudentfinancialassistance,asa programundertheboard’sjurisdiction,tobeusedforthepurposesofprocessing applicationsforadmissionandforstateandfederalfinancialaid,forrequired grantprogramreporting,forprovidingreportstotheschoolgoverningauthority onthepostsecondaryeducationremediationneeds,retentionrates,and graduationratesforeachhighschoolunderitsjurisdiction,andforevaluating comparativepostsecondaryeducationperformanceoutcomesbasedonstudent transcriptdatainordertodeveloppoliciesdesignedtoimprovestudentacademic achievement.Annualnotificationshallbeprovidedtothestudent'sparentor legalguardianastotherightandprocessusedtowithdrawconsent.
Unlessdirectedinwritingotherwisebyastudent’sparent,legalguardianorastudent whohasreachedtheageofmajority,theEvangelineParishSchoolBoardapprovesa personemployedinaschoolorpersonauthorizedbytheSuperintendenttoprovide accesstocertainstudentpersonallyidentifiableinformationtofurtheralegitimate educationalpurpose,inaccordancewithFERPAandLa.Rev.Stat.Ann.§17:3914as follows:
1.Informationtofacilitateastudent’sparticipationinaschool-sanctioned extracurricularactivity,includingbutnotlimitedtoasport,organizationorclub;
2.Informationtofacilitatetheoperationanddailyactivitieswithindistrictfacilities, includingbutnotlimitedtothedisplayanduseofstudentinformationinand aroundstudentfacilities;
3.Programsandactivitiesrelatedtoschool-sanctionedperformancesor productions,events,awardprograms,andgraduations;
8.Anyotherinformationconsidered“DirectoryInformation”,totheextentallowedin FERPA.
Inaddition,twofederallawsrequireSchoolBoardsreceivingassistanceunderthe ElementaryandSecondaryEducationActof1965,asamended(ESEA)toprovide militaryrecruiters,uponrequest,withthefollowinginformation–names,addressesand telephonelistings–unlessparentshaveadvisedtheSchoolBoardthattheydonot wanttheirstudent’sinformationdisclosedwithouttheirpriorwrittenconsent.[Note: TheselawsareSection9528oftheESEA(20USC7908)and10USC503(c).].In accordancewithfederalstatutoryprovisions,theSchoolBoardshallhonortherequests ofmilitaryrecruitersfornames,addressesandphonenumbersofhighschoolstudents, unlessparentshavespecifiedthatsuchinformationnotbereleasedtomilitary recruiters.Opt-outprocedureswillbeprovidedinthestudenthandbook.
Exceptasprovidedbelow,nopersonorpublicorprivateentityshallaccessapublic schoolcomputersystemonwhichstudentinformationisstored.Noofficialoremployee ofapublicschoolsystemshallauthorizeaccesstosuchacomputersystemtoany personorpublicorprivateentityexceptasauthorizedinthispolicy.
Thefollowingpersonsmayaccessapublicschoolcomputersystemonwhichstudent informationforstudentsataparticularschoolisstored:
1.Astudentwhohasreachedtheageofeighteenorisjudiciallyemancipatedor emancipatedbymarriageandtheparentorlegalguardianofastudentwhois undertheageofeighteen(18)andnotemancipated.Forastudentwhohas reachedtheageofeighteen(18)orisemancipated,suchaccessislimitedto informationaboutthestudent.Fortheparentorlegalguardianofastudentwho hasnotreachedtheageofeighteenandisnotemancipated,suchaccessshall belimitedtoinformationaboutthestudent.Astudentwhohasreachedtheage ofeighteenorisemancipatedandtheparentorlegalguardianofastudentwho hasnotreachedtheageofeighteenandisnotemancipatedmayauthorize,in writing,anotherpersontoaccesssuchinformation.
2.Ateacherofrecord.Suchaccessshallbelimitedtoinformationabouthis/her currentstudents.
4.Aschoolsystememployeeemployedattheschoolanddesignatedbythe principal.Suchaccessshallbelimitedtostudentinformationnecessaryto performhis/herduties.
5.ApersonauthorizedbytheSuperintendenttomaintainorrepairthecomputer systemortoprovideservicesthattheschoolsystemwouldotherwiseprovide.
6.Apersonauthorizedbythestatetoauditstudentrecords.La.Rev.Stat.Ann. §17:3914(D)(2).
Thefollowingpersonsmayaccessacomputersystemofacity,parish,orotherlocal publicschoolsystemonwhichstudentinformationforstudentsfromthroughoutthe systemisstored:
2.AschoolsystememployeedesignatedbytheSuperintendent.Suchaccessshall belimitedtostudentinformationnecessarytoperformhis/herduties.
3.ApersonauthorizedbytheSuperintendenttomaintainorrepairthecomputer systemortoprovideservicesthattheschoolsystemwouldotherwiseprovide.
4.Apersonauthorizedbythestatetoauditstudentrecords.La.Rev.Stat.Ann. §17:3914(D)(3).
Anypersonwhoisauthorizedtoaccessapublicschoolcomputersystem,excepta parentorlegalguardian,shallmaintaintheconfidentialityofanystudentinformationto whichhe/shehasaccess.
TheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardshallnotifyandpermitparents/guardians/eligible studentstheopportunitytooptoutofparticipationinstudentsurveys,analyses,or evaluationsthatconcernoneormoreofthefollowingeightareas("protected informationsurveys"):politicalaffiliationsorbeliefsofthestudentorstudent'sparent; mentalorpsychologicalproblemsofthestudentorfamily;sexbehaviororattitudes; illegal,anti-social,self-incriminating,ordemeaningbehavior;criticalappraisalsofothers withwhomstudentshaveclosefamilyrelationships;legallyrecognizedprivileged relationships(suchaslawyers,doctors,orministers);religiouspractices,affiliations,or beliefs;orincome(otherthanrequiredbylawtodetermineprogrameligibility.This requirementappliestothecollection,disclosure,oruseofstudentinformationfor marketingpurposes.Protectedinformationsurveyopt-outformsshallbepublishedin thestudenthandbookandontheEvangelineParishSchoolBoard'swebsite.
TheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardrecognizesitsresponsibilityforestablishing proceduresgoverningtheprivacyofstudentrecords,consistentwithfederalandstate lawsandregulations.TheSchoolBoarddirectstheSuperintendent,ordesignee,to developandmaintainproceduresforensuringandexercisingrightsprovidedunderthis policy.CopiesofimplementingproceduresshallbeavailableattheSchoolBoard's centralofficeandineachschooloffice.Anyaccessordisclosureandreleaseof personallyidentifiablestudentinformationbytheSchoolBoardanditsassignsmustbe inaccordancewithfederalandstatelawandregulationsandauthorizedbythe Superintendent.
Thispolicyshallnotapplytothecompletionorcorrectionofrequiredsubmissionstothe LouisianaDepartmentofEducationorresponse(s)tofinancialauditscommencedprior tothe2015-2016schoolyear.
Writtenparental/legalguardian/eligiblestudentconsentshallbeobtainedpriortothe releaseofanyPII,unlessthereleaseofsuchPIIisexpresslyauthorizedwithoutwritten consentbythispolicyorbylaw.
Ref: 20 USC 1232(g-i) (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act); 20 USC 1400 et seq. (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act); 20 USC 7908 (Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Student Information); 34 CFR Part 99 (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§9:351, 17:81, 17:112, 17:221.3, 17:3914, 44:4, 44:4.1, 44:31, 44:32; La. Civil Code Art. 131, 134, 250; Louisiana Attorney General Opinion No. 15-0103; Board minutes, 10-4-89, 11-16-94, 12-8-94, 7-21-10, 8-5-15,5-2-18, 1-16-19, 12-8-21.
TheChildren’sOnlinePrivacyProtectionAct(COPPA) isafederallawgovernedbytheFederalTradeCommission (FTC).COPPAassuresthatchildrenunder13yearsofagedonotsharepersonalinformationontheInternetwithoutthe expressapprovaloftheirparents.
Providersmustobtainconsentfromparentstocollectinformation,unlesstheyarecollectingonbehalfoftheLEAor schoolandwillonlyusetheinformationtoprovideservicestotheLEAorschool.Ifthisisthecase,thentheprovidercan relyonconsentobtainedfromtheLEAorschool.LEAscanconsentonbehalfofaparentforeducationalpurposes.
•Ahomeorotherphysicaladdressincludingstreetnameandnameofacityortown•Onlinecontactinformationas definedinthissection
•Apersistentidentifierthatcanbeusedtorecognizeauserovertimeandacrossdifferentwebsitesoronlineservices. Suchpersistentidentifierincludes,butisnotlimitedto,acustomernumberheldinacookie,anInternetProtocol(IP) address,aprocessorordeviceserialnumber,oruniquedeviceidentifier
•Informationconcerningthechildortheparentsofthatchildthattheoperatorcollectsonlinefromthechildandcombines withanidentifierdescribedabove.”
Iunderstandandacknowledgethattheconsentprovidedhereinshallbevalidformychild’scumulativetranscriptrecords andshallremainineffectuntilnotifiedinwritingotherwise.
NotificationofDataElementsDesignatedasDirectoryInformationbytheEvangelineParishSchoolBoard(June 2018)
● thestudent’sfullname,address(es),telephonenumber(s),
● dateandplaceofbirth,majorfieldofstudy,
● schoolsattended,gradelevelandclassification,anddatesofattendanceatEvangelineParishschools
● participationinofficiallyrecognizedactivitiesandsports,
● weightandheightofmembersofathleticteams,
● degreesandawardsreceived,
● mostrecentpreviouseducationalagencyorinstitutionattendedbythestudent,
● academic/schoolhonors/recognitions,e.g.rankingatstateorregionaltournamentsandralliesforboth academicandsportshonorsincludingscholarships,studentclubmembership,
● graduationinformationtoconfirmacademiceligibilitytocollegeandcollege-levelathleticteams
TheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardhasdesignatedthebeforementionedasdirectoryinformation.Asnotedpreviously, anyparentorstudent18yearsofageorolder,whowishesanyorallofthelistedinformationnotreleased,mustinformin writingtheprincipaloftheschoolattendedwithinthefirst10daysofeachsemester.TheEvangelineParishSchool Systemmayreleasethepersonallyidentifiableinformationfromtheeducationalrecordsofastudenttoappropriate partiesinconnectionwithanemergencyifknowledgeoftheinformationisnecessarytoprotectthehealthandsafetyof thestudentorotherindividuals.
StudentswhoattendschoolsintheEvangelineParishSchoolSystemareoccasionallyaskedtobeapartofschooland/or districtpublicity,publicationand/orpublicrelationsactivities.EvangelineParishSchoolSystemtakesadvantageofthe benefitsofmodernmediaandtechnology.Students’images,productions,writings,artwork,recognitionsand/ornames mayappearinpictures,brochures,newsletters,newspapers,annualreports,videos,televisionprograms,commercials, websitesand/oraudiotapes.
Inaddition,apersonemployedinaschoolorauthorizedbythesuperintendentmayprovideaccesstocertainstudent personallyidentifiableinformationtoprotectthehealth,safetyorwelfareofastudentorthegeneralpublic;tofacilitatea student’sparticipationinaschoolsanctionedextracurricularactivity;topublishprogramsandactivities;torespondto highereducation/universitytranscriptrequests;toprovideinformationinaccordancewithacontactbetweentheboard andapublicorprivateentitytoprovidestudenteducationservicesandtoprovidedirectoryinformationtotheextent allowedinFERPA.
Iunderstandandgrantpermissionformychild’sphotograph,writings,artwork,orotherproductionstobepostedonthe school,district,orstateapprovedwebsitesand/orothermedia.Noaddressorphonenumberwillbeusedwiththe posting.
ParentConsenttoReleaseInformationforAthleticPrograms,AwardPublicity,HonorLists,OnlineResources, TOPS,CollegeScholarships,NCAA,Grants,AidPrograms,College/UniversityAdmissions,andotherUsesof StudentInformation
Someofyourchild’sinformationmaybesharedwiththeLouisianaOfficeofStudentFinancialAssistance(LOSFA), LouisianaHighSchoolAthleticAssociation(LHSAA),variousclubsandorganizationsthatyourchildwilljoin(BETA,FCA, FHA,etc.)localnewsmedia(Athletics,honorroll,events,andawards),eventprograms(footballandothersporting events,musicandtheatricalperformances,graduationandawardceremonies,etc.),onlineresourcesandeducational tools(digitallibraryresources,homeworkhelp,etc.),anypostsecondaryeducationinstitution(s)towhichyourchild applies,schoolphotographyproviders,andsomeothersasdetailedunder“studentPrivacyat
Toallowyourchildtoappearineventprograms,berecognizedforawardsandachievements,takepicturesforIDbadges, takeadvantageofonlineresources,andtoensureeligibilityforTOPS,you must signtoprovideyourconsent.EPSDwill followalllocal,state,andfederaldatasecurityrulesandonlysharedatathatisrequiredforthepurposestated.
ICONSENT tomychild’sschoolcollectingmychild’spersonalinformationanddisclosingthepersonalinformation collectedto:
Iunderstandandacknowledgethattheconsentprovidedhereinshallbevalidformychild’scumulativetranscriptrecords asofthedateofsignatureandshallremainvalidandineffectuntilnotifiedinwritingotherwise.
Requiresaschooldistricttoshareastudent’sdataforthesolepurposeofevaluatingstateandfederalprogramsthat preparestudentsforpostsecondaryeducation,workforcetrainingandemployment.Pleaseunderstandthat:
●IamgivingconsenttoallowEscholar,thecompanythestatehascontractedtodevelopuniqueidentifiers,to sharemystudent’s socialsecuritynumberwiththeLouisianaWorkforceCommission,LWC
●EscholarandtheLouisianaWorkforceCommissionareresponsibleformaintainingtheconfidentialityofmy student'spersonallyidentifiableinformationinaccordancewiththelaw.
StudentsattendingtheEvangelineParishSchoolSystemwillhaveaccesstoanutritiousbreakfast,lunch,andsuper snackthatpromoteshealthyeatinghabits.EPSSwilladministeraSchoolNutritionProgramthatimplementsnutrition standardsasmandatedbyFederal(USDA)andStateagencies(LADepartmentofEducation)andstudentsare encouragedtoutilizetheseprograms.Nutrientstandardsaretherequiredlevelofcaloriesandnutrientsneededtomeet thenutritionalneedsofaspecificgrade/agegroup.Allfoodsandbeveragessoldorservedatallschoolsiteswillmeet thenutritionrequirementsandstandardssetforthbyFederalandStateregulationsinconjunctionwiththeDistrict’s WellnessPolicy.
CommunityEligibilityProvision(CEP)isanalternativetothetraditionalMealBenefitapplicationprocess.CEPwillbe offeredatalltwelve(13)EPSBschoolsitesforthe24-25schoolyear.StudentsenrolledatallEPSBschoolsareeligibleto receivebreakfast,lunch,andsupersnackmealsatnocharge,regardlessofincome.
Breakfastisoffereddailyinallschools.Ahealthyschoolbreakfastisagreatwaytobegintheschoolday.Researchhas shownthateatinganutritiousbreakfastmayimprovebehaviorandperformanceintheclassroomandreduce hunger-relatedvisitstotheschoolnurse.
TheSchoolHealthandWellnesspolicyencouragestheeliminationanduseoffoodsandbeveragesasrewardsfor studentaccomplishments.Thisenhancestherecognitionofstudentsinapositivemannerfortheirindividualorcollective achievementswithoutsendingmixedmessagesregardinghealthyfoodchoicesbydistributingfoodsofminimalnutritive value.Forthesafetyofstudents,parentsareencouragedtopurchasefoodsfromapprovedsources,suchasbakeries andgrocerystoresforpartiesandcelebrations.TheSchoolHealthandWellnesspolicyalsoencouragesfoodsand snacksthatmeettheSmartSnackStandardsasperUSDAguidelines.Acomplete LouisianaSmartSnacklist anda guidefor Non-FoodRewards canbefoundundertheChildNutritionlinkat
Mealservicetostudentswithspecialdietaryneedsduetoadisabilityormedicalconditionisprovidedatallschool cafeterias.FederalandStateregulationsrequireacurrentcompletedDietPrescriptionFormforanytypeof change/substitutiontothemenu.TheDietPrescriptionformmustbesignedbyalicensedphysician.AnewDiet PrescriptionformmustbeprovidedtotheschooleachschoolyearandcanbedownloadedundertheChildNutritionlink at Ifastudentcannothavefluidmilkduetoamedicaldiagnosis,thephysicianmustprescribethemilk substituteontheDietPrescriptionForm.Thefollowingmilksubstitutionsareavailable:4ozjuiceor8ozlactose-freemilk.
Studentsmaybringmealsfromhome,however,itisatthediscretionoftheschoolPrincipal.Theschoolprincipalhasthe righttoinvestigatethecontentsofitemsbroughtfromhomeforconsumption.Parentsarenotallowedtodropoffmealsto studentsattheschoolgatesoroverfenced-inareas.MealsfromhomemustbeincompliancewithFederalandState regulations,incorporatewholegrainsandcontainnutrientbasedfoods.Eachschoolprincipalmayhaveadditional establishedguidelineswhichmaynotbeoutlinedbelow.Theseguidelinesmayencompasssharingoffooditemsorfood broughtfromhomeforclassactivitiesorschoolfunctions.Microwavesandrefrigeratorsarenotavailableforstudentuse. Parentsareencouragedtopackmealsaccordingtofoodsafetyguidelinesforthesafetyofthestudent.Questions regardingschoolmealsbroughtfromhome must bedirectedtotheschoolprincipal.Parishguidelinesforfoodbrought intotheschoolcafeteriaduringmealservice:
TheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardcontractstheservicesofFirstStudentforthespecificpurposeof transportingallstudentstoandfromassignedschools.Consequently,allbusassignmentsandconcernsshouldbe broughttotheirattention.RepresentativesfromFirstStudentmaybereachedbetweenthehoursof5:30amand 5:00pm.
●Allstudentsareexpectedtoabidebytherulesofconductestablishedfortheuseofbustransportation.These rulesapplytoregularlyscheduledbusrunsplusextracurricularactivitiessuchasfieldtripsandathleticevents. Ridingabusisaprivilege.Improperconductonabuswillresultinthatprivilegebeingdenied.Please cooperatewithyourbusdriverandfollowthesafetyrules.
●Onlyregularlyscheduledstudentsshouldrideabus.Studentswhorideabustoschoolareexpectedtoreturn homeontheassignedbusunlesstheyhaveanotefromtheparentssignedbytheprincipal.No“EXTRA” studentsareallowedtoridethebushomewithoutpermissionandapproval.
●Studentsaretoreporttothebusimmediatelyupondismissalfromschoolunlessotherwiseinstructed ●NOTICE:Schoolbusesmaybeequippedwithsecuritycamerasandothersafetydevicestoimprove transportationquality.
● Aschoolbuswithundisciplinedpassengerscreatesahazardoussituation. Therefore,forthe safeoperationoftheschoolbus,studentsshouldbeawareofandfollowthesesafetyrules:
14.Bandinstruments,projects,andotherobjectstoolargetobeheldbythepassengerorstored safelyundertheseatarenotpermittedonthebus.
Studentswhoprovidetheirowntransportationtoschoolmustparktheirvehiclesinasafemannerinthedesignatedarea. Uponarrival,studentsaretoparkandlocktheirvehicles,immediatelyleavetheparkinglocation,andarenottoreturnto theparkingarea/vehicleunlessanofficialgrantspermission.Allstudentswhodrivemustparkinthedesignatedparking area.Violationofthepolicymayresultindrivingprivilegebeingrevoked.Parkingisaprivilegeandmayrequirethe purchaseofavehicletag.
Student dress and grooming are not to adversely affect the students’ participation in classes, school programs, and other school-related activities or detract from the learning environment of the school. Extremes in style and fit in student dress and extremes in style of grooming will not be permitted. Administrators are authorized to use their discretion in determining extremes in styles of dress and grooming and what is appropriate and suitable for school wear. The purpose of the dress code is to project an image of cleanliness and appropriateness. Students should use good judgment so that no mode of student appearance distracts from or disrupts the classroom or school decorum. No students shall wear, possess, use, distribute, display or sell any clothing, jewelry, emblem, blade, symbols, sign or other things which are evidence of affiliation with drugs, alcohol, violence or gang related activities or exhibits profane or obscene language/gestures. Hair must be of natural colors. Fluorescent and/or rainbow colors are prohibited. It shall be unlawful and against School Board policy for any student or non-student to wear or possess on his/her person, at any time, body armor on any School Board property, school campus, at a school-sponsored function, on a school bus or other school transportation, or in a firearmfree zone. Body armor shall mean bullet-resistant metal or other material intended to provide protection from weapons or bodily injury.
All students are mandated to wear the official parish uniform unless the School Dress Code Review Committee has made an exemption. A request for exemption to the policy must be made in writing to the Superintendent.
The uniform top must be a collared white, gray, or navy blue polo or oxford shirt, short or long-sleeved. The parish logo will be optional on shirts. If the logo is worn, it must be displayed on the left side below the shoulder. No other emblems are allowed. Tee shirts are not part of the official uniform. Long or short sleeved undershirts of the same uniform color will be acceptable. White undershirts with or without turtlenecks will be allowed as undershirts. Spirit shirts may be worn only on spirit days as announced by the principal.
The uniform bottom must be navy or khaki cotton twill. Girls will be permitted to wear navy or khaki jumpers, skirts, shorts, and skorts in all grades. Jumpers, skirts, shorts, and skorts must not exceed four inches above the bend of the knee. Capri pants are acceptable. Hip huggers are not permitted. All bottoms will be worn at the waistline with shirts tucked in. Pants or shorts must have belt loops except in grades Pre-K through third (3rd). Elastic waistbands are permitted in grades PreK-3 also. Belts shall be black, brown or of uniform colors, including white. Oversized belt buckles are not permitted (standard buckles only). Baggy or oversized clothes are not permitted. Pants shall not have pockets on lower legs or upper thighs (cargo). Standard back and side pockets are allowed. Shoes are required. Footwear should not be a safety hazard. Slides, slippers, crocs, and flip flops are not permitted. Sandals shall have a back strap. Boots are to be worn under the pant legs; pant legs must cover the top portion of boots. Socks, when worn, shall be solid black, white, or of solid uniform colors. Blue jeans are not permitted. “Slabbing” is not permitted.
All jackets, including sweatshirts, shall open in the front. Flannel or button-down dress shirts may not be worn as jackets. Precautionary face mask/face coverings may be allowed and/or mandated in accordance with CDC and LDOE guidance. However, no precautionary face mask/face covering, clothing, symbols, pins, or other items displaying controlled substances; items displaying inappropriate words or pictures that may be considered derogatory; or anything intended to, or, which may, cause disruption of any school, class, or activity are allowed.
Caps (baseball) are allowed in grades Pre-K through fourth (4th). Students in grades five (5) through twelve (12) will be allowed to wear caps in welding and industrial arts courses, where required. Students with medical problems will be permitted to wear caps if the principal approves. Bandannas are not permitted. “Doo” rags are not permitted.
Jewelry shall not be worn during physical education activities or athletic activities. Females and males shall be allowed to wear earrings; however male students shall only be allowed to wear stud earrings. Nose rings and other body piercing shall be strictly prohibited.
Well-groomed, trimmed natural-colored moustaches and beards may be permitted. Male students are not allowed to wear nail polish or makeup. Afros are to be measured from the scalp and not to exceed 2 inches. Boys’ hair is not to drop below the top of the shirt collar and must be above the eyebrows.
Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, all school bags (including bookbags, bookpacks, satchels, etc.) shall be constructed of a clear plastic or mesh material in order that the contents are clearly visible except for bullet-resistant school bags as allowed for by law. Non see-through athletic bags shall only be allowed in the field house or locker room.
Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, all students, where required by the local school, shall be required to dress out for physical education classes in a standard uniform. Official district-approved physical education (P.E.) uniforms consist of gray shorts and light gray T-shirts with the Evangeline Parish P.E. logo in black writing. Proper dress in P.E. shall be a factor in determining a student’s grade. Uniform deviations based on religious beliefs will require written permission or excuse from one’s minister.
Any deviation to the dress code for medical, religious, handicapping and/or other extenuating circumstance can only be granted by the District’s School Dress Code Review Committee. Appeals should be made in writing to the Superintendent stating the reason for the deviation.
Dress Code Violations:
1.First Offense: Contact the parent to bring proper uniform or to correct the problem. If the parent cannot be reached, the student will be assigned to clinic-designated area determined by the principal or designee. Notification will be sent to parent.
2. Second Offense: (grades 6-12) One (1) day suspension.
3. Subsequent Offenses: (grades 6-12) One (1) to nine (9) days of suspension. Students PreK-5 shall not be suspended for a uniform violation that is not tied to willful disobedience.
The policy of the Evangeline Parish School Board shall be that no mode of attire shall be considered proper for school wear that disrupts the classroom and/or the school's positive learning environment. In questions regarding student dress and grooming, the principal or his/her designee of each school shall make the final decision as to what is considered proper or improper dress according to the guidelines provided.
The School Board desires to teach each student to use good judgment in his/her total appearance so that the attention of others is not distracted from the purpose of the school. Cleanliness and the values of the community shall be a basic consideration.
The School Board shall notify the parent or guardian of each student of the dress code specifications and their effective date.
If the School Board modifies the existing uniform policy, it shall notify in writing the parent or guardian of each student of the policy adoption or uniform policy modification at least sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of the new or revised policy. Each school shall display any uniform selected for a reasonable period prior to the proposed effective date for wearing of the uniform.
However, nothing shall prohibit the School Board from requiring a new or revised dress code or uniform policy without the required notice in the event of an emergency. For the purposes of this policy, emergency shall mean an actual or imminent threat to health or safety which may result in loss of life, injury, or property damage.
Student dress and grooming are not to adversely affect the students' participation in classes, school programs, other school-related activities or detract from the learning environment of the school. Extremes in style and fit in student dress and extremes in style of grooming will not be permitted. Administrators are authorized to use their discretion in determining extremes in styles of dress and grooming and what is appropriate and suitable for school wear. No student shall wear, possess, use, distribute, display or sell any clothing, jewelry, emblem, blade, symbols, sign or other things which are evidence of affiliation with drugs, alcohol, violence or gang related activities or exhibits profane or obscene language/gestures. Well-groomed, trimmed natural-colored moustaches and beards may be permitted Policies regarding dress and grooming stress the importance of reducing distractions that inhibit learning and are addressed as an attempt to enhance the learning environment.
The School Board shall not discriminate against a student on the basis of a natural, protective or cultural hairstyle. Natural, protective, or cultural hairstyle shall include, but is not limited to, afros, dreadlocks, twists, locs, braids, cornrow braids, Bantu knots, curls,
and hair styled to protect hair texture or for cultural significance.
It shall be unlawful and against School Board policy for any student or non-student to wear or possess on his/her person, at any time, body armor on any School Board property, school campus, at a school-sponsored function, on a school bus or other school transportation, or in a firearm-free zone, with limited exception as enumerated in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §14:95.9. School-sponsored functions shall include, but not be limited to, athletic competitions, dances, parties, or any extracurricular activities. A firearm-free zone means any area within one thousand feet of any school campus and within a school bus.
Body armor shall mean bullet-resistant metal or other material intended to provide protection from weapons or bodily injury.
All students are mandated to wear the official parish uniform unless the School Dress Code Review Committee has made an exemption. A request for exemption to the policy must be made in writing to the Superintendent.
The uniform top shall be a collared white, gray, or navy blue polo or oxford shirt, short or long-sleeved. The parish logo shall be optional on shirts. If the logo is worn, it shall be displayed on the left side below the shoulder. No other emblems shall be allowed. Tee shirts shall not be part of the official uniform. Spirit shirts may be worn only on spirit days as announced by the principal. White under shirts, long or short sleeves, or under shirts of the same uniform color shall be acceptable.
The uniform bottom shall be navy or khaki cotton twill. Girls shall be permitted to wear navy or khaki jumpers, skirts, shorts, and skorts in all grades. Jumpers, skirts, shorts, and skorts shall not exceed four (4) inches above the bend of the knee. Capri pants shall be acceptable. Hip huggers shall not be permitted. All bottoms shall be worn at the waistline with shirts tucked in. Pants or shorts shall have belt loops except in grades PreK through third (3rd). Elastic waistbands shall be permitted in grades Pre-K through third (3rd) also. A belt shall be required with pants that have belt loops. Belts must be black, brown, or one of the uniform colors, including white. Blue jeans shall not be permitted. Oversized belt buckles shall not be permitted (standard buckles only). Baggy or oversized clothes shall not be permitted. Pants shall not have pockets on lower legs or upper thighs (cargo). Standard back and side pockets shall be allowed.
Shoes shall be required. Footwear should not be a safety hazard. Slides, slippers, crocs, and flip flops shall not be permitted. Sandals shall have a back strap. Socks shall be black, white, or one of the uniform colors. Boots are to be worn under the pant legs; pant legs must cover the top portion of boots.
All jackets, including sweatshirts, shall open in the front. Flannel or button-down dress shirts shall not be worn as jackets.
The following items shall not be allowed: clothing, symbols, pins, or other items displaying controlled substances; items displaying inappropriate words or pictures that are derogatory to any ethnic group; or anything intended to cause disruption of any school, class, or activity shall not be allowed.
Caps (baseball) may be allowed in grades Pre-K through fourth (4th). Students in grades five (5) through twelve (12) shall be allowed to wear caps in welding and industrial arts courses, where required. Students with medical problems shall be permitted to wear caps if the principal approves. Bandannas shall not be permitted. “Doo” rags shall not be permitted.
Jewelry shall not be worn during physical education activities or athletic activities. Females and males shall be allowed to wear earrings; however male students shall only be allowed to wear stud earrings. Nose rings and other body piercing shall be strictly prohibited.
Well-groomed, trimmed natural-colored moustaches and beards may be permitted. Male students shall not be allowed to wear nail polish or makeup. Afros shall be measured from the scalp and shall not exceed two (2) inches. Long hair shall not pass the bottom of the shirt collar and must be above the eyebrows (boys only). Hair must be of natural colors. Fluorescent and/or rainbow colors shall be prohibited.
All secondary students and other students, where required by the local school, shall be required to dress out for physical education classes in a standard uniform. Exceptions can be made for religious reasons only as hereinafter stated.
The standard uniform for physical education (P.E.) classes shall be as follows:
• Students must wear official district-approved P.E. uniforms, sized appropriately.
• The uniform shall be light gray T-shirt with the Evangeline Parish P.E. logo in black writing.
• The shorts shall be gray with a small Evangeline Parish P.E. logo in black writing.
Schools may sell uniforms to students as a service, but students shall not be required to buy uniforms from the school. Students shall not be required to purchase new uniforms each year if their present uniforms are in acceptable condition and fit properly. Proper dress in physical education class shallbe a factor in determining a student's grade.
A student shall be allowed to dress for physical education class in accordance with his/her
religious beliefs, provided that he or she has a written permission or excuse from his/her minister
All schoolbags (including bookbags, backpacks, satchels, etc.) shall be constructed of a clear plastic or mesh material in order that the contents of the bag are clearly visible.
Athletic bags that are not see-through shall only be allowed in the field house or locker room.
Deviation from the above dress code formedical, religious, handicapping and/or anyother extenuating circumstances can only be granted by the School Dress Code Review Committee. This committee shall be composed of the Superintendent or his/her designee, the Policy Supervisor, the Child Welfare and Attendance Supervisor, the Drug Free/Violence Free Schools Supervisor, and the Special Education Director/designee.
A request for an appeal hearing shall be made in writing to the Superintendent, stating the reason for the deviation. A hearing date shall be set within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the request, and an answer to the appeal shall be rendered in writing within ten (10) working days after the hearing. A copy of the decision shall also be sent to the principal of the school in question. The determination of this committee shall be final.
Persons making the request for an appeal shall be prepared to present written documentation supporting their reason for the deviation. The type of documentation required shall be listed in the letter to them, which states the date of the hearing.
Students who violate the dress code shall be disciplined in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
A student enrolled in grades prekindergarten through five shall not be suspended or expelled from school or suspended from riding on any school bus for a uniform violation that is not tied to willful disregard of school policies.
Revised: August, 2010
Revised: October, 2010
Revised: October 21, 2015
Revised: May 2, 2018
Revised: August 17, 2022
Revised: September 6, 2023
Revised: February 7, 2024
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ''14:95.9, 17:81, 17:111, 17:416, 17:416.7; Scott v. Board of Education, 304 N.Y.S.S. 2d 601 (1969); Karr v. Schmidt; 460 F. 2d 609 (5th Cir. 1972); Board minutes, 5-5-10, 10-21-15, 5-2-18, 8-17-22, 9-6-23, 2-7-24.
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS -The classroom is a place for learning. The teacher has full authority and responsibility for the students in the classroom. Each teacher will have specific classroom rules that the student is expected to obey. Refer to each teacher’s written list of rules concerning sleeping in class, throwing objects, completing punish work during class time, coming to class without books and materials, being tardy, wearing caps, destroying school or teacher’s property (bulletin boards, desks, books, etc.), dancing, combing hair or grooming himself in any way, showing disrespect or discourtesy to the teacher or other students by being sassy, rude, or showing disrespectful expressions or gestures.
HALL & STAIRWAYS EXPECTATIONS -These areas of the school are subject to congestion and problems occur when students remain in these areas. To prevent any problems, the students should keep to the right of the hall or stairways at all times. Some behaviors which are considered unacceptable and /or dangerous in these areas are yelling (anything above a normal speaking tone), spitting, throwing objects, running, pushing, shoving others, slamming locker doors and/or slamming books onto the floor, and sliding down the stair railings.
LIBRARY EXPECTATIONS -The library should be a place for quiet study, research or leisure reading. Students may obtain permission to go to the library by requesting this from one of their teachers who will give them a library pass. Upon entering the library, the student presents the pass to the librarian who will indicate the time of arrival. Before leaving the library, the student must get a pass to return to class with the departure time indicated by the librarian. Ask about your school’s specific procedures as each school may have unique procedures. All library material should be treated with respect. Defacing this property in any manner will not be tolerated. If a library book is lost or defaced, it must be replaced by the student. The students must pay the replacement cost of the book. Students will use the library at recess and lunch times with written permission of the classroom teacher specifying the need .Anyone not reading, studying, or using the library resources will be asked to leave. This is not a place to visit with friends.
RESTROOM EXPECTATIONS -Restrooms are used by a large number of students during the day. Therefore, it is necessary that all students help to maintain cleanliness and sanitary conditions. Students should not loiter in the restrooms. Toilet tissue and other sanitary aids should be properly disposed of by each student so that other students do not encounter unsanitary conditions. The walls and restroom doors should not be written on or defaced in any way.
EXTRACURRICULAR EVENTS -All of the school rules that govern student’s behavior apply to students attending ball games or other extracurricular events. Any infraction of the rules that occur at these events will be subject to disciplinary action the next school day or the day the infraction is reported. Students should always be extra courteous and helpful to visitors from the community and from other schools who come to our campus. The impression that students make on visitors shapes the image that the community and other schools have of what our school is. School rules apply to all students riding to and from extracurricular and co-curricular events away from campus. If a student is with an organized school group, he is not to have visitors if the group stops to eat on the way home after attending a school activity.
Extracurricular Activities/Organization Requirements
Grade Requirements -An elementary candidate for any extracurricular activity/organization must have had a “C” average and passing grades in 75% of the subjects taken for the previous semester’s work. A high school candidate for any extracurricular activity/organization must have had a “C” average and have passed at least 6 (or 75%) of the courses taken during the previous semester for eligibility. Students will need to refer to the current LHSAA handbook for more specific information. The final grades on the report card for the fall semester will be checked. The final grades on the report card for the spring semester will also be checked to determine eligibility for the next school year. Any uniform needed to participate in these groups must be paid for by the club member. You are to strictly follow the guidelines of the particular group or be dismissed from the group. You must attend and/or participate in all activities required by your club/organization sponsor. See the organization’s sponsor for complete rules and requirements. Sponsors must be staff members. There cannot be any practice without the supervision of the sponsor(s). Sponsors may request termination of membership with proper documentation submitted to the principal.
NOTE: There must be a staff member representative accompanying these groups on all trips. Parents can help chaperone, but a staff member must ride with the group.
Individual school handbooks, where applicable, will specify extracurricular activities being offered, the selection criteria, rules, and regulations specific to each program, event, team, organization, etc.
LEAVING CAMPUS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY -The Evangeline Parish School Board, through its agents, is responsible for the safety of students enrolled in the public schools in Evangeline Parish. Therefore, the Evangeline Parish School Board declares the following policy: After arrival at school, no student is to be allowed to leave school grounds without the parent or another approved adult signing the student out of school in person. All campuses within Evangeline Parish School System are CLOSED CAMPUSES and all students must eat in the cafeteria or bring a lunch. The only exception will be if a student is on a special diet, and in this case, the school will require a doctor’s excuse on file.
LOCKER EXPECTATIONS -Lockers and combinations will be issued to students at the beginning of the school year. Lockers should be kept locked at all times. Students are cautioned against telling their combinations to other students. Students are responsible for keeping their assigned locker clean both inside and outside. Damages caused by misuse of tape, etc. will be charged to the student responsible. Any locker malfunction should be reported to the proper authority. Students are cautioned against keeping money or other valuables in their lockers. Lockers are not private—they will be subjected to periodic searches for health and safety reasons.
MEDICATIONS - All medication must be brought into the principal’s office by the parent for further instructions. The medication policy adopted by the Evangeline Parish School Board will be followed by all students and parents. This policy reflects a recently passed state legislation for the safe administration of medication in Louisiana schools. Students are NOT ALLOWED to have any medication in their possession on the school grounds or school buses. This includes prescriptions and over- the-counter medications (even cough drops). No medication will be given at school without an order from the physician and a release form signed by his/her parent or legal guardian. Prescription and nonprescription medication must be brought to school in an original and properly labeled container. If a parent does not wish to follow the policy provisions, he/she may come to school and administer the medication him/herself.
PARENT / TEACHER COMMUNICATION - Teachers should communicate/ notify parents of any interventions being provided to students who are at risk of failure. The notification must be written, signed, and kept on file at school. This documented evidence must be presented to SBLC before retaining a student. Teachers should make themselves available during planning time for the purpose of communicating with parents, with phone-calls, or by email. Behavior concerns should meet the same standard of communication as academic concerns.
STUDENT SEARCHES -The School Board is the exclusive owner of any public school building and any desk or locker utilized by any student contained therein or any other area that may be set-aside for the personal use of the students. The acceptance and use of locker facilities, desks, etc. or the parking of privately owned vehicles on school campus by students shall constitute consent by the student to the search of such locker facilities, desks or vehicles by authorized school personnel. Any teacher, principal, administrator or school security personnel may search the person of a student or his personal effects when based on attendant circumstances at the time of the search, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated the law, School Board policy, or a school rule. Random searches with a metal detector of a student or his personal effects and random searches of school grounds using drug detection dogs may be conducted at any time. No actions taken pursuant to this policy by a teacher, principal, administrator, or school security guard employed by the School Board shall be taken maliciously or with willful and deliberate intent to harass, embarrass or intimidate any student.
TELEPHONE AVAILABILITY -Students will not use the office phone for personal calls except in an emergency and with staff permission. Under no circumstance, except serious emergencies, (example: death in family or an auto accident) can a student receive a telephone message at school. If an emergency arises at home, a parent should come to the school to speak to the student and/or check him/her out of school. Students are prohibited from using any other phone on campus, except the main office phone. The school provides students with access to telephone services during extra-curricular activities. Unauthorized use of phones by students will result in disciplinary action. Cell phones are prohibited on school campus (see additional statements of policy on page 63)
“Allpublicschoolsshallendeavortoaddressstudentbehaviorwithafocusonevidence basedinterventionsandsupports.Schoolsshallendeavortoprioritizeclassroom-and school-basedinterventionsinlieuofout-of-schooldisciplinaryremovalstoaddressstudent misconductinordertominimizethelossofacademicinstructionaltime.”RS17:416
EvangelineParishSchoolBoardrecognizestheneedforreasonablecontrolanddisciplineovertheconductofstudents underitsjurisdictionandseekstouseaprogressivedisciplineapproach.Disciplinewithineachschoolofthedistrictwillbe underthesupervisionoftheprincipal.Theprincipalhastheauthorityandthedutytoholdstudentsaccountablefortheir conduct.Teachersshouldattempttoholdstudentsaccountablefortheiractionsinclassandelsewhereonthecampus. Interventionsbyteacherswhichmaybeused,butnotlimitedto,areasfollows:
● Parentconferencewithprincipalorhisdesignee
K-5minimum30minuteremoval(unlessreturnagreeduponbyteacher)withminimumof1statutoryintervention 6-12noreturntothesameclassperiod(unlessreturnagreeduponbyteacher)withminimumof1statutoryintervention (aa)Conferencingwiththeprincipalorhisdesignee.
(dd)Referraltotheschoolbuildinglevelcommittee. (ee)Restorativejusticepractices. (ff)Lossofprivileges.
(mm)Anyotherdisciplinarymeasureauthorizedbytheprincipalwiththeconcurrenceoftheteacherortheschoolbuilding levelcommitteepursuanttolawandboardpolicy.
ThePrincipal/designeeMAYrequireaparentconferencebeforeastudentcanreturntoclass.Ifso,theschoolshallprovide writtennoticeoftheconferencewhichmaybeconductedin-person,byphone,orusingvirtualmeans.
TheDistrictmayadoptapolicymandatingafter-schoolorSaturday“interventionsessions”. StatementofCauseforSuspension(In-school,Alternate-site,Out-of-school)
Suspensionandexpulsionfromschoolisgenerallyadisciplinaryactionoflastresort.Suspensioncouldresultfromany seriousactionthatthreatensorendangersthesafetyoreducationofthestudentorotherstudents.Suspensionmayresult immediatelyifthebehaviorisdeterminedtobesignificantenoughtowarrantsuchorformultipleminorinfractions.
Suspensionwilllikelyoccurifotherdisciplinaryactionshavefailedtorectifytheproblembehavior.AcopyoftheLouisiana DepartmentofEducation’sSchoolBehaviorReportcanbefoundonlineat
Priortoanyout-of-schoolsuspension,assignmenttoalternativeplacement,orexpulsion,theschoolprincipal,orhis designee,shalladvisethestudentinquestionoftheparticularmisconductofwhichheisaccusedaswellasthestudent shallbegivenanopportunityatthattimetoexplainhisversionofthefactstotheschoolprincipalorhisdesignee.Ineach caseofout-of-schoolsuspension,assignmenttoalternativeplacement,orexpulsion,theschoolprincipal,orhisdesignee, shallcontact,bytelephoneatthetelephonenumbershownonthestudent'sregistrationcardorbyelectroniccommunication oracertifiedlettersenttotheaddressshownonthestudent'sregistrationcard,theparentorlegalguardianofthestudentin questiongivingnoticeoftheout-of-schoolsuspension,assignmenttoalternativeplacement,orexpulsion,thereasons therefor,andestablishingadateandtimeforaconferencewiththeprincipalorhisdesigneeasarequirementforreadmitting thestudent.Inthecaseofexpulsion,thecontactwiththeparentorguardianshallincludeacertifiedletterorotherformof writtennoticereceipt.
“Astudentsuspendedfordamagestoanypropertybelongingtotheschoolsystemortopropertycontractedtotheschool systemoranypropertyonschoolgroundsownedbyaschoolemployeeorstudentshallnotbereadmitteduntilpaymentin fullhasbeenmadeforsuchdamage,analternativerestitutionarrangementhasbeenexecuted,analternative paymentplanhasbeenarranged,oruntildirectedbythesuperintendentofschools.”
“IncarryingouttheprovisionsofthisSection,schoolemployeesandadministratorsshallaccountforandabidebyany relevantprovisionscontainedintheIndividualizedEducationProgram[IEP],BehaviorInterventionPlan[BIP],orSection504 Plan,aswellasthegeneralrequirementsofthefederalIndividualswithDisabilitiesEducationAct[IDEA].”
UpontherecommendationbyaprincipalfortheexpulsionofanystudentasauthorizedbySubsectionB,ofthisSectionora schoolboard'scodeofconduct,ahearingshallbeconductedbythesuperintendentorhisdesigneewithinfifteenschool daystodeterminethefactsofthecaseandmakeafindingofwhetherornotthestudentisguiltyofconductwarrantinga recommendationofexpulsion.Theschoolboardmustprovidewrittennoticeofthehearingtothestudentandhisparentor legalguardian,andsuchnoticeshalladvisethestudentandhisparentorlegalguardianoftheirrightstohavelegal representationpresent.Untilsuchhearingtakesplacethestudentshallremainsuspendedfromtheschoolwithaccessto classworkandtheopportunitytoearnacademiccredit.Atsuchhearingthestudentmayberepresentedbyanypersonofhis choice.Astudentwhoisexpelledorsuspendedforlongerthantendaysshallbeprovidedwithacademicinstructionatan alternativesettinginaccordancewithR.S.17:416.2.
Insuspensioncases,thestudentmayappealinwritingtotheSuperintendenttohavethesuspensionreviewed.The Superintendentmayuphold,modify,orreservethesuspension.Regardinganexpulsionhearingdecision,whetheritbe suspensionorexpulsion,thestudentmayappealthedecisiontotheSchoolBoardwithin5daysofreceivingwrittenresults. TheSchoolBoardmayuphold,modify,orreversethedecision.IftheSchoolBoard’sdecisionisunfavorable,thestudentmay appealtotheDistrictCourtwithin10schooldaysfromreceiptoftheBoard’sdecision.
AstudenthavingbeenassignedalongtermsuspensionorexpulsionmayappealinwritingtotheSuperintendentforearly re-entryintoschool.However,ifgranted,aswithastandardre-entry,awrittenprobationaryreturnagreementshallincludea provisionthatupontheschoolprincipalorsuperintendentofschoolsmakingadeterminationthatthestudenthasviolated anytermorconditionagreedto,thestudent’sprobationaryre-entrymayberevoked.Ifrevoked,thestudentshallbe immediatelyremovedfromtheschoolpremiseswithoutthebenefitofanyhearingorotherprocedureapplicabletostudent out-of-schoolsuspensionsandexpulsionsandreturnedtotheschoolsystem'salternativeschoolsetting.
Thefollowinginfractions SHALL resultinrecommendedexpulsionfromschool:
Possessionofaknife (bladelengthof2.5ormoreinches)
StudentsingradesK-5,mayberecommendedforexpulsionandshallbeuponthe4th infraction.
StudentsingradesK-5shallbeexpelledforaminimumoftwo(2)completeschoolsemesters. Three(3)suspensions.
Threatsofbodilyharm,assaults,orbatteryonemployeesorotherstudents (anyattackonan employeemustbereportedtolawenforcement).
Threatsofbodilyharmorpropertydamagewhetherspoken,written,orotherwiseimpliedtoincludebomb threats.
Bullying–asdefinedbyapatternofbehaviorinaccordancewithstatute. Anyotherseriousoffensethatwarrantsarecommendationforexpulsion.
Nopupilexpelledforfirearm,knife,ordangerousweaponorinstrumentalityordrugrelatedoffenseshallbeadmittedor readmittedtoschoolsonprobationarybasisuntilthepupilproduceswrittendocumentationheandhisparent/legalguardian haveenrolledandparticipatedorisparticipatinginarehabilitation/counselingprogramrelatedtothereason(s)forexpulsion. **“TheprovisionsoftheaboveSectionhereinrelatedtomandatoryrecommendationforexpulsionshall not beappliedto virtualinstructionreceivedbyastudentinthestudent'shome.”
Dueprocessrightsofstudentsallowforafair,impartialhearingtobeconductedbytheSuperintendentorhisdesignee.The studentmayhavelegalcounselpresentduringthehearing.Theparentwillbenotifiedinpersonorbycertifiedmailofthe timeandlocationofthehearing.TheSuperintendentwillmakeeveryreasonableefforttoschedulethehearingwithinfifteen (15)days.TheSuperintendenthasfive(5)daysfromthetimeofthehearingtorenderadecision.Parentsmayappealthe Superintendent’sdecisiontotheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardwithinfivedaysofreceiptofthehearingresultsletter.
1. Discipline policy applies to all school-sponsored activities.
2. Electronic Devices – All electronic devices are banned from Evangeline Parish School Campuses (including but not limited to radios, jam boxes, laser pointers, DVD players, cell phones, iPods, Smart watches, E-cigarettes, Vaping devices etc.). In the event that this type of contraband is confiscated, the child’s parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up the confiscated item at school. On the first violation, the item will be confiscated, the parent will be required to pick up the item at school after signing a receipt of policy notification, and the student will face a mandatory (1) day suspension. On the second violation, the item will be confiscated and held until the end of the year, and the student will be suspended 3-10 days. The same procedures will be followed on each subsequent violation as the second violation.
3. Tobacco/Smoking/VAPES – Student shall be suspended out of school for a minimum of 3 days on the first offense but any student in grades six through twelve found guilty of being in possession of tobacco, alcohol, or vaping product on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored event, may be recommended for expulsion.
4. A student may be suspended from riding a school bus for misconduct. The length of the suspension will be determined by the principal.
5. In cases involving damage, theft, etc., a student may be indefinitely suspended until restitution has been made or arrangements for restitution have been approved through the Superintendent’s office.
6. Corporal punishment – Corporal punishment may be used by the principal or his designee This punishment must be carried out in the presence of a staff member who serves as a witness. If the use of corporal punishment is approved by the parent, the parent must agree to such annually in writing using the LDOE’s official form.
7. Any student convicted of a felony or who is incarcerated in a juvenile institution for an act which, if committed by an adult, would have constituted a felony, may be expelled by the Parish School Board for a time as it may determine, provided any such expulsion will require the vote of two-thirds of the elected members of the Board.
8. Parents and students should keep in mind that the school grounds are not exempt from local, state, and federal law. The school grounds are an extension of the community and criminal charges may be filed when a law/ordinance is violated.
Asapartoftheemergencyproceduresinplaceinourschools,anystudentwhoposesanimminentriskofinjuryto him/herselforothersmaybephysicallyrestrainedand/orplacedinseclusionbyschoolstaffinaccordancewithSchool Boardpolicies.Thesecouldoccuralongwithotheremergencyactionssuchascallingthepolice.Significantviolationsof thelawincludingassaultsonstudentsandstaffwillbereportedtothepolice.Assoonaspossibleafteranysuch incidenttheparentsorguardianwillbeinformedwhenanyoftheseactionshaveoccurred.
Whileeachschool’sPBISteamestablishesminorandmajorinfractions,multipleminorinfractionscouldconstituteamajor. Furthermore,anysingleminorinfraction,basedontheindividualcircumstancesoftheincident,couldrisetothelevelofa major.Disciplinariansareencouragedtousetheirdiscretionintheadministeringofdisciplinaryactionasapplicabletothe incidentbasedonthoroughinvestigations.Indoingso,disciplinaryinterventionsshouldbefair,consistent,andprogressiveto thegreatestextentpossible.
The Evangeline Parish School Board shall prohibit students from having in their possession any personal electronic device, including anymobiletelephoneservicedevice (cellphones, Blackberries, camera phones), any other electronic telecommunication device, or other electronic devices, including but not limited to laser pointers, beepers, cameras, video tape recorder,audio recorder, digitalrecorderofanykind, iPODs, tapeplayers, CDplayers, video games, MP3 players, Palm Pilots, and their contents, while in any elementary or secondary school building, or on the grounds thereof, or in any school bus used to transport public school students to and from school. These provisions include all school sponsored activities.
Devices discovered in the possession of students shall be confiscated. Refusal to relinquish a device constitutes willful disobedience and shall be handled accordingly.
The school shall not be responsible for confiscated items if not picked up by parent within ten (10) days of the last day of school. The School Board shall not be responsible for any electronic devices, including cell phones, lost or damaged while on School Board property.
These provisions shall not be applicable to a student whose Individualized Education Program, Individualized Accommodation Plan, Section 504 plan, or Individualized Health Plan requires the student's use of an electronic telecommunication device.
Revised: October, 2010
Revised: July, 2024
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:239, 17:416, 17:416.1; Board minutes, 4-20-94, 2-3-99, 52-07, 5-5-10
Parish School Board
Student possession or use of any tobacco product, smokeless tobacco, or marijuana products in any form, or any smoking object/device, including but not limited to electronic cigarettes, advanced personal vaporizers, vape pens, vape mods and similar devices, shall be prohibited on and in all Evangeline Parish School Board property and vehicles, and at all school-sponsored or school-approved functions.
A student found to be in possession or use of any tobacco or marijuana product, smokeless tobacco, or any smoking object/device, including but not limited to electronic cigarettes, advanced personal vaporized, vape pens, vape mods, and similar devices, will be suspended for a minimum out of school suspension of (3) three days.
In the event of an electronic cigarette, advanced personal vaporizer, vape pen, vape meds, or similar device is suspected of containing a controlled substance, follow the JCDAB (Student Alcohol and Drug Use) policy guidelines. All types of electronic cigarettes and those listed above must be turned in to local law enforcement and may be subject to testing for illegal substances.
School Board property shall include any elementary or secondary school grounds or buildings, any portable buildings, field houses, stadiums, equipment storage areas, vacant land, or any other property owned, operated, or leased by the School Board.
Violations shall subject the student to appropriate disciplinary action as outlined in the School Board’s Discipline Handbook.
Revised: December 13, 2017
Revised: November 16, 2022
Revised: December 19, 2022
Revised: July, 2024
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:240, 17:416, 40:1291.1, 40:1291.2, 40:1291.3, 40:1291.11, 40:1291.21; Board minutes, 7-21-10, 12-13-17, 11-16-22, 12-19-22
(A)CASE-BY-CASEDETERMINATION-Schoolpersonnelmayconsideranyuniquecircumstancesona case-by-casebasiswhendeterminingwhethertoorderachangeinplacementforachildwitha disabilitywhoviolatesacodeofstudentconduct.
(B)AUTHORITY–Schoolpersonnelunderthissubsectionmayremoveachildwithadisabilitywhoviolates acodeofstudentconductfromtheircurrentplacementtoanappropriateinterimalternativeeducational setting,anothersetting,orsuspension,fornotmorethan10schooldays(totheextentsuchalternatives areappliedtochildrenwithoutdisabilities).
(C)ADDITIONALAUTHORITY–Ifschoolpersonnelseektoorderachangeinplacementthatwould exceed10schooldaysandthebehaviorthatgaverisetotheviolationoftheschoolcodeisdetermined nottobeamanifestationofthechild’sdisabilitypursuanttosubparagraph(E),therelevantdisciplinary proceduresapplicabletochildrenwithoutdisabilitiesmaybeappliedtothechildinthesamemanner andforthesamedurationinwhichtheprocedureswouldbeappliedtochildrenwithoutdisabilities, exceptasprovidedinsection612(a)(1)althoughitmaybeprovidedinaninterimalternativeeducational setting.
(D)SERVICES–Achildwithadisabilitywhoisremovedfromthechild’scurrentplacementunder subparagraph(G)(irrespectiveofwhetherthebehaviorisdeterminedtobeamanifestationofthe child’sdisability)orsubparagraph(C)shall–
(i) continuetoreceiveeducationalservices,asprovidedinsection612(a)(1),soastoenablethe childtocontinuetoparticipateinthegeneraleducationcurriculum,althoughinanothersetting, andtoprogresstowardmeetingthegoalssetoutinthechild’sIEP;and (ii) receive,asappropriate,afunctionalbehavioralassessment,behavioralinterventionservicesand modifications,thataredesignedtoaddressthebehaviorviolationsothatitdoesnotrecur.
(i) INGENERAL–Exceptasprovidedinsubparagraph(B),within10schooldaysofanydecisionto changetheplacementofachildwithadisabilitybecauseofaviolationofthecodeofstudent conduct,thelocaleducationalagency,theparent,andrelevantmembersoftheIEPTeam(as determinedbytheparentandthelocaleducationalagency)shallreviewallrelevantinformationin thestudent’sfile,includingthechild’sIEP,anyteacherobservations,andanyrelevantinformation providedbytheparentstodetermine-
(I) iftheconductinquestionwascausedby,orhadadirectandsubstantialrelationshipto,the child’sdisability;or
(II) iftheconductinquestionwasthedirectresultofthelocaleducationalagency’sfailureto implementtheIEP.
(ii)MANIFESTATION–Ifthelocaleducationalagency,theparent,andrelevantmembersoftheIEP Teamdeterminethateithersub-clause(I)or(II)ofclause(I)isapplicableforthechild,theconduct shallbedeterminedtobeamanifestationofthechild’sdisability.
Ifthelocaleducationalagency,theparent,andrelevantmembersoftheIEPTeammakethe determinationthattheconductwasamanifestationofthechild’sdisability,theIEPTeamshall(i)conductafunctionalbehavioralassessment,andimplementabehavioralinterventionplanforsuch child,providedthatthelocaleducationalagencyhadnotconductedsuchassessmentpriortosuch determinationbeforethebehaviorthatresultedinachangeinplacementdescribedinsubparagraph (C)or(G);
(ii)inthesituationwhereabehavioralinterventionplanhasbeendeveloped,reviewthebehavioral interventionplanifthechildalreadyhassuchabehavioralinterventionplan,andmodifyit,as necessary,toaddressthebehavior;and
(iii)exceptasprovidedinsubparagraph(G),returnthechildtotheplacementfromwhichthechildwas removed,unlesstheparentandthelocaleducationalagencyagreetoachangeofplacementas partofthemodificationofthebehavioralinterventionplan.
(G)SPECIALCIRCUMSTANCES–Schoolpersonnelmayremoveastudenttoaninterimalternative educationalsettingfornotmorethan45schooldayswithoutregardtowhetherthebehavioris determinedtobeamanifestationofthechild’sdisability,incaseswhereachild–
(i)carriesorpossessesaweapontooratschool,onschoolpremises,ortoorataschoolfunction underthejurisdictionofaStateorlocaleducationalagency;
(ii)knowinglypossessesorusesillegaldrugs,orsellsorsolicitsthesaleofacontrolledsubstance, whileatschool,onschoolpremises,orataschoolfunctionunderthejurisdictionofaStateorlocal educationalagency;or
(iii)hasinflictedseriousbodilyinjuryuponanotherpersonwhileatschool,onschoolpremises,ora schoolfunctionunderthejurisdictionofaStateorlocaleducationalagency.
(H)NOTIFICATION–Notlaterthanthedateonwhichthedecisiontotakedisciplinaryactionismade, thelocaleducationalagencyshallnotifytheparentsofthatdecision,andofallproceduralsafeguards accordedunderthissection.
Theinterimalternativeeducationalsettinginsubparagraphs(C)and(G)ofparagraph(1)shallbedeterminedbythe IEPTeam.
(A) INGENERAL–Theparentofachildwithadisabilitywhodisagreeswithanydecisionregarding placement,orthemanifestationdeterminationunderthissubsection,oralocaleducational agencythatbelievesthatmaintainingthecurrentplacementofthechildis substantiallylikelytoresultininjurytothechildortoothers,mayrequestahearing.
(i)INGENERAL–Ahearingofficershallhear,andmakeadeterminationregarding,an appealrequestedundersubparagraph (A).
(ii)CHANGEOFPLACEMENTORDER–Inmakingthedeterminationunderclause(I), thehearingofficermayorderachangeinplacementofachildwithadisability.In suchsituations,thehearingofficermay–
(I)returnachildwithadisabilitytotheplacementfromwhichthechildwasremoved;or (II)orderachangeinplacementofachildwithadisabilitytoanappropriateinterim alternativeeducationalsettingfornotmorethan45schooldaysifthehearingofficer determinesthatmaintainingthecurrentplacementofsuchchildissubstantiallylikelyto resultininjurytothechildortoothers.
Whenanappealunderparagraph(3)hasbeenrequestedbyeithertheparentorthelocaleducational agency–
(A)thechildshallremainintheinterimalternativeeducationalsettingpendingthedecisionofthe hearingofficeroruntiltheexpirationofthetimeperiodprovidedforinparagraph(1)(C), whicheveroccursfirst,unlesstheparentandtheStateorlocaleducationalagencyagree otherwise;and
(B)theStateorlocaleducationalagencyshallarrangeforanexpeditedhearing,whichshalloccur within20schooldaysofthedatethehearingisrequestedandshallresultinadetermination within10schooldaysafterthehearing.
(A)INGENERAL–Achildwhohasnotbeendeterminedtobeeligibleforspecialeducationand relatedservicesunderthispartandwhohasengagedinbehaviorthatviolatesacodeofstudent conduct,mayassertanyoftheprotectionsprovidedforinthispartifthelocaleducationalagency hadknowledge(asdeterminedinaccordancewiththisparagraph)thatthechildwasachildwith adisabilitybeforethebehaviorthatprecipitatedthedisciplinaryactionoccurred.
(B)BASISOFKNOWLEDGE-Alocaleducationalagencyshallbedeemedtohave knowledgethatachildisachildwithadisabilityif,beforethebehaviorthatprecipitatedthe disciplinaryactionoccurred–
(i)theparentofthechildhasexpressedconcerninwritingtosupervisoryor administrativepersonneloftheappropriateeducationalagency,orateacherofthe child,thatthechildisinneedofspecialeducationandrelatedservices;
(ii)theparentofthechildhasrequestedanevaluationofthechildpursuanttosection 614(a)(1)(B);or
(iii)theteacherofthechild,orotherpersonnelofthelocaleducationalagency,has expressedspecificconcernsaboutapatternofbehaviordemonstratedbythechild, directlytothedirectorofspecialeducationofsuchagencyortoothersupervisory personneloftheagency.
(C)EXCEPTION–Alocaleducationalagencyshallnotbedeemedtohaveknowledgethatthechildisa childwithadisabilityiftheparentofthechildhasnotallowedanevaluationofthechildpursuantto section614orhasrefusedservicesunderthispartorthechildhasbeenevaluatedanditwas determinedthatthechildwasnotachildwithadisabilityunderthispart.
(i)INGENERAL-Ifalocaleducationalagencydoesnothaveknowledgethatachildisa childwithadisability(inaccordancewithsubparagraph(B)or(C))priortotaking disciplinarymeasuresagainstthechild,thechildmaybesubjectedtodisciplinary measuresappliedtochildrenwithoutdisabilitieswhoengagedincomparablebehaviors consistentwithclause(ii).
2LIMITATIONS–Ifarequestismadeforanevaluationofachildduringthetimeperiodinwhichthissubsection, theevaluationshallbeconductedinthesubsection,theevaluationshallbeconductedinanexpeditedmanner.Ifthe childisdeterminedtobeachildwithadisability,takingintoconsiderationinformationfromtheevaluationconductedby theagencyandinformationprovidedbytheparents,theagencyshallprovidespecialeducationandrelatedservicesin accordancewiththispart,exceptthat,pendingtheresultsoftheevaluation,thechildshallremainintheeducational placementdeterminedbyschoolauthorities.
(A)RULEOFCONSTRUCTION–Nothinginthispartshallbeconstruedtoprohibitanagency fromreportingacrimecommittedbyachildwithadisabilitytoappropriateauthoritiesorto preventStatelawenforcementandjudicialauthoritiesfromexercisingtheirresponsibilitieswith regardtotheapplicationofFederalandStatelawtocrimescommittedbyachildwitha disability.
(B)TRANSMITTALOFRECORDS–Anagencyreportingacrimecommittedbyachildwitha disabilityshallensurethatcopiesofthespecialeducationanddisciplinaryrecordsofthechild aretransmittedforconsiderationbytheappropriateauthoritiestowhomtheagencyreportsthe crime.
(A)CONTROLLEDSUBSTANCE–Theterm‘controlledsubstance’meansadrugorother substanceidentifiedunderscheduleI,II,III,IV,orVinsection202(c)oftheControlled SubstancesAct(21U.S.C.812(c)).
(B)ILLEGALDRUG–Theterm‘illegaldrug’meansacontrolledsubstancebutdoesnotincludea controlledsubstancethatislegallypossessedorusedunderthesupervisionofalicensed health-careprofessionalorthatislegallypossessedorusedunderanyotherauthorityunder thatActorunderanyotherprovisionofFederallaw.
(C)WEAPON–Theterm‘weapon’hasthemeaninggiventheterm‘dangerousweapon’under section930(g)(2)oftitle18,UnitedStatesCode.
(D)SERIOUSBODILYINJURY–Theterm‘seriousbodilyinjury’hasthemeaninggiventhe term‘seriousbodilyinjury’underparagraph(3)ofsubsection(h)ofsection1365oftitle18, UnitedStatesCode.
(1)RULEOFCONSTRUCTION–Nothinginthistitleshallbeconstruedtorestrictorlimittherights,procedures,and remediesavailable undertheConstitution,theAmericanswithDisabilitiesActof1990,titleVoftheRehabilitationAct of1973,orotherFederallawsprotectingtherightsofchildrenwithdisabilities,exceptthatbefore thefilingofacivilactionundersuchlawsseekingreliefthatisalsoavailableunderthispart,the proceduresundersubsections(f)and(g)shallbeexhaustedtothesameextentaswouldbe requiredhadtheactionbeenbroughtunderthispart.
(1) INGENERAL–AStatethatreceivesamountsfromagrantunderthispartmayprovidethat,whena childwithadisabilityreachestheageofmajorityunderStatelaw(exceptforachildwithadisability whohasbeendeterminedtobeincompetentunderStatelaw)–
(A)theagencyshallprovideanynoticerequiredbythissectiontoboththeindividualandtheparents; (B)allotherrightsaccordedtoparentsunderthisparttransfertothechild; (C)theagencyshallnotifytheindividualandtheparentsofthetransferofrights;and (D)allrightsaccordedtoparentsunderthisparttransfertochildrenwhoareincarceratedinanadult orjuvenileFederal,State,orlocalcorrectionalinstitution.
(2)SPECIALRULE–If,underStatelaw,achildwithadisabilitywhohasreachedtheageofmajorityunder Statelaw,whohasnotbeendeterminedtobeincompetent,butwhois determinednottohavetheabilitytoprovideinformedconsentwithrespectto theeducationalprogramofthechild,theStateshallestablishproceduresfor appointingtheparentofthechild,oriftheparentisnotavailable,another appropriateindividual,torepresenttheeducationalinterestofthechild throughouttheperiodofeligibilityofthechildunderthispart.
(n)ELECTRONICMAIL–Aparentofachildwithadisabilitymayelecttoreceivenoticesrequired underthissectionbyanelectronicmail(e-mail)communication,iftheagencymakessuch optionavailable.
(o)SEPARATECOMPLAINT–Nothinginthissectionshallbeconstruedtoprecludeaparentfrom filingaseparatedueprocesscomplaintonanissueseparatefromadueprocesscomplaint alreadyfiled.
“Theuseofanyformofcorporalpunishmentisprohibitedinanypublicschoolunlessthestudent'sparentor legalguardianprovideswrittenconsentfortheuseofcorporalpunishmentinadocumentcreatedbythestate DepartmentofEducationsolelyforsuchpurpose.Suchconsentappliesonlytotheschoolyearin whichitisgiven.Noformofcorporalpunishmentshallbeadministeredtoastudentwithanexceptionalityas definedinR.S.17:1942ortoastudentwhohasbeendeterminedtobeeligibleforservicesunderSection504of theRehabilitationActof1973andhasanIndividualAccommodationPlan.However,theparentorlegalguardian ofastudentwhoisgiftedandtalentedandhasnootherexceptionalitymayauthorizetheuseofcorporal punishmentasotherwiseprovidedbythisParagraph.”
Thisformmaybecompletedbyaparentorguardiantoprovideconsentfortheadministrationofcorporalpunishment duringthecurrentschoolyear.
I______________________________________(parent’sname)provideconsentforthe_________________________ (schoolsystem)toadministercorporalpunishmenttomychild_______________________(child’sname).
A.Respectingtheauthorityofteachersisessentialtocreatinganenvironmentconducivetolearning, effectiveinstructionintheclassroom,andproperadministrationofcity,parish,andotherlocalpublicschools.To maintainandprotectthatauthority,itisimportantthatteachers,administrators,parents,andstudentsarefully informedofthevariousrightsconferreduponteacherspursuanttothisSection,whichare:
(1)Ateacherhastherighttoteachfreefromthefearoffrivolouslawsuits,includingtherighttoqualifiedimmunity andtolegaldefense,andtoindemnificationbytheemployingschoolboard,pursuanttoR.S.17:416.1(C),416.4, 416.5,and416.11,foractionstakenintheperformanceofdutiesoftheteacher’semployment.
(2)AteacherhastherighttoappropriatelydisciplinestudentsinaccordancewithRS.17:223through416.16and anycity,parish,orotherlocalpublicschoolboardregulation.
(3)Ateacherhastherighttoremoveanypersistentlydisruptivestudentfromhisclassroomwhenthestudent’s behaviorpreventstheorderlyinstructionofotherstudentsorwhenthestudentdisplaysimpudentordefiantbehaviorand toplacethestudentinthecustodyoftheprincipalorhisdesigneepursuanttoR.S.17:416(A)(1)(c).
(4)Ateacherhastherighttohavehisorherprofessionaljudgmentanddiscretionrespectedbyschoolanddistrict administratorsinanydisciplinaryactiontakenbytheteacherinaccordancewithschoolanddistrictpolicyandwith R.S.17:416(A)(1)(c).
(5)Ateacherhastherighttoteachinasafe,secure,andorderlyenvironmentthatisconducivetolearningand freefromrecognizeddangersorhazardsthatarecausingorlikelytocauseseriousinjuryinaccordancewithR.S. 17:416.9and416.16.
(7)Ateacherhastherighttocommunicatewithandtorequesttheparticipationofparentsinappropriatestudent disciplinarydecisionspursuanttoR.S.17:235.1and416(A).
AbeginningteacherhastherighttoreceiveleadershipandsupportinaccordancewithR.S.17:3881,includingthe assignmentofaqualified,experiencedmentorwhocommitstohelpinghimbecomeacompetent,confidentprofessional intheclassroomandofferssupportandassistanceasneededtomeetperformancestandardsandprofessional expectations.
B.Nocity,parish,orotherlocalpublicschoolboardshallestablishpoliciesthatpreventteachersfrom exercisingtherightsprovidedinthisSectionorinanyotherprovisionincludedinR.S.17:416through426.16.
C.TheprovisionsofthisSectionshallnotbeconstruedtosupersedeanyotherstatelaw,StateBoardof ElementaryandSecondaryEducationpolicy,orcity,parish,orotherlocalpublicschoolboardpolicyenactedoradopted relativetothedisciplineofstudents.
D.Eachcity,parish,orotherlocalschoolboardshallprovideacopyofthisSectiontoallteachersatthe beginningofeachschoolyear.Eachsuchschoolboardalsoshallpostacopyoftherightsprovidedinthis Sectioninaprominentplaceineveryschoolandadministrativebuildingitoperatesandprovidesuchacopyto parentsorlegalguardiansofallchildrenattendingsuchschoolsinaformandmannerapprovedbytheschool board.Eachcity,parish,orotherlocalpublicschoolboardandeveryschoolunderitsjurisdictionthatmaintains anInternetwebsiteshallpostonsuchwebsiteacopyoftheTeacherBillofRightsrequiredbythisSection.
INGENERAL-Evangelineparishsupportsapositiveapproachtobehaviorthatusesproactivestrategiestocreateasafe schoolclimate.However,theremaybeatimewhenastudentexhibitsbehaviorsthatplacethemselvesandothersin imminentdanger.Forthisreason,schoolsmustimplementstrategiesandinterventionstoreducethelikelihoodofthese situations.AllEPSBschoolswilladheretothedistrictpoliciesinplacetoaddresstheuseofseclusionandrestraintas definedbyAct328(2011)andAct522(2016).PleaserefertotheEPSBwebsiteforthepolicyandproceduredocuments asneeded.
PupilProgressionPlan – TheEvangelineParishSchoolSystem’sPupilProgressionPlancanbeviewedat theschool’soffice,centraloffice,
It is the purpose of the Evangeline Parish School Board to operate the schools in a manner that will provide an orderly process of education and that will provide for the welfare and safety of all students who attend these schools. The school's primary goal is to educate, not discipline; however, when the behavior of the individual student comes in conflict with rights of others, corrective actions may be necessary both for the benefit of that individual and the school as a whole.
The Evangeline Parish School Board shall endeavor to address student behavior with a focus on evidence-based interventions and supports, and to prioritize classroom- and school-based interventions in lieu of out-of-school disciplinary removals to address student misconduct in order to minimize the loss of academic instructional time. Every teacher and other school employee shall endeavor to hold each student accountable for his/her behavior in school, or on the playgrounds of the school, on any school bus, on the street or while going to or returning from school, during intermission or recess, or at any school sponsored activity or function.
To assist the teacher, the School Board shall establish regulations for the use of disciplinary measures within the schools and continually monitor and appraise their usefulness. Discipline shall be administered uniformly, consistently, and in a nondiscriminatory manner, in accordance with the School Board’s Student Code of Conduct.
Principals shall have both the authority and the duty to take disciplinary action whenever the behavior of any student(s) materially interferes with or substantially disrupts the maintenance of a proper atmosphere for learning within the classroom or other parts of the school. However, no student shall be disciplined in any manner by the School Board or school administrator, teacher, or other school employee for the use of force upon another person when it can be reasonably concluded that the use of such force more probably than not was committed solely for the purpose of preventing a forcible offense against the student or a forcible offense provided that the force used shall be reasonable and apparently necessary to prevent such offense. A student who is the aggressor or who brings on a difficulty cannot claim the right stated above to defend himself/herself.
Each teacher may take disciplinary action to correct a student who violates school rules or who interferes with an orderly education process No principal or administrator shall prohibit or discourage a teacher from taking disciplinary action, recommending disciplinary action, or completing a form to initiate disciplinary action against a student who violates school policy or who interferes with an orderly education process. No principal or administrator shall retaliate or take adverse employment action against a teacher for taking disciplinary action against a student if the disciplinary action that the teacher takes is in accordance with School Board policy.
Disciplinary action by a school employee may include, but is not limited to:
1. Oral or written reprimands.
2. Referral for a counseling session which shall include but shall not be limited to conflict resolution, social responsibility, family responsibility, peer mediation, and stress management.
3. Written notification of parents of disruptive or unacceptable behavior, a copy of which shall be provided to the principal.
4. Other disciplinary measures approved by the principal and faculty of the school and in compliance with School Board policy.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Evangeline Parish School System has made virtual classes available to students. Students may also be required to attend school virtually when schools are closed due to inclement weather or other unanticipated emergencies. The Evangeline Parish School Board adopts this Virtual Discipline policy in order to clarify expectations for student conduct in the virtual classroom and to provide notice of the possible consequences of inappropriate conduct in the virtual classroom.
Regardless of the model of instruction, student conduct is governed at all times by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:416 and the Student Code of Conduct Virtual instruction shall mean instruction provided to a student through an electronic delivery medium including but not limited to electronic learning platforms that connect a student in a remote location to classroom instruction. Conduct that is unacceptable in the physical classroom is, under most circumstances, equally unacceptable in the virtual classroom. While students and parents normally have an expectation of privacy in their home, conduct that occurs in front of a camera and in view of peers and teachers in the virtual classroom may subject students to disciplinary action.
The context in which student behavior occurs is important, however, and will be taken into consideration by School and District administrators in determining whether there has been a violation of the Code of Conduct, the severity of the infraction, and the appropriate penalty, if any, under the circumstances.
Privacy and the Virtual Classroom
Students and parents, typically, have a reasonable expectation of privacy with regard to what takes place in their home outside of the view of teachers and peers in the virtual classroom. In order to ensure that students and teachers are able to work and learn in a safe and orderly virtual environment, it is imperative that students have a quiet, well-lit "classroom" space free, to the extent possible, from toys, images, messages, personal
property, or other items that may distract from teaching and learning or that may subject the student to disciplinary action if possessed on school busses, in the regular classroom, at school-sponsored events, or on school property.
Students should be cautioned that the virtual classroom is for instruction and for engaging with peers and teachers for educational purposes. Students must not handle or display items, toys, messages, images, or personal property or engage in conduct unrelated to the lessons taking place. Students who engage in conduct in the virtual classroom that violates the Student Code of Conduct and this Virtual Discipline policy may be subject to discipline in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and this policy.
School and/or district officials may be required, as mandatory reporters, to alert local law enforcement and/or the Department of Children and Family Services if they observe conduct, messages, images, or objects that raise legitimate concern for the safety and well-being of students in the virtual classroom. This may include students handling weapons in the virtual classroom, even if it is subsequently learned that the weapon is a toy or facsimile, as it is not always possible to determine remotely whether the weapon is real or not.
Conduct in the Virtual Classroom
Students are responsible for all content posted through their online account(s) Students are prohibited from sharing their online account username or password or using the username or password of another student. Students may be required to have their computer camera turned on when virtual classes are in session.
Following is a non-exclusive list of behaviors that are prohibited in the virtual classroom and that may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and this policy:
• Antagonistic, harassing, or discriminatory language of any kind with regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender, intelligence, age, orientation, disability-, socioeconomic status or any other legally protected characteristic or activity
• Bullying and/or cyberbullying
• Use of obscene, degrading or profane language (written, verbal, pictures, drawings, audio, video)
• Displaying pornography, nudity or images of nudity
• Committing lewd or sexual acts
• Handling or displaying weapons, including toy or facsimile weapons*
• Any criminal or other illegal activity encouraging the unlawful use, possession, manufacture or distribution of tobacco, drugs or alcohol*
• Illegal posting, distribution, upload or download of copyrighted work of any kind
• Sharing assignments, questions/answers, or any other action that would violate any expectations or rules relative to academic honesty
• Posting personally identifiable information in any format other than via private message
• Indecent dress or disrobing
• Interference with the instructional audio or video
• Use or display of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco or tobacco products, or gaping devices*
• Violations of the Board's/School's Acceptable Use policy or Device Contract
Consequences of Inappropriate Online Conduct
Parents and students must be aware that conduct that is unacceptable and disruptive in the regular classroom environment is, typically, unacceptable in the virtual classroom. The School Board recognizes, however, that virtual learning is likely a new experience for students and families, and that the context in which student conduct occurs must be taken into account in determining the appropriate penalty, if any, imposed for violations of the Student Code of Conduct in the virtual classroom.
Student conduct that occurs in the virtual classroom may be subject to progressive discipline which, depending on the seriousness of the conduct at issue, may include an initial verbal warning and consultation with the student's parent or guardian prior to any formal disciplinary action. The seriousness of the conduct at issue will dictate the actions of administrators and the nature of the penalty ultimately imposed. For example, a student may be subject to a severe penalty, even for a first offense, depending on the seriousness of the conduct at issue.
Some factors that administrators will likely take into account in determining the penalty to be imposed, if any, for conduct that occurs in the virtual classroom may include:
• Age of the student
• Whether the conduct disrupted learning in the virtual classroom
• Whether the conduct was violent or threatening in any way
• Whether the conduct was illegal
• Whether the conduct interfered with the rights of teachers and/or students to work and learn in a safe and orderly environment free from inappropriate images, messages, language or behavior
• Whether the student has committed prohibited conduct in the past
• Whether the student has received prior warnings or discipline for similar conduct
*Conduct in the virtual classroom related to the display or handling of weapons or drugs, or other conduct that raises legitimate concerns about the safety and welfare of a student, must be reported immediately to the School Principal and/or School Resource Officer in order to assess whether the matter must be reported to local law enforcement and/or the Department of Children and Family Services.
When a student’s behavior prevents the orderly instruction of other students, poses an immediate threat to the safety of students or the teacher, or when a student violates the school’s code of conduct the teacher shall have the student immediately removed from his/her classroom and placed in custody of the principal or his/her designee.
Any student removed from class in kindergarten through grade five shall not be permitted to return to class for at least thirty (30) minutes unless agreed to by the teacher initiating the disciplinary action. A student removed from class in grades six through twelve shall not be permitted to return to class during the same class period, unless agreed to by the teacher initiating the disciplinary action.
Whenever a teacher is struck by a student, the student, in addition to any other discipline given, shall be permanently removed from the teacher's classroom, unless the teacher objects, or unless the principal, with the concurrence of the building level committee, finds the striking incident to be entirely inadvertent.
Upon the student being removed from class and sent to the principal's office, the principal or designee shall advise the student of the particular misconduct of which he is accused as well as the basis for such accusation, and the student shall be given an opportunity at that time to explain his/her version of the facts. The principal or his/her designee then shall conduct a counseling session with the student as may be appropriate to establish a course of action, consistent with School Board policy to identify and correct the behavior for which the student is being disciplined.
Once removed, the student shall not be readmitted to the classroom until the principal has implemented at least one of the following disciplinary measures:
1. Conferencing with the principal or his/her designee.
2. Referral to counseling.
3. Peer mediation.
4. Referral to the school building level committee.
5. Restorative justice practices.
6. Loss of privileges
7. Detention
8. In-school suspension
9 Out-of-school suspension
10. Initiation of expulsion hearings
11 Referral for assignment to an alternative setting
12. Requiring the completion of all assigned school work and homework that would have been assigned and completed by the student during the period of out-of-school suspension.
13. Any other disciplinary measure authorized by the principal with the concurrence of the teacher or building level committee.
Parental Notification
The principal or his/her designee shall provide oral or written notification to the parent or legal guardian of any student removed from the classroom. Such notification shall include a description of any disciplinary action taken.
When a student has been removed from a classroom, the teacher or the principal or his/her designee may require the parent, or legal guardian of the student to have a conference with the teacher or the principal or his/her designee before the student is readmitted. Such conference may be in person or by telephone or other virtual means.
Upon the student’s third removal from the same classroom, the teacher and principal shall discuss the disruptive behavior patterns of the student and the potentially appropriate disciplinary measure before the principal implements a disciplinary measure. In addition, a conference between the teacher or other appropriate school employee and the student’s parent, or legal guardian is required prior to the student being readmitted to that same classroom. Such conference may be in person or by telephone or other virtual means. If such conference is required by the school, the school shall give written notice to the parent.
For students who experience multiple behavioral incidents or disciplinary referrals, a principal or his designee shall consider a referral of the matter to an appropriate school building level committee. If the disruptive behavior persists, the teacher may request that the principal transfer the student into another setting.
In any case where a teacher, principal, or other school employee is authorized to require the parent or legal guardian of a student to attend a conference or meeting regarding the student’s behavior, and after notice, the parent or legal guardian willfully refuses to attend, the principal, or his/her designee, shall file a complaint, in accordance with statutory provisions, with a court exercising juvenile jurisdiction. Notice of the conference, specifying the time and date of the conference, shall be given by contacting the parent, or legal guardian by telephone at the telephone number shown on the student’s registration card or by sending a certified letter to the address shown on the student’s registration card.
Any teacher or other school employee may report to the principal any student who acts in a disorderly manner or is in violation of school rules, or any misconduct or violation of school rules by a student who may or may not be known to the teacher or employee. Incidents of alleged discipline violations shall be reported on the School Behavior Report/School Bus Behavior Report form provided by the Louisiana Department of Education. The forms shall be submitted in accordance with procedures outlined by the
School District, the Superintendent, and school system personnel. The principal shall review and act upon such information submitted, to determine if suspension or other disciplinary action is necessary.
Should the principal fail to act on any report of misconduct or school violation, he/she shall explain the reasons for doing so to the Superintendent or his/her designee and to the teacher or school employee, student, parent, or legal guardian reporting the violation.
Students who regularly disrupt the normal school environment shall be considered as delinquent, and may be reported by appropriate school personnel to the juvenile court. Any student that exhibits disruptive behavior, an incorrigible attitude, or any other discipline problems in general may be recommended by the principal for expulsion, assignment to an appropriate alternative educational placement, or transfer to adult education if the student is:
1. Seventeen (17) years of age or older with less than five (5) units of credit toward graduation;
2. Eighteen (18) years of age or older with less than ten (10) units of credit toward graduation; or
3. Nineteen (19) years of age or older with less than fifteen (15) units of credit toward graduation.
Any school administrator or administrator's designee who is required to make a recommendation, decide an issue, or take action in a matter involving the discipline of a student shall recuse himself/herself whenever a member of the immediate family of the administrator or administrator's designee is involved in any manner in the discipline matter. In case of recusal, the action to be taken shall be done so by the Superintendent or an impartial designee of the Superintendent.
Immediate family means the individual's children, brothers, sisters, parents, and spouse and the children, brothers, sisters, and parents of the spouse.
Discipline of students with disabilities or exceptionalities, or an Individualized Education Program or Section 504 Individualized Accommodation Plan, shall be to the extent allowed by applicable state or federal law and regulations or the provisions of the student’s specific plan.
Out-of-school suspension means the removal of a student from all classes of instruction on public school grounds and all other school-sponsored activities.
In-school suspension means removing a student from his/her normal classroom setting but maintaining him under supervision within the school. Students participating in inschool suspension shall receive credit for work performed during the in-school suspension. However, any student who fails to comply fully with the rules for in-school suspension may be subject to immediate out-of-school suspension
Detention shall mean activities, assignments, or work held before the normal school day, after the normal school day, or on weekends. Failure or refusal by a student to participate in assigned detention may subject the student to immediate out-of-school suspension. Assignments, activities, or work which may be assigned during detention include, but are not limited to, counseling, homework assignments, behavior modification program, or other activities aimed at improving the behavior and conduct of the student.
Expulsion (unless otherwise defined as a permanent expulsion by law) shall mean the removal of a student from school for at least one school semester. During an expulsion the Superintendent shall place the student in an alternative school or in an alternative educational placement.
Firearm means any pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, submachine gun, blackpowder weapon, or assault rifle that is designed to fire or is capable of firing fixed cartridge ammunition or from which a shot or projectile is discharged by an explosive.
Revised: November, 2012
Revised: March 12, 2014
Revised: December 9, 2020
Revised: July, 2021
Revised: August 17, 2022
Revised: July, 2024
Ref: 42 USC 12112 et seq. (Equal Opportunity for Individuals with Disabilities); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:223, 17:224, 17:233, 17:239, 17:252, 17:416, 17:416.1, 17:416.13; Regulations for Implementation of the Exceptional Children's Act, Bulletin 1706, Louisiana Department of Education; Board minutes, 10-21-09, 3-1214, 12-9-20, 8-17-22
In accordance with R. S. 17:416(A) the purpose of this report is to inform parents/guardians of a behavior incident on the school campus, in the classroom, cafeteria, gymnasium, auditorium, elsewhere at the school or during school-related activities, and of subsequent disciplinary action taken by school officials. Because this or other incidents may jeopardize the safety, well-being or education of other students, parents are urged to discuss the incident and possible implications with the student to prevent further occurrences.
Name of Student:
Name of Teacher/Staff:
Name of Principal:
Check One: Regular Education 504 Special Education
Date of Incident: Time:
Time Code: 01 Before School on Grounds, 02 During Class, 03 Between Classes, 04 After Normal School Hours & Supervised, 05 To/From School, 06 At Bus Stop or Transfer Station, 07 During School Extracurricular/Assembly Event, 08 Recess, Club, Free Time, 09 Homeroom, 10 Breakfast/Lunch
Location Code: 01 Classroom, 02 Restroom, 03 Lunchroom, 04 Hallway, 05 Playground, 07 At Bus Stop or Transfer Station, 08 Parking Lot, 09 Locker Room, 10 Cell Phone, 11 Internet, 12 To or From School, 13 School Sponsored Event, 14 Home, 98 Offsite Program, 99 Other
01. Willful disobedience
02. Treats an authority with disrespect
03. Makes an unfounded charge against authority
04. Uses profane and/or obscene language
05. Commits immoral or vicious practices
06. Conduct or habits injurious to his/her associates
07. Uses or possesses any controlled dangerous substances governed by the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law, in any form
08. Uses or possesses electronic vapor products, tobacco, lighter, or matches
09. Uses or possesses alcoholic beverages
10. Disturbs the school or habitually violates any rule
INFRACTION/REASON CODES (Check all that apply)
11. Cuts, defaces, or injures any part of public school buildings/vandalism
12. Writes profane and/or obscene language or draws obscene pictures
13. Possesses weapon (s) as defined in Section 921 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code. Use of code 13 requires additional submission of the Weapon Type code.
14. Possesses firearms (not prohibited by federal law), knives, or other implements, which may be used as weapons, the careless use of which might inflict harm or injury (Excludes pocket knives with a blade length < 2 ½“ - refer to code 31).
15. Throws missiles liable to injure others
16. Instigates or participates in fights while under school supervision
17. Violates traffic and safety regulations
18. Leaves school premises or classroom without permission
19. Is habitually tardy and/ or absent
20. Takes another’s property or possessions without permission
21. Commits any other serious offense
30. Discharge or use of weapon(s) prohibited by federal law
31. Possesses pocket knife or blade cutter with a blade length < 2 ½”
33. Use of OTC medication in a manner other than prescribed or authorized
34. Possession of Body Armor
35. Bullying/Harrassment (complete Bullying Form and Bullying Investigation Form)
36. Cyber Bullying (complete Bullying Form and Bullying Investigation Form)
37. False Alarm/Bomb Threat
38. Forgery
39. Gambling
40. Public Indecency
41. Obscene behavior or Possession of Obscene/ Pornographic Material
42. Unauthorized use of Technology
43. Improper dress
44. Academic dishonesty
45. Trespassing Violation
46. Failure to Serve Assigned Consequence
47. Misusing Internet/ Violates electronic/ technology policy
48. Sexual Harassment
49. False Report
50. Crime of Violence (per R.S. 14:2B)
The student named above is hereby reported for inappropriate behavior as indicated in this report. This is the student’s 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th (circle one) or other cumulative behavioral referral(s). I have taken the following action(s):
011 Referred to Office
012 Referred to Counselor
013 Referred to Social Worker
014 Referred to SBLC
018 Secondary Referral (PBIS)
019 Tertiary Referral (PBIS)
022 Therapeutic Removal
025 Intervention Room
080 Assigned Remedial Work
120 Student Conference
140 Student Reprimand
160 Loss of Privileges
030 Restorative Practices Implemented
173 Conference with Parents or Guardians
175 Conference with Principal
999 Other Action
Contact Parent/Guardian? Y N Date: Time: Phone Call Letter Conference Date: Time:
Signature of School Employee:
The student named above is hereby reported for inappropriate behavior as indicated in this report. This is the student’s 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th (circle one) or other cumulative behavioral referral(s). I have taken the following action(s):
000 No Action – only use if no reportable action was taken
001 Expulsion Recommendation
002 Suspension Out of School from to
004 Suspension In School from to 006 Suspension Alternative Site from to
012 Referred to Counselor
013 Referral to Social Worker
014 Referred to School Building Level Committee (SBLC)
016 Court Referral Date:
017 Enforcement Referral (Arrest Resulted Y N)
020 TOR (Time Out Room)
030 Restorative Practices Implemented
040 In School Detention from to 043 After School Detention from to 045 Weekend Detention from to
080 Assigned Remedial Work
120 Student Conference Date:
140 Student Reprimand 160 Loss of Privileges
173 Conference w/ Parents or Guardians on:
175 Conference w/ Principal on:
180 Corporal Punishment (if checked, complete “Corporal Punishment” Incidence Checklist)
999 Other Action(s):
Perpetrator: Serious Bodily
Contact Parent/Guardian? Y N Date: Time: Phone Call Letter Conference Date: Time:
SIS Primary Infraction/Reason Code Entered: Signature of Principal: Date:
Signature of Student:
Signature of Parent/Guardian: Current Date:
Check appropriate blocks as copies of the document are supplied: Parent/Guardian School’s Pupil File Employee Filing this Report Principal
NOTE: The principal shall return a completed copy of this form to the staff member who initiated the referral within 48 hours (excluding non-work days) of the time it was submitted to the principal.
Attachments: Provide copies of all documents related to the behavior of the student named above and prepared by the employee submitting this referral.
Inanefforttopreventbullying,thisinformationisbeingsharedwiththestudentandparentatthestartoftheschoolyear. Ifastudentisadvisedofunacceptablebehaviorinthepresenceoftheprincipalandhisparents,andcontinuesthesame behavior,hemaybesuspendedand/orrecommendedforexpulsion.
TheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardiscommittedtomaintainingasafe,orderly,civilandpositivelearningenvironmentso thatnostudentfeelsthreatenedwhileinschoolorparticipatinginschool-relatedactivities.Studentsandtheirparents/guardiansshall benotifiedthattheschool,schoolbus,andallotherschoolenvironmentsaretobesafeandsecureforall.Therefore,allstatementsor actionsofabullying,cyberbullying,intimidating,threatening,harassing,hazing,terrorizing,oranyotherviolentnaturemadeon campus,atschool-sponsoredactivities,onschoolbuses,atschoolbusstops,anden-routefromhometothebusstopandfromthe busstophomeshallnotbetolerated.Evenifmadeinajokingmanner,thesestatementsoractionsthreateningotherstudents,school personnel,orschoolpropertyshallbeunacceptable.Allstudents,teachers,andotherschoolemployeesshalltakeresponsible measureswithinthescopeoftheirindividualauthoritytopreventviolationsofthispolicy.
Itisimportantthatthestudent/parentunderstandwhatconstitutesbullyingandwhatshouldbedonetoreportbullying.Acts ofBullyingarenotcondonednorwilltheybetolerated.
Bullyinginvestigationsoftenresultinthedeterminationthattheallegedbehaviordoesnotmeetthedefinitionofbullyingbut maywellviolateotherprohibitedbehaviorsinthecodeofconduct.Oftentimesjoking,picking,andevenfightingdonotmeetthe definitionofbullying.Allinappropriatebehaviorswillbeaddressed.Itisveryimportantthatinappropriatebehaviorsbereportedina timelymanner.InitialreportsofallegedbullyingmaybereportedorallybutawrittenreportneedstobesubmittedwithinTWOdays.
Theconsequencesofbullyingcouldbeasextremeas suspensionand/orexpulsion andinsomecasescriminal charges.Therefore,werecognizetheimportanceofdefiningbullyingtostudentsandparents.
(b)Written,electronic,orverbalcommunications,includingbutnotlimitedtocallingnames,threateningharm,taunting, maliciousteasing,orspreadinguntruerumors.Electroniccommunicationincludesbutisnotlimitedtoacommunicationorimage transmittedbyemail,instantmessage,textmessage,blog,orsocialnetworkingwebsitethroughtheuseofatelephone,mobilephone, pager,computer,orotherelectronicdevice.
(c)Physicalacts,includingbutnotlimitedtohitting,kicking,pushing,tripping,choking,damagingpersonalproperty,or unauthorizeduseofpersonalproperty.
"ThePATTERNofbehaviormusthavetheeffectofphysicallyharmingastudent,placingthestudentinreasonablefearof physicalharm,damagingastudent'sproperty,placingthestudentinreasonablefearofdamagetothestudent'sproperty,ormustbe sufficientlysevere,persistent,andpervasiveenoughtoeithercreateanintimidatingorthreateningeducationalenvironment,havethe effectofsubstantiallyinterferingwithastudent'sperformanceinschool,orhavetheeffectofsubstantiallydisruptingtheorderly operationoftheschool".
Inanefforttopreventbullying,whetherintentionalornot,theschooladministrationmayasktheparentandstudenttoparticipateina preventionconferenceifdeemedappropriate.ThepurposeoftheBullyingPreventionConferenceistohaveanopendiscussionabout thedefinitionofbullyingandanypossibleallegedincidents.Theintentoftheconferenceistopreventacontinuationofbehaviorsthat maylaterconstitutebullying.
ReportingProcedures Anystudentwhobelievesheorshehasbeenthevictimofbullying,intimidation,threateningor violentbehavior,harassment,hazing,orterrorizingbyastudent,teacher,administratororotherschoolpersonnel,orbyanyother personwhoisparticipatingin,observingorotherwiseengagedinactivitiesincludingsportingeventsandotherextracurricular activities,undertheauspicesoftheschooldistrictoraschoolwithintheschoolsystem, isencouragedtoimmediatelyreportthe allegedactstoanyappropriateschoolofficialusingthestateissuedform.
Thelengthofanydisciplinaryaction,whiletakingintoaccounttheseriousnessofandthenumberofinfractionscommitted,will bedeterminedbytheadministration.Asuspensionmayrangefromone(1)toten(10)days.Anystudentwhohasbeensuspended mustattendare-entrymeetingwiththeparentbeforetheywillbeallowedtoattendanyclassesunlessmodifiedbytheschool administration.
Whenastudentissuspendedfromschool,hemustbeinformedofthechargesagainsthim,andhemustbegiventhe opportunitytorespondtothecharges.Theparentmustbenotifiedofthechargesresultinginthesuspension.Ifhecannotbereached bytelephone,theschoolmustsendtheappropriatenoticeassoonaspossible.Parentswillbenotifiedbycertifiedmailuponthethird suspensionorbysigningthereferralmakingsuchnotification,givingwarningthatthefourthsuspensionmayresultinanexpulsion.An appealofsuspensionmaybemadetotheSuperintendent.
Astudentwhosepresenceinoraboutaschoolposesacontinueddangertopersonorpropertyoranongoingthreatof disruptionwillbeimmediatelyremovedfromtheschoolpremiseswithoutthebenefitoftheproceduredescribedabove.However, propernotificationmustfollow.Shouldaparentwishtodiscussthefindings,theprincipalwillmeetwiththeparent.Iftheparentis dissatisfied,hemayappealthedecisiontotheSuperintendent.
Inaccordancewith LAR.S.416.12 “Whenanypublicschoolstudentisspeakingwithanypublicschoolsystem employeewhileonschoolpropertyorataschoolsponsoredevent,suchstudentshalladdressandrespondtosuch publicschoolsystememployeebyusingtherespectfulterms"Yes,Ma'am"and"No,Ma'am"or"Yes,Sir"and"No,Sir", asappropriate,or"Yes,Miss,Mrs.,orMs.(Surname)"and"No,Miss,Mrs.,orMs.(Surname)"or"Yes,Mr.(Surname)" and"No,Mr.(Surname)",asappropriate,eachsuchtitletobefollowedbytheappropriatesurname.
NoticetoParentsandStudents–RelativetoBullyingIncidentInvestigation/BullyingPrevention Conference
Inanefforttopreventbullying,thisinformationisbeingsharedwiththestudentandparentatthestartofthe schoolyear.
Ifastudentisadvisedofunacceptablebehaviorinthepresenceoftheprincipalandhisparents,and continuesthesamebehavior,hemaybesuspendedand/orrecommendedforexpulsion.
TheEvangelineParishSchoolBoardiscommittedtomaintainingasafe,orderly,civilandpositivelearning environmentsothatnostudentfeelsthreatenedwhileinschoolorparticipatinginschool-relatedactivities.Studentsand theirparents/guardiansshallbenotifiedthattheschool,schoolbus,andallotherschoolenvironmentsaretobesafeand secureforall.Therefore,allstatementsoractionsofabullying,cyberbullying,intimidating,threatening,harassing, hazing,terrorizing,oranyotherviolentnaturemadeoncampus,atschool-sponsoredactivities,onschoolbuses,at schoolbusstops,andinroutefromhometothebusstopandfromthebusstophomeshallnotbetolerated.Evenif madeinajokingmanner,thesestatementsoractionsthreateningotherstudents,schoolpersonnel,orschoolproperty shallbeunacceptable.Allstudents,teachers,andotherschoolemployeesshalltakeresponsiblemeasureswithinthe scopeoftheirindividualauthoritytopreventviolationsofthispolicy.
Itisimportantthatthestudent/parentunderstandwhatconstitutesbullyingandwhatshouldbedoneto reportbullying.ActsofBullyingarenotcondonednorwilltheybetolerated.
Bullyinginvestigationsoftenresultinthedeterminationthattheallegedbehaviordoesnotmeetthedefinitionof bullyingbutmaywellviolateotherprohibitedbehaviorsinthecodeofconduct.Oftentimesjoking,picking,andeven fightingdonotmeetthedefinitionofbullying.Allinappropriatebehaviorswillbeaddressed.Itisveryimportantthat inappropriatebehaviorsbereportedinatimelymanner.Initialreportsofallegedbullyingmaybereportedorallybut awrittenreportneedstobesubmittedwithinTWOdaysonthe LouisianastateBullyingReportForm.
Theconsequencesofbullyingcouldbeasextremeas suspensionand/orexpulsion andinsomecases criminalcharges.Therefore,werecognizetheimportanceofdefiningbullyingtostudentsandparents.
(b)Written,electronic,orverbalcommunications,includingbutnotlimitedtocallingnames,threatening harm,taunting,maliciousteasing,orspreadinguntruerumors.Electroniccommunicationincludesbutisnotlimitedtoa communicationorimagetransmittedbyemail,instantmessage,textmessage,blog,orsocialnetworkingwebsite throughtheuseofatelephone,mobilephone,pager,computer,orotherelectronicdevice.
(c)Physicalacts,includingbutnotlimitedtohitting,kicking,pushing,tripping,choking,damaging personalproperty,orunauthorizeduseofpersonalproperty.
"ThePATTERNofbehaviormusthavetheeffectofphysicallyharmingastudent,placingthestudentin reasonablefearofphysicalharm,damagingastudent'sproperty,placingthestudentinreasonablefearofdamagetothe student'sproperty,ormustbesufficientlysevere,persistent,andpervasiveenoughtoeithercreateanintimidatingor threateningeducationalenvironment,havetheeffectofsubstantiallyinterferingwithastudent'sperformanceinschool,or havetheeffectofsubstantiallydisruptingtheorderlyoperationoftheschool".
Inanefforttopreventbullying,whetherintentionalornot,theschooladministrationmayasktheparentandstudentto participateinapreventionconferenceifdeemedappropriate.ThepurposeoftheBullyingPreventionConferenceisto haveanopendiscussionaboutthedefinitionofbullyingandanyallegedincidents.Theintentoftheconferenceisto preventacontinuationofbehaviorsthatmaylaterconstitutebullying.
Instructions: Complete this form, responding only to the questions that you feel comfortable answering and are able to report accurately. Submit this form to the principal or other school employee. This form may be completed by the person reporting the incident or by the school employee to whom the incident is being reported.
Person Reporting the Incident: Date of Report:
Person Reporting the Incident: Student Parent/Guardian School Employee Chaperone
Description of Incident (Include the names of those involved and as much detail as possible: what, where, when, how, etc.)
List the name(s) of any witnesses to the incident.
I agree that all of the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of Person Filing Report Date
Received by :
The Evangeline Parish School Board is committed to maintaining a safe, orderly, civil and positive learning environment so that no student is subject to bullying, hazing, or similar behavior while in school or participating in school-related activities. Students and their parents or legal guardians shall be notified that the school, school bus, and all other school environments areto besafe andsecurefor all. Therefore, allstatements or actions of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior made on campus, at school-sponsored activities, or events, on school buses, at school bus stops, and on the way to and from school shall not be tolerated. Even if made in a joking manner, these statements or actions of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior towards other students or school personnel shall be unacceptable.
All students, teachers, and other school employees shall take responsible measures within the scope of their individual authority to prevent violations of this policy.
Bullying shall mean:
1. A pattern of any one or more of the following:
A. Gestures, including but not limited to obscene gestures and making faces.
B. Written, electronic, or verbal communications, including but not limited to calling names, threatening harm, taunting, malicious teasing, or spreading untrue rumors. Electronic communication includes but is not limited to a communication or image transmitted by email, instant message, text message, blog, or social networking website through the use of a telephone, mobile phone, pager, computer, or other electronic device.
C. Physical acts, including but not limited to hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, choking, damaging personal property, or unauthorized use of personal property.
D. Repeatedly and purposefully shunning or excluding from activities.
2. Where the pattern of behavior as enumerated above is exhibited toward a student, more than once, by another student or group of students and occurs, or is received by, a student while on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related function or activity, at any designated school bus stop, in any other school bus or any other school or private vehicle used to transport students to and from schools, or any school-sponsored activity or event.
3. The pattern of behavior as provided above shall have the effect of physically
harming a student, placing the student in reasonable fear of physical harm, damaging a student's property, placing the student in reasonable fear of damage to the student's property, or shall be sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough to either create an intimidating or threatening educational environment, have the effect of substantially interfering with a student's performance in school, or have the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
Each elementary and secondary school shall institute a program to prohibit and prevent bullying. The program shall:
1. Define bullying as provided above.
2. Ensure each student, each student's parent or legal guardian, and each school administrator, teacher, counselor, bus operator, school employee, and volunteer is aware of his/her duties and responsibilities relative to preventing and stopping bullying.
3. Provide for a process for reporting and investigating alleged incidents of bullying.
4. Provide for appropriate discipline of a student found guilty of bullying.
5. Provide for appropriate remedies for a student found to have been bullied.
6. Provide for procedures for investigating and reporting each school administrator, teacher, counselor, bus operator, and school employee for failure to act as provided.
Hazing shall mean any knowing behavior, whether by commission or omission, of any student to encourage, direct, order, or participate in any activity which subjects another student to potential physical, mental, or psychological harm for the purpose of initiation or admission into, affiliation with, continued membership in, or acceptance by existing members of any organization or extracurricular activity at a public elementary or secondary school, whether such behavior is planned or occurs on or off school property, including any school bus and school bus stop. Hazing does not mean any adult-directed and school-sanctioned athletic program practice or event or military training program.
Any solicitation to engage in hazing, and the aiding and abetting another person who engages in hazing shall be prohibited. The consent, stated or implied, of the hazing victim shall not be a defense in determining disciplinary action.
The School Board shall inform each student, orally and in writing, at the required
orientation conducted at the beginning of each school year, of the prohibition against bullying, hazing, or similar behavior of a student by another student; the nature and consequences of such actions; including the potential criminal consequences and loss of driver's license, and the proper process and procedure for reporting any incidents involving such prohibited actions. A copy of the written notice shall also be delivered to each student's parent or legal guardian.
The principal or his/her designee shall be authorized to receive complaints alleging violation of this policy. All employees, parents, volunteers, or any other school personnel shall report alleged violations to the principal or his/her designee. Any written or oral report of an act of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior shall be considered an official means of reporting such act(s). Complaints, reports, and investigative reports of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior shall remain confidential, with limited exception of state or federal law.
The reporting of incidents of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior shall be made on the Bullying Report form, which shall include an affirmation of truth. Any bullying, hazing, or similar behavior report submitted, regardless of recipient, shall use this form, but additional information may be provided. The form shall be available on the website of each public elementary and secondary school.
Students and Parents
Any student who believes that he/she has been, or is currently, the victim of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior, or any student, or any parent or legal guardian, who witnesses bullying, hazing, or similar behavior or has good reason to believe bullying, hazing, or similar behavior is taking place, may report the situation to a school official, who in turn shall report the situation to the principal or his/her designee. A student, or parent or legal guardian, may also report concerns regarding bullying, hazing, or similar behavior to a teacher, counselor, other school employee, or to any chaperone supervising a school function or activity. Any report shall remain confidential
School Personnel
Any school employee, whether full- or part-time, and any chaperone supervising a school function or activity, who witnesses or learns of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior, immediately shall report the incident to the principal or his/her designee. Verbal reports shall be submitted by the employee or chaperone on the same day as the employee or chaperone witnessed or otherwise learned of the incident, and a written report shall be filed no later than two (2) days thereafter.
All other members of the school community, including students, parents or legal guardians, volunteers, and visitors shall be encouraged to report any act that may be a violation of this policy to the principal or his/her designee.
False Reports
Intentionally making false reports about bullying, hazing, or similar behavior to school officials shall be prohibited conduct and shall result in appropriate disciplinary measures as determined by the School Board.
Investigations of any reports of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior of a student shall be in accordance with the following:
The school shall begin an investigation of any complaint that is properly reported and that alleges the prohibited conduct the next business or school day after the report is received by the principal or his/her designee. The investigation shall be completed as expeditiously as possible, but not later than ten (10) school days after thedatethewrittenreport of the incident is submittedtothe principalor his/her designee. If additional information is received after the end of the ten-day period, the school principal or his/her designee shall amend all documents and reports required to reflect such information.
2. Scope of Investigation
An investigation shall include documented interviews of the reporter, the alleged victim, the alleged bully or offender, and any witnesses, and shall include obtaining oral, visual or written evidence, including, but not limited to statements, writings, recordings, electronic messages, and photographs. Interviews shall be conducted privately, separately, and confidentially. Unless necessary for the purpose of the investigation, the alleged offender and alleged victim shall not be interviewed together.
The principal or his/her designee shall collect and evaluate all facts using the Bullying Investigation form.
3. Parental Notification
Upon receiving a report of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior, the school shall notify the parent or legal guardian of each involved student no later than the following business or school day. Delivery of notice to the parents or legal guardians by an involved student shall not constitute the required parental notice.
Before any student under the age of eighteen (18) is interviewed, his/her parent or legal guardian shall be notified by the principal or his/her designee of the allegations made and shall have the opportunity to attend any interviews with their child conducted as part of the investigation.
All meetings with the parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim and the parents or legal guardians of the alleged perpetrator shall be in compliance with the following:
A. Separate meetings shall be held with the parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim and the parents or legal guardians of the alleged perpetrator.
B. Parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim and of the alleged perpetrator shall be informed of the potential consequences, penalties, and counseling options.
In any case where a teacher, principal, or other school employee is authorized to require the parent or legal guardian of a student who is under the age of eighteen (18)and not judicially emancipated or emancipated by marriage to attend a conference or meeting regarding the student's behavior and, after notice, the parent, or legal guardian willfully refuses to attend, the principal or his/her designee shall file a complaint, pursuant to Louisiana Children’s Code, Article 730 or Article 731, with a court exercising juvenile jurisdiction. The principal may also file a complaint on the grounds the student is a truant or has willfully and repeatedly violated school rules, or any other applicable ground when, in his/her judgment, doing so is in the best interests of the student.
4. Documentation
At the conclusion of an investigation of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior, and after meeting with the parents or legal guardians of each involved student, the principal or his/her designee or School Board shall:
A. Prepare a written report containing the findings of the investigation, including input from the involved students’ parents or legal guardians, and the decision by the principal or his/her designee or school system official. The document shall be placed in the school records of each involved student.
B. Promptly notify the reporter/complainant of the findings of the investigation and whether remedial action has been taken, if such release of information does not violate the law.
C. Keep reports/complaints and investigative reports confidential, except where disclosure is required to be made by applicable federal laws, rules, or regulations or by state law.
D. Maintain reports/complaints and investigative reports for three (3) years.
E. As applicable, provide a copy of any reports and investigative documents to the School Board for disciplinary measures, or to the Louisiana
Department of Education, as necessary.
F. As applicable, provide a copy of any reports and investigative documents to the appropriate law enforcement officials
During the pendency of an investigation, the school district may take immediate steps, at its discretion, to protect the alleged victim, students, teachers, administrators or other school personnel pending completion of the investigation.
Handling Evidence
Whenever an employee/administrator receives notice of a bullying or hazing, or similar behavior, any physical evidence of the act/communication shall be secured in the building administrator’s office with as little physical contact as possible. If the act/communication is in the form of graffiti, the area shall be sealed off by the building administrator. Photographs shall be taken as soon as possible. Student/public exposure shall be as minimal as possible. Graffiti shall not be removed until law enforcement has properly examined the area.
If the school principal or his/her designee does not take timely and effective action in any bullying incident, the student, parent or legal guardian, or school employee may report, in writing, the incident to the School Board. The School Board shall begin an investigation of any properly reported complaint that alleges prohibited conduct the next business day during which school is in session after the report is received by the School Board.
If the School Board does not take timely and effective action, the student, parent or legal guardian, or other school employee may report any bullying incident to the Louisiana Department of Education.
Once a report has been received at a school, and a school principal or his/her designee has determined that an act of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior has occurred, and after having met with the parent or legal guardian of the student involved, the principal or his/her designee, or applicable school official shall take prompt and appropriate disciplinary action against the student, and report criminal conduct to law enforcement. Counseling and/or other interventions may also be recommended
Students may be disciplined for off-campus bullying, hazing, or similar behavior the same as if the improper conduct occurred on campus, if the actions of the offender substantially interfere with the education opportunities or educational programs of the student victim and/or adversely affects the ability of the student victim to participate in or benefit from the school’s education programs or activities.
If a parent, legal guardian, teacher, or other school official has made four (4) or more reports of separate instances of bullying, and no investigation pursuant to state law or this policy has occurred, the parent or legal guardian of the alleged victim may request that the student be transferred to another school operated by the School Board.
Such request shall be filed with the Superintendent. Upon receipt of the request to transfer the student to another school, the School Board shall make a seat available at another school under its jurisdiction within ten (10) school days of the parent or legal guardian's request for a transfer. If the School Board has no other school under its jurisdiction serving the grade level of the alleged victim, within fifteen (15) school days of receiving the request, the Superintendent shall:
1. Inform the student and his/her parent or legal guardian and facilitate the student's enrollment in a statewide virtual school.
2. Offer the student a placement in a full-time virtual program or virtual school under the School Board’s jurisdiction.
3. Enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Superintendent or director of another governing authority to secure a placement and provide for the transfer of the student to a school serving the grade level of the student, in accordance with statutory provisions.
If no seat or other placement is made available within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of the request by the Superintendent, the parent or legal guardian may request a hearing with the School Board, which shall be public or private at the option of the parent or legal guardian. The School Board shall grant the hearing at the next scheduled meeting or within sixty (60) calendar days, whichever is sooner.
At the end of any school year, the parent or legal guardian may make a request to the School Board to transfer the student back to the original school. The School Board shall make a seat available at the original school that the student attended. No other schools shall qualify for transfer under this provision.
Any teacher, counselor, bus operator, administrator, or other school employee, whether full- or part-time, who witnesses bullying or who receives a report of bullying from an alleged victim, and who fails to report the incident to a school official shall be investigated by the School Board. Upon finding a reasonable expectation that the individual failed to act, the School Board shall suspend the individual without pay. The length of the suspension shall be determined by the School Board based on the severity of the bullying inflicted on the victim. The School Board shall report each finding of a failure to report and the length of suspension issued to each employee who failed to report to the State
Department of Education.
Any school administrator or official who fails to notify a parent or legal guardian of a report of bullying, timely investigate a report of bullying, take prompt and appropriate disciplinary action against any person that was determined to have engaged in bullying, or report criminal conduct to the appropriate law enforcement official shall be investigated by the School Board. Upon finding a reasonable expectation that the individual failed to act, the School Board shall suspend the individual without pay. The length of the suspension shall be determined by the School Board based on the severity of the bullying inflicted on the victim. The School Board shall report each finding of a failure to report bullying and the length of suspension issued to the employee who failed to report to the State Department of Education. The report shall be submitted by August first annually.
The School Board shall provide a minimum of four (4) hours of training for all new employees who have contact with students and two (2) hours of training each subsequent year for all school employees who have contact with students, including bus drivers, with respect to bullying, in accordance with state statutory provisions.
Retaliation against any person who reports bullying, hazing, or similar behavior in good faith, who is thought to have reported such conduct, who files a complaint, or who otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry concerning allegations of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior is prohibited conduct and subject to disciplinary action.
The provisions of this policy shall not be interpreted to conflict with or supersede the provisions requiring mandatory reporting pursuant to Louisiana Children's Code, Art. 609 and as enforced through La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §14:403.
Revised: November, 2012
Revised: August, 2013
Revised: May 2, 2018
Revised: November 14, 2018
Revised: August 17, 2022
Ref: 20 USC 1232(g-i) (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ''14:40.3, 14:40.7, 14:40.8, 14:403, 17:105, 17:105.1, 17:183, 17:416, 17:416.1, 17:416.13, 17:416.14; La. Children’s Code, Art. 609, 730, 731; Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education, 119 S. Ct 1661 (1991); Board minutes, 7-21-10, 5-218, 11-14-18, 8-17-22.
Actsorincidentsofdatingviolenceatschoolwhethertheyareverbal,physical,sexualoremotionalwillnotbetolerated andwillbedealtwithinaccordanceofthestudentcodeofconduct.
Definition-Teendatingviolenceisdefinedastheintentionaluseofphysical,sexual,verbal,oremotionalabusebya persontoharm,threaten,intimidate,orcontrolanotherpersoninadatingrelationship.Datingviolenceisapatternof coercivebehaviorthatonepartnerexertsovertheotherforthepurposeofestablishingandmaintainingpowerand control.
●Isverycontrolling.Thismayincludegivingyouorders,tellingyouwhattowear,andtryingtomakeallof thedecisionsforyou.
●Youworryabouthowyourpartnerwillreacttothethingsyousayoryouareafraidofprovokingyour partner.
Anystudentwhobelievesheorshehasbeenavictimofdatingviolencebyanotherstudentisencouragedto immediatelyreporttheincidenttothecounselor,principalorhisorherdesignee.Duringthecourseofaninvestigation thestudentshallprovideawrittenstatementtothecounselor,principalordesignee.
NationalDomesticViolenceHotline: 1-800-799-SAFE(7233)or1-800-787-3224(TTY)
EvangelineParishSheriff'sDepartment: 337-363-2161
VillePlatteCityPolice: 337-363-1313Or911
The Evangeline Parish School Board shall authorize the principal of each school to automatically suspend, and recommend expulsion for, any student found in possession of a dangerous weapon on the school grounds, on school buses and/or at any schoolsponsored event, at any time, during or after regular school hours, with limited exception as permitted by state law. A dangerous weapon means any gas, liquid, or other substance or instrumentality, which in the manner used, is likely to produce death or great bodily harm. When the student is found in possession of a weapon, the Superintendent shall be immediately notified and the principal shall take appropriate disciplinary action.
If a student is detained for carrying, or the principal or designee confiscates or seizes a firearm or concealed dangerous weapon from a student while on school property, on a school bus, or at a school function, the principal or school official shall immediately report the detention of the student or seizure of the firearm or weapon to the police department or sheriff's office where the school is located and shall deliver any firearm or weapon seized to that agency.
The failure of any principal or designated administrator to report the confiscation of such implement or material or the failure to retain and secure such implement or material may result in a misdemeanor. When a principal or designated administrator violates any provisions of this policy, a report on such violations shall be made by the complainant to the Superintendent. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall conduct a hearing on the alleged offense.
If a student is detained for carrying a concealed weapon on campus, the principal shall immediately notify the student's parents or legal guardian.
Any object in the form of a weapon, whether it be imitation, facsimile, or a toy, shall be banned from school campuses, buses, and all school activities. The uninvited presence of an imitation, facsimile, or toy weapon on school campuses may cause confusion, fear, and disruption to the academic goals and educational process. Any student violating this policy may be suspended for a duration as determined by the principal and/or recommended for expulsion.
It is unlawful for a student or nonstudent to intentionally possess a firearm or dangerous weapon on school property at a school sponsored function or within 1000 feet of school property or while on a school bus at any time. The area surrounding the school campus or within 1000 feet of any such school campus, or within a school bus shall be designated firearm-free zones, wherein the possession of firearms is prohibited, except as specifically
set forth in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§14:95.2 and 14:95.6. The School Board, in cooperation with local governmental agencies, and the Louisiana Department of Education, shall designate and mark firearm-free zones which surround all schools and school property.
Revised: March 8, 2017
Ref: 20 USC 7961 (Gun-Free Requirements); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§14:2, 14:95, 14:95.2, 14:95.6, 17:416, 17:416.3, 32:292.1; Board minutes, 7-21-10, 3-8-17
The Evangeline Parish School Board is the exclusive owner of any public school building and any desk or locker utilized by any student contained therein or any other area that may be set aside for the personal use of the students. Any teacher, principal, administrator, or school security guard employed by the School Board, having a reasonable belief that any public school building, desk, locker, area or grounds of any public school contains any weapons, illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, nitrate based inhalants, stolen goods, or other items the possession of which is prohibited by any law, School Board policy, or school rule, may search either physically or with the use of metal detectors such building, desk, locker, area or grounds of said public school. Lockers that are locked shall be opened by the student upon request, or the school administrator shall be authorized to have the locker opened forcibly, when necessary. The acceptance and use of locker facilities or the parking of privately owned vehicles on school campuses by students shall constitute consent by the student/parent/legal guardian to the search of such locker facilities or vehicles by authorized school personnel Students shall have no expectation of privacy in use of the lockers which have been assigned to them. The School Board reserves the right to inspect or search at any time lockers, desks, or any facilities, objects, or vehicles on the school campus, or other areas used by students. Any student not present during the search shall be informed of the search immediately thereafter.
Students, parents, and school employees shall be notified in writing at the beginning of each school year of the School Board's authority to conduct unannounced searches of students, lockers, automobiles, school employees, and any other person or object on School Board property and at school sponsored events. Signs of high visibility informing the general public of the School Board’s authority to search shall be posted at entrances to all School Board buildings and facilities.
Upon finding any prohibited items, the student shall be automatically suspended and/or recommended for expulsion by school authorities, according to School Board discipline policies and provisions. Investigative facts and/or seized items shall be immediately turned over to the proper law enforcement officials when criminal violations are indicated.
Whenever any search is conducted pursuant to this policy, as soon as is reasonably practical a written record shall be made thereof by the school administrator/designee conducting the search and such record shall include the name of the student and/or person(s) involved, the circumstances leading to the search and the results of the search. This written, dated and signed record shall be filed and maintained in the school administrator's office, and a copy of it shall be sent to the Superintendent within five (5) days. The student(s) and parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be given a written receipt for any item(s) seized and/or impounded by the school administrator/ designee.
No actions taken pursuant to this policy by any teacher, principal, administrator, or school security guard employed by the School Board shall be taken maliciously or with willful and deliberate intent to harass, embarrass or intimidate any student.
The School Board shall require students who bring vehicles on campus to register those vehicles and to provide the school authorities with a consent to search of such vehicle signed by the student, parents and/or owner of the vehicle. Any vehicle parked on School Board property may be searched without consent at any time by a school administrator/designee when such school administrator/designee has articulable facts which lead the school administrator/designee to a reasonable belief that weapons, dangerous substancesor elements, illegal drugs, alcohol, stolen goods, or other materials or objects the possession of which is a violation of law, School Board policy or school regulations will be found. Searches may also be conducted to assure compliance with health, safety, and/or security laws, rules, or regulations. Such searches shall be conducted in the presence of the student whenever possible.
If the automobile is locked, the student shall unlock the automobile. If the student refuses to unlock the automobile, proper law enforcement officials shall be summoned and the student shall be subject to disciplinaryaction and maybe banned from parking anyvehicle on school property. Any student not present during the search shall be informed of the search immediately thereafter.
The school administration is authorized to utilize canines, whose reliability and accuracy for sniffing out controlled substances, drugs, alcohol, guns, knives, weapons, or other materials or objects which are a violation of School Board policy have been established, to aid in the search for contraband or other prohibited items in school-owned property and vehicles parked on school property. Canines shall not be used to search students unless school officials have established independently that there is reasonable belief that the student possesses such items on his/her person. The canines must be accompanied by a qualified and authorized law enforcement handler who shall be responsible for the dog’s actions. An indication by the dog that drugs, alcohol, weapons, or any other item of violation is present on school property or in a vehicle shall be reasonable cause for further search by school officials.
Random Searches
A. The narcotics detection dog or search team shall be used to make random searches of any school facility or surrounding area.
B. The narcotics detection dog or search team may be used to search a student’s
clothing and personal objects when these are separated from the student. At no time shall a student be asked to strip nude for purposes of a random search.
C. Random searches on school campuses shall be conducted according to a plan or schedule to be agreed upon by the appropriate School Board administrator and the responsible law enforcement officer in charge of this program.
1. The use of the narcotics detection dog at any particular school campus shall be unannounced and without forewarning. The law enforcement official in charge of the operation shall, however, report to the principal’s office, properly identify themselves and state their purpose prior to any use of the narcotics detection dog on campus.
2. The principal shall accompany the search team, if he/she so desires, at anytime the search is being conducted within the school campus for which he/she is responsible, unless he/she has been specifically notified by the Superintendent not to accompany the search team. The principal must, of course, accompany the search team if specifically ordered to do so by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Procedure When Alcohol, Drugs or Contraband is Discovered During a Search
A. Search of School Property
1. If the narcotics detection dog alerts on a school locker or other property belonging to the School Board but being used by the student, the principal shall summon the student to such property. The student shall be informed of the narcotics detection dog’s alert and a search shall be conducted by the team with the aid of the narcotics detection dog handler.
2. If alcohol, drugs, or other contraband is discovered, it shall be confiscated and the student’s parents/legal guardians notified. Offenders shall be disciplined by school personnel in accordance with School Board policy and the student’s name referred to the District Attorney’s Office for appropriate action.
B. Search of Property of Others Located on School Board Property
1. If the dog alerts on an automobile or other property under the student’s control but not belonging to the School Board, the principal will summon the student to such property. The student will be informed of the narcotic detection dog’s alert.
The property will be searched by the team and the narcotic detection dog’s handler. If alcohol, drugs, or contraband is discovered it shall be
confiscated. Any offender shall be disciplined by school personnel in accordance with School Board policy.
2. If both the student and the parents refuse to consent to the search of property not belonging to the School Board, the parents and the student shall be informed that the property will be searched under one or more of the following conditions:
a. Pursuant to a search warrant procured by the officer in charge of the search team or;
b. Pursuant to the contractual agreement to agree to searches of any vehicles possessing parking permits on School Board property.
If alcohol, drugs, or contraband is discovered, it shall be confiscated and the student shall be disciplined in accordance with School Board policy and referred to the District Attorney’s Office for appropriate action.
Should contraband (such as weapons, illegal drugs, unauthorized telecommunication devices, or other prohibited objects) be discovered, the person conducting the search shall notify the school principal or designee who shall take appropriate action. Any contraband (legal or illegal) under the control of the school shall be retained, cataloged, and secured in such a manner as to prevent the destruction, alteration, or disappearance of it until such time as law enforcement authority either takes custody of the contraband or provides notice to the school principal that it no longer be retained.
Upon proper school personnel confiscating any firearm, bomb, knife, or other implement which could be used as a weapon, or any controlled dangerous substance, the principal or designee shall report the confiscation to the proper law enforcement officials. Parents shall be notified of any item impounded. Any principal or designee failing to report any prohibited weapon or confiscated material or implement to the proper law enforcement officials or failing to properly secure any weapon or confiscated material or implement shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action as may be determined by the Superintendent and/or School Board.
Non-illegal contraband, excluding electronic devices, shall be returned to the parent/guardian of the student within the first two (2) weeks after the end of the school year, unless other arrangements are made with the principal. The parent/guardian shall be responsible for making arrangements with the principal to retrieve the item(s). If the item(s) is/are not so retrieved, the principal shall convey the item(s) to a charitable entity, unless the item(s) has no practical value, in which case the principal shall dispose of the item(s).
Indemnification of any School Board employee who is sued for damages based on any act or omission in the directing of and disciplining of school children shall be made by the Evangeline Parish School Board to the extent required by state law.
Revised: August 1, 2018
Ref: US Constitution, Amend. IV; US Constitution, Amend. XIV, Sec. 1; La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:416, 17:416.3; Moore v. Student Affairs Committee of Troy State University, 284 F.Supp. 725 (M.D. Ala. 1970); State v. Stein, 203 Kan. 638 456 P.2d (1969); New Jersey v. T.L.O., 469 U.S. 325, 105 S. Ct. 733; Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741, Louisiana Department of Education; Board minutes, 7-2-86, 11-16-94, 8-16-95, 7-21-10, 8-1-18