Euro Weekly News - Costa del Sol 16 - 22 May 2019 Issue 1767

Page 76

76 EWN

16 - 22 May 2019


Get a fresh start – reset your brain READING THE SPAGHETTI: Giving yourself a fresh start.

Joris Plu WITHIN our head is our unique brain, and what a wonderful piece of work. Ever felt that your head was completely full? And I mean not just full but with that weird feeling of it being filled with cooked spaghetti? Lots and lots of it - so much of it that you cannot see things clear anymore. You feel like you are almost not able to make those decisions that are the right ones for you. Feeling blocked and blind. Well, no worries. This happens to everyone on this planet. Hope you feel ok now? And most of the time we can easily read what the spaghetti is trying to say to us. So we can follow the path we want or we need to follow in our special life. Most of the time it all works out well. But

find someone outside your inner circle to help you read what it says. If you are in this stage of your life, your body, soul and mind need a fresh start. So give it to yourself. Give yourself that new fresh start where you will find out who you are at that particular moment in time and what you really want to do in your life. Take a look into a mirror and say to yourself: “Yes, I will give myself a fresh new start right now” … and give yourself a big positive smile. Take good care!

sometimes the head is so full that we are unable to see and feel. The solution in those times is to rethink who we are and what we really want in our life. To reset our brain. Easy, no? So if you are now looking for the reset button somewhere on your head or are

waiting for me to tell you where you can find it, I have to disappoint you. There is no button on the outside of your head. Though it would be fantastic, the button is actually inside your head. Hence the precious word ‘rethink’. You have to take a step

back or stand still for a moment, go to a peaceful and quiet place. Take the spaghetti out of your head, put it in front of you and try to read what it says. Believe in the fact that you are able to read it. And if it is a hard time for you to do so at that moment,

Joris Plu - Marbella / Malaga Life, Relationship and Business Coach Phone and whatsapp 0032 472 401 611

Keep it simple Kate Broadhead Health and Lifestyle coach ONE of the most common reasons for failure when changing the way you eat, is over thinking and over complicating the process. Changing your diet should be straightforward and not feel like ‘work.’ Otherwise you will tire of it and end up back at square one again. The easiest way to get involved in c a rb c yc ling is to unde rs ta nd the food groups. An understanding of what you can eat and what you need to avoid, is all that is really required. As my 72-year-old dad embarked on this way of eating, he didn’t want complicated menus or strict instructions of what to eat, and certainly w o u l d n ’t e n t e r t a i n t r a c k i n g h i s meals in an app on his phone! So I kept it simple. Two lists. One list of foods to eat for five days a week, and another list of what to eat on two days a week. That’s all. By

CHANGING DIET: Understand what you can eat and what to avoid. following a very basic format of carb cycling, it has been enough for him mentally to understand the process and as a result has shed 25lb (11kg). Some people do prefer to track every meal and plan every day to the very last mouthful. Which is fine, and everybody digests information differently and needs a different level of control

over how they manage it. Keep it simple and the results will speak for themselves. Visit Kate’s successful Facebook group on cyclingforbeginners or follow on Instagram @carbcyclingqueen For personal coaching please email her on

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