Enterprise Information Systems

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1;Title Page;2 2;Preface;5 3;Organization;6 4;Table of Contents;13 5;Invited Papers;16 5.1;The Link between Paper and Information Systems;17 5.1.1;Introduction;17 5.1.2;Digital Pen and Paper;18 5.1.3;Interactive Paper;20 5.1.4;Accessing Information;22 5.1.5;Capturing Information;25 5.1.6;Conclusions;27 5.1.7;References;27 5.2;Service Engineering for the Internet of Services;29 5.2.1;Introduction;29 5.2.2;Marketplaces for the Internet of Services;30;What Are Services?;30;Discovery, Invocation and/or Execution of Services;32;Atomic vs. Composite Services;33 5.2.3;Requirements for the IoS and Marketplaces;34 5.2.4;Service Engineering;36;Definition;36;The ISE Methodology;37;Service Model Integration;38 5.2.5;Conclusions;40 5.2.6;References;40 6;Part I Databases and Information Systems Integration;42 6.1;Bringing the XML and Semantic Web Worlds Closer: Transforming XML into RDF and Embedding XPath into SPARQL;43 6.1.1;Introduction;43 6.1.2;Further Related Work;44 6.1.3;Comparison of XML/RDF and XPath/SPARQL;45;XPath and XQuery Data Model and XPath Query Language;45;RDF Data Model and SPARQL;46 6.1.4;Translation of XPath Subqueries into SPARQL Queries;48;Translation of Data;48;Translation of Queries;49;Translation of Result;50 6.1.5;Performance Analysis;52 6.1.6;Conclusions;53 6.1.7;References;53 6.1.8;Appendix;55 6.2;A Framework for Semi-automatic Data Integration;58 6.2.1;Introduction;58 6.2.2;Data Integration;60 6.2.3;Matching;60;Identifier Constraints and Attribute Relations;62 6.2.4;Mapping;66;FCA-Based Mapping Generation;66 6.2.5;Conclusions;71 6.2.6;References;72 6.3;Experiences with Industrial Ontology Engineering;73 6.3.1;Introduction;73 6.3.2;The Subsea Petroleum Industry;74 6.3.3;Semantic Web and Interoperability;77 6.3.4;Developing Oil and Gas Ontologies;78 6.3.5;Industrial Adoption of Semantic Standards;81 6.3.6;Conclusions;82 6.3.7;References;83 6.4;A Semiotic Approach to Quality in Specifications of Software Measures;85 6.4.1;Introduction;85 6.4.2;A Semiotic Quality Framework;86;Specification of the Framework;86;Discussion;92 6.4.3;An Evaluation of Database Design Measures;94 6.4.4;Conclusions;96 6.4.5;References;97 6.5;Hybrid Computational Models for Software Cost Prediction: An Approach Using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic

Algorithms;99 6.5.1;Introduction;99 6.5.2;Related Work;101 6.5.3;Datasets and Performance Metrics;102;Datasets Description;102;Performance Metrics;103 6.5.4;Experimental Approach;104;A Basic ANN-Model Approach;104;A Hybrid Model Approach;107 6.5.5;Conclusions;110 6.5.6;References;112 7;Part II Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems;113 7.1;How to Semantically Enhance a Data Mining Process?;114 7.1.1;Introduction;114 7.1.2;Related Works;115;Knowledge Integration in Data Mining;115;Ontology Driven Information System (ODIS);116;Ontology-Based Validation Methods;116 7.1.3;KEOPS Methodology;117;Business Understanding;118;Data Understanding;118;Data Preparation;120;Evaluation;121 7.1.4;Experiments;122 7.1.5;Discussion;124 7.1.6;Conclusions;125 7.1.7;References;126 7.2;Next-Generation Misuse and Anomaly Prevention System;128 7.2.1;Introduction;128 7.2.2;Architecture and Approach;130;ESIDE-Depian Knowledge Model Generation Process;131;Connection Tracking and Payload Analysis Bayesian Experts Knowledge Model Generation;132;Naive Bayesian Network of the Expert Modules;133 7.2.3;The Structural Learning Challenge;134;PC-Algorithm Application;134;Partial Bayesian Structures Unifying Process;136 7.2.4;Evaluation;136 7.2.5;Conclusions and Future Lines;138 7.2.6;References;139 7.3;Discovering Multi-perspective Process Models: The Case of Loosely EAN/ISBN : 9783642006708 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin Discussed keywords: Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsinformatik Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Filipe, Joaquim - Cordeiro, Jos


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