Euro Weekly News - Axarquia 17 - 23 March 2016 Issue 1602

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ISSUE NO. 1602

17 - 23 March 2016


Series of thefts

Nerja’s future is in your hands

String of burglaries may be over A HOMELESS man has been arrested by the Guardia Civil as the presumed perpetrator of a series of thefts that took place in the Nerja countryside. See page 2

Poor little beasts

EXPATS should urgently step up to save town’s status

There’s no place like Nerja. Famed for its scenic beauty and the whimsical charm of its whitewashed houses and winding streets, the town is also home to a thriving expatriate community. Foreigners travel from all over the world to mingle with the charming Nerjeños, so together they can kick back and bask in their shared love of gastronomy, wine, Mediterranean culture, and the sea, resulting in a unique Spanish village that somehow remains as vibrant as it is tranquil. Unfortunately, a potential threat looms just over the horizon in Nerja, one that could deal a serious blow to so many of the things that form the very foundation of the community. At the present time, it is estimated that nearly 30 per cent of Nerja’s residents are of foreign origin. The population currently hovers at around 22,000, but if the town census falls below 20,000, Nerja would have to be reclassified and could potentially lose a massive amount of funding. This would result in the town potentially losing police officers, firefighters, teachers and other valuable public services. For this reason, the Nerja Town Hall is urging all foreign residents to renew their munici-

Photo credit: shutterstock by Grisha Bruev (both pictures)

By Sam Croft


Pretty ponies catch a break LA HERRADURA has outlawed pony carousels during this year’s San Jose celebrations, as council members have deemed the timeworn tradition to be cruel and unnecessary.

See page 6

Travelling tips Money makes the difference THE road to success can be a bumpy one, so the Rincon de la Victoria Council is aiming to make the process a little

bit smoother by giving grants to 20 lucky university students. See page 12

Doing the work Huge cash injection for Torrox pal padron, thus keeping the town well above the 20,000 mark and ensuring that both residents and visitors have access to all of the essentials that contribute to making Nerja the little piece of paradise that it has become today. All foreign residents must renew their padron every two years, or they will be deregistered. The deadline this time around is March 31. Those looking for more information can contact the Foreigner’s Depart-

ment at, or go directly to the Foreigner’s Department of the town hall, along with an NIE, passport, driving li-

cence, or other identification. The Foreigner’s Department is open from 10am to 1.30pm on Mondays and Thursdays only.

THE Torrox Council is spending a pretty penny on remodelling work in various urban and rural areas of the

community, with the aim of getting the town in tiptop shape. See page 16

E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Rockin’ in Rincon at spring festival THE Spring Festival Band Competition is making its way to Rincon de la Victoria. The deadline to enter is April 1, and the seven finalists will be

announced on April 16. The competition is on April 30, with a top prize of €300 and an opportunity to be contracted for the next festival.

Turtle power is in A PAIR of loggerhead turtles have been given to the aquarium of Almuñecar with the aim of strengthening breeding of the species. The specimens have been taken from a collective project between various environmental entities with the goal of preventing extinction of these animals along the East Atlantic Coast.

A hockey haven for Benagalbon youngsters THE La Candelaria Elementary School in Benagalbon recently opened its doors for a session of hockey. The CD Hockey La Candelaria team

invited students and children from the village who wanted to learn more about the sport and to play the game alongside their friends.


Crime in the countryside as homeless man arrested VARIOUS items were stolen including jewellery and money By Sam Croft GUARDIA CIVIL Officers have arrested a homeless man as the presumed perpetrator of nine burglaries that took place in the rural areas surrounding Nerja. The incidents occurred in various cottages and a vehicle in the Camino de Enmedio neighbourhood. One of the buildings was targeted on three separate occasions. In the robberies numerous items were stolen, including jewellery, money, and farming tools, which the man is thought to have sold for scrap metal. The police investigations began after a series of burglaries with a similar modus operandi were reported in the area. After examining the different crime scenes, police

Photo credit: shutterstock by S. Borisov.


RURAL AREA: Incidents occurred in various cottages around Nerja. officers found fingerprints, which led to the presumed perpetrator of the burglaries.

The accused, a 44-year-old Spanish man, was located and arrested in Nerja, before

being transferred to the police station while he awaits trial.


17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Your papers, your views


Colourful characters or cunning crooks?

Our readers have been expressing their views on the matter of the Looky Looky Men both in letters they send in and on articles published on Here are just a few of your comments and remember we like to hear from everyone regardless of which side of the fence you may sit. shutterstock Rangzen

EWN explores the controversial world of looky looky men

A nuisance To be honest I now actually avoid going to some areas of costa towns for dinner unless pressured by friends that come over on holiday, as I really cannot handle the constant interruptions these people bring. Mike in ESP

Modern slaves Sadly they are modern slaves, but do not seem to realise. They are brought over by the Mr Big and have to earn a minimum amount per day for their accommodation and food. They are never able to earn enough to gain their freedom. Slavery was abolished a long time ago, according to politicians, but it is still alive and well everywhere. PM

Hashish sold

By John Smith NOT so long ago, we ran articles about a woman who was fined nearly €1,000 for posting on social media a photo of a police car parked in a disabled space (the fine was reversed), and another about a woman who was fined for driving her invalid carriage on a pavement, but it is not very often that we write about the arrest of ‘Looky Looky’ men for the sale of illegal copies of designer goods. Some people might think that the designer and film companies make enough money as it is and shouldn’t be worried about a few poor m i g r a n t s ( i n t h e c o u n try legally or otherwise) earning a living by selling these goods, but if studied in the cold light of day, these people are effectively professional criminals practising deception on the streets almost with impunity. The economy is losing a huge amount of tax which should be de-

€100m is the estimated street value of counterfeit goods seized in Spain during 2015, which suggests that the value of such goods left in circulation is enormous

clared by the sellers, and they undertake this work in front of the very shops and restaurants that are paying tax! Apart from those who wander around the streets, there are plenty in municipal markets who have their stall rent collected by members of the Local Police, who don’t appear too worried about what is being sold. We have been told by restaurate u rs th at if th ey try to ba n the guys from selling outside or even inside their establishments, there

is ofte n he ll to pa y w ith ha lf a dozen of them turning up together and hassling customers. On the face of things, they have to be admired, many of them are French speakers, who have learnt Englis h a nd Spa nis h a nd a fte r what could have been a great deal of trouble, and have managed to get into Spain and are trying to earn a living which means they don’t resort to outright robbery. The problem is, of course, that they are part of a giant conspiracy to defraud companies of money, reduce tax collected, sell sub-standard goods to the innocent and ignorant, and who knows what circumstances and conditions those who produce these shoddy goods are working under. Why is this blatant and highly irritating practice allowed to continue and why don’t the authorities a c tua lly do s ome thing a bout cracking down on both the selling of the items and the immigration status of those selling them?

Restaurant fight NO looky looky ONE restaurant in Guadalmina has a sign outside which basically says they will call the police about anyone who tries to sell illegal goods to their clients, although in fairness they also have a sign that says they are Spanish, conservative, catholic and if you don’t like that don’t bother coming in!

Quote of the Week “They are no longer immigrants whose only way of surviving is this type of illegal activities, there are some who come over by plane, stay here three months and make money before returning to their countries of origin.” Rodrigo Romero, Fuengirola councillor

Something I never mentioned was that there are many of these looky looky men whose illegal goods appear to consist of hashish, I don’t know how many times I have walked past one of these people leaning against a wall or post in La Carihuela and Benalmadena hissing ‘chocolate’ when walking past them, if they sell it here I am sure it is the same all along the coast! Mike in ESP

Not pushy All I can say about the guys around Mojacar is that they’re not VERY pushy, a no and they go - unlike the ones I encountered around Alicante (and as far as the beggars up there? don’t think I’ll bother visiting the place again). Teifìon

Always there As a European, I had the chance to live in Italy, France, Belgium and Spain and the looky looky are present in any country even if sometimes the bureaucracy is better. JeanMarie


E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical

INDEX News 1 - 18

Going the extra mile NEW initiative encourages students to walk or cycle to school

Finance 19 - 24

Stocks 20

Leapy Lee 25

Daily TV 28

Letters 32

Health & Beauty 33

Legally Speaking 34

Time Out 36 - 37

Our View 38

Colin Bird 38

Social Scene 39

Property 40

Homes & Gardens 41

Pets 42

Services 44

Classifieds 45

Motoring 47

Sport 48

By Jill Pickering THE Virgen de la Candelaria Elementary School in Benagalbon has been the first to launch an educational initiative encouraging students to walk or cycle to and from school so they can become more independent. The project started on March 9 and consists of providing a safe route to school for the students to walk in a group, with the support of monitors and educators from the community. The fundamental objectives of the project are to develop the movement of students around the school, and to reduce the number of vehicles going to the school in order to reduce pollution, traffic problems and safety risks. The campaign also hopes to encourage children to become more active. The school in Benagalbon is one of three that have started the project in the area of Rincon de la Victoria. The first route for the enthusiastic children started on foot at 8.30am on a footpath near the garden centre and headed through the village to the school gates. The Josefina Aldecoa School in Torre de Benagalbon has also offered a bicycle route since last October in collaboration with the local council, educators and Local Police.

shutterstock by Pressmaster

Featured News 3

OBJECTIVES: Include reducing pollution, traffic problems and safety risks.



17 - 23 March 2016 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical

Nerja town hall may go digital MANY complain about lack of information By Jill Pickering DUE to the break-in that occurred in the Nerja Town Hall last week, in which documents and computer information went missing, Mayor Rosa Arrabal is strongly considering the possibility of making files digital in the future. Arrabal also recently held a meeting with Francisco Sarabria, dean of the Malaga College of Architects, in which they discussed the possibility of

making town documents available to the citizens through the internet. Many members of the current town council have complained repeatedly about the lack of information technology available at the town hall, and the recent incident has further aggravated the situation. Many councillors feel that making files digital would be safer and would result in better dialogue between municipalities.

Marihuana seizure

Buckle up

NATIONAL POLICE officers have broken up two marihuana laboratories located inside a house in Velez-Malaga. Two men and a woman have been arrested for an alleged drug trafficking crime, and are charged with presumably growing, drying, and distributing the substance. Additionally, they have been accused of illegally accessing the public electricity network. The investigation started last November, when police become aware of certain drug trafficking activities in the town of Velez-Malaga. Consequently, they carried out several enquiries which led them to find the house in which the laboratories were located.

A SEATBELT safety campaign is underway in VelezMalaga. The Local Police will be carrying out numerous checks in the town between March 15 and March 20. T h e o ff i c e r s w i l l a l s o make sure that children’s seats meet the corresponding safety requirements.




E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

La Herradura says no to pony rides DURING the 2016 San Jose celebrations, which will take place from March 17 to March 20, La Herradura will not authorise any pony ride attractions. Council members argued that the practice of using the animals for carousel rides represents a form of emotional abuse, which causes the ponies to suffer unnecessary stress, even though it has been shown that there is no apparent physical violence caused. The decision has come from the Deputy Mayor, Juan Jose Ruiz Joya, who also stated that the hygiene standards were below standard, and that the saddles have no safety measures for children. He also argued that the attraction sends a bad message to children, as it promotes having fun while other living creatures suffer. San Jose is the Patron Saint of La Herradura. The annual celebrations are an integral part of the community’s cultural make-up, and this time they happen to overlap with Easter, ensuring that this will be a San Jose to remember.

Balustrade repairs begin in Almuñecar BOLTS have been taken out and replaced with stainless steel


San Jose arrives STREETS in the old town of La Herradura have been swept and mopped, rubbish has been cleared, and gardens have been beautified as the whole town prepares for its annual San Jose Celebrations. Between March 17 and March 20 the streets and buildings of La Herradura are set to come alive, with everything from food stalls, bands, and fun fairs taking the town by storm as it pays tribute to its Patron Saint.

Parking pressure REPAIR WORKS: Being carried out on different stretches of the balustrade. By Jill Pickering SOME repair work is currently under way on the balustrade of the Paseo del Altillo. The work is being carried out on different stretches of the balustrade and aims to tackle the problem

of corrosion of the iron bolts that hold the granite to the base. The bolts have been taken out and replaced with stainless steel which is more resistant to the corrosion from the water. Every unit of the balustrade has to be drilled to incorporate the bolts into each one of the pieces.

THE Blue Zone will be in effect on Almuñecar and La Herradura seafront from March 18 to 27. From 11am to 3pm and from 7pm to 10pm residents will be able to buy tickets and park in designated areas. The offer aims to take the pressure off locals as they participate in the town’s San Jose and Easter festivities.


17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

It’s garlic cod time in Axarquia DISH originated in Velez-Malaga By Jill Pickering AJOBACALAO (garlic cod), is an Axarquia dish which is tied to the Catholic tradition of abstaining from meat during Lent. It is made with cod, garlic, bread, pepper and oil and used to be given to the men carrying the

thrones during the Easter processions. The dish originated in Velez-Malaga. For many years in the town it has been a tradition for clubs, associations, families and friends to meet up and eat ajobacalao during Lent. Previously, people ate cod which was cheap and the leftovers with hard bread were used to make the Ajobacalao.

Man sentenced for sex assault A MAN has been sentenced to two years in prison for sexually assaulting a woman who worked for him on a farm in Salobreña. He must also pay her €5,000 in compensation. In the original incident, the victim was picking green beans when she was approached from behind by the accused, who touched her on the buttocks. The woman pushed him away and went back to work. Later that day, the accused approached the woman again

and asked her to engage in sexual activities with him. Another

similar incident occurred a few days later.



E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical


Adolescent addiction is under scrutiny MEETING highlighted the importance of preventing substance abuse By Jill Pickering REPRESENTATIVES from the Provincial Plan of Teenage Addictions chaired a meeting in Torrox, and now a second one has been held in Periana. Attendees from several official entities were present at the meeting, which is part of a campaign to fight teenage addictions in municipalities with less than 20,000 inhabitants. The focus was on the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis among teenagers, and the importance of preventing substance abuse. The meeting began with a study by the Provincial Centre of Drug dependencies of Malaga and the Faculty of Medicine

Photo credit: shutterstock by Mikhail Zahranichny.


FOCUS: Was on consumption of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis among teenagers. of the University. The results showed more than 40 per cent of children between 12 and 14 had tried alcohol and 37 per

cent of them had been drunk. The same group of youngsters also admitted to having smoked tobacco and a minority

had smoked cannabis. These numbers were considerably higher in the group aged 15 to 18.

Fun for the whole family THE largest children’s playground in the Velez-Malaga area was inaugurated on Wednesday March 16. The park is located in Torre del Mar on a stretch of beach in front of the Paseo Larios and covers than 1,000 square metres. Over 30 installed components will allow a maximum of 120 youngsters, aged 12 and under, to play together at the same

time and enjoy the installations all year round. The park is located next to the Larios first aid post which provides the park with additional municipal facilities and has all of the corresponding certificates demanded under European Law. A playground of this nature has been requested by residents for a long time, and the final installations have taken place over the last week. The park is now open

for tourists to take advantage of while visiting the town over the Easter holidays. Just some of the attractions available for the little ones include a castle, swings, a jeep style see-saw adapted for those with reduced mobility, and baby swings. The inauguration was held with a big party for youngsters with lots of diverse activities including face painting, singing games and balloons.

E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

NEWS Flickr credit by: panetulipani


Nerja councillor steps down NERJA’s Tax Councillor, Guglielmo Landolfi (PSOE), has presented his resignation and will vacate his position on the council. He claimed that his decision came as a result of continued negativity on the part of Ciudadanos members, who recently rejected the 2016 budget. Nerja is governed by a minority three-party

group with a total of eight members coming from PSOE, IU, and Podemos. The rest of the council is made up of 10 members from PP and two from Ciudadanos. Landolfi said he believes the negative attitude of Ciudadanos members is a reflection of a political crisis and problems with management.

BUS PASSES: Worth €125.50 were given to the students.

Transportation wishes granted COUNCIL has given grants to 20 university students By Jill Pickering THE Rincon de la Victoria Council has given grants to 20 registered university students. The grants, given a budget of €10,000, will help the students pay for their transportation costs as they travel from their

homes to the University of Malaga. Those finding themselves in a situation of social exclusion were given preference. Bus passes worth €125.50 were given to the beneficiaries to travel between March and May, and they also received

€200 in cash for journeys made from the beginning of the course last October until February of this year. Two students who study at the El Ejido campus received a higher figure on their bus passes and in cash as they need to make a bus transfer.


17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Schools looking sharp SINCE the beginning of th e sc h o o l y e a r, Rincon de la Victoria has spent more than €35,000 on improvements to different educational centres in the community. The majority of the mon e y we n t t o t h e Los Jarales de Torre de Benagalbon Elemen t a r y Sc h o o l whic h received €12,232. This money mostly went towards works for levelling and pavi n g o f a n a r e a where many students were tripping and falli n g , a s we l l a s some l i g h t m a i n t e nanc e a n d c l e a n i n g work.

Rising to the safety challenge MUNICIPAL workers undertake training By Sam Croft TWENTY-FIVE municipal workers in Velez-Malaga are participating in a safety and labour risk prevention course. Human Resources Councillor Ana Campos has indicated that the course will allow the workers to obtain a special accreditation for the use of elevated platforms and forklifts. The course has a total duration of 26 hours. The workers previously completed a theory class in the Exilio Centre, and are now doing hands-on work in the Mercovelez Building, which will finish on March 28. The students come from a variety of job sectors, and include parks and gardens workers, cemetery workers, and road labourers. Campos said: “the town council is working towards

VELEZ: Human Resources councillor Ana Campos. having qualified, well-trained staff, and this course is not only important for the safety and

well-being of these workers, but to improve the quality of services for all residents.”



Statue to be reappraised MACHARAVIAYA is the birthplace of Bernardo de Gal vez, an al m ost unknown Spanish soldier and politician who was a hero in the North American War of Independence. Galvez, under Spanish reign, assisted in the important battle of Pensacola (March 9 to May 8, 1781) agai nst Engl and, whi ch later, among other battles, led to victory for American colonies in their fight for independence. The soci al i st par t y PSOE has registered a pr oposal r equest i ng t he Spani sh gover nm ent t o conver t t he f i gur e of Bernardo de Galvez into a point of reference for the town. Party members believe that the statue could help promote tourism in Spain,

more specifically in the Mal aga Pr ovi nce due t o the statue’s American connection. The proposal coincides with the 270th anniversary of the birth of Galvez, which the socialists want to take advantage of in July 2016. Macharaviaya is the original birthplace of Galvez, and PSOE representatives want to link this t o Mal aga, and t he province of Malaga to the USA. PSOE members believe t hat i t i s i m por t ant t o make Bernardo de Galvez known nationally and internationally, as this could help attract tourists from the United States where Galvez is more known than in Spain, even though he was born right here in Axarquia.

E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Remodelling in Torrox is underway Photo credit: flickr by Ernesto Perez


IMPROVING urban spaces By Jill Pickering TORROX Council has launched an ambitious project to improve its urban spaces by remodelling up to 10 parts of the town, ranging from the seafront to rural country roads used daily by farmers and residents living in isolated areas. One of the main places in need of refurbishment is the

entrance to the old town by way of Algarrobo Perez and the walls of el Llano de la Almazara, the fairground of this part of the municipality. Work already carried out has included repairs to the Avenida Europa and street lights along the Avenida Costa del Sol Laguna Beach. The total cost of the remodelling work has been budgeted at more than €1million.

WORK: More than €1 million has been budgeted.

More earthquakes felt in Axarquia IN the last few weeks, Axarquia has not stopped trembling. Yet again, on Friday March 11, two new earthquakes were registered just minutes apart, with magnitudes of 4.8 and 4.6 respectively.

The epicentre was located in the Sea of Alboran at a depth of 10 kilometres. The first tremor was felt at 4.04pm a nd w a s followed by t he ot her at 4.17pm. The tremors were felt in various locations in Axarquia, stretching

all the way to Velez-Malaga. Emergency Services 112 received several calls from around the region including in Rincon de la Victoria and Torrox, but fortunately there was no reported damage or injury.


17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Council launches new spring hiking programme Photo Credit: flickr by Juan Pablo Olmo.

INCLUDES interesting routes for lovers of nature and scenic trekking By Jill Pickering FOR yet another year, the Malaga Provincial Council has launched the spring programme for the Gran Senda ‘Great Path’ of Malaga, which this year includes interesting new routes for lovers of nature and scenic trekking. The hikes will take place between April and May and will be done on five different weekends. There will be around 1,250 people participating and there is no charge. This programme is a way of promoting the Gran Senda, a pioneering route in Andalucia launched by the Malaga Provincial Council, which covers more than 600 kilometres. The different hikes will cover different stretches of the Gran Senda. New this year is a route that

HIKES: Will cover different stretches of the Gran Senda route. will last a whole weekend, consisting of two stages of the Gran Senda, from Alfarnate to Villanueva del Rosario, and then from Villanueva del Rosario to Archidona. The first

walk is 15.4 kilometres and the second is 18.5 kilometres. This particular route will include accommodation in a shelter in Villanueva del Rosario. Another novelty is a botani-

cal trek of 6.5 km of steady walking, with explanations about the fauna in the area. Those interested can find more information at http://intra



Death on Nerja street A MIDDLE-AGED man died on Sunday March 13 around 2.30pm on Calle San Miguel in Nerja. The man appeared to be feeling unwell, and was helped by passersby who took him to a nearby bar so he could sit down. Within minutes, the situation became a matter of life or death, with the latter being the unfortunate outcome. Guardia Civil officers and health workers gathered and cordoned off the area. The cause of death appears to have been a heart attack.

E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



A fugitive or loving son? MICHAEL CLARKE’S side of the story as told to John Smith By John Smith NO matter whether you are a national daily newspaper or in our case a weekly, six-edition English language paper, the freedom of press comes with obligations which need to be recognised. Here at the Euro Weekly News, we published an article two weeks ago about an Englishman and his mother, Michael and Ann Clarke, where we gave some details of what we understood to be their story and asked readers to keep an eye open for them. Within a few days of the publication of the article, we were contacted by Michael himself, who asked that he be given the opportunity to present his side of the case as he believed that he was being placed in an unfavourable light, and in his opinion he had been wronged by both his family and the process of English law. This is where our responsibility to present the other side of the story comes in, and I met both Michael and his mother Ann (who unfortunately is currently in hospital in Spain), to hear exactly what he had to say and after spending several hours in his company, I do agree that his position should be made clear. According to Michael, when the accident occurred in 1995, Ann spent a year in hospital and when she came out, she moved to a care home which she didn’t like so it was agreed between the family that she would stay in her own house. It was also agreed that she would pass it to her daughter who would take over the mortgage and in return would make a payment to her mother (which she allegedly failed to make) and look after her, and that Michael would move in as well. In a relatively short period of time, Michael decided to move out as he had been offered the tenancy of a pub, but within about 10 weeks his sister advised she couldn’t cope with Ann and she would have to go into a home. Neither Ann nor Michael wanted this and although the pub wasn’t really suitable for her needs, she moved in with him and he looked after her on an unpaid basis from 1996 until 2001. During that time he left the pub and ran a student lodging house and rented a bungalow for himself and his mother. His sister moved in after a marital dispute and agreed that if he moved to Tenerife, she would look after Ann. After a few weeks, Ann travelled to Tenerife on holiday and asked that she be allowed to stay with Michael to which he agreed and they stayed on the Island for two years. This

Michael and Ann Clarke exclusive picture


MICHAEL CLARKE: With his mother Ann, who is in hospital in Spain.

1995 was the year when Ann Clarke’s accident occurred

was all prior to any settlement and without any cash, except for the mother’s disability allowance on which they lived. There was a problem with a credit card which I cannot go into detail about, but for a period of time the benefits allowance was suspended whilst an investigation took place and this caused significant financial stress on the pair, although it was eventually resolved and back payments were given to them. At the same time, in the lawsuit there was a change of solicitor and the new solicitor suggested that the matter be settled out of court to which they reluctantly agreed, and a payment of £775,000 was made to the moth-

er, with Michael acting officially on her behalf. At the time of the settlement, Ann and Michael employed two clinical specialists to establish whether she was able to make her own decisions to which they declared she was. Despite this however the whole matter was sent to the Court of Protection and a solicitor was appointed to look after her affairs and manage her funds. In 2001 they moved to Blackpool. According to Michael, and I have not seen documentary evidence of this, (although I don’t doubt that this is his absolute belief), the solicitor was supposed to charge around £2,000 annually to manage this matter, but in the first year released just £10,400 to Ann, whilst charging £26,377 for his services, with a further £14,000 charged the second year. This carried on for two years before Michael found this out, and after they a made a formal complaint their allowance was increased. Michael set up a club by 2003, which was successful. All was well until the recession in 2008, when the club suffered set-

backs and they decided to immigrate to Spain. At that time, in 2008, they had been trying to sell the property in Blackpool, without success as the recession had set in and Michael has been accused of acting improperly by his sister which he completely denied. Whilst living in Spain, Ann tried to exchange her UK property for a Spanish villa, which Michael has accused the deputy solicitor of prevaricating resulting in the loss of two properties. In addition, because so much money has been held in sterling rather than a euro account which they had requested, there was a significant exchange rate loss. In short, they allege that the Court of Protection had overcharged Ann an estimated £150,000, and facilitated an exchange rate loss by not providing a euro account of £100,000, meaning Ann was out of pocket by a total of £250,000. From 2009 to 2013 Michael had written to all known complaint bodies to try and draw attention to this, but all to no avail. The advice received was to serve on the solicitors a Commercial Lien that basically is a statement of truth sworn on oath before a notary. He insists he would return to the UK to have the whole matter aired in front of a court provided there is a jury which will make the decision with regards to his guilt, and he advised me he has been given an undertaking by the court, (which has no right of extradition from Spain) that if he returns to the UK to apologise, and if his mother returns and surrenders her passport then ‘all will be forgiven’. That begs the question of why Ann should give up her passport, what happens about the alleged losses, does Michael have a ‘record’ and will he be chased for court fees? It is up to each and every one of our EWN readers to make their own conclusion on this situation, but as the writer of both stories I do believe that neither the local press nor the general public should play judge and jury in this matter. What is crucial to remember is the whole point of the initial story was to try to ensure the protection and welfare of Ann Clarke, who I have now seen for myself and do believe without question she is more than happy to be here in Spain with her loving son Michael. What do you, our readers think? Is this a case of a fugitive on the run or simply a loving, doting son doing the best he can for his mother? Let us know by visiting www.eur


Axarquía - Costa Tropical

17 - 23 March 2016





€70 billion is the amount of estimated tax that member states of the EU will recover when all 28 countries exchange information on the finances of multinational corporations operating within their borders.


business & legal












Investment money leaves Spain

OECD makes observation

ECONOMISTS appear not to be overly concerned

THE Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Spain has released details of a report in which it notes that Spain’s gradual economic recovery should enable it to start reversing the sharp decline in its development assistance since 2010 and focus more of its aid budget on the neediest countries. Spain has previously had a good record of overseas aid, but the current level of percentage of GDP committed is the lowest since 1988.

By John Smith THE year 2015 saw a significant outflow of investment money from Spain due mainly to uncertainty regarding the future government and whether there will be increased taxation should a left of

is the value of investment funds withdrawn from Spain during 2015

“We see ourselves as an integral part of society.” Harald Krüger, Chairman of the Board of BMW on increasing annual charity foundation donations to €100 million in its centenary year.

Photo Credit Alfonso de Tomas Shutterstock

Quote of the Week

€70 billion

SUPERMARKET CHAIN: Some staff received bonuses.

Mercadona success THE president of Spain’s largest supermarket chain, Mercadona released figures which show that their profits for 2015 had increased by 12 per cent to €611 million, whilst their workforce had been increased by 1.5 per cent as they had employed a

centre coalition come to power. The exodus of funds is the l a rg e s t s i n c e 2 0 1 2 w h e n o v e r €150 billion moved out of the country. Economists appear not to be overly concerned about this exodus as they expect that much of it

further 1,000 people in fixed posts. Juan Roig was also pleased to announce that the company had paid significant bonuses to some of its staff for meeting targets and had also increased the wages of others.


VW woes NEWS has broken that prosecutors in both France and Germany are widening their investigations into the emissions scandal at Volkswagen and authorities in Paris are reviewing possible charges of ‘aggravated fraud’ over the misleading emissions results. German prosecutors say that the number of VW employees now under investigation has increased from six to 17, whilst the company’s CEO in America has left the company with immediate effect.

Counterfeit goods THE profit margin on counterfeit goods appears to be colossal according to a release issued by the Customs section of the Spanish Tax Authority, which claims that the street value of counterfeit goods seized in 2015 could be as high as €130 million.

Green company red in the face WHATEVER next? An American company, Whole Foods Market, which caters to the organic market and boasts it is ‘America’s Healthiest Supermarket’ has had to admit its mistake and withdraw a range of mandarin oranges which have been peeled and placed in plastic containers.

A customer tweeted an image of stocks of these mandarins, which are specially bred to have soft skins with the comment: ‘If only nature could find a way to cover these oranges so we didn’t need to waste so much plastic on them.’ The company said “Definitely our mistake. These have been pulled.”

will return once a new government is in place and its economic policy has been established. The problem in the meantime is that not only is money flowing out of the country, but there is little coming in from outside to replace it.


E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



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PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) COMPANY 3i Group PLC 445.55 7.50 Aberdeen Asset Mangmnt PLC 274.60 4.30 Admiral Group PLC 1875.50 -40.00 Anglo American PLC 537.20 21.30 Antofagasta PLC 539.25 15.50 ARM Holdings PLC 1000.50 17.00 Ashtead Group PLC 790.25 5.16 Associated British Foods PLC 3349.50 -4.00 AstraZeneca PLC 4060.75 16.50 Aviva PLC 496.00 0.60 Babcock International Grp 955.50 5.50 BAE Systems PLC 501.75 5.00 Barclays PLC 166.40 0.40 Barratt Developments PLC 553.00 9.00 Berkeley Group Holdings 3060.00 82.00 BHP Billiton PLC 838.20 22.30 BP PLC 350.85 2.45 British American Tobacco PLC 4081.25 5.00 British Land Co PLC 699.25 9.50 BT Group PLC 460.53 1.50 Bunzl PLC 1986.00 11.00 Burberry Group PLC 1397.50 20.00 Capita PLC 1040.00 3.00 Carnival PLC 3422.50 9.00 Centrica PLC 229.85 0.20 Coca-Cola HBC AG 1402.50 6.00 Compass Group PLC 1217.00 0.30 CRH PLC 1961.00 21.00 DCC PLC 5790.00 55.00 Diageo PLC 1876.00 3.42 Direct Line Insurance Group 369.65 3.20 Dixons Carphone PLC 428.60 5.00 easyJet PLC 1526.00 5.70 Experian PLC 1215.00 10.00 Fresnillo PLC 929.50 0.50 GKN PLC 286.40 6.74 GlaxoSmithKline PLC 1412.25 14.08 Glencore PLC 147.45 5.80 Hammerson PLC 575.25 7.00 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1291.00 18.00 Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC 1735.00 14.39 HSBC Holdings PLC 454.30 3.00 Imperial Brands PLC 3741.50 -10.50 Inmarsat PLC 928.00 9.50 InterContinental Hotels Gro 2739.00 13.00 International Consolidated 545.25 4.00 Intertek Group PLC 3084.00 23.00 Intu Properties PLC 307.75 3.00 ITV PLC 238.70 4.40 Johnson Matthey PLC 2561.50 22.00

% CHG. 1.71 1.59 -2.09 4.13 2.96 1.73 0.66 -0.12 0.41 0.12 0.58 1.01 0.24 1.65 2.75 2.73 0.70 0.12 1.38 0.33 0.56 1.45 0.29 0.26 0.09 0.43 0.02 1.08 0.96 0.18 0.87 1.18 0.37 0.83 0.05 2.41 1.01 4.09 1.23 1.41 0.84 0.66 -0.28 1.03 0.48 0.74 0.75 0.98 1.88 0.87

NET VOL 90.99 313.92 151.67 845.99 433.77 306.46 151.43 59.12 316.01 792.39 28.90 247.78 3,144.85 219.88 109.37 1,422.11 2,962.35 321.35 217.19 857.64 16.34 88.17 76.52 13.14 828.87 8.50 147.74 69.20 5.92 459.42 192.27 52.11 68.55 86.58 102.52 374.66 412.30 8,557.38 160.97 45.70 17.84 3,112.05 240.82 65.71 28.89 602.09 17.46 151.09 2,042.30 17.63

COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) Kingfisher PLC 347.10 4.80 Land Securities Group PLC 1070.50 19.10 Legal & General Group PLC 245.25 3.20 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 70.76 0.62 London Stock Exchange Grp 2890.50 22.00 Marks & Spencer Group PLC 403.10 5.00 Merlin Entertainments PLC 453.85 1.90 Mondi PLC 1342.00 7.00 National Grid PLC 968.95 3.50 Next PLC 6617.50 50.00 Old Mutual PLC 186.25 4.30 Pearson PLC 880.50 8.50 Persimmon PLC 2021.50 31.00 Provident Financial PLC 3090.00 -4.00 Prudential PLC 1361.50 2.70 Randgold Resources Ltd 6360.00 35.00 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 6587.50 58.00 RELX PLC 1255.50 9.00 REXAM PLC 615.75 3.84 Rio Tinto PLC 2053.50 53.00 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 691.75 6.00 Royal Bank of Scotland Gr 230.05 0.40 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1687.00 11.00 Royal Mail PLC 457.95 6.00 RSA Insurance Group PLC 457.65 4.20 SABMiller PLC 4223.25 3.50 Sage Group (The) PLC 593.25 6.50 Sainsbury (J) PLC 274.05 0.70 Schroders PLC 2704.00 5.00 Severn Trent PLC 2067.50 5.00 Shire PLC 3744.50 -33.00 Sky PLC 1020.50 14.00 Smith & Nephew PLC 1132.50 11.00 Smiths Group PLC 1071.50 15.00 Sports Direct International... 396.15 5.50 SSE PLC 1474.00 12.00 Standard Chartered PLC 479.70 12.15 Standard Life PLC 367.45 3.00 St James's Place PLC 907.50 13.50 Taylor Wimpey PLC 179.95 2.20 Tesco PLC 192.65 0.40 Travis Perkins PLC 1785.50 6.00 TUI AG 1038.50 3.32 Unilever PLC 3114.00 19.50 United Utilities Group PLC 901.25 4.00 Vodafone Group PLC 219.65 2.35 Whitbread PLC 3820.00 24.00 Wolseley PLC 3796.50 43.00 Worldpay Group PLC 284.20 -0.61 WPP PLC 1583.50 18.00

% CHG. 1.40 1.82 1.32 0.88 0.77 1.26 0.42 0.52 0.36 0.76 2.36 0.97 1.56 -0.13 0.20 0.55 0.89 0.72 0.63 2.65 0.87 0.17 0.66 1.33 0.93 0.08 1.11 0.26 0.19 0.24 -0.87 1.39 0.98 1.42 1.41 0.82 2.60 0.82 1.51 1.24 0.21 0.34 0.32 0.63 0.45 1.08 0.63 1.15 -0.21 1.15

NET VOL 204.88 259.26 1,166.27 8,010.83 52.34 617.87 26.86 75.94 343.77 12.16 2,610.40 142.31 58.25 36.37 649.47 28.87 76.89 106.83 31.88 559.37 357.13 1,530.60 415.33 161.98 90.23 47.24 81.98 371.65 43.37 20.91 359.27 147.38 228.55 58.66 61.90 276.50 953.02 171.15 90.80 615.40 983.86 31.92 86.03 195.96 66.02 2,463.51 16.84 16.11 190.16 182.87

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PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 161.88 +1.99 +1.24% 1.7M 59.46 +0.71 +1.21% 7.8M 102.26 +1.09 +1.08% 27.4M 124.63 +1.69 +1.37% 3.3M 72.80 +1.44 +2.02% 4.8M 94.58 +0.64 +0.68% 14.1M 27.86 +0.48 +1.75% 21.9M 45.20 -0.03 -0.07% 16.1M 97.94 +0.90 +0.93% 5.6M 63.83 +1.67 +2.69% 2.3M 82.19 +0.01 +0.01% 15.4M 30.34 +0.40 +1.34% 32.2M 153.94 +2.92 +1.93% 4.1M 128.46 +2.57 +2.04% 4.6M 142.36 +2.17 +1.55% 4.4M 31.76 +0.51 +1.63% 22.8M 107.71 +0.57 +0.53% 7.8M 59.34 +0.73 +1.25% 21.1M 121.55 +1.57 +1.31% 7.0M 53.20 +0.16 +0.30% 15.5M 53.07 +1.02 +1.96% 32.3M 60.08 +1.20 +2.04% 8.8M 30.50 +0.91 +3.08% 60.4M 81.75 -0.53 -0.64% 11.1M 113.64 +2.11 +1.89% 2.0M 96.75 +0.57 +0.59% 4.0M 125.10 +3.01 +2.47% 3.8M 52.53 +0.21 +0.40% 15.2M 71.63 +1.41 +2.01% 9.5M 67.17 -0.24 -0.36% 8.3M





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3.54 ▲ 23.55% 2.97 ▲ 20.94% 0.41 ▲ 20.50% 2.86 ▲ 20% 0.45 ▲ 19.91% 8.67 ▲ 19.67% 0.4401 ▲ 18.65% 28.23 ▲ 17.28% 4.51 ▲ 16.87% 1.09 ▲ 16.69% 2.23 ▲ 16.19%

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1.25 ▼ 20% 1.3399 ▼ 13.80% 2.875 ▼ 13.14% 0.795 ▼ 11.12% 0.275 ▼ 10.93% 1.79 ▼ 9.71% 1.81 ▼ 9.36% 0.47 ▼ 8.99% 0.60 ▼ 8.76% 0.68 ▼ 8.72% 0.26 ▼ 8.55%

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E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


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of a child they will remain in the property, an English Court may order it to be sold to allow both parties to properly adjust and provide adequately for their housing needs. English Courts take a sensible and pragmatic approach with child arrangements and adopt a ‘no Order principle’ i.e. they trust the parents of the children to make appropriate arrangements for the welfare of the child or children. In Spain a Custody Order is inevitably always made even if the parties have reached agreement. Decisions have to be made as to where the children live and how often the absent parent has contact, also decisions on issues such as your children’s health and education. The English Courts allow you to make a decision as long as it is in the children’s best interests, the Spanish Courts may impose their will. See our advert below.

Overseas health payments Photo Credit StockLite Shutterstock

AT RobinsonMurphy we have a dedicated team of Family Lawyers assisting our expat clients living in Spain with regard to family and divorce matters. Even if you have lived in Spain for many years it is still possible to use the English Courts if you retain your domicile in England. Domicile is in essence the country to which you consider yourself most connected and does not have to be the country of birth (though this is often the case with expats living abroad) or where you currently live. We help our clients to use the English Courts as the Spanish system can be slow, frustrating, costly and not in your language, making it difficult to understand the advice given to enable you to make informed decisions. The advantage of English courts is that they can adjust the terms of legal ownership of a property irrespective of who bought it,

HEALTH COSTS: A shambolic state of affairs. A PARLIAMENTARY question table by Labour MP John Mann received a response which showed that Britain paid out £674 million (€857 million) to European countries for their health costs in 2015 but received only £49 million (€63.7 million) in return. The largest recipient was the Spanish Health Authority which received nearly

€290 million and paid the UK €4.4 million and the next largest recipient and also largest payer was France. There is a somewhat complicated procedure in the calculation of the payments that have to be made by each country with a combination of completed health forms and estimated numbers of pensioners registered in each country.

On receiving this information, Mr Mann commented: “Sorting this scandal out in itself would transform the financial situation of the NHS. This is a shambolic state of affairs and we are being played for fools. “This is money that should directly be going into the NHS and it would make a huge annual difference to its finances.”


Having the courage of his convictions By John Smith IT is refreshing to see someone having the courage to resign over a point of principle but this is exactly what John Longworth, director general of the British Chambers of Commerce has done, following his speech regarding a belief that Britain would prosper if it were to leave the European Union. Regardless of which side of the debate one might sit, it is so unusual nowadays for anyone in a position of public recognition to simply resign so that they can have the freedom to promote their belief or understanding on any matter that he deserves recognition. Speaking at the British Chambers of Commerce annual conference in London on March 3, Mr Longworth said: “My first observation is that it has reinforced my long held belief that the very best place for the UK to be is in a reformed European Union. “My second observation is that I have come to the conclusion that the European Union is incapable of meaningful reform, at least in the foreseeable future. “It certainly does not appear capable of the sort of reform necessary to give the UK the breathing space to fulfil its true potential.” Later that same day, he confirmed to

Sky News that he had said far more than would have been expected by the BCC and that this was his personal opinion, not BCC policy. By March 5, he had been suspended and on March 6, the BCC announced his departure from his role. BCC president Nora Senior said the organisation was “non-partisan” and had decided not to campaign for either side in the forthcoming UK referendum on EU membership. She added: “John Longworth and the BCC board recognise that John’s personal view on the referendum is likely to create confusion regarding the BCC’s neutral stance going forward. “In light of this, John has taken the decision to step down as director general and his resignation has been accepted by the board with effect from March 6, 2016.” This apparent joint decision has encouraged pro-Brexit campaigners to accuse the government of managing his exit which claim has been rejected by Defence Secretary Michael Fallon as being yet another bizarre conspiracy theory whilst support for him has come from Boris Johnson and UKIP leader Niger Farage who said “I’ve met John Longworth, who is a thoroughly decent man. He has been treated appallingly for supporting Brexit.”

17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



IMF world economy fears CHINESE performance was worse than expected in February By John Smith THE Deputy Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) David Lipton has warned that the global economy faces a growing ‘risk of economic derailment’ and has called for urgent steps to boost global demand. “We are clearly at a delicate juncture,” he said in a speech to the National Association for Business Economics in Washington. “The IMF’s latest reading of the global economy shows once again a weakening baseline,” he warned. The poor performance of the Chinese economy during February which was much worse than expected prompted this statement as its downturn is taken to be reflected in the economic position of the world’s major economies and will adversely affect those overseas businesses who have invested in China based on an expectation of continued and dynamic growth. It appears likely that the IMF will be reducing its 2016 forecast for general economic growth in its next round of predictions due to be presented in April. Basically, the organisation wants to see the world improve its position by making economies grow, which is clearly easier said than done. During the latest G20 meeting in Chi-

THE IMF: Will be reducing its 2016 forecast. na in February, representatives of the fund called for co-operation between the leading economies to ensure that not only would they enjoy stronger results, but their actions would in turn help those countries with weaker economies.

In his latest speech, Mr Lipton said “The downside risks are clearly much more pronounced than before, and the case for more forceful and concerted policy action, has become more compelling.”


17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



I’ve decided to lighten up a bit Mitch Gunn/

THIS week the health and safety brigade finally lost it completely LEAPY LEE SAYS IT


WELL this week the ‘ealth n safety brigade finally lost it completely. They were actually suggesting that for safety’s sake, they wanted a total ban on tackling in the game of rugby! I’ll tell you what, why don’t we take that dangerous ball out of the game altogether? All those lovely big hulking men could then run around for 80 minutes playing tag with each other! You really couldn’t make it up. It was with this ludicrous suggestion in mind I decided this week to lighten up a bit, (I can hear the derisory snorts from here!). Subsequently sniffing through a few internet sites, I managed to come up with some real ‘ealth n safety/PC humdingers. In Canada a Santa was banned from saying Ho Ho Ho, because it was too close to the American slang for prostitute and could be derogatory to women. The word pet must

RUGBY TACKLES: Deemed dangerous by some. be replaced by ‘companion animal’ because it was ‘demeaning to free loving creatures’. Easter eggs should be referred to as ‘spring spheres.’ And my absolute favourite to date.

A ban on advertising for ‘reliable employees,’ because it may discriminate against unreliable applicants. All very funny so far. With all this in mind, I decided to dig a lit-

tle deeper. As I delved into the origins of political correctness in particular, it actually began to take on quite sinister overtones. Political correctness has in fact been around far longer than many of us may actually realise. Previous totalitarian regimes have used it to great effect. It was at one stage referred to as Cultural Marxism. One piece stated that Political Correctness is the principal tool of the political left. Its purpose is to intimidate. It promotes critical theory, separatism and victimology rage. It operates on the premise that ‘victim groups,’ and other minorities are automatically good regardless of what any of them do, and that all bourgeoisie and capital owners are evil. Label any subject politically incorrect and there is no debate. It effectively closes down all opinions, freedom of speech and ultimately freedom of thought. In other words all these PC pushers are not petty, piddling pains in the bum – they’re as dangerous as hell! Keep the faith. Love Leapy


E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

MARIANO RAJOY: His vocabulary had an aroma of mothballs no longer appreciated even inside his own party.


Plain speaking RAJOY’S investiture speak was practically unintelligible to the under-60s Cassandra Nash A weekly look - and not entirely impartial reaction to the Spanish political scene

ACTING President Mariano Rajoy’s vocabulary in his investiture speeches was practically unintelligible to the under-60s. The young speak a different language and Rajoy’s vocabulary had an aroma of mothballs no longer appreciated even inside his own party. According to Metroscopia’s post-investiture poll, 47 per cent of Partido Popular voters believe that Rajoy’s day is over at the head of the party. So, doubtless, do the party decision-makers, who hesitate to spell out what is now obvious to everyone except Rajoy. Kiko Jimenez /

Ego-tripper trips up PODEMOS has external problems. Fifty per cent of Podemos voters disapproved of Pablo Iglesias’ refusal to at least abstain during Pedro Sanchez’s second investiture vote. If called to vote in another election, the countless Podemos supporters who have been poached from the PSOE might find it hard to forgive Iglesias for short-circuiting the opportunity of evicting Rajoy.

Out of order PODEMOS has internal problems too, that could turn out to require surgery. Nine party highrankers resigned in Madrid and others are jockeying for power in the Basque Region, La Rioja, Galicia and Cantabria. If the nomenclature - dare we label them with that old Soviet term

for the political caste? - are proving unruly, Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias has an even greater problem with Ada Colau. The mayor of Barcelona has plans for her own party outside the Podemos structure, and would presumably scoop up Podemos votes in Cataluña. If Iglesias wants a second general election, as he appeared to demonstrate by rejecting all PSOE and CS inducements to dialogue, he’d better get his troops in line.

Miles apart WHEN referring to Pablo Iglesias in the media, PSOE commentators have taken to calling him Pablo Manuel Iglesias to differentiate between him and the Pablo Iglesias who founded the PSOE in 1879. This self-taught printer lacked the Podemos leader’s academic background, but his aspirations and hopes were for others. The same cannot be said of Iglesias, whose crocodile smile does not mask his ambition for personal power.


E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical



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The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches The Food Chain Royal Navy School Fresh Meat 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 24 Hours in A and E

7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners One Born Every Minute First Dates Million Pound Jewellers

A New Life in the Sun Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Supervet 24 Hours in A and E Raised by Wolves Gogglebox Plus Sized Wars

9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am

9:55pm 10:00pm 11:50pm 1:35am 2:10am 4:10am

11:00pm 11:55pm 12:50am 1:50am 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm


9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:55pm 12:55am 1:45am 2:10am 4:10am

Home and Away 5 News Tonight Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild UK The Secret Life of the Family Trauma Doctors Britain's Worst Crimes: April Jones Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!

Now That's Funny Beaver Las Vegas Penn and Teller: Fool Us in Vegas 5 News 5 News Harry Brown Tattoo Disasters UK Super Casino Police Interceptors

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:15am 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 11:05pm 2:10am 4:45pm 5:00pm 5:15pm 5:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 12:30am 4:30pm 7:55pm 8:25pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:15pm 11:30pm 12:30am

Home and Away 5 News Weather Terror Police Interceptors The Tube: Going Underground Gotham Person of Interest Person of Interest True Crimes: The First 72 Hours


5 News Police Interceptors Britain's Horror Homes Benefits by the Sea: Jaywick Best of Bad TV: When Comedy Shows Go Wrong Penn and Teller: Fool Us in Vegas

7:00pm 7:30pm

GPs: Behind Closed Doors Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! Botched Up Bodies Benefits by the Sea: Jaywick Tattoo Disasters UK Super Casino Trauma Doctors

6:30pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 11:00pm

8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am

2:00pm 2:15pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am

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E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Fame, faith and flossing - and demon dentists SURELY odontophobia has to be up there amongst the nastiest, cruellest phobias known to man Nora Johnson

Breaking Views Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

YOU know how, some mornings, you wake up ready to take on the world, feeling invincible, immortal and potentially omniscient? Well, yesterday wasn’t one of them. There’s a short preface to this tale. I’ve always had a fear of dentists, odontophobia it’s called, a condition that hasn’t improved over the years. But yesterday, when a filling and I unexpectedly parted company, I had to bite the, err, bullet, and go and sit in that dreaded dentist’s chair. Now, phobias exist for almost anything. But odontophobia surely has to be up there amongst the nastiest, cruellest phobias known to man. I mean, let’s look at what you can expect: 1. There’s always an aquarium. To calm you.

MASKS: Do they even have faces behind them? Huh! All those goldfish swimming around with their eyes bulging out of their heads. Don’t they just look as if they’re silently screaming ‘I’m A Celebrity (Fish), Get Me Out Of Here!’ 2. The dental staff. Yes, all of them. Their teeth

are too pristine white. They need to join the rest of humanity and down some coffee or red wine occasionally. It’s unnatural. And unfair. 3. You sit in that uncomfortable chair and two sets of eyes peek at you from behind masks. Re-

mind you of a horror flick? The Chainsaw Massacre, maybe? I could never pick out any dental hygienist in a line-up. Do they even have faces behind those masks? 4. Tools: You know the, um, drill. One’s sucking saliva while the other drills, producing seven times the decibel level of the entire BA 747 fleet. Triffic! The dentist asks about your plans for Easter, if you’ve seen any good movies. Huh? Excuse me while I drool and try to work out how I’m supposed to talk? Any response sounds so trite and makes as much sense as asking Bruce Forsyth for his views on George Osborne’s budget. ‘Nuff said. I floss and I brush, but I do not enjoy the dentist’s. I legged it away from there with a face like curdled milk and faster than Banksy would to a freshly painted white wall. Nora Johnson’s thrillers ‘Landscape of Lies’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Soul Stealer’, ‘The De Clerambault Code’ ( available from Amazon in paperback/eBook (€0.89;£0.79) and iBookstore. All profits to Cudeca charity.


E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




Letters for Your Say should be emailed to or make your comments straight on our website:

I was against it from the start Hi Leapy, YOU should have entitled your latest column in Euroweekly as ‘So much to say and nothing to say.’ The following is a quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln: ‘Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt’ but hey ho ‘keep the faith.’ Frances, via email

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:

He’s one of a kind

Quality recognised I LOOK forward to your comments and find myself in agreement with almost all of yours. As you rightly said we were trading throughout the world before the common market came into being, but having joined we were forced to give preferential treatment to those within the market casting aside long established trade. We then found that Australian Passport holders now needed visas to visit, and like-wise, ourselves to visit them. But regarding New Zealand lamb, I saw this in the Mercadona freezer section in Javea, so someone recognises quality! Tony from Alcalali

The best spinners I HAVE read your column since the start and spend about 12 weeks a year in Spain as a holidaymaker, but being of your age group plus a bit, I am fully retired. When you have folk here worrying about Brexit refer them to the Migration Watch website where they will find that they have acquired residential rights under the 1969 Vienna Convention and can’t be deported. Most of Cameron’s scaremongering is spin and some is from the best spinners, the British Civil Service. Clearly Brexit supporters have a lot to do against the odds and, as a trainer of negotiators, I know we could do better than Cameron did with the EU, and better than the EU has done with Turkey. The idea that the EU will not negotiate with us is nonsense. It will be a rich country that refuses us, not one in debt. The idea that all the other trading areas like ASEAN, NAFTA etc would just reject us is laughable, but then the EU is only 7 per cent or so of world trade, so the other 93 per cent may be of interest. Companies like

that she was not happy with the way the EU was going does not mean she supports a Brexit. Even many pro-EU campaigners are unhappy with several aspects of the union, which clearly need reform - but reform, not ‘abandoning.’ The very same paper with its ‘1 in 5 Muslims’ headline which was deliberately aimed at inciting hatred towards race and religious choice was rapped over the knuckles because the title and story were blatant lies. People read these rags and believe them and form judgements based upon them. Why are they allowed to print deliberately misleading and dangerous articles, or headlines which do not reflect the articles? Kally via the website

Dying out as a breed

AS you are aware, a single game of snooker is called a frame... Attached is a photo of our dog (owned by Gerry and Mary Cannon in Manilva). His name is Zodiac, and he is photographed in a frame playing snooker. Notice that he is eyeballing the red ball in line with the left hand side pocket! Gerry, via email

BMW threatening the UK have caveats with words like ‘might’ lose jobs and the media parrot the sensational bits. Dave from Essex

helped everyone enjoy themselves, and most of all the public who came along and supported us and raised such a fantastic amount. Thank you for your support in helping publicise this event this year, and in previous years. Debbie Benham, Secretary Welsh Society - Costa del Sol

Good news on St David’s Faith and Day feminism WE recently emailed you with details of the Welsh Society - Costa del Sol’s St David’s Day celebrations which were held a day early on February 29 at CJ’s Karaoke Bar in Benalmadena. I am writing to you now to let you know that the amount raised for the Cancer Charities (Positively Pink and Positively Blue, and AECC) was €1,700! We are absolutely thrilled with the amount, and would like to thank all the artistes who gave their time, the members who supplied the lovely food, and

WHILE I understand that Spain is a country steeped in religious tradition, it was with dismay that I read the EWN story on a council in the Costa Blanca celebrating International Women’s Day with what was clearly an outdated and insulting text, insinuating that women came from the rib of man. Of course I understand that religion gives many people hope in the darkness of night and a reason to wake up in the morning, but we must recognise that when it begins poisoning our soci-

ety it is time to step in. I remember learning in school about the incredible wonder of stigmata, being told that supernatural forces were at work among certain people, or about visions of the Virgin Mary. Imagine for a second a world where children were told the, far more interesting, truth that human psychology is such a powerful force that people can actually bleed or suffer epileptic attacks simply through the power of their mind. I am certain that such a world would be far superior to the superstitious mischief that still hurts women, and girls from Spain to Somalia. Jennifer from Marbella

The Sun vs the Palace HOW are these right-wing tabloids allowed to publish such glaring mistruths and inflammatory headlines? Journalists are expected to report the facts. The Queen stating five years ago

THE QUEEN should keep herself to herself, regardless of whether she made any pro-Brexit comments there really is little doubt as to her political sentiments. It is time we either did away with this anti-democratic feudal institution or simply use the family to trick wealthy Americans out of their money. For all the swivel eyed royalists out there, it’s time to face up to the fact that Her Majesty and her ilk are finished as an institution. There is a commoner in the bloodstream and the royal groupies are dying out as a breed. The scariest thing, however, is that there is still a tiny per centage of the population who believes that the German-Greek aristocrats really have Britain’s best interests at heart, despite being absolutely fine with living at the taxpayers expense on the basis of nothing but an accident of birth. The sooner we show the Windsors the door the better, oh and while we are at it, let’s do away with the backwards Church of England, with its superstitions and ignorance. It’s time to focus on education and bringing Britain into the 21st century. Alan from Denia

WHEN YOU WRITE All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:

The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.



Ask The Doctor

Axarquía - Costa Tropical

17 - 23 March 2016


Brought to you by

The problem of shaky hands




Find out how to achieve the best results when training COME on, it doesn’t take long to complete these simple exercises

FitFoxy Looking Good, Staying Trim

SPECIALIST: Doctor Luis Perez Belmonte. Dear Doctor, For a while now I’ve noticed my hands are shaking quite a lot and am worried. I’m a 62-year-old woman and I had never had this problem before. Why could it be? There are many possible causes of shaky hands including from vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies, joint or nerve problems, depression or anxiety, etc. It’s hard to pinpoint a cause as many illnesses can cause your hands to shake. Could it be something serious? That depends on the cause but it could be a sign of something serious, therefore it should be checked out, especially if other symptoms appear which could help pinpoint the cause. Should I see my doctor, or is it just a normal part of aging? You should see your doctor, who should give you a

complete check-up including blood tests and, depending on other symptoms and how your condition progresses may decide further tests are necessary to make a diagnosis. Is there anything I can do to improve it myself? That will depend on the cause. Generally it is due to a vitamin or iron deficiency, meaning usually a correct diet and supplements can help improve the problem. However sometimes it can be more complicated. Will I need medication? This also depends on the underlying cause. Some illnesses which cause shaky hands require medication to help reduce or eliminate this and other symptoms.

If you have any questions for Dr Perez Belmonte, please send them to: The Coast’s Home GP service - wherever you are - at home - in the office - in the car - on the golf course your GP will get to see you any time, anywhere. A priceless service at an affordable price.

BEAUTIFULLY sculpted abs are not only made in the gym - diet is also everything. If you are still consuming too many calories, the sculpted torso you were hoping to create is probably buried under too much stomach fat to be visible. Think about incorporating different core exercises into your session. - Flat Ab Lifts: if I do any mat abdominal work, it normally involves straight legs/feet to the floor raising them up alternatively, one at a time under control, slowly to meet your shoulders, guided by your hand at the top of the movement. This way the core is dealing with the weight of the legs and avoiding the doming look of the abdominals that crunches create. You want to create a ‘flat’ abdominal

CORE EXERCISES: Diet is also everything. look right? - Standing Alternating Knee Raises: stand facing the mirror, balance and raise your left knee up to your chest and then out to the side, without it dropping down. Alternate with the other leg and repeat for 30-40 reps. - Core Rotations: one of my favourites. Facing the mirror, hold an appropriate

weight in front of you with bent arms. Place it over your head making a halo shape, bring it back to the front and repeat slowly and under control. Keep your hips facing the mirror and your knees slightly soft to protect your back. Repeat in the other direction. - Four Way Plank: There had to be one in there somewhere! Supported by your

elbows, ensure you are in a perfect plank position, alternate right and left knee to elbow in a slow controlled movement for 30 repetitions, rotate onto your right side, hold for 30 seconds, now raise onto your hands with straight arms, rotate until your chest is to the ceiling and your finger tips face forward, hold for 30 seconds on both sides and repeat again.

Depression among young people THE World Health Organisa tion (WHO) has said the increase in the number of young people being prescribed antidepressants is ‘concerning.’ Research has shown the number of children being given the drugs, increased by more than 50 per cent between 2005 and 2012. Usage in Britain fell in 2004 following a warning that antidepressants could lead to suicidal behaviour in young people. Now a study suggests there has been a resurgence in the UK as well as in the US and across Europe. The study looked at antidepressant use in children and teenagers from at least five western countries. It showed a 54 per cent increase in the num-

DRUG TAKING: Cannot be the only answer.

ber of young adults prescribed antidepressants in the UK, 49 per cent in Germany and 26 per cent in the US. Doctors have blamed the waiting lists for psychological therapies, drugs sometimes being the only option GPs have available to help and support patients.


E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Why is everything so expensive? Mike Senker

In my opinion Views of a Grumpy Old Man WHY is everything so expensive these days? I saw a book the other day called ‘How to find happiness without money’- it cost €20! I have grey hair and was advised to use a special shampoo. I looked it up online and it was £30 a bottle. Are they mad? My first mortgage was less than that a month and I struggled to pay that! Of course you don’t have to pay that much. You can go down the supermarket and get a bottle for a couple of euros but I think there is just a big keg somewhere and they use the same stuff for shampoo, body wash, dishwashing, carpet cleaning, car wash and flea shampoo for dogs! I was in the airport the other day and had a cheese and tomato baguette which is just a poncey name for a big roll. It was £6.50! I’ve seen more cheese on a mouse trap, and the slice of tomato looked like it had been shaved off and was cleverly hanging out the side to make it look full. And £3 for a bottle of wa-

ter! It’s just a liberty. I remember years ago I was in Dallas and wanted to go out for a steak, so I asked the concierge where a good place to go was. “Do you want a $50 steak or a $100 steak?” he asked. “What’s the difference?” I enquired. “$50,” he said, “the steak’s the same but one place has carpet on the floor the other sawdust.” We went with the sawdust! Get my point? It’s the same here in Spain. I went to a restaurant with some mates and was told it was nouveau cuisine. Not having a clue what that meant at the time, as this was a few years ago, I ordered something with prawns as a starter and up came a lettuce leaf with a prawn on it. I treated it a bit like testing the wine. By the time the waiter had served the other three people I looked up and said, “Very nice, I’ll have a whole portion please.” “That was a whole portion sir.” “Err, no I don’t think so and definitely not at €25 a pop.” Needless to say it went downhill from there. The bill came, it was a few hundred euros and I was starving. I told them, in no uncertain terms what I thought, and told them there was no way their place would last. Sure enough three months later it was gone and now is a very successful ‘eat as much as you can’ wok place. Banged out every night!



Poor conditions TIPS for safe driving in bad weather AS part of a new series, we answer some common driving questions, kindly provided by members of the Guardia Civil based in Torrevieja, Costa Blanca, who set up the N332 website and Facebook page to help break down barriers.

AQUAPLANING: Avoid the risks. WEATHER conditions across Spain have taken a turn for the worse in the last week or so with high winds, rain, cooler temperatures and snow fall on high ground. Weather conditions pose the biggest risk to road users, partly due to the inexperience and lack of preparedness by drivers, and partly due to the changing dynamics of the road and driving environment, so the N-332 team have prepared their top tips for safe driving: Slow down It might seem like the most obvious thing to say, but all too often it is advice that is ignored. Speed and adverse weather is a deadly combination. When the road is wet, your vehicle’s tyres cannot grip the road as much as in normal, dry conditions. Cornering and braking are all affected by water on the road, reducing grip and increasing stopping distances considerably, therefore, slowing down allows more time to adapt and deal with the situation. Ease off the accelerator a little and you will see the difference immediately. Avoid violent movements or sharp braking Sudden braking, acceleration or harsh movements of the steering wheel may result

in loss of vehicle control. If the operations are carried out progressively, smoothly and slowly, it also gives other drivers time to react. Avoid driving on road markings Road markings including lane lines, crossings and markers provide less grip than the road surface and can therefore increase braking distances. Riders on two wheels should be particularly aware of this problem. Be seen During rain or reduced visibility make sure you have your lights on. Daytime running lights may not be sufficient, especially during reduced visibility where headlights must be used. The timely use of indicators, including brake lights, is crucial to give other road users advanced warnings of your intentions. Avoid aquaplaning risks Keep a sharp lookout for puddles and pools of water which may reduce the grip of your tyres on the road even more, potentially creating a liquid barrier between the tyre and road surface, commonly referred to as aquaplaning. Don’t carry out any sudden movements to avoid these puddles, slow down, hold the steering wheel firmly and try to keep your vehicle on a straight and level course.

For more news and articles visit or search N332 on Facebook.

Do we owe tax in two countries? WE have been residents in Spain for 14 years and have recently sold a property in the UK. This property was buy-to-let, with taxes paid on the rental income in the UK. We also pay taxes in Spain on income generated here. There is a capital gain of ‘Resident in Spain’ means that you are liable for Spanish tax on your worldwide income. Yes, you must declare your property sale in Spain as well as in the UK. If you have already paid

£50,000 on the rental property we sold, and CGT will have to be paid on this in the UK. Do we also need to declare this gain to Hacienda? We do not want to be liable for double taxation. M&M (Costa del Sol)

David Searl You and the Law in Spain

Capital Gains Tax in the UK, you can deduct this when you make your Span-

ish declaration You should have declared the rental income in Spain as well. If you owned the property last year, you should have filed a Form 720 in Spain, listing your assets outside the country.

Send your questions for David Searl through lawyers Ubeda-Retana & Associates in Fuengirola at, or call 952 667 090.

E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




Word Ladder


ARIES (March 21 - April 20) Awkward situations usually bring out the best in you and this week proves that. In the longer term, you will be grateful to those making things difficult now.




SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) While counting your pennies, also count your blessings. Money can be a big problem or merely an irritation but the lack of it must be kept in perspective. You are right to think twice about accepting something that seems to be for nothing.

(February 20 - March 20)

worms. Trying to get them back in could turn out to be very messy. We all open our mouth and put our foot in it sometime. However, overreacting won't help. You will need help with something this week.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) The goat in you is keen to find pastures new. It isn't a nibble that is needed at the moment, but a feast. Accepting anything less would be a mistake because someone is watching your reaction to an offer. If you feel unsure of your worth, then ask a few trusted friends.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) Someone who is usually quite the opposite to you will surprise with an offer. Although you are naturally suspicious, give them the benefit of the doubt. Leopards do not change their spots but they are capable of behaving for the bigger good.

LEO (July 24 - August 23) Are you feeling that you have been dealt a rough hand? Consider this: there are some who are not dealt a hand at all. Many are missing those few cards that mean they are never really in with a chance. Instead of lurking on the shady side, walk out into the sun. You will soon see the bright side.

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) Don't allow an open-ended offer to muddle your mind. There is no need for an immediate decision and this may be too soon for a positive move. A sense of urgency may be put down to practical reasons when, in fact, it is no such thing. A feeling of insecurity is more likely to be the trigger to uncertainty.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) An intimate meeting is less exciting than anticipated. This should not bother you because time could yet change that. You need to be in the right place at the right time, so don't give up hope, just have a little patience. A change of plans will be more beneficial than irksome, at least in the longer term.

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) A chance remark opens a can of






Saturday March 12

Saturday March 12

Saturday March 12

Friday March 11

Saturday March 12

Sunday March 13






3 23

15 27














21 40

26 43



Alicante TODAY:





Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 18 11 Sh Tues - 18 11 C Wed - 19 12 S

16 11 C 17 11 C 17 11 Sh

Almeria TODAY: Fri Sat Sun -

MAX 18C, MIN 12C Mon - 17 11 C Tues - 18 11 C Wed - 18 12 Cl

17 12 C 18 11 C 17 11 Cl


Fri Sat Sun -


18 12 C 17 9 Sh 19 9 C

Mon - 19 9 Sh Tues - 21 10 C Wed - 21 11 S







Mon - 17 11 C Tues - 17 10 C Wed - 17 11 S

16 9 C 17 9 S 17 11 C

Fri Sat Sun -


17 6 C 17 6 Cl 19 7 Cl

Mon - 18 8 Cl Tues - 16 8 Sh Wed - 16 8 Cl



Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 16 5 C Tues - 16 4 Cl Wed - 16 4 S


Benidorm TODAY:


15 6 C 15 6 Sh 16 6 Sh




Fri Sat Sun -



Fri Sat Sun -



Barcelona TODAY:





Mon - 16 12 Sh Tues - 16 12 Sh Wed - 17 12 S

15 11 C 16 12 C 16 12 Sh

S Sun,



Cl Clear,

Fri Sat Sun -

F Fog,

Sh Showers,

Sn Snow,


18 9 C 19 9 C 19 10 Sh

Mon - 21 10 Sh Tues - 21 10 C Wed - 22 11 Cl

C Cloudy, Th Thunder


Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.









CANCER (June 22 - July 23) Someone really has rattled your tree, but try to refrain from throwing coconuts on their head. It is much more effective to be charming and get them confused.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) A fleeting meeting stirs feelings that you thought were dead. This could be good if it reminds you of how life can be, or bad if it makes you think of missed opportunities.



It is never too late to make a fresh start. Why not go on that painting holiday or stamp-collecting weekend? Pole dancing anyone?

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) Get out in the fresh air as much as possible and be kind to your body. You may have neglected yourself because you have been such a busy bee of late. What about a trip to the seaside or a walk in the hills? Maybe a trip to the local cocktail bar is more your style! Whatever puts a spring in your step will be good.














12 24

22 53







Are things going swimmingly? Good. Maybe you had forgotten how to have real fun. Remember when you were a child? Life was so simple. Relax and be that child again. If some old fogey accuses you of being silly, feel sorry for them.


for next 7 days





Axarquia TODAY

Move from the start word (SOFT) to the end word (BOWL) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.



Answers 1. AER LINGUS, 2. SEVEN (1970, 1980, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1996), 3. The highest PEAKS/MOUNTAINS in Ireland, 4. HIBERNIA, 5. GIVE IRELAND BACK TO THE IRISH, 6. PÁDRAIG HARRINGTON, 7. SHERGAR, 8. CORK, 9. MARY ROBINSON, 10. BALLET/DANCE



17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Enjoy filling in the following puzzles and check the answers in next week’s edition

Code Breaker

Quick Across 1 Serpents (6) 4 Red or green fruits (6) 9 Keen (5) 10 Depository (7) 11 Slide (4) 12 Cellar (8) 13 Deceitful (5) 15 Fox’s tail (5) 18 Cherished desire (8) 21 Containers (4) 24 Real (7) 25 Apart from (5) 26 Leave a post voluntarily (6) 27 Association of teams (6) Down 1 Outbuildings (5) 2 Irritatedly (7) 3 Gain income (4) 5 Early settler (7) 6 Depart (5)






Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 2 represents J and 14 represents H, so fill in J every time the figure 2 appears and H every time the figure 14 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTIONS CRYPTIC Across: 1 Lesson, 4 Habits, 9 Glade, 10 Anemone, 11 Operates, 12 Ease, 14 Stable, 16 Census, 19 Scat, 20 Valencia, 23 Agitate, 24 Apart, 25 Seemed, 26 Better.

Down: 1 Legions, 2 Scale, 3 Operable, 5 Aden, 6 Isobars, 7 Suede, 8 Cameo, 13 Generate, 15 Avarice, 17 Scatter, 18 Camel, 19 Snaps, 21 Craft, 22 Mate.

QUICK Across:

7 Candies (6) 8 Largest continent (4) 12/15 Famous London clock tower and bell (3,3) 14 Not any thing (7) 15 See 12

English - Spanish


The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.

Across 1 Vapor (de agua) (5) 4 Cangrejos (de mar) (5) 7 To be born (5) 8 Cream (for face, shoes etc) (5) 9 Hielo (3) 10 Gota (de líquido) (4) 11 Route (4) 13 Gold (metal, commodity, currency) (3) 15 Carreteras (5) 16 Long (dress, hair) (5) 17 Proyectos (5) 18 Sleep (5)

1 Shrine, 2 Urns, 3 Floors, 4 Prayer, 5 Rule, 6 Doctor, 7 Energetic, 8 Exchanged, 11 Crack, 12 Lifts, 15 Slower, 16 Helped, 17 Spread, 18 Shouts, 21 Toys, 22 Here.



1 Throat, 3 Knot, 7 Yes, 9 Delgado, 10 Tenedores, 13 Cosecha, 14 Tia, 15 Tuna, 16 Harina. Down: 1 Toys, 2 Audience, 4 Nearest, 5 Tool, 6 Almohada, 8 Stepson, 11 Scot, 12 Taza.

Down 1 Arena (tierra) (4) 2 Scarlet (9) 3 Butterflies (insects) (9) 4 Saucepans (9) 5 To have a shave (9) 6 Cicatriz (4) 12 Trampa (para cazar) (4) 14 Well (for water) (4)


1 Scruff, 4 Parted, 7 Enjoyable, 9 Inns, 10 Exit, 11 Cruel, 13 Errors, 14 Richer, 15 Speech, 17 Stings, 19 Keeps, 20 Omit, 22 Hero, 23 Completed, 24 Raised, 25 Dreams.

16 Apportioning (7) 17 Peril (6) 19 Stoops (5) 20 Do what one is told (4) 22 View (5) 23 Sport of any kind (4)

Cryptic The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (MANTIS) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.



LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION 1 Cheery 2 Diaper 3 Gyrate 4 Cactus 5 Detent 6 Corral 7 Italic 8 Linear 9 Titian 10 Annual 11 Loaves 12 Allied 13 Bluish 14 Pander 15 Menial 16 Behest 17 Entire 18 Member 19 Teethe

Across 1 Stands up to corrupt sisters (7) 4 Obscure second class king (5) 7 Vessel from Riga or Tallin (5) 9 Ring around after tea is a disappointment (7) 10 Stark true sea setting (7) 11 A lighter shove (5) 12 Needs rebuilding, being compact (5) 14 Started back in the drainage business (5) 19 Exchange employment (5) 21 Credit a score (7) 23 Daft ideas to get hangers-on (7) 24 Ham in Home Counties is a disgrace (5) 25 Vegetable discovered in packages we delivered (5) 26 Doubt American party leader is in a religious cult (7) Down 1 President George in new arena (6) 2 Pole is put at risk (5) 3 Small bag of cash excited alien (6) 4 Wander after a bighead to the prickly shrub (7) 5 Cyber-terrorist admits slip-up (5)

6 A flipping tenner for curdle milk (6) 8 Is roe is cooked for her? (5) 13 Let sire become unprofitable (7) 15 Girl from German-Italian background (5)

16 Figures losing key reputation (6) 17 Services for the general public (6) 18 Take off rested replacement (6) 20 Saw a US Democrat grow old (5) 22 Scots change prices (5)

E W N 17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


The illusion of time

OUR VIEW Photo Credit Ollyy Shutterstock


UNTIL we acquired a diminutive drawing some years ago, I had no idea what it meant Colin Bird A weekly look Each week, Colin brings his slightly off-thewall view of the world to the pages of EWN in his own irreverent style.

IN one of our guest bedrooms, amongst the various framed landscapes and priceless Picassos hanging on the wall, there is a small unprepossessing pencil drawing of an ancient thatched cottage. This was the house that we were fortunate enough to live in for 30 years. I often study the little drawing as I go about my housemaid duties, and as evocative as the unsigned sketch of that chocolate box cottage is, it’s the legend in red ink at the bottom of the picture that invariably captures my imagination. Wickhambrook 27/6/53, it states. June 27 of that year was a Saturday. I checked.

LANDSCAPES: Some people like to capture local scenes in their spare time. An unknown artist decided to plonk himself down across the narrow lane from a cottage known then as ‘Grimwoods’, and sketch away. Perhaps it was a one-

off impulse by a passing amateur enthusiast, or maybe a villager who simply liked to capture local scenes in their spare time. It may even have been one

of the Grimwood clan who were the owners back then. We will never know. But as the artist picked up his pencil, a very young boy, as skinny as a vegetarian’s

toothpick and wearing baggy, short grey trousers, was probably playing in the back garden on a council estate in Berkshire. Totally ignorant even of a place called Wickhambrook, he was oblivious to the artist, as indeed the artist would have been to him, and yet many years later that boy and his wife would be the owners of ‘Cuttbush’ - formerly ‘Grimwoods’ - and would spend three happy decades of their lives there. There is a philosophical school of thought that time is an illusion, but until we acquired this diminutive drawing some years ago from a junk shop many miles away in Stamford, I had no idea what that meant. But as I look at the picture and imagine the pencil strokes being applied, I also think of that grubby little boy and the invisible silver cord that even then linked him and that unknown Suffolk artist.

Tennis player could lose fortune Photo Credit Porsche Motor Company

MARIA SHARAPOVA failed a drug test after the Australian Open John Smith Random thoughts... TENNIS pin-up, Russian-born Maria Sharapova is said to have earned €27 million during 2015 from a combination of prize winnings and endorsements, but now her world has changed dramatically following revelations that she has failed a drug test after the Australian Open championship. Her three biggest sponsors, Nike, Tag Heuer and Porsche have immediately reacted with Nike suspending their relationship, Tag Heuer cancelling theirs and Porsche for whom she became the first female ambassador, considering their situation although their contract with her is due to expire by the end of 2016 and may simply not be renewed. In 2010, the 28-year-old tennis player signed a new eight-year contract with the US sportswear giant Nike, worth €64 million as well as a percentage on sales of her own

MARIA SHARAPOVA: May lose more sponsorship deals. branded clothes and in the case of Porsche, she has access to one of their cars for personal use. She also has contracts with Avon perfume, Luck, and the water company Evian. Ms Sharapova has said she had

been taking the drug meldonium since 2006, on the advice of her family doctor although it was prescribed under a different name and she was not aware that the particular drug had joined a banned list at

VIEWS: Very interesting.

Reader’s comments WE love to hear from our readers, both for the letters page and with comments that appear on the website. What is very interesting is trying to gauge who takes the trouble of posting an opinion, and what topics they are most interested in, using a totally unscientific method, we have come to a conclusion which is probably correct this week and will have changed by the next. Men outnumber women almost exclusively when commenting about matters of a political nature, and they certainly can enter into very long and argumentative tracts between each other with some regulars having almost daily disagreements. What is nice about this, provided they don’t get too personal, is that their opinions often irritate others so much they have to join in, which shows the reach of the website. Turning to women and trying not to be either condescending or promoting stereotypes, it’s animals that inspire comment. A damaged donkey, a bullied bull, a traumatised turkey or any other animal that has been mistreated is guaranteed to bring comments, all understandably in favour of the animal and against humanity’s cruelty to them. Whereas men seem to like entering into sparring matches with each other, women generally appear to be content to make a simple statement of belief and then leave the matter. As we said at the beginning, these are our general findings and we love to see comments of any kind as long as they are legal and decent about the wide range of stories we write, and welcome opinions on any topics our readers might like to see covered in the future.

the beginning of 2016. She has, however, admitted that she was foolish not to realise what she was doing and can blame no one other than herself. She will clearly hope that the matter can be resolved as quickly as possible, and that she receives a warning rather than a lengthy ban, although no doubt she has sufficient funds in reserve to allow her to continue to lead a comfortable life. Whereas in the past, sponsors may have taken a less dramatic view of what could have been a simple if potentially expensive error, the pressures of social media, the speed in which information flows around the world, and the number of recent stories concerning drugs in sport have all conspired to panic them. It does however bring into question whether this type of expenditure by large corporations is money well Now we spent, and in the case of Nike, the want to number of complaints that have been hear your views. received about the poor conditions and pay of third party Asian YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE workers seems to gather less - YOUR OPINION publicity than the suspending of one photogenic tennis player.



17 - 23 March 2016


Axarquía - Costa Tropical

A MAY journey organised by Lux Mundi Torre del Mar will take parishioners on a two-day, one-night excursion to Cordoba to see the ‘Festival of the Patios,’ at a cost of €95 per person for a double room and €115 for a single room. Included in the price is cost of coach travel, insurance, bed and breakfast and guided tour. The trip which is on May

Photo Credit xavier.estruch wikimedia

ENJOY a two-day, one-night excursion to see the Festival of the Patios 3 and 4 has a pick-up from Viñuela (football pitch) 7.10am, Algarrobo 7.35am, Caleta 7.40am and Torre del Mar 7.50am. Itinerary is Tuesday May 3 stop for breakfast en route and arrive at 3* Hotel Selu (which is 10 minutes’ walk from the mezquita) in Cordoba 11am. Wednesday May 4, leave Cordoba at 4.30pm. For more details or to book call 952 543 334 or visit



Lux Mundi trip to Cordoba By John Smith


MAY FESTIVAL: Typical Cordoba patio.

Outing to Salobreña ON Wednesday April 13 Lux Mundi Torre del Mar is arranging a coach excursion to Salobreña and Kitty Harri’s Sculpture Garden at a cost of €29 which should be purchased in advance from the centre. Departure times are Viñuela (football pitch) 8.40am, Torre del Mar 9am, Caleta 9.10am, Algarrobo 9.15am. Morning - Visit to the Castle (if reopened after renovation, entrance included). Free time in Salobreña and lunch. Afternoon – Go to Otivar to Kitty Harri’s Sculpture garden (entrance and refreshments included).

For further information and booking for the trip please contact the centre on 952 543 334 or e-mail luxmundi@luxmun


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

17 - 23 March 2016

V I S I T O U R W E B S I T E W W W . E U R O W E E K LY N E W S . C O M


Advertising feature

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have not had the ‘wool pulled over their eyes’ so to speak, and to be as transparent as possible. “Our brokers/agents can explain this type of detail at the time of contracting the policy in their offices.” Liberty Seguros not only covers your main insurance needs for car and home, but also provides life cover, marine, commercial (office and industrial), pet, leisure, like golf and other pastimes and sports, personal and

public liability too. Their advertising campaign sums up their philosophy: Better care, better cover, better insurance from the market leader. To contact Liberty Seguros, call 902 255 258 for an instant quote and the name of your nearest broker/agent or visit Alternatively, if you know where your nearest broker is, go along and be sure of a great reception and all the help you need.




17 - 23 March 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical





Get back in the garden with nature WINTER period is coming to an end Dick Handscombe

Gardening Corner By Spain’s best known expatriate gardening author living in Spain for 25 years.

THIS winter has been amazing. Hardly any rain or cold winds to burn succulent flowers on the rockery, so plenty of sunny days to work, siesta, eat and entertain friends. Yesterday was the anniversary of the devastating frosts and freezing winds of March 5 in 2005, when gardens suffered from the Pyrenees to Gibraltar, while people and pets cocooned themselves indoors for a week. Our pond froze for 10 days and many local orange groves and 1,000- year-old olive trees were wiped out, where the windchill factor was reported as minus 40 degrees centigrade one night. Luckily there has been no sign of another such disaster for gardens, and the 2005 experience has not happened since the 1950’s. Since then many new houses have been built and the population has become a third expatriate, but is now drifting downwards as Brits return to the delights of Brexit Britain, and a winter guaranteed to be largely indoors except for building up the line of sandbags to prevent yet more days of potential flooding. But getting back to the Spanish gardens. It is time to get out or draw back the glass panels of the covered terrace to enjoy the unpolluted air and hear the

SPRING VEGETABLES: Came early this year. bird song and croaking of frogs, both of which started early this year, the tadpoles being at least a month old already. The only negative is that the pond has had to be protected, as a hungry heron started to come and poach fish a month early because all local rivers and lakes are almost dried up and fishless. With the winter ‘cut-back’ finished early, one can now wander doing a final leaf and weed clearance, enjoy the daily increasing display of flowering bulbs, succulents and early flowering

POMEGRANATES: Thrive in Spain.

Sweet treats POMEGRANATES are sweetly succulent treats that also happen to be jam-packed with disease-fighting antioxidants. Many parts of Spain have ideal geographical conditions for the cultivation of these little red treasures, which have been part of the Mediterranean diet for centuries, as they thrive in arid landscapes and need limited care.

perennials, shrubs and trees and check which of the new bird boxes have become occupied. In the aviary that envelopes most of an apricot tree, the various species of birds are actively mating and nesting. As shown in today’s photo, of a part of my Slow Food style, zero kilometre (in fact it’s zero metre) vegetable supply in builders buckets, the spring salad vegetables are flourishing. Indeed it is impossible to eat all while at its best, so two young Flemish giant rabbits are enjoying extra titbits to their natural

herb diet of hay and alfalfa. Fortunately the wild boar that dig nightly at the edge of the urbanisations and village don’t include dandelions and wild chicory in their diet. With such a warm spring it’s also been possible to safely build up early tans and vitamin D reserves without resorting to tinted creams or artificial vitamin supplements. If you are interested in knowing what other natural vitamins or vitamin

boosters lurk in your garden, or could do with spring plantings, think about obtaining a copy of ‘Living well from our garden Mediterranean style’ from Amazon or The Book Depository. By the way, if garden, social or health related clubs would like a talk on this subject, there are dates free in the diary. © Dick Handscombe


E W N AxarquĂ­a / Costa Tropical

17 - 23 March 2016



Chocolate is a danger to dogs THEY are sensitive to the chemicals and consumption can cause many problems

David THE Dogman Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

CHOCOLATE made for human consumption can cause death in dog s. Do g s a r e se n s itiv e to a clas s o f c h e m i ca ls ca lle d methylxanthines. Caffeine and theobromine are members of that family. Dogs simply cannot metabolise and excrete methylxanthines as efficiently as humans. The half-

SYMPTOMS: Include vomiting, hyperactivity and restlessness. life of those compounds in the h u ma n b o d y is in the orde r of two to three hours, in the dog it is more like 18 hours.

In a dog the c ompounds a re taken up by the liver and transmitted via the bile into the intestine . The y a re the n c onve rte d

back into the original methylxanthines for another circuit through the animal. This repeats a number of times and instead of get-

ting rid of the substances, the dog keeps poisoning itself. There are many formulations of chocol at e wi t h var yi ng amounts of caffeine and theobr om i ne. The l et hal dose of sweet milk chocolate for a dog is two oz per kg of bodyweight. For a five kg dog this would be about 280 grams. A lethal dose of milk chocolate for a 25 kg would be about 1.4 kgs. Dark chocolate is at least 10 t i m es as l et hal . A 25 kg dog could die from the methylxanthines in just five ounces. Symptoms include vomiting, hyperactivity, restlessness, hypersensitivity to touch (a dog will jump when touched), very rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing rate. A loss of control of leg muscles, muscle tremor seizures, general weakness, coma and finally death follow.

Isco and Lilo love having company Housesitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and petsitting and the experience and checked sitters get free accommodation! To find a pet-sitter go to or call Lamia on +44 (0)1865521508 WHEN Marie leaves home in Marbella for a holiday abroad or a work trip, she always worries about Isco and Lilo, her pet chihuahuas. Even though they have each other for company, they obviously miss her whenever she goes away. They are much happier with a house-sitter living with them to care for and cherish them while she’s not there. She has tried alternative pet care arrangements but historically the dogs tend to stop eating and become sorrowful. It takes them a few days to pick up and get back to their chirpy selves even after her return. A friend recently introduced her to HouseSitMatch and one of the regular sitters in that network. Now, Marie plans to use house-sitters each time she

ISCO AND LILO: Are happy with a house-sitter. goes away. She has peace of mind knowing the dogs have an experienced and constant companion, and they can stay at home where they feel safe

and routines can stay unchanged. The house-sitter lives with the dogs in their own home so they have constant care and companionship.


E W N 17 - 23 March 2016

Axarquía - Costa Tropical










Axarquía - Costa Tropical

17 - 23 March 2016





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For daily news visit

THAI lady, 23, simply delicious and very complacent. You won’t regret it and will have trouble finding anyone better. I have perfect measurements, natural breasts, black eyes and beautiful long black hair. We can meet whenever you like. 24h. 616 368 985 (242417) S&M. Exclusive services. Bondage, spanking, dog training, water sports, anal penetration, fully equipped dungeon. Professional services and equipment (cross, iron, straightjacket, strapon). By appointment. 650 237 145 (242417) NEAR ELVIRIA. I’m Nataly, a mature blonde (42 years) with green eyes and pale skin, slim and elegant. A unique experience of passion. Don’t think twice, come and see. 648 814 653 (242417) CALAHONDA. I’m Daniela, a naughty, horny Brazilian. Enjoy sex with me. Call me, I’m waiting for you! 616 368 985 (242417) E I G H T spectacular young ladies willing to do everything to give you maximum pleasure. Visit us at our luxury villa. Elegant and glamourous. Free drink. Porn movies, sex toys, natural French, kisses, Greek, lesbian, couples. Outcalls. 24h. VISA. 951 274 723, 616 368 985 w w w . b u t t e r f l y g i r l s .es (242417)


Motoring shorts

A classic touch up AN age suit has been developed by an innovative insurance company with the purpose of demonstrating to younger generations just what it is like trying to get behind the wheel with a variety of different ailments. Weights are tied to the hands and feet, fingers tightened with velcro, the neck and legs braced, a large fake stomach planted and shoulders tied to the waist to prevent the wearer standing up straight. Now imagine yourself turning to look out the rear mirror, adjusting quickly to an emergency, or trying to escape from an accident. Whether gimmicky or not, the age suit does serve a purpose in vividly illustrating the problems faced. The idea behind the suit is encouraging aging drivers to give up the habit before it’s too late and they’re involved in an accident due to wear and tear.

17 - 23 March 2016 E W N

Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Clarkson Quote of theWeek


“Hollywood movies are designed for 15-year-old youths from North Dakota who, intellectually speaking, are on equal terms with a British zoo animal.”

Some might say...

Dreams of electric sheep MAY soon make financial sense By Matthew Elliott DESPITE international pressure to clamp down on air pollution and carbon emissions, electric cars have remained something of an unfulfilled promise much like hoverboards in the 1970s. Although we’ve been hearing these reports for what seems like ages, it does now look as though electric cars may soon make financial sense for the average consumer outside Hollywood and Bangkok traffic jams. A new report issued by Bloomberg New Energy Finance indicates that, as efficiency increases and battery prices drop dramatically, electric cars will be cheaper to own

and run than their petrol counterparts by as early as 2022. The news indicates a coming wave for an industry that has long remained dormant due to technological and market hurdles. At present roughly 1 per cent of new cars sold are electric but this is accounted for largely by battery price and strength. Forecasts for battery prices, the length of time they can run, and world gasoline prices, all indicate that the internal combustion engine will be an ineffectual and costly means of individual transport in the next decade or so.

CHEAPER: By 2022. Various governments are already ploughing resources into electric infrastructure, including public charging points,

Porsche 911 R and new Macan

CAR company will be stealing the limelight once again as it debuts three new cars NEVER one to shy away from publicity, a fool’s errand given their stellar reputation, Porsche will be stealing the limelight once again as it debuts three cars on the North American circuit. First up will be the 911 R, described as a pure, unadulterated driving machine, which features a naturallyaspirated, 500 horsepower engine mounted in the rear. Next up is the 718 Boxster, which boasts extensive chassis enhancements and an all-new turbocharged, mid-mounted flat four-cylinder engine. Following protocol the 718 Boxster is powered by a 2.0 litre engine with 300 horsepower and the Boxster S has a 2.5 litre engine putting 350 horsepower at its disposal. The third car to make its debut is the Macan, featuring a highly efficient and sporty turbocharged 2.0 litre inline four-cylinder engine. The exclusive German brand is also increasing its


range of compact SUVs with a new twist on the Macan. This follows the introduction of the recent Macan GTS, as well as the Macan S and Macan Turbo. As is standard among Porsche models, the Macan can transform its engine power into exquisite driving dynamics simply by using the active all-wheel drive with Porsche Traction Management (PTM), combined with agile suspension and precise steering. Optional features include air suspension with loadlevelling control and the PASM system with adaptive dampeners. The Macan is also the lightest SUV manufactured by Porsche weighing in at just 3,902 pounds. This enables especially agile handling. The inline-four engine operates with up to 14 PSI of boost pressure, direct injection, variable valve timing and

charge-air cooling. It is especially geared towards being both fast and efficient. Overtaking has never been made easier courtesy of 252 hp from 5,000 to 6,800 rpm and 273 pound-feet of torque available between 1,600 rpm and 4,500 rpm. Meanwhile, the VarioCam Plus technology ensures the intake and exhaust camshaft is adapted continually. The Macan’s turbocharged 2.0 litre engine is connected to a standard seven-speed PDK dual-clutch transmission boasting Auto Start Stop technology. The

optional Sport Chrono Package allows an acceleration from 0 to 60 mph in just 6.1 seconds. Fuel consumption is very efficient with a rough improvement of up to 18 per cent over the Macan S. Top track speed is 142 mph. PORSCHE 911 R: Has been described as a pure, unadulterated driving machine.

with the UK setting itself a lofty target of the majority of new car sales being electric by 2030.

As prices continue to fall, however, consumers likely won’t need any extra encouragement.


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

17 - 23 March 2016

DIEGO COSTA: Could be punished when FA officials review a tape that appears to suggest he bit Everton’s Gareth Barry. Axarquía ’s best guide to local sport



England clinch the Triple Crown AND the Hornets sting Arsenal in the FA Cup quarter-finals Tony Matthews International Sports A former player and now the world’s most prolific author of football books with almost 150 published since 1975, Tony is also the sports correspondent for Spectrum Radio and lives on La Pilica in the Sierra Cabrera Mountains overlooking Turre. Costa de Almeria

FOOTBALL • The FA Cup semi-finals at Wembley on Saturday April 23 and Sunday April 24 will be between Crystal Palace and Watford and Everton will play West Ham

or Manchester United. • Last weekend Crystal Palace won 2-0 at Reading, Everton beat Chelsea 2-0, Watford humbled holders Arsenal 2-1 and Manchester United drew with West Ham. Gareth Barry (Everton) and Diego Costa (Chelsea) were red-carded at Goodison Park. • Arsenal, aiming to be the first club since Blackburn in the mid-1880s, to win the Cup three seasons in succession, were ‘hopeless’ for 85 minutes. Why? But all credit to the Hornets.

• And Chelsea’s season is over! Dumped out of the Champions League by PSG and eliminated from FA Cup four days later, they have no chance of winning the PL title and therefore there’ll be no European football next season for the first time since Roman Abramovich bought the club in 2003. • Ross County won their first-ever trophy by beating Hibs 2-1 to win the Scottish League Cup final. This was Hibs’ 18th defeat in a major final. • Leicester City lead the Premiership by five points after grinding out a 1-0 home win Newcastle, now under Rafael Benitez after Steve McClaren’s dismissal. Secondplaced Tottenham won 2-0 at Aston Villa, and there were also excellent wins for Bournemouth over Swansea and Southampton at Stoke,

while battling Norwich held lack-lustre Manchester City. • Burnley (74 points), trouble-torn Middlesbrough (67), Hull (65), Brighton (65), Derby (61) and Sheffield Wednesday (59) are the top six in the Championship while bottom club Bolton are 11 points shy of safety! • Burton Albion (FL1), Northampton (FL2), Celtic (SPL), Barcelona, recent 6-0 winners over Getafe (La Liga), Bayern Munich (Bundesliga) and Juventus (Serie ‘A’) are all closing in on their respective League titles, while PSG walloped Troyes 9-0 to clinch the top prize in France. • In the Champions League this week, Arsenal who were 2-0 down had it all in Barcelona (37 games unbeaten), but Manchester City, 3-1 up on Dynamo Kiev, should be in the quarter finals! • Tonight Liverpool (leading

2-0) visit Manchester United and Tottenham (trailing 3-0) to Borussia Dortmund, play the return legs of their last 16 Europa League ties. • This weekend’s PL fixtures include: Chelsea-West Ham, Crystal Palace-Leicester, Everton-Arsenal, the Manchester and Tyne-Wear derbies, SpursBournemouth and WBA-Norwich. In the Championship promotion race, it’s BurnleyWolves, Derby-Nottingham Forest, Middlesbrough (whose Spanish manager Aitor Karanka recently stormed out of the club and missed last Sunday’s defeat at Charlton) v Hull, MK Dons-Brighton and Sheffield Wednesday-Charlton. RUGBY UNION • Last Saturday England clinched the Triple Crown with a tense but deserved 25-21 points victory over Wales, and were then handed the Six Nations title as Scotland beat

France 26-19 in Edinburgh. England will complete the Grand Slam for the first time since 2003 with victory in Paris on Saturday (9pm). • Leaders Saracens beat London Irish 26-16 in the first Premiership game to be played outside Europe – in front of 25,000 fans at the Red Bull Arena in New Jersey, USA. Second-placed Exeter beat Newcastle 32-17 in Devon! CRICKET • Last week, Ireland and Scotland crashed out of the T20 World Cup. England began their programme yesterday against the West Indies and play South Africa on Saturday. Australia meet New Zealand on the same day while it’s the hosts India against Pakistan on Sunday. HORSE RACING • The Cheltenham Festival started on Tuesday with the Champion Hurdle the big race.

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