Eustacian Volume 57 Number 3

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The Eustacian

Volume 57 Number 3

Brother Jim’s Silver Jubilee Mass

Seniors Invade Florida

By Paul Jacob ‘16 On Friday, May 2, 2014, the whole Bishop Eustace community was filled with a contagious sense of merriment and delight. If you were present in school that day, you would have seen all the teachers dressed up in their best outfits, and every student strictly adhering to the school dress code. Even free ice cream was being distributed during each lunch period! I remember donning my best tie for the school day, making sure my shoes were tied correctly, and constantly checking if my friends and I were properly dressed. As anyone could tell, it was a very important time for the whole campus community, as Bishop Eustace honored our very dear headmaster Brother Jim in a special Mass to celebrate his 25th Jubilee of Religious Consecration/ Reception of the Habit of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate. From beginning to end, the Silver Jubilee Mass was a beautiful celebration that included all the people in Brother Jim’s life. All of Brother Jim’s family attended and celebrated the joyous occasion along with all of the students and teachers at Bishop Eustsace. Most exciting were the nine priests who celebrated the Mass together. From the moment the Gathering Hymn was sung and the

procession began, the nine priests captivated the whole Eustace community. Reverend Father Sticco, S.A.C., was the main celebrant of the Mass, and along with the harmonious school choir, the Mass blossomed into a magnificent celebration. As a participant, I couldn’t help but notice how quickly my friends and those around us

were moved to sing the many hymns during the Mass. Eustace’s own Father Nolan gave another humorous yet very special homily about the importance of perseverance to honor Brother Jim’s milestone. Afterwards, Brother Jim renewed his religious vows in front of the priests of the Pallottine community, his family, and the school. When the remainder of the Jubilee Mass was cel-

By Elizabeth Bowman ‘14 ebrated, Reverend Father Sticco made a few closing remarks to congratulate Brother Jim, as did Student Body President Jack McCrossin (’14) and Vice President Taylor Aguiar (‘14.) Finally, Brother Jim thanked all of the participants in the Mass for making the event a joyous occasion. Each priest was introduced by Brother Jim, as well as his parents and other family members. To wrap up the event, Brother Jim, a Hershey, Pennsylvania native, informed the student body that each student would receive a bag of Hershey Kisses to express his love for them. In the end, Brother Jim’s Silver Jubilee Mass was undoubtedly one of the greatest celebrations of the Bishop Eustace school year. It was not exciting just because of the various people from Brother Jim’s life who attended or the free treats given out throughout the day. When we celebrated this Mass, every member of Bishop Eustace could not help but think of how blessed we are as a community to have a Headmaster like Brother Jim. Just as we are a part of his life, he is an integral part of ours. As Father Nolan had said, the model of perseverance that Brother Jim has presented for the past 25 years was the most inspirational part of the occasion.

At 4:30 in the morning on March 10th, the sleepy seniors, along with ten chaperones, crowded into Crusader Hall, buzzing with excitement about the five- day-long trip to Disney World ahead of them, despite their half- open eyes. At 7:00, their flight left the Philadelphia International Airport, and landed two hours later in Orlando. From the airport they traveled on buses straight to Disney World’s Hollywood Studios, and their week of fun began. The seniors spent three days at the Disney parks and two days at Universal Studios. For the most part, the seniors were given free reign of the parks, park- hopping and choosing rides, restaurants and shows as they pleased. Twice, the entire class and all of the chaperones met up to share a meal; once for lunch at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville in Universal Studios and once for a buffet on the water to watch the Reflections of Earth Fireworks show. The days were long, busy, and tiring, but the week went by incredibly fast and was unforgettably fun. “It was the trip of a

lifetime,” said senior Jess Germain. “It was an unforgettable experience that I will cherish forever,” added

A rain delay would not stop the annual Bishop Eustace Picnic and Carnival. For many the Carnival is the best day of the year. The school schedule is shortened so that the faculty, staff, and the student body can celebrate the end of the year together. There is much to do during the carnival, and this year there were many new activities. The picnic started differently than usually. Students were asked to congregate at the Mary Queen of Apostles Field, via a fire

drill. There, students waited to be called by homeroom to go to the food line. As usual, seniors were served the delicious food first. Students enjoyed hotdogs, hamburgers, watermelon, potato chips, brownies, and a variety of drinks. After eating with friends, students indulged in the activities around the field. The teachers were assigned a station to host a game. Many games involved aiming at a target or searching for an object for tickets. The tickets were redeemable for a small gift or a chance to

senior Stephanie D’Andrea. A crowd favorite was Universal’s Harry Potter World. Many of the seniors

went on the ride in the Hogwarts castle three or four times, and they left the mag-

ical place with a couple bags of souvenirs, like wands, scarves, candy from Honeydukes, and a mug that once contained butterbeer. While everyone was enchanted by Harry Potter World, most agree that the Wishes Fireworks show was the best part of the trip. Almost everybody in the class gathered at the foot of the castle, camped around the iconic statue of Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney, and enjoyed the Electric Parade, fireworks and projection show together. While the shows were beautiful, they weren’t what made the night special for the seniors. “The best part was watching them with my best friends,” said senior Jen Poniatowicz. Being with friends made every part of the trip, from the days of roller coasters and rides to the nights of playing cards and talking in the hotel room until it was nearly time to wake up again, fun and memorable. Thank you to all of the chaperones who coordinated and supervised the trip! The seniors had a wonderful week of fun and memories that they will remember forever.

Bishop Eustace Carnival Asha Jacob ‘14

win one of the many raffles. One of the favorite student activities was Mrs. Frantz’s caricature drawings. She drew hilarious caricatures of students with their friends. A new addition to the Bishop Eustace Carnival and Picnic was Jamnesty. Due to rain, it was postponed to the carnival date. It was a great addition. Many students took a break from all the excitement and heat to watch their friends perform. Overall the picnic was a huge success. It truly was a day to remember.

Sports A Tradition is that of a Winner By Julianna Furfari ‘14 Bishop Eustace is known not only for their prestigious academics but also for their excellence in sports. This spring sports season has been particularly successful for all of our Crusader athletes. Our numerous undefeated seasons had more than Bishop Eustace students talking. Our athletes have been recognized by several newspapers throughout the state. All of Bishop Eustace is getting in the spirit and showing their support for their remarkable classmates. Over break, students tailgated the boys’ lacrosse game, and the team did not disappoint. They are currently 15-1 and heading to the playoffs after what was a lengthy undefeated season. The girls’ lacrosse team has also had a very successful season and hopes to continue their almost-undefeated season as they too are mov-

ing through the playoffs with a 13-1 record. The baseball team was undefeated until falling to Camden Catholic; however, they remain ranked among the best teams in the state. The Track and Field and Golf teams have also had very successful spring seasons. All of our spring athletes have put in the work during the off-season and it has clearly paid off. It is not often that a school can say they are having such a successful season. It is remarkable to have one undefeated team so late in the season, but having numerous undefeated teams is remarkable. With the end of the year in sight, the athletes need to keep their heads in their respective games and focus on ending the season the way it started. If there is one thing we can be sure of, it is that it is a good time to be a Crusader.

Bishop Eustace Girls Lacrosse: Road to States By Allie Lynch ‘14 The Bishop Eustace Girls’ Lacrosse team has had a spectacular season so far with currently 16 wins and only one loss. It is a known fact throughout South Jersey that Bishop Eustace has an excellent lacrosse program and this year the girls are ranked #5. The Crusaders, under head coach Kat Burke-Esposito and assistant coach Erin Dowd, have won conference back-to-back in the past two years and are hoping to get another conference win as well as the State Championship. Kristen Kelbon has also returned to the team this year after tearing her ACL in the beginning of last year’s season. She is a vital role in the Bishop Eustace Girls’ Lacrosse team and is doing extremely well in her comeback. Good things are looking to happen for the girls’ team as they are moving through the playoffs and we all wish them nothing but luck!

Win or Go Home By Obianuju Obianwu ‘14

Ultimate Frisbee: More than a Club By Sam Wang ‘16 The ultimate team’s practice is an intensive activity, consisting of a few laps around the school, several throwing/catching drills, sprints, more drills, possibly a game, and, more often than not, more sprints to end practice. The common misconception about ultimate is that it is a laid back sport, consisting of a ragtag group of kids who happen to throw discs well and enjoy spending their leisure time on tossing a disc amongst themselves. The reality is that it is a hard and competitive game, in which the players run repeatedly run back and forth on a fulllength football field. They make hard cuts, throw their entire bodies into crucial throws and catches, and give their all for the time they are on the field. That being said,

the sudden influx of members on the school’s ultimate team resulted in a heightened sense of awareness and respect for the sport. Hardened football players were shocked to find themselves struggling to make the forehand throws. Hockey kids, wrestlers, runners, returning ultimate players, and all members alike were all united in their love of the game, and fostered an obsession, almost, with practicing the throws at every free moment. The extraordinary aspect of ultimate is known as SOTG, or “spirit of the game.” SOTG is what sets ultimate apart from all other sports; it makes the focus on fun rather than winning. The American ultimate official handbook states, “Spirit of the Game sets Ultimate

apart from other competitive team sports. For over 30 years, Ultimate has flourished, reaching a highly competitive level, without the use of referees.” Without the spirit, ultimate is just another sport, with all the ugliness that we often are numbed to, or even revel in sometimes. The difference is clear when players give opponents a hand. It is clear when teams shout encouragements to any struggling player they see, regardless of his/her team, or applaud an injured player off the field.

It is playoff time in the NBA, and for many enthusiasts this is the best two months of the year. This seven-game series holds the most action of the season, and this is the time for anything to happen. A number eight seed could upset a number one seed in six games just as easily as a number two can sweep a three seed. If a team wants a shot of taking home some serious hardware and receiving a ring next October, they can either win...or go home. The play-offs are filled with blazing drama, with flagrants, technical fouls, and emotions running high. This year, odds are against the Miami Heat who are fighting to achieve a three-peat this June, while other top seeds such as Indiana and Oklahoma City Thunder are trying to build their own legacy. With the most Game 7’s ever played in the first round this season, it’s evident that every single team is battling for a title. It’s win or go home time, and history is ensuing.

Professional Athletes: A Double Edged Path to Success By Anthony Altamuro ‘15 Each athlete, regardless of age or level, possesses a unique set of characteristics that can help to set him aside from his peers. All athletes want to be noticed, especially college athletes. No matter what the sport may be, a player with a true passion for the game wants to strive to be the very best he can be. It’s often observed that college athletes have a more passionate drive to perform at higher levels than the majority of professional athletes. Every kid has a dream. Only those kids who always strive for the extra mile, however, will be able to truly appreciate every ounce of sweat and blood they have dedicated to the games they love. Sadly, we see more and more athletes becoming too caught up in dollar amounts. It is becoming ever so common that highly anticipated

college athletes sign huge contracts and then lose the passion which got them to the big stage in the first place. This isn’t to say that there aren’t players who maintain their passion for the sports which have taken control of their lives. These are the players that are looked up to. No young athlete ever puts the amount of work and effort it takes to be successful at any sport just for the money, and these athletes exemplify this motivation. These athletes work hard because they love the game and never want to give it up. Unfortunately, thanks to players who take advantage of dollar amounts, however, professional sports are slowly losing their appeal. More and more people are taking an interest in college sports due to the more favorable, competitive nature of the games.

Sports “Bracketology”: Is there a Right Way? By Obianuju Obianwu ‘14 It’s that time of the year again: when you catch up on your statistics, print at least five rough-drafts, gather together a group of cronies, and place your slimmest or largest bets on what you feel confident. That’s correct, I’m talking about NCAA March Madness. The madness of this 68 team tournament does not only relate to the jam-packed schedule of the back-to-back, morning to night games, but the madness of the spectators and

the relentless fans who make this tournament their payday. To be entered or earn a spot into the National tournament is a huge accomplishment for any team, and for a bracket expert to assemble a near-perfect or, unthinkably, perfect, bracket is an eternal bragging right. Brackets could be made a litany of ways, with formulas, visions, predictions, guessing, or even just copying one. Even President Obama takes time to make his bracket based

from his knowledge of the game and inferences. These following three weeks of pure insanity are filled with hard work, dedication, and true heroism. As we embark on the 2014 National College Basketball I encourage all to partake in some of the momentary festivities and at least try to catch a game. Happy Madness! May the odds be forever in your favor! Why do you park in a driveway and drive on a parkway?

Eustace Baseball: Veteran Team Eyes Back-to-Back Championships By Adam Gottsch ’15 The baseball season has been long anticipated by many. As the reigning Conference Champions, the Crusaders are returning the majority of their starters this year, led by their core of junior stars: Nick Browne, Justin Hagenmann, and Chris Jones. Since starting their freshman seasons, the dynamic trio looks to add on to their impressive All-Conference resumes with even better seasons from their previous two, which featured a Diamond Classic title and an Olympic Conference championship. The trio will be assisted by other fellow standout juniors, such as Ryan DiMeo and Stephen DeBellis, all contributing heavily to the Crusaders’ success last season, and Kurt Elmer, who looks to assist Alex Hull in the middle innings. However, if the re-

“I want to go out on top...”--Devon Smeltzer turning juniors get too lackadaisical during the season, senior superstar and left-handed phenom Devin Smeltzer will surely have

something to say to them. As it is his last year, Smeltzer says, “I want to go out on top. Our team is returning a lot of really good players and I feel that this is the year we take it to the next level – the State Championship level.” The Florida Gulf Coast commit, and likely high draft pick in the upcoming MLB draft, is focused more than ever this year on mowing down batters with his 90+ MPH fastball, devastating curveball, and stylish yet intimidating Oakley glasses. If you think the senior leadership stops at Smeltzer, you’re wrong. The team is riddled with guys who’ve been there – who’ve won the Diamond Classic and the Conference Championship. Delaware commit Mike Krusinski leads with his bat, crushing any fastball in a 20 mile radius. Senior John Panchella leads with his pure baseball knowledge and tenacity at the plate, already drawing 7 walks in just 3 offseason scrimmages. Dan Marano, a bona fide ace, returns and leads an already crazy good pitching staff. With raging Conference talent from the likes of Camden Catholic, Paul VI,

Timber Creek, Seneca, and Cherry Hill West, the Crusaders undoubtedly have a tall task at hand repeating as Conference Champions. But, according to Eustace captain Devin Smeltzer,

“With raging Conference talent...the Crusaders undoubtedly have a tall task at hand repeating as Conference Champions....” that’s not the only challenge they want to face. Winning the Conference Championship is a goal, but not THE goal. THE goal is bringing back a State Championship to Eustace, a possible first since the 2006 season.

Track & Field Spring Update By Graham Laughlin ‘17 Spring Track and Field at Bishop Eustace has had a great overall season, and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. After a succession of victories for the undefeated distance, sprinting, and throwing teams, the entire track community is ecstatic. The most exciting win is the recent victory over rival Camden Catholic. The track team meets every day, excluding Sunday. Practices range in length but can go anywhere from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. For the distance team, runs range anywhere from 4 to 9 miles around Cooper River Park. The sprinting team practice sprints and hurtles on the Queen of Apostles Field track. The throwing and field team practice within the same general area as the sprinting team. The sprinting team is led by a strong group of mostly sophomores and freshmen. The throwing team incorporates many people, but a large percentage is former football players conditioning for football in the fall. The distance team contains 8 seniors, more seniors relative to the total number than both the sprinting and throwing teams.

The distance team is led by seniors Anthony Morelli, Brennan Edel, Ryan Giarraputo and junior Shawn Hutchison. Most recently, on May 13 at the Olympic Conference Meet in Washington Township, Anthony Morelli and Shawn Hutchison got second team all-conference for the 4x800 meter relay. Anthony finished with a personal best time of 2:02, while Shawn finished with 2:05. Anthony’s twomile record stands at a 9:29 while Shawn’s stands at a 9:20. Even more impressive, Anthony’s mile time is a shocking 4:19 while Shawn’s is a 4:29. The boys throwing and field team has had a stunning season as well. During the recent Camden Catholic and Woodrow Wilson meet, the Eustace throwing team swept all events, propelling the whole track team to another win. In discus this spring, Jack Smith has thrown a personal best of 134 feet. In shotput, senior Bobby Nevin has thrown a whopping 41 feet, and in javelin, senior Eric Bjorklund has thrown a mighty 132.5 feet. In jumping events, junior Chris Smith and sophomores Evan Adams and Jack McCaffery have had

an enormous impact as they too have aided in winning many crucial track meets. In long jump, Smith has jumped about 21 feet while Adams has jumped about 19.5 feet. In triple jump, Smith has dominated with an explosive 21 feet, 11 inches, while in high jump, Adams and McCaffery have cleared a tremendous height of 5 feet, 10 inches. An essential part of the track team is undoubtedly the sprinting team. Just recently, sprinters Jason Varley, Chris Smith, Jack Brady, and Evan Adams ran an outstanding 4x100 meter relay in 46.05 seconds at the Penn Relays. In the 110 meter hurdles, Evan Adams has run a speedy time of 15.7 seconds, while Zahir Williams has run a swift 1:02 in the 400 meter hurdles. After this year’s seniors graduate, the distance team will have around eight members for the fall version of track, the 2014 Cross Country season. Newcomers are always welcome to try out, and there are no cuts from the team. The Class of 2014 will be missed, and the rest of the team wishes them luck hurdling over the obstacles of life. BEST WISHES IN COLLEGE TO THE CLASS OF 2014.

In Other News Coming soon to Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom

Cigarette Smoking

By Amanda Reed ‘14

By Allie Lynch ‘14

As everyone knows, the seniors recently returned from the infamous Senior Trip to Disney World and Universal Studios. A new attraction is actually about to open in Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in the recently added Fantasyland. Disney is always changing, growing, and improving, so it didn’t take long for executives to cut the cord on a deserted Toon Town to make room for bigger and better ideas. The plan was to add Belle’s and Ariel’s castles to join Cinderella’s, although smaller so as not to take away from the main castle. Also, a new ride would be added, sporting a Snow White theme. Belle’s castle and themed town opened pretty recently, as did Ariel’s grotto and small

Technology: Good or Bad? By Anthony Altamuro ‘15 Technology has played a major role in the lives of every student here at Eustace. While technology is great, it consumes the majority of our time. Now that the weather is changing, I would expect to see more and more kids playing outside. Yet, as I travel through my local neighborhood I see few kids playing, few people walking their dogs. I remember constantly being outside, but today that is not the case. Unfortunately, video games and computers have become more appealing than good old fashion fun outside. Video games should be saved for a rainy day and shouldn’t be played when it’s nice and sunny outside! Today, if you don’t have the latest and greatest video game, you find yourself with nothing to do. Imaginations are dying and kids are forgetting how to truly have. A growing reliability on technology is to blame.

attraction, but Snow White’s roller coaster is well on the way to open this year! The roller coaster is the first of its kind in Disney- it actually goes underground. Insiders say that the coaster is modeled after the caves the seven dwarfs worked in. The ride

“Insiders say that the coaster is modeled after the caves that the seven dwarfs work in....” will be called “Seven Dwarfs Mine Train.” When the class of 2014 was down in Disney, we were able to see parts of the roller coaster! It is almost done and is guaranteed to be a very exciting addition to the Magic Kingdom!

Smoking cigarettes is one of the dumbest decisions a human being can make. Are you trying to destroy your body? There are no positive benefits of smoking cigarettes; they are 100% terrible for you and can only lead to horrendous things. Cigarettes have many negative effects on the human body. First, skin wrinkles can come at a very early age. Do you want to look ten years older than you actually are? Secondly, if you have a family, you are putting them in danger. Your children can die from secondhand smoke or you could accidently set your house on fire. The worst part about cigarettes is that sooner or later it will lead to all sorts of diseases, such as throat, stomach, mouth, and tongue cancer. Lastly, nonsmokers are known to have much stronger bones and immune systems than smokers. Nonsmokers are more active, feel better, and even look better too! The moment you pick up a cigarette you are one step closer to dying. Life is supposed to be filled with fun and joy, so why would you ever want to jeopardize that? Say no to smoking!

Making the Best of the Waitlist By Morgan Schemenski ‘14 The dream of getting that acceptance letter did not come true, but neither did the pain of being denied. The letter that did arrive was the mixed emotion of the waitlist. You were not denied, and you have to continue the process as if you were accepted, but you were not. A little complicated don’t you think? You ask yourself

want to go. Colleges that are far away from where you live usually do not understand why you want to go there, so letting them know your reason for wanting to go to that school will give you a special push and will benefit you when they are deciding. 3. Don’t give up. Make sure you are keeping up with your schoolwork. Even

“There are a couple of ways to show the college of you dreams that you truly do care....” a million questions, but the only one you want to know is “How do I get off the list and get accepted?” There are a couple of ways to show the college of your dreams that you truly do care. 1. Call the school. Schools like to see that you are doing everything in your power to get into the school, so calling or emailing them will help and give you insight as to what to truly do. 2. Tell them why you

though you are a second semester senior, show them that you still are working. This shows dedication and heart. 4. Have a backup plan. Be sure that you will be happy even if you have to make other college plans 5. Be patient. It will be a while before you hear back but still keep up the work and continue to push, because the ones who want it the most will get the acceptance. Is Hugo boss?

Mac’s 30th Birthday: Evolving Brilliance By Frankie Scaturro ‘15 Apple has recently celebrated the 30th birthday of their Mac computers. Obviously, the Mac has been around for a long time, enriching our knowledge of computers and multiple levels of design. More important are the technological discoveries that the Mac aided in over the years of its ongoing lifetime. The Mac computers have improved the productivity of many individuals, especially those gifted with the creativity of utilizing technology and the power of the Mac to create art, movies, photos, etc. Especially in an age where technology is used to express creativity, the Mac has improved not only our productivity in our everyday lives, but our creativity. Our ability to create is no longer limited to our computer’s limitations, but the limitations of our imagination. The Mac’s achievements and the successful men and women behind the Mac, will continue to be awarded because of their creations, which started an evolving brilliance.

Apple’s Successful Season; The Rise of iPads By Jerry Bellino ‘15 Just a month ago, Apple Inc. announced the new iPhones, the iPhone 5S and 5C. On Tuesday, October 22nd, Apple announced the iPad Mini with Retina Display and the newly named iPad Air, as well as a few other new products. The other new products announced by Apple were a new Mac Pro, Macbook Pro’s, and their latest operating system, OS X Mavericks. The new iPad Mini with Retina Display is simply an original iPad Mini with a higher resolution display known as a Retina Display, and it has been made faster with the new Apple A7 processing chip (found in the iPhone 5S). The iPad Air is the new version of the original iPad featuring an all new design which basically looks like a jumbo iPad Mini. It also sports the Retina Display and the A7 processing chip. “I’m going to use this new iPad Air to watch sports and look up recipes. I’m going to like it,” says sophomore Gabby D’Angelo, an Apple fanatic. A lot of users were up-

“...I’m going to use this new iPad Air to watch sports and look up recipes, I’m going to like it...” known as “Touch ID.” Junior and football star, Adam Gottsch was displeased with the lack of this feature and stated, “the lack of Touch ID stops the world from growing, it makes me upset as an individual.” Though the fingerprint sensors were a lacking factor, Apple had quite a successful season with a brand new lineup of their “iDevices.” The iPad Mini with Retina Display starts at $399 and the iPad Air starts at $499. If you are looking for a great gift for this graduation season, consider one of these wonderful devices fresh off the assembly line! Do Cardinals wear red sox?

Bangerz takes a time-out

Cyber-attacks: Who’s Fault? By Frankie Scaturro ‘15 As our society becomes more dependent on electronic devices, there have been many who try and steal information by hacking into these devices. This information can be credit card info, email addresses, Facebook login, twitter login, anything that the hacker can use to gain information; they will try and find it. However Cyber-attacks do not stop at just finding information, but using it to login to your accounts of various websites, and especially access your bank accounts. Because of the numerous amounts of attacks, many companies have encouraged a constant password change, or even required a phone number to text you a code to use to verify your login. With each new technological enhancement to our society brings a new plan of attack on our society. Should the companies of our hacked accounts be held responsible, or should we take more precaution and change our passwords more frequently? Ultimately, serv-

set that both iPads do not have the fingerprint sensor

ers need to be better protected against these attacks. We are entering a world where nothing is a secret, a world where we constantly share every aspect of our lives to the internet. The internet is not a secure being, but a system that holds a wealth of knowledge about everything and everyone. Such a vast system of information is vulnerable to certain people with the privileged mind that can open a couple of locked doors. Let it be known that programming is becoming an activity rather than just a career. With hard work and dedication hackers use and will continue to use harmful software to infiltrate your accounts. Bringing the issue of cyber-attacks to the minds of many technological users is important no matter how safe they think you are. Hackers are very intelligent individuals and they will always find a way to infiltrate their way into a new technological product, unless we stop sitting idly by and fight back against the hackers.

By Amanda Reed ‘14 Many of us excitedly bought tickets to see Miley Cyrus in concert back in mid-February, in some cases even setting up a countdown on our phones until the very second we’d see her. To millions of fans’ dismay, however, Miley rescheduled many dates including her Philadelphia show, due to a major allergic reaction to Cephalexin, a medicine prescribed to her to combat her nasal infection. Many media outlets and fans reacted in a negative way towards the hospitalized star, yet the majority of her fans stood by her through the sad time. Miley just previously had been depressed from the loss of her 3 year old Alaskan Klee Kai puppy which was never explained fully to the media or fans. Her absence on tour was much more detrimental to her than her fans, which had to be kept in mind during her struggle. After a doctor’s full care for over a week, Miley was released from the hospital just in time to start the European leg of her wellknown and critically praised Bangerz tour and will be back in Philly in early August!

Features How to Manage Your Stress For Exams By: Matt McGough ‘17 We all know they’re coming up…finals. People look at these big tests and freak out like they are some type of apocalypse or huge problems, but honestly most people overreact and stress out way too much. The way I look at it is that there are simple steps that you can take to keep yourself calm and worry free throughout the entire process. It is impossible to not get stressed out over a test that can make or break your

“...there are simple steps that you can take to keep yourself calm and worry free throughtout the entire process....” course grade. It is human nature to get nervous, but sometimes we let it inhibit our results. During midterms, I had a lot of classes where my exam grade basically decided my semester grade. But the moment I decided that I shouldn’t stress anymore and let myself take control of my own grade was the moment I

allowed myself to succeed. Working yourself up and allowing the pressure to get to you is never the answer to doing well on any test. Everyone has heard the old “take three deep breaths” trick, but does it actually work? From personal experience, I find that it relaxes the mind and allows me to be focused when I work. Like I stated earlier, stress is never the answer, and this technique allows me to defeat the stress. Other techniques such as visualization and distraction work equally well. Visualization is imagining yourself succeeding, thereby giving you the confidence to do well. Distraction is talking to get your mind off the subject. Any technique is good, however, as long as it relaxes you. We all have stress and we all have past experiences with it. With the upcoming finals we all know that our stress will snowball. Why not try to let the stress subside and really focus? There are easy precautions that we can all take that may not make the finals enjoyable, but at least bearable for our own sake!

Mr. Bishop Eustace 2014 The Mr. Bishop Eustace contest was the perfect ending to an amazing day. Due to the rain, the major events of Black and White week were pushed to Thursday, May 15th. The school picnic, the Powder Puff game, and of course, the highly anticipated Mr. Bishop Eustace were all rescheduled to that date. For many seniors, Mr. Bishop Eustace was a type of farewell. For one last time, the senior boys entertained the school. The night was filled with hilarity as the boys answered interview questions and put on skits. The seven

On May 16th, the seniors came to school armed with Sharpies and holding back tears. It was the last day of classes and the annual Shirt Signing Day, one of the most emotional days of the entire year for the senior class. In between classes and during prep and lunch periods, the seniors signed the shirts of their classmates, jotting quick messages and trying to capture four years of memories in a couple of sentences sprawled across a shirt sleeve or a long paragraph trailing down the back. By the middle of the day,

By Adam Gottsch ‘14 6. The readings and intercessions. A couple of the most interesting scripture readings you could find in the Bible plus some great ideas and things to pray for were included in the mass. They kept all who attended listening vigilantly, and revealed truly precious messages. They were so especially

“It was...and undefinable experience, moving, overwhelming, and beautiful....” impactful thanks to the eloquence of John Panchella, Mr. Italiano, Father Nolan, and Sister Alice Ivanyo. 5. The hymns and songs. The choir, music directors, and all who brought their musical talents to the Jubilee mass put it completely over the top. From the opening hymn to the Magnificat, the community attending participated in rejoicing song and only enhanced the mass.

early favorite, showed off his muscles to an awestruck crowd and Mathew Fitzpatrick delivered the “cute” factor with a performance of “Let it Go” with an adorable little kid. All these boys put on an amazing performance, but Lenny Hunter blew the house away. Lenny, along with the Student Body President, Jack McCrossin, gave the dance performance of a lifetime. Overall, the night was a huge success; Lenny Hunter was named Mr. Bishop Eustace. However, it was not just the boys and their assistants who contributed

Shirt Signing Day By Elizabeth Bowman ‘14

8 Reasons Why Brother Jim’s Silver Jubilee Was a Success 8. Ice cream and Hershey Kisses. It is clear why this made the list – who doesn’t love ice cream and candy? As a treat from Brother Jim, every Eustace student received a cup of ice cream during their respective lunch period and, to top it off as a thank you to his students, Brother Jim also generously gave a bag filled with Hershey Kisses to each as well. Perhaps just a little example of how selfless Brother Jim is – dolling out treats to his students on a day that should be devoted to him and his countless amounts of accomplishments throughout his religious life… 7. The Altar Serving. Some may ask how the mass ran so smoothly. Who else but the Altar Servers are responsible for this? Only needing a quick run-down of the mass the 3rd period before the big day, the Altar Servers did a phenomenal job helping out Father Nolan and Father Peter and assisting Brother Jim, his family, and his friends’ every need during the mass.

Asha Jacob ‘14

boys: Pat VanBernum, Lenny Hunter, Jeremy Muir, Daniel Wilkins, Jared Deffler, Mathew Fitzpatrick, and Andrew Klamo all brought different talents to the table. Dan Wilkins and his friends, who were dressed as the Backstreet Boys, showed off their dance moves. Pat VanBernum serenaded the crowd with his “voice of an angel.” Jared Deffler hysterically rapped and danced and Jeremy Muir surprised the crowd with his command of Spanish. He sang an Enrique Iglesias song completely in Spanish. Andrew Klamo, the

4. Participation from all of the Eustace students, faculty, and staff. The responses all throughout the mass were echoed as loud as ever in the Field House, the songs were voraciously sung, and the applause for Brother Jim and the family and friends of his who have helped him on his journey was deafening. They truly showed the respectfulness and gratefulness the students, teachers, and staff have for Brother Jim and all of the great things he does for them. 3. Brother Jim’s family and friends. Many made the trip from Hershey, Pennsylvania and from all over the East Coast to be there for Brother Jim on his momentous day. I could not put in words how much it meant to him, for it was written all over his face. 2. Father Nolan’s homily. He makes you laugh, understand, and cry. That’s all you need to know. The wizard of all homilists. 1. There were tears. Actually, Brother Jim’s “eye problem.”

most of the seniors’ shirts were almost completely covered, and it was a struggle by eighth period to find any room left on a friend’s shirt to even sign a name, much less leave a message. The day reminded all of the seniors that they will always be a part of the Bishop Eustace family.

“While having my shirt signed, I truly felt like a part of the Eustace community,” said senior Ron Berna. Shirt Signing Day recalled many wonderful memories to the seniors, and their signed shirts will be keepsakes from their high school days that they will treasure forever.

It Isn’t Always Easy Being Green By Graham Laughlin ‘17 I didn’t need the wisdom of Kermit from Sesame Street to know that it isn’t always easy being green. Yes, my friends, the green lanyard is a sign of inferiority, juvenility, and being pushed around by the immense flocks of self-entitled upperclassmen. We freshmen had to endure getting our lunches after sophomores, juniors, and seniors, leaving mass last, as well as getting paint thrown all over us on Field Day. But is that truly what this year was about? Was this year really a constant cycle of struggle and assault from the school’s upperclassmen - Or, is there another shade to this distinguished green lanyard? Eustace isn’t easy. Freshman Erin Smith of Cherry Hill learned that lesson early on. Smith says, “Adjusting to the workload was the hardest part.” The workload keeps us freshmen productive and prepares us for college. It wouldn’t be effective if Eustace gave us no work and babied us like infants. After all, what kind of educational institution doesn’t give students homework? Maybe Sesame Street? As hard as it is to believe, we freshmen are actually 15 and not 3-year-olds. It’s safe to say that my easiest class this year was lunch. The food in the cafe-

teria was a personal favorite of mine. The cookies tasted delicious, and I am ashamedto admit that I ate one almost every day this year (don’t tell my coach). Freshman Steph Yanosov, of Cherry Hill, rates the Eustace cookies an 11 on a scale from 1 to 10. It’s sad saying goodbye to the cookies for the whole summer - even more sad than having to say goodbye to my brother going to college. Just kidding! (kind of). When I asked other freshmen what they think the best part of this year was, 99% of the people answered with the same response. And, shockingly it wasn’t the cookies. Instead, the best part of this year was meeting new people and making friends. So, what conclusion can I draw? This year was not about the school’s mouthwatering food nor was it about the symbolic color of green, but rather a broader spectrum of colors. This year was about friendship. Although at times we suffered, at least we suffered together. In the wise words of the cookie monster, “Sometimes me think, ‘what is friend?’ and then me say, ‘friend is someone to share last cookie with.’” It isn’t always easy being green, but it’s much easier if you’ve got people right there beside you, just as green as you.

to the night’s success. Mrs. Dean, the head of Mr. Eustace, led a team of dedicated students. Most notably, seniors Cristina Johnson, Katie Feeney, and Eric Bjourklin helped as the night’s MCs. It was not a night anyone, especially the seniors would forget. Senior Cooper Richardson remarked, “It was a truly amazing night, I didn’t know that many of my classmates had that in them.” Miss Jacob will be attending Saint Joseph’s University.

Dear Crusader: One word: STRESSED! I don’t know what to do. With the end of the year coming, I am totally freaking out about my grades. More importantly, I don’t know what to do about finals. Where do I begin? How do I start studying? Should I make notecards or study guides? Will I have enough time to do any of this? Please, I need your help! Sincerely, Distressed and Sleepless Dear Distressed and Sleepless, First step: take a deep breath! The most important thing you can do for yourself is to remain calm. You’ve made it this far in the year, so just hold out for another month! For finals, you will want to figure out a plan that works for you. You should probably take some time to start gathering your study materials. Whether they are notecards or study guides or anything else totally depends on what is the best for you. You should definitely get these things done early so that you have some time to look them over before you have to actually study. DO NOT wait for the weekend before! That weekend is to study, not to be making notecards! When studying, you should do it in blocks, say 30 minutes to an hour of one subject and then move onto the next. Give yourself some study breaks in between so you aren’t cramming in so much information. How much you study really depends on you. If you feel like you know a subject really well, spend about 30 minutes on it and spend more time on a subject you’re struggling with. But most importantly, relax! Think about it: in one month’s time, we’ll be out of school and worry-free! Sincerely, Crusader Watch out for Nick.



Community Theater: An Inside Look at the Passion for Theater By Jerry Bellino ‘15 It is not easy to gain new perspective on something new unless you learn about it or experience it. To us thespians, theater and music are our passions, but our admiration for each other and the theater is something unlike any other activity. As we all know, Bishop Eustace finished their production of Thoroughly Modern Millie in the beginning of March, but what many people don’t know was our passion for each other and for the production. It starts out on audition day, with that chill down the spine as one prepares to give his or her best monologue to the directors. This is an incredible and exciting feeling, because it truthfully can be intimidating to

“...what many people don’t know was our passion for each other and for the production. “ get into the audition room knowing you will be judged on your per-formance, but that is a rush that we thespians love. Then comes the day the cast list comes out, a very scary and exciting day. The moment you make it to that list, your heart drops, and this initi-ates the season of theater. Getting

started can be rather slow but nonetheless, it is rather exciting. Learning blocking, songs, and memorizing lines seems much more difficult than it really is. Studying lines is not the same as

“Getting started can be rather slow but nonetheless, it is rather exciting. “ studying for a history test; in fact, it is similar to knowing every line of a movie one has seen many times. Once the lines, blocking, and songs are memorized, you are ready for a seamless run-through of the production in which one gets criticized on the delivery of their performance. After a few more of those runthroughs, we are ready to take the production to the stage. Dress rehearsal is simply a performance without an audience, aside from the directors and occasionally parents who want to come and watch anyway. Dress rehearsals bring out the ex-citement of the stage because the actors are in costume and makeup and the lights are on, which is what the cast loves the most. Then comes opening night, and as a thespian, I know that one of the reasons I love theater as much as I do, is because of the rush you get

right before one goes on that stage. It is an incomparable feeling, a feeling that no words can describe, and from that moment on, one is in a brand new state of mind. For instance, in this past production of Thoroughly Modern Millie, I played a character named Jimmy Smith, and from the moment the over-ture began, starting the show, I became that character and I was no longer Jerry for the sake of the show. This is the reason we thespians do theater: because it is an escape from reality and opens up our world to new things. As a cast, each one of us is proud of our performance on that stage and afterwards. We as a group created a bond similar to that of a family. This is also a feeling that cannot be described in

words. Overall, theater is a great way to escape the present and build a family

“As a cast, each one of us are proud of our performances on that stage and afterwards, we as a group create a bond similar to that of a family. “ of incredible people. In the theater we all love each other and our productions and that will never change because that is the reason we get on that stage. For more articles by Jerry Belino, see every page on any other copy of The Eustacian.

By Adam Gottsch ‘14 “I literally saw Mr. Threston down in the dumps one day for some reason or the other (I’m just not sure why), but then quickly saw Anthony come to his aid…. “It was unbelievable, suddenly Mr. Threston cheered up and they even shared a laugh,” said Nicholas Barnaba, who admires Anthony’s presence in homeroom every morning. For his classmates, he is the final person to turn to when needing advice on and about any sort of thing. “When I’m having girl trou-

“For his classmates, he is the final person to turn to...” bles I always talk to Anthony. He is basically the Fonz of Bishop Eustace. Always gets me through it,” said Ryan Lange, captain of the Eustace Football team. Jonathon Ayoub also wanted to add how Anthony helped him in his dress down day debacle a couple weeks ago. “I simply

The Top Things You Should Do This Summer

By Jonathon Ayoub ‘15

1.) Relax- it has been a long year. Take some time off of school stuff, like SAT prep. 2) Watch TV- you weren’t able to watch all your favorite shows because of school work? Do it now! Do it in the beginning so parents are not nagging that you did it all summer. 3) Find a hobbylike cooking, making sushi, or even painting. Try new things and see if you have any hidden talents. 4) Go on adventuresCollege visits do not count. Go on a trip with friends. It can be a trip around Philly or down the shore. 5) Try new things- don’t keep ordering the same thing, try new food places and different foods. You don’t know if you like something if you’ve never tried it. It’s not just food but other things. Go camping, go on a roller coaster, or experience an adventure places. 6) Work- having money is not such a bad thing. Try getting a job in something that you know you will like. Even if it does not pay, experience in a field will really help you on the road to college. 7) Make a bucket listone for the summer and one for the rest of your life. 8) Have fun! - This the time to have fun, to relax, and to do the things you can’t do during school. You only live once.

Bishop Eustace has a lot of school spirit, but you don’t see the full of it until you get to Black and White Week. Black and White Week brings out everyone’s best and shows others what Bishop Eustace is all about. The week was filled with fun activities and games that entertained students and faculty for hours. The week featured many activities such as the Crusader Quizzo, the Student-Teacher badminton tournament, Find the Crusader, and a brand new event, the Paper Airplane competition! All these events were so much fun! The only downside was that the highly anticipated Mr. Eustace, PowderPuff game, and school picnic were moved because of rain. It turned out okay though; the changed date was for the best - we didn’t get rained on! One of the most popular events of Black and

“...the changed date was for the best -- we didn’t get rained on!”

Anthony Altamuro: The Unsung Hero of Bishop Eustace For his coaches, he is the last line of defense. On the ice, he is the absolute difference between allowing an opposing goal that results in a hard-fought loss or making an immaculate shotsave, winning the game for the Crusaders in a brief moment that will last in permanent glory. However, if you ask him, Anthony Altamuro shrugs off his utmost importance and directs phrases of praise to his teammates, classmates he refers to as “brethren.” When asked about his proudest moment playing Eustace Ice Hockey, “It’s my first Varsity win as a team. Beating St. Peter’s, man, it was electrifying. Absolutely loved sharing that moment with my brothers.” For his teachers, he is the last chance for them to crack a smile when having a bad day. As a first-hand witness of Anthony’s behaviors in class, it is obvious that he is the one teachers depend on to brighten up their gloomy day.

Black and White Week: the Best Week of Your Life!

didn’t know what to wear. Called Anthony up, told me to wear some slacks and a white button-down shirt with a crooked tie, and sure enough, I looked stunning… Absolutely stunning. Wasn’t even dress down day, Anthony was just being a nice person like he always is.” The other various ac-

“...he is an unsung hero of Bishop Eustace....” tivities Anthony participates in also prove to be examples of how he is an unsung hero of Bishop Eustace. As a oneday member of the Ultimate Frisbee team, Anthony made countless amounts of friends and showed off his athletic expertise. He also loves horseback riding strictly for the bond he makes with the horse, particularly “The Punisher.” He drives a Monte Carlo and loves working on it in his spare time. “I have a lift at home and ev-

erything, I get to clear my mind when working on that car and just be a mechanic some days,” says Anthony. When you are down in the dumps, speak with Anthony. When you’re having girl problems, talk to Anthony. When your car needs a jump, let Anthony know. When you want to know how to ride a horse, call up Anthony. When you need Ice Hockey advice, seek out Anthony. When you need a Frisbee for entertainment purposes, holler at Anthony.

“When your car needs a jump, let Anthony know. “ But, most of all, if you want to know a heroic young person who seeks no praise or adoration for it, get to know Anthony – a true, selfless, unsung hero of Bishop Eustace. Adam Gottsch approves of this article.

White Week each year is the school picnic. Classes were shortened so that 8th period ended at 1:00 PM. At that time, we excitedly made our way to the Queen of Apostles field for a highly anticipated school barbeque. After all the students and faculty had their seconds and thirds of the barbeque, students ventured off to the various games set up around the track for a chance to win tickets. These tickets were valid at a tent that had various school apparel and items as prizes. Another huge highlight of Black and White Week was Powder-Puff football. Only girls were able to play in this event and it was grade versus grade. A unique aspect of the game was that the actual football players became coaches for their respective grades and it was a really great time. The Mr. Bishop Eustace competition capped off the week. The performances were hilarious., and in the end, Lenny Hunter won the coveted title. Overall, Black and White Week was a blast and I am already looking forward to next year!

By: Morgan Schemenski ‘14

2 Weeks Left By Anthony Altamuro ‘15 With only 2 weeks left of this school year, many students are stressing about their grades. Whether you’re a junior or senior trying to keep an A average to avoid the final, or a sophomore or freshman just wanting to finish strong, the last few weeks of school can be the most stressful. It can be extremely hard to stay focused on school. Students are concentrating more on the nice weather than on the remaining days in the classroom. It’s very important to try to keep focused on school for the time being. Summer will be here before we know it and it would be a lot more enjoyable knowing the school year was finished strong with a nice high grade rather than a low one.

Community Live the Senior Year By Amanda Reed ‘14 As your high school years add up and you slowly approach your senior year, don’t miss out on the best part of your high school experience at Eustace. Especially for the junior class, when you are a senior DO NOT miss out on attending Kairos. I truly wish I could force every single one of you to go on this experience, but alas, I am not in that power. And before you go and shrug it off, actually consider it. Those of you who scoff

“I truly wish I could force every single one of you to go on this experience.” at the returning groups from Kairos by saying things such as, “I’d never share my feelings with kids from this school,” or, “I don’t want to go someplace to cry and talk about my feelings,” are the people who need this retreat most. I laugh

when I hear these comments because many people think they know exactly what this retreat is about, but even if someone went on it and “told you what they do,” they don’t understand. Kairos is a huge secret in and of itself. The purpose of Kairos and the activities done are secret. The only way you know what happens is to go on it, so to say you know what it is when you haven’t been is humorous to us Kairos alumni. When people get curious and want to know what it is, we often fabricate cult-like rituals that are done for our own entertainment, but that is not the case. Ask any senior (before we leave) that has been on Kairos and the select juniors who have been in April if they think it is worth it. I know from personal experience and from the friends I’ve made that Kairos is even better than senior trip. It was the best part of many of my classmates’ final year at Eustace. Many seniors

Junior Service Retreats By Sara Weill ‘17 While service is an important part of every year at Bishop Eustace, one of the most anticipated service opportunities is the chance to be selected for a service retreat in Camden during your junior year. Every student who has ever been on one of these retreats will agree on how rewarding the experience was for them. This year, there were three weekend retreats: one in October, one in November, and one in March. Junior Noelle Weill, attended the November retreat to Sacred Heart Parish and the Center for Environmental Transformation in Camden, NJ. This retreat’s focus was the environmental challenge, so many of the projects included gardening and helping to make the environment better. The juniors also had a chance to work with kids and families at a day care and family center in Camden. “My group helped clean up the baseball field,” said Noelle Weill. “We pulled up all the weeds and picked up the trash around the field. When we were done, we got to play with the kids on the baseball field. That was probably the highlight of the trip, playing with the kids.” As well as service challenges, the juniors also had some personal challenge projects. One of the most memorable activi-

ties of the trip was the challenge of feeding a “family” of about 4 juniors with just $8 for the whole day. “That was really difficult,” Noelle remembers. “Most of us were used to eating a lot of food, so it was really hard to have only just dry cereal, a peanut butter sandwich, and a small bowl of pasta without sauce for the whole day”. However, the students felt like a community throughout the weekend. “Some groups did better than others and made better choices while spending their $8. Some still shared what little food they had with those who weren’t as smart with their choices. That was really nice, seeing everyone work together.” The retreat ended with a beautiful Sunday Morning Mass at the Sacred Heart Church. This was another highlight of the retreat because the students felt a sense of community with the Parish they were serving. The Juniors’ families were also able to come and go to Mass with the students. Every student was so excited to share their experiences with their parents and siblings when they came to pick them up. “We got to see up close the difficulty of the world,” reflected Noelle. “It really made me think about my life and what I could do to help others.”

The Blue Lanyard Plague Obianuju Obianwu ‘14

regret not going on Kairos and seeing the effects it has on our classmates. This is an amazing opportunity to grow even closer to your classmates than you ever could all four years. My greatest take away from Kairos was that I actually started to figure out who I am and want to

“...My greatest take away from Kairos was that I actually started to figure out who I am and want to be; I got to know myself....” be; I got to know myself. Shout out to Mr. Moffa for supervising this incredible experience and every teacher that goes and has gone to Kairos. I cannot thank all of those involved enough for the highlight of my high school career. If you are interested in going on Kairos, please see Mr. Moffa or Mrs. Arnold.

Beware, one and all, you mustn’t get infected, you mustn’t go near, when it’s that time of the year… an outbreak has dispersed, and no one is safe. Walking down the hallways is not the same, looking at the face of classmates - you know something has changed. Even those who you thought would stay the same have turned. No one is safe when Senioritis starts taking names. An assignment is due this Friday - no worries, you’ll get it done the next. A term paper must be completed next period - it’s okay, the teacher can’t fail you now. Look in their eyes; you know what they’re thinking. To be honest, you probably don’t, but it’s most likely not school related. “Why must I learn this foolish material?” they say. “I’m already in college. I already have my roommate,” they believe. Their brains are encompassed. No one is safe when Senioritis comes down

“Their brains are encompassed No one is safe when Senioritis comes down the hall.” the hall. Remember that parking spot you once had?

Somehow you’ve picked out a new one most likely around the cafe. Remember your squeaky record of no tardies? Somehow you’ve acquired seven in the third quarter alone along with three detentions… but that’s okay because you’re already in college. The makeup bag and the hot tools that the females were once fond of now only make appearances on the weekend, because who are they trying to impress at this point? We all know what we look like, and that’s not going to change. Forget about the things you once cared about, because Senioritis will surely change that. I caught myself slippin’ the other week, my work was piling up, I was on time three times in the past two weeks, and I hadn’t worn a full uniform (more like less than a ¼ of my uniform) in over a month. That’s when I knew I was infected. I am a victim, and I wish there were a cure. There are more of us that know, know that we’re troubled, know that there’s no turning back now. The only thing we can do now is stick together and brave it though these last few weeks. But don’t look at us differently, please. Just because we have Senioritis does not mean that we are not people too.

Summer, Fall, Winter, PROM By Amanda Reed ‘14

The prom season is among us! After Pat VanBernum initiated the first promposal to senior prom, excitement definitely hit the senior class! Our trip to Disney consisted of many promposals. Some of my classmates were asked under the fireworks, and some were asked with Disney themed gifts and balloons. Prom is definitely something to look forward to. We girls get to dress up like princesses and get our hair and makeup done. In fact, most girls have their dresses already so that they can snag their favorite before someone else does. The guys get snazzy tuxes to look equally dapper as they escort their dates down the promenade. I am incredibly excited for prom and what is in store for the senior class! After a night with all of our friends, many of us will go to the beach to celebrate the beginning of the end of senior year. As we get closer to the exciting coming days and events, we cannot forget that it will all be over before we know it! As a class, we should enjoy our final days at Eustace and not take them for granted!

Preparing for Finals? Here are some Tips By Jonathon Ayoub ‘15

The school year is winding down, the seniors are about to graduate, and you can’t wait for the summer. However, you also have finals. You are so close to summer, but finals are in your way. Finals are one of the major deciding factors of your grades. The amount of studying and preparation that goes into finals is worth it, and you’ll be glad you did it. Doing well on finals can

“Finals are one of the major deciding factors of your grades....” bring your grades up and show yours teachers that you have learned some things throughout the year. Finals can be stressful, boring, hard, and easy; the list can go on and on. But the most important thing to do for finals is to study. One of the best studying techniques for finals is creating your own study guide. When doing this, you study while read-

ing your notes and then you study again while actually typing the guide up. So before you even read the study guide, you will have read the information twice. Another tip for finals is to eat a good breakfast before your finals

“ a good breakfast....” and sleep for at least 6-8 hours. If you go to your finals tired and sleepy, you will not do well on them. However, if you eat a good breakfast and get 6-8 hours of sleep, you will be awake, fully-functioning and prepared to take your final. My last tip for finals is to quiz yourself or have others quiz you. When you quiz yourself, you help yourself remember important information. Also, you can eliminate the things you know and focus more on the things you do not know. Overall, finals can be really stressful, but if you use these tips, finals can be a lot easier. ...and then I realized I wasn’t wearing any pants....”

Voice A Farewell to my Second Family By: Morgan Schemenski ‘14 The nervous jitters of a new school were present the day I walked onto the Eustace Campus, on the first day of orientation. Four years ago, I was lost, not knowing who I was going to be friends with or if I would like my teachers. Now, May is upon us. Its seems as though the time between was only the blink of an eye. The last few days of my senior year are coming to an end! I may have wished for this day to come many times during and before Senior year, but now that it is here, I am asking myself “Where do I sign up for a 5th year?” I never thought that I would make it this far and be heading in the direction that I am. Looking back, I do not

know who I would be if I did not go to Eustace. The teachers and counselors showed me that I can achieve my highest goals and be my best.

“[When I first came to Eustace] I never thought that I would make it this far and be heading in the direction that I am. “ Leaving my friends here will be hard; at Eustace I did not just make friends, I gained an extended family, people who stood by me when I was in a time of need or when I just needed a little help. Looking

By Allie Lynch ‘14 back on all of the memories, I would not change a thing. My advice? Do not wish for time to fly by; enjoy the now, because before you know it you are picking out a college roommate. At Eustace I did not just learn all of my subjects, but I learned about selflessness, friendship, and other life lessons that I will carry with me throughout my life. Eustace has helped me become the person I am today, and I am forever grateful to those who walked on to this campus on the first day of school. Thank you to everyone who made my four years here so amazing! I will miss this place and everyone who truly makes it Eustace.

The Motto By Obianuju Obianwu ‘14 If I have to write one thing for my fellow Eustacians to remember as my parting words, remember this, “It’s not that deep.” I have to say, those four words have gotten me through, and will continue to assist me through, so much. You may be wondering what that means, but that’s understandable. There are only a few things in life that are really ever that deep: Family, Life/ Death, and Health. By saying something is not that deep, one confirms verbally that they can get through their

problems, whatever they may be. Let’s think about this in terms of common high-school scenarios. You just got an inadequate score on a science quiz and you’re unhappy... it’s not that deep!! We all know for a fact that there will be more quizzes, tests, and ways to bring up a grade. It is, by far, not the end of the world, and it’s as deep as a kiddie pool. Moving on, if you don’t have a date for a school dance, it’s not that deep! It is one night out of your whole life, and the time you would

actually spend with your date is minute in comparison to the time you taking posing for “candid” pictures and dancing with your friends. Reminding yourself that something is not that deep is so crucial to living a happy and fulfilled lifestyle. Just look at me as an example! I have very few life mantras, but I can not give everything away to you all just yet! XOXO and thank you for an eventful four years. - Y o u r Q u e e n

The Beginning of the End …Our Final Days at Eustace By: Julianna Furfari ‘14 The flowers starting to bloom and the sight of pink sweaters permeating the campus were the first indications of spring time at Bishop Eustace. While some students count down the days until summer break, the diminishing number of days until graduation haunts some seniors. There are so many exciting things to look forward to as fourth quarter seniors; however, the lack of time left will always remain in the back of our minds. Bishop Eustace has been our safe haven for the last four years. It’s a place where we were encouraged to learn, grow, and make a difference.

“It’s a place where we were encouraged to learn, grow, and make a difference. “ Eustace builds the foundation for the rest of your life, and

from freshman to senior year you are being prepared for the obstacles you are bound to face. Over the last few years we have matured into young adults who are ready to take the world by storm. We have built relationships that seem almost unbreakable. We have learned to

“Eustace has given us the opportunity to be a part of a big family. “ see the good in all of those around us and have learned that anyone can make a difference. Bishop Eustace has also given us knowledge and skills that we will keep with us for the rest of our lives. Most importantly, Eustace has given us the opportunity to be a part of a big family. Even though in just a few months we will walk across the quad for the final time, we will have memories that

Farewell, Eustace

we can keep with us for the rest of our lives. We will not be able to forget field day, supporting our football team as they beat Camden Catholic twice, our school’s unconditional support and spirit, senior trip, prom, and all the special moments in between. As we leave Eustace, we must have faith, because our school has been preparing us for this moment for the last four years. We are ready. Graduation is not the end of our book, it is just the end of a chapter. Bishop Eustace has been, and will remain, a part of us for the rest of our lives. Miss Furfari will be attending the University of Southern California in the fall.

The night before my first day of freshman year my parents told me all about their first days of school and I dismissed it as ancient history that I would never be able to relate to. I remember them telling me how fast their 4 years went and that, before I knew it, I would be graduating. I came home from school that day and told them that they were wrong, my first day was very long and I was sure the next 4 years would be an eternity. It feels like just yesterday that I was having that conversation. People always say, “time flies when you’re having fun,” and I never realized just how true that statement was. My past 4 years of Eustace have been an absolute roller coaster and if I had the choice, I would get back in line in a second. Eustace’s many unique traditions are what made it such an amazing time for me. Before I came to Eustace, Field Day consisted of playing a game or two of dodge ball and hav-

ing juice box at the end of the day. But at Eustace, joining my class decked out in our respective colors and playing various games like they were at the Olympics has truly unified me with not only my graduating class of 2014 but also the entire school. Field Day is just one of the various events that have made me feel like I am truly part of the Eustace family. I know that at the end of the day no matter what I have been through these past 4 years, if you’re wearing any type of Eustace apparel, I can consider you family. No one in the world could begin to understand the unbreakable bond among the Eustace community unless you become a part of it. I will never forget the memories I have made here and I know that I will keep these friendships forever. I cherish each moment I can stand by my fellow seniors and sing with absolute truth, “Bishop Eustace, forever will to you our hearts belong.”

Senior Piece By Cooper Richardson ‘14 It’s such a cliché statement, but time really does fly. I couldn’t possibly count the number of times I’ve complained that “this day/week/ month is going so slow,” but all of a sudden there is only a month left of high school. It really creeps up on you—I remember my freshman orientation like it was yesterday, but that was four years ago. Now, the Class of 2014 is getting ready to start the next chapter of our lives, and if it is anything like this one, four years from now I will be sitting somewhere remembering writing this piece and wondering where on earth the time went. If I could give one piece of advice it would be to stop worrying. Seriously. You are going to go to college. Maybe you didn’t get in to your first choice school, maybe not even your second. But you are going to love wherever you go, and you are going to make friends, and you are going to have fun. I spent far too much of my time worrying about my grades and whether I had enough activities and volunteer work and worrying about how much I was worried. It’s not worth it. Now I’m committed to college and the year is winding down and I only have things to look forward to, and when I think back, even to last se-

mester, I wonder what I was thinking. It is completely crazy to sacrifice sleep and family dinners and going to the movies so you can get an A on a test. A year from now you’re not even going to remember taking that test—or you will remember taking it and wish you had not been so worried, because if you had not, you would have had dinner with your family the night before. You will wish you had risked getting a B, because four months from now you might be living 600 miles away from home and you will not get to have any family dinners. Maybe that’s just my senioritis talking, but honestly I do not think it is. I am not saying you should not study and work hard. I am saying not to worry about it, because everything is going to happen whether you worry about it or not. Not worrying does not mean that you do not care, it means that you can step back and realize that this test is not the most important thing in the world. My experience has been that everything in life works out—maybe not exactly how you expected, but it works out—and you end up happy with it. So please, just stop worrying about every detail and just let it happen. I promise that you will like how your life turns out.

What I Wish Someone Had Told Me By Morgan Schemenski ‘14

High School is supposed to be something that you look back at with nostalgia. Seniors are getting ready to leave and become little fish again. Juniors are looking forward to passing through senior year and picking the college of their dreams. And of course, sophomores are looking at junior year and wishing to skip it. The freshmen are just happy not to be on the bottom of the chain soon. As a senior, I look back at my years at Eustace, thinking about how fast it goes by, the people who entered and left my life and the ones who stayed, the things I learned in and outside of the classroom, and the experiences I had. But there is one thing that I do regret, and that is not enjoying every single minute of it. Instead of wanting to jump through time and just to graduate, enjoy now. Do not worry about silly things between people, because after school you will only see them at reunions. Being negative takes a lot of energy and that should be put into your school work. And get to know your teachers better - they know what they are doing and they can help you in the future. That is why, believe it or not, you may attend this school, so you have a better opportunity to go to college. The faculty at Eustace has so much knowledge and stories of their own, that secretly guides you to some choices you make in classes or in life. Being active and going out and supporting your school will be different when you are older. Seniors see that their window of opportunity to do these final things is closing, so why not do them now? Lastly, I wish that before I was a senior someone had told me how hard it is to let this place go. Like most things, there were ups and downs, but the ups will outshine the downs. You soon begin to see the connection you have with others and wish you had developed some friendships earlier. Everyone is going in a different direction, and this is good. Regardless, there will be regrets. However, if you establish this early and try to leave with as few as possible, you can to make these four years your best years.

Voice Independent Thinking

Senior Farewell

By Ronald Berna ‘14 A few weeks ago, I was sitting around a fire-pit with a group of my friends. We were mostly gossiping, but occasionally we would discuss more weighty topics such as college admissions (ugh), politics, and social preconceptions. At the time, I merely accepted our colloquy as a typical conversation among high school seniors. In retrospect, however, I realized that our views were not merely reflections of our individuality, but byproducts of our high school experiences. This, coupled with some of my previous experiences, enabled me to realize the impact that Eustace has on each of its students, and specifically how successfully it fosters independent thinking. Around the fire, our topics were not as important as how the discussion ensued. When one individual would bring up a new perspective, there were often rejections from others; the person would be challenged to support his viewpoint. After providing some support, the topic would be discussed further and then abandoned in favor of another. Now, please do not misinterpret the situation. We were not cold and impersonal; we were not trying to sound intelligent or find a cure for cancer. We were just talking. However, the very informality of the situation reinforces the idea that we were, unconsciously, trained to think critically and look for valid arguments.

When I was talking to Mr. Marquart recently about my previous article (and my fears of potential retribution), he reassured me that there should never be a punishment for expressing one’s opinion. This sentiment, I think, can define our school’s educational ideal. At Eustace, we are encouraged to present arguments almost every day, whether in class, writing a paper, or merely talking to a teacher in the library. More often than not, we are encouraged to bolster our arguments, yet our viewpoints are rarely challenged. In my three years of history, I have received plenty of comments on paragraph structure and diction, yet my thesis has never been outright rejected. In this way, the school fosters new and unique perspectives while enabling students to adeptly defend their views. This is how students develop as I and my friends had. English, I think, contributes to this development the most. In English, there is ambiguity, lending rise to a variety of different opinions on any one work. By fostering an understanding of these opinions, and the development of new ones, the English department molds students into more logical, practical thinkers. On my first essay, for instance, I was asked what I thought of the personal crisis for Jim Hawkins in Treasure Island. I could not rely on my parents for help; I could not

By Elizabeth Bowman ‘14 rely on the teacher’s interpretation; I was forced to discover my own viewpoint and then to support that viewpoint. The same philosophy is subtly present in the Theology department. Occasionally, classes are discussion-oriented, leading to open expression and intellectual debate. Conflicts of opinion ensure that students both encounter other viewpoints and seek to continually revise their own perspectives, experiences which are integral to developing informed minds. These educational conditions gradually mold more mature, thoughtful individuals. Indeed, one is more equipped at handling divisiveness, more willing to express different viewpoints, and more able to discover one’s unique perspective. I personally could never have written this article without the ability (learned at Eustace) to challenge preconceptions. Whether or not students pursue intellectual curiosity is wholly independent of the presence of informed minds and critical thinkers. I still firmly believe that students have to respond more fully to the intellectual opportunities that are available to them, and that the school has to ensure that this occurs. However, I do believe that the student’s educational framework lays a nice foundation for the independent pursuit of interdisciplinary knowledge.

It happens all the time, in almost every class. After asking a question, the teacher takes a look around the room at a class of students pointedly avoiding eye contact and sighs in exasperation, “Have you learned anything this year?” Believe it or not, we have. The most important things we learn, though, don’t come from the textbooks and lectures. Instead, they come from the relationships we’ve developed and the experiences we’ve had in our four years at Bishop Eustace. When I first started high school, I had just left an eighth grade class of only thirteen students, and I was very nervous that, in this “huge” class of about 170, there would not be the same close- knit community to which I was accustomed. Thankfully, I soon learned that the most important lesson Bishop Eustace teaches its students is how to be a part of a family. From

By Molly McBride ‘14 How to say goodbye to Eustace? I wouldn’t want to if I wasn’t so excited for college. But I’m not going to kid myself, that excitement came from four years of preparation. I am so thankful I was blessed with the opportunity to go to this great school. Coming here from a small school and not know-

By: John Brandt 14’ not hit me that I will never spend another free period in the library. Next year I will not be walking down the hill to the football field with my brothers before a game. I will be leaving my younger brothers behind, as my brothers in my grade go our separate ways. Never again will I walk across the quad to go to my next class. I have enjoyed my final field day and Black

over with people who have become family. Bishop Eustace is the greatest thing I have ever been a part of. I thank God everyday for the entire administration, faculty, staff, and student body that makes Bishop Eustace the special place that it is. Words cannot describe what Eustace has done for my classmates and I. We came in as boys and girls and are

“Looking back on these four years puts a smile on my face...Bishop Eustace is the greatest thing I have ever been a part of....” and White Week school picnic. I have put on my dress shirt with the embroidered BE on it for the last time. I will never go to school with my best friends again. Looking back on these last four years puts a smile on my face. I have had the opportunity to experience all of the “never agains” mentioned above many times

walking out men and women ready to take on college and the real world. Eustace has prepared us for anything that life throws at us by giving us a base that we can always turn to in times of need. For this, I am eternally grateful. I think back on these last four years and I can’t believe that it is over. I am so thankful for every opportu-

interests. By senior year, I was still learning about the hidden abilities of some of my classmates, and watching them develop and pursue their individual passions which gave me the confidence to find and pursue mine. At Eustace, I felt the freedom to explore all of my interests, and I knew that I was always encouraged by all of my classmates and teachers. When we graduate this June, my classmates and I will surely face the years ahead of us armed with the equations and vocabulary words that our teachers were so sure hadn’t gotten through to us, but we will also take with us the much more important lessons we’ve learned from each other and our experiences at Eustace. Wherever we go, we will always remember that we are a part of a community and a family that will far outlast our four years of high school.

How to Say Goodbye to Eustace?

Four Years “Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.” -Kevin Arnold I remember driving down Route 70 to go to Camden Riversharks and Phillies games as a kid. I remember passing by Bishop Eustace and telling my parents, “I’m never going there.” I remember when Bishop Eustace students and faculty came to my eighth grade class and told me about their school. I remember being captivated at the open house and I remember falling in love with the place I have called home for the last four years when I shadowed. And today, I remember the feeling if walking to my last class with people whom have become a part of a second family. I remember walking out of Martorelli Hall for the last time as a student at Bishop Eustace, getting in my car, and going home. It still has

the first couple of weeks of freshman year, we were taught to encourage each other, foster some friendly competition, lift each other to the heights we knew we were capable of reaching, and keep an eye out for classmates in need of a kind word in the meantime. Being a part of clubs, sports teams, and service projects taught my classmates and me about responsibility and dedication, and I was proud to belong to a community that supported each other’s passions and goals, whether they were centered around a talent, career- oriented, or rooted in devotion to a social cause. Although many people would argue that most of the students at Bishop Eustace are all alike, from our uniformed appearances to our love for iced coffee and Chick- fil- A, I have discovered that the school is full of people (students and teachers) with unique talents, ambitions, and

nity that this community has given me and I am thankful for every person that I have met and become friends with at Eustace. From the first day of freshman year to today I knew I had found the right place to spend my high school years. I owe Bishop Eustace everything because it gave me everything: opportunities, memories, friendship, and family. I will never forget these last four years nor the people whom I shared these years with. Words cannot describe the feeling of leaving Eustace. It has been home to me for the last four years and it is excruciating to have to walk away from it. I would do anything to be able to relive these last four years and spend more time with all of the great people that make up the Bishop Eustace community. Farewell, Eustace, and thank you. Is General Tso’s chinese food not tso bad or not so good?

ing anyone was terrifying. My first day at Eustace was one of the most stressful of my life. And freshman year was pretty rough adjusting as I had never had that much work in my previous academic career. But I had made friends quickly and I was involved in some pretty cool clubs. I remember one day in freshman homeroom, there was a bug in the corner of the classroom (where I sat). I hate bugs so I was on my chair in an instant, along with Anna Marchio, who along with me was calling someone to come get it. Ms. Eyler was the hero, stooping down and laughing at me for being scared. Freshman year was also when I discovered my love for Biology, which I will be majoring in at La Salle. It was nice not being the small fish once I became a sophomore. I got to know a whole new set of people as my classes changed. I missed Dr. Morton and still went to visit her, but I had a lot of fun in Mama Larkin’s Chemistry class. Sophomore year was also when I recruited Mr. Brady to be my badminton partner in the Teacher/Student badminton tourney during Black and White week. He graciously agreed every year to be my partner. This year it was very sad knowing that Mr. B would have a new partner next year, but

he said I was the best partner in the world so it’s all okay. Junior year I got to take Biology again and hang out more with Dr. M. That was a great class. Making E. Coli glow and playing Michael Buble to make our leaf chads perform photosynthesis. I DID NOT like the pill bug lab. But I’m trying to forget about that. Ew. This year I got to have Mr. Brady as a teacher again, in which he told me often after class to be practicing my badminton. I’m really thankful to him and Dr. M for their Letters of Recommendation, along with Mrs. McSherry (and ALL of her help over the years) for not only my college acceptance, but for the Christian Brother’s Scholarship at La Salle, which I was elated and am extremely blessed to have won. Thank you thank you thank you. This year, and all four years at Eustace collectively, went by faster than the blink of an eye. All the seniors told us that our freshman year, and I believed it, but I didn’t really understand it until now. It’s crazy and sad, but I’m happy looking back on my time at Eustace. I made some amazing friends (you know who you are Jesus Club) and I had some of the best times of my life. I will always be a Crusader, and that makes me happier and prouder than I could say.

The Eustacian A Beautiful Night: Senior Prom By Elizabeth Bowman ‘14 It isn’t often that you come to school to find that the girls have abandoned their gray skorts and sweater vests for floor- length gowns and that the boys have traded their khaki’s and ties for sharp tuxedos. On March 22nd, the Senior Promenade was held at Bishop Eustace, and the seniors had the opportunity to show off their dazzling dresses and handsome tuxes in front of the parents and Parents’ Association. From there, the seniors packed into cars and a

few limos, and drove to the Collingswood Ballroom, where the Prom was held. The Ballroom glowed with festive lights and elegant decorations graced the tables as the seniors first sat down to a delicious dinner. Once everyone had finished eating, the DJ began to play some songs. As usual, everyone seemed very hesitant to be the first on the dance floor, but after a couple of great dance songs, the seniors forgot all reservations and showed off their best moves.

The girls were radiant in all of their beautifully- colored gowns and flawless makeup and hair, and the boys were stunning in their tuxes. With great music, a delicious dinner, and wonderful friends, the night was enchanting. “I had a lot of fun! It was a really great way to end the year,” senior Cooper Richardson commented about the night. “It was a perfect ending to an unforgettable year,” senior Jen Poniatowicz agreed. Since the Senior Prom was one of the last nights

that the class of 2014 had to spend together, they were determined to make it a fun and unforgettable night. With their enthusiasm and love for each other, they made it one of the greatest nights of the year. Thank you to all of the chaperones and parents who made the night possible, and a special thank you to the class moderators, Mrs. Lamorgese and Mr. Jamrogowicz, for giving all of the seniors a wonderful year.

Junior Ring Dance: A Night of Friends and Memories By Matt McGough ‘17 mashed potatoes, pasta salOn April 12th, after read, and rolls. Then came the ceiving their coveted class dessert: cheesecake, coconut rings, the juniors headed cake, and small chocolates. down to the Crowne Plaza The rest of the night in Cherry Hill for a night of was filled with dancing. The fun. From 6:30 to 10:30, DJ’s played modern favorites the “Class of 2015” danced and even played some old and ate, making memories favorites like “Don’t Stop with their friends. As evBelievin’”. The junior class eryone entered the tent, peowould also ple met and “...The night was like to thank hugged and compliment- truly one to remem- the chaperones for organized each other ber....” ing a fantastic on their attire. dance. The At 7:00, the night was truly one to remempresident-elect, John Brown, ber. All the gowns, food, and the vice-president-elect, and friends came together to Gina D’Antonio officially make a night that celebrates opened up the dance with all the work that the class has a prayer. Following the done over the past year, and prayer, tables went up to the celebrate all that is to come buffet. The buffet consistfor the class in the next years. ed of herb-rubbed salmon,

The Eustacian The Student Newspaper of Bishop Eustace Preparatory School Route 70, Pennsauken, NJ 08109

Moderator: Mr. Dwight Jessup Editors-in Chief: Elizabeth Bowman, Molly McBride, & Ronald Berna Section Editors: Asha Jacob, Paul Jacob, Erin Feeny Photos by LifeTouch, Eustacian Staff Photographers, and Mr. Jessup

THE EUSTACIAN is a forum for student views, photography, and journalism. It is written and produced by the Eustacian Club and takes submissions from contributing writers, photographers, and artists. It is at the discretion of the moderator and the editors whether a contribution will be used. All contributions will be evaluated on overall journalistic quality. Views expressed in THE EUSTACIAN are not necessarily the views of Bishop Eustace Preparatory School, or of the editors of this publication. THE EUSTACIAN is funded by the Pallottine Fathers and Brothers. Staff: Regis Acosta, Jonathan Ayoub, Natalie Alleva, Taylor Bruner, Liz Carberry, Stephanie D’Andrea, Regina de Heer, Amanda Del Rossi, Adam Gottsch, Gina Lombardo, Rachel McGrath, Alexis Mignogna, Stephanie Mignogna, Uju Obianuju, Gianna Piacentino, Francesco Scaturro, Victoria Shaw, Nicoletta Stefanou, Olivia Szumski, Nneka Ufumaka, Casey Whittaker

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